The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, October 11, 1876, Image 6

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    TOWI7,t ; Cointr, mi 4 4a iet~
-7—Now fok,,overcoats.
—A small - mount of the "beautiful snow's
fell here to day.- •
—The new depot Is , being enclosed '
will soon be ready tor•bbsiness.
—The average boy as cpmmenced his anL\
vial attack upon the chestnut',trees.
—Snow is reported as having fallen Ikt
' Thomson, thls county, on Sept. ,27th.
—Squirrels are repOrted numerous in this
section, and our young '; m
Nimds are propor
tionately happy. -, '
—A V
nother improvenient oublic Avenue
is the way in which kr. Wallace Hewitt has
refitted his meat market.
—The subscription list of
is constantly increasing,' withbit canvasing.—
Seven names were' added at our office last Mon
. • ,
. . .
-- 7 1 - . .- - rhe Scranton l?epublicito. days. : the Nay,
Atigs, of that'city were highly delighted s With ,
theif', trf P: to .gentroif 4 , and ,ther entertidnfient
• .. .: ,
while here.. ' ''-- ' ,-. ' ' ' ' . 11 ': --
•--- . ---And now the Democratic apple for 1576,
has been- heard tram. • Mr. Joseph. Porter of
Norlh . Bridgewatei,has left on'6ur.table,nc.ap
pie inetisurink 13x13 inches. ~,
—Disinfect t:loroukhly .in these days:arid
look .out.. for antfilti . it levers.; for they-- a l 4 on
hand With thp punctuality of a tax colleAor
and tearfully reldy for. thelfol trade. , , • •,, .„.
P.--gr. B. RI Lyons, iioFaYs up to the tlites
in improv e ments , has placed *street lap, per
haps the finest in town,ll2'.frtnit :of ,This lesi. 7
dence - on Turnpike, streei4r. May his light brio.'
-L----A. month of "the , melancholy days 7i llis
. i I
come and gone - already. -. The "sere and - ' f rel . -
leiw" of Autumn decks the ioliage,:and tht la
dies should not forget .thiit ite..4p. year" is.on
the wane. -
.—A.lthough Montrose has become notec for
its fine sttiewalks; yet we notice an occasional
one which is more of asuccess as a man traP,`
than a- sate throughfa i re for p i edestriars.--r.
Wouldn't it be well to halve theat I. , oked ?
—By an error in making up' the first page :
'of our last paper, the.third column was pat
place of the lath, making it appear a littlemix
ed at the firstgfanCe,bu.t would be easil3 un
derstood upon a closer exs,linination, "Mistakes
will happen," etc.
—The secretary oil the Harlon& Akriculy
ral §ociety has furnishCd us af.apy i of the awald
of premiums, but owing to the press of \ tie
election proclamation and other matters, 'ire
are .compelled to leave it over till next week;
'E--Mr. Byron D. lioon, only sort of Ir.
Vas Koon,and well known liere,now a residint -
of V,hickshinuy, was recenily married to ,*iss
Angie C. Dumas,:of PhiladelPhia. Byron/has
oar \sincere congratulaticus upon his h4:)p
tr;itition'trom a lif of single blessedne#l to
,e4 , g4ity of the l m rried state.
—i if
-On' 1 t while Mr._ and Mis. E.
L., Weeks were at church, theirjbaby got held of
a - greet, card, the coloring' o 'which conttined
arsenid, and putting it in its fmouth,,swilbwed.
so 131116. of the poison . that when first,disover
ed its life was despaired of, but bykilltulmed
' ictil ii4d,\howeyer, it was savea. , , '
--T'ke Tilden and Hendricks Club if Au 7
:burn wil\ have a hickery pole iaising at Auburn
Corners in Saturday next, Oet:-14th, aid will
be aided f ly B. B. Little, A.,H. McOollun, and
others. A. la ali defegation may be eVected
from. Ites'ioppon and othersections. Tira out
lor . Retrethhment d i ßefbrra. , .
—Airs‘Fanny J." Lathrop, "relict 4' Beni.
Lathrop, did at her residence in this IPrough
of. Saturday night list l Odt. ;17th, in fie 80th
- k'uncral •
yeltr of her tige. 'was bed at 10
o'clock a. 'iii yest,erday at her hianzt, afta
which her refitting were taken to Smith tiltige-,
' -water for interment.: She. Was well i in favor
ably knckyn throughout the communit. . •
—Now is the time .to advertise.
