tatut and giuotheld. , Award or premiums: , Premmths awarded at the Thirtieth Annual Fair of the Susquehanna County Agricultdral Society; ht4d in Montrose Sept6mber 13th and 14th, and then id liousEs—Best Stallion, 4 years old and journed to September 21, 1 1876. _ upviard,; L. T. Birehard, $5. s Best brood mare and colt, Chas. H. Ely, $6 ; 2d hest, I. .P. Baker, $3. Best single=geldin, foyer 4. years old, raised in thb county, Micheal Heffren, $5. 1 Best si ngle mare, over four years old raised in the county, E. G. Warner, $5.. Best parr matched , horses raised in the county, M. J. Harrington,j Best pair three-year-old colts.. W. R. Caswell; $4. Best three-year-old colt, (D. 1. Kinney; s3_,. 2d beg, - G. B. Horton, $2. Best Yearling colt, C. Ely, \ s2: Bost sucking colt, Horace Brewster,. $2. I 1 t PasteSt ipairwalking• hor'es, ink harness, . 1 twice, ku l Lound track, Daniel . 'Wart; $5. \ Fastest sin gle horse :Ili arness, twiCe , around Itrack, Charles: summers, $2. Judgs-H - 11,;.F.Grifhili, Darin O. Mink ler, E. 113; Smith. : --- . • -:';' - .. i DtTuffAms:-13 est :herd pf. six, titiltand five. fe4ttles; IV. IEI. ,li-_ , Ssup,. *10..' • , .. • Best bull, two years - old and Upwards, ,Wm.. Ilf Jessup, $6, ; 2d be . stiPhillip Dbriv . i, $3. -1.:. - - • :•' i.• - . \, . . '. ' ' Btst IDurham' cove,'; .years old end. up , wards, Wm. IL Jessui•, 5; 2d best; Cas. Somme rs, $3.- . .. .. ,- . • . Best Durham bull; .1 veer old, H. C. .& A. 11. - Conklin, $5. ‘ i . , PwstlDurham°. heifer, 3 years'\.old WM. H. jesSup, s3;2d hest, 4'. 11.. - 13 an nel I, $2: - Beat Durham heifer, ', years old. IV .H. ' Jessup; $3 ; 2d .best, H. 'C. &A. 11. - Conk lin, *2. - • • • Best Durham ,heifer, 11,year ' •• old, WM. H. Jes Sup, *3.- -•- .. • - !. . •BeSt Durham' :bull Cal' , . .P-ere ' Conk lin. $3l. . •. .. - Best, Durham hiAfer,.Wm...H:Jessup,s3. ; . GRADE DURELLMS.-.-t , herd of six, bull and five females, H.C.. & A. IL Conk • • 1 . lin, $5. .: , , , • • ' . • 1 . 0 ' Best bull, 2 years Old aMi upwards, J. W. Alen, $3. .. . • !,' 0 , . Best cow, 4 years old and. up: wards W. - H. Jesup, $3. .- . ' • • - '... \ : ' -.- Best heif;l l , - 3 years old, .11.. C. & . A . ,.. H. • ,Conklin, $3, - I . 1 • Best 4 yearlings, - _,Wm. H. Jessup, *3.• Best 4 calves, H. C. &.'A. H. Conklin, • $3:. -. '•• . -- • . '-,. .' .1 . ' • - . • *- Best bull•calf, Phillip Doran; $2. 1... 0 • • Beet heifer calf, E. C. Potter,.s2. 1 Judges--41enry - - Halpin .. , i Christopher 'By'rne; A. H: Allen. .. •- 1 . . . , .-,. • . DEvoNs—:Best herd ' of six, 'bull: and five female4'p...4. - I : Banker,lslo... ~;: --'. s-, • SeSt.bull,2 years-old and: : upniards,.E: T.. !Litany -*az 2d- bat, - Wm. H Jones, - • ._ ,-. . ' $3. .- . ' -.-.: • ~ ' ...,\ . -; , ", Best bullil yerit oldib, &.„L - Barr,ss, Beat 'cow,,,4' years 'Cud,. and . upward, :E. T. Tittany, $5 : 2d best, D. - . .