The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, October 18, 1876, Image 6

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Town County and Variety , . —lnteresting political, matter - ; _will be
• flund on third page of this paper. Read it.
; --James Brady is building tl new house ,
In but-items from Liberty, last week,
, , near yingene Leslie. ' . .
the word "babies" occured in place 9f "broth -
-The Women's Temperance Prayer Meet-
era," in• noticing the the death of 3lrs..Eva
1p x lug will be held at the house of Mrs. Crandall
. anhouten. 1
:, t ' Hawley, on Wednesday, Oc t. Oc 18, at 3p. m. -
,f' I cattle ii Wayne and 'adjoining counties
- ---rlrvin Chapman has '
opened a harness are dying frOM a singular disease, They are
~ ' z'aliop on public avenue, where he will be pleas- attacked by a tick which bores into their
1 , 7
L ,r hi to see those in want of anything in his line. flesh, causing Intlamation and resulting in
t,. , ,
I' , , He advertises in another column. , death in a few hours. This tick is of a kind
0: • ,
I ''t ---t-The Tilden Reform Club, of Montrose hitherto unknown, and no remedy for the at
°l' - and Bridgewater,will b`addressed next Sat
ii e tacks of the insect has yet been made known
l': urdav evening, by Abel Turrell (president) and Farmers in this county had best examine their ,
1 'others. We anticipate a full house. cattle every few days in ord-s to detect at once
the appearance t? -,they
of the est.; should un
4-'x' —There will be a Tilden and Hendrick's
iii..,,, for tunatel y find their way into this section.
! .i , - Reform meeting at Snyder's H a ll
.i Rush, on .-
'''';'. 'Thursday evening Oct. 26th. Add f resses Will —The Tilden l and Hendricks Reform Club
'he made bY J. B. 3lcCollum, E. B. Hawley and of Jesse held a club tneeting at their club
'others. ! room -in Fairdale Monday evening last and
roomtheir was crowded with .a very' respectful
—The County Soldier's Monument is now r
, and attentive audience. There was a large
cOmplete, except, the figure which' is to Ibe ..
placed on the top of it,and the arranging of t he ,
number of Republican citizens among them
and all gave their individual attention to the
;rounds at its base. It needs to be seeie to be 1
addresses, and seemed to be imbued with that
appreciated. , ,
\ spirit which should characterize every -Ameri
--Att. A. Crounse, of Binghamton, bi l is ells- can citizen of whatever name or party. The
,'posed of his furniture establishment and taken meeting was addressed by J. B. McCollum and
•''' - ,.',4 positiou in J. ,W. beabury's furniture store,. E. B. Hawley. and the speeches accupied about
ii•L .
e- , where he will be pleased to see hi 4 old friends
1 two and one-half hours. The meeting broke
icl-e „from Montrose. =.,
up at 10 o'clpCk with three round cheers for
I: '
, ; ; ' 1 —•O'Brien's circus offered
. $5O to the the Democracy of Indiana and Ohio and all,
'.., bridge company at Susquehanna as toll ,for irrespective of party, seemed, pleased: with its
' L ' , their entire show, which was refused, So the
.results.. .
circus weut by the way of Windsar, where
To the Officers and Memberi b of Montrose Fire
4r, , they have a free bridge. , : , . Department, and to the citizens of Morti rose :
lt , !- - --"-Mr Lester Reynolds' cashier of the, Aii By a s unanimous vote at our regular meeting
ri..! : '.
Ili-, ,;, ters ,and Meeliailics Bank, Hyde . , Rajah, #nd on the 6thinst. it was resolved that our heart
i'3l t,i. , Nl iss .4 0 , 1 • 3 - E. w ee ks, well kilavize in Montrose, felt thank&he tendered - 'to you, one and all, for
,". t-r were married Tuesday, morning; Oct. 10, at the the generous treatment which we received at I
v ,
41 ,!-,'esidenee of the' bride's parents, in Scranton, your bands on the occasion of our visit to 1
t 4.1 uy the Rev. L. C. Floyd. your beautiful village, upon the occasion of I
..-'- r ---We have heard many times serious com-
I, I,' 'your Annual Fire Department Parade, on the
)(it h 1
1 r , )laint about the absence of proper lamps aud L.7tu ILL , I ,
z.. - P This visit will long ,be cherished by us as ap
`.l:c : accommodations at the "Dunn Station" Depot
A 1 , 1 bright memento of the fraternal feeling exist
i'o.l, in the Montrose Rtilway, but have never been
i f -, - ,
•1-, Ole to spea.k feom personal kru;wledge until ing , between ' "Volunteer Firemen" wherever
11# ',, tow, hence we haiie never,before mentioned they may t , meet ; and Especially between the
ri. , 1 ,t. On Saturday night last a large number of me bers of your own -Rough, and Ready"
141;' 7 ii aur citizens from Montrose and adjacent coun- an "Nay Aug Hose.'
ll .`l -ay were landed by the train, at that , point, ', By Order the Company,
1, 1,` ''
[ l l l 'bout halt past eight o'clock in the evening, xa- S. B. STILWELL, Foreman.
