The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, September 13, 1876, Image 2

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    .L4E,_, ..p.:mppi?.,ArTl,-.'i
frq7llLlSlfill EVIMYW EMNESDAT OliNn7G;
' f "
A. 