The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, October 04, 1876, Image 3
W"'" --- ~ PEA' .ATSTLITAIVIA'S' :TR1J1.t,7174 ... I , •. There is Pennsylvania:- behold her.. She wasgraudly.great y4sterdir.',Y_• as mnre . than a quarter of a million of herTpeople . • gatherediri,the Centennial.,_ grounds:. ,ti celebratO - • .• the ' ToUnde..! . .centrir : .;•of • organized State authorit .., It.. tiV , : - fis: .; o=o, - y a : 1:; \ ' of rest in : the.good old - '.‘dointnonwpaltL• The stores atid shops t6dJactoriesJf her; industry:were . ' closed, aid her fields, :yet~. golden with - aatUrim74.-btrititi ful.harFeStor green, with; ;`the' pronse of: 'future plenty were deserted by•herrie-. .Manry. Sire and son, matron and •mi4d- - en, and the Children of bOth youth . aid: . age, come to,,pay hot4tige to. the'iriunaPrs of the national' friedont that -hris drail•• the grand,* inspfratiOn ifrom her alters, • It was the return of thel trembling; Pat,.‘ .• riarch to view :the, granduer.of themoritt . ment of free .government : -,be is,.abnut -to. . bequeath - as - his . riChest 'legacy to . ' Pos.; . terity, and.the . gathering,of •the.youth,:of the land, tc , study their . ipriceless inherit ance.- they Came•froin'the..inhirid cities and villages, and frOtir the forests. and fieldi,.and:from the shopl:andrnines, and • from 'the.Schools-andlChtriches,•Atia Trour the: achieVetnents 'of •mechanism and , the •templesof science,.aml clustered around the sacred landmarks which'tell the story of the birth :Of free government, - : And • fitly did .PeuriSyfi'arria. ,make . the one re-, cord of the. Oentennial Exhibition: that Will:stand as the 'greatest...of all. Here iti-.4fidependenee..Hall;', : ,erki was 'liberty born ; here is ' the 'Centre of More -san guinary confl.;.cts Of the, revolution than . elsewhere in. all the - colonies,-and here - is . Philadelphiaohe di , founded: in Peace. Here in all the .struggles for the' mainte nance of law, 'liberty and whether in the field or in the appeals to the supremem tri-' burial of -the. nation, .here-.have been no . hesitation or rincertain Judgemerits;_and - . .: here the sovereigns Caine to dedic# them selves afresh" to the advancement . and elevation of their ',own ruk. lii no one State of all the; multiplkd',sisterliood•is there to be witnessedl3no.Sublitnetrih utes to the substantialgr4th of self-gov ernmentoil in Pennsylitania.' At the - close of the first' century ofc?itstitutional au-. thority;her.,lpopalation xceeds :Alie en , tire population - of the colonies which., ac cepted the life or death istruggle witlith . • Mother. country, and. liar' diversified in: dustry and - wsalth are eiceptionaraMongl thei 2 States: of - the ;Upson. : Proverbially conservative as her p',:ople• gave 'been ir. • the march 6f...progress;- they have suffer ed tone to outstrip thin in the . raceinr!, ach titentent in - :Slr.- . .., that, „ennobles' and. bless ,, s mankind. -, i i •,.', , • -1 - I.l‘ , .Warand'ill- peace tih efiii`g been 'al ike - i fireinfist- in: gatheil it the gree - nest .ci l iap T l lets for - her Cliildren;- , anther- VOic.?, - 166.4111 1 1 th.e...greaf.. : confliCts..,..of the, ,e9un try, :114 revel. bi4ti -disregarded. : Her wilderness liar been •made.tnbldssorn - as the rose by the industry of her . worshipers, and the song of the iron; tio.rje, :Pie.