).'lli'''ind many of them were quite seriously injured Attest-Gao. W. GAGER, Sec'y. •
,41,. , ' , , Scranton, Oct. 7, 1876. , •
.-::i ,'' n attempting to grope their way in a l mos t
`-)... ‘' FIRE. 11l WAVERLY—A disastrous fire, in Wa
't •' nky',darkness about the lith platforms' and
.3/i . verly, N. Y., on Friday • forenoon, the 6th in
i;;,,i '..;ever the rubbish where they ,were obliged 'to
rr ;... stant destroyed. the Sheppard Blo.:11c, in which
let off. It is simply outrageous, and ought to +
was located the Enterprise printingoffice, and
;Ile criminal for any public carryiug cOmpany
also destro
nit a single lump or light of any kind. We. yed the livery stable of S. L. Bent
t o land passengers in so dangerous' a pl f ace witi
ley, and a small store house owned and used by
• - N . I
,re informed that it is the duty of the conduc-
Campbell Brothers for storage.
f,'"' or and superintendent (both offices being con-, BoOs NOTlCE—History of the United States
f l ' olidated in one) to see that all proper accom- from the Aboriginal limes to the Present Days
% i
By John Clark Redpath, A. M., Profemor ot.l
t,t'• nodations are prepared for the safety and Ihstory and Belles-.Lettres, Indiana Ashbury i
I ', ,, , • i :amfort of the passengers at this depot, and he - University. Royal Octavo. illustrated with!
I- 7 k 3 DOT end has been supplied with all necessary Maps, Charts, Portraits \and Diagrams.
I if %.' Aold only by subscription. Price $3.00.
,t.'",. '
0 , leans for attending to these duties and that it
a t/ lid ones c r iz i e w i t t hei na T i a, C 6., Phaaclelphia, Cluccrgo
ill 1,1;,. vas his neglect that such a condition of
iitZ 1 • sin gs existed on that occasion. He IS liberad
,' The Whole broadssweep of our Colonial and,'
T .
11 1- 1 ,,,, , i paid at the scar of $lOO per Month) and National life, •from the birth of Columbas to
gli.i. tiould be held responsible. His g ilantry, for the adniission of Colorado as the "Centennial
11 p 1.-:...1.7 Well he has been so noted, should not 1)e al. State".is presented to the reader in a volume
cti, ',awed to fix itself on favored individuals, but of convenient size, written in a style that
it 1 kf -
s a servant of the public,he should dispense i t maintains ones interest from first to last. And
it -fi ,;.lqually to all, or be should be placed in a less t yet nothing, is ,ornitted„ nothing is slurred aver,
- it i-
; ,.;esponsiblepositioh. 1
, 1
norms the record thrownleaely together as a
F 4 I 0 , ,
----On Wednesday last the Democracy Were
mere, dry mutual: of disconnected facts, without 1
the informing spirit of the original historian.-- 1
,0 • I resented (by hand-bills, written in a very' bold
On the contrary, the author unites the stvle of
I dlio 318-1,) with the following 'flew deli" con
I '4 lot TOICGCe: - - • the annalist and, the philosopher, closing his I
. •
THE WIGWA3I will be account of each subject with \ a.
.masterly sum .
1 , vIl- I
1:; . .1 . Opened
n A t p lti p s y tiv ß e E ni p n u e: B t i ! lc r A ec N eive all ,
e m r a a ry t
o i n in ce c haracter
recognizesn d,
as motives
the fi nt•
!';- i
a, s ',. and FRQNT SEATS will be reserved for an'Y` • the preceding narrative.
.?,1 , •,1
Ne .Mo u nun y Democrats Imileorr
l a
o di_ 1
This volume will supply a want. long felt.l
`1• 1,, .1
~,, R 4,,- , who reed consolation. • , , It has often been a matter of regret that we :'I
'llis:i,l The above we.copy . verbatim from, the have hitherto had no , history or- our great
`WO ' ' \ o il ier countr. at once comprehensive and popular.
til'i otices Posted in public barrooms and
Between the nriet and unsatisfactory school his
l'';,', ;:'shale places in Montrose. In .ptinsuance of
tortes on the one hand and the bulky volumes,
VI 'his high-toned call, a number of i" happy
,:z.,;• ; on the other; l'here has been a great gyp -asap:
5 - ,..' ~:epublicans" collected at whg„ has lately been
work.. Here w. have a-1
, ebbed The Tiger's Den." Ix-Senator Wat- wabteb is fffied by this
. ,t , , .
.1, ' delightful narrative in ,„,which a every m aterial i
x il-,!an proved to be the prophet, priest and king 1 .
fattis,set down . 'without,` ; those dry detail's of
l i ',.t, this high carnival. It seems lie bid .received
r ,','r a edici. from New York City, that had,caUsed .S, 1161 t" res hwhic h . Ili
c. As ic ,
_eau repe rather t ari. at
the mass of readers. ~
tract to dim the robes of tiger-den royalty. He Ivf .
I ( . ) un tad : the platform and told the 'gaping While t'i 03 history ot- 'each - Colony is o, l in- ,
pftftein itself, the chain -- , of ci . itempoary events
roved tbit he knew long berme electkin, and
is'aiovin by,a new and ingenous Vevice itilhe
ad feltit•in his heart since, thai-Inaimui,brtive
'• '
' ' ~.:. i
0, ti , . ~,
' .1 't. , ,.. 4
'l'',":;',' 7
~ ill , . 4
1 il t ...,.,
a ‘ ,
,t 1
TA i' , ,?. 1
r... 4 qi : , ,,t , t , , A
el& ~.- 4, . e
do gt?
-:itdiankavould save the Reptiblifau party,' y
t..,.. .
