The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, October 18, 1876, Image 4

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The central figure Wll3 a bare-beaded wo
man with a broom in herland. She stood .on
ther-bacli r sieP, and vas cryikg :
"Georgie I" •
There was no response, , buti anybody who
had been on the other side of :a close board
fence at the foot of the garden night have ob—
served two boys intently engaged in. building it
Mud pie. i.
"That's your. • mother i hollering; Georg,ie,"
said one Of the twos plahig his eye• to a knot
hole, athl glancing through to the stoop.
"I don't care,7 said the other, 1
"Ain't you going in ?" ,
"Georgie:l" came - another cal, ‘short : . o.nct e '
iharP, " dat• - you hear' Me. ?" •
There was mo answer.. . - • . .
• • ,
"Where she is - noW.l"' ifiqu'aed• Georgie, put
ting iii the, fi lling of the pie.
'What's she do'fn' • - •
doing bothin' I' 4 ' • .
"George Augustis l!'
Still no answer. ,
"You needn't 'think - you can ,hide from me,
yodng man, for I can see you ; and if you don't
come in here at once, I will come out there in'
a way that you wil; know Lit."
Now this was :au eminently natural st*te :
mmit, but hardly plausible, as her eyes would
have had to pierce an inch boatid fence to see
Georgie ; and even were thts possible, it would
bate required a glance in' .that' special direct
ion, and not over the op of a pear tree in an
almost opposite way.; Even the boy at the
knot-hole could hardly repress a smile.
"What's she doin' now ?" queried Georgie. `,
"She stands there yet,"
. .
"1 won't speak to you
tus,". came the voice. ' t'Your :father will.- be
home in a few minutes, and I. shall tell hini \ ii - 11
about NI hat you have 'done." , . . ~1 -
..- Still no answer.. 1 • .
I •
_ "Ain't you afraid ?" asked the eunseietious
young man, drawing his eye*oiu the knot-ti \ ole
, .to reSt it.
"No ! she won't, tell pa; she. bever does.; she
'sez so to scare. me." : • " , H •
Tints enlightened and .reassured, the gtiard
- Covered the knot hole again. • • .
"Ain't you coming in liere)ythingpanr again
demanded the. woman[" you want me to
come out Mere to ,you with a stick`?" - I won!t .
speak to you againsir,l" •.,
"1 - s.she comin'r asked the baker.
"No !" • . _
`!WliioTa,way . is On lookin' ?''
"Do you hear nie, I say'?" ftine the call again
"George Auglistus ! 'do ou hear your mother
talking to l . you ?"
. Still no answer.
. "Oh, you, just wait, young isttan .till yin# fath
er comes home, and .he'll. make' yOll hear;
`l'll warrant: ye.': ' . .
~ 4,,
"She Is•to • ne . now," announced Abl . lataiful
f aentincl, withdrawing. from his i post.. -,
• "All right I take hold of thi . crust : and pull
it down on the side, and' tl i iatll 'be another pie'
done,'' said the remorse-stricken GeorkeVALUgut
tus.• . •. - , . . .
. . .
A political orator, speittk,ing of a certain gen
eral wham be adtpirel, said be Was alwayS
on; the field of battle where•the bullets were`the
thickest„ .“Where was that
munition wagon:" I,
The man who carries all betore him—The
'wheelbarrow'man. ' • .
An eloquent speaker is' like a river—greatest
at the mouth.
In pursuance of the provisions ofT iv ie
• and electiol laws of the Coramon 081 h \ ot, Penn
sylvaula, I, I hi. WHITE. High Sheriff of the County
of Susquehanna. do hereby give'notice to flit. electors
of said county that an eleettoitwill be held in said Conn
ty on • ' • . \ !
Iruestlay, the 7th day of , Novenaber, ' 1 876,
[being the Tuesday next the' first Monday
in November] at which time the following officers
be elected, to wit :
Twenty nine persons for eleCt ors of Presiant and
Vice-President of the Whited States, for the State of
,One person for Representative in Congress from the
15th Congressional Ditrict. composed of the counties.,,
of Bradford, Wyoming, Waynegtidruequehanna. -
One person for State Senator from the 26 t h Senate.).
