The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, October 18, 1876, Image 8
1111•33= . - .~-s~:raa~:-u. Awaid of IPrethluins. .:•. . Premiums awarded - at --.thel9th annual ' . l fair Of 'llarferd AgriculttirarSoeielky,held ~ • at Harford; on Wednesday i and i Th urzay i .Sept. 21' and ,•: 23, 18.76. 'l - .-.,, - •'• i ' -::: ' l• . HoitsEsßest draft ..or farni 'stallion; W P Tallman s4;2d, Wm:ll...Lester $3; - : .ti . road stallioniKent,Bro'S:&Beniamiri *4;. ; 1 ; 2,4,' WJ ' Shipman ; 2-P :matched • - •-: ''hfirseSf; M .3 . -,,Harringion : $4 '- 2d; A, • B Seamans $3 ; pair . horses for fill Work.o L Horton:sl; ,2d, IV.o,LeSlie $3; Single ) ariYing horseE J Goodwin $3 •';' 2d,' LB : . Guile, $2,, broOd - 'mare, and.cole E..ol.Peck .-;. $3 Od, '0 H ' Ely .$2. . Judges--,;-M Kas-'.. ••son,•J 11 •Clafliii- and•-•D Pease.. '•. ' . .- '1 COLTS' & MULES -Best pkir ye a ' colts N L•Guarde - $3 ; '2d, Vir . Cas.. 'ell 'i' 82.; 'Pair '2 'year old colts Freeman 'Brun• -: •d age s3 l 24 T D Darrow $2,:;:- '3, - year ;', old stellien A M Aldrich -$2 ; ; . 2d, . .1 -, A i i Burns $1; 2 yr.' old stallion- •Ni",J - Ship- . • man $2 ,• • 3 yr. old colt. D. Taiißtiskirk '6.1 . $2 ; 2d, Joserth',. Allen $l.; 2 Yr'. ,old colt ' 41 David :Kitincy...s2.- : Ji . .lges.7-.W.•1.3 Guile; i! Jla Leslie and Ali•in Barrett. - , 1 : :;• , -.,. , ;;' • ' •Dunitkats.—Best. boll 2...yrs.'' 014 - 41 0 111. ! - ?xle. - y s4'; - hill! 3, yr. 'old.ll. 0 C onklin . :`i $3 ; cow 3 yrS. old 0e . 0vet.,.,r. g.Boolelv .'i .10. ; 2d., 11,0 oOnklin *2.; - heifer 2 - v.eaisi -- .i) old. H 0 Conklin $3 ; .11ifer 11 Vi. -- '6 . 1(1 . :H i:',.. C Conklin $3.; ..2d, 11. ' 0 Conklin *2 ; heifer calf :F-11' . • Bunnell s2::;'-'2d, ''l.l - C 1 Conklin $l.; herd durham ca j ttle• (S lid.) !.1 11•C.Conklin .$10:-..:•!• - ' • `-' , l-- DEvoxs---Best bull (7 yrs. Old) Wm 11 l ! ' ; Jones - $4" ;. 2d, .(5 years o ld) E S Jackson ,1. , . : •i' : $3 ; hiliPi. - yr.' Old I) ki \ - Banker *3 ; • ri,4 cow 3; yrs:l6ld or. i oteieD & •i . Akiiiker $3 ; q,l l 2d, ' D& J 'Banker *2 ; heife ~:Z; yro-. old : .1 % ,!!'' E T-Tiffany , $3 ; 2cl; DA J-• , k *2 ; rri, heifer 1 Yr. Old'D &•-.1 Banker '..,- D t., - ,! & J Dallier $2 ; herd•deyOn CL lid.) ..,. :;.• •D& J. Banker $lO. ....r:' ;;.' .-'' .- ' . , . •' - iji ALnkaiNEysßest bull- (4.yrs.olq \ ni Tanner $4. ;_ bull 1, yr .old :E' S Jack on' 'a $3 ;, Judges-11 HSkinner,. , Joshua Pot,- :A ter. and. AJ • Seamans. ' N .-i - • 1, _•• , ~ `:,,1i1 .. s-FURIIAMS— Best bull - (two,yre.. - oni) .p. AO .11:Ellsworth $3; bull' 1.. yr. old .-IM Oakley. 11 $2; bull calf ' Ferdinand, -Whipple, $2; :'''; `2 , (1. Joel ReiClikiss $l- ! heifer -3 .Nts:old H iil C Conklin $2 ; h-ifer ta yr. old R C Conk ,,,- lin $2; 2d;11 0 Cnnklin $:1 ; heifer 1 yr. n, old. D P Little $2 ; 2d,11 QMoxley $l2: *l-- j 3-yearlinga D P. Little . $3 ; 26, ' Wilson Watson - $2 ; Judges—W L Kent, o=orin , ~, '' nell and H Maicy. ' - ^. . -.- ' I 'l ' i s GRADE DEVONS--Best bull 1 y'r. old A A . W Greenwood $2; cow E T Tiffany $3; 1 4, teiler3 yrs.-old.E N,,Curpenter $2; heifer 2 yrs. old E T Tiffany $2; heifer tyr.old . E T Tiffany $2; 3 yearlinis G,L Corwin • $3; 2d, E I` Tiffany $2; GRADE ALDERNEYS—Best bull. calf F .H Bunnell *2 ; 2(1 A W Greenwood $1 I • - cow A W Greenwood .