:living MOO majnl , ty for Harrison*. Hiptctiir
t 1 to them, in ast le peculiar onlyi to him,(.14. /
wful doom they bad escapet the'defeattk i
.1 iiil'ais Williams." That: had he succeed" l
• theaery babel; on their mother's breast
ould lityieibeen iii peril andli„tianger of as
vssination before- morning, 'and !the-streets of
itiontrose might have flowed red and deep#ithi
4 ,.fteir innocent blood at the hands pi, the,,•'llebl
11,-,emocracy." He took 'dramatic 'attitudes as
pne but, a. Watson r cad ..take, and he pictured
ipte horiora Of Suken.brA* none but a Wat
-1 ,')n can picture the d: a "tiger-howl"
, ent up in applause to be heard all over the
I,in.. We 4eslrf - to sly that we hid* shoit
and reporter tlere, hence the atinvkis . notiif
tral as spoken by the Great -------T, OWN is 11G
13glish word to name him) but •it is the Ob
[iance. On Thursday morning:the den was de
rtctl, r. 2 the whole crew had been , timely
Achered by" Blue Jeaut Williams"of Indiana.'
bad come down on them with a tuajOrity of
s at least and not a hair o rnf.'the
~Id' be iound so clean had he done thework,
tatsort*as found to be just alive or. the see.
ipd day 'itshe . had taken the same preeaution
lelore the slaughter came th at , the cowardly
iptain did in the face of the enemy, who sad.
when the enemy comes in sight retreat boys
good , order, and as 1 ain 1 little lame, I will
) now." Enough I Wby &ntinue this heart- ,
adtog &zil? • Let .it since to say thitt,laces
the tiger den and on the rostrum, where
A after shirt has reeked with blood that once
yew "119PPY, 444b1:um," knois . E• them 44
ar 0 • .A e 104 1 ,;‘) 4114%; 41:4n1, - 1. -
,:. 4 :-. ~...,..,;-_,- :::,'..t
limed seatir .and 'WO- 4 00 P and PO tor
It milk ”asisolitionr thekL - 14474101:i0r
kourningpe, doors, ta, i ! ,' -
f‘crp..gpf historical Charts ; finely fimwnitnd
cairred Maps also show
; the political divirtions
(Alf* country from tim e , . tot time, It is rAth
er4Urtling to turn to thelne - rnaP.on Pagozo.4B9
aid-4in to., that on Ilage 07,, and see Oat
afore han four-fifths of this goat country iftas
once in the undisputed - possession of the
Frentfil . Again it appears that we ,
luired from Spain! and ;her Colonies an area
Unite en times the Size of Ohio.,
But if our territorial 'growth has been won
derful, what are we to think of the amazing
developenieut of lite years, as , shown in tiro
author's brilliant summary _ ;
"touring the year 1871, there were laid and
pfit into operation in the United States no less
t koien thousand stx hundred and seventy
rit l ' Ol railroad ! There is perhaps no fact in
the history of the world which exhibits so
'marvelous a developement of the physical re
seurces,of a nation. Ere the mutterings of lbw'
civil war, with untold destinctien Of lire
and taeasure, had died away -on the distance,
the . recuperat;vo power, enterprise, and genius
of the . American peOple4ere revealed as never
before, in estahlishing and - extending the fi des.
of travel and commerce. - In 1830 there vide
hut twenty-three miles of railwiy trackin the
Nevi World: In,!1840 the tines in. the United
States had. been :extended. 4to , two thoustle.d
eight hundred and eighteen miles of track.
Ten -years later there were- nine thousand and ;
'twenty-one miles ,of track." ,
Our space . will not . permit. a . *ore extended
re , ew,‘but our examination of the book justi
flea us in saying that it. is altogether superior .
td,,tiny other History of the Milled States ever
published.' In addition to the excellence of its
subject matter, its mechanical apperance is sn
pertL Beautifully printed and elegantly,
0 4 . , 74
CiniSte of cheapness. We never have seen so
valualle a work offered for so little money ,
and We heartily reeominend it to all..
Two, dollars' and. seyenty-five dents buys is
ton of coal in. Willteal)art:e.
The Scranton fire :companies .' weive Pelted
with stones while doing duty in that city last
On Monday, Oct. 9th, the body ot Thomas
Kelley, of. Pittsion, was found in : the river at
Hunley's creek. No ,particulars are learned.
The coroner's jury is the inwiest on the body
of W. J. Lee, the printer who was run over
and killed ,on tbe‘ L. & 6 road reepnti,y, decid
ed that it wits :"purely accidental."
A: boy named James Clemons, was instantly .
*Med on Thursday last at the Sibley
Keyser Valley, by being crushed :by.a car.
He was about 15 years old.
James O'Connell, of Plymouth, was killed
on Monday night, 9th, by a fall of coal in
shaft No. 5, of L. .L W. B. Coal Company.—!
His brother Charles; working, near him, was se
riously injured. - • "
On Friday evening, about ' half past
r six.
o'clock, the' 'Banking .House of Mr. L. Myers,
Wilkeshairc;was entered
. by means of 'a false
key and several, hundred dollars in gold,. Dills,
and bonds;ta - liiiit frOm the show ,iiitidow,-and'
cash draVieri- which had
,not been placed'ln'the
safe for the night. , , The 'robbery- was Cunnyig- -
-ly planned, and: 'it'
or more Wilkesbarreans , Weih in . league' with.
