Of Kilpatrick's "blood and money" letter the gallar,t, General Bartlett . says that it is "simply infatious and that if it can be shown that Governor Hayes re ceived the'letter -with Cut denouncing,the author openly at once it ought to defeat him." Gov. Hayes kept,very quiet about the letter until a copy of it. Was publish= ed,-,when he immediately acknowledge& its genuineness. In a speech in napolie last Wednesday Kilpatrick impu dently acknowledged its author Ship, and sought to justify it's infamous suggestions of "a bloody shirt Campaign with money" by producing a leiter of a dernocrat.,in, Indiana fa 'Governor i Hendricks asking' .for an introduction to. Watterson; 'of Louisville, Kentucky.: Upon this Kil patrick constructed the monstrous infer ence that the de-nocrats ; of Indilua in-* tended to import voters from the latter state, as a defense of, himself in sagge . st: ing to Governor Hayes the corrupt use of money. Kilcivalry had better with draw. He is'hors de combat. With Benjamin Ilaywood..preSidinglor Fiat k .ilughea to: talk • yooper green- - baelifs to the multitude i inkSchpylkill,\and Judge BentlypreSiding . for Saris Cary to enthuse_the masses of 14yponiing,\COlonel Hoyt lied better hasien to gAther'n Otte wayward brethren. He must b stone blind if he dOesen't know that Democrats wilt Uin - ,greenbaqkclubs,,, bear . CoOper toreltesi., and hurrah themselves hoarse for Cooper.and ,Cary until about Presi dential, elctioni day, when- they will gravitate to Tilden ,as naturally as a duck tak.(.s to wafer ; 'and - it will take extra watehinz to keep a clever! slice of. the Rk.tiubliean Cooperites from follow - in The resumption - aet; to• maintain which the liave been fool. ',eortinwted, 4 thei4frican in the. and it «ill make- tnany;a lrMsi tai mg Republican shy. of: the regular track. when he. walks up to . the- polls, rough general 'paralysis of business and. trade to deposit., his vote. Colonel tioyt, 113 d be.lt put his pickets out early and `strong itll alongthe greenback, line if he doeSn't want to - lose the election. As the Mollies are not worth buying this year Ile will have ample leisure to i)ut his, grecn'mck'S 'somewhere else where they will do the' mast gncid."—Phirg I ' ll I The Late . E. L. , orrlman, Esq. • •• • •• • ,• We are (ibliged to 'announce, the death of E. L. Nt-rninan, Esq., late of 'Wilkes barre, and son of., J. Merriman, of Frail kli this „connti: He was a- young m a n who had the brightest of. prospects and had' made his mark in his profession. The following froni - .the Scranton rimei will better express the high regard. in which .he was held in the •city where he elided. "The members of the -bar met in • the ar office Wilkesbarre, Judge Dapti piresiding, and the feliewitig report of he committee, nil re'solUtions relative he dt-ath of E. L. Merrinian Was read. , port of the comtnittee, appointed at meeting •,f the bar of Lazer.ie county, alle(1 up m the, death (4 E.l.J.Merrima», on ;.he 4th day ofSeptedtber, 1876. 'lac: an non n cetneu t_ is linade to us- of, the it of E. L. Merrit4n, a member a the bar of. Luzeme county. Often as we have been convened 4 ' of late, to take action upon the dcath of our brothers, iEs announcement comes s i, to us 'with startling suddenness and- finds us unfire pared to appreciate its full significance, ber - tre which we ma37well,standloppall ed. 31errilnan was a young ma —a man of great.' phYs)cal vigor and 01 great intntal force and actiVity. Of U 8 all, he in , Ened lea 4 liable to ,the service of the gnat summons. He came among us in tfs early life ; he