.rial District, composed of the counties of' Wayne and
Two persona to represent the, donut) , of Susgaehanl
na in tite ‘Abuse' of Representatives of the Common-'
wealth of Pennsylvania.
One person tor , krothonotat7 of the C0u.4)%0f tins
quehanna. -
Two persons for Jury Commissioners for, the County
of tirbltietniana (each -elector tot vote fad' but one of
said commissioners- I • ' --•••••
One persoifor Auditor of the !County of Susqueltatt.t'
also liereby make known and give notice that the.
places of holding the aloressid general selection in the
several wardSy itoroughS, illstrlcts, and townships with
in theounty of zusguehanna 11:e as folloWs. to wit :
The E lection fur the district composed of the town-,
sip of Apolacon will be; held At, the 'Election , .llonse
said township.
The Electioarfor the district composed , bf the,town
ship of Ararat will be held at the school house nearitie
Presbytertenkehurch in said township. -'
The Election for the district composed 'of the town.:'
ship of Auburn wi le held at the house of 4ames Lot!.
in said tovtastop, • • = • -
The Electiot-for the district composed of the town- s •
ship of Bridgewater attha.CourtßonSe in
the Borough of - Montrose. I. - -
The Election for the district composed of the town- -
ship of Brooklyn will be held .at 'the house offJamea
O. BullardsaldApwnship. ; - - • •.;
The Electioilforibe district 'composed of the town
ship of Choconut will be held at the school- ili.ousenenr-
Edward Clark's in said township. .
The Election fot the district composed of the town
ship or-Clifford will ; e held- at the house, late of John
Bewetson in said township. - •
The Election for the district composed of the Hint
ough of Duudati will be held at_the umi*,,l4sol4
said Borough: -li
Vex Election for 110 district compost:it
ship of Dimock will he held at the bon :elate of-1 `J-i•
Babcock in said township. • ,
The Election for the district Compose O'f , the town;
ship of Forest Lake will be held .at thd house of Eris;
Bertha Werner in said township. •
The Election for the , district composed of the town!
ship of Franklin will be held at the school house near
J.M. Baker's in said township.
The election for the dfifirlet coMpbsedef the'Borough
of Friendsville will 140dd at the school house in said
Borough •
The Election fortl i el t : l strict composed of the Borough
of Great Bend.: , -,:sAll "Ali - held at, the house 0-Copied by
Henry .AckertjsCitai‘i* Borou gh. ' • '
The Eiectiolt for the district composed of the town
ship of Great Bend wilt be held at the house lately oc
cupied by i?.."Barnum, dee'd. - - . f
The election for the district Composed'of the borot:gh
of Great Band-Village will beield at tito hOuse lately
occupied by X. Barnum in said rough.
The election for the distilet mpsed of the Limn.
ship of Gibson will be held In the Academy: building In
said township. "
The. Election r for- the :diAttint estimposed, of the toWn
e. • o"'.r • " L i.• • " urt-: • • •
NV. (.1a;•• 1, =
The election for the dilgriet i'ViMPOSeII Of the Wm!
• sliip , of Harmony Will . be held - mt the tiMISE Of Win
' rersin Siad township.. '
.c coinpoliekl Oi tile . ttrio,l:
ship of II errickwill be heldnt the Herrick Centre School',
House,in said township.
The election fOr.the district Composed of the township..
`of Jackson. will be held at the houseof Ellzaoeth Geary
in 'said township..
The Election for the district.:composed of • the..townn
'ship,pf, Jessup house of, Datael Hoff
in said towns , •
The Election for thedistrict composedof the township
'of Lenox lilt' be heldet,th thous:6-6f Grow 4k, Brothers
in said township.
The election tor the.district - composect-Offhe
. ship Of:LibirtY will be held et the Stanford§chtiol house
in said towifship•.'' : . • . ;, -
The Election tbr the,district composed of the town
ship of Lathrop,wlll be l chl at the :Hillsdale School
houSe in said township'. • 4; • •
. fhe election for"the district,composed of the Bcirough •
orLittle Meadov will be held at the School House in
said Borough:
The election for the distActiibmposcd of thetowiiShip
of - Ittiddletowii , will be held at' the hOusei of GUS RIO in.
said tiriroship... • • . t:
p The Election for the district coMpbSed Of the retigir:
MentrOseWlll be held _at the :Court-House, in' . Said' i
Borough. • • , •
The Election for the district composed of the Berough.
of ;SOW Miltordwill. be held- tit the hp*, Of 'William
<lay In said Borough: , .