Pie stranger who did the-deed:—
131tADFOM5‘ ' ediJA'i, ' A '
. • - ,
.The Eureka Movier,inatitifactureil To*an
da,received the highest rnedarat the Centennial
A vote for Joseph -for Congress iS, a
vote tor dconorni, business iutegrity and lioneg-
ty in officv
Towanda,antt vicinity is being trutted to a
large number of tires, one or more occurring'
almost • every week.
On Tuesday'night, Oot. 3d, Mr. Letvi
of Leroy, lost a new tope buggY wagon, and
two tubs of butter, and on the same night Mr.
Sol. Sionelost a fine horse and harness, It is
supposed that the horse, harness, buggy and
butter Were taken, by the same party.
Mr. D. G. Newton; residing in Athens town
ship,.came home from Athens village, about
seven o'clock on Saturday evening, Sept. 30,
went into his houie and got a lantern, tor the
purpose of assisting taking care of his
horse. Being absent longer than
,his folks
thought was necessary, they supposed he had
gone to one of the neighbors. Not.finding him
there, Mr. Farnsworth, fearing that soMething
had happened to hini„Wint with them to the
barn. They , found the light burning, and,com
menced hioking around the barn. Upon.going
into,the mow, they found him laying: ., on his
back with his hat; o+ his face,Ns'arms kidded
over his breast. Attempting to move Ilia they
found he was
. dead, apparently having died
without, a struggle. The deceased was fifty
seven years old, and is Well known in most
parts of Bradford county. Ills remains Were
taken. to Smithfield for
itev. A. D. Alexander, - pastor.of the M E
Church in Owego, is holding very suceessful
revival niectings at Tioga ,
By order of the •Chief-01-P, olice, boot blacks
will not be allowed to dodinsiness in I.3ingham
ton on Sunday, after 10 o'clock a. tu.
The Erie Railway Company haVe decided'
upon the itimiediate - crAStrUCtibri Of 'a
across the CheningO river )n litglittruton;Tin
place of the dilapitated anrd 2tirrsala , structure
ne* in use. The contractAas...heen given to
Mr. G. J. Gibbons of Coning
',The 'annual meeting tit .the'Brboine , tiOunty
- Situday-Scheol Association !will beheld in the
_Presbyterian church It Tlittraday
and Friday neit;,Oct. 25t1trand 27:h ; comineric
Ing , Thursday evening: - at! 7,. "o'etuck.
•preises will be conducted by Edwaid Brjstul,
• -1
• -- - 4--
CRANDALL—SEY.IfOLTRit 'the-. imide ft ce of
the bride's mother, in., lgoutrose, Oct. 1%14 , by •
Rev. J. G.:Miller,' Frederik: LW. Cranthilliind
Augusta 4:'§eymour, both /frotitro*,' "• '
" i:. , 01 1, L14 1 D - At Montrose, 13th inst., Robert
lliancl, aged 53 •
IBLosnaii-rACA.rarst,laug.,l23;! , 1876,tsif
fliunmation of the stomach, Eva S., daughtbi'
eif-Win. G. and Jnite :Bluxhain, aged years,
4 months, and,23 days. '
.811e_nie.Las only a christiap can die.
McCotaim--s - -1.1 residence of Byron
Marks in. Binghamton, 'Silt the.
15th inst. - , from a short, and severe 4ilosss of in,
tlamatory rbeimiittiani;
of. New Milford, only daughter of Hora
tio and Harriet Garrett. 3. ,
Nau4 l -4, Bvsklit Va til -p,e4.#10874;
Susan, widow - "of' - e ' -aged •60
years. •
TEwl:a43,iiity—ln taia;ivisis.,PEk v stitiielesi•
dente of-!her sot; E. , lifi4.Ttiwksbury;:B6l3C
Martlra TeWksbury, refict'.ot 1114 7 41tkirrtet0e4
Tewksbury, In the • 744 . 2Y01r:0f her age:. •
Died iu peaces rest:tilt hope. ,
STRiCKLAND-Mr. Sylvester Strickland died
at his borne in Springville, Pa., wh,ereltalwad
lived for Oyqars. Oet. 1, aged 76 years. s
His" wife, Mrs. Rachel Strickland, Slay
21, 1868, .ag" . o, 76 years. „ , -
N 0.201 Church Street, Phlludelphili.
JOB PitßiTll*at - x - .0.A:1 - L ; - .1:; ,-. :
: .• - .'._..ter-THISOkTiCE,pHEA.?,; - :' ,. ,..:. :'..
Presidential Campaign:
.•• • •
Send for Illuitrited' Circular
and _Price Litt. •
XANUPACI'Ut44 4 . I *
SALES.-BY- 'viirrux OF
writs•-!ssued by; the Cctirt of.Comnion Pleas of
Susquehanna County and tome dlrected,l wil expose
to sale by public vendue, at the Court House in count-.
rose, Ink, .•,: , „ : ...- r r , r -.
