Tft9uorous, A CAMPAIGN SONG FOR IRISHMEN. Air, .Pat: Maloy. I Sailcd froin Cork unto NeW York, my Or tune for to try, And when L landed on.tlie d4cii, a brisk young lad wes ftraireen etnploynient till weary and tir- ‘ta,zsias 1,. , ' But every person whom I aske, said s no Irish need apply. ' ":wheeled about iii great disgust, 'in sorrow and in . "And asked it .this could be the laid of Car roll, of Barry, and of • Wayne, Those brave Irish Patriots fought for liberty, And' burseth4' - pltii its of . that; ca might be tree. , -.I heard of froritce , •"Greel • and thought I would . him try, , - -.Straightway I' went to see him In search cf • some employ, I. He said, "young man, i'vez work enough, the = truth I won't' deny, , • But candidly,l tell7ou,no irish , heed apply." Said I, "kind sir, be pleased, to tell what is the reason why - Brave Irishmen are so despised when seeking for employ ?" , He said "young man, it I.injist. the truth rn . not deny, . You Irislimer. are' Democrats therefore need not apply." There is a party in tli;s land perhaps ?cm do not know, : Who are sworn to reject. all Irishrnem and prove their overthrow, All out official stations we will give to black and white,. But • But candidly I tell you, the \ lrish have no right. l. I I s • • I thank you, Mr. Grecleir' your kindness for to, show, The motives you expressed to me ill prove • Your overthrow ; There is ,a party in this land, t i tle - time is • drawing - nigh, When no. one but true Pemocrats for office need apply. , Your party, Itr.Greeley, bas . caused us grid and pain. . - - . You've taxed us . out of Measure, your thiev ing to maintain, You ignored the Constitution in which our • fathers took delight, , , And trampled on all our sacred rights with 'all your power and might..' - 1 -,, , ~. Now I call on you brave Irishmen to fire up for the fight, ' , , Stride in .nest November, and strike with your might,' . Join hand in hand with the .gallant hand, Who will cielcml your rights, And ;swamp the corrupt Radicals. May God . defend the xight. LOOKING FOR SIMPSON. . . . She xi-as a tall, gaunt woman. land lt i cm the country, for she carried a large cotton umbrella in one hand and a well worn bulky'earpet bag • in the other. She was marching in and out • and round the. Lehigh Valley depot a way that caused the officer on duty to wonder who or what she was looking for. ' "Were you looking tilr some one ?r he asked her.. rt "It's none of your affairs, Mister, ~who I'm looking for.; Who be you that you must know other tolk's business ri. "I'm an officer, cf the Lehigh \Valley Road, tun." • "Oh, you 4; well then, I'm from Parsip pany, inliorris county, and I've come, down. bere just .to put my band? an a -man by .the name of Simpson. Do you koo w Simpsoml He's sickly-looking , and; talks the nicest you ever heatii. He was , a Baptist, up. there, as like as riot he ain't nothin down here.) Do you know Simpson ?" , • .'ain • I don't know any such "That's just what I expected to hear. The next thing will be that he is a 'married ulan, , or inebbe he ain't Simpson at ; But :' it I yeti - ZIP hands onto that Simpson ono! si ! np c 11011 him " "What's he been Cioing . "He's-beery Join' lots `that's iiioB4: for a, man, toido; 'lleipretended like he.wanted fo.inarry' me, and keep it up fill:everything was :ready, and-thertiif; this las i i minute he, wasn't ready. - I'm mad, Illaterivid if Iliad ,liim I'd i3inipsola • • ; 1 "Do you: ink he is berfrat, this depot ?" "That"awhat I'd., like.