&: J,. Banker, $3. • Best heifer„ 3 years oid, D. & Bank er, $4 ;' 2d best, E. T. Tiffany; Best heifer, 2 years,old, E. T. Tiffany, $3 2d best, D. &J. anker, $2: j. ' Best'l year . old, D. &. J.ll3auk r. $3. Best heifer ,calf, E. T. Tiffany; bun, Win. 11. Jones, $3. ' DrvoNs—Best her of six, bull and Ore females, James A. Bunnell, $5 Best cow, 4 years old and upward, ;E. T. 'Offaily, $3: Best heifer, 3 years old, C. J._ Hollister, $3. Best heifer, 2 years old;J. N. Austin, $3. ..Best heifer, 1 . year old, James A. Bun nell,l $3. Best, 4yearlings, O. Hollister, J.\-Ba.. 'Befit 4'ealves, llollisier,s2. ' Best bull calf, O. J. 11011ister, 2. Judges -C.`T l'errigo; J. D. BeelsP b Moore. AizOlista,.7rßefit bull, years fold and !urriiiird,' W. t. Bullard, $6. Best bull, 1 year old, s.,sriMitchell - , $3. 'Best heifer, 1 year '`old, S. L. Mitchell , $3. '. . ,KrinnuriEs—test., .herd, hull' and five lemalo, OhristOpher 'Byrne, $lO. Bestiticill; i i:V:Butterfieldi $6., A ; Blest now, J. F. Butterfield,ss ; 24best, Oh nstopher „Byrne, s3l' - - *et heifer. 4.,.,..yeara, pm Byrne, $3 7211'. beg - Ciffislopher'SYrne $2.1 - Beat trailer, 2 years-old; J. F. Butter field, $3 ;`2d best, Christopher Byrne; $2. Best heifer , calf, +c hgistopjlerl3yrne $3. Best bull c alf, J. F . Butterfield, 431 , 13E4 MA-Grade Ayrshires; bu ll alid , s females, J. F. ButterfießT,46.. A Judges--H. S. c0n1441 1 Wm . . - Jones, W. N. Hall. ‘L Oxv..pimSTßEns.—Bestpair wOrk ii: oxen D." 41; J. Bauker,--$6,-2d best, E.T.. Tiffany,' 4 3 * 1 - L 5 '" Bes4Atair steers, 3 years old, E. T. Tif-' fany, $3 d best, F. L. Iluirister;l2. *st - pair - steers," 2 years 91d, p r e& J s Banker, $3 ; 2d best, W. W:Billlard`,l2. Best pair steersl. year tl old,E.aT.' finks! . Belt pairosivea.biotceti .bb boy,'Sani • uel Patey,.a douirs24:t::best-1 , 1:: L. Hol ister;ldollars. , : - . Beat piir fat cattle,l •F.Bitterfield, toners.-i . JUitgetWm , T. A:6'64761: win '!-Clas4„,PrichariL 844007-Best 'fine-wool buck 0.1 dollars; 2d. best, L. TJ4irthar4 . 2 doilos.,. cop iTt0 . :007:14 -- :It/ 3661: d; 3 dailiiii. r BOtirrie:100I IMO* fOktiro6rdi,, 3 d o ft,.*,4. Beitioaiie w.ikot , 5 dollars; 2d best, L. T. Birehard, 2 dol lars.: • Best 3 coarse wdol ewes, F. H. Bu nnell $3. - ; 13 . 'st 3 coarse wool lambs, E. Bun: hell, 2 dollars.: ... .„ Best middle' wool buck, H. C. & EL Conklin; .3 dollars; 2d best, H. B. Ruesell, 2 dollars, Best t'-ree middle wool ewes, Wm. T. Austin, 3 dollars ;k2d best, H. C. & A. H. Conklin,` 2 • dollars. .Best 3 middle wool laxnbs, T. ,Austin, 3 dollars. SwlN . E—Best' boar,_ H. S. Conklin, 5 dollars; 2d best, Wm. t , Austin 3.dol lars. • - liteo brvding.sow, Daniel Stuart, 5 dol la.r_g; 2d best, IL- S.. Conklin, 3 dollars. fudges—Patrick Byrne,- Milem Birchr aru, 0. J. Hollister. .POULTRY - best trio turkeys,D.J. Bank ; er, 2 dollars. \ Best trio dark Brabinas, J. F. Butter field,' 2 dollars., • - Best trio light Brahmas, D. & J. Ban. ker . 2 dollars. Best trio Haniburgs,,..D..W., Austin 2 dollars. Best trio Bantams, Myrot Moon 2 dol . :- lars. Best trio Ducks, Hunting Sayre; 2 dol- Iftrs. 1 - Judges. E. Baldwin,. Harry Slitith. , Or ville Hancock. 