- •' , r ' - • • '
Friday, -Novembei 10, A.10:,1876, , ~
at 1 o'clock , p, in:. the. following • pieces oe..parct,ls• of
land, to wit : . • - - • • •• •
All - that . Certain • nice.° or • parcel of 'land situ
ate, lying and being 3nthe township of Jackson, Sus
quehanna county, Pent,sylunia, bounded and describ- I
ed as follows to yvit : Beginning at n- beech in' line of !
land surveyed, to Home L.• Potter,.. thenCe• east 95 '
perches to road, thence north 2 rode, thence wegt 16
'rods.-thencenorth 113 rods, thence west 89 rode thence
south 111 rods to the place of beginning,. containing
58 acre.' and 92 rods Of land more or less. It being the'
same piece of binu conveyed by Wm, W. Cobb -and
Mary M, hie wife to Jarcsee it. Truesdell. Nov. 29,187i'.
endives:l;49A indeed book N 0.43. page 41$. &c. About
50 acres improve i with the , appurtenances. [Seized 1
1 and talreoin execution at the salt of Wm. o. Chandler ,
Ye Thomas Ha 1. . .
ALSO—AII that certain Piece or plot of land situate •
in Auburn Township, Susquehanna county. Pennsylva-
I nia. ana described us follows.: On the north by sand
of. Wm. Green on the west by land of A. Waltman. on
' the south by land of Ziha Lafranee, andfon the. east by
{land of, Nathan Green and land of Sainuel Tewksbury,
containing 1111 acres. about Wacres• improved: with the
appurtenances 1 frame house. I frame barn and shed
• and 2
,orchards. -(Seized and :taken in execution at the
suit of 0. K. Pickett aesigeed .to A.. IL • MeCollam ya
John Mannerly g. • • .
ALSO—III that certain, plot of land situate in the
i township,. or-Liberty. :Susquehanna .County, Pennsyl
vania, Bounded and described as follows to wit:. on
the north , by Janda of Alarison Chalker, on the; east by_
- lands of7Platts lot" as it has been called, on the south
by land of P.P. Butte. and on' the west by land form
{ erly owned by Katursili:Butte,.containing .25 acres •more
or less. `For a more particular de:staff:idea reference
may be had to - deed by :Atinsen Chalker and •wtfe, to
Daniel J. Murphy recorded in the proper office indeed
ilniok , Nci .:.4,' page 530 *c..4Seixedend taken 16 execu
[Hon at : the suit of James - - Murphy assigned -to l„). - 11;
•I!Searle vs D. J. Murphy._ . . .
ALSO-,All thattertaitt piece be . parcel of -lailsitnate
iti• Great Vend, ltirtsquehanna cotinty,,. !Icnnsylyania;
~ Bounded on the north by lands of Dullnie on the
i cost by lands of-Henry Warner,Amitho.cOnth bypublic
1 roarloind o n the .we•t by lands of - 1 ------ Dußois,. con
tattling-about 1: acre _with. the 'Op u amiancts, l'frante
houtgq,,,l frame barn, Wild fruit trees. .[Seized and taken
in execution at the snit of James B. NicCreat7 use of
-N. S. Lentkeim ys-'E'homits•D.!COrby: , !.'"! -, •• 1 ---s • • • •
_ ....
ALSO-All that certain plece.orpareel : Of L :land, situ
ate,' and being' in the township of Lenox; Susqae
hanua county,.Pennsylvania, botinded and describedits
follows. to wtt : Beginning at a stake, and stones .on
the treat side of , brook' in' line of" land` etild to Atli:OW.
-McDaniel. thence along said.litLe.nOrth 53 and one half
degrees east 136 perches to - a stake and stones in line
ofilandsblo to Merrit. Carpenter, the - nee n c ortli,{ of it
degree east 9 . 2 ana eight, tenths perches.- to a stake and
stones corner of Thomaa . PaYne's * land. thence along
saitt.Paynes. line,, South Sii degrees east 151 and four
tenth perches to a stake and stones, thence south 16 de
grees west 56 perches to- a 'stake and stones, thence.
south 10 degrees east 48. perches to a stake and stones,
thence south 22 degrees west 62 perche'sAo the place of
beginning. eontainingllB acres and 151 perches of land
be the,saine more or less with the appurtenances. 1
frame dwelling house, frame . barir and other tint build
ings, an orchard and other .fruit. trees. [Seized and
taken in execution at the salt of W. 11. Usterhout as
signed to Grow Brother: assigned to P. N..130y1e vs
Luke Ilirding. '
ALSO-All that certain piece or pare.* of land situ
ate; lying. and being in the Townehlp ol4Dirnock, Sus
quehanna county, Pennsylvania, botinded and describ
ed as follows, to wit,: On the north by ,lands of Jonas
A, GraY, oh the east by lauds of Jonas,A. Gray and Geo
Gates, on the south by highway and by lands of A. Bur- .
dick, on the west by lands of. George Fowler. and R. G.
Baker. containing - acres, more or less. with the ap
purtenances. two frame dwellings and one frame barn.
[Seized and taken io execution at. the suit of Jonas A.
Gray vs S. P. Gray.) • • .
ALSO—AII: that certain piece or plot of land situate,
lying. and being in Lenox township, Cnuutyof Susque- I
hanna. and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on, the north
eastaud south by lan& of James Conrad and on the
went by public road leading from TunkhannOck creek
to CI i fford..containing,3i of an .acre, with th• appurte•
nances.„ - lframe house and all improied. [seized and
taken ir.execut ion at the 'anit'of Joel Denny and James
Fuller Vs David Strong and R. Morse -
. .
ALSOAII tnat certain piece or parcel of land situate
in the Township of Oakland. Susquehanna County,
Pennsylvania,bounded and described as follows, to wit:
On 'the smith by State Street, on the:west by lot of W.
