The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, October 11, 1876, Image 7

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    Arrangementof stls
• EAU411011):: ' •
• Arrives: Depano
Irai‘4ihatt.zzo9k, (Daily,)TUOßm 12.16 112
. • • Vr..k. - tzsann i ,• - -
Montrose Depot,(Daily;),... • • ' ,60,0`p m' , .` 6 2(ra I.n
Di ew v. 1 0 .00 a - m 1 sup In
.) •945 Arri 8,0 00p m
Vrzeudsville,(tri weeklyo .... • .• . 600pt61,8008 zn
'Jost:lin Station, (trl ni !ZOO am
siughamton,via S. Lake,(tr(it!eekly).•. 600 pru - 700 p m
let-40.oppen,(tri a M B,oop m
The New Tor4z., (via - Montrose Depol,) New Alilfolt,
Canklittuuoelt,o l iti Wyaluf,tizg, fellaily4
Thei,on•klin Station unizl ruza§,Tizeon,ya, ThnrsAnyta•, -
and Safu'ranye; '
Aingiannitoziniail, (vitt' 'S LikI7,e,)TIZTIS Tn -
Says, TivarLadays.Jind Saturdays. • , • '
`Vriandsville mail Fansltuesdaiii, , Tit uridnys,and Sat
TllttAeshoppeu nft-tlmuiMendaYS;WecineUlayi,an6
• •• AD ITION4L STAurs`:
A Stageleavett dal y for hlontiose Depot at - and
r nturu~uttyp:iu :f,
A Stage' leaves forrlievr "Milford atl SO zu.
and rota rntat 3 30p. tn. , •
, • . '-, E. C. FOIMIIAISI.
Mentrese Railway Time Table.
arranument or 'Trains": , takneffect on Monday
April 17, 1814. • , .
Down Traine. - • , • '• • Trains
AOUTHWAIII)., • ,senirtm‘nn.
P. M. A. M. -
-5555 10. /Won tros ...... 6.00 - 4.52
5 10 2rf c . •
•' • 845 • 545
558 1023.:. 1..840 448 ,
• 505 1042.1'..... 11unters7. •
508 1036 ....Woodbout• • 830 440
412. .... !Dimoc .:8 25 436
417 ! 1047.. ...... Tyler's .615, 428.
44 1057. opringville '\,..805 420
130 . 4 ...' :755 • 412
145 :118. ... I . ;A•yery's ' 745• : ,4 05
" 659 11x18,.... .....Lento:l4 785 400 '
705 1185....... ...,.725 345 •
~715 1145 ' • • ...... Marcy's.. ............ 337
120 .:Tunkhannock......7 00 322
Tt nine IVIII run on Lehigh Valley time e.e kept in the
011111t.qof P. & N. Y. RR at Tunkhatinock.
niltrains connect': at Tunkbaunock with" F. &NY.
B. ft:going north and south. • 1 I
• •-• Mauch Chunk. April, 17..1870 • i
• ,
, List or New Advertisements: *
Lecture toiling Men.
Cricket on t o hearth.
Election Proclamation.
Notice P. \ Stanip's C,ard.
Public Sale- 7 =Aarou Roynolds. '
Boot and Shoe Shop--Philander ; Hart.
Auditor's Notice—gst. of Henry Mauzer.
Fall and Winter Goods—Red and Stequd.
Auditor's Notice, -L-Est. of A. TitswOrth
Medical Meciing. •
Dog=l.LA: L Oristol3.:
".Tlie . nielaneholt . days tire 'Come, - .
• The's , ideat tit fthe year" '-; ' 2
When fairs andyquiDoctial storms : -.,-`, ',
, • , And'shoWiiind: , ! , sichliire lie!•:- • -,' ---'..• ',.
• - • ' . • , .
The habit-of- aboutgrumblitig , rlthe Weather;
liar become chronie with - the Most Of us,• Parin- .
. havegrOwled . till.: sipittner •.beeause 'it . was
VA) dry; and now thert are'finding 'Wilt because
it is so' wet they Can't thrash , their, pancake
tim Ver. , 7 ; were:four,shirts,taken from
M . S. liandriCk i i,elOtlid linClasOfinidernight,
zind-.others driesd articles here and "there.....
The town institute Was held on Franklin 11111,
in scheol n building, - Septl 'z *h.',.
The, tillag e ' cmnp - i meetirig - lield : 'itt• 'Franklin
Forks - cotumenCed l ,Tuesday ; Oct: 3d, is to
close Friday the 6th'.... i There has blen several
it-unions in the place•thiS'fall,-among• s some of
The ;' largest. - 'we - notice the -13,:ii1e.47 . i; Fishes,
Standiords and 'KenyenSj ell. "nurniierinti frOni
fitty to eighty-five at each g,a,t1i4.114g . , . .There
preaching now every. Sabbath ''morning at
ihe•Baptist church, the society having seemed
the serviCes'ot• the Rev, 'Mr. i lirewsier,, who is
to become 4. resident of \ the \ pittot, and. whii,
- •
by the NVtlyl is n,classPliyAcian.... s .Shd -
that was .•Betstr,y.A.:, Hawley, now Mrs. Myers',
that • ' ' .'.. - •
lia.s been visiting` the home and friends — ?'plain 'ot-,11c4 i.:. We have just received a .very large stock°.
childhood, alter an absence of many.