I' . The eleetion for the district composed tbelowiisbiti
of New' Milford will be held at the lion-F.-P., of Philander
Ph piney. in t he• Borough of New Milford; • .
The election for the district .'composed of the town-:
.ship of cakland will beheld- et the house late of Thom
asldun son in said township..
The election for the district composed. of the town
ship of Rush will held at the house of N.D. Snyder in
said township.
The election for the district composed •of'the 'town
ship of--Springville will• be held at the house of Dr.
P.- E. Brush in said townShipi
The _election for,the district imposed of the town
ship of Silver Lake wilrbe held at the house late of .11.-
McGeri,les in said township.
.--The Election for the district 'compoied, of the First
Ward:of the Borough of Susquehanna Depot will be ,
held at the house occupied by Chester G. Chaffee in said
Bevotigh. •• .
The Election for the district composed of the Second
Ward of the Borough of .Susquelianoa Depot will be
held at the house occupied by Ambrose Benson iu said
Borough. • .. -
The election for the district composed of the town
ship of Thomson will be held ut the house late of
Chcster Stoddard in said township.
That In Article 8, Section .1 of the COnstitnt!on, , lt is
peclared, "Every "mole citizen twenty-one years of age.
tossessing the folloWiag qualificatious.shall be entitled
do vote at-all elections l• First shall have been a
citizen of the Milted States at least one month,- Sec
ond.—Heat mall have re - sided in the State one year, (or if I l
having previously 'been a qualified elector or native.'
borli citizen of the State, he shall have removed there
front returned, then six months.) iinmediately pre
ceding the election. Third—Ho shall have resided in
the elect ion aistrict where he Shall offer to vote at least
two . mouthiAmmediatviy - tireeeding the election.—
'Fourth.—lf twenty-two are of age or npwards, he
have'paid wlthin two years a state 'or,
which shalt have been assessed at least two months and
paid at least one month before. the elnetion;"
I also make known and give notice, as In and by the, ,
13th section of: act otJuly. 2,1871, directed, '.‘That
every persdn except Justices, of the Peace, who shall,
hol any office q appointment of profit or trust under:
the United States, 0 of this state, or of any city or
corporated district, whether a commissionea officer or
agent, who is,or shall be, praployed under 'the legislative,
Judiciary, or executive* d.eparfment of this State or
- United States, or any city or incorporated district; and
also that,,every - member Of Congress, and of the State
Legs sat ore, and of, the :elect okcommon couticilof any
city, or commissioners• of any incorporated , di triet, is •
by-law incapable ol• holding or exercising at the-.sane
time, the office -or appointment of Judge, Inspector or
Clerk of any-election of this CommonWeatth and that:
no inspector or. Judge ur other officer of- any such
election. shall be eligible to any ,office then -to be voted
fur." ,
• By the actof As=embly of - July '1.1839, it is also made
"the duty of every Mayor. Sheriff', Alderman, Justice of
the Peace. Constable, Of every city. county,
or district within this Commonwealth, whenever called
upon by.any otlicer of an, election. or by three qualified
electors thereof to clear any window or avenue to the
window of tlie plaCe of General Election whiehAtall be
obstruct:idln such a way as to krevent.Voters from ap 7
. proaching the same ; and it shall - be the duty of ..every
respective constable of such wara;district or township
within this commenwealth, to be pics:ut ht.person 6r
by Deputy. at the plate : of .hottlingelections, in
such ward; distract 'or township, for the' purpose of
preservine, , the peace us aforesaid" •
• Also that in,the 4th section of the act of ASsembly•
entitled ',"An act rebating to exeentions and for other
purposea." approved April 16. 1810, it is enact, d that
the aforesaid 13th section. "shall trot be construed as
,to present any militia officer or norou-14 ollieer from
serving' as Judge, inspector or Clerk at ally general or
special - election in this
.Commonwoldtb.." •
By an Act 01 Assembly- appreVed" the 11th day of
April,lB69, it i.t.etotcted that tit elections hereafter
held under the laws of this.CoMmOnwealth, the polls
shall be opened between the hottrs of sik •and seielt
o'clock; a. m., and close at 70*c:hick. P. TR:
.By the act of Astembly of _March 30, 181;t1, iris 'en
acted as follows:
SEczoN is Be It enacted by the t•enate and House
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of 'Pennsyl
vania in General Assembly met, nod it is hereby t tact
edl by' the authority Lai the same. That the' qualified
voters of the. Counties of the COmmonwealth,
at all general,.township,:borough,and special elections,
arc hereby, hereafter, authorized and required to vote,
by tickets, printed. or written, severally classified as
fellows: Oue ticket shall embrate the names of all
judg,es of courts voted for, anal to be, tabled, outside,
•‘jaacticiary;" one ticker shall "embracethe .iiames - of all
sisate officers voted for, bard labeled, "state i'.!catie ticket
shall embrace the names of all. county officers voted for.