-fium..of.the . factory; the rndetmn,§i6.•of\ the- . fthige; the' click of . the - - telegraphi -.are , bet ,13e 1 ; heard in ~very - .04ticiii 9t,:l tt e:: cotrimon wealth. Er en in ,i1y...fa . 41145e.s . Of. our mpurikains ifw ymte -: of . industry.- resounds as s'. it_ gat tiers '•.•tlle:.•': , bttun dies . s 7 •••••)Wealth ' :that slumbers in the,`-','lligged - thille,,,ar\ii cities, : • have zrovin: ..where. • the..• screarrr_..of• the panther ,brOce the slitude ,of Less than half a 'eetit tify ago. .. 'sor hai.e . traac and i 'greed made theadyanc - en3ent. nine is no eurninuttify in' all the broad te:Titory of Pennsylvania in ifet.:lcifOntailiFOr,l*.i -vallies, '!tare ktifi' beiieftrlle-og ier fio -, government is, not' seen a A felt by'ali.j The Ftchbal is: ...' ofie:n• ; 'everywhere. to the humble a h ' a helplqi ' iekaidlei cif coif; ilition4r raise, aild /the ,Oht,trell lever ip-- Tires the wayward• to i 3 alto's. Jiclig- . . ion, cont!bience„ convict - on ,oi l ail pgivati Antibl p/i ; e„-Tism , ups car , Ar4l4 as 9e. 1 04 jewelk of our ireedotc; acid educatiOn is accepted o, , Vi!.;, t atile. , t, , d .., : pf . ,j,) o aB i totistr i li. Grandly ma the platoonFof the ofphaus of our 'fallen 'warriors yoterday teach.the -- ~...--,-, devotion of Peunsylvapia. to the heroism 1 , ihat has made her nnte rn ic l ) 3 ViA l l 4 l.o;, 'thi,t - !titeitlkkgf4: 6Thoriflldf:ittie'etiti - 4:• , 1* to pay their homao to,the great State that has becookes-A* - -fgeneronk father of th e fatherlese, they reflected - the, brightest . , r. ,. , Pag-. in her antig:' 'm atte' - did all come oil P,=,unqlvanit,. ,day 4 , 7 ,to- bear;theii,trjb utes to the : goseri3ment.,that bai most of al I, lli e goveriimen is .of th,e,,:, - eitrj4 . _ .e,nno.,•.' 10 4:(1. iiifitiiiiii"itiiiif 2 .iiiittiseit , ;:k4ppliefs, unicong,i46 , 4o.opietti/a. ',nines. . A. Coity . foTl, , ptr ,., *tte i ti it fitrc4"'ttlAt':4orl34:rrilild,*l#,!lftd, b 1 :I);;iiid`; , P. iiAjtqft i6;ifi:.ol3 - ristia,a Co tilOilsiqitid in it 4 that 44-would'i:it,tNrils: 4iiittiff I h P rn t Elie; iffidtiVit J 0 -that effect would bicreilitiatf; nBl ' 0410:iakhr12,V.Makm",%71tfle i ,f•~~ 'ble citizen. The man who was called to Washington to confer with Lincoln in the darkest days of the war; w t ho de nounced the heresy of secession in and . out of Aelison , who declared that. there could be no peace until 'there was ab- Solute submission to the au thory or the goverment, and who, in his'struggles tor reform Since the war, extorted the un qualitied commendation of the brew York Tribune, the _pines and every lover of public private integrity —such a man canniit . be suceessfully assailed .at this late days a perjurer and a traitor, and he who - attempts it only insults the in telligence of the American people. There may be strong politiCai reasons why ,Mr. Tilden should not be elected 'President, but the country , will be most fortunate. it , men of his unsullied honesty andemi )cient ability shall always fill the Presi.. keil fiat chair: Phi7a...TinteS.. '6e Democrats assert (fiat tresidentlinaoln , . . . vet( frequently 'called Mr.' Tad en. to . Was h Ing tonto' consult - with him. iiflhe darkest'dayS-of wu~.The statement. is 'not. true,—[Pitt sburg aninercial. • I; is true. Perhaps Mr. Peter 'll.. Wat soni4 4ssistalit .Secretary:oot War , under ..M r.ncoln, is net , orily better qualified to. t*:illyori that pOint than 13ob..Mack, RusSel : . :trrett, but when he sayo : thing there is no doubt Wits trutt. -,This is what Mr. Wats , in says; - 4 efore and after this period [January, 181.: Sir, Tilden . Was'called to Wash- . ingtm, to counsel with:. both the -Presi dntand the: Secretary of War; and to the utter; at that time, he 'was especially .welciArie,:because,, although he: had op-: pose l the ,war; as long. as it seemed' pOs siblc!to\.avert it, and until it had actually ,gontheyond recall in which he was in full !sympathy . with the President and hail/ other distinguished rieptibhcan:Q, yetilioiv that. there • was no escape froin it, lie, urged earnestly its most. , vigorous proßuttion, as the most'effectiye means of -brftging' it -- toti speedy end, itad . se re strictinx its unavoidable woes,and enor niou o)enditures to the narrowest prae ticable elinpass."- - ---Xeto York . gun.. \When tie thick . fog. hangs' . over' a city it is impoible - ;to see the sub.' If the people wouJd have the gorgebus orb of prosperity thitie upon this broadlana, they must 'lefeat the ihterition' Of the 'ittptAlicans \ 5 3 fiiree a'.Hayes over the Country undei,cover td . .whichtheYexpeot to continue th'i work cf . corruption with- out the.kadwielge of therpublie. kfARK THESE FACTSI .• Testimony of the Whole Worich. gYO . • .;•• .- Extracts from Various Leiters "I had no aPpaite; liolloway's Pills gave me a hearty one." • "YoniPills aro marvellous:" . : • • '• "I send for another and keep them in the house " "Dialolloway has cured mylcadache that was chron "l gave one of your Pills lo ml babe for cholera Mor '1;116. The dear little thirg got, well in a day.:" •• •." "My -nausea of a morning-is n9w eared "• "Your box of HollowayV - Ointment cured meof noises in the head: - I rubbed some of your Ointment behind the ears and the noise has , . •-• • "Seed me two boxes. 1 want' , One - for a poor family." - -4 1. enclose a dollar; your is 25 ets, but the med icine to me is worth a 'dollar. - "Send me five boxes of your Pills." • "Let melave three sbaxes Of your Pills by return-mail for Chills and Fever," _ . I have over .:200 such testimouias -as these, but want f space compels me to conclude,. ~ ; • . . • . . ~ . ". - ry ' -_ • . For -Liu rwieous .uisorderB, - .::- 7 .- ad all ~r aptions of the skin; ,this ointment is Miastin 'Nltuible. -It does not heal ex.ternolly' alone. - ,.but petie 7 ties - with theinest Seare,hing effects to the very : root °he evil. - ' . ' ' ' ' -'• ' - - !I. . .. ~ ECC: O IICsi7I7EVy_.*ISS, ....1P.t..r.4.11-a SS'. ' • 1 : 1. 1 11 } . . invariably cure the followtng diseases :- . '' • .--: I. .._ • „ Disurder of .: die Kidneys. • - .• '.." ' ' , ' ; \ - - _ • aft 11 diseases affecting these organ's. whether they Bete tolymuc4 or.,tou'little ,w ater; or . whe ther-they . be t4e z ir,d'wit.b.stone or gra*el: or with \ !who% and pains bei, t d In the loins -over the reginn• 'of the kidneys, 110 e Pills should he taken according, to the printed tli retotts., and the Ointmentshould.. be .well rubbed into I • mall of the back nt bed dine.. This treatment will . 4 r., almost immediate relief when all other means have ed.l -- \ • - - , 4' -. ~ i.