~plitin. and faticy 'ettvelopes, letter and note pa
er ' plain and fancy bill - head pipers ' curds of
Her stay among us was b l.l O a s a s ' Bll "was . g° ll ig i all sizes and colors, Colored.: poster .-tapers, etc.
to the centennial, before I she , returned to her t, all of:Which we. can-i,atiord to - print cheaper
• homein.tli4*est. .-..M.ra.:pickerson;Abqilerl3r.l; titan any office in this or neighboring counties,
as good stye. , IN:ork done kit black and
3liss S. T. Lew, is Dow. •visiting her-father and ; 'colored inks. It ybu tlitrtk l there is- anythat
~. .
the triZnili her girth4od knew. \ --4 1 4 1 . 10 0 4, 80 ). can beat us, gi%e, us -it trial, and we will,show
veil.' Isiothiin,•c.reCallstiremernory of our child- 1 you ,What we can div All kinds.of, blanks on
la l-hand or. printed to'ordcr. • • - . •
load so vividly is'a sight of these, once. n.i.l-1
itir-lect.4.: - .ii:The biteklivlteat'.6rep in:this vicin:. 1...), \ - ' Tx,. -
i ' i ...m.kRBLE - -v ORris. •: .- ~ ' --•- • '''- -• ' i
ity is almost
. etaiture, and as. to the potatoes I 2 'The runkbannok Marble .Works of Burns
the hugfi did' :Their best ; ; and the ; drought fin- i it • White are ' doing, a good businesS and are
fished tbro:;busiikgs..; :Att. ..I(iipl . Batley tiwri:4,e. l , gettiuk 'out some very , tasty: •,,joes of Read
Stones and..M'anuments.. ...A.'. B. •13utna,' ot the
sheeP the: r wdol of • whichmeasures fottri'eeri I
. \ 4 Eagle` Drug Store, is their authorized agent for
inches in length;...,',.Thet* has ,btlen• 4 'Amber 1 Altintt'ose and vicinity.. . Ile' has 'designs of
at de iths . ..irt=•pie' place, • sine? list 'wrote, '1•Ille;id Stones and Monuinertts.l . ..Any orderileft
we would' especially tnentton the death of Mrs. tit htm will, be promptly. filled by Burns it
• •- • -1 W '' 'N • -
£va Vatil i AitrW d ''llg b .•• 'PC 9. liePY-QP*.' 'She 1 - . T . khan ' ' k Fete.lB76 f -
died iiilingli,iilif.9ll' i itriei , a , - , fmia;iiiits.. - _ , . 'lrer 1 ' 141 - rwe I
reinains'Were brought 'home for interment, and
tenderly 4iii . beii."kr,ol.s6,lialiies.:. We:re:A(l 7 ,
i)Ot 'Ol-"ilitile'JWhys twill-kite' 'iv, 1 - Ortilatt‘ , 6il.ller,
• 'early departure'Or Pasty removal', snyTtor,,, so
atniable;folOVely eVeninii!,:ijittli;PnVfchis - ,we,tio' l l
.I.ll9W;kiciis.'"4:9o.l lttid,UOi . - I pgen - t.c.44:ttiriendsl
. ate
consoled liy . - the , liiitmel.e4g9 'or heisOonsis- 1
tenV lite-and . - earneSt'uscitiej3o on i cig -. fitiiil';...: - 1
3tr,..-D4:4ie1.L61#04 inia . *4 his . arm *nil in
tends settling in ', 1 3tary 1 104.....31'r:' and,
.311 i:
Hendrick are abotit ttivisitthe.'cenVeriniiii... • ..
, 31r. B. W. Bquiltworth died abouviwO tk'Oclock•
"Ott. 911.1.' , He leaves n:ltire
family' to tilotiiii' lids , lo” i• ilci a ciikrtfuttity to.
i.1 . l
creep tor. one 'that tt.
loved and' reSpectend.'
, -- • ZOE. '
~ , .