T. Moxley, on the north 'by :.rands of Wm, ti. Post and
on the east by - lot of Charles Ogden being 60 feet. on the
said state Street, and extending northward the same
width 123 feet. more or less with the appurtenances, 1
frame dwelling house' and all imoroved. [Seized end
taken in execution at the snit of The Mgr nal Building
Loan nod Saying Association of Susquehanna Depot vs
A. N. Ogden:
ALSO-All that certain piece or:plot of - land-sitnatb
in the, -Borough of - Susqueharina Depot,. Susquehanna
county. Pennsylvania. bounded on the north by lands
. 01 Washington .Shaeff,: east by lands ofi? - Harris, on
thessoutlf by Laurel street, and on the west by land of
'John Mclientiy,
.with the: appurtenances, 1. two story
dwelling' house, and all improved_ [Seized and taken
iu execution at the snit of , • he -Mutual Building Loan
and saving Att.:gpeier t lon of Snsquehanna Depot sad.. N,
Seddon and Jaines'eildon. . .
ALSO-All that piece :Or pareetof land situate. lying
and being in the Aterough of Susquehanna Depot, tiu--
.queliansia donor. :PA IlliSilVanili'i bounded and described
as follows. to wit : Beginning ,at the 'South corner of
Presbyterian church 107. thenctYttiong the said church
lot nori h 35 degrees and 31 - vainutee west 8 perches to a
corner in the east line of A. J, Seymour's lot, thence
south 8 i initiates wear along Seymour and Gaylord Cur
tis's. lot 9 perch's and 3 . 34" links: tothe northitest corner'
of the. Cole Lot„ - thOnee liking. the same south b 9 degrees.,
31.1 minutes east 4 pert nes and-5 links to the line of •------.
Barnes's. lot, theneeulang the-same north 35 degrees :30.
minutes 'west one-perch and %;4 - Unica and north 51 de
and 30 miinites east, one perch and 26 links to
the - place of beginning. containing 253 perches of land
be the same mire or less. excepting and reserving al
a small piece on_ the north corner heretofore deed
ed to A. J. Seymour,: with, the . apPurtinantee; 1 frame
dwellin,g .honee, and all improved ,[Seized and taken
In execution at the suit of C. B. Taylor administrator,
of -David Taylor (WO. vsjonathan.A. Foot. .-- : •• - '.•.
, -ALSO-All that certain piece. or, parcel of land. situ--;
ate in Miedletown;Blistptchanna county, Penwtylvania.
boutultid on the. north; by-lends of 'Michael Shaffer. on
Div enst by lands of rata ick, McCormick, and, Dana
'Ouleniatif.un the sonth'liy- timid Of Dana Colemaii. - and
- On the: west. by Ilands of Dana Coleman and George i
.I, 4 k.ells.containing 226 acre's, about 100 acres improved,'
with t ite; appurtenances.' 1 frathe house:2 friiiine barns'
• eil-an orchard.. I.:1 1 cl zed add (taken in execution at t he. .
suitor D..G. Bail ytt . Brother' assigned to D, . Bailey
,Vs John - Bigland. .. -..--; , -i. - , : -: -i ..• ~ : ~ ,
:.' Allso--:All`thirt piece . of - la - ad situate in, Choconut
Township,'SusqUenannit Ctintt! Ponn4Ylip.ia,'hound-1
'ed on the north:by land Oral, .1. Donnelly-, on the- eaet, 1
by the land of the istite of ThnothY'Downs dec'd, on
. the south. by land Of,,,MichiieL , ConnelL and on the •weet-i
;by Wade of C. ilicke,rand James quitin,,containing.lBo,
acres; about 100 improiied. with *tticappiirtenances;l'
.flante dwelling house, 1.: frame barn,aud rhedetand an ,
PYekard; ' (Seized and 'taken in ex , Mitten at the suit .
of 1. S. pctibOn vs,T.a.; Donnelly: . .• .• - , ~: ~• .. -
.....:SO.-..Al .atty.
Ail those two certain traCts or parcels of land
\ situate in Vakiand;'Susqnehantitt Connty, Penns)?iva
"nia. 'rhe ftrs,t•plece. is hounded on the north by laud
of Reuben' Payne. on the e..S"t by land of Henry Striver,
;on tin: south , by lands ot - Weil& it...Christy and David
• 'railer. and on the west by land Dow or late of the es,
tate of David 'lll.ersereBnx dec'd; "'containing about 200
acres:be •the, same lnere or 1ee,;:.2d .'.. Also, &lot of
laud adjoining . rhe'hbove mentioned tract,,
follows'. to wit : Beginning 'at 4 corner of a !Madre
tract sold by Caleb Carmalt to, Selah ; Payne, running
tonnorth 103 per: firs to a stela!, thence west 92 -10
perches to stakeahence South 101,..£ pereheoto i '7
f stake
thence e:ist 93 VI& perches to the I,i4c.e of beginuing.„
eoptatning 61-acres more fir' les*, and the - wlible being
'the lot of, jand„which D I IL Squires by artiele,ot agretm
4 ment_ bearing date'lhe Igth" of November; 1870, con
itracted to sell to Moses Cooper. (Seized and take'n , iti'
execution at the suit of A. W. Tyler and A, J, Lyon ,va
Moses Cooper, i It , - ;..3. .Jr :, „
ALSO-411 that piece or,parcel of land situate in the:
Township - of Great' Bend, Susquehanna county, de-,
t ecrihed at •follows. to Wit: • Beginnirg at a' north west
"corner of a lot of land granted to Will i .aui §kinner in,.