$4; \ 2d.' A 'AV Greenwood $2 ;, heifer . ....(3.•yrs. old) , Mrs J B.Pritterson $2 ; 2d, ;A 'W• Greenwood $1; heifer 2 yrs. old_A •W GreenWoOd 's2 ; 2d A W Greenwood . $1; heifer 1 Yr, Old . A : IV - Greenwood . - $2 ; heifer calf • .A - W.., Gree ti Wood : $2 ; , 'Judges—Jos. ' Jameson,. A'S' Itoe 'and KO Wittrous-• • • .. '', NAT.vvvi—Best bull over 1. yr. - old A Darrow $2;.2d, H AI Lindsley $1; heifer 2 yrs. 'old. D Van,Bwkirk $2. ayear4ngs. 0-A Lindslev, s2'; 2d, A.Dariew $l. ' • • OXEN & StEEßS—Best pair ' working. oxen 5 yrs, cld li& ..1, - Ban ker 14 ; 2d, B T Tiffany *3 ; pair working :oxen: 4' yrs. old C H Miller *4; 2d, E T . 1 iffany: $3; pair 'Veers' 3 vrs. 'old -AI •J• Bailey ta ;. 2d - , E T Tillany. $2 ;• pair. steers 2 yrs. old D & 3 Banker' slt - ; 2d, E.T Tiffan. $2.; pair. Et. ers -1 yr. old E T Tiffany - $2,; 2d G L Corwin $1 -; i udges T ß Gillespie 11 L Ilitill unit P Carpentei., - • .- . - •.. SHEEP & SWINE-,-Best 'middle , wool buck - It L•Tingley $3 ; 2d; A Darrosi . $2 ;. 3 middle wool ewes 'F H lunnell s3'; V F.' H Bunnell $2 ; 3 middle . wool! lambs H ,C, Conklin $2; 2d, F • E Ting • ley $1 ; coarse wool bin*, 4 S ihoe 63 ; 2d E T Ti ff any $2 ; . 3,. Coarse wool ewes' .F 11 Bunnell $3 ; ,2d, Fj 1.1•Bunnell• $2-;- 3 coarse'Wool- lambs F 'H Bunnells2.-: middle wool 'bilek., lamb H• C Conklin $l. Best boariA S Roe $4 ; .2d, L.O 'Tiffany $3 Lbreeding : sow. A Sher Wood $4 , .; 2d, W'T Oillespiel3 ; ."Spring pig . L It Peck s3`; 2d, G A Lindsley $2.; fall,. pigs W, T GilleSpie• •$3.; •2d, A. - SherWoOd2';. Judges—J . : 0 HAtchkiss..ll. C 31.6X1ey and Daniel Stuart., .• .: . • POULTRY-Best pair ~g eese•F'E Ting ley . I',' 4:•du - cks - Win Paynel . ; 2 fowls j B•Patterson. 1; .5 sprin • chickens ,'J B Patterson 1 i 2d.,•Eddiejnes 5.06 . • GRAIN—Best peck wi l ter • wheat I: B Tiffany . 1;. - 2d,. A :Darrow :00c•; . f I peek Orifig, wheat A' Darrow I ;., pe, ck.rye.V..ll Tiiigley'l ; 2d, - E- - E .. Tiffany . sop •p peck. oatg.'4.-porow 1; 2d, 14-IG.Tiffany-50c - ; half bushel .corn in • ear . F.l-Tingleyl ; 2d,aß .Els*orih 50c; half bushel -buck wheat E•E . Titigley I . ;.2o;,HenrY Mir& lug 50q;..pecli' , titnothyed . ;_George' , M , Harding 1 ;. 2d, HeurfAturding.soo. -:. ~ FiltTiT:& - TEeETAIii , Es7 , -test 'fall apiilei J C Tanner 1.. ; 2d 1 A Darrow 500 .- ;1 win- ter apples 'A 'Darrow 1; 241;1E W, Watson sac ; peaches. W L Sweet .1 ; ,grapee,' E B, 'Smith 1 - ; 2d, -S -B Maxon . 500 ; potatoeS Tillinghast Biro's 11;12(1,'D 'St oart.'soo. ; winter-squash' James Manson 50c ;!ptimp. kip , D Stulrt, 50c';, three beadv . osbbage.' C A Stearn 50 ; twelve . .:Oi i iiOns- Tilling bast.Brifs - 50; 6 - heetsJames:Manion 500,, Judgei-4 - Tirigley;lj'•.PciUlcer and . . Trii; . : man -Belli -• . • ''...- ''' -,__-• '=,- ..:•' ..,. -,.. • . •. BUTTER, CEEESE &BluseiD— Best' pail butter P VauDuticirli...'34: 24,'A-J Steurus 2 - ; jar. butter - -Adalifiu.-Sweet . :2 ';' 2d1, - D : . Stuart 1.,4. roll btitt . er Pll Tiffariy- . ..2 - ; 2d, larsi - P li„lerear 1 ';, Cheese' . . - .lari._'C:.ll Ely 4 ~ 24i - Sis;N: F Claftin.2 ; loaf 2 wheat bread Idis : LL .Lindsler 500 - ;' -.