—John Taylo Janson has resigno the,
Presidency of the Cenval . Raiiroaq , of- New
Jersey, an,i - E4 ward-5 C. Knight, -Presigent of
nallrnSd, hai been elected to
felt his place. Mr. Knight is a strong,man,:ind
the-stock-IrOsepeiteptiblY the'. annotniee
ment of bib name. I 1 is als,n President of the
'Guarantee Safe and DePosit Commny of
- udelphia. ' 1
. -
baPtist Par
srin ge, Clark:ls Pa., ;:..iel)t. Itrici, tiy 4
1; B. Jayne, G; Cook
Cholabecl.tin, botillot St.tqut,4l:allivi;
1/ANNA4p 7 -WA'x'so.l. 4 l—SitPt t 25, 'BI - ; rt
dettee iiritte't3 rparents, 113 ;'3'c t.' Milford, 4
by Rev. 0.=4; Steps, I)Ao,iel 111-nnall.
ticranton;• to itoie Watsdo 01 New btritt;ict,
"Or'well; Sept, 19, by
Rev. J. 1.1._1),:tvi5',...1 3 4c 'George *in
rind : Cora A.',Rl,ll.l)A' of 'l3jrcbaidvillt.,
12 W14 2)6.111
tti.n4ltte—At :gtimpehqrllti, 4 2213 d,
George EL'Oiallibilt;tiged '43 `Yeari and 6 mos.
MoNner.-10 urooklyn, May 21st, lof
,plexy, Mr 1V111140) Alopxoe, aged .61 Years"
Business Locals.
lEDICAL 4 11.gET/liG.
Nhere wilt tneetng of the Susquehanna
I%Otinty Boclety at ilte,i'esidence of Dr.
_P'entleOttekeiiia Aitirford Weilnesday,
Oct. 25(1); at 10 ' All heguar'practitioners
are ,(2orc.ii,ally invite 4. ' „ • . • ,
,c,;; : - HALSB . Y; $eC.
- Oct. li, 1876,`-' 42w2
.STRyVEp.—gape`A!.i "thi; Bnbicribet ..; " about
Oct. lstoi young `cotell, 41tepOcri4
blabk body,- tanl.colored whit Tea, and
*bite strip in ftifaend. own(it reivest-,
ed, 10. prove; property,-pay.:chtirges and. iake
him' away. A. U. CIIIB3IKN. '
Elk Luke, Oct. 11, 1876w1. • -
Canderbeck, a celebrated violinist, as
sisted by bialady:, will give. a conctrt at "the
'Youdg Men's. Christian ' AS - spelt:ocm- Raoms
this &ening. Ile is well spoken 0f... Admis
sion 25 cents. Doors open at '7 o'clock. •
Montrose October 11, 1876.
LOsT--Saturday; September 30, , on the road
between New Milford and Steinback's Corners,
a red wiped shaWl. The tinder will please
leava it at Decker's siore in . . New Milthrd, or
notify, me, and 1 will pay for the 'trouble.
•.New Milford, Oct 2 1870. '
The annual examination of teachers will be
held as follows; each tlasi organized at 9
o'clock a: ; each applicant to be present be
fore the \first branch is "passed over. =Nd pri
vate examinations except in especial cases and
on request-of School Directbrs; who will pleaie
see that no person commences to teach without
a proper certificate. '
Liberty Centre school house, -WednesdaY;
Oct. ilth., -
New Milford Borosschool house, Friday, Oct,
13th. - .
- Jackson, Savory School house, Tuesday, Oct.,
17th. - • -
Ilerriek, Uniondale school house, Wednes
_day, Oct. 18th.
Clifford.Corhers school house; Thursday,Orq.
16th, •
Legiox, Glenwood school hodse, Friaay, Oct.
2 9 1 - 11 . '
,ROsh, Grangerville school house, V% ednesday,
O. 25th. •
Middlitown Centre school house, Friday,Oct.
27th. .Forest Lace, Centre school house, Tuesday,
Oct: 31st.
Gibson, Briley schogt - housg, Thursday,
vember 2d.
3ci T • Ueneq •school .1i e, Friday,-N4:y,
Susquehapna,qratled school House, Saturtl4y
, • Greal , Bend Village school house, Monday,
No 6th. , . •
:Auburn Centre.scboiil house, Thursday,-Nov.
• ":' •
‘. 7 ,llOxitnise,'Griae4 - school. house, .•Saftir'day.,.
I - • . ,
Lathrop, Hopbbitom Tuesuay,
Nov. 21st. -;-
Teachers need paper,:lnk, pep," pencil
ased,'careful . attent• ion 'with pt cess in
teridance 'and Bet ter 'will
lindenittaded - for . Same . grade of otriiticate as
Office day at - 'stantrose,' the' first'Monday of
t cacti month at one ,o'clocic.p. nu.
IN'sTyro:TEs: • ••• . •
Jackson, SavOry,. Monday; .oetoher 16th.
Rush; Grangerville ;. Tneday, Oct. 24th: •
. Auburn Come, Wednesday,-Noir. - Bth. -
FriendSville, Friday; Nev. 24th.
Each:to' conithen - ce at 10 w'clock a. iii., fuio
Oise educatiOnal - address, in the evening.