prepared himself fur active duties here ; , his fine physical presence, cotnbizied with mental vivacity,. attracted attention and' interest ; he was hop ful and eneigetic ; he possessed no o!thintry share of natural abtlity ; 'he had a quick perception of ,the Salient features of a case ; lie had the capacity to identi fy himself thoroughly with, his client's merest& , These-cha,racter'stics, with, - a b , 1(1, - ready and active method of press-, i,:g !».., case to the court and, jury, - gave hint uric suecess. and lent his, friends ilhinact aSi t iance , of a signal profession al ora:or. 'He had already filled a large •Ipac3 in the affairs of the comitittrqty,' and bad been called to the reipoiaible pt)sition of presenting the pleas of the mininoct wealth in this iloputions,.cou l pty. t4;:i - these ietittOs single-hanide.l; tin atded: except by his own povers deilermined will., • • ••• It is customary and-) aptropriate to in , .- krthe upon OAT records and leave among fibs -, proci‘edings if 'our . Liar some Suitable' t - gurnour of our regard for our departed, brethren..; • -:` �,1i)64, t.Thst regret the unexi•eetedide !4se Of Mr. Itteriiiiin welmourn his young, U. Nkw sudden ly closed.; -we miss-his geaial'as , with lei • We bear cheerful testinvzinY l t 3 the .effmtii tee , *deceased fr lead pissessed. I ' • Ittxulyed Thu ty we : tender to i his ; bereaved rife anti fonili,i heartfelt synPathies in the trait sorrow upon them. lkisa, That Nre will -attend the, r4funeral in !body, and wear - the-usual badge of - mmrning ' 'I thirty days ; an sd that= s copy of these Ea t o s b _p reßep I,ed to the court, an&-wit h 'edl, Upon the minutes !,,Iter t,t,. lona be tekiire That aeaV/ or Alm' rgess' th e cowl . 'eqd ' 4l s.laittt:d t h f '-• • v a e e Y. ..rsof the-cowl er-b0,Pr1.04.111.4b°4 L*B :W/W4 l ' 47.'1441 • I q inark4 '' --b ".; tr ill • , -1 1 v..7 13 '. ;..-, 1 - --:- . Y; . , * --. ,-- ,• 1 6 Jig* 'llichi r . Asip- ' olosuiz, Charleg, Pike, - •{l. M. Runnel], H. Hakes andJuqge Danit,, when the report and reeolutions 'were ;adopted. FUNERAL. At four o'clnek the mourners . and friends of the deeased assembled at the residence on-Fr anklin street; to witness ay. last ,sad rites ' - Among those present were Rev. 11, -- li. Jones of St; Stephen's Episcopal 'Church, - Rev.:, F. B. - Hollge‘ of the Franklin street Presbyterian church Rev. W. H. Olin, of the Franklin street , M. E.. Church ; and Rev. F. L. Hiller of the Ross street M. E. Church. .The funeraleservices were begun by ReS. Mr. .jcines, and were of the Episcopal order. Choral singing`t:ty the St. Stephen's ctioir was a prominent lfeature. At five o'clock Ithe remains wt-re taken tO'Hallenba..-k' cemetery. Here the reading of the 'services were concluded and the casket lowered to its resting place b#oewed with lovely sum, •mer floral offerings. The pall bearers were Judge . Dana. W. S. McLean, Alex-. absder 'Farnham, E. Hakes, A. T. Mcclin: tock and. H. M. , or.", Gov, aria trrom tlite Financial • , The reputatioi s of'. our citizent are the property .of the State. And .whet' a character hasstodd the test of threescore .* years,,ev:ry individual has a personal in- . wrest - inl it, reaching far beyOnd the as sing politictil exeitement . , of the,..day..H: With. deep. ..regret,, .therefore, • one sees. a growing . dispositinti,, - even among . .someiof oh-r, more:conservative - newspapers,. to ac cept and igive. curOncy to defamatiou slot. character, simply l because the pnsons ti,... tacked .happen to ,be :candidates .for a hibli...i.i.fri4e.. The IfOrm. , ofL.chart:res seem • .to7beSouiething like this :'.. • "Yon .swore falsely in 11862," or "You: stole in 18631;" - -..