improving and-;there is a • general
throughout the country,: that hulnes
kinds will revive/ again: All who are
awake to their own interests` will 'do r w
advertise treelY, just now,'and - let people
what they have to sell,' Where they, are
•:libat.- induceinents they can make s to pural
' ers. The annohncemen ,of wino of- curl
'ing Merchants ean - - air 1 sr be fbund, in
'f'DEMOCALT. 1 , - ' ,
.. , .--:We are pleased, to announce that
:#windlers who decoyed k "Money l aWaffrom 0
s'' , Of our oitizeas *ere Overtaken in Susqueha
id werearrested while, in the show and
',AP disgorge. George P. Lithe, esq., of the
of Littlea& Blakeslee; deserves great eredi
the tact and 'ability. he (displayed in Win
this thing about. had ; a -,Wiley foe Icy
tend with,,who wire ptauticed in all the
~of flecOtioa..fuglawin ling s butthe.y found
once, more, ithin a match in Mr. Little. 6
' of our eititens- seen:Lip, think and talk, t
man.. who ,lost, his money bl them is ju
Oilltypita i lllC,vere : , - 0 ,, Tb*:_„ts nal!: , ..the c -
:Thet 'hid a man, fOr i la deCoy,: who came to ur
town somedays,before:fiffitihoii.. tie pre !id
at -
y l , be a drover and *Pred thin:l,3oi int the
% —confidence of some - Of - a - Ur
people for the ery
1. -T urpose of assisting in defranding . them.,. idle
'.'tve 'tufty' wonde*, ' Oat .Pertfthi 'cif oiii eii zena
. ‘vcre tempted Jty :Wm, let it must be ieclea
,;that martyaigood niatt..haa`beea 43luibt in
.407 ; fame'.ii . 4 l . ,' . 7juniaiY,P4l l ,ire . has' always
!bee, • humaa'ittinre •sinc!,:the - -fall ofs ine;first
in t i., tits and mankind • been tempted More
`than '-, they . : 4 ot4d - ,littrlattd:fallen ,Ifi.ctius 'to it;
'Nit tt 'w tempters; dike the Serpentt ofold, de
serVet3,, V. fr :ie,Olre'd' thenothe:;r l .9nit of othish
;'iaeit ItUla' 46 idelitnitiPti-1 1 B YA ILlal r e forixte'd
. , I hii too, - Ch''4l9)2,' and:, wie intend adhere to
that . .sh.ill ever alter,`"thii,i!. counsel ourhiti=',
(iligh.autliot , sties to use iTery tiieins• in Itkiii
P01v9r1:44,1 MIT' t-11:0Y44.1-4*Plia.:49,.,reafte:f.dooti
, rii i, , ,, wittii r -.01 -Alf ' circuses ire: Mit
suc h fi wingcja :,aiithts one but the surest wafr
W j pregent4hei ~. . ~ , inte.h tt _ mg
F l o
-..",,,,.•t0e- &) . 07' debillaW .
un i : h , , iml:4ll4,_'-__5140.., , , , gAviii;::ta•iwyproaira ;..ii
tning littibit tukli:,000 0 40;:;-:VA b.filf,-.
-.lo4 l 'nc9oses'. Y 2 , k!411 ,1 14 Ogralth9lities' fit
4ditlig this courseltereftftetv 7 ' *
bra account 011ie Sem:Aortal Conferance
appears'on the third page of this papei:
--ardinal red is the favorite wear. just
now w . h , the\ ladies. Whether she is bru
,nette of blonde, as dusky as a Cuban or as fair.
"as a Dirilsh princess, no lady, unless she utter•
ly. repudiates fashion, can go without it.—
Fashhin has declared that this sanguinary shade
does "become" every heigth, breadth and com
plexiei, and the eternaj iaws of harmony of
color go for nothing.
—i-The Tilden and Hendricio Reform Club
\ held a meeting, at theik club, room on,,Saturday
evening , . \The room was packed. J. B. Mc
, Colltn gave one of his candid, cool and con
vincing argumentative speeches., followed by R
B: lithe who made a most.. admirable closing
si ecch.l The club then adjourned one week,—
The club on Saturday evening:next will be ad
dreised by A. IL McCollum, R. B. Little and
—A pamphlet containing, the proceedings,
of the tenth annual . Institute. of SuEquebanna
cOunfy,„ liontroge, Aug. , T2Stb.,ls76, is
in press; and will be issued. in a short
All interested in school work who have not-al
ready subscribed,lshould not tail
,to; 'procure a
copy, It is sold at a .very '.small price—merely
enough to cover` printing and binding. ,Co..
Supt Tilden,.Alontrose,.and Mr. E. Richard
sin, Great 43end, Will furnish them. •
—On , Saturday morning last, .about four
o'clock;.a fire broke out in the residence of Mr.
Geo. Weed, at New Milford, and continued un
til the entire house was. ins ashes. Mr: Weed,
and wife werein Binghamton at the tiinef,and
there,Wasno one in the house but their (laugh.;
'ter end's lady • friend, Mr. Weed inferniS us
that the fire originated , in .the,kitchen,.Where
the stove pipe enters the chimney.- , The
nifure was mostly destrop.A Mr:Weed's loss ,
on I:Wilding and furniture, is about $3,700. He,
had an insurance on thebuilding amounting to .
$1 . ,350 and on fnrniture $l,OOO. The fire.
.spread:to Leßoy & beckees store and destroy
ed the building, 'but theit stock and - fixtures
were mostly saved: We understand their loss
is covered by an. insurance of $1,200. This
fire is particiarly unfortunate. for 1;•r. Weed at
this time as he, in,Compeny with some eight
!Others, Will leave for Central America ih about
ten days, and it will be necessary for him .10
provide ether. quarters ,for his family before his
departure: He will be absent about one year.