TeacherS,,Diieetors iced friends,ot educatio
in reach of the . g; are earnestly invited to a .
teod -and:aid
W. C. TILDEN, CO. Supt.
Igoiltros . e, 04. 4,1876. -
adirise thoSe•.inteniiinfi to
ailv...lnArchasei of Black Silks this, to
.then now, :as there haS been fti ad
vine ''.11;1;. v.
.Ra. 7 Skili, a
m alerjai aditanc,in tnanufactitiettgoodpi.
Sisscin &Co:, Bingharnton; intnrra us 'that they
have an unusual:v fine line of: lack Silks" pur
chased at very low prices, Whieh' they offer :' tin
the pres.ent,at, old : prices, wiaich..are about 25
pereent,less than:the goods.can be, pnrchas,ed
lave 'a large stock of 1-31ack and.
colored .CashmeresitOgether'lvith an • ••endlesc
variet y of . eVe Dreas:Gnod's
.which they Offlvitlon .the.mi%St favorable'. terms
Sam tiles, se t ph4surti t 9 any address.
. . .
:40 - Ric' it .13INGITAMTO'N:1
- I,They -
,friOre Negri' errteriti 'horises'and
dowii,-rneti _titter • on the htiek'Strets; this, ihne tit writing , the police think
; a,j de.w,
,t hat map ; lead to the entire
apturel of , of Hine4r ,
Shiites k intiV, , ,beew trying - .tO '.=,stopt th is, rejig], a of
terrt'ir• by marking all ffieir• Sunimer 0.• . 00dA
'do wri attost thereby giving,all . a chance to get
au; litiFit~st; li'v tag.*,‘ d 'few' of :.those parisSolS,
• nrid:stimiter'sillis left.' They-are, offered at lees
yhey also keel) on liana the largest
and. cheapest Of k
goods of all f4nds .. a .•
'f'or No trouble, g `-: • •
" ,• - . • , . . SithLEs.
, 13.nurbainton , lity , 1876,1
No Cu.,lt e ts . P/N. • •
Kirby's Cough very Palm h'„e corn:
Ound,,tor ,
the various Kffections 01 the throat
firid,tung,s. s,rsod with gro;Lt. succe;is case. of
Asliima anti Bronchitis. It i prescribed by
r ay.sivialis and endorsed pooplt.. NVar
ranted to give entire k t atiSisact ,or money re
lunded. •‘, - .
,Instant'bifi'e cat
severe and acute pains. . _ ' ,
Kirby's Vasteies - Worm Lozenges. Stare
safe find. effectual..
1- Pow d ers for reality, quitn,
WV rind purity are superior to any Powder for
tock rasnufactured. - • •
Kirby's. Camphor Ice for ,chaped bands, or
..:For sale by all Druggists Jr'. Montrose, and .
Dealeniih ed iGinea throughino the &wary.
June '2B l l'Blo " 1: - -
EarOxip 'wanted at this office on ssubsciip
tion.: • . • s ss. : .s 5..-
'OLD Newsjiapers at ihis Office at tett
cents per dozen:
HANDBILLS for Auction,Salei;, t(•'.; ininted
at the DEmocitAT office in Arai. cht-'s etOo . and
at reasonable price?,
pr 4., of summons and •spbpoOils
jUsuptinteil'ittliiS u~ce. "' Other'blil~atis iii pro
Ittsiou, all prepared with cafe;\.:i,
NoTicE..-7,Now is the time, andl at Potter's
office - is the plucc to getzoodPentia vibt7kslointe
Alontrose 'Sept. 27,.1876.
TROT 111 ER' S. Cefebrated Extract of IVAit, - Wm.
1111%ssey45.4i)o's:1 3 4ilatlelp444 i 41e. at L. 4;,Ly
on's Drtia.'Sto.l4.. - _ • -
Montrose,'9;18762. . ' • -
\ • -
FOR PURE DrUgs andlledieineb, Fine'Toilet
Artielefiv, Jewelry and Perfuinnry, go .to 111:A.
Lyon's Drug Store., .
blonirase Au , r 9•1876-
PHOTOGRAPEM—Pictures taken in all the lat
est styles. Old pictures copied and- enlarged.
Also a splendld.lot of frames for - sale, cheap,
at G. W. DoOLITTLE'fi.
Montrose, 'June 10, '74.--tf. i.
gouge and Lot to rent in MOntrose, 'Enquire
of J. B. Meeolltim. . • • •
May, 31, 1876.—tt
• NEW STOOK of carpets, oil cloths, matting,
ktc.,just received.
Montrose, April 12, 1876 if.
SPRING Styles SIIK Hati, felt arid fur. Boys
C a enteunial .Hats, justopened at
April 12, 1,870 tr. ' • \
FRkSil OYSTERS'IItiVe commenced arriving at
he keystone Saloon. tone dont. above First Na
ional Bank; basement: Drop in 'andlsee.
Montrose, Aug l . 23, 1873tf.
A *AGNIFIdENt Sot Or line Cloths and Cassi
md,res, Coatings and Suitings for custom work,
j ns'to received, call and leave your metisureTor a
ue* suit at. - '
April 12, 1876tf. • •
. .