- t icow iirhye you did not, or you stand convicted of. perjnry or theft" Thislis rather al: summary mOcler.Of changing thOitirdeti . of prof; ; and - putting a man on the . defensive. It may, ;require wel:kB for him fo' look t p or recall the facits. which:influenced — his acts so long ag6 ; but in the mean time, as slander travels fast, the ~ liarges 'Made .are echoed by Ow press of •the`whole laud, and •the wrong done can.4never be, wiped out., If *public . opiniim pOrnits this, we ..shall soot' - find very-few . lkonest en willing to—allow their'natiies to be. placed' before the lied= pie , for office.• .- .. ' . '. ' • As an instance Of the evil we complain .of takingl.theoliarge, „which we are call 'ed 'upon tO believed that • Gov. Hayes du ring the War stole. S4OQ. left with him by an executed soldie.. The *facts assumed are. (1) tii - at such a' man • was exectittd; (2) that.he was seed to give the,s4oo to Gov. Hays ; (3). hat Gov.; Ziyes • has • . not accounted'for it.. Of Cdurife,...t4re• fore Gov.! Hayes is a thi4. Rather a l l. tartsling conclusion to a man who has kearned. by a life Ire froth reproach a g4od '.nanie.t. Yet, it newspaper trials is to be indulged in-and ac er,ed during the ex. citetnents',of a political canvas, there seems to lie 'no way" to avoid such violent . warfare, better suited to the Sioux dis tricts than the intelligent, ciili tired coin,. ni Unities where thel slanders originate. But' the' main design in;" referring.; to this subject - was to' speak of Gov.. Til deu's income, t - ii for 1862, Which in some 'quarters hics becoule a very interesting and momentuous sibjPct. We all nec_qs sarily fed a pride iii Goy. Tilden's repu tation.. Yo man has stood higher, and deEerk - edlyin. Wee we not,in the midst Of an, unusual political excitement, 'such a charge cOuld• not be repeated without sbeing indignantly repelled by every man of character in-our ,inidst: Yet now we see the slander assunied - as . 'proved, and ' boldly litated by newspapers and sneak , era everywhere, although the facts. show that there' never, as a more timeless charge made. ,' _What .are the facts ? It seems that in , December,lB63, Gov. Tilden, like all the rest of ' us, made a return tinder oath oi his income for the year 1862. Tree re turn showed that J'e received in 1862, suhket-to taxation under .the law a little over seven thousand dollars. In a snit now'pendiiig on the behalf of the St. L , ufs, Altpu and Terre Haute Railroad, tiiC , Governor swore, that he received in 1862 'twenty thousaiid dollars' for cervices 'which ',Were - "commenced 'prior to' the 'yii.ar , 1856,,-and were rendered from tithe titi_time during a pe iod of three yearii.': These arelhe simpl facts, and the whole l of them, and on the !Mlle charge is made of. :perjury, , -aesaming , or juming ov'er entirely thcone further premise necessary - fdr a conclusion—an& 'tha.t. 'is, whether,, under the law the twenty 'thousand &l iars received 'ironi-tte-rOre.a=should be included iu the rPb- in. " Atanniing,--W-e -say ' that this 'wen 4 thousand dollars_ , 1 ~ Should be , mcloded,- 1 One -lu ,, . -. B '!' , 41 '. - .', tionaiof Internal 'lleien ti u re e ~P.B.tmatelin clearlyelgne r shoula.:not:be in : Le.' wis, iss . ned l at i a t t ha i li tin& positive; y i _ 'eluded. 'F ' 4. t iries ° el e n fi str t u°crtith,nbas,ewelvtir live forgetter . . . taken Rfirt; the c dtowmg .extract. , from ii iett „, , pnblieshed .in our _aunts ,-.Mer-. is i -r a - li:3lit,goio: for jAugtia,t 1863, vinq 40: , - ~:. . r'-' - : , , - '-.