- to ,. iinow‘ , for man that trvels. If I lay my handa,,OntiktinX • Itel4rOyell!aek:to ParsiPpeny,, - ;ofT-ir `..knOtf.. *hy.' • "I hope yOu'll'find luxu.then "Find him ? Mister, 1. 1 ,m obliged to find im covi.anl a Calf, and the'oniy . (30: sent shOat on thulgice•just to buy a nice dregs and button alwee*.ropidd look as fine - asany. woman over iv* when she's agomg to be married ?Do yoU'thinirm back goingbo ne • nOvr;yrititout - hint,Me a'.widder and every body Ao, sir ! I'm • living to find_ that • Alinipflon ;"' and sheinarehed. on„thrOxiglifAhe depot giving every cenrmieti - C plank , iro floor s sharp punch Avith her umbrella - She" :muttered, •!That ai npeon .~' ~, 7 ,1 "What hive ivu got inquire& a guett_ of a "walter, , with MEI iteik tied up; 'who wafted MID at ; one of the most aristopstie hotelc-. • • "I've got a gold in my neck and breast," was the muffled re,PlV*,-:-., ' • - ”Then I.doiet.wa4t any 4- the colditelk spd Intait; , .Pve' !Mril, 9ther-pFiRt: the ',chick ** sad watifitiip 33401ktrian$,the-wave-01114allitiiPpriAlasz - f F•tz; ‘, • • , ;11 ,t,;.; 44. , ;;C , " ...-e I „ - T. ~. . :. ~, . ._ T lIE DIAMOND, FIELD. ghopter 1.--"Tilis then, Miss Bunk _ e, is your final answer ?" • "Irrevocably sb," wasthe proud reply. Chapter IL—They made a pretty picture standing in the doorway of her-father's 4nan sion; he the Captain of the Melon' Stealers, tall and strung in limb, and tke hero of his lit firstbade, in many , a hot-contesta She, the fair, daughter of 'the..littiiker; who had w'aged the entire assets'of the bank and the deposits of many a poor man, on, the return ganie of the Moth Bradicatorb and the home club on the following day. Our hero's answer came hot And quick : "Then; teinnrio.iy?` Setting'stin *ill shine upon :the , begglidarigfi. ter of. a rUirted - man. It rests i'rlth meld *thee:* the game ortwhieh your proud:father'S is Staked. : You have to-nighttifttled yonr otvu fate.':' So' be it. . and liirning him s elf ,seven times round on his heel, at the same time boring a large hole in the carpet, Moses Fitz Allen was gone. , Chopterl 'Hi—Prominent— among the.. im mense crowd Asiernhled:- . the . .groundejti pale face - Of4rnelia• Banks. The Moth Eradi cators are at the w bat' o- the'. last half of the I • •• •. ninth inning, with two men out and one man*, on th ird; and the: score stands 53. to that man•get in is , tho breathless . gnestion which .pervades the scene. Moses Fitz Alen, staridingon the first- base, mutters, "Now for enge Now do—l- give . the thing a xay I h 1" and hieface was distorted. with passion like a Mull:ball-dried in the sun. "Two strikes'' Yelle the Umpire. -- The 'batter Must :lilt .the next. time. He does not hit it; a„ : fly mounts and descends-beautifully .to. Mose. "Make it, Mose 1" goes:otit,' of the throat of Banker Banks and hundreds Of. - his friends. "Not if Mose is thoroughly , tiNtiaiiited with himself," is his low response, and the bull pa . ss . es his hinds, and - the-man on third goes . home. Score 54 to Choiter. /1 7 4-Two months later find Amelia . B 13 s taking in plain sewing, her` lather .the . janitor of the old Exchange, and Mose, though somewhat troubled in mind, still takes his beer. THE END. 1=1:=C=1111iMil IS .A MULE A MORSE. The.prisoiier6ww.3—accused o: riding; across ode of the..bridges gaitlsstedi than a wall., over Hudson street bridge... He nianaged •: his own cage. • • His Honor Sal& "I think I'll . have to fine 3iou,. Johnson." \ . - . •"May I ax you a few. questionS ?" ("ir • -on may.. "Isn't there - a ..sign over dat bridge -warning people how deymustride . r. "There and 'that makes - you all_ the inpre "It:does, .doei it ? Now, Mr. Recorder, , . dat sign 'what I:has to go by ? Is dat air de law?"• "It is." "Well, den, dat Jign' teals, 'Walk your horses or you will be fined.' Don't it—don't it Boss?" "It does, J ohnsOn." • "Well; the proof is, 4 l,V*aS' gallopin' a paint male, wasn't it, Boss . • . "Y -e s; I believe so," replied his Honor be ginning to smqil prat. • ' , • "Novs't, if your Honor is willing to admit .dat • a paint' mule ain't no bus's, .I'll rest, the - :ease ahead, because • yott \ sce;the law is I shall walk my liosi3.and it vi-:as, - a paint 'mule, - _dat wfatal to de indictinent.'.- You is • a lawyer,, and you . ought to:. know dem pints most -as well as . • • - Recorder--" Ahem ! for the purpose of this suit, Johnson, I'll regard that, paint mule as a Koss." PrisOner—Your Honbr. will please note- my 'coptiOn. 1 jess wsOt to make one more pint.. Allowin', for, the'sake of argument, dat a paint mule is a hoss, de sign reads "Walk your hoss." Now I has dewitnesses here in court to prove ant paint mule loss wiisnot my .hoss at all: De law say walk jour S s • • . • llecarder--"I'll fine you ten' dollarsi. John son." And as Johnson was conducted td the'iock up he expressed great sympathy for the tax payers, ashcintended to bring a suit for *lOO,- 000 dautiges for false imprisonment He is now:, bowevei, at work on the streets. tea►` • ' ' - .::.,.. , ;:;: . 1 - DlDli".l' UNDERSTAND. 1T.,,.. : . . ' . .: i. "Perhaps irthat box hadn't been, in the.way t 'he would have gone by without tumbling down,: into the hascimatiC Xllenrthey iSp#4.ted him \Korn what was ,once ` a rather respeetible bea- , , ver, he saidaadly': ---- - - -, - '-- . .ol•suppose if I-sras Commodore 34indeibilt, thireviOnid*whalra daien ' eairhigii!St"the`, 1 doOr readitocOnvey me' hiime, and:*a score Of. `newspaper reporters asking.. mq how, • I telt.— ttlit beeanse my rianie:JS4eo`litpipti:l'haveto gOiilhotored - ..and unwept;" . ;l'' ~ :' 1 ; He'slOwli weit t out,',and as he dislio a bot tle dropped out olIis:Ooeket; and broke on the stone" Steps: He regarded it K few` moments itt: sileiio; 'and ttei tragfeaily Uttarol, . 2 .' ' :-' ~. r: .... ... ~.. ... ... „... . ~ ; "And tium, , , top,: the : sole remaining,link of all ' , that boundt mtkto mySelf, ' art;.thou, 10 . 8A3 gone 1 1 Oh, Hatreds I 'lf i'ye ' I deeerved :all this r , , ', ~ .4 4? - t t.„ t': - . ,:- ~ -: -: :. tl., ,DOWlkr:A.rrittEr. woman halted at the , gate' .of . .a : yard on Brush street on Tuesday„ evening arid ..seked. a.l girt or ten years of age if her mother was at liome;:. V 11141111—she's gone down street," was -2.; lif;iiour father in the house"?" - ‘"N•S; maim ; lather's gone dOwn street to bringpother :home! - .1'; "Nell, where's your .brother William gone 1 tO :! AM') "Dill 01i he's gocteidewo:,street to see fair One of the chief printers on re ord said 40 , !1:4111 ) 0 930 ihe' - _rAnWrot Treintipwllo36ts -. IW a admit in &IMO. . Dtf =OE 11....,: : - .p.E..4t0ppi,A.T 1 i,,:: : : - QgroxE4.,ii._‘:: - _js7q ., =men =ECM= MiscellaneOUS, .'. ...:-.:,,W,.... - . X;.!.7,c.7:11:)7127, lisitifaaturer of • WAGONS, dititRIAGES, Stlelab.s. Y. tUddY,,CONCORD, PHATON; Alm SIDE-BSR atARS., EVENERS, SINGLE AND_ DOUBLE WHIFFLETREES.. • BODIES OF THE LATEST STYLES JOBBING, Sic., DONE PROMPTLY E. T. PURDY. Montroge, June 7.1876 A.l ANI-100a: 110 W LOST, HOW IVA RESTORED ! - . . Just published,- a • new edition of Dr. &aver- Well's Celebrated Essay .on , the radical cure ‘aji t tOi t 7 diciw) of S per nTt o rrhcea or Seminal . t ta i iness i inoluntar3simialiosnslmpote ev. Mental and Physical incapacity, Impeatmentg to Marriage. etc. ;• also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by seltindulgence or sexual extravagance; itc.. rPribe. in a sealed envelope, only six cents. .. . The celebrated author. in this admirable essay, clear ly demonstrates. !rota- a thirty years' succitssful prac tice, that the alarming consequences' of self-abuse may, .be radically cured without the dangerous use of intern al Medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode.of cure at oncesimple, certain. and effectu al, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what, his condition may be, may care himself cheaply, pri vately, and radkally . , WThi'S Lecture should be in they hands of every youth and every man in tholand. ,I , Sent under a plain envelope, to any address,. lioit-poid • on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. 'address the Publishers, . Z. !bug naan & Son, . .. -- 41 Ann Si,,NeicrYork ; Post Owe pox, 4586. July 12, 146. - . - , - • - . - - . • '.' A practical workman, at miIEr.C)EIWK.A.32C.XIVCI-, has opened, sta shop under E. McKenzie's store.. on Public ,Avenue. , wbere' he le mad} to (to all kind's Of work in Ins line. Can excel in , new work, and repair with neatnefoi and despatch. • _ Montrose. October 13th.1875. Dane It co. 2 Fancy Cards - 11 etyles with. name lo eta *ar , Agentli wanted. J.B. tlwted,Nassatt,l3,,Y.4l: AGENTS IL?: • tilawt:entwothrrd and eseolaggoafd patent lever watch, free of coAt, write at once to J. BRIDE & CO., 767 Broadway, N. . 41 $6O, :i:lesc:erj4nleo . rkilttftViltri s Z' you $241 a month at home day or evening. Inventor's llnion,l7aGree,nwich St., N•+ww York. 41 FARMS with fruit and Improvement* at your own flg- FARMS urea. Catalogue. with maps and photograph- FARMS is illustnitious, telling all about 'Maryland and FARMS Delaware, sent free. 41 FARMS • J. F. MAN CH; t v gaelon, 31, D. WANTED IMMED/ATHLII VTYourg, Men and Women to learn TALE-AL GRAPHY. Situations guaranteed. Salary while prae tiatrg. Addrede, with etarnp, SHERMAN TELE GRAPH CO., Oberlin, O. ' 41 BANK - RUP'T • SALE OF MILTON GOLD4SWELRY.' We mill send you on receipt of Fifty Cents, one pair elegant engrave(' Sleeve Buttons, one set Spiral Studs, one Collar_ Button, one beautiful Coral Scarf Pin, one Gents'Wateb Chain, and one heavy Wedlling Rine.-- Above . lot used- to retail for $5 50. Four lots will be sent, pUst-paid, "on receipt of $l5O.. Jewelry, circular free. Address W. w, BILL & Co, Phila., Pa.. 4A A FARA AND. 110M.F, • or‘yolut NOW-It 3 THE TIME TO SECUREIT The best's nd cheapest lands m markeare In EAST-; ERN- IifEBRAt.RA, on the line , of the 1:1 PAPIF-` IC 'RAILROAD. he most favorable terms given, and very low rates of fare and,tll:.settlers.:'he hest Ingketf.: FREE PA - 5.F5,."1 4 () LANI,) - BUYRR.9. Maps , deseriiiiiQe - Painpblets, new editioh of PWREER," sent 1, fr ee everyvihere. ' Address, ; 41 /;S4 O Dui,W.K I J. , P\-4 , *Pmabstlietoc-; Cbrycsp9ndeuce,mvite. Roofs laid by, cirtract 1. • \ Why not make your Boors last a life time, and save, the expense - Af asewloof every 10 iitlo yll3/11; ) Mean be globe : If you use Slake Witt, i 7elll nut only resist the effects of water and wind brit Shield you from Fire. - • .-- hOLD WOFS — Protect yen? . buildings by Using Slate, Paint which neither cracks in I whiutt norL•runs-in ammer. Old abingWrooficata be paintbd lookiitg muck batter,i - inid lasting longer‘ttn% new; 'tangles -without - the. paint, for one-fourth the cost of se-shingling: On decayed Shing tes it tills np the Aeleo •And pores, and gives AMA!! sub stantiat roof,; lasts' for Yeare. -- Curled or warped shingles, it brings to their places and keeps them there. This paint requires no heating, Is applied with a brash and very ornamental. It is chocolate et,lor, when first applied but changes to a. uniform elate; color, std is to all invents and s pnrpo'ses elafe. ON TIN OR I.RON. ROOFS, the red oiler in'tbe best paint. In 314 world rot; tlnrabil ity. It hag ii heavy Body, 'easily, applied, expands by •heat, contracts by cold dries slow and never cracks nor sceles... One coat equals 4 *taproom , Mills, foundries, hictorlett,suid dwellings a Free ititc : Materia)scomploteltir ,new.uttep artliat'iti gt saltru her Rooting cost-abeam 'hair the' pike of'rthingling." Z°F-PrlllitaMteo9 :baT9ollll)l,NOtidlageeffitil ,descitW ark ;OPlierkkAO sny.evorolontwits the worldi for topytti4ooo 1'300101014d combhies the ornament al &optimal* durability 'and Are-proof ic k g. tie; atone third the cost. '.lkio ter trreveruseilli 7, -'' ) = 4 1low to save re shingling - stop oaks - effectually and" cheaply in roofs of all kindira. - 190. Write today, and ask for it - - • - 'llll Weir Talk :Slats *Nang Cs). , I`l.l 41,014aisiikrb*wito w: 14 re& Nedn / Stibt464 -4 '4;- 4 : 11",1 .-:;)1r144 -0- .T.42.1111* - . . & "ii` • "N. • • rer'...i , )l( • _.-- € •iit; et - ,; . . .„.. ,•: • 4A, -H.: • 11).9 tifitig:. - 41:0-L:iiIIIST:.,-..ASSQUIIII -.1 1t_:,.TH.FAII11111-1 •DRY GOOI3iS, CLOTHING, HATS . AND CAPE, BOOTS AND SHOES, - NOTIONS, WALL 'PAPER, s ..: STATION.tRY, &C. ,`.`LEIIEIIIi: -- BlPCX,'",,.::: : ofst. 15 0 :4,.. Pa', In the Ail goods, bought with - care and, for cash only. An immense line of Bar gains just received. • _ Cottutrsi . ..Producti of all kinds Illatteted in Philadelphia and Neiv York:, "Welcome" to both:oltiand new cutioniers. Great Bend, May 10th, 1876. WHOLE' pilf, I*ALICR IN. BRONZE LAMPS, OPAL *LAMPS ALL GLASS LAMPS, HAND LAMPS, RORNERS, WICKS, SB Ali,. SHADE HOLDERS, ' - • • • , • . TOT _AND COMMON •,CIIIIINRYS. rurnlT crrt EyLill ass:AT Asivr, 'W.415..1W331:. Prices Guaranteed as Lots as any .Frounin Southern .New Yark. ddress_tiyagsdl Promptly Ateended To. "GEST' JOB ',RENTING' We are' continually, adAng new material ; to, our 083?3,- and, with ours. Large Stock of. JOB TTNiI and FOUR PrintingPrase\ we Defy Both in:Price and . Qualiti, titbit. in Plain Black or Colored Work. MAY THElgsr MAN 'ON, Or the one Who will thesellines, SELL THE MOST GOODS, tor the LEAST money. ' Not being urged by any particular friends, yet of our . own free wilt, we offer ourselves as independent candi dates to the public asking for your patronage during the fall campaign, promising to give in return; the MOST GOODS fJr the LEAST,MONEY of any oth er party in this or adjoining counties.o the majority of the voters of the county we ate no strangers, having served you as dt spetser of the outward appearance for nearly, a quarter of a century, but being strongly in fa vor of Womau Suffrage it is to you as well as to the young voters we direct our appeal, asking for your-lib eral patronage, promising to serve you faithfully. `Polls open from 7 a. m. to 8 parr. 'Vote early, Voi , often, at the store of • GIITTENBIIRS, BOSENBA17111& CO. For :Planets, Blankets and Robes' go, to • GUTTENBERG, ROSEI:IIIAUM & CO,: ; ,towels l Napkins, aingle and double - 7 width Sh eet i ng ; , Ac,at - • Gvntrtszia; St - Co. • Ladies, t ries, ; Embro ies,".Collors Cuffs,' is - t4mjngs,C9rOts, :Skirts:it '" 'te 'o • (Nati furnishing; . _ goods, a,• s Trunks,-,Sa tphOs ) VmkreJlas, Sbirte, es, 1%114 ,01404 , • .!:-- & reat variety at: O,veicoats. O toata,(, O v er co ats, ' e *stock ai ; • •- - RA Co. Cattlits .o.lp,thes, Matti! 'Curtains ; •• • RONDAtiii Dieiinci' Wrappers •an 4 brewers, ,Ladies Misses' Meniandßoyt Siies'at ' • _ i • - G. R. & Large Vatiety of.‘! fille , dried ::MXI4IB Cloaks lat e st styles at ITENBE - siar,-Rosallismna 8 00. Beet assortment in town of Reppelente Olottmßeaversi. „ Sackings at- (fig O.R. Coatings_, Beavers, :Castors; Di eltons, Chinchillas, Vesting; for finq Custom tlverk, 410 selection at Meaaataa ta en or oatorcwork'good ',fitting and work guaranteed at . Ready`made Clotbing for Men, • °tithe and 1303 , 8 in great - Whet) ,- -oheapetthan eve r a at> , - - I s Gtairt s t ,t IPPRO, ROBEXBAUM &UM,- Is i eßod o t stov*lirsi i ,., „rip. - .N:"'17.W . Nx.AX.,7.' A. S . KIN E:fi: . B! . si p H AIYITON, SPECIAL !NDUCEMENTS IN ALSO, 11 r*UFACrUnEIt ----r0 '. i GEO. L. LENIIEIM. (In His New Store.) FETENITURF4. 4, - i-V.i : *: - .giiiii' . & ,. son 7 tensiveFurnittireWartroom you willfixid thelarged • stock Of FIRST Cr ASS AND COMMON 44 trrtm x isstritztm be found in this section of the country,,of Ms ova °facture, and at prices that cannot 'ail to give sidle tion. They make thevery beat r EXTENSION TABLES r'l7 i b. a 1 art e• Vgir 31‘ H.N";dRI_N'4 3Ei 3EI 33 URE NO.I ItATRASSES, AND COMMON MATRASSES U..., - 4 - 2 :D„,.E - :R T,A: - K - ,l, N G Tile anbecriberwiti hereafter MiLICB t ieu •adertating s . entity 'ill his businbss. Itairin e ptut completed s w, . : and. e : meet elegant MR&S, in ;he Suite,* sedttig his eryicte Will be attend to promptlyand a - abler•seurY 84 • .• . • Vnil W. _SEITH tr. SON. _ Montrose: .. din. al 1 472.—noti--At . • . . I-POR , ANN:OUNCEMENT ER' • ,•.Na, St 'Wirt StiNet. . - ' '-''4 \ , - , e would 'respectfully atmoniece 'o the public that Ye retrieved to court new .and::eriteinus store, No. ' •,. • tiler of Court and Water atreets:ted are all iag it , a new stack tor goods that have Jett arnved. cur e of Dresi Go*. Shawls, etc.._ &ropy the very lat. O e ' ' g Patters , and laf lee an d Purnittlted for cask the market we* mon depressed. , e nee er,irscuey Geode •. HOMei , l;OloYes,Buir e , Ribbons, etc.,, our- twelt-,ln n.usutussed. We Is, wl . opened liDePaitteen Of Merchau Talk:wing, leistYs lust Petrehasedi 4i, large l etocic of - the latest sty e' td t heline of Oloths,Casstineres, ete.,lnd of the i vet hest quaity t . f , ' Wsit' bays emplo Od title charts of fis DefirMent, Itli. Z. - D. YIP , lon uti leatiag,.s34Alreelestet entter . In t feet Y. ft.d like always parents aperient tlt: Mr. ;tor did Vie sr I \4, leitivi.. innt.elftrettrifiren,-,. trimming*. ete..fet 4ols lf w 9 should satisfy all that we hare the; ta n Olitthatiotableitylia.;l ,I . ,',, -- We ca` thap„lc out, pat Tons for past how& sad Prowaltbela Ad tile obi giaandlt Nut we are bet* for mond ever to supply anything ptourltiteg. - Wfrikeit Parolatili'w •L'' - i , , 1 I . --,.. • 1 : ; i , floiff Argo,am, ass wow. 0 ' '''[ .' '-. t " '•- '' ' ' . ' l ; ) ''.' , -* ' 0. It.&..VO4';:_'. 4:. ~ arch 31.1875. AT'TELE LOWEST RATES HAWLIY & MOIL In the Country, and WABRAYT them. Of 'all kinds done in the neatast mauler. Or VARIOUS KINDS. A. S. MINER. TESY, LORING,