• NEW LAcv. Cu\irrADis by the sett or yard.
Table Linens, Napkin's; towels, and House
keeping goot iuAgreat variety at
Hon trose, April 12, 1876 U.
jENVETT'S Pfire . IEII . Braiil-y• 4:;
'Zinc,. Ready Mixed , Paints,
Col6reel : Pain . tkin Oil and Fine Graining Col
sale a . k)l.:. A. Lyon's Drug Store.•
Montrose, Ang:9,44816. • ''• •
To ticriociriZ - DIREcTons —The attention
the .nieinhers of the 'Boartl " s of School
Dir,ectors,in Susw3ehttnoa„,;ina : Jojoiriing (Joan
tnllie following le - sti*nials and
Wrii.torai` merits - by "the• Iciadirig-Ealicutorit - and
&liool Officers of this :NORMAL DISTRICT, rela
tive to tile • ';
OF '
published in an appeal to theie•PatrOns, only a
Short time since, on the
. oceasion of deterin
initeffOrt, Similar . toile -,One ,now' being made.
in this county, - by agents 'of rival publis,to
displace these books. . , •
. •The undersigned, residents of the 'stll 'Nor
mal District of PentiSYlynnia, 'comprising the
counties of Bradford, Lycomin2, Potter, Sus
quehanna, SulliVaD,Tioga,and Wyoining,would
respeettUill;,7 repres'ent; that siice •
have been 'quite generally introduced into acid
are now in use as a whOle, Orin' part, in, large .
Majority Of thePablie . : . Scho4s of this Normal
District, and believing., do,. that these
botiks are Stantturd Works ~ 'ter( 4 ng- . llerit,ttn(.l
among -the' -very best ptibliskel and, saint/ 710 .
Buffictent :reason for a elutng4 would earnestly
advise any , Who .may tte ten*ted, by interested
.2iarties, to displace these book' to exercise great
mutton; and to be satistO of. the superior
merit of. the books proposed p.s - subStitntes, be
fore subjecting the Patrons - to the additional
expenSeof purchasing nets b4s, as wen
schools to the, great incort.vokpc.e. and trouble in- ;
cident to • the Introduction oesdiSplacement of
Text-Bch therebi preventing 'mini
formitOo'neaily attained in this District.
Allen,lbstit te,. Condctor .and, former
Principal of:Stitte Nornial Salool,ManSfield,P.a.
Chas Verrill,-Prineipal d Mansfield. State
Normal School.
A -"A:Keeney; Co. Supt.! of Bradford
Elias Horton,, " , • , ."
W Allen, " '
• Tatter. ."
W C ". 1 Susquehanna.
.T . F • ," " Lycoming "
Thompson Bodge, " " j Wyoming;`
.1 T Reed, former, " " 1 Lycefiling
.11 'l'll - at:ton, fOrrner' , Principal TrO , 'Oriffied
• School. - • - ;•. , -
H. E Pitcher,.fOrmerPrincipil To wanda,Publie
• Sehooli. .
Berlin; formerPrinclpal Montrose graded
SehOOI. d •
F Stn,ittf: - Teacher of, :Mit' State Nor
ma. School, Mansfield:
Letnuel'Ammerman - , Teethe. Lang., Szc., State
Nor. School,. lansllehli .
Alonzo,Amtrierman,Trincj Corn. Dep.; State
Nof:§elfoolMansfield. f "
The - County tilifserineetiqnts abOvn named,
with two ext pliuris, are St l ll acting as such in
their tespective entinties;:aid.' haVe expressed
themselves as hayingitiiifcitrnly. opposed chang- 1
iug the above mentioned Nola for the reasons
siatel in their appeal to thOr patrons.
.TheiPubliShers desire - _to say tO'aiik'not
nxiar,wittOtiese books,t Ind, they most cordial
invite attention to -.the following, as among.
the Many noints'of Superionty -and excellence :
, lire Paper, Type, Binding; InUstrations, chid
Afeclutitleal.exectlattp: . • :
,The Gradation sand: Trog:ri , ,sstive Chartyter of
the eerier.. -
. • Th r e: ynexeeptiOnlabkntoral tone of , ..
lections in eat& book: • - •
. The cheap eis. as compared . ' iv I th. Other . series
in respeet to' qtfrality, number 111;ges;, cinaptity
''-re;iflifiglufftfer,hk., - ,4e.. - '. l , •
coPiestorAext4atnation and
conoarisini:will be fiknisliedratuitOusly on
application to W. 13. - Deans,i . 3loAtras.e:, Or the
publishers, • • . , , . •
X3B& 140 Grand E. l : - NM' York.
In regard to an exchange of Readers
in this" .coontY,„at. present, 1 bale or t ly to say
that I think the wants, of the 4ounty, in this
respect, do itch demand a change'irt thes6 hard
times for money.