-For Stotnaefies out of. Oriel!, •,- ,c--,T . . ID medicine will fO,',.ffocti.idlly,imprevethe tone of tn7_, ssnacli aithesepills;•theyremove alt acidity occasioeh ecither by intemperance or improper die t.. They . reach ti liver and reduce' it: to t healthy - actiOn trey 'are itlkderfullyeffleacions incases oft3pasm..-4O'fac; , they •ikii.' fall in curing all disorders of the liver and istom-• , at.' lOLLOWAY'S PILLS are the .beat known in the liirld for the following diseases.: Ague, Asthma, Bil mllComplaints„lllotehes on the - Skin, Bowels, Coit al ition,, Denil Ay. Dropsy, Dysentery.-Erysip-elas Fe - elrregulmitits,Fevero of all landl,Pits, Gront,liead- • aeleindigeslion, inflammation, Jaundice. laver Com plits, Lumbago, Piles, Ithettmitiam; Detention of lifitii, Serail:A or King's Hvil,Sore Throats, Stone and' Gam], Tie-Donloureanx, Tumors,Uicers Worms of all ' - kildilVeakneas from any cause etd '- , ' • ' . 'r : ' IMPORTANT'CAUTION. - Roie are genuine unleSs the . 'signiftiiie of tf. , Thg - yclikk , aiaOnt for the United StateEi, surrounds iminh box of kl 3 l, hand - Ointment, A handosme reward will be given t( ay one ' rendering, each information as na_Ay leadto tke ete'etion 131' any . party or partiet 'tounterfeltlngthe *itetn9 or Aendino. the same. knowing them to be . 0 iOns k A * S old at the , arotta ct ory of Profess or Holloway,& c:e:otk - apby'all.r6:ectabled leta and d era in throughout the civilized world, In es a 5 et*l 2 t4. 43(.$1fac.ae7There, ii eon o 'a t- v:, ng' hta kingthel* t..,- ereiie6. . B„-D,ire iolBforthegnidaiceofpatientlu.l . disordcrara ofzedltoeael box..'l 4 . ' Pw \ oii, lIIIAHDS,.&CO., Sole Agents.. : Philadelphia 'Pa' UNKIANNOCK MAR 8.4 E.-::-.'..'WORKS-: - s •• ; URNS & ,)14.0 fa ct u res of And ;DealerE iu ITALIAN:4z AbIERIOAN MARBLE, . 10 L0M 3 1 ,14 :-AND . AN D S AUNTLT4S.. , .. t.. • :UI& - AMERICAN GRANrE t . _1 • r" - stem rote. -Znelosed4Or C. 1i11103,e1. • MUSS Jav 19 . . 1876.•-1 y THE.114)E310 . 03 - 4.T,_:2- OCTOBER ' 4 , --. 1:816. /- 4 MIES CARRY THE NEWS, OH CARRY THE NEWS‘TO MARY AND EVERYBODY ELSBI FIOR GOOD NEWS is HEALTHY IND REFRESHING ILIMAN HAVE MOVED TO T 1 1R 4,estolin THE. FIRST NATIONAL, BANIi, (Searle's New Brick,) , Where they will keep on hand the best molted stock of ' lien's and Boysl:Readk=Diade PX . ..0.2 -- ea2: 0,9 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY,. HATS, MILLINERY - . GOODS, 4c0., , . ' of all deserlptiOns and latest styles. • • • GAV E USA CALL' and we ' WIC rOtr Tema, cash or. good paper_ Respectfully. S. PILLMAI% & CO., NATIONAL . DRY GOODS & CLOTRINR ERDRORDIX. BL,.4CK AND COLORED ALPACAS, newest, shades • 2.5 cents per yard, - ~ at S. P. a CO.'S First Natinnal. BLACK AND • COLORED CASIIMERES. all Shades 3t, cents per yard, - xt S. P. & CO.'S First btaAorkal. BEST CALICOES,7new styles add fast colors; 6V cents per yard, . at S. P. & CO.'S First National. HANDSOME HAMBURG EDGING AND INSERTING 'from 10 cents Or yard up, • • at S. P. & CO.'S First National. YAM') WIDE BLEACHED COTTONS, from 8 cents - per yard rip, at S. P. & First National. YARD WIDE FACTORY, from 73si cents per, yard Ilp ardf, , at s. P. & co.'s .PiretzTaticnai. BEST SII .pci r s peryard at o , tNational. BOYS' READY-MADE SPITS, from $5 up, • at S. P. it Co.'S Fast National. YOUTH'S' READY-MADE SUITS, from $6.50 up, at S. P. Cu.'S First Natonal. MEN"4" , 'ICEADY-MADE SUITS, from $8 up, at S. P. & CO.'S First National. BOYS' C A SAMERE