hit:hiding office of senator, member, 'and Metnbers'
. .
AssembfY, if voted • for; and members of congres's, it
-voted l'or, and be labeled, "county ;•' one ticker _shall
einbracc th . ratites of all township officers voted foe,'
and be labeled "township:" ode ticket shalt embrace the
names o: all homage otlicers- Voted for, and shall 'be
labeled "borough ;' and each eines shall be deposited in
. , .
separate ballot-boxes:" • • : • -,, ,-. . .
WIIEREAS; The Fifteenth “Amendaient :of the Coli
stitationof„ the- United States is as folloWs:
' " SECTION 1. • Thu right of citizens of the United
States to vote shall not. be denied or abridged hythe
United States, or by any State. on account, of race, colurll
or previous'condition of servitude." .
• ~ S ECI lON 2. The Congress shall have powerlto enforce
this article by appropriate legislation." - - ' • ;
And IVh.ereas, The Congress of the United States, On
the 31st day of Larch, 1870. pissed an act, entitled -
"An- Act to enforce the right of citizens of the United States
to rote in the eereral States qt. this Union, and for other
purposes." the first and ii‘ctit,d sections. of which are as
follows: • •-- '• ' ' -
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of
Representatives of the United States qf America in•,Von-
Outs assembled, That all .e itizens of the 'United StateS
who are, or shall lie otherwise' qualified brlaw to vote
-at any election' by the people, in any State,' Territory,
district. county, city,patish,:townsip.. school district,
mon ici pality•or. other territbrill•sub divisions, shall be
entitled and allowed. to vote atsall such , elections; with
out distinction of race; or color, or previdus condition
Of servitude ; any Conscitation, law, custom, usage,
'regulation of any State or Territory, or by, or under Its,
authori s ty, to the contrary notwithstanding: •-- 1 ' -
"Surtax 2.A nd,be it. further .'enacted, . •itt-.t if by or
tmderthe autnority.xif the Voustitution or laws of ,any
`State. Or the laWs,l4 ATl.Y.Ttirritgri, ;any act isr..or shall.
be required to be done as a prerequisite or qualification
for voting,,and by such C.mstitntiou - or law, persons, or
officers are or shall be ehatteci With the performance of
duties in furnishing to citizens au opportunity to. per
:term'sucli.prerequillitei.'or to r
it shall be the - duty, of !everY 2 vich person and officer 'd
give„to all citizens of the Uniteit States the same. d
, egpsi opportunity to petfordi such. prerequi site and 'to
bNclie qualified to votlf Without distinction of race col-•
, of, - 0 previous condition - of ahrvltude; , add it any such PA..
: person sor officer shall retain) orknowingly omit to giso . FARBib, ..,
' Julletleetto this section. he shall, for ever such offence , :FAßMS ,„
forfeit and pay the sumo of Eve hundred dollars to the pet:•• . - . .
:sop aggrieved.thereby. to be•reccivered by an action on t E r-NT E D . , ,• ,
ill( 'case, with full costs and such an for coati
, _ . .„,. T T 77 Young Hen ,and: Wos.._
:0e: feet; as the court shall dee*. iiiiMenstenaltalso, -- for --..- A 'PRY: g'• Sittiationa UarTilteett.