I consider Sanders! Retideo aillorg, the best
published. '
W. C. Tmplit Co Supt :
-- , lloAtrOse,4lig. 2 # lik76 . 1,
'No business man need comphin that be
is,"too poor to advertise"- when _hq Call get : the
latest style.busiuuss, curds printedut
OCII*T Othco for three dollars per notteand,aiul,
other's . drk in proportion. , • '
Having Vought Louis stick of Cigais.
Tobacco , and Confectionery, I I can inrnish
fiat-chit iirtieles. for the least ttoneY.,
summer drinka'fOr the, thirstY.
i;Moriirosp, ;July: 2`6 s 1.876:
...PROP.. IL' Cox Willitoid. tine 'ot
,311.1sital Con vpro.lopi. Bitchai.o))le
coinfivincing Ot.Oliee
_lQtli~ ;and
;TerrniLiti.lis; 50`cents ; Ikea ;
e,b ildfen, 25 once;. concert; 25celits.'; 27, p 330.
The sale of • Taylor's , Faruly MedicineS is
steadily on the increase. - TbOsnles of the past
year bein,g more 'than doubt+ of any previous
year. • Ilip,reason.of this. is in account ot , the
genuine ,merits of the goods themselves and
the Fair and impartial mauler in which they
are sold., - •
july 26,1876. -
Lead and Oil cheaper Una they have'been
known for years. Burn's eagle Drug Store is
the placn to buy anything in the PAINT and
Dania likie tit , the very low et figures. A large
assortment of Brushes and tarnishes constant
ly in stock. The celebratO liall, Bradley, &
Co.'s Puii,e White Lead contently on hand, for
which BunNs is theßoLlt A4E.ET for Montrose
and vicinity.-
Montnise, April 19, 1876tfl
There is no, subject, that requires so much
study and experience is th&reatrnent ot ron
ic diseases. The astonishiig• success and re
markable cures pertormed )3T Dr. Butterfield,
are due to the gift of clairvjyance, to the life
long study,of the constitution of man, and the
curing of diseases from natunl remedies. Cnreb
the worst forms ot Scrofula„t'atarrb, Piles, Fe-.
male Weakness, Asthma, .1 1 idneys or Bladder
Will, be at the Cafferty Binghamton
Thursday,. and Friday, Octlifith and 20th.
WE TAKE pleasurelu callkig the attention of
our readera to the fact tha. the popular Dry.
Goods lioin . e of C. F. SiSsal & •CO:,43ingham
-ton, are now recciiiing - An.iinsuallylargp and
corn pletelassortinent of new Ipring goods. Not
withstanding the cry,- ,-times,". this
house informs ua that their Iratle.islarger thin
at former season..• - Thins easily Accounted'
for.:by•the faCt that theallmys Offer the most .
reliable broods 'at the. sp \ ineiprices that many
houses sell' a Very.' inferior grade. All tht-itoV
cities, of, lbe-SeasOn,lboth of foreign r and
oiestic niantiflrAure, ,now be fotind•_upoti
theirslieles, and a visit It) their'stote . ;Will eon
yinee ItnYpn6 that that. 19 the plaCe to trade:
Ap.4lu**T4Al72l,§ SALE.:
Notice Is Hereby given t>Eat the undersigned
Administrator of the estateof -S.
.H. Campbell,
dec'd, .ptirsimnt to An:Order of the Orphan's
Court of county will . expeie tb
sale'ott the' premises on . •
• . i • FridAy,- Octobei 27th; 1876, ' '
at• two o'clock p: nt., the .following' 'real-estate
to :wit 'that certain 'piece or parcel of
land situate hi the township of ',Ararat in the
county of.,Stisquelianna.and State of Pennsyl
vania,ooded and des,crlbedlis
at a beech lin original corner of tour
miets; wince alocg the warrantee line of
and Alexander AltlinS, north ifortY-three* and
three ibutalts degrees west 'one hundred and
sixty-tine perches to stones in warrantee line
of Foster, thence south forty-three and
three-quarter degrees east one hundred perches
to a pci§tTtt oorner cif Freeman Ogderi's land,
thence said:.ogden's north forty nine de
grees Bust one hundred :and sixty-one perches'
to the phiee of beginning i containing 'one:bun
-tired and torn' acres and sixty-three pereties of
• land. he the saute . mo'ketir less, with the appur
tenances, snd being the same tract of land o
which S. .11.-Campliell late of said county, died
seized • . 1.. . •
'-'iTE.RMS OF SALE-440 on day, Of sale,
f a :soo- 'on - 'tint) . confirmatiett and the. balance
with interest thereon' one -3icar froth final con-:
firmat tan.
Adnfr of 8, H. Cumpbell, dec.: l d.
Sept. 2k, 18,76.
MON.E . y . TALKS!.