'HOME VRODUCTS—Best tub June But ter, Marvin Hall, 5 dollars; 2d' best, F. Ili Bunelf, 3 dollars; 3d best, P. H. Tif . fauv '2 ' doll4rs• 4th best, F. H. Hollister, Best tub September butter, F. H. Hol \lister, 5 dollars 2d best, Horace Brewster, 3 dollars ' •.3d best, Wm. 11. Jones, 2 dol lar;Ath best, H. Bunnell, 1 dollar . . Bebt cheese, Bridgewater, Uheese Corn pa,)y,. (Ellen 8.-Decker manufacturer,) 4 dollars: \ 13est 1.0 lbs. roll butter, Mrs. Marvin Hail, 3 dollars ; .2d best,\ C. L. Horton, 2 dollars. . Best gallon - cider vinegar, E. C. Potter, 500. B-st honey, Jerome Tiffany, 1 dollar. SEEO.---Best bushel corn ears, M. Hall, 3 dollars; 24 best, H. C. &. A. H. Conklin, 1 dollar. _- . Best 4 bmhel white Winter wheat, M. L. Catlin, 2 dollars, Best j. bushel spring, wheat, ,G. P.& D. 0. Wells, 1 dollar., ' Best f. bushel rye, J. W. Tifla,ny, 1 dol lar. Best bushel oats, Wm. H. Jcssup, 1 dollar. Best 12 ears sweet corn, W. FL Jestup, 50. SPECIAL PREMIUM.—Best acre of winter wheat, Wm, Stockholm, 25 dollars.; .Best acre of spring wheat, M. L. Cat lin. 20 dollars. ,An error Is claimed in the' . award of , thus premium, which the Judges and com petitOrs desire to bp considered at the an nual Meeting in January.. LEATHER ..&r... —Best Ringlo listr_rulacvN -S. Pitman 2 dollars. IMPLEMENTS—&c.. Best r•low, Susq'a Co. Agrl'l Works, 3 dollars; harrow, 1 dollar cultivator, 2\ dollars ; strawcutter, 2 dollars • churn power, 2 dollars; wash ing machine 1 dollar-; 1-horse power and thresher, 3 dollars. Best, horse rake, Daniel, Stewart, 1 dol lar. • • . Best InowiTig machine, L. B. Parks, 6 dollars.; 2d best, Susq'a Co. Age' works,' 4 dollars. Best fanning mill' and power, J. Flos ford, 5 dollars. Judges—Hyde Ceocker, Jr,.C. F. Wat lons, and M. V. Sutton. DOiIESTIC MANT.TBAcruriEs.—Best 10 yards flannel, Mrs. Edwin Tiffany; 2- dol lars ;2d bist . W. SOuthwell 50c.' Best 10 yards rltg, carpet; Mrs. W.,W. Bullard, I dollar; 2d-best, Mrs. E..C. Pot-- ter,- 50c. Best pair wool socks, Ellen Se.a4e, age yeari, 50c. • , Best. pair mittens,. Sarba Tiffany, 50c, Best 10 yards linen cloth, Mrs. F. Hollistet, 'doller ; 1 2d best 10 yards towl lng, I dollar. is Beat-10 yd's eassirnere,W„ A. South well, $l. FINE \ ARTS, ORNAMENTAL NE.EDLE-, IVORK, 4 1 0.—Bestqt4lt „,ttny Mrs.' Jemima ildoitato.r!, , iNßeat spread v itirs; , G. A. Lindsey. 2 dol. ,•1 FRUIT AND = V.:Eci#ASLRK.-Biat, • and greatest :variety ofiminter apples, Orville Hancock, 2 dollars.. , ''Best snit g iefitestr*iiiqty ; • ,fall E. L. Weston, 2 doilatril; Best and,grpatestvarjety, of,f4tra, Wiit r oi4 2 'dbileik - ' ' " Best,tuld'zgreateiV *firititt - ' , l of -iiiiiiiabtl; ! W.:W.-Bullard, 1 dollar.. - - Best' and greatest variety 13:,Stnith,2 dollars; 2d best, Daniel Brott:. man,p9c; """ . ---- hest. and greatest - variety,nt: yegatatiles, Rim:Ti: IT.000.01),::a . 1161114 v. Beat ,0 cabbage .headffp .S. ' il3elit 5 squashes; stin. Best purnpkMs Paniel,Stmart, 500. :1 ; :Beat 12 Onion, F. H. ": Bekl2 - tomatoes, Horace s!'ovei• Beat bushel •of ;pcitatoes,. , 400. Best bushel' , dollar.- - ''.‘ ;,.. , riiigeaTesetibr .Jamesoni::ll;.f Ber,=- , tli6ll,.and J. W: Allen. ' 1 , 1 ,, • ` ;e ; s tans AND CABINET- ;3t.apii,„ - 12•Tifir, Cotricrit.-4Beat (nianisfa9tiireCby i r ,2 t 4, l ,, , Piirdy,)• '4 Apjlaro; carriage, E. ' 40 1 1 4'4 ~ .'••. ... ), I'4') Ulan .THE ': ilia*Kft-Oi.. Q,:i.o)-:ii1R774.-Tiigi.6- ; 11' Best democrat wagon, E. T. Purdy, 3 aoilars: The improved a'nd patent side spring on a buggy, of M. T. 'Jackson, is'Worthy of special mention,' and we recommend - a Diploma. - &lit tidy, Mrs A: B. Potter. I_ dollar. • Best chair cushion, Mrs. H. H. liar: rington, 50c. - • 1 'Best - knit shawl, Mrs. James Melhuish, 500. ' Best collection *of flowrs, Mr Joseph Lines, age 76 2 dollars: Best vase of flowers, Mrs F. H. Bunnell; 50e. and bouquet, 500.- r . Besp .lamp mat, Mrs W. W. Bullard, 50c. - Best speciinens of Worsted - work; Mies Eva -Tiffany, 50e. . ~• . Beet i prilaineatal work, limit Sayre, 50e. . Best - pontnatiship, J. Willis' Demo, 1 Judges—Mrs. J. Lyons, Mrs. C. F. Perrigo, and Mrs. F. H. Hollister, UNENUMERATED' AliTlOLES' 2 llo.lnderL.. sitined; . .Jtidges . On' tTnenittnerated Articles report that'we have examined all pertain ing to this ores ; and would state that, though many of . ..the - articles.ehibited, are worthy of . - meritorioutt: . mention, yet w do not feel authorized . to• mend any premium as in •most 'of the. articles. exhibited- there was. nO•coMpeti tion ; yet we feel that the .06nks of the zicleiety are due - the ehit,stor. Mrs. Wm. T. Austin and W. A. South- . . well exhibited samples of woolen - yarn that was very fine.' • • . Mrs. E. A. Foiter -a:toilet; set .needle-book,.aud fancy baeket, of thread,. work,. that e7 . idently. took 'sortie time to make. Minting &iv . exhibited some fine specithlnS . of . bracket and -scroll work that show much care andskill in mann, fadUre. • ' , J. F. Bronson had on exhibition a "Wood's Organ," 10 stops. As it did not speak for itself, and no one being present to make it, we cannot speak' ,as to its merits. ' MA - G. 15r. Lockwood exhibited a wreath of hair flowers, the hair evidently having come from beads yong and old. and of all colors (the hair we mean) ; and one could not help admiring the patience and per Severance she had in the accumulation of materials and in put ting them together in such beautiful shape. An old fashioned, wedding dress was on exhibition made in 1810,,50 scantin skirt that our maidens now-a-days would wait , long ere they would be tied in the knot matrimoniatm such It dress. No need of pull-backs there. The dies& was worn by Mr‘ - Israel Richardson. B. C. Sayer exhibited a broad-ast seed and plaster sower. Phelps & Pease,of Binghamton, N. Y., bad on exhibition several 'fine conehee, Gothic,. Gondolia, 'Gilt frame, &c., and also ord'..s - • :R. uitrAmv.l.' seemed j !..!L ust the thing for those that are. constitutionally timd—.--otherwise your committee saiih not. • I Jodges--J. R. Lyoni, Mrs. D. 0. Mink ler and Mrs. James Sprout. PLEIWING MATalf.—Pie Plowing Match was held Sept. 2d, on the farm of J. F. Hunter, in Bridgewater township, six teams competing. FirSt premium, A. H. Conklin, 8 dol lars; 2d best, C. :.J Allen, 6 dollars;" 3d F. H. Bunnell, 4dollars; 4th, James A. Bunnell, 2 dollars. • A special premium of 2 dollars is recom mended to Fred.-`Hollister, a boy of 12 years old, for some very fine workman ship, done with a p.iir of three-year-old steers. Judges—Dorr S. Gregory; Jeremiah Banker, and A. H. Patrick: ' H. IL SKINNER, Pres.. D. 'humus BREWSTER, ' See. B. L. BALDWIN,. Treas. • B. R. LYONS & CO., RAVE RECEIVED LARGE ADD44orits\ 'TO,'THEIR &rocs or CARPETSL.OitCLCom I6 ',....S, I ""..,RITGGET MATTING'S, SHADES . , PAPER HANGINGS AND' ENAMEL CLOTHS, COTTON:YARN, i ,C9FFIN" !NUM ' ;.„ XING% =MEE PLATED:WARE,Dtet'd:Ofki,SAND . GRocup,r,ss, PAINTO, - OILS, 1.,' 'DAMASK; REPai =Mil Att -OF - oft; 'JAY Di wo rAmitit ~S i' :y MEM TRLINKS • UMBRELLAS,RUBBER ' GOODS, JaC - 4 ." • , I.;1 CALloo,7 t Strtg*PeA ‘5" ri""' I,SAARDI f it ": 4 4 fo'ltiS At CO • Di yti , • A Ifontrose, January ‘,‘ , FARM FOR BALA - ~ e ~' 1. 1 1 .The fribiftelber offOlutifor Mitt ' isiVaplte_il ',swat Lake,.conta ining ig4oopairfa 65 acres 50liiip 4itl. will AeOP Oireltre pyri W,411 weiritetifs Alto' * ... rib!' aft, e "Hie it nice young orchard. Timm I be made easy. rpr fertherelfirt or AtiStritai ./., --1 4, .11c,XilliS*1141' you. la, iva.;-tt- =Mill INIEII =MEM ~ t , 1 . n; : i ''•A',.•;-';': ...1'„•.1.;',.i Business Cards:. ' R. ..ELLEN E; CEELL, PH.Y- . alma n and Surgeon, graduate :-of the Woman a Medical College or the N. Y. Infieftnary, then rest dent physician fora year in-the Woman ' s Hospital in N. Y:: after four years' practice in Fon du Lac. Wis consin, has located in '3lontrose. Special attenticm given to diseases of : 'omen and children. Office alt the foot of Main Stree', in the old David. Post home stead:, _ Montrose, Dec. 15, 1875.--Sm*nso D. BA.LDWIN, •M. r•.; 110A10E 1 1 - • pathie Physician. and Surgeon. _has located himself at Montrose. where he will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted, to =his care.— IlleitrOfilee in Carmalt'a building, second floor, front. Boards at Mr. - E. Baldwin's. - Montrose, Pa., March 10,075. , D. W. W. SMITH,, DENTIST.:— Rooms at his dwelling, next door north of tor. Ralsey's, on Old Foundry street, where he would be happy to see all those in want of Dehtal ork. He feels confident that he can please all, both in qualityof work and in price. Office hours from 9A. x. . to 41'.x. Montrose. Feb.ll, 1874—tf VALLEY HO USE t :GREAT BEND, . Pa. Situated near the Erie Railway Depot,. . IS a large anti commodious holm. Has undergone a thorough repair. Newly furnished roomnaud sleep. ingapartments t splendid tables,atid all things compris ing a Ilist class hoteI.:',:HENRY ACKERT, 15ePt. 10th, 1573.