•. .., : - - - . i r A merchant's retutniol 'income 111 h 0 ill d 'cover "the bUsifiess;of the year , -1862, e:*‘ 0 udiug:pre*Mus years. Uncollected , AC- - :,e,ciunts'.mitst he - estimated.': mi Physicia arid lawyers Almid include 'actual receipts. rendered in 1862, together with, an esti . • mate. On nurealiged op contingent incOmc, that year, ~ ~ -..:, • :--,,,:- ~.,„ , ..., , 7.llizire we have.it pOsttiv.elY':.a*ated that' :fii 2 o3.ctual receipts for Bervkies.reridered j 1314362, excluding' previqna lears:;.!',with: tin-4atimate i . if - 'a ilcollected4Oconnte • if , ialized -income from the bnai- or. •*atirei -eats y 1562, aft 00 items to • montrott. may • nos income Tax. and Comniercial Chronicle.l RAT, S, be included. The etune' ed in . the UOLlilUltitilUlle dLIAICUUIizi La that yeA4 ly Lu revenue ~eUlleetu 'oolllLlllBBiOrter made an oue had a doubt - .to all of ua, in preparing u come frum our ousiness, we had earned, and nu collected, in 1862; and verittr.ed_ ninideif in to unit way, every' lion cuuutry dirt the :lame. I perci houchreu Iu uns v eeii truth their ,rellittr BLitt. tamp Itt furcirexp the CuLlitilledluiler Now, trusting. . 'to - ttii wefind. the answer. stat .• • .• • celled '18(4, Anti, i were —ccininenced . prior auu . reftuete . dl during a period nt, three er words, according w t purclou ot the -atuuu/AC .1562, but ,all of it, dun'', .1.1:36u , and: 18141„ be clearer, ,therefore,. - amount iu question - waf, eluded:? . And yet we ti 'best newspapers and apex these ilacitz; and. boldly . ; •s 'rtldeti i3allty of nerju, WEBSTER'S NEW SPRING AND SUDIi ,Look the fuilowing cottonade pants s.rout, wool-tMx,ed pants - GOod' all wool pants Imported cassAnere pants French Doeskin Out,: • Stout work; ngmen's suits._ .. .. Fnney merino cassimere ... hlerino Silk Mixed Harris cas.simere Waits RnickerbOcker auu plaid cults.,. Black Ind: coat .. . Imported black frocks Flue black cloths .vests ..... White linen yeas Boy,Sttits kith l: nee iia Cotton' suits - Mixed casPimere slam . Alt wool cassimere suits ... • ... French worsted suits_ Boys' suits with bong •- Cottonade suits, Mixed cassimere snits ..... ...>... Fancy plaid 5nit5............. French worsted suits.... , . .. • - tlt . • YOhieStlilB from age . - Stoat everyday snits Good cassunere salts • - Diagonal coat and vests Fancy plaid *nits ...... Fucrusiiing GMEI Good working shirts Pine white bosom shirts Good denim overalls .. Good rubber taispenders. . . ... Gloth hued paper colhit3 per box Good umbrellas .4 Good cotton 50ck5..4... And all other goods in proport . prices that no other concern has o Tlieyare cab price - * and made t distance. It will pay a man to Inpa snit of clothes at. my atyre. • WEBSTER; Ti 62 and 64 C, April 19. 1879. •iio a I? SULPHUR Is Cleansing, Deodorizing, Disini Ling, Soothing, • ' Healing and Purifying. It renders the coarsest skin remarkably soft and healthful. It impas a beautiful smoothness to the skin, and f orms an elastic whiteness. It cures burns, Ids, chafing, i la excoriations, roughness, tan, nbuni, freci, les, flyer spots , chapped hands sores, ulcers, dandrhff, blisters on the han ds and feet, itch, ground itch, itching between t o toes, itching of the body, piles, corns. Also relieves the itching and irritation of bitin4 d and stinging insects. As it is especially apted to the TOILET, NVILSERT, and BATII-1100K, you can take a Sulphur Bath at pleasure. For bath ing Children, it is unequal) 1 Ladies who use it in their Toilet would ne er do without it. It neutralizes