After 'each fire in New Milford — there has
been much talk about organizing a fire depart
'meat, but , there has never been anything ac
compliihed. This time'.the subject is again re
10'fied; nnd we. trust
.that 'it may end in estab
lishing such an . institution, as a safe-guard- in
the future, -
—6-The Democraey of. Meshoppen, Wyom
ing county, bad a mass meeting and Hickory
pole raising on Wednesday last and it was one
of The most demonstrative and enthusiastic
(yet orderly,) gathering of the kind we ever
witnessed. They have a wigwam erected that
will hold a thousand . persons, which was pick
ed to overflowing, and by actual count we are
certain there were from 1,200 to 1,500 persons
in and. about ;t. The' meeting was addressed,
both afternoon an - , venirg, by E. B. Hawley
and J. B. McCollumil It has never been our
privilege to hear Mr.' McCollum upon the
stump before. We, together with the whole'
audience„ ltstened to
i bim with the deve
. 4 sat
isfactton,as the candid facts and burning truthi
that fell from his lips,Were presented in,. a for
cible, eloquent and - impressive manner and
"with malice for none and• charity for all."—
The audience receivkd something whicli they
could'earry home with them and tiensure up
in after years. Susquehanna, county was well
represented by as wide-awake Tilden and Hen
dricks Democrats, from 4uhurn township, as
can be found in the State, who came with sea . :
eral four-in-band teams, their banners flying in
the bvieze, headed by the Elk Lake Band, who'
furnished good mimic; The Meshoppen people
also have a very fine band, which discoursed
most excellent music, bbth afternoon and eve
ning. After stieh.ademonstration in the afterJ
noon we could not believe that it vas adviia
ble to attempt any evening display i l but to our
i o
utter astonishment when we ca
..,..., • ut _from
supper the streets:.were abl4e with 250 torches
followed by a large crowd and.the streets, side
walks and porebes were filled withpeople, and
the :Meshoppen,' band were "doing'_'., the music
in an admirable 'style. Xion. - Joseph
exile in on the evening train and,. be and-the,
speakers were escorted to the wigwam which
was'again filled to its utmost capacity, and a
most soul inspiring meeting was 'held.' after
which the meeting adjourned - with a *vote of
thanks to the speakers, the band, and three al
most deafening cheers for Tilden, Hendricks
and lieforM, and .also for= our Congreisinan,
Hon. Joseph PoWell. A Grant correspondent
\ of the Pittston comet, with the usual infamous
malignity, of the basswood reporters and stump
speakers in the,detense of corruption,'said that
-"the Demoerata . of Meshoppen were to have a
big drunk and a small pole rattling." The se
quel shOwed that a baser falsehood was never
uttered, not even by a Grant organ or a 4rant
stump ,sp,ejtkPr.-, A Ilicirpry
,ptde t l2s feet high,
was raised:."-Nit'e saw, not too exceed three or
four persons who' Were in the least intoxicated
and we doi:potkllow whethenthe,,y, Were Grant
Republiciatis *i::not, but ':they certainly had
Grant's symptoms : 'This - was our 'fait visit to
Meshoppen and 'we shall look 'hack upon it as
one of thq most . pleasing'.politieil , exhibitions
'Of•our' whole :life.., We - were treated in 'the
most gentlemauly and hospitable manner 'in
thestreets; at the wigwam and at our excel
; which; by the way, was at as
fine a hOtel as din be found, and is kept by as
fine and competent a landlord .as there is in
- Northern Pennsylvania., His Amine Is S H.
Seacofbb,whom the traveling put:gib well know.
lie - fought in the= 'Union army during the tie
hellion. and , he is now fighting`as manfully in
the army of Tilden, Hendricks and Reform, as
President of the Me,shoppen club. We shoPld
be g,taa to ii.4.'.4r.,k,,m LK 1.1. - 441.1 .- 4 of y,.a,y periott
in attendaneehad we . the room; tor all areda-I , '
serving of- it,. - We . shall hear a good report'
Mini lisahoppen in N9yember. ' r
of _4ll
W• '
1 ~
President Grant and: - wife Tamed through
Viikes;liarre, one day last week.
Miss Susan Dickinson has retired from her
position as literary editor Of the i'ittston Lead-
, .
, .
kson of kon. EL B. Payne, aged 'Olin eight
years, fell frotnat hickorylree at Kingston on
Wednesday.and dieJl trout the effects on Thurs
, •
To-day (Friday) as we go to press it is:re
ported that_the workmen in the. D., L. it W.
pimps have "struck"owingto a reduction of ten
per cent. It isstaied that the reduction com
mences with the sitinried officials and clerkii
(some of whom are redifeed 40 'per:edit.) and
reaches ,to the mechanics q and laborers.—Jour
nal. I -
At Taylorville, on Tuesday, 'fight oc
cured in the saloon of Edmund JameS, and the
proprieter and .It-.yOung,mati named Charles
Carnew were inortally:stabbed, nian named
Thomas Dawes'waaintOxicated,.and got into
dispute :.With.-:the proprietor, : and. was about
to strike him; when a young.manimmed Reese
James interfered and tried
,to:take-bavis-li s orae - ;
thereupon `several in the saloon. attack
ed young Jantea and beat hint
He sucetOdedinzetting outdoors to the road,
and drawing a knife' : went• to:slashing lc phout,
mortally wounding the saloon-keeper and Cor
nell/. The latter died of his. ittjuriei Wednes
day eiening, and James - cannot recover. The
young man and 'his mother, Mrs.-Evans, Were
arrested and brought, to this city and commit
ted. The sad affair is but another instance of
the fatal results of Ile infamous ruin
. The Nicholson Examilier has been enlarg
ed. Put on a new."roller" now, Mr. Walls.