-tf. . Proprietor. _ , BILLINGS . STROUD, Film AND* Life Insurance Agent. - All businessattendedtO promptly.on fair terms. Office first doorefiSt oldie bank of Wm. It. Cooper & Avenne.blont foie. Pa. [Ang.1,1.1369.] J.tly 17, 1872. - Brnr.trtos STBOXID. T HE P,EOPLE'S" MARKET PHIL-' lialin;Prepiletor. Fresh :and Salted: Meats, Flame, Pork, Bologna Satvage.ete„ of the beet qual ity, constantly on hand, at price: , to snit'. ~Ntoutroee;Pa., Jan.14,1878,-1y • ' : EDGAR A. TURREI44. COUNSELLOR AT LAW; N Broati*ay, New 'York City. May 12. '75.--(Feb .11. 187C - 1 y) • TTLES AND - BLAKF4SLEE, .I , torneys at Law, Montrose, Pa. 'Oilice opposite the Tarbell Souse. . • : R. B. LITTLE, ._, GZo., P. LITTLE, Montrose .oct. 15,1.872. BLAKESLEE. ' W. COOLEY, BUILDER, STILL ,ON. THE TRACK I • Every style of buildings, erected,' and everything furnished, at GREATLY REDUCED PRIM. Contracts cheerfully furnished. Stair building a specialty. None but experienced workmen tolerated.• jan.20,'75. Montrose. March 22.1876.-41 ' • • B. DEANS, DEALER .IN • Books. Stationery, ' Wall Paper, Newspa pers, Pocket Cutlery, Stereoscopic Views, Yankee Notions, etc. Next door to the Post Office, Montrose, Pa.W. B. BBANS. Sept. 30, 1874. < VXCIIAIN GE HOTEL. M. J. HAII --4 rington wishes to inform thepublic thathaving rented the Exchange Hotel in Montrose, he is now prepared to'accommodate the trrfeling pnbllc first-class style. • , Montrose, Aug. 284878. BURRITT, DEALER IN -STA , • pie and Fancy . Da Goode, Crockery, Hard, wale. Iron, Stoves. Drugs. 011 s, and Paints, Boots `and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fars, Buffalo Robes. Gro ceries, Provisions, acc. Now Miltord. l'a.,Nov 6, '72—tt. JOHN GROVES, FASHIONABLE t-1 Tailor, Montrose, Pa. Shop over Chandler's Store. -Ali orders, filled In first,-class style. Cutting done to order on short notice, and warranted to fit. Montrose, June ZIO, TIM, D. A. LATHROP. AM/HMS -IEI tern Blear° Therinal - Baths, -at 1a e Foot of Chestnut street. Call and 'consult in all Chronic Diseases. EWIS KNOLL , SHAVING AND la hair Dressing. Shop in Searle's new building, below Express Office, where he will be found ready to•attend all who may want anything t n his line. Montrose Pa. Oct. 18, 1869. V T. PURDY. MANUFACTURER of wagons of all kinds. Also makes a specialty of wood Work for tale. Repairs promptly attended to. Uses only best stock, and aims to make only first-class work. - • • 28,1876.] DR. W. L. RICHARDSON, PHYSl cian and Surgeon, tenders hi norofession als er-, vices to the citizens of Montrose aid vicinity. Office at his rssiderCe,cin the corner east of the Penh drV.; fAng.l, 1869., 'QCOVILL AND DEW ITT, ATTOR kJ Days at Law and Solicitors inßankruptcy. Office W 0.49 Coartgtreet. over City National Bank, Bin as ratan, ' Wm. H.ScaviLL, Joao 18th, 1813 JEROXI DEWITT. • PAGLE DRUG STORE, IS THE place to2get Drugs andldeaffines, Cigars, To bacco, Knee, Pocket-Books, Spec - tales, Yankee No' tiote. &c. Brick Block , A. B. BURNS. Montrose, Pa., May sth; 1875.' ' . - F ;PITCH,,:ATTO RNEY. AND -IL4 I . Councellor 7 st7law Montrose, re.'Office se heretofore, beloirlind *rest of the .90120 ~ Montrose; January lef, 1875.—L1y. • , . LYON ;:I.SITOCESSOR TO' t4•'rttrrelli dealer .:'-SUCCESSOR brngb. Medicines; (hemicals„, Paintsi , Dye , stuftlN : Tess, Spites, .IPanby*Goodi;Jewetry i Pertuniery, &c. MOntrose. )1113'. 