Town, County,:and Variety. See notice of Teacers' Institute in an other column. , r . --From press of matter we must omit sev eral communications this week.- —Nearly every man tella his wife there is another man in town who closely resembles him, and' who is frequently seen coming out of saloons, ' - r—The Clifford Hotel was totally destroyed byffire about 1 o'clock on Monday tugrniug' last. It is supposed that it caught froM \ the stove pipe. it was the property' of !Roberts Bros. Theyhad :an itrance, $4,0Q0. Evi' DeWitt's bath, in . New 'billfold cort= taming about , 30 tons of hay, was Vitally dest royed by fire, on Suaday night last. \lt is.sus pected a tramp lit his pipe and t4e fire at 'tl4e same time. - —Mr. Win. - Garey has laid a fine stn walk in front of his residence. met with -a .serion;aceitient last week-in accident- ally: running ,# knife through the palm of ,his hind inaking#Very.Serions wound. • Bishop Howe will visit St. Paul's church 3lbetrOse, ou Friday . next, Sept 29th;1 services at' :30 p. in A large class. • will he resented for the 'rite of collimation. Ile will visit Friendsville station on Saturday 'following.. Ttie Farmer's • :Picnic, to be- l beldion the Fair Grounds, on Friday nest, is to be a gen eralnAlair, and everybody, -tarmei4, lawyers, and doctors, ate cordially invited kt . ) join in the festivities. only so . 'they. ,bri = ng \heil baSkets - with them. T. A..Thernasr, s dfl MirM,e : " sow, and Mortimer ,Whitchead . ,Otew JerseY , will deliver the .addresses:-• • • • • • • t At. eight o'clock on . 'Tusday •everung, , , : S,ept . :l9th, quite 'a. Mimber, oti , invited , guests at - the ,Of Otis Grinnell, in Ear; ford.township, to . witness the iivirriage of his only child; Miss Ella Grinnell, :to W. G. Jf POrt WaShington,O., (formerly of Montrose,) Reir..A.; 'Miller, of HarlOrd,. officiating. After the eieniony a bounteous repast was served;, and:amidst the jokes . and . jests, the . praise of the cake, the admiration of ', the:presents (of which • there were many, and packages of ogreenbacks" being . not the least) and much. good advice, an evening was paSsf r d in a man ner long to be-remembered by( a l ll present. At last at s z ending came; as is sure ,to come to all things pleasant; when the happy- cOuple.were , compelled to bid farewell to parents andlriends in Susquehanna county. They took the'train en rot for the Centennial and their future home in Ohio. The printers were not forgot- .0 —We have, in the Brooklyn Band, an'in stitulton which Susquehanna county proud of. It is led by 'Prof. Cogswell, a very eminent band instructor and an, :expert musi cian. ' It is composed of as itne a 'class of men as can be sent . out of any town in the COM 4 monwealth, and when we say men we mean it in the lull acceptation of the term. They have drawn high encomiums upon themselies wher ever they have appeared and have stood among the firit at our Grand .National Centennial Pi rade at Philadelphia. They furnished the greatest attraction at our late County Fair.— They gave a number of serenades In our town' on the eve of the Fair, your humble servant being among the nuMber, fOr which we tender them the highest respect and gratitude. Long may the sweet music of'- .their winding horns to heard reverberating over our hills and through our valleys, is the cordial wish . of the DEMOCRAT. ' The County Fair Was repeated on Thurs . • day last, as per adjournment. It was 'a very fine - day, the attendance light. The show pt stock was very good and the other\articles al so, but we cannot' say that taken