- loaf 'gra hair, 'bred_ _Mills .. Malty. ITyler...6op i, soda', biscuit - ;Mrs W:jeffers 00c ;. eider vinegirj D Vatil3Oeltirk.lo_ l _. - . tuck : wheat: - flOor:A:j Parroyil: ;i:24) VA Watson Watedn . .s,oej 1.01 . 45.' honeilYl Pak 1 ; 2d; I'4 - Tiff. any. 506 332= =Me . . . 10 lbs caked or stirred 'sugar Eddie Car . pen ter 1 , ';-..!?,t1 . , . H A. Ad.ams . 50a . ; :10;1bs' dratted sugar Eddie Carpenter 500 ;. , tna; ple:syrnp,,Eddie Carpenter 500:-- Judgeis--: 11-,C Tyler, DIJ Iline and' I/El-Whitney: . ... ! .M . ATII:EIt, -BOOTS,•ETGL43est I..'io' - •"611: Wasliburni..'.2.4 - pair: Jitte" *etas F-A .Osborn; pair, coarse:• boots, FA. - ,0.5h.0rri.2 ; . carriage harness Thatch er & Son-2.- •. -..-- -- -- - - '.' " " 4G.II:LIMTLE3i - ENTS&CARRIAGEs-'--Best common -- ploW W a . ..Meatt 1 ; cultivator Siisq..Co,Agel Worksl ;Alum (%)rake Le roy .yok. er 1•,;: {TO: buggy - J' A' Soph- - ia • '3 4. 2d, 'NI: Ousterhout. 2 ;, cutter. J - A tinpliia• 2 ;-marketoVitgon J A .Sopliiii-3 ; 2d,. W Ousterliout 2 . ; ' luisitier,.yyagon.o 0 SeveraUce 3 ; The.aiiminittee Would.make special mention of an tinfinish€d buggy exhibited by W Ontiterhout.. , i ..: CABINET WORK—Best - . 84t, cliairs . J,T Quinlan:l ; rocking- chair: f-J T -Quinlan 14.:JUdges 11 - Cr6Cker'Jr..EßSMithand . .A.fDatiw,- . I. : . :.:,-,:_,. , .;,... - :- -., .--,., ~•, . ... .. -." . .. . D iat-st , 'o Goons- --41. st lb' yds flan mil Mrs. RE' tiffany 2;' 10 yds.plaid-Ilatiriel ,Mrs. 0 'N • Tiffitny. 2 ; 10 yds. full cloth ,Mrs. CIII. Ely 2 ; 2d, .Mr5...,0 .. N,Tiffany: 1. ptiorywool ,tiltrukets . Mrs: E E Tiffany -1. - :4.:24,,,Mra - ,,,A1 5.40 iak 40c '... , -6 Sir:won] 86,cks' , .Mrs. 0- 'T'uviie'l.;:=2k.- MreGli : Tiffit'iiy :500-; - 2 - - p-' Or' ,avaol -: Mitten srM rS.:.' E. 11. - -, 94kely ‘ ` . l ;, 2d •: - 4i-s-._ 1t,.. Sim o u - §! :00o ; stiropki'.wool yarn: Mrs. ,G • 4 Litidsley 1 ; 2d, : Mrs. 11D .Tyler ,50c4• 10 :y . ds'Ainen - ,toivelitig MrA , Horn .1 . - Tingley 24-',2d,:Mrs ! . Miry_, Sophia 1 ;;20 yds., rag .citr'pet ..Mr.S . . 11 Grant 2. ; 2d, Mrs: C . IfEIY, 1. 'ind,g leS-411r.s.,..bliartha -.Guild, Mrs. Mary,:So- Istria atid-P,ll. Tiffany. . _ is . . : ,:,..•.--. :-:-- ~ORSTA'AIENTAL • 'NEEDLE - .WORK==-Best .pato)_-Work. Anil... 'Mrs.- - ,H '9 . py2,..'.2:4, - . Mrs. Martha -Ei . llainesj :.;i:qtrilt. of.!''Any othei kind. MiS:.ti 0 n i trous 1.; 0,- Um E E Tiffany 's(ic,. bed . spread . Mrs. G . :4A Lindsley. Ti . '2l.l,M.'lFs Jessie Harding 50c; `specimen.:worsted:work .Miss G Payriel; 2d,'Mrs. 11 . Grant 50c4slady's:straciire,MisS \ liellen: L Whitney. 1-4- 2d, Mrs. ;.fine' Lee:Tif fan t' y. 500 ; ne' shirt Mrs..o Payne 1 ; 2d; ilalre. H Tiffany 50c -;. set lady's ernbroi. liere s d underware.Mrs..W L Cox 1 . ; lamp mat Mrs, Diana Miller 1; 2d, ..MisA Jen- H ilie E Leslie . 506; -ottoman: cover.' Mrs. Friti.k eYmonr 1 ; 2d, Mistv.t L: Parrish '\ . - 50c ; mo to •Miss lellen 'L Whitney 1 ; cotton tidy Mrs. 4 ..-E . Grinnell -1 ; 2d, Mrs. J 13* littterson 50c ; worsted tidy 'Mrs. D. Vanlluskirk !1.;'..` ' 2d Mrs. .A. • .:E Sherwood 50c ;\ rug . - -L T. McCreary 1.; 2d, -Mrs .. 0 G coughlain_soc;.Worked Skirt Miss . 0 J - .Silia . 