the odor o perspiration, aad, as an external remedy, scarcely be used amiss. Full directions mpany each package. TRY IT. Prize 25 Cts. le Cake. 3 fa CO Ctn. By wail 35 Cts. By '75 Cts. Maim Duo? a Dr. Van Dyke , Office, Nap 1321 Green Eit i P phis. ' Sold by all $ - • USE NO 0 CORRECTION I Rumor has 1; that hayinz been el nrer for the ensiling three years., I a Insurance busities. Maid , iti/MOll . without foundation, and while tha nese, and 4.ppreciati on of good Ins 'ask a continuance of your patrons .business entrusted to me Aull he Tb My Companies ire :lit round oti d rel tify who hive met' with 10-e.ez : at my,..A„,ietscy. Head the List - North BritishCapit Queens - • • 4 ' , • Old Franklin, Ph ilsidWils. „Avetsi - T Old' Continental, N. V., __oldziacenixfilArtforti,„ , --- 1;600,000 1,0110,000 Old Farmeraffethe New-York Mutual Lirelns ranee L,„T N Ale'f 36 44.4 rs si aniline.. and•• assets over $30.000,300. Also. the Mit'ionic • Mutual Reheat Association of,Penn ,4ylvania. , • ' IW - Get an . Accidental Policy eoverina all accidents, in the Ilirtiord Aecioient Parks :Writtat from one day to one Year. Only 25 -cents for a',s3,oot Polley. Please cull or *'ettd ward, when you take a trip, Very repectrully,,, ' t 'IIII,NITY C TYLER,. Moptrefe, , =SINE , The firm of E. will continue the Coulee . At the' old VAVIT At wto : FltESll'. l Bq , LARGE ASO PT. 13! 1876. '! idea was enforc• a tlubst-yieu c iu iLd inur, intnute-., 'e. hi - faCt, the 1 tio clear that no ,lib meaning ; en , r returns - of,itt; included what. C, what we had if Guy. _Tilden` 1 lug pia recurn '-t. 4iati , in the ur bay uewspa , ew, as may be 4 puollefied 'at auaLiou of what $20,000 item, ez Itiat wa re r seryice which • lo pie year 1869' ! 111 'Lime . .tu tulle years."- ':111 901- 'i Id iittlielllellt ) was . earueU 111 _ the three year's Cl:mid:anything than that the not to . be ,n- Ind'' some of ; our ` leers concluding 4ating that Gov. [y • :'RICE LIST -FOR ER. OP 1876. epealcs for itself. • /5 1.506,'2.25 8- 09 E6 4 00 " •• • 4.75C57.00 6,00.50 0 . 0 0 7,00(8,10.50 • 8.61 , Q16.60 • 13 00g t 6.50 • 10.6Le18.00 . 8.50 ..... 9.00013.00 1.75(/ 3'1.5 tily l / 4 6 smo its, 3 to 9 years. .. ,1.156 3.50 3.50 Q 5.50 '7.00© 9.50 tits, 9 to 15 yrs. $ 5.M-1.50 4.0n6.00 9 Oil 8.(el 2.00 to ien's Eizes. $ - 5 boo 9.00 ....... . 7.50631L00 8.00Q12 00 - 5.00(6515.09 on. The above are will offrr. bring people from a drive forty;tniles to e Clothier. int Street, • Binghamton. Og;' - • OAP 11 ted County Trews n to dtscontinae ' is USTRIIR , and, akin„ you for kind tramp to the pat, I ; promising that all oinptly atiewted to. lable. as all can tes g the Oast ten years .5..0:14 - T.,. dean. Co. hiving been dit=ool,xoa; .•, 431107 I . .:..v.•''''' -, '-‘ ~-.:'; . • -• . ' 41,5utir ess ~,110. .; Atli treliATO IP jurni#h .._... t '4-71tit-iLinitkprii!,3,:i::s,:!':'').. _ • ~'' '',..:1-'.J.. um/ te~al~dß,d I~etefl .~i'ctcre: ~:~~ ~< e‘).A 1: 1 1. 1n . P. 4' itmotautly 'll#l ENT-OF 2MI ARRY THE NEWS, oacAßtir Tits NE*B TO MARY AND •EVERYBODY• ELSZ 1 ' FOR GOOD NEWS ze ilii4LTHYlaar ftErRESIMG s.• r , H IL L MAN Qto , Si HAVE MOVED TO `THEIR' IiEW STORE THE 'FIRST NATIONAL _BANK, Where they will keep on hand the best assorted stock of Men's and Boys' Ready-Made, Val . C), V.lflt#6:p. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY. 'HATS,. MILLINERY GOODS &C., " . . • •of all descriptlons and latest styles. -". , GIVE VS A VAIL Wild we will SAVE YOU MONEY.