• every such offence, be deemed , e uilty of a• misdemeanor. - ''""th - stamp,, SliEts
and shall on,eonV iction thereof; be lined not less .thar.,
five hundred dollars; or be luilirisioned not legit thlit4 one ' -. s '
• niotitlinud n0t...-morelhanting year, or both, at the diii6
cretiort of , the 6111;1.7 _; 1 r , . . . ..
- ..9.n.i whereas, ItIS declared by the second section o'
the VI article of theCoustitation of the . United State,
that,"This Constitution, and : the laWs of the 'United
States•which shall be in We in pursuance khereca, shall
be the supreme law of the land, *- .* * ,anythli,g in
the Constitution or law of any -States to the - contrary not
' :,'Olhetkfilintr. . .
...;,4ati4Whereas, The Legislature of.tlii ii Coluir.on wealth,
- littlish it •it April, .i . - "8 .' ' '
.:on ay 4 . . . D.... 1 40. rissed au net. en
tottli4:.:•A flirtirz. .iaispientiatt. to tots arilreitliolg 1.0 elec .
Vna' in thisi •Venimousveulth," Atte tenth section cf
which - provides as follows : ~ . _ .. , ; ,
a.-Szerunflti,• That so much Or every act of 'Assembly
. as prO n vides that only white freethen shall he entitled tt
vote or to be registered as voters. or askclainilng to yoW
at any general Or special cleetiOn of this Cominoti wealth '
be and the same is hereby 'repealed. and. -that hereafter.
all freemen: withoutdistinction of color, shall he.ent'oli
ed and, regietered:neeording .t.o the:. provisions of 'the
. first sectlouapproved April' 17th; 1869. entitled "An Act
further supplemental to the act relating to the elections ,
of this,Common wealth," and wits n otherwise qualified - II'AiRIf:AND ROME
under existing laws, be entitled' to - vote AA -all. general :,
'and spOtlal . elections In this CoMmonwealth." • - . ,OF - YOUR, OWN:. :' • . , ,
, .
Thelialdribove recited aineedment and acts must be 'NO ~
excel' tedand obeyed by all assessors, registera .of:. vo-, , 0.,0a ;b est
`tern, election - otlicere, and: ethet'e, that the: - ittkitS . and: , prr4io and chelpest-lands•in market,are in BAST*
privileges gnarranteed thereby may be;secefed.„to all the Int, 'lsiltilitAsKA. on the line',:of - tbeII#4OI,PACIZ..
cltizentof this Commonwealth.entiti4 PP:titOnnle• /C•RAILROAD. •.: ••• • - - • • . i
' Bythe 18th section of the - iiet' of Assembly of Jana -- ' given very low raise;- The meet falierable, fermi ,_ and . y
ary 30,1871, it is enacted that as TOOII flit the polls shall , .
of fare and freight to all settlers. The beet markets.: -
. cloise, the officers of election shall proceed to count all FREE -PASSES' TU . 1,444D - BUYERS. -
the votes - cast for each candidate voted for, Ann make it? • - ' . ' '• - v` . ' '"• '
- fel ireturp of the same in triplicate .witti is;r4;tsrerisiissiti -*pm dellal. i iiiii• parntiblets, ' nevi edition • of !TIE,:
~,-, ,0....,..,.0.... ,- ... . - " "T _ A E,:
• s . - - •-•-• '''
- • - - --- .i.,,,,.• . ; . . IA .T ',t.
- ,;b 4 wioktikt, 4,11. ti I :.•,- :;xien, saes n . i.,: i' i‘..q. na11,:.-0 4 .4 il, . . ; Achicuiti :„r, -_ ..- : , 1,4..0.;D5.ViLii , ..-' '4 ' -•' • •'
• 1, 'r i f.
words mil again irlutureAs ynd fi!1241 49! . Akilovg,by1i1.1 t ..
4i': - - 1-, PAN ciAttatr.., U.P4 itil RlOistishilki He
, ..i4 • . .