alltggether, as .a whqle, it, was up to the . standflot last year. The unfortuhate cond i tion' , of idjeurn i ment undoubtedly was the e. Messrs Byrne. Tiffany, Banker Bros, Jessup, Conklin, and others usually . make a good show, ,of stock: It is reported that financially It was not a sue eels. We should give our readers the premium Hit this week if the society had treated as as it did the Republican 'by , 'furnishing a copy in time. But they have made out but one report and it was given to ui tOo late for this issue. We, have 'been in the habit of taking such • things from the Rqublkan ‘heretefore, be cause it was published On Monday and it was tight that they should have the copy , first, but both paperi are publiihed'tbe same day, now and we simply claim equal rights. ..:,,:--Middletown Grange P. , of H. held a bai i kit -picnic at Middletown Centre on Wednie .. - day last, which-was alerY, succOssfid• aFair.-=--, The gatheriag•was large and of a mery-Veits ant social chancier. It was truly a feast, both of farmers bounties-and of . soeial and intellec tual. enjoyment. Like that ancient., least fe n:tile-beauty and grace adOnied the scene to a large extent but how 'many young Men \ carried 'off a wife, the futuie will, develope. • Prac ticed hands, : touched ‘the musical keys, and' sweet+44:iig,'beth male and' female, miagledla song and chorus, The festive hoard'was spread with all that 'a dainty epicure could wish for, and in a manner both neat and Inviting. At ter the banquet r,pery.,.14., liforris gage a very interesting' and instructive address %AM edu cation. ' lie "plietehikh above all other as „piratlinti ~Abat, : itikloh Woildi cause 'laymen; 'Ol _ . aim AO edugation Of their : eehildrei : of pais. 4 ', % , . , I, . . .. I ' ' ” - Minuit:iniportance, and it was done ~,iii. an eV,' ftfc . tifil; easy and . elOiluent manner., a..l; l.var, malt eq.- , tollowed' - with- an - Odress . iipOn, 414, culture in which 4e,. , iMpreised Upon the farm-. ers 'the, neiessAy.. 4 .. o4ganizatioq• for =Wm f)011.-itild improve m ent.. His` address was Veil' reeelved, - ,The Claiint ,iiicire* , Was made toiCaPy. et R. Lyons whoAtOkpat: some loop upon the, principle designs' and duties of the tirder t , - Itpieli*r* .to, Apip,rgsivlip?,34em n otetibiAbeli'diity "fad ` bit their lioliti: cal duties also, „ : ,#)s: l feniarha Sere listened to 4440`,"..11:***Y4116410 -soak wilaiiiitidiAg - =, - -I.4 4 l o l ef'ibroke tip liblitt*otiodri 14-tiiiiY.'W OraYtiyillo: A k a watitmteasuce 444 POMO ik? 10 .!1 1 14 8 t ON" tatitinttsie. ------Regular ineeting of Y. M. C..-A. next 3donday evening. —The Tilden and Hendricks Reform Club will meet at Phinney'4 Hall, New Milford Bor., .ough on Friday evening next, Sept. 29th 1876. Addresses will be deliyered'hy s A. H. McCollUm and R. B. Little.\ Turn out and hear a dispas sionate discussion of the important issues of the day, ---,Great Bend Iron Works s were totally. distroye'd by fire on Saturday night last. The , fife was first discovered in the blacksmith shop and all efforts to arrest the flames-proved futile. The total loss is,' estimated at $20,000. L. S. Lenheim, one of the principle stockholders, has an insurance \of $6,0,00. How the fire orig ; inated is , yet a mystery. . . litass-MEETro - ..—A: Democratic Mass Meet ing.will be, held:tit MeShoppen on Wednesday, act, 4,1870; Hickory pole raising at 12 o'clock, sharp. Speaking at 2p. rn. No. One speakers will he in. attendance and a good time is antiei-. pitted,. .A.gerieral invitation' to all isextendett A torch-light protes - iion hi the evening. 