PANTS, from 41.50 up, P. it CO.'S First National. MEN% CASSLIIERE PANTS, from $2.50 up, at S. P. it CO.'S Firstiqational, • , We shall also keep on hand . Gents'. and Ladies' Un derwearof Styles; ladies' and misses' Ready-made Snits. AS assiatanee to our experienced and artistic milliner, we have engaged of one 01 the leadingtrimmers in New York city, :and we guarantee our millinery de , iiartment to coutniathe leading styles and triminott la best city styles, and our priega inwer_ wan etsewherc • Remo - mber we; kkeep a full assort . eat of all classes of goods generally kept in first-classstores; and our prices we warrant will be the lowest in Susquehanna County. Our, special buyer will be in the market at all times, and procure for us the laths t novelties. Our motto will be. "Justice to all." Bear in mind' we have a NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, and the:LOWEST CASH PRICES IN THE COUNTY. As an inducement to Make large piirelutses we will deduct, (on demand) on all ea!•11 bill. • of - $lO .or more; five per cent. ' .Cothe One and all , Both great and .mall • • • • And buysour. goods • At S. P. Zr. Co.'sFirstisTation-all. Repeetfr \ tiy, . - - 'S. PILTAIAN CO., National DO Coods and . Clothing Store. Montrose. March 25, 1676. . Exlpur,rol s' . s4E \-, OF REAL ESTATE \ IN'. FOREST LAKE ~ TQW-NHI-P..:'. • The undersigned Executor.; of the last will and testa ment of 'hornet; I ,teehen , late of the Townehip of For est Like. deCess4d, will, in pursain.ce of an order of the Orphans' Court uf . the toUnty of Susquehanna, ex pose.atpublie Nee on the preniises, in said Township, Tueolas,-October 1011i;113761 eV] o'clock p. - m , all the follewink described ieal es tate. to wit, situate in said town Phip, and bounded on the north by lands of 3fichael Sullivan. on the eastly lf.tis of Pat riek - Kane, on the south by lands of -3fich eel-Carney. and on the west by lands of Mathew Kelly. containingeLity acres , more neless. TER .IIS' SALE—S2OO demi, *5OO tin confirmation of sale and the one , year-(.,hereafter with in terest.. ' i' W. F. GOGGig.' t Cif Executors. ARLES +Dit.LHANTY, j August 800876. . 3514 .• • _ _ . ;#t , o - .J.:J.•: - ..'?,:*7,,.4 ...- - The- largest stock of Trimmed Hats _to be •'onnd= in the city - at 'the Vrivest ptlees. • The Nicest and moitylkythili lints and lionitels in: the city at ROZELIJE'S • Tice cink' arid bunir;iir snick Old La , dies Caps out side.of York city; all .be found at ,Eiozgt,Lifsz _ p4n'C c fpr g ot it, that ROZ4Liig is llin the - very 4 jiiweat Y can. He . 1 /. • t " .7( •. 4 Dl#e° he FRENCH - MILLINERY yours- • , , Y._ - +Court- fipt, Bin~heaito ;N • Apr!1i9;16143:--4f.411", vv . .;.;., • - I-have'removed my "` - • - GROCERY -STORE tcs the bailcliri g fou.r4oote' , 6lloo . tha FlreftNattiiiti Bank, Pabhc Avenaa, cformerly ; by Z. P. Stamp,) 'where it bare enlarged my gt , ocl,r. ti k r O a eriegY . Pr ov isionS I comOetition.tioth ano peci; "I , fause give ...02e a call and bac,oaraed that I ea tidti,y;att gpofl,`:: = ; ~ _ r .BILLTAD. O T • ' ,` l' ' ' ' - ' : , R ..... ~, :„..e 44 +,slai - ,„ Bair a -- tor g .1 , , -•..-;,. ,—./. .. ~ ar outQuoitt aleCbilill) 1 0 " " neeWillii tifures. Zddies ' 1 " 14 IL ti k ige W l ' ll A tith the May 3!,1876.t 8..i/eArtetroePetirße . , =:EI GOODS! GOODS - Wrnis IXEL3rCILOXI. Has just received air ENTIRE NEW .S'l l ooli OF HENS', BOYS' AND. YOUTHS' CLOTHING • •. : At prices to suit the hard Woes, ENS' SUITS, S6TOS2S BOYS' &YOUTHS' 3511310 Also a fine line of DRY GOODS, - .HATis . _ . _ : * i _c. - 0. 