!i'' , ': ' - : , . , ;•-.:1 -- i .1- 2 4 -.. ~ 4 ,;-i Cr . i. , ..i' , .....- 1 : ' - ..
of said officers and certified by overseers, if any, or if
not so certified, the OveN4er) and tiny:Officer refneingto
I..zri 4,r certlis. ill,
etch of the returnshis or, their reasoap-for,tiot. signing
or certifying theta. '-!Thii vote; as soon nicounted.onall
alsp be - publicly taid-fullYdeehired Mini the Window to.
thd citizens present, and a brief statement showing the
votes received by each candidate shall he made and:
.signed - by the eh ction ofliters'ai - soon as the vote's
counted: and the 911IIIC shall be immediately posted Op
on the door of the election house for information of
the pithike. fetirrna Sindl he'enclOSed in
erivelon'esathr he sealed in presence of- the officers,
and one envelope*, with the-unsealed return sheet,ttiven
to the judge which shall I,..contaiu one list: of voters,
tally paper, and oaths of officers, and another of said
envelopes *ball be given to the minority inspector. All
! jndges hiving within twelve nillet of the prctthonoiary'
officeoar4vithin twenty-four pi iles, if their .residence::
be in grown; village;:or eitY upott)ini,ltne et a railroad'
leading: to 4.he county seat,: ihall4 heforti tWO
post meridian of the day after the election, iind all the
other judges shall.hefore twelve o'clo , k meridian of the
.second orty atter the ( lection, deliver said return. to
ether with- return sheet, to thy. Prothonotary of the
Court of Common Pleas of the comity.. which Amid re
:itirn'sheet F•ballb6 filed. wind the day and hour of filing
intirked thereon, and shall be pr ser ed by the Protlion,
otary for public inspection. At tAkelve .I'elOek on. the
said second day following nny election, the' Prothono
`tary of •the Court of Common :Pleas shall present the
said returns to the said Court, * * * *
The returns presented by the Prothonotary shall be op
ened by said Court arid 'computed by sui:h of its officers
and such sworn 11451s : tants as he Court shaltappoint,in
the presence of the judge,or judges of saki Court, and
the returns certified, and certificates of election issued
under the seal of the. Court as is now required to be
done by return judges ; and the vote as so:compu
ted and certified shall be made a matter of record in
stud Court. The sess-Jons‘of said Connate open to the
public. * '* *- *. • And the other of
said triplicate retnrns ,shall be, placed in tbe• box mid
sealed up with the ballots. * *' '* =*. *
Whenever a place has been or shall be provided by the
authorities of any cif county, township or borough
for the safe keeping G. the ballot boxes, the judge :and
minority inspector shall 'after the'election shall be fln
ishcd, and the ballot box or boxes containing the tick
ets, list of voters, and other pape:s. have been, securely
bound with tape and sealed and the signature of the
judgcaud inspectors affixed thereto, forthwith deliver.
the same, together with the remaining .boxes,-to the
Mayor awl Recorder of such city, or in counties, town
ships or boroughs to such person or persons as the:
court of Common Plea§ of the proper county may des
ighate, at the place provided as 'aforesaid, who shall
then depo the said boxes and keep, the acme to an
s‘Ver the call of any . Court or tribunal authorized to try ;
the merits of such election.
Given under my hand at my office, in ti.e Borough of
Montrose, the 9th day. of October.' Anno Domini 1870,'
and in thoyear of .the. Commonwealth the ninety-ninth.
WM:, WHITE, Sheriff.
Montrose, October 1876.
M. Ir. 3E 2 T. 7 ,
Manufacturer of
BUQGY, 'CO/N.004D, fiff4TON . ,ANI
• SID,II-11A,R, GEARS.' - • •
,111ont:rnee, June 7. 1876. •
A practical workman, at
gsiIECC)3EII6 , I49I-13.11%TC,
has opened a shop under • E. McKenzie's store. on
Public Avenue, wuere he Is ready to do all kinds of
work In his line. Can excel in new work, and
. repail
with neatneed and despatch.
Montrose, October 18th.1875.
Dauchy /lc o\o.
25' Fancy Cards' 11 styles with naiiie 10 - cti
Agents wanted. J.B. Busted. Nassatt.N:Y.4l:.