49. 1676.."1 TT 0. WILEITON - " , 4I • • `o.llltEsotinticti , /MD Liirrittelitirii)*;`" . 1 , : ; 1 littj - •ly ; acidreeililrninkihr Porky: ‘. .8:a141/.04P41..gt4,Pai 0. WARREN, ATTORNOi*,',4 , Law, Bounty, Back P4'; . :r4iniitoti ;kid Az enini::ork Claims - attended to. Office fire oor Ibel.'witoyd'eStore,/dontrose.Pa. [Aug.l.43tfa -r , .., 1 .1.0 T 1t-hAVTO , ty: AT LAW • t , " • oit troee., ectlope prompily fittendeit, to. Steciallittentiat iiveCtO econveyqnoag P 4 OP, &iris Court pptetiriAl Office` 'tat' rublir:Aventio over Ors liagocat, wk, pack. ,iftnarch lorci NATlTAttitst . r.Tra . ati guitNitY(siti , 13" v a 3 ha t t:o _rust enlikietWe•ln the Inuihielik Will dattlfte'tol hd calls is tax pxo,fee4ipne.,, ; monposer, Sept:l6;ls:7:4* Vit SAilta, OASiNET'AND ,v, Y, • Chair Mantifactureir. Fobilit lds3n gtreet, MlOrose, Pa.' rang;AL 1869'4f 4 AtT vetv 11'00_ - w.' 'il•ut , i B bi F n 4 e 7 e'th •— stoterolAttl' INTllttheßrikßlOcktltAeiv:iFA: ,L4uct a111FF.034 , SAYRA-DRAMEII Aardynkivaron,liatli. Grocerleo and Piavy4tons, 00 4ilEitozio. laPPalla romeed Tin WO', 4t4.;,,k. • • • _ ••Epargt; I 1 .1 B. & A. H...„49001 # 14.UM AT. Ltp•• tornve at Law. Made 'over W. IL Cooper' it Veit Hank, oetrose. f's. May 10, 11331 —tt • I f ooto :41 , 1 .01 • Lsvi, mr i ttrgise, Pa. -OEM lifer Wm; It - Cativo - Jr' Bak; Mottb.odetiTti!. Jai:sth, z , :. t „ I OILBEHTI S •JOIENBON;' 1 *re trot writ, tl‘ I . :fi a!e h4''.>.'4:l, l' 1 . , 1 •_. ~ , ...„ „ , ..,,.:,., , , .p. olsi, ,r , :AriVitNEY,, f 1 equ f ;Iv,. ! A." w, 1 .4) - akovAirok: istiß6h- - 43 b 44 ' 1 i arick B W4— l• +lll ti li cii4F- 96 0) 1 1 6 10 4 -00 4 . 1 :. e tr z ,l ,A, m istlrlixiiH (1 , ail. "1 , ,) noligi P.lB,•tio I oxito to *il : .,-;11 .4 : .f.-I' , 1 -',50, 3 f r fir41 1 44.1fr: .1 , 4 .1v. - 1 4:lt, ff - . / ha t e i ; 14. ittirt i r i=.4.-.:: ~ ;::,-30 t , -1 - a. ..4-: „, . 4 ..., , 4 1 14rAllit :i; ii.-„,;!„, - iireoldiya. Paw. ' . . Cards S: POTTER, lIENTIST WISIms I..af 41 to inforin - the people of Montrose snd Vicinity., that he is permanently located, in the secon d story of it ` P. Stamp's new building; opposite Cooper's Bank. AI kinds or,Dental Work: done in the beet manner. 8.-4•Nitrous,o.x ide, Laughing Gars, given for m Intitih3iis extraction' 'of. teeth. Montroen 2 AprliStit,"lBl6.--tt . • BACON; ,WILL HEREAFTER Au. furnish the'eltizeur of 'Montrose and Vicinity, with thst-class Bread, .Bustuit, Rolls Pies, Cakes and Cookies, Tarts, &C.. &c., fte Parties and Weddings supplied, and quality guaranteed. rirDinin Room* np stairs, where Geo. Call's will be found rea dy to sat isfy the cravings of the inner man. Montrose, attiffia. R. ' BACON, N EW MILFORD MACHINE SHOP. All kinds of machinery made, or farniehed tool. der. _Repairing proMptly attended to. _ • • JlOl.lllB HULTZ, New Milford . .34uv . 17. 1,r6.—1y, W M. A. CROSSMON, ATTORNEY • at Law. Offtee over the. Piret Nation Bank, Moutrose,Pa. W. A. Caosaxox. • • triontroEe. April 19; 1876.