1 BOOTS' .AND SHOES,' *YANKEE NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, Cheap for cash. : No charge's for showing onr goods. •i WNI. HAYDEN. . . New Milford. May 3d. 1876.4-tf.' , i' .N• If : . • i . " ) , gvh! I , i 7 : s' i g 1;_ , .4Y U L 2 , 1 in 59% S- • '''e - ‘ Piltun OAP Cinasin.-1 1 4witinnVATifittia , ‘ - Healing as(' It.' It renders the coarteq -ql,itt rentarkaMy . .`••1 .'it :tad healthful. It int!, trts It Ismulttal •• ;• -tn.tent at ti.i. to the Asia, raid foruet ,ttt elaqic ril u Intevesi It fares burns. riCalel , . (haling; ~ ..xeori.ttion.A. zenglitu-o, tau, tuttitpara. frettlt lz:l lett, 1i.....r -it 4., citar!..4l knots, sores, ulcers I:l4•vArttlr. Itq-tf•)•' •at the hatels anti feet,itelt, ,: -I.•tvid. 'telt ,t••ttin.Cltet %cwt. nit. toes, itr.hin ,, ,i . 4, r: , the loidy, tiles, cunt!, Al‘o releq-es the pitching and irritant 4 of hititk anti ttinking irk.. (Is.. As it .is eR131.6 Illy ;vlaptell to the Tons.; Nunscav, and Lt.titt R .011, yea min take a Stripitt ( r trath at pleasure. Fir bath i lag Children, it is unegnalletl. •Lathes who tise. it In their Toilet ‘Vuultl never do a ithont ts it. It neutralizes the otior or perspiration, • an as an external reh telly. can mem eel) , Ile asen amiss. Full directions RZCtituNtly each pickage. TRY IT. PliClk 23 C. per Cake.. 3 Cake: fn. CO et:. ' Ly raall :- . ..1 Cts. I ! ,,,i. 7z, 0.). • NIAM DEPoT T)r.,Van rbylco•p4(lffice, 11c.1.2 1 0r:T . 115;4. I ' -1!:;6:1;.....:11. Sold by all DruggiM.4. us NO OTHEP;. EGGS WHITE COCHENS, BUFF COOHENS, PARTRIDGE CO C HENS , .PLYDIOUTH ROCKS, AND HOUDANS Eggs for Hatching, gar Young Fowls for sale after Angtist Ist, 1876, at reasonable 'prices: inferior specimens, shipped from my yards. ' • - White Cochetis. Ist premium at Jersey Fair, (Berry & Williams stock) Buff Coehmas, Berry & Williams No circulars. Write for, what is wanted and pronip reps will be given. AddrceP. March 29; 1876. FOP. 1 JOB-- - PRINTING SPEdIALTY, With .our tour ,pro4wi a large assortment; of I plain. and fancy job type, borders, inks, paperk cards, 'etc.; rand exPerienced`, wokknien,. we are . ' prepared' to do Alt ILIOds - Of JOb ' Work'' at the LOWEST PSoiaPtlY receipt of order, (by mail Or oth e r wise,) ' furnisio ' • n` , t. Envelopes,geacia. stati%m 4 Mtal!Note Xeada,'. Box Labels, Show Cards, Admission'Tick7'.l; -;. eta, Bait Tickets, 1-Ativ`'Blailki, Auction Large Posters'', Small `Posters, - .Bottle• Label s .; Calling Otirdt, Address 4 Ilusiness. ,, pards, Inyitc,l4on,•Cards,-..: Pamphlets, Busln6s Circulars 'Wrappers Tags Dancing P rogrammes, _ etc„ etc,. • HAWLEY - 6,4 bRUSER, gay 10. — - Democrat Office. J.8.8;► It J. N.•• Common' litaidbsg & 100.,' parble and '6,tanite4tovitv 1N1840.1 . ..:•••• • MANUFACTURERS OF ALL'MINDS OP MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS A T /4)1 4 '1 : :ImPORTERS -:-• _ witai,GItANITE.I 26 • uttenaneo St . bt i v .11-0 2 k - 4")914 • - Kareh 8.1816, • • • BiNamiut ~.~.<<r:rcu::i;,:-~;r~zc;:;~ gas .~.5,~' ~ 1 1 ~~ EGGS - 7 _s3 per 13. GIILBERT; Great Bend, Pa. NEW FIRBI, NEW GOQDS, WM. EC. BOYD & Co., (SUCCX6BOI/ . TO BOYD & t'OUINTIT,) DEALERS Cciph - Stpves, Ranges, Heat!' ing Stoves. • ON. TIME • to the name of a new Cook Stove., just out, containing a new principle in baking, and is destined to. make a revolution in the Construction of Cook Stoves. Come in and see it: THE - ARGAND, Asa heating stove stands without a rival, in beauty durability and economy. Come and satisfy yourself: and get uames of parties now using them. TINWARE. We take special pleasure ir. offering to the Wholesale and Retail Trade, our desirable supply of Tinware. We use none but the best of charcoal plates. OUR WORKMEN. ARE EXPERIENCED OUR STYLES ARE FAULTLESS! " • GOODS_ ARE. WAILBANTED! And we defy any to proance better geode fcr lesec money., - LAMPS. • \ A full line of LatupS of beautiful design. Also Chim neys of every c:. - escription: • STONE WARR. Flower Jars, flangi ng Pots, Churns, Butter Jars, Preserve Ja rs , Jugs, Stove Tubes, &c. BUILDERS HARD WARE. Butts and Screws ? Locks and - Knobs. Latches, Catches, Doors.. Sash, Blinds, Glass. Building Paper, White Lead; Zinc. Oils, Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Spirits of Turpentine, Paint of any shade desired. Also colors for mixing paint. BO taTS. A fall - assortment of bla Carriage Bolts, :.rd a full line of Iron .&'u' Bar iron, Horse Shbesi Rods, its. - NAILS. We purchase in Car-load lots, therefore clip sell to the trade in less quantities as cheap as any - house in the city WM. H. BOYD, J. R. CORWIN, IJ. R. COOLEY: tiontrose, March 15, 1876. La• 3 b. V V PLANING MILL AND LUMBER 'YARDI In order to better ac,commodate the community% the undereianed hap. petablished a depot for the eale of Lnmber Manufactured at hit, newly-erected building on the:Old Keeler tannery Site s in the HICART OF TOWN where will be kept conetantly on hand. A full stock of WHITE AND. YELLOW PINE, - HEM.LOK, OAK., ASH, MAPLE AND BLACK • WALNUT LUMBER, • which,with the aut of the most improved machinoy and competent workmen, isbprepared to work into any rhape to meet the wants of,Onstomerso WELL SEASONED LUMBER, INCLriDiNG SIDING. FLOORING. - CEILING. SHINGLE AND LATII CONSTANTLY ON. BAND. . Planing, Matching; Mouldings. and . Scroll Swill& ?out to: order. , , WAGON,. CARRIAGES it, SLEIGH*, marTuracivair , to;Contiett lon wit a the above establiebnient. tinder the management of Mr. E. 11. Rogers. .144unlpe our work before leaving your orders elsewhere. Repairing done promptly.:. -. , ' •' • ' ; . . ' - i - A LATHROP. Montrose. Septembei 29th. 1875 BUSINESS CHANGE: <Tlie frnatof E. BaCoit lieindlissorVett, I wiliconue the - 1 ; , < Confectionery'' , 1311,siziesS; At the 014 stand. lam preparaii? *Mali . ot . 1 ' • ' ' ' At! 3401 e gal et an 4 fi? ti;; FRESIUSUIIPL't • CiAItNET) GO S r • • .., , Ciostintly,on band. LARGEDASSORTMENT , OF f TOYSelkeflkk ' Ileffort:o4 Montrose lkiny ad 1876 r•ING11-4110 ) .N ID) .-,-.,, --.,, • BOOK-BINDERy,l4B* SONS)Pitom*iii. Kosovoust swot, Vd Flooi,.l3lngbanitdi N. Y. * • " '). • ' ALL STYLES OF 81ND1703 r r ' MO ; f ittiff 4 lK "DOOK-' M4NtIegTURINa 4 tivi ~‘ i 4 • ._ • 0 4 1 6'44,* Bratll9l4P i*** ";:: Bin ihallitoll ' itialP . 14.41W' Cl' BNllNNlkti:l§Altilat'S4l . Or,t'" ..• and see year old citizen and barber-4w --::: I. Webb's sk)re. wham you can set shaving, and cutting done in the moat approved 1131IICIer luta 04 notice. Pilot. L. 8, WILLIA Ncratroue, Sept. o,lBlMalt, AO NEW PRICES, ,#;