We will etert you in a•businees you ftu *take
, sea.
ss.' - a week w i t bunt capital easy and respects-
MONEY ble for either e. A(IENTS SIIPPLY CO.,
• 261 Bowery, New York. 43
11,1°Mggli,It V li t;
pats nt, lever waiih. free of cest,*rite onK-4,44 f1 T.,
Mil JR & C 0. 4 1167 PrOpivritY; Nt
$6O dedm le o .
rk.No capital. We
that will bring.
yoe $2411 a month at home day, or evening. Inventor's'
Union, 17A Greenwich York. 91
FARMS wftb fruit sod Improvementi at. Too e own fig
:FARMS tires.. Catalogue; aith triape and photograph.
FARMS le illustrations, tellitigall about • Maryland and
FARMS. Delaware. sent free. ' .41 •
FARMS ' J. P. MANCH 1, ,
Easton, 31, D.
V TT Young Hen ,and; Women' to learn TOLKL , S.
0R Satiation*, guaranteed. Salary *bile tritic-
Address, with etarnp., SIIERMAN".THIB !
GRAPH' C 0 . ,, Oberlin, O. • • ' 41
Aoitluve*kllltheneltte°f the Illaatra
ns. eily,btroredcterming.upon
your work for thie 4114 and , winter: The , combination
for this reati.on aurphoces anythhig heretofore attempt
ed. Terme , sent free on application: Addresi, CUAS.
CLUCAd & CO., 14 Warren St , N. Y. 43
We will send you on receipt of Fifty Cent*, one, pair
elegant engraved Sleeve Buttons, one sot Spiral Studs,
one Collar Button; one beautiful Coral Scarf Pin. one
Gents' Watch Chain. and one heavy-Wedding linr:=--
Abovo, lot used to retail for $a SG. 'Pohr lots will be -
on receipt of $l5O. Jewels , circular
litiaress W. WBELL & Co..'Phila., A. 41
,• . 1
-i4 f . ' C/Q
. -
; •-•"4-.4-)
I- .. • r - . . • ' •, •' , • - , ,
11,4 — Ail goods bought.with care and for dash only.
gains just received.
00110.4 Produce of all kindsNarketed in Phitadelpliie. and' New. York.
"Welcome" to both old and new customers.
Great Bend, May 10th. 1876.
A.asria a*.a.r= 4 o..Nivinp NA6r45.xv..313.
Prices . ' Guaranteed a& Low as any 11011.88 ino;39uthern Ydrk.
A ddress. bi; 31IaIJ Ortimptly Attended To.
f ,
s/f t . 4 •
• We e are colitintaily. adding new material to..our office , and with our
,1. - -
4 • I t
, • t'.rrin •-•' •
epetionLarto Siock-IPr_ t
Both Piice and ,Quality,either
1 • 41.,
Not being urged by any particular friends. yet of our
own free will, we , offer ourselves as independent candi
dates to the Trading public asking for your patronage
during the fall campaign, promising tove in return,
the MOST GOODS for the LEAST MON EY of any oth
er party in this or adjoining counties.. o the majority
of the voters of the comity we a. e no strangers, having
served you as Ospenser of the outward appearance for
nearly a quarter of a century, but being strongly in fa
vor of WOman Suffrage it is to you as well as . to the
young voters we direct our apnea I,`asking.for your lib
eral patronage, promising to serve you faithfully. -
Polls open from? a. m. to 8 p.m. Vote early, VoW
often, at the store of _
.For FlabOls Blankets sod, Robes go
to Gii!ffitßEßcl, RO!**l3s.ti* $4 pp.
Table Linens, towels,- anei-single
and double ; xidth, 64eeting, Qalienes,'
GOghaiiis; 4!id, at
:.:.'Ladies Embroideries, Collars
;. anti
CON'dress trimings,Corsets, Skirts .at
--G. R. , & Co-.'
Qents' furnafirrit'i6odN, -. Riei"di st ps,
'Trunktf, Sate t beloillinbrOlaviShirit; 4 ll6ll;
and CUM!, iis_gfeatftariety
Overcoats, Overcoats.-
stock at Citol. $t Co.
Cat pets, Oil Clobes, %Matta; , -Lace
Ctirtains at '
.f.luTTErtmact, , :ltonititAux
W,rappera and- Drawer ! J, ;Ladies
kisses, Motile and Boys - Sizes at
, ••• G:R. it`Co.