--tr. ,cs. PILL MAN & CO, FIRST • NA— Auinal k Pa., Dealers E s. `bry Goods , Goads, Booti‘ Shoett„ &c., ac. [April 20. '70.--tfl • E. SNYDER; M. D. ) lIOI.IOCE ■• ••. pathic•Plysician and girgeon, New litlford„ Pa.: eine° at the Union Hotel.. , Ang::23, 1876. 7 11 •- • • • - Banking;; fAe., - p A.NKING,HOUSE WM. IL COOPER SI, CO., MONTROSE, PA. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE COLLECTIONS' MADE ON ALL POINTS AND PROMPTLY ACCOUN TED FOR AS HERETOFORE. DOMESTIC - AND FOREIGN EX CHANGE FOR SALE: UNITED STATES & OTFIER BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. COUPONS AND CITY AND COUNTY • BANK CHECKS CASHED AS USUAL. OCEAN STEAMER PASSAGE. TICK gTs TO. AND FROM EUROPE. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SPEC TIME DEPOSITS, AS PER At_ MENT WHEN THE DEPOS, • IT IS MADE. • In the future,ns in , the past, we shall enOdav or to transact' all . money business to OJ-satis faction of our patrons and correspondfdts• - WM. 'Et. COOPER Af IC CO., 'Atontrose,itaich 10 Rankers. TH' !, 7 --- 0013 - NTY AGRI CULTURAL WORKS, Having been reorganized ;under. the firm. name, ant style of Susquehanna County Agrieulturtl Works. limited, R.JEWEDI"; Prey , COOPER, Treas., 1). SAYRE; Secretary. Aro now.pifpared to furnish, on short notice, cstationaq 6ngintst CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, TURBINE WATER WHEELS., s' And do all Made of mill and job work promptly ant eatiethetorily. at !Ow ratee. We man afacture and have on hand a . large assortmentnt PLOW.' OF IefIiPROTED ?t . „ ; Q PATTERNS. . „•, - RAN. ' CAUL ,ES of, different • dyke, 'ADJUSTABLE BARN DvOR HANGINGS, MEADOIk - -” ROLLERS, . BLACKSMITHS' FORGEB[POTS and ORATES',. - DOG POW ERS fpr churning,lGnelnid Tie Horse POW ERS an , d 1 1'H,HEBREAS. of •the•iateat and best " patterns, etc.,4c, • Mditiose March 1 • 6 SI.: i':; • 'p ocl ;•31 ttl t r.);:•1 .I, l o‘s,4Eddptdithewttikittecii f - iiirt,i4l64:iraptin"'"'C' 'l I l, i .1.,.&y, , A : ivijizo 11? -41 At..,--,, . yrit gi I A w i11. 44.wi,_ . * 4 'LLI i gitiAbi TUN MARBLELINF i n t,:, -.: , .p '''.4. , :n . • t,- . , q'':• ) ; .--40::.ii (0 tti A liiqii•-:^-i00.11V.,11%; t•ftll t 0,4 ! it!, i 71 ! L : : -=!.! ti° OPlCk il itnitgi tit 9A401.4VE ANNAIDEpoT: FA ., IT 01 WO: ; 0;1:11.....t '11; , q1'"•• tha:OnirMarbleiWoiiiiin “ ty.1,., All 7i . •;•••111i:IVII -!-! 7 ''• 1• 1 :o=4 aJprra:i AM:Wnted , as ~Repretented I . !) i`f :!!..,•;;P'4,*..::ii. •.:•-;': '.,.;•;.' ::.1.--"% ii i r -:..l`)i-1 OR 24.1414,414 L. 1.4 ft:cv - i.i .. i . : •.;:!1.. !.,..)t-,i',lr.:::air ril-;,; ,r f ,~ T~ • , • ..„ r ; ; , : ! t You! cAN , : aoritoisToY 4 i : . 183 \tanniffikk.' .1 7J , ' , is • to', 0,110 .. -A10111401115 DeLONG : trIA(I f‘ '"• A:coLvw, rut, MIZE! Nri I il. , . t f ct i v. , 1 / 21 tt , A:4 4 : ,,,, : it, ~ j 0 ,, i, , 1, : IL A Q. T 13 , • ,.. ~t ~,, 6ibillitrOutat tor eatiOtheip. Miiii tikbleOfit_h the litcollool.Pturm I,Addrositi- , 5 :4.4. WARNSitt: May tid,inct Montrose:Ps, d grits I 4.1-6-1464 w 115:1 . t'l , : q if i, - ' t>. IL.