4 Meshomien Tilden and Hendricks Club. (2) • , By ORDEIt Corr.`. TILDEN HENDRICkS CLUB.-=At a meet ing of the citizens of New 3iillord• Boro. and .rdwnshil) for the ptirpos.e of organizing a Til- ‘ den \tosid Hendricks Reform Club the fullowlUg were elected as officers : • . President, John Bisbee.. • Vice Presidenl.4 . , J. E. \ Dean, Wm. , Hayden ; Eliot Aldrich, Wm. finding, S. P. Smith. Secre arses , li. W. Hayden, U. B. Gillett. -1 1 1 .reasurer,-(.4‘rus Barlow. . Committee, A'' J. Mosher, Phillip, flardingi'j. N. Btirlingame, E. W. Watson, J. r: H. Bradford, Oyius Barlow, Win. Spencer, Jackson. : • • .The meetithg then adjourned to meet Friday. ‘evening`, Sept. 29th. Xi interested in honest Money 'and refthm nye cordially invited. •.. JoliN BISitEE, President: , . W. HAYDEN, ) Seckiaries Q.B. GlLLbrr, - , • • , OBTUARY.--Died in New Milford,Ta., Sept. 13th,1870, John Boyle, aged 77 years and five months. JUdge Boyle was one of the early settlers of 1818. Fifty-eight years ago, at the age of 19, he left Ireland, the land of his birth, for America, the home of his adoption ; . and during that long interval of over half a century,' he. Occupied Mau positions of honor. and trust, the duties of which were all Tined with scrupulous in tegrity and ability. 4.n invalid for three years, his health for the past few mouths was perceptibly declinitig,and a few days before his death he was stricken with paralysis from which he never He was pre-eminently a iover of truth and justice, irreproachable in character, a. „ wise ;cdunselor and steadfast friend—revered be his memory. POLITICS IN SUSQUEIIANNA. Democratic and Liberal Republican: voters of this place. held a large and enthusiastic Tilden and Hendricks rally, on Wednesday evening at Pope's Hall, which is regarded by all parties. as one of the most successful political meetings ever field in this plade. The meeting was pre sided• over by George A. Post, who in a few fresh and well chosen remarks, introduced the 'orator of the` evening, F. W. Downs esq., a rousing young lawyer of Binghamton N. Y.— Mr. Downs spoke in an 'arnest, respectful and intelligent strain, for upwards of an hour and -a half, holding the close attention of his listen ers and being frequentlY cheered and applaud After . the speaking finished a , Tilden and 'Hendricks club of 245 members was organized. They have engaged .Skinner's large Elan for the . campaign sehson and piopose ~to get outfits and do their share toward the Centennial, making the election an ihteresiing one. \ The Vice Presidents of the meeting were eight from each ward; as follows . • • • West Ward—A. W. Rowley," esq., Gaylord Curtis, \ J.: IL Fitzsimmons, Jno. Townsend, Ambrose lenson; Dennis Casey, Wm. Leslie. Jas. O'Connell. • s • • East Ward--Wm.lLPosti esti., Patrick Far- Telly, Wm, Perry, 47. E.„ Walsh, W. D. Ketcli am, P I Z. Furey,',M. 'EL Eisman, Morris Pren dergast. : • • 1, OntrinvEn. • CONGRESSIONAL CobrincitEscE.-4 a Demo , , erotic Congressional Conference held at Mont .rotie, Friday, 'Sept. 22d, on _motion of A. Packer, Hon. R. R. Little, of Wyoming county; was niade Chairman of the Conference, Martin Prentiss of Wayne and Jas. S. Murray of Brad ford, Secretaries. • Bradford County—R: A. Packer, Jas, S. Mur- Susquehanna County—J. B. McCollum. I. B. • 4, Lathrop; - Wyianiing County--It t It Little, Felix W. synp, : cop.,nty-,- Mart A. ',Arnold.::'-'. ~:,-.'