1. . _.,; PAINTING & FI. wEEs--Bestoil-paint ing,Mris.'W 0 Leslie \ 2 • .2d, M-L Boswell 1 ; exhibition 'of : ph4ographs 'Mrs: .11 Grant 1 ; variety of flowers Mrs. 0 Payne 2; 2d,- Miss E- L .Linds\l .1 1 floral de sign Mrs.JOsepb .Lines .2 ; exhibition of `Artificial flowers Miss Edna Seley.2 ; .2d, Mrs. D .. .13 B. Thatcher 1; spec men -shell Work Miss Angie - Sophia 1 ; -2d;\Miss Ed na Seley 50c.; • bracket 'Bert Daviq 14.2 a, Mrs. H Grant 50.:; -, fancy basket\ W. F Sherwood .1 ;. 2d,Lelie Grant 50c.' ' .ndg er---=Mrs. W G Leslie, Mis..G T.-Price nd 'G L Payne. ' ' .' . • • ' .\. PLOWING—WA plowing s J D Howell', 7 ;,, 2d M T P4rigo 5. ;: 3d, H . Marcy 4 . ; 4tb, S'Lat-larrip 3 ; sth, M Shields, jr. 2. • MisbEidoduius A`ETICLES—The com mittee'report a gi\rat variety of articles. both ortirtMental-aud. - useful in' the,tnis et:llatieous departuient. - An. automatic •wagon -break, exhibited by D. L' Mulford, we consider- worthy of trial , . A. dumpingnrachine, exhibited bv.D E'Da iris, One:itientthiliptLil,hy -I' D Nich olS, and one camp chair by D B Thatch . er, also miny things . in,: the floral 'hall worthy of, .but.too. numerous to mention. The prenriums will' 'be. 'paid .133 ,-- . the treastirer, JA. . Williams,-if 'calli.4 for be fore January 10 - ; 1577 ; otherwise they will he:considered donated. to the society.. . '.. . 11 JTYLER, .'• : - . . .. - -L W MOORE,. Ex. Corn. - • : . - H., i iitA.NT, . LEE TIFFANY, b . ' -.. • • ' •• . Treatment of Pigs ',elected for Fat- Careful experiments have proved that tittle: is economized; and that pork can be aloof cheaply produced bypu§hing Pigs toreward aerapidly as possible from the time of their birth to that of their slaugh ter, giving them regularly, at least thrice per day. all thc ':most suitable food , for . this ,purpose which they will eat Up and - digest. The last; three weeks . or so, fthisli off with Indian meal pudding or whole corn, .with pure fresh water for drink. Old 'corn or well ripened and dry of the season's growth is the -beet. . This makes the sweetest and most solid pork of anything I have tried., Some:contend that mote and pumpkins have so great. a proportion' of water in thein that if fed ' with, the whole corn or meal, they tend to an increased appetite, keen the bowels, in better ordor, and lessen the quantity of 'water a fattening-animal would other wise drink, They:add also that this com -bined feed lessens the cost of fattening, and makes as sweet and solid meat as corn alone. - I cannot , vouch for this method, never having followed it; but if I Ishould the sugar beet in prefer- . enee to other roots, and the winter squash in preference t) other pumpkios for- I think they - are )3est fitted for this Pur ' ilivertean Sock Journal . . INFLAME') EYES;—lathe freely with salt and water, or-- i s Ymitice with tea leaves. The population of France Nis nowesti mated` at ;stool:pop. "A estate u‘der wa ter. (cuing. =ma a' ,~ ~ ~ MEM NEW ARRANGEMENT Tlio Pooplo's Dro[ I. N. BULLAJIL, PROPRIETOR. . KEN YON ',Druggist & Aliothecary PATENT MEDIGI&E' EiIFORIUM I The undersigned would , respectinll3'annotince to' all thepeople everywhere, that to his already extensiv- . stock and variety ol Merehatidlot• the Grocery. - fro ... vision;and Ilardwareline. lie has added a ry :choice' assortment otPURE. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICLNES, BRUSHES; PER FUMERY,.&,c.. which hetia4ers hime II he,cap assure the public they will fludittiitheir ad - vantage to exam ine before purchasing elsewhere.. TO all Physicians in this section of. the county he would; respectfully an nounee that he hassecured the .services,of it.lienyon as Druggist hose king exnerience and acknowledges care and ability, entitle him tb,ydar, tire confidence in the 11110 f compOnnding ineditinee ,or preparing prescriptions, and who would also esteem it amespectal favor to ,receive calls from etiypf,hisold ^ustomers or new ones. Will snake..tbe. Patent,.litedi- Itnesax;peeitilty.. Alio . Dotnesticiand Foreign, M DICK:O WatCrs--an, extensive stock., Also tineGtoceri&—.:- LEIRIG'S EXTRACT - BEEF. FRESH SALIiON PICKI, 4 ED. 'CLAM.S.;: - /LOBSTERS, COT& MANS, OYSTERS, , ,-‘5594, 4c, In eact, eierv,thingtliat isordinarilyzieed ed. Respectfully soliciting a ball reemain • 1. N. Bp LT..AAtp Powder! Powdett::,Pociivcia:s' Blasting, Rifle and ShOrPow,ildr,'Sbotf,' , Leid, - Gut Tubes, Caps, ,Pouubes flasks Ir):tse •&c •• • - • &C., ac. - for Bale by • • Montrose. gePt.-9;1814-41: HAVE RECEIVED- LARGE AD TONS TO THEIR STOCK CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, ToItIIGGET MATTINGS; . s WINDOW SHADES PAPER.HANGINGS.AND ENAMEL -CLOTHS, UOTTON.YARN, COFPIN' • PLATED WARE, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, :DAMASK, REPS, ALL OF DR. JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES, TRUNKS, lIMI3RELLAS, RUBBR GOODS, 41 , c, &c - CALICO . , SIX _CENTS PEA YARD'; ! ontrose, January . 1, 1876 . • The laTest stock of Trimmed Hats •to be found in the city at the lowmt prices. The Nicest and mosty Stylish Hat* and Bounetti in the city at ROZELLE'S . . 1 The LARGEST B,Rd \ CIIEAI9ST stock Old La- dies Caps out sideTt•New York city,,all to be found , at ROZELLE'S.' Don't forgot it, that ROZELLE is sellihg the very, 'lo,wekt he can. He • Digeounts, all the \rest of the DIEALLERS \ FRENCH -MILLINERY, " I I BINi3HAMTON, `\ 97 St.. Court_ N. Y. • Court . St. Binghamton, N.Y., . CCHOICE FRUITS AND VEGETA BLEB -AT ' , • .• THE HEAD 00 NAVIGATION, ,•• - , - Buenas ' , S PEACHES,'" "ORANGES, LEMONS; PEAR'S, PINEAPPLES, PLUMS,. QUINCES, GNI.ONS ; TOMA- ;-, TOES, APPLES, CAB BAGES,', BANANAS,. •' • • CANTEI4OR.ES; 0-RAPES, : .• ;`•' \. SWEET POTATOES; WHORTIA - BhREIES,,&c., &c., all at bottom prices, A, N:BI:II,LARD. Montrose, Ang.l6-1870. REMOVED -AND ENLARGED. GROCERY-,ST : ORg:: - :' , to the building tour doorS aboye the 'First ilattona Bank, 'Public Avenue, • (formerly occupied -by B. P., Stampjvhere I have enlarged my stock of , • Groceries, Provisions, &c: ; • I invite competition both in quality and price. Please give me a call and be convinced that I can do you good. RILBON J. TURRELL. Montroie, April 28.:1876.—y1. • 1 . 131,44ARD 4:51:1:Tilt , • Billiard outfit for sale ctteap. Two tables with the aperisaiy fixtures. 'Address, B. B.WARNSR. lai r 1816. L Idoittrose.il4 „:- , - g~=, . .1 .. store, L it.fiVtLARD. B. R. 'LYONS . & CO. I have removed my ~.~: OMR `l-ti:...',....?J' 4 - 1 - 4L , 11 ' . .. i,,;;i t'ol,;::',C.'i :'l':~ .. _. ELLEN E. ittroattL sicaan and, Surgeon; ; graduate. of-the rWoman s laeiliealCollege 'of 'the N. Y.: Inftrmary„then rest dent. physician fora yeatriii the Wouutes - gpspitig in N. Y. after four yeara'_.‘prartiee in Fun A n Lac. Wis , cousin, haA, located iu ,Blontro*ke.,, tipecial'attentiori gismo to diseases of women ;apd. children. the foot of Male Street.' the old David 'Post home- Montrose, Dec.15,1875.--Bru!nso BLLDWIN, hi. Day ,110eMIZE A—IL • pathic Physician.. and Stirgeon, has located himself at. Montrose. whee he will attend promptly to all' professional - business entrusted to his care.— IWollice in Carmaltis building, second floor, front. 'Boards at Mr. E. Baldwin's. ' • 'Moan:sBe, PA., March 10,1875. , • • . .• • DR.'w-SMITH DENTIST,. Rooms at hls,dwelling, next dbor north of • r. Elalsey's, ou, Old Foundry street, where he would be happy to see all those in want of Dental ,Woric. • Re feelsconildent that he can please all..toth In qualßyof work and in priee. 0133,ce hours from 9 a. . 4 P r at. Ntontrose. Feb.ll, tB'74-tf ' ••• • •• • • VALLEY HOUSE; GREAT BEND '• Pa. Situated near the Erie Railway I) epot.— Is. a large and comet_ odioue b ease. , as' undergone a thorough repair. Newly furuithed roome and . eleep t nuaparttneUts,Splendle tables,aud all thug. compri§- ing aAt it class hotel.' . - IiNNRY 'ACKERT., _Sept .1411,1873.-tf. - • ; ,;-• • -PrOnrietOr. . . . • I/ILLINGS ,SIIROUD, 14 1 111 E :it`ND A-, Life Insurance Agent. , All bnainesatteuileirtn ppfriptly..on faii-tottruix4 Qftlee brat doOreitut•olithe bank a+: Win. ii.Onopor & Cia.,?tiblle Avenne.M•gut rose. Pa . ' , , [Ang.11869.): 1 , ,,J ply 17, 1872::' ;-•:" '; ' " ' iiiLLINO's STItOtrD. rr i E PtOP.I.P'Sr'MAR KET,' 1, lip Bahl], Proprietor: Freel and ,Baltdd Meats, Ihua ti s,•Pork, Bologna 'Sa.ate.ett:,of t itid copstantly on hand, at pricer to t. 1873.—1 y,: 1 4.,....TURRELL.1, 7 ": CaUaSELI,oR aT • , - i~a. 170 Broadway,we'w Ygrk city. May 12, '7s.(Feb. U. 1374.- 1 31, ' LITTLES AND - BLAKESLEA AT= ...torne36# kit Law,MdfitrtiseiPa:' 'olllce oppoialte the Tarbell.Hohee. ' • • TUB Lirriat.W Ow. 187 g A. L4l3l,:iszaizp. w . - cOOLEY, BUILDER, STILI4 ON THE . TRACK 1 , Every etyla•or ballads'a ereeted. dud 'everything, furnished', at. GREATLY REDUCED PEWEE. Contracts cheertully furnished. .Btair building a epeclalgy. Nonei but Oxperienced workmen tolented. jan.20,775. lifizntrose, March /2. 1876.-41' , V •V . -• B. DEANS, DE " A : LER 'IN . • Books, Ptationery, Wall Pai)er, Newspa 'pers. Pocket Cutlery. _Stereoscopic ,Vieww, Yankee 'Notions', etc. Ifeitdoor to the Post Office, Montruse, ea. . • `w. B. DEANS, tiapt. 80, 1814. . • . , , E XCHANGE LIOTEL.• M: rington Wieilef to inform thepuhlic-that hiving rented the Exchange Rotel in Montrose, he to now prepared . to accommodate the traveling pnblie in . Bret-class style. Montrose, Ang,48,1873:. T_T BURRITT; DEALER IN .STA•r A.A.* ple and Fancy Dry Goods, Cre_ckery,' Hard ware. Iron, Stoves,' Drags. Oils, and Paint, Boots andShocs. Hats and Caps, Fars, Buffalo Robes, Oro- Caries Provisions, &c. , New Mtitord.l a.,Nov ,6, J GROVES; FASHIONABLE' ei Taller, Montrose, Pa. Shop Over Chandler's Store. All orders tilled In first-class style. Cutting done to order on short notice, and warranted to St: Montrose, Jane 80,.'75. 11A. TATITROP. ADMINI6- tent Blear° Thermal Bathe, at 41e \ Foot of Chestnut street: - 'Call and consult in all Chronic Diseases. . • Montrose. Jan.17, 1 72.--no3—tf.,, • . 5 LEWIS KNOLL - SRAVING r AND 4- -E-1 hair Oreisine. Shop in Searie's new bnildine, below Express Office, where he will be foand ready to attend all who may want anything . in hie line, Montrose Pa, Oct. 13, 1869. . T. PURDY. MANUFACTURER, %• of wagons of all kinds. Also =kegs specialty of wood work for sale. Repairs promptly Attended to. Uses only best stock, and aims to make only ilret-clsss work. [sprit 2,6,18761 • Pw W. L. RICHARDSON, PHYSI AL--r clan and Surgeon, tenders hi r profession si er vices to thecitizens ofMontrose and vicinity. Office at his miderce, on the corner east of the Foun drx, fAuz.l. 1869. SC_OVILL AND. DEWITT ATTOR ucys at Law and Solicitors in Bankruptcy. Office W 0.49 Court Street. over City National Bunk. Bing nu mton; N. Y. ' Wm. Et .Scova,L,- ..itme 15th,1873 JEROME DEWITT. .VAGLE,. DRUG : STORE, IS THE ilace to.get Drugs .and Medcinee.vigars. TO. bitcco,Pipos. Pocket-Bockke„ Spectalca; Yitiikee No tions.*c. Beek' Block - .A. B. BURNS. ;Montrose;PC, May sth, 18'15: .ATTORNEY AND L•, Councellor-at-law Montrose, Pe..• Office- as heretofore, below and West. of the Court Roue.. Montrose, January 27;1816,71y. ftif A. LYON, _SUCCESSOR TO 4.T.A.4 Abel Turrell, dale. in Drugs. Me-Moines, Chemicals,- Paints, Oils, D3rlastuffs, Teas, Spices, Fancy Goods„%tewelry.'Periumery, &c. , • Montrose: May 19, 1875. - • ,• , , • j• C. WFINATON CIVILENGINZBIEVAND LARD 817iVirtrolt, P. O. addreas, Franklin Forks. Susquehanna Co Pa A.O. WARREN, ATTORNEY, • •• Daw,-BOunty, Back Pay, 4'ension -.4nd Bx entiv.on \Claims ' attended to.' 'Office dr , oor below Boy. 's Store; Montroe e (Aug. 1.40.], I h `l. LOTT, - ATTORgtt AT LAW; ° Montrose. Pa. Collecttont promptly attended ie.;Speial atteti‘lon, given :to Oonydyancing and On pikie' • • Court practice. • Office on Public Avenue over . Post National Sank •back . 29;'78.] VILSUN- k.II:TRIML, ,SURVEYOR.. Iliving had 20 years experience in the business % will continue to attend to ettlis In my profession. Montrose, Pa:, 5ept,.115,."15.4y! ?NCAB.i'N:ET • Chair Manufacturers it'o44 -, vl = Montro c se t ,P, a. • [hug . : 1-.1804)1*. .11 SEA:RLE, TORNEr AT • Law, oilkce .over the Store )111 , 111:.ateeatter, ihtheßriekßlockjiontroae Pa. Aug. , aR I FFIS VSAYRE,DEA llik eRS N.J I I Hardware, Iron, Nails. Muesli/I . IIIA Goods, Groceries and Provisions, ood, Stone, *Tapp fled . and Pressed Tin Ware, 4,c., &c. march 15,.16. 1" • R & A. , ' IL 'MoCOLT.R . M, u • torneyeatlam., Office over W:,II. Cooper . \A Co's Bank. Montwee. Na. Maylo, 1871.—tf O. OAM-Pi - 'ATTORNEY AT B .Law, Montrose, Pa : . Office over Wm. ll.Cexoper & Co.'s Bank. ' • •-• Mentrose, Pa.oran.stb, 1876 =; -IY* - _ AILBERT S. JOHNSON I _ C T ne.FN BID V: Address, March 29, lfttL 'Montrose, Pa M 0' FALL, • ATTORNEY, 'AT A. 'IV crier. Drift Brick Block.; 1 / 2011 trOletP1:- Joke 9, '7s:—Efl. 4- - • s- A - . 141.17410,N1U31 ' 4iie, 14-1874. -• • .• • • • i! ',..!- 1-:,..t.-f.. Business Cards. S. POTTER; , DENTIST NV ISITES 'to InfOrniliac Tioople:or Mon' roapand V • that he is - permanently luc ted; irk the PeCOllO story of E. P. Eitamp':a new building; .oppoeite'Cottper's Bank . . kind* of Dental Work done n-tter best rmi cr. , • • N. :L—Nitrous Laughing Gam given for the painless extraction otteeLit. • •-• • • Montrose, April 5th,1876.—tf • ." • • , BACON• WILL 'IIERE AFTER • ramie' tb q cittrene of Montrose and Vicinity., with first-claaA Bread. ',Basco it, Rolla Pier, Cakes ind COokier, Tarts. - &c . Part leg , and Weddings Supplied, and quality guaranteed: • Dr:Dining Rodma no' stairs, where Geo. Catlin - will be tonna ready to est. ley the cravings of the flicker • • 'Montrose; May' 3d. 616 1. -BACON. CENTENNIAL BARkIER SHUN Call and see yonrold citiseh and barber—over EL J. Webb's store, where on chu,get , shaving andlhalr cutting done in the.most approved mannerand on short notice. . - Pnos...k B.' WILLIAMS. Montrose, Sept. 6, 1878in6. • • ..! " NEW MILFORD MACHINE SHOP, All kinds of - mattiliieniade, or farhished to or der. Repairiog promptly aiteaded;to.l New ?ttilford.Mitv 17.1576.-IY. • • TOR it i Ng A..CROSSMON, ATN * II,Y AF , Tat .Law. • - the.' PiiitNatio& : • :W. 4. clibiaitcizi; ittpntrove, A pril - ... ; .• , . . kJ.* anal Alontrot , e, Ob.e. ttcjiac. ;.... Ain.ll26. • • ..L. • SAYREn / l. HO 'AKE • - Paiktc and Surgeon, Netf.lll.lcorii , Pit: effiCa? pt tAQ,Ultian.llotbi:f - • • Ana • 23, 18114-tf: - • .; MEE Is_N*',.lN .- 07. 1 ...ii - oui UP • wm . • MONTRO,S.K;; ; I' tz i: ;.' - GENERAL liti,wiiss DONE. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS AND PROMPTLY-A CCOW TED FOR AS HMTOFORE:, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN BX.- FOR SALE : UNITED STATES & OTHER BONDS BOUGHT OD SOLD. . COUPONS AND CITY AND COUNTY BANK - CHEM CASHED AS USUAL. OCEAN STEAMER PAbSAtE TICK ETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SPECIAL TIME DEPOSITS, AS PER AGREE MENT WHEN THE DEPOS ' IT IS -MADE. In the future . , is in the past, we shall endeav or to transact . I'll money bUsiness to the satis faction of our patrons.and correspondents. WM. H. COOPER & CO., Montrose; March 10 "75.--tf, Bankers. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY AGRI CULTURAL WORKS, -* Having been reorganized under tbe 'firm, name, and style of Susquehanna, County Agricultural Works. limited, R.JEWETT, Piet! , ' W. H. COOPER, Treas., D., SATRE, Secretary. Are now prepared to furnish, on thort notice. (stationarg CIitOULAR SAW MILLS, TURBINE And do all kinds of mill and Job work promptly and satisfactorily, at low rates. We man &facture, and have on hand a large assortment of , • P 0 NAT Q. k-) . ,OF IMPROVED PATTERNS. CAULDRON KETTLES of different - styles, ADJUSTABLE BARN DOOR HANGINGS, 'MEADOW ROT:LEES, BLACKSMITHS' FOEGES POTS and 'GRATES, DOG POW ERS for churning, One and Two Horse POW ERS and THRESHERS, of the latest and best patterns, &c., Montrose ; March 1878. arbit • • • 4 - eWinid,call the etteetten of the Public *itntiei 'ANYTHING IN THE MARBLEUNIP 'sysiluiriAslitri iiii6i,.P., Pt - Being4he liaOle,Works In the eountar.,,,ai All , Work Wiaranted as Represented 2 'Llinaces Depot s Ps.. Atirl \ l 141 - . 1 :g.4#4,q4tA . a01), • ,BanktilgTEtd EEM WATER WHEELS., .':T . ;, .•• 4_ 'ffliC - . l iit :,k1 to Oh VORKB cat =Ell OR NO SALL 110.047..WAV:E:'31'0111 1 f :4. t• • ' ..:•* 4 • DOLOING. ,U 7 CAll3ng ou usl ; ""‘ !99LYWitgalt• 6 nglnts , (4. nrits I