• .
Large Variety of fine eefi good's
,Shaw)B,.ql6alci e lEtpat **kyles 4tl,
. t
Best' assortinent rn'-town 6fitePpelerits'
Cloths; Beaver!, -Sicliitige at
G. R. 'it CO;
comings Eltin Beatere; Castors,. Snit
Meltous, Vesttuge for
Custom wo rk, t largc - sel e ct i o n
'` Q.IL.&
4cen, for Custom work . foick
r ,
Resdfniade Clothing for Men, YOtithi
a ndpoys itigreat Variety cheaper,
,ertft., ' 1
. • 2- - 1: -
'Rd,- 04,1,1±1V,114)4(444:1
, .
Sept. ix, urig..R" T*
fitting-and 4,1,1
41. •
. .. f i;a: :i~
7V t,
f ' ~.
, • : .01j,
, c
i v
-.4 , 0 • - , , ; ,
qt. hSS • It, EN,
.11iSL• 0• M
1 •
‘:,,, -,."'; ,k-'l' ' i_
Or the one who will these times,
for the LEAST money.
rra , l - ,..1107
r“ t ,
, 1. , :~F
Plain Back 4r Alolored Work.
'.,; - 't
1 -1; 1:1 !if;
Great Bend, Pa.
An immense line of B.
- lin His New Store.)
ara 31‘1875
AT: TUE . LtritEwr RATES
; )
r t
At W. W. Smith Sr, Son's
ExtemslyePurnitureWar 3room yon willfn d thelargest
, V stock of
I t:TPL Da X "111C7PLV.
To be found in this section of the countryof his owa
manufacture. and at priceathat cannot 'ail to give Batts
faction. They make thevery best
In the'Country,and WARIIA*JTthein.
tr kL alis t e•`3r lA7•c4. r lt
Of all kinds done in the neatest tuner.
rijiiE'6 - .ti3t - kirli4 l si‘,
'llt R.: T ALK 'l.-N
The anbetrtbentirutheloadtbr nuke t lA{ ertasing ft
ietaity in his business. Awing juLt complete 4 a
W and the most elegant aIEARBE to ;ht State, I
needing his services sy Ibe atiandedio prompti yauti
satisfactory charger:
ms r:' METH SCSON.
• ; J 1 •
'sib" A - CORTESY
• - o : 4o ll D±is3 l. , •
.4 t •
4 -
• 1.'1,41
• ,
: AT ' Otri? 'NEW STORE
' 6 It. , • ;
Al 'Court Street. '
•,?. -We would respectfully announce to the public tluit
we have' removed to our now slut spacious attire. No.
'll corner of Court . and Water street*. and are fllling.ft
with anew atom. tf goods that hnwejust arnved. Our
stockof Dress tioods, Shawls, 0,04, are of the very lat
est Spring patterns and - styles - and purchased for each
when the market was most depressed. • * •
In the nue of Fancy 'Goode, Hosiery, . Gloves, Hair
Geode, ltibbone,nic.” our .ItoCk Is uul'url'hi ed '' ' We
:have also opened &Department of Merchant Tailoring,
end We ju.t purchased. a large stock of the latest the One of Cloths, Cassimeres, etc., and of the
yierY , best qua'ity. 'II We bare eruplOyed to take charge
of tido- . Department. MR. T. D. TAYLOR. long the
' - ktedingend most eneceeeful cutter in to.leclty. and who
rtfarantees a perfectlit. Mr. Taylor did thaw.
ieeting Of Alit cloths, caltelinerrai, ;trimmings, - etc:. to
hilt -dew rtmept, which should satisfy aU that we have.
the latest and most fashlenAble styles.
Wncordially thank oily ( patrons .1 pafq faT,orst & bet
rooV;dethellepteitiletpUVWe genitival 'that We are
red -feet t g 14 F $ PM , 11 1 1 411 ta 4Nribm
riff/ it plan •
ri tt it.,•A ' L i - i t C.i . aitjt.l)o l iiiil.
Ainamtos, pl,lBlll.
< i ~. ,:
).'; . .(i t,1;);•;)
rt I
• 3