The Tunkhannock- Baud report themselves
ratich pleased with their entertainment at
Montrose . on the day of the Fireman's Parade.
Almon Card,'who' recently escaped jail here
was identified . a few days ago at Lanesboro.
Suiquehanna county, by • a hotel keeper, who
gave him employment to detain him an,lti then
telegraphed to Sheriff Carter, who immediately
answered - the summons and soon returned with
his man. We risk the opinion that he will:not
again leave the hotel de eartei until released
by the court.--Tunkluznilock‘Republican.
A man named John B. Fassett, giving, his
name as Henry Millet, succeeded on Friday
laSt in disposing of two notes, purporting to be
drawn by Judion Luts,. of Monroe, to N, A.
McKown of Forksioi, in payment lot a horse,
the noses amounting, with interest, to about
$14.5. He also sold to J. G. Spaulding on the
same day, a note for $176 in the name of Ja
cob Traver, for which he received $l5O. Yes
terday Mr. MeguOwn learned that the notes
;were forgeries and. procured a warrant before
Esquire Terry for the arrest of tassett, who
was at last accounts in the visinity of 'Forks-
Binghamton has a new paper,
.The . Tinkle
Republican in politics... '
Potatoes - , iLis said, are very plentiful in this
,notwithstanding a Visit frohi tlie bugs.
,This - is .good news acid we may yet brace hopes
of cheap potatoes.—Bliffilormtmi ; Let,der. •
In:consequence-of !Lt.An and uod" . the
'mews' parade which was to 'have taiten' . place
at Binglianiton; on Friday. was postponed
until. Monday, Without change of program Me.
We understand 'that it w 3 a success.
In purnmee of the provisions of the . COnfititution
:and election laws of the Commonwealth of Pen u
sylvanixt, .1,, WM. WHITE. High Sheriff-of the County
of •tinsquehtin do - hereby give, notice to the .eleetori
of said county that an clew Mu will be hel d said Coun
ty on : • I
Tuesday, the . of November • 1876;
. .
[heir;the . Tueid.iy next foll Owing 'the first Monde)
in November] at which time the ,foitovinig officers will
be:elected, to wit :' . . . ,
. .
Twent3•"nine persons for 'electors of President and
Vice-President of - the United Stet* for -- the , State 9f
• .
Pennsylvania. - i , . . . ...- .
One person for Representative 'in - Coepesiirozia the
15th Congressional District. composed.° the counties
of. Bradford, - Wyoming, Wayne and Snaqueb k atina.: • ,
One person for State. Senator from. the;'.1.41.11-Senato
•rial District, composed of the counties 'of Wayne and
Susquehanna. - - .. ,
. Two personate represent the 'county of Susquehan
na in the Reuse of Representatives of the Common
wealth . of rellritYlviulia.-: ..: - , '-:-'. f: ‘, -,--, u
• ,'/: '
One Person ,or Prothonotary of the County of Sus
quehanna. - .
• -tTwo persons for Jury Commissioners for -the ()minty
of susquehanna (each . elector , to vote for - but one 'of
said commissioners. •• . ~ r.. :. ,_ .- :, , , .:-.. ..., ~i
One person for'Auditor of the 'County or Stusquelum
ns. . „
I also hereby make known' and love notice thtit the
places of - holding the alinesaid general election In the
several wards, boroughs, districts, and townships with-'
in the County-,or s,nrqUehanna ir..e,as follows., to wit :
The Election for the district composthi , of the kiwn-,
snip of Apolacon will be held at-the , Election Rouse
:In said township / . --
The Election for the disttict composed . °tap' Wm
- ship of ArariitiVill•he held' at the school- houki ileilit,hp
Presbyterian church in said township. .
!.• The Election for the district composed• of,the town
ship of Auburn Will be 'Kilda the house of Jmes Lott
in ..aid township.
ThO'BicetiOn fer,the dit4ict-composed vcrttielto,wn
ship of Bridgewater wilihe.:held'at the'COdrtlldtise in
the. Borbugh. o.3lontroso. , _ • `_.. • ._ . - .
'' 'The Election. for . the' dietrief,koraposed'Of the: tdwo
' ihip.or, orooltlyu *lll be.. held` ,tit.' the hiiiise*Of James
0; Bullard in'sald.'townoiiii: "
.. ' : .. .'
Theßlection for the district composed Of the town;
'ship of thoeonnt. will be held' at • the, scliciot 'floyaseliear
Edward Clark'ifin said town Ship: -' ' '
.' ' .• - - - --- -r . '
' The Election foi the '.distrtco composed of the town-.
ship or Clifford 'will beheld at aid -house late of John
Rewetson in said township..' .- -,.- ~ , , . • ~-
~.' •
' ' The -. Election for the - district - compOseittif the Dor
(ingli of Doodad' will b • 'Lehi at the Dundtiff 4titoi in
said Borough. - • . .
The Election for the district composed.. of, thelown-
Ship of Ditnock will he held at the house late of T. ..1'
Dibcotkin said township; .
~ ,- ' '.: :.-
The Election fur the' district • composed of the town
, ship or.Porest Lake will be.hold, tithe houke of Mrs,-
' B.ertba Warner in said township.. . 1,,, ~,' , --' ,
.. The Eledtion for the distriet cote. °Se& of tit'etown=
I f
`"whip of Franklin Will beheld:4.'ou ischoOl i liofisekear.
J, M.'flaker's in said township. . .., ",.-.„,- .. , . -• ,:.•''
;,..Thu election for the.dietriet comae - 44ra the ItorOugh
of: :Fri etulsvilk: will beheld at, said
,torOngh.,. '',.\*
• The Election for the dietileteonipoged otthe . ..Boreugh
of Great l3ead will be :held At -the'liouse.ocefipied by
lienty.At.itert in said Borough.' • '• ' .- ~,,.... .
:.. - TheEtection for. the Itist.riet-:Ppmpoied OZ_Ute-I,OIY-n
-'&10 of Great Bead i *ill be held at the hoatiijately,Oc
cupludbY:Bi,44unini„dee!4. ..:, ..,,, • , .- -.' ',, -,.-:., . •
• , fflic..eketion.for the district'OMposerraoworiono
iii...43Nit:Billid Village will,b s s, jteld at tii . etiOns,e taAl3
occupied by E. 'arnutit in Said borOugli;.::,, - .- ...•,. • ' ,
. J. The eleetionfor the district. composeit',°ribe tOvin;
'Ship of Gibson„yeldin i the Academy imildingin
-- ..n.: ~----a,.. .:.=,l- hit, ~4,,zu:L,:,....,,p0•.6. tii iiit.• . vtAiu:-
, ihiP 91104rforit ;OM bP 4!4.4 Ai 41 1 R AYPOsiffi4 °r John
,' :; iW.ctiew , tiajoild..towis, hi* '''' , t`. '.' ' ... 1- j. '':e*;' l ,o ''' . :: ' -7 2 ., L , 2•A , •
' ~ -T tie.ehrtl9l ) ,(Sr . the ; dis4i4,'• 964)044,4014 7 155Y0.
ship of Harmony will be held'. tit' the ihe4e;oli..wid
. tOrtt in siad Ownehip. • .
The El ection for the district composed' of the town.
ship of Herrick will be held at the derrick' 'Centre School"
House, in said tirllol l O- ' • • -'
The election for the district composed o f the townS p
Of Jackson will beheld at the house.ot ElizsieethGeary
in said. tcrisishi.
- The Election for the district - cora - pesedef the town
ship of Jessup will be held et the house of Daniel
in said township.
The Election for thedistrict composed of the township
of Lenox will be heldat the house. 0 11 M Brgthers
iti said townshiP. ' • - -
The election Ibr the 'district composed of the town
ship of Liberty will be held at the Stanford School house
insaid township. -- • •
The Election for the district composed of the town
ship of Lathrop will be held at the Rillsdate School
house in said township. • - '
The election for the district composed of the Borough
of Little Meadows will be held at the School Rouse in
'mid Borough. '
The election for the district composed of the township
of Middletown will be held at the house of Otis Ross in
said township. .
The Election for the dietrict composed of the Borongh
of. Montrose will be held at the Court House in stud
Borough: • -
The Election for the district composed of the Borough
of Now Milford will be Yield at the hoyse of William
Jay hi said. Borough. • '
The election foi the district composed of the township
of New Milford will be held at the house of Philander
Phinney„ in the Borough of New •.liditford.. -
The election for the district composed of the town
ship of oat:land will beheld at the house late of Thom;
as Munson in said township. _ - •
The election for the district composed of the town
ship of dash twill held at the house of N. D. Snyder in
said township.;
The election for the district composed of the town
ship of Springville will be held: at the houge of Dr;
P. E. Brush in said township.
The electicin for the district composed of the towrt
ship of silver . Luke will be held at the house late of R.
liieGerigles in paid township. • -
' The Election , for the district Compbsed of . the- Itirst
Ward of the Borough 'of Suliquelianna Depot will be,
held at the houSe occupied by Chester 0: Chaffee in sai d
The Election for the district compoied of the Second
Ward of the *Borough of Susquehanna Depot will be
held at the hoase occupied by Ambrose Benson in said
The election/ for the district compeseti of the town
ship 'of Thomson will be held at the house late of
Chester Stoddardln said township: ; • _ _
That in Article 8, Section 1 of the Constitution,R is
peclared. "Every mile citizen twenty•one years of age.
t ossessine theifottewiag qualificatieus.shall be entitled
d ) vote at all elections : First.—He - shall have.beea a
citizen of the United States at least one month: Sec
o tid.—He pitall have resided in the State one year, (or if
having previously been a qualified elector or native
born citizen of the State, be shall have removed there
from and returned, then six months,) imatediate:y pre
ceding the eleCtion. Third.—He shall have resided in
the election oiStrict where be shall offer to vote at least
two mouths, immediately preceding - the election:—
Fourth.— If twenty-two years of - age or upwards; he
shall have paid within two years a state or county tax,
which-shalt have been - assessed at least two months and
paid at least one month before the eisction."
I also make
,known and give notice, as 'n acid by the
13th section :of act of July 2, 1871, directed, "That
every person except Justicch of the Peace, who shall
hol.• any office or appointment of piofit or trust under
the United States, or of this State, or of any city or in
corporated district, whether a commissioned officer or
agent, who is,sir shall he, employed under thelegislative,
Judiciary, •or executive department of this State or
United States, or any city or ineorpprated district; and
also that every member of Congress, and of the State
Legislature, and of the select or cordmon council of any
city, or commissioners of any incorporated di islet, is
by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same
time, the office orappointment of Judge, Inspector or
Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that
no inspector or Judge or other officer of any such
election, shall be eligible to any office then to be voted
By the act of Assembly of July 2.1889; it is also made
"the way of-every Mayor, Sheriff Alderman, Justice of
the Peace, Cl:instable, of every city, county, township
or district within this Commonwealth, whenever called
upon by any officer of an election, or by three qualified
electors thereof to clear any window or avenue to the
window of the place of General Election which shall be
obstructed in such a way as to prevent voters from ap
proaching the same ; and it shall be the duty of every
respective Constable of such ward, district or township
within this commonwealth, to be prea•nt in person or
by Deputy, at the place of holding elections, in
such ward, district or township for the purpose of
preserving the peace as aforesaid " '
-Also that id the 4th suction of the act of Assembly
entitled ''Ali act relating' to executions and for other
;purposes." approved April 16. 1840, it is enucted • that
'the aforesaid.l3th section, "shall not be, construed as
to prevent any militia otlicer or borough officer front
servin,g as Judge. Inspector or Clerk at any general or
special electiou in this Commonwealth."
By as Act of Assembly approved the 17th- day. of
April, it is enacted that et 'lOl elections hereafter
held under the laws.of this Commonwealth, the polls
Shall be opened between the honrs of six and seven
o'' lock a. ml, and closest 7 o'clock.-n. in.
$y the act of Miserably .of March 30, 1803, it let en
acted as follows : - • •
bxerox 1. Be - .lt i enactea ,ny the bonate and House
Of Representatives ot the Commonwealth of .Pennsyl
vania is 00nel:it A sSembly met, and it is herebfiact-.
ed by the. anthority. , the same: That the qualitled
voters of the skxeral' counties of the CommOnwealth,
at nil gene - tul. township,horongh„oand special elections,
are hereby, hereafter. anthorized anti required to voti.,
by tickets;; Printed. or written,' seVerally classitied as
follows:_Due • ticket shall embrace the names of- air
Judges ofk.ourts• voted for; and to . be . - tabled. Outside,
-judiciary;" orie ticket shall embrace the names'of ail
state officers voted for, and labeled, "state," One ticket
shall einbraee the names of all county officers voted for,
including orrice of-senator, member, and members. of
Assembly, if voted for, and members of congress, 11
voted for, and be labeled, "county;" one ticket, shall- :
embrace thil , amett. of all
,township Officers voted for,.
and be labelod "tywnship ;" one ticket shall embrace the
naineS of , all borouga officers voted for, and shall - be
labeled "hprough`;" anti each :crass shall be deposited' lit
separate i ballot-bo,ses.'; ,
WitElt.EAS,' - The -Fitt: tenth :Amehanient of the Con
- stitutitni of, ttie United States is as rollims: • 1. The right of citizens •of the llnfted
• states to ve.te shall not' he denied -or abridfzedby the
United States, or by any State. on account of ince, colors
'or preVtous condition of siirkitnde "
DEG; i0N.2.: - ,The,Cong'rei.t; iihalt have poWeritosenforeefl
WI. , art Icie by appropriate legislation "
- And Thu t:oogress of the 'Culled States, on
the 31i ,, ,t duty of March, !Sill passed an act, entitled—
."An Act toenforce The right of cdizensof the United Statei
*to votc in the ,several Ma-t e. of this Union; and for other
nurpoxes.", the dm and S,;.coL.d sections of which are as
St:urn:4 1. Be it enactedl,ty the. Senate and louse of
.12( ;tpa • the United Stater
‘epresentgtives of the United &aces of Amerieti in Con
gress aesettibled, That all citizens of-the United States
who are, or shall he otherwise
_qualified by law. toivote
at any election by the people, in any State; Territory,
district, county, city, parish,. townsip., school district,
municipality or other territorial sub divisions, shall be
entitled and allowed to rote at 'ail such electioes; with
distinction of, race, or .color, or previous condition
'of servitude ; .any Constitution, law, - custom; tillage,
regulation of any State orTerritory, or by, or ande+r its
authority, to the contrary notwithstanding.
"SseTiost 2.And he il' further enacted, l'h•srlf by or
, utider the autnority of the„Constitistion or faw .a o cany
Stdte, or the lairs of any Territory; any act is dr shall
be required to be done as a;prerequisite or qualitlcatlon
for voting, and by such Constitution or law, persons! or
()Meets are or Shall be elut . rgeo - with the , perfortnance of
dialessin furnishing to cittzennaM Opportunity .to. per
tom such, prerequisite, or to liecinne quailified to vote,
it shall be theduty of every Such' person .and- alai? a"
give to all citizens of the, Unite' States ,the same . d
equal opportunity to Pelform sueh;prerequ!site' and' isti
b e come quallflea to Noce without distinction of race poi
or, or previonseomlition of servitude; an if any' such
ferson or otlicer shallrefuse or knowingly built , to - 01..
ull effect to this section. he shall, fnr.ever,y speb,c49l9o,
forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars ti) Hie' er:
son aggrieved thereby, tote : recovered by shitet,ion it
tht case, with full costs and such an allowance for conTtt
_fees ae tho bourt'shairdeorit just:and shirk 'also, fot
- every such plrence, be deetued guilty pf a mi.stlefruetilior.
and shrill oft emir letion'tli hi'elif ' be' fined not 'leti" `thit
live, handr6ddollarov,or t hojinpr ' itipkdnOti kets than one:
month and not more than one year, or both, at the die-'
eretiosi orthecottit.a , ' !:.
1,,; , ,;f -;., ; „.. t :„.,„ „
4ni. wherect,B, IT, ks. declared by the sesond,:seetion ,
the VI - article of the Constitution•or the' United States?
that "This ,Constirulion,Ansi the, lawn. 'of tiro AJniteo
Stateswhieh,sluill be, mule in pursuance therecl, - . AO
be'the supreme laill of , t-tieland, -;„ -;-* *l* ". an this: g it;
the Cortelitup,oncorlatoscf any,4tates to the contrary mi..
with.Bl4:uuling. ` "I ' - - • n. ••
And - wheretti, The Legislature tif title corrunowicalith oh the the eth day of April,• A.,8., 18'11),pass.ed an act. en
titled "A further supplenien t' tO Ibe tid relutlit'tdelet -
Lions •in :this • Cotunonwenith,'! the tenth Stn .fun. cf
Whieli provide's as followk: - - - .
.-szetiort le s ' That so Meets pf every attefassembly
as provides that only whitefreetnen shall be entitled .tC
Vote Or to be - rbgistered as voters, or, as elaithing tisvfirt
,atany general or special ideption of this tionpussiowcalth'
be and the L4iiMo is hereby'repealed, and that hisreafier
all freeMeniWithentilistinetion of c'olori 81111111 W tAitell
,ed and _registered according to the provissirmt,of the
first section approved Aprlllllll,lB6o, entitled' " 4 1tfi'Act
fu r th e r supplementst t to the ae,f,s-vjaung fp the elKtions
of, this Commonwvalth," anti - twit n litti,orwiee qualified
tinder existing laws, be tnititled 'to • Vote. titt'alt - generfil
1 and special,electionß ill. iii qt.Kllinopygattli.V. • .
1 The %lid aboVe. r.citetthiA6trtlitintAnd itet# liniiii '6o'
• eXecii cud and ete/Y A l t t , g e k 9 . o eeres. , roftitert -OVV. O '
fors, electionoflleers, and 'others, that 't le 'irt is tkild
privilegetuiruitfranteuct titeoliss may, b e s ecu i t i a l cienbo
Atizcipi_hc tlibk go tutp9pAvititi k pip tiedt4l tkp *0419_, -,,,
Byte larniesectlbli of lilt-net OrAssnmilir Or mint '
l in- , ;308'0,iPist 4ea,taeti, Alfat:46l efion -41! flie„pni,to mai i
, 1 „,,, 7 -.1,,..„, coilec ri: "‘ 11 .1^ , Attn , 11re7050
fill: 1 Pir9, ';(i7 4 ' 16; 43406 i4it , l . N tAlie. ssis t toq,siii3o:, :i
full.rettirn of the satna.istefri m ate w i th it
return shot,
iii lied,itions,ill PRI' wOlch e tetet fF.SOYTA klfeeek
s tt
•cfuldfditiishal I u'e'gi v'en leafs filtilarUer sierneehraf t ;
words and egailyn.ftni ellil:eliall Ile liltiblitAii
of 'said offieerlia d' cacti d by' ovefseccrif,' it y'l t
not so eertitled, the overseer, a n d any officer
rets r
lag to
I. ' ,
Sign or eertitr.: or • either of them, shall write spot
each of the returns his or their reasons fer not signing
or certifying them. The vote, as soon a* counted-ma. publicly, and fully declared' from the window to
the citizens present,end a brief statement showing the
votes received by each candidate shall be made And
signed by the..election officers.** soon as .the vetsja
counted.and the same shall be, Immediately posted up
on the door of •the election hems° for information 4
.the public. The triplicate returns shalrbe enciosed
.invelopeA and be sealed un sealed resence of . the fficers,
and one envelope, with. the return sheet,givea
to the judge which shall contain one list of voters.
tally paper, and oaths of officers, and i n sp ecto r'imiii
envelopes shall be given to the minority AR
judges living within twelve miles of the prothonotary's
office, or within twenty-four miles, if their residence
be in a town, village, or eityppon the line of a railroad
leading to the county rseat shall, before two o'clock
post meridian of the day after the election, and all the
other judges shall, before twelve o'cloi k meridian of the
second day after the electioln, deliver said return, re.
other with return sheet, to thn Prothonotary of tie
Court of Common Pleas of the county. which said re.
turn sheet shall be filed, and the day and hour of filing
marked thereon, and shall be pr stir ed by the Protim.
otary for pnblie inspection. At twelve i'clock on th e
said second day following any election. the Prothons
tary of the Court of Common. Pleas shall
,preseut the
said returns to the said Court, * * ' S •
The returns presented by the Prothonotary shall be op
ened by said Court and computed by such of its ewer
and such sworn ass istauts as the Court shall appeint,n
the presence of the Judge or judges. of said Court, and
the retnrni; certified, and certifitates of election issue/
under the seal of the Court as is. now required to be
done by' return judges ; and the vote as so compu
ted and certified_ shall he ma-1e a matter of record is
said Court. The sessions of said Court are open to the
public _ • • s- s •- And the other of
said triplicate returns shall be placed in the box and
sealed up with' the ballots. . • * * ;.* •
Whenever a place has been or shall be , provided by' the
authorities of any city, county, township or borough
for the safe keeping qf the ballot boxes, the judge and
minority. Inspector shall after the election shAil be fin.
ished. : and the. ballot box or boxes containing the tick
ets, oat, of voters, and other paper s. have been securely
bound with tape and sealed and the siguatore.of the
judgcaud inspectors affixed thereto, forthwith deliver,
the iame,-together with the remaining boxe,z„to the
Mayor and Recorder of sorb city, or iii counties, town.
ships or boroughs - to such 'person or persons nu the
Court of Common Pleas of the proper county may des
iguate, at the place provided as aforesaid, who shall
ti depo ;it the said boxes and keep the , same to an
swer the call of any Court or tribunal ant librized to try
the merits of such election.
Given under my hand at my office, in ti.e . Tiorm4, , h of
Montrose. the 91. h day' of, October. Anzio Domini IS'
and' in the year of the Commonwealth the ninety-ninth;
[ . WM. WHITE, Sheriff.
Montrose.GCtober 11. 1876. . .
CASH CAPITAL 6100,140.
ri..113.134 Co l li7M3^l
To their new and commodious Bank Building oa
• . Pub lic Avenue.
Transacis the business of
4ttd Ottle;l3.
New York, First Nitional Bank • Philadelphia, Phila.
delphia ration al 'Bank, --
. • WM. J. TURRELL . Pnesmanr.
Montrose, March 25,1876.
Zlac.zatz• c•os e •
Capital Represented, *100,000,004):
Fire Association of Phil., Capital Assets, $ 3,500,0 K
Insurance Co. of N, A., Phil., " • " 5,000.000
Pennsylruila Fire,. Phil., 5 " 1 "00 000
Co.of the State of Pennsyl
vania, Phila. Pa.
Lycoming of Mammy, Pa. "
Lancaster of-Lancaster, , • "
:...ewton of Newton,
Home Ins. Co., N. Y., 46
National " . , "
Co nierciai Are " •
Fairfield- Fire Ins. Co. South
Norwalk, . Colin." s .
Atlas - •; . • • , 55..
Royal Canadian.. of Montreal.
Liverpool. Loudon dr Globe,
of Liverpool Eug., "
Providence Washington,' of
Providence, R. 1., "
Trade Las. Co. Camden, N,`.T. • "
Patterson Fire Ins Co. Patter
Con ti al Lite t Aeeette
American Life. Pt`_ 2a: • 4.
. ,
a ,
T ravelero s, Co., Bait; 0401tal and g $ 3 . 1 N 014 C
RA4WAYTAIVIangeIIi • • s!: 1,500,00b
is s, •
Thetin' :
difrAtgited has beenyre.l kncown tu thlsconuty,fpt
tlepastib years; as 14bl:trance Agent: Losses ens
tatnea,by 114 qompai twigs.naytt, Always been promptly
113rOtIteennstalti 1 / 4 - .liArathltrig , emit from Banking
Or;ljgesl4 ; )vui,l4,copp4r ah.c.O., Turnpike street.
• • B ILL IN GS STROIjD' Agent,
cFIA.RLES 81411 1 11 -it-
41 i 1 9; 3 N1C444§1 ""' "" , "? 4 / 3 ! , •' •
* • S. LAllGlDt)li,sollcltor.
It'ontrbse. Jin. .-Ig7
s liotp•
U ,-, • tott; AGONS;""eAR
.4L-!,!..ittAGIES.; A NikEILKIGRS ; ::'! 1 ", •
PlllO. LIST.
(lobelia thOrt -- notice, cheaper than the
chteaPos .
F,I rel 7 * cla ,Phtetoie , •
" " • .umber wagons. - - - •
t• 1 .! Pirtfionnefrom $l4O to , - •
flint poi enan'fie- • St.+lo
corkand eet : .; k .x,;, • : • • 'ota
r , set per span „ : sl.oo Alt work Niarrauied. - . 60 And examine ray etock
beSor9 pnrchatiire elsewhere: -
llnrford April td„ '7o.—tf
t.%. >IMO OA .40410riAP.Volititidt4ty. the Orphans'
Coirrt'o tlitsquebaunat County to distrtbutd the funds
I•Tensatutux..iti thO''hsUds !•v,t ilkteuror of 'the
, .
.14:-1140W0114,0Ft,116t1k, Wok ;Olt our/bleb time
and place nil perhcor interested, will pretteoL
isrbb -totreitstr-dtbsrted-froitr Coming In on mild
tiuml D •
.-• '"".W.811011.11;Anditor.
Sept. 18. 1876. 87,16
" • 700,000
" 6,000,000
-1,, 17,0cv,000
I vvic.
4 4.4,:;
W otts4TßHovp...