... L:- -j - t.. Motkin made bra'. E. "MeCtilliim that Repre sentation of eacknounty - in the Congfeisional District'be equal and . that they be represented by tw9. P9PfcrViB.!"l/ki9tiOn iecon4d) tote ta ken and mftion,earried, It was and: stitOniled to proceed to a liimination of a tandiaate for Congress : and Ron. Joseph Powell was' nominated by amis. mation. ‘ Mr. Packer and, Mr. liathrop was ap 'pointed ,a, cominittee to inforni the candidate of his nomination and bring him before the Conference. Mr. Powell, came before the Con ference and accepted the nomination. Motion made-that the next Congressional . Conferenee be held at Honesdale. Carried. On,motion the day was fixed as the Thurs day after the third Wednesday in September for buldlng future concerences. 'Moved we ad jowl' dia p. Limas; ?resident. I s WE= 'Flueensiii, JAM '49"3l44riee• 8. NII/MAlri 1 TN E: - DEM OCRlT;lgptbl% is- 1 ,.: - . 2.-7.:_ • ' I:816; Conferees Present. —Remember the Fireman's Parade - and Clam Bake on Friday next. It will be a proud day for Montrosa. • gobert C. Matlock, liecretary , 'o the society. for - thenid of young men preparing for the ministry, St. Paul's chnrch on Sunday morning and evening last. A col-' lection was taken , up in. the morning which amounted to $4O. • . RALLY FOR REFORM! • A Tilden. and Hendricks ,Mass Meeting at Auburn, Pa.',•in,.W..• W. Bennett's grove,Sat 7 day, Sept: - 80, 1876. 3. • 11: McCantu and others will address the meeting: - • - • RADICAp-INlEnTricia AT . RCSIT.-:-Editors,i.bem ocrat : After a-great .effort: the Radicals - have organized 'a Hayea . and‘Wheeler :It re= quired two dollars worth - of hand bills,a notice in. the paper.aud three speakers. from Mentiose to assist at itsbirtb. _ . • -.I A crowd of sixty or seventy 'Were in-attend !ince, largely ;composed of boys, with, a..fair sprinkling of-pemoerats." . After the head phYsician introduced the first. speakeri Mr. Lott who, upon taking the floor, - frankly admitted that, had nothingn to. Wh . hic the audiencesdoubtless. concurred: • . \ . The Hen.' W. W. Watson (tbe next-speaker) after stating in :a ~tnelimcholly, manner that, he Was not. a candidate for, . re'-election inforined. ins heaiers that_What be said - were Nets as true as die gospel.. He also remarked that if these facts hurt the Dentocrats, he should rejoice.— He then proceeded to 'state Ms gospel truths.--, The.,first was this., that there was not a single. stain. nor blot upon the reputation of the *Re publican Party of which - they need be asham ed, and that the few rascals whom ha adtnitted were: in the party, were men •trained lin the Democratic schools, (The last . remark inay.bc partially, true, at least the „speaker ought to I know something .abotit it) _ Digressing . somewhat anecdote about temperance men ,drinking• wine, he pro .ceedeo to expose the Democratic "plan for pay ing the rebel debt, all. 'of course, as true as the Holy. Book. The plan. according to Watson, is as folloWs: ' The Democrats are going to in flate the currency to such• an extent as to prac tieally•reptidia,te our oie clebt, and thus pay the: Rebel debt. How the repudiation of one debt would pay another he did not explain. In conclusion, he referred to his goSPel facts again hoping:that they had hurt the Democrats.— Frotn the fact that he had fired..volley after volley, it was expected - that the list. of killed; wounded and missing would be great,but when the smoke and gas• had cleared away' and the Deinocratic- ranks were • .found untouched, the • irresistible conclusion- arrived at was that the speaker. had used blank cartridges.. Dr. E. p. Blakeslee, then took the floor, who Stated that he wss a 'Republican and had al ways been. one, (doubtless' lie, was thinking of tbeledord of the second speaker:) After stat lug Us fact he mounted. his "Pegasus" and soared to an immense height, his bursts of elo. quence were grand and inspiring, evidently the Dr.had-been practicing, his - piecefor some time. Some think - that they , have heard it in a `:Fourth of July Oration." But 'alas for human weakness, the_ flight was too high to belong sustained, and the speaker .fell from his giddy height, landing, not :on Atte - soft and, yielding bosom of Mother earth, but among the swines. 'After wallowing far a time amidst the denizens of the,pen, lie revived a little and amused the small boys with stories taken from . Harp/PA • Weekly, He next . wanderd into tiartield's grave yard and spentAOtrie'tinie in reading the .epitaphs. His next, performance was to' bury the Democratic party. 'After the funeral 'he started out to kill the body he had just buried. Seizing the bloody shirt and ; waying it aloft he started on a raid, reaching Hamburg at once: Charleston being near we expected that he would seen get there and explain th:tt lair but he.did not. , Then dropping The bloody shirt :le endeavored_ to swallow agreenbaCk, but getting chocked in; the attempt he . hastily retired .probably :for medical - advice and further information.. . • . • The meeting . waa then adjeurned - for 'one week . . ‘. .A. VoTin. , 3uLakxLiri.xA.4E*.zusi., LATER-InTnioLEY--CARPR the M.E. church, Hopbottom, SePt._ 18, by Rev. J. H. Weiton, Julius P. .A. Tingley, son of. W. M. Tingley, and Miss' Candace Carp •nter; daughter of Emanuel Carpenter, both of Hopbottom. , Ntimot4—Surt.P--St Lymanville M. E. par sonage, Sept 3d 1876, by Rev. H. G. Harned, Emmons and Josephine .Shelp, both of Dimoek, Pa. '• ' MproifaLL., 7 Cw,MEß--In the Presbyter ian'cbureh,'NfeliAsotil Sunday evening, Sept 3 S. L Mitchell, of Montrose, and Bessie Carpen ter, of Lenox. ButtiriLT—ln , Bridgeivntet; Sept.l6, Win. IL son of Fayette E. and Catharine Shucelt, agol • -. • .wp.ty1 , 04 , 8",„§:44p; IN. FOREST LAKE 'TOWNSHIP The undersigned Exeentors of the last Will and testa.; went, of Thomas Meehan late of the Township of For est Lake,'deceassd, will„.in, platinum° of an order, of the Orphans' Court of the I.;oneerfrf Sassitiehanna, ex pose at public Bale on the predrises, in said Township, Toesdas - October 10th 18769, at Ire oc .p. a following seer reel ell 'a - k ttd ibed tate, to *it, 'situate in said -townstp,nnd bounded On the north by lands of Mama Sullivane on the east by fonds of' Patrick Ranei on -the sonth by lands of Mich ael Carney, and on the west by %ode of Mathew Aeily; containing sixty acres more or test. . - • TERMS or SALE -4900 down, POO on confirmation ot Salo and the balance 10 orikr year thereafter with id terellt,... • - W. 4206X1G1N, ' t CHARLES DELHArcero " ••' 4 August /30, IM.'" • • siwa •-• 4'6EN'rg'll .- hat.t `34_,t •`"'F:.l7- OW , Alirjge - ; tira:4{k4VST_Vgli EINGRA I VINOB ottbze VIESIDSINITIh.L OkliDWATEirdille SilWk for dream N. T. iOI43IiNVING 00., 851rsittliiika D a NS, N. Y. 110,W8 aCt3ILAL'IISIEI. OF. RiAiESiATE • EGGS EGGS wiirrE COOHENS, BUFF COOLiENS, PART-RIDGE QOCHENS, j PLYMOUTIi ► AND ,BOUDANS .Eggs for liittching,':- - Per 13. 'Young Fowls for' sale after • Angnst Ist, 1876, at reasonable prices. No inferior specimens shipped from my yards. ' " : f White Cochess. ist' premium at Jeriey Fair, (Berry stock.) Buff Cochens. Berry & Williams No circulars. Write for what is wanted and promp replywwill be given. Addrieta. C OKLBERT, March 29. 1676.-n6rn. 1:"11:TIRLIZEV", Manufacturer of ~., _...- ._-~s--~ .. _.~~_. .. .. WAVAS. ; tiAItRIAGES; & Sleig]a . BUGGY, CONCORD, PHIETON, ANI SIDE-BAR GEARS: EyENERS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE W HIFFLETREES. BODIES 0 1 . TIIE LATEST STYLES. JOBBING,. &c., DONE PROMPTLY E. V. PURDY. Montrose, June 7, 1876. FOR 1876. JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. • With our fOur presses, 'a large assortment of plain and fancy job type, borders, inks, papers, cards, etc., and experienced workmen,, we are prepared to-do • . • All Rinds of Job Work. . at the , LOWEbT PRICES. , Promptly-.upon .receipt of order, (by mail or otherwise,) we can furnish Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Bill Heads;Statements,Note Heads, Box, Labels, Show Cards, Admission Tick ets, Ball Tickets; Law Blanks, Auction Bills, Large Posters, Small Posters, Bottle Labels, Calling Cards, Address ,Cards, Business Cards, Invitation Cards, Pamphlets, Business Circulars, Wrappers, Tags, Dancing Programmes, • , . etc., etc. HAWLEY CRUSER, May 10. - Democrat Office. 00 7 1tRECTI . SYN I Rumor has it thatbaving- been elected County Tress- I user for the ensuing three years. Inm to discontinue my Insurance busines. Said-RUMOR is UNTRUE, and without foundation, and while thanking you for kind= tees, and appreciation of good Insurance in the past, h• Ask a continuance of your patronage, premising that all business entrusted to me shall be promptly attended to. . My Companies are all sound and'reliable, as all can tes tit/ who have met with losses during-the put ten years at my Agency. Read the List I Ninth Britisbend 'Mercantile, Capital, ' $10,000,000 Queens of London,. , • 2,000,000: Old Franklin;Tbiladelphia,•Asseta, 8,500,000 Old Continental, N. Y. - " ' •' ' • tiearlY '8,000,000 Old Phcenix of Hartford, " "•- .2.000,C00 Old Hanover. N. Y., " ' 4l 1,600,000 Old Farmers, York., • • 1 1, • /AOO,OOO I also'represent the ~Kew York Mutual Lire Ins ranee Of :offer 80 •years standing. and assets asse oiret180.000;000:- -Also.tho Masonic„*ltnst,Benellt Association of Penn..: Sylvania:. ' Or Get an Aecidental Policy covering all accidents,` in the Hartford Accident Ins. Co. Policies, written fit= one day to one year.' Only = 25' acute' for a $B,OOO \ Policy. Please mil or send ,vord, when you lakes trip Very respectfully.• : • - • ' • • • HIIINWir C. TYLER; Mentiose ,Jan 10.4876.7-tf ;lEL CO The largest stock of Trimmed Hats to be round lithe elty . at the lolieitNice) . , "riOsti 'lniO4 sud Houneti in the city " The LAAGEST and ORPAPICST snick die*. Caps:out side of New York' chi; airtei be found si ROZELLFIB: OrgOilt;1 that ROZELLE ta selling, the yeti' to - ofeStyhti: Call. He • r --! -;r iihreouitts 4111.6 ,or r - PX4l.4lPits• . FRENCH MILLINERY, .4 97BINGIttlerft; 97 Coart-At. I .1 . ! 1 1. Y, - emlit,llllZ MPOnuntout April 1 9 $ f Bl 4 - 044 • Fi F W. .CLARIL- - PRAOTIOAL'itAr T y • CHINIEM AND GUN. RIIIITII, , .sel .t,3?.f4 Lr.Das located ouTublioelannueribasenkent of S. •e. s 's atop:1111114We) whAre he IL Papifteit Mx dloAll Inds of Gun litiitithing; 'Dewing 111:41=hi krit* 44..904409 111 0410 1 0 1 41iiiikk t0140‘ . .7, thong tltotite l ad onzikre= Ana_ romptly attended to. Your patrunad ell aolltitgi; and satisfaction guaranteed. s r. v ccuutc , xontrOic Avi• 9$ MGM • Great Bend, Pa. --0-- /112112 E . . Ar • T tin lin COI' Macion.tx-cwase. :•* j __ - -,, ; C,4llk,fin CAPITAL :' $lOO,lOO. SURPLUS FUND, $6,00. "ELMIMICCIN7 - lErip To their new and commodiOinv Bank Building on Transacts the .buslness of MERCAANTS I , rammEns, • And Otnero. "0011RE'SPONBE1 TS." New York, Piret National Bank; Phtladeliatia, Phil* doll:alio