These areprices
.• 'TI-lATURT • •
1 (uot the cuatomer,)
but ntberdealers who find fruit because it sPoili their
profits. - They, assert that I cannot sell 'goofs at prices
named, these prices are not for. a , bait, .bat arc gen
uine- and Will be. Minimd in every particula'`, Call and
see for yonrselyes. • • • " • ' .
for FALL & WINT i 1876-7.
Good heavy business suits, $ 'lOO
Diagonal silk-mixed snits • • ' • 8.50
Heavy cassime re suits— • " ... 8.00
Basket worsted see. •" • • ' 10.00
F ;lacy plaid casi.imere quite . . 11.00
Englith snits ..-.. 17.00
French. has-kat snits - • ;.. 17.t 0
AU Wool tiro td cloth coats .. t, ; 7.50
Heavy sheers .ray overcoats... .. . 4.50
,Ghinchilla °I/Innards . '7.00
Fur Beaver overcoats ..". 10,50
Flne•dbuzonal overcoats.: ......... ' " 12.00
Union 13e.iver overcoat . • ' • 7.00
French Beaver o v , ,reo.i to. 12.00
.Bo vs' Clot.) Ing-3 to 10 yeap.
Heavy mixed 1K : 11001 , e:tilts' ...... 3.50
Cassirnere suits 5.00
Dlaeordi and basket suits . . . ... .0.50
'Stout' overcoats... . • ' 4,50
ttape and Ulster overcoats • !, ' `coo
_B „
Boys' Glothinct-9 to 15 years.
'H _
'Heavy mixed school suits. . 5,00
Macy - caselmere suits , • • J.. 0.00
Diagonal awl basket suit~ • t .., 7.50
Heavy every-day overcoats , .. 3,15
pverpow K. .4.. 606
Beaver and Fur Beaver overcoats • - 8,00
Cape awl .111i,ter overcoato..; . .. . ,
Youths' Clothing lb years to men's sizP&
000 d unneroi rt. or drawers - •25
GooJ knit jackets. , • •
coll ) d,wool .. ... ... ; . .... . ••'... 1 - 00
Good. Cotten. -s 4 leittt- ... . . .......
Covered folded end collars ...... • 1.0
And - another tn"preporti - n,•
C. IL WEBSTERMI,.... ' - •
62 arid 64 Court:- Street.
1 - 'Binghataten ICY
tie - estate Of Theme It White, late of ktbnni;
Letter ..of - A.dmirostmtion .in the • 'eald estate
baying been granted to the undersltznaCall pillions ow
ing said estate are teguested to make Immediate pay
ment, and all persons havter,olskas agateet sal# estate
are rlquesZed to present theta without
. U. Adittlatetiator.•'.
g _
„ . .
Pat. 44511:
skTi; "4, 11Fri6.
.40 w 4
The glarkets.
Sew York- Produce `:Market:
eported Every Week :Expressly for Tux If T
1)1111E0CliiT &Drtokworth s Prodoceiort: z
Winton. iderclutnts. 825 •Washiogton Street.-
. . •
• biew York.
• 11' ew;York Odth • 6 1876; =
• BUTTE& ,
State, dayy • (4. ,ao •
State, dairy pails, prime - 27 • (4 • - - 20
State, dairy, pails, fair to,good. 44 30
State, dairy . pails, poor to fair. ....I.B' 'Oh ,
State, creamery, select4nvoices...33
State, sweet-cream, pails, claoice..32 (4 33 '
State, sweet cream, good to prime3o (4 32
State, sweet cream,.tair t0.g00d,..25 (4 27 •
State Firkini, choice yellow. 29
State Firkins, good ti? prime 26 (4* 28
State Firkins, fair to good 24 -0 -26
State Factory, ilne ., fancy 10 . igt 10U
"" go od
. to prime... 85tfig 9
" " „". • 6%(4 8%
State fartn Dairy, fancy.... Wog 9
" " good to prime.... 7%0 83
" " fair, to g00d. , ..:: . ....:6%6 7%
State& Penn . - 203i@ 21
Wegtern prime - 19
Spring lambs , Jersey, prime .
Spnng lambs , State; g00d:..:.'... . .6k4 D fin
Live calves, State, good to prime. B%tg -
Live calves. State, fair to g00d... 'fL
Hogs, eity dressed - • • .7,40 8 %
Spring cbickens,Del & J'y,per lb.. ,166 17
Spring chickens; western", per lb.. .(gi 15
Fowls, Jersey, per :1b.... 16
. .
Roosters, per . $(: 10
Turkeysdersey, 1131 14®. 16
Turyeys, western, per lb I.4ig 'l5
Ducks, Jersey, per pair 75© • -1.00
Ducks, western, per pair 6s@ 75
Geese;_Jersey, per pair ....2 . 00® 2 50
Geese; western, per pair.. ...' 37(4) 1'75
Apples; State, sliced, prime.:.. 04(41 7 ,
Apples, State, quarters..... 63. N 7
Peaches, peeled; fancy....... 13 (gt 14
Cherries, prime ...15 1534
Plums, State .... 1.21 dt 13
Raspberries . .... . ........ .. ..22 23 7-
. .
Count , ' Busicess Directory,
. ,
Two this Directoty, oxioyent, $!51.50 ; each , att-
• ditioniii line; 61, ccuts , .. •
-„' • -
UMIIIWQI7T, Stater. , Wbolesah; Retail
dealer in all kinds of slate rootiug. slate paint, etc.,
Roofs repai/ed with pant to, order. Ali3o, slate
paint for epic by the gallop of barrel. Montrose.
LILt.IJSGS"ST.(IOt D; • GerieraL Fire ,aud Life Instr.-
: 1 6ce AgOnta,' also, sell • Railroad and ACtidental
• 'fAcketa to New York and. -Lidice oae
• door east of AVin. H Cooper a: Co's bank. ••
WM, IL Btfi'D & .QO. Dealei PI in Stoves," hardwire,
and Marital - cturers:.of Tin: and, blieet-Lon ware, cor •
ner of Main and Turnpike street. -:
A.N.. Bullard, Dealer In Groceries, Prokisions; Bonk-,
• .Stationery c v andYankeeJNotions;' at the:head of.Prib-
lie-Avenue. -
MI. 111 COOPER COW. Bankers. Sell Foreign Pas
sage Tickets and 'Drafts on Etigland, 'lrelaud, and
Scotland. . •' • ' • '
W. L. CuX, Harness maker and dealer In 'alLartl
cleb usually kept by the traixe, opposite the hank.' .
JAMEWE. CAR3IALT, Atiornepat-Laiv . . Oftlee one
, door below Tarbelt liouee,,Publie Avenue. . ,
W. ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer. coa \ r S PHlmuu Oil..
Moutrooe, Pa. , • •
interest on all Deposits..- Does it 6,lenerni Banking
business. • S. B. CII.-kSE & CO.
GARRET & SON, Dealer In Flour. Feed, Iqeal.
Salt. Lime. Cement. Groceries and Provisions, or
Main Street, opposite the Depot.
N. P. KIMBER. Lan-Uwe 'Maker, Pietnre Framer And
Undertaker, a few rods' from Planners•Rotel, near
• 1 ,
N. E. Church.
IL P. DOBAN,•3lerehant Tailor and dealer in Bead)
Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Groeeriti, add Provisions.
• Main Street... • • •
litT_Tra. - . .1 1 1 21 11;
• Would eaUattention,to hit ew Stock of
Dart (649-)t)Dan
In ireatvitnety, and will' be sold , on. the most
favoratqe tonne, and .lowest prices.
'New Mity Ist, 1875.
Wit tt cigviiimi ' fbrsale by
Fur axle by
At the store 9f
Mireash Coraiagegmit,
For sale by
' 1$1011:4*:
Raptor has it that hsving been, elected,Conn , iv T r eat..
liter ibr the ensuing three years. I am to discos...dime my
Insurance•besines. said .RUMOR is UNT' RUE. and
witheat foundation, and. while thanking' yo a fof kind
116ss and t.ppredation of good Insurance it lt.h e• nest, I
ask a continuance' , of your patronage, prolix/ sing that nil
business.entrusted to mo,shall be promptly. attended to.
My COmpahh* are all sonud and reliable:- se all can tes
tily who have met with lostaes duaug taw past ton earn
at my Aitency. Read the List . I , .
North 'British add Mercantile; Capital,:` t - , $10 , 000 ,0 0, 3
S A i l i t iclf , r t s a il l i k ,l44 ?in ° 4o , n k at u itn e
m de u l tu4 phi l a ,is , As s et s,
eaA ,s'a.
nearly 8, 000,000
o t f ( A: te , nll ooo ..
o .p id on e c on s t:ne r i te tal .4_3 . Y t
0 . r . ,,
d '
. s loo ` r ` d - i - t oi eai l l o y u .
tat: B l 4 o a
[siftonix of Hartford, ~& '' _.. , ~ 2 : 0 00: 0 00
Old Fianover. N. Y., . , s ' ..",
.. 1, 04,000
Old Farmers, York, - , - s "', '' '" ' . ' 1.0001000
I alsnreprosent the Ifew York M ritual Lire Ins ranee
Of otter Sit yes,rs standing, and evicts wirer $110.000,000.—,
tlylVania. ' ~ . - -
lar'Getaux A cc idental alloy covering all acc id e nts .
in the Hartford Acciel t z , Inc C u. .. o.Policies written
fro m p at day t o eacissa , Only. 2 6 'cents for a skota
, , VsY.:rliPectigiliTy - ,. : 4 ii ,
~,,a4,llity : 4viriosit.,
c-- - 1144Staseirti At:J"I, -14730-4 - - , ,', -t -- • •
!IN.lnw on sale, in new
, ,
IT. J.. WEBS .
Wn 88.