— Terme. cash. or,gool paper- Respeclul!y. , • - S. PILIMAN . t • NATIONAL DRY LlOOlll CLOTUING FatPUOIIIITX 13LA.C11 AND COLORED ALPACAS, newest shades, 24 cents per yard, • t S. P. & CO.'S Wilt National. BLACK AND COLORED CASHMERES, all shades 3i, cents per yard, • , • at 5: P, & CO.'S First National. BEST CALICOES,!new sty* and fast co'ors, 6 cents, per.• k lr too.'S First National. HANDSOME HAMBURG EDGING AND INSERTING • from 10 cente per yard up, at S. P. &CO.'S First National. YARD *IDE BLEACHED COTTONS, from 8 cents • per yard up, at S. P. & Co. S First National, YARD WIDE FACTORY,- from 73,1 cents per yard 4.75 a; 7.50 4.5 n 7.00 up wanle, at S. P. & CO.'S First Nati(' nal. BEST SBIRTINGS. new styles. 15 cis. per yard, at S. P. & CO.'S Ping. National. BOYS' READY-MADE` SUITS; from $5 up, • • at S. P. & Co.'S PiretNational. YOUTHS' HEADY-MADE SUITS, from $640 op, . at S. P. & Cu.'S FiratNation4. MEN'S IMAM-MADE SUITS, from $8 up, . . at S. P. & Co. l t.' First National. BOYS' C.ISSDIF.RE PANTS, from $1.50 by - at S. P. it CO.'S First National. MEN'S CASSEVERE PANTS, from $2.50 up, • at S. P. & CO.'S PiratNational We shall also keep on hand Gents' and Ladles' Un derwear of all styles;' ladies' and misses' Ready-made Suits. As assistance to our experienced and artistic milliner, ve have engaged the services of one p 1 the leading trimmers in New York city, and we guarantee our -millipery department to contain the leading styles and trimmed in best city styles, and ourl prices lower than elsewhere Remember we will keep a fall assort .. eat of all classes of goods generally kept in first-class stores, and our prices we warrant will be the lowest in Stisquelaanna County. Our special buyer will - .be in the market at all times, and procure for us the late t novelties. Our motto will be. "Juslice to all." Bear in mind we have a NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, and the LOWEST CASH PRICES IN THE COUNTY. As an inducement to make large purchases we will deduct. (On demand) on all cash bills of $lO or more, dye per • cent. • • Come one and all. - Both great and small . And buyyour goods At S. P. Co.'s First Nation-all. Respectililly, 8. PILLMAN 35 CO., First National Dry Goods and Clothing Store. Montrose. March W. 1876. - B. R. 1.,,Y0NS Igu CO, 'CARPETS,- OILCLOTHS, DRUGGET lIATTINGS, - WINDOW SHADES. PAPER - HANGINGS AND. ENAMEL CLOTHS, COTTON, YAItN, COFFIN TRIM- • - RINGS, 1 PLATED WARE, DRY 'GOODS AND . GROCERIES, PAINTS; OILS, • DAMASK, REPS, - . ALL OF Dit: JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES, TRUNKS, 'UMBRELLAS, RUBBER ,GOODS, 4to; 5i0,600.000 2.000p0u .3:40&00 AO Montrose, Jantuirt:l, 187 a. REmOv'f f p:A*.p:*b,l . o . o : :: ,- GROCEE,V . iiSt.OIiE • - • to the bittliling tour doors above the First Nations Bank, Publtc A,venue, (formerly, occupied by E. P. §tamp,) where, I havu etilitrged my stock of Groceries, -Provisiona i *o. I Invite ctiinpetition both In quality and idea.' : s 4'14480 giie me ca 4 and be convinced Stott I can do you good. , VvildßON Mot*se, April ITEYSTONE AOADEMY,ThAghth , year cormneneee on the fLret Tuesday itit3epteia her. The tall term closes on, the Tuesday, before TtLanherwring, The winter , term 11)13kMeM11- OW the -Itratt-Tneeday. after Thanksgiving., Coursespr gaudy lull and complete. Expellees' maderate: For mows* or itoreation addreas t 1,k41, XS Jeneld, 113711.-11 m Tictouvute, Pa. XBXT (Searle's New Brick,) RAVE RECEIVED LARGE' ADDIT/ONS TO THEIR: STOCK OF 1 cm-NTS PER. YARD I 4ffo``CO. .11iiii . iiiiiiiied nii: EGGS WHITE COOHENS, - • BUFF COOHENS, PARTRIDGE COCHENS, •PLYMOUTH ROCKS, • = 'AND EOUDANS Eggs for Hatching, - 03 per 13. 