National Bank, J. TIIRTIELt. PliztiME24T. N. L. LENMEIM"•CAsurrn. • Montrose, Mardi 25,1816. - ILLINgs sTuoun. GENERAL FIRE,: LIFE AND. : ACCIDENT INSURANCE AGENT, commtz. Cots Es 3EO Capital Represented; $100,000,000 Fire Association of Phil., Capital it. Assets, $ 8,500,000 Insurance Co. of N. A., Phil.,, " " 5,000,000 Pennsylvinia Fire,. Phil., " 1,700,000 Ins. Co.of the State of Pennsyl- ' vault', Phila. Pa. Lycoming of Man ney)-Pa. " Lancaster of Lancaster, " Isiewton of Newton, 41 Home Ins. Co., N. Y., " National ‘! Cot•merclal Fire" 64 Fairfield Fire Ina. Co. aouth Norwalk, Conn. Atlas •• •• Royaleanadian, of Montreal, - Canada, Liverpool, London dc Globe, of Liverpool Eng., " Providence' Washington, of Providence, R. 1., 4 Tra.deins. Co. Camden, N, J. " • " Patterson Pireins Co. Patter -44' son, N. J. COnn.Mnical Life tuk• L'o., limas Ataerictui Life.\ ITraveler*lap. Co., Hart., Capital and Stirplus $8,000,1:01 4 ' Railway Passengers 114 • $ 6OOlOOO Theandersignedhasbeen we.iknowntn thischunty,for thepast 20 years, as an InpuranceaAgent. Losses sus tained by. his Comminies have always been promptly paid. rffi"Office up girths. In building east from Banking Office of Wm. R. Cooper ,& Co., Turnpike street. • BILLINGS sfraogi, Agent. CHARLES H. SMITH. Office Managen. AMOS NICHOLS, Montrose. Jan. 5:'1816. HOICE FRUITS AND VEGET A v BLEB . ,THE lIKAD,OF NAVIGATION, PEACHES, . ORANGES, LEMONS, PEARS, PINE-APPLES, PLUMS, QUINCES, ONIONS, TOMA TOES, APPLES. CAB- , BA GES, BANANA'S, OANTELOPES, GRAPES, 'SWEET POTATOES ; W4OR'I'LE ' BER=S, s,ll at bottom prices, by A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Ang.lo. 1876. TARBELL HOUSE. . . , KONVROBB ,PICNIV A, • -I, ;J OHIO" 'TAitilti _ L_ , .riine7 and HatitO-lisaie -tkilvuoust 6111 7.4 01- neetinti th the Montrose Railway, the , Lehigh Valle;. Balt andthe 11.4). - 81 Wl'llailroad -' " Aprill. 28731. - t' ' - - 1•Ouil: r WAGox. pA.II - hiTD - abliaGlll3;' •oa- - P P Yr; W. OUSTER.TIOUT,- 14. klit'OilDf PA. 't,} .. _ ." l " 4. 1 ' PRIOR LIBT. . . • _ , .. ittipartni donnon *har - notlo4 cheaper than the e4gl ll Pl l o* ' ' 1. ,;4 1 L ... i,•'?.":' „f 7 , .1.• ( 1 Ftret-easeli v itons , - - i• - 23 ° i. ) tic. '46 ;,B n= t es, y ~ , -,;.-f 11 ..',t ^ r 1 . ' , ' 130 . 1.= ; ','..”.. ,Luiamoviiiiolks. -. 1, .' '-- '- /5 f''' " " Plrtformo tom $l4O fq • , • - • it* ="1, =- swell body•-atetoiii ,-- : ' " vs , •.-:,' --- .13111CRSIIFIIIIIT G.. 1 ' Tiistfot Or span set. . ..... -'• • 60 ' • F v._.v.cirkanik set —l. • : ..... - ~,,.:. , .; . 40 _, set per span , • •- : ' .- • 1 . 00 _:' - Ali isork treurrs4iid.' 'Cart sistiAissmine tny - itock , 4.1° Iltputehlkeitaft4ltiftwhers. i , „ , , y L ~y. ' . 9usTEN,OOIIT4 ift/2644•4Pri11e iil ) .- 4i ' • ~ ' i:c Y''UDITOR'S' 140TICIL—,-Tlle, :Cruder= 4-. A. signed an auditor appointed by the Orphaua l Court at tiNagnehautus County Au distritakte ttie tl ide i 111:the , htkada tisf , 47 , 4 'Nat cum of. the estir:iir 414, Peolt, , dec,"4,,,„ p. Attend to , Ma 4 1 440 thl goof bit 'ii palitsitint"tit il IV 4)fato' hi Ai e . :k 4 "O. Mr 4 IliklM-sil, p,isl44st. $ . hick thee ~„____PtaMi ogli pm., interested vio - PrOlent their guuw1129i116.4041. etebeveivon , coting in on laid ,-,1:t ,- _,t+1.,4 ../.: ~ ,-t. #nit ' 4 . ci iiittr:E A u ttor. . i Sept. /et /M.; 1 7* - -' — ima . ~ • Public Avenue. Lvnc. ACC tDENT. S. LAZIGDON; Solicitor. Such as nim:gerri IBS covaT woo", MEE 4, • 700,000 " 6,000,000 400,000 150,000 6,000,000 950,000 450,000 325,000 500,000 1.200,000 117,000,000 !I ‘ . 600,000 000 270 ( . sto,oov $40,000,000 $5,000,00$