theline oi Roben Ogden's lantl, thenarby Said - o'gden
.10t, sOuth.,ss degrees west- 1 00 •Perches- to an, hemlock a
.2 cornerof '--:--- 'Mayn't% land, thence south 85 degrees
- 'east Vit., parchea by laud at William •Daytonniad otbeia
Ito's Owner, thence by, the tame north s&degrees east
100 peiches 16`the corner Of- said William skinner'is
land and tbenee by. said! William, tikittnei's land north,
35 degrees'westloo perches to the place of beginning.
containinglo3 acres; more lor lees. excepting thereffum
alw4ys.. nevertheless. about 85 acres herttofore seld;by
'order of Orphans' Court, and Remit T. D. Bsta
, biook, whore deed Is retkorded In the proper otlice in
-ea-d county, in decd. hook No: 58. page 163 ttc, witli tile:
i appurtenances. 2 dwelling houses! 2. barns I small ' or
chard, and mostly improved. [Seized and barns,
in ex
i_ecution at he suit of 't'. D. Estabrook vs Kezra Wor
, den atinguirtratrix of James Warden dec'd.'
i ALSO -All those two certain pieces of land situate
in .Bridp,ewater. Butninehavits county.' Penitsylvanis.
I 1
bent:deli and described as fellows. to, wit: _Beginning 1
1 in the - center of the' road leading froth' Mentrose toliew 1
1 mound s the nottnw,esteerner of Joseph Lewis now H.
8. Lewis's land, thence south 37 6-10 perches to stake
and stones, thence west 24 perches . to stake and stones '
corner. thene.e in a t:orth easterly direction -to the, said
road 37 perches from the pi =co of beginning and thenea
siting said road east 87 perches -to the place of begin
Ong, containin2_ 5: acres, nto"e 4 )rfiess....Ttle second
piece is descri'led as - follows, to wit :' Beginning at a
I past at the south east corner of above described land la
ith'e '
line of li, -• Lewnes.lantt, thence along the hue of
the south 20- perches to a post; thence by land of
I Simeon Lewis, west, 17 2, porches to a corner,' thente '
LtrOrth :'t l deo:lees wpst 21.ncrebef 4 to,s corqr .11 . 4 . ,1,1e, ft rf t, ,
' :' 40, -, t, t” -",,,t)ii. P.i.; . C.4 4 ,:: ,•:..
:..1 r• ; 11 . , ) ~, •,„;,. , r
the Piece ot) beginning, contain 2 unwired 94eretit
1 cp, jabject to the etterosebu t ent of the, wate r A t ,t b t ,
Oro/at height ofittiii iavitaill dam - Warn with tgfrip.: l
t.nnttenauces. J frazogAwelling _hetisei rr t u ria t am . 0 ,1
f ru i t t rees . igetzed and taken in eneentiOn at the snit
. . .
of R. C. Foot, nee of Daniel Brewator assigned to S. A..;
Pettit* vs Alonzo Williams. -
ALSO—AII that piece or plot;of land situate in Au
burn Township, susqnehanna County. Pennsyltaute,
bounded on the north byland of Charlet Gay, on the
east by land of David and john Jayne, on the south by
land of D. C Jackson, and on the west by land of Wm.
Place. containing about. 180 acres, about 195 aeres im
proved. with the appurtenancet, 1 dwelling house. I
barns and 2 orchards. 'Seized and taken in execntiou
at the suit of F. C. Bunnell & Co. vs Anall Gay.
ALSO—AiI that certain piece,of land situate and •ly
log in the Borough of Sutquehanoa Depot, Susatiehair
na County, Pennsylvania. known and described as VII- 1
lage Lot No. 10, lying east of Drinker Creek, as, laid
down oft a m . 1) of a part of said Village, so surveyed by
Wm. Wentz. tot the late New York & Brie Railroad
Company. and te-surveyed 'by Timothy Boyle. except
ing therefrom a three cornered pied° or said lot-hereto
fore deeded to Daniel Mallpata Jr., it bein the tame
lot conveyed by Job Mello/Lae to George C Sherman by
deed the Ifith of May tilln. with the appurtenances,'
frame dwelling house `a,dd all improved. [Seized and
taken in execution at the suit of the M . B. L. and Bay
ing Assselation of Suequehanta Depot vs S. H. Bur
man. ,
ALSO—AIi that Certain piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Great Bend Borough Village. Susquehanna Coun
ty, Pennsylvania. bounded on the north by a public
cemetery; on the eatt orland of W. W. Sinarell. on the
eolith by Franklin ~greet, rind, on the west by Pine
street, containing 180 by 185 feet, with the appurte
'lances 1 frame dwellint hotise and all improved.
[Seized and taken in execution at the suit of W. W.
Simrell use of J. 11. Dusenbury vs Julia A. Hnywocd.
N. B.—All bids and costs mist be arranged or paid on
i the day of sale.
WM. WHITE, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Montmse, Oct.:18, 1876. . •
' •-, -• : '
Of ,111traiiittockse
XiLarApillaCllNT?o=l, ; ;:'
TO - their new and;conimodiong Bank .I.lupdinvos
Pub* AienliC:.
- Triiniadte ,the busibess of
New. York, First National Bank; Philadelphia,' Phil&
delphla National Bank, •
N. L. LENHAIM, CasittEn. • •
Montrose, March 25.1876.
1110TOZLtr. 4D MI o,3ear.
Capttal Represented, II loptooo,oos.
. . .
Fire Association of ,Phit., Capital Assets, if 3,500,000
Insurance Co,. of N. A.., Phil., , " • 5,000.000
Pennsylvsnia Fire,. Phil., • ',; " , 1,100,000
Co.of the State of Pennsyl
vania, Phila. Pa. 1r
Lycoming of .Manney, Pa.
Lancaster of .Latuatster, ' • * 4
_Newton of Newton, "
Rome lUS. CO., N. Y.,
National 64 4s
Col.mercial Fire "
Fairfield Fire I ne. Co. SOuth
' Norwalk, .Conn.. " -
Atlas "
Royal Canadian, of Montreal,
Liverpool. London & Globe,
of Liverpool,
Providence Is ashington, , of
Providence, R. 1.1 at
Tradeins. Co. Camden, N. J. •
Patterson' Fireine`Co. Pattti.r
son, N. J.
Conn:Kum:al Life I ci
,-74c#,;, • Asset t
American Life. Pi: `•
eiCei DENT. • -
••• ' '
Travaiers [ha. Co:, gait, Capital andSarplag $3.000,040
Railway Rasaangers ' , - • • • • • ,5500,000
Th'eundersignedhaabeen nre.ll:ngyvap thloconnty,fot •
the past 211 years, as an levanitic tf getit LOSSCF sue,
fak nea by.llyia : Compaiti ilava , alvioateen promptly
- -•
larOillce tip afalts,lll' bantling' cast from Banking
Office of ._!iligt,ti:Cocniteriteo. - ,,>"enrnpikt treet:' ,
•• •
- -
CHARLES swtrin;
A , 1105 , 3fAnagers
§l-LA4GDON, riolicitor
— Montroie:Jan. 5 16 6
.; nt
B UY '
R;AGES, AN I O 11451,9f1q , ' 1 •'
3 - 0 ?..di .111 , 101tiq
.61 •
1711' . 7°E1 ..A. • rxdaiouT lIARFOIVD PA..'
• ••.'
tc pairing
s, done on shOrt.nolictrelft per than the
, t ,,..,, i;
_fire!,,ciass,i;iii4iii .li t ' l , :f( )- ;-:11 . T1... r ,' f!'i 1.. ;II.); I' I '..-1
'''4 l is . . # DO
‘..!1:. 1: 1 ::;',,,, , , , i . p_m ,... unlitiganCle::::l.lll '..iiii. '‘J 1." ;1 " :` : 1
-- . B 1 :14 . 1 . 1 1 _4 -.-• -, `.- :
' • ' -Jr tiotuill from 1140t.,0, ...,'- •' . lan
tt., C: i 4 ; '.! i 8 wol) b o di titidarli s 4 T".,:!,11.. 5 zi :i .
• 6 i . 15 '
ei 13flAbtsglityl, fp,,- , iidti.; 0 1 ,:i . ; i .et e.'-ed
1 , 6 eboe - per st ii i2 64,1y11 5 .1 1) ll..t)
'01:!, ; earkillOttAt: : z
..... . :,..;) ti 'y ...
4) ji f.;”
0.3. per N?sti •- _ r `*: ' .'
,t.h. ju it:i ffo iii v i, r ie t •
, 6 4,100 i t i T o ;; ,: ;3 11„ t.ogi-.3 .
44t?roPtIcrehasing.eht4tiki l ?'41 1 1 /d ikr"A i l . )rTt ilt
1 ,4 pill iti . : 1 ,64. ' ll 4 '" i W 4 °VE/7/all4:jttj.'
' - —1 - • 7 '''''' 'fit'ir'.'. ._;),,
'(l6;ii,tit t,
. •
41! • -, „. 3 -
130()K, BINDERY'
,A; 110 P - INS 45 SORB PRORIF.
No. 41 'Joint•Stmt. fed Ploori:Bingtiamton, N: V; •
. .
Bitighainton, May 3d,11876e- 9 -In-
A EDITOR'S NOTlCR. t .atio'lindei-:
,silted an auditor appointed by the Orphaae
Cotrt of Susquehanna County to distribute thorned,
:rentainum in the bands of tne ' Executor of, tb.,_e
estate o f Gid Peck, dec'd. win attend 1 9,1 0 e
"; driti•tecer* , *9 ~ , ,r ,..-01, 0 ., ,. , . T .1. -..t II i ! - 4
.1 1 "^ - v' ' ' J
in i 011,:1 : .:.,, . ; ; ;L i.1 . ,„, 1, ::, V, . 1 p... 11 - ,.. 4... lit4Cil • litv
and 'place all persons Interested wilt . present ; their
1 1 0 Me Of b e forever debarred from coming In on said
im • ~., • II ') ' or+. 'it--
1 1 - 1 - . t :` ' ' - • I),ly,ENABLE,Auditor.
Sept 18 Nue
1: ..,' ~, .
...I --L!'4--,LNl,iia.', !_.kl" ':21','..,"‘ 'it . ; ''
And Others.
k C.
• 44 •
'. 400,000
": 1.200,0,0
• 50,000,0t0
'I Li,"