'or - Young POWIB for sale after Atignat Jet, 1876, rtt reasonable prices: No- inferior speciniens shipped from my yards. - White Cochetis, lst• premium at Jersey Fair, (Berry & Williams stock.) Bull Coeherts; Berry & Wiltiamilf - No circulars. Write for what is wanted and prom, replys will be given. Address. - C. C. CULBERT, Great Bend, PA. March 29, 1816.--43ixt. - 31P10-3F1.134"W% WAGONS, )11ARRIAGES, Bleighs. BUGGY, CONCORD, PITATON, ANI S 1 DE-BAR GEARS. EVENERS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE WIIIFFLETREES. BODIES OF THE LATEST STYLES JOBBING, ttc., DONE PROMPTLY E. T. PURDY. Montrose, June 7.1816. The largest stock of Trimmed Hats to be found the city at . the lowest prices. The N meaty and Stylish fiats and Bonnets in the city at ROZELLE'S. MC LARGEST and CHEAPEST stock Old La. dies Caps out side of New York city, all to be found at ROZELLE'S. Don't forgot' it, that ROZELLE is selling thg very lowest he can. He Digeounts all the . rest of. the DEALERS. FRENCH MILLINERY, 97 I 13INGIIKAITON, 97 Court St. N. Y. Court St. Binkhamton, N. Y., April'l9, 1876.-13%4i MAN.HOOD • HOW LOST, HOW . RESTORED • Just publirbed. a new edition of Dr. Culver. well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure i (without medicine) of Spermatorrhcett or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Leases, Impoten cy Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impe di ments Marriage, etc. ;.also; Consumption, Epilepsy and Pita. induced by self-indnl,geuce or sexual extravagance, .te- FA — Price. in a sealed envelope, only, six cents. the - celebrated antbor t in this admirable essay, clear ly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful prse tice, that the alarming coniequences of self-abuse may , be radically cured without the dangerous use of intern al medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple. certain. and effecta al, by means of which every sufferer, no Matter what ' Ma condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri vately. and radically. This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal. in a plain envelope, to'anyaddrese, part-paid. on receipt of six cente or two post etitiPpli. Address the Publishers, ; r. Brugatan & Soli s C Ann Eli., New York ; Poei Office Bo; 4586. July 12,1M76. I W. CLARK. PRACTICAL 114 v.,• caßasT AND GII9/ santint,-• Has located on Public. Avenue ' (l i tisment !of B. C. Sayre's store building) where he is rePared to do all kinds of Ono Braithing, tfewlnaMach ne repalring.tlaw Filing. Lock repairing and all light mechanical jobs ow short notice, and on as reasonable terms OA Can by done elsewhere. MI work warranted. Orders by promptly attended to. Your patronvq,ja_pojicitad, guasautetil. 41. VV. Mimtrose. Aug. 9,18781! , . ; ARM' FOR BALE; The subscriber °rem his • farm for- male, !Matte Is , Foresv.Lake, containing 65 acres 60 improved., Win ,keep twelve cows,and a telt a; Weilwatered, IS als• good grain - farm, Has *nice yo urs ' , minted.. Tema will be made easy. For farther icalarsaquire at address, AARO ItlarNOLDB, EL ROWELS, Feb. 18, '16.--tf = ' Montrose, Pt Ep J: DONLEY, • - FURNISELIII4 DINGIIIOITON, iT latest Improved Conn and, Caeke . Ls on boa.- wok* order. ShroWs.'etc. • sPrIVI 1.11. )SW , A practlestwuritunat o at SaitoiniCALlKlN _ has . opened a atop under IL. Meretudift Om. or Public - Avenae,!ernere be bt routy. to do ad Ku& et waxbill but du. • Can excel bt new work, =drags* with neatness sad despatch. . dAnS , ltOlitnek Oc k k etite 4B M -4 / 1 1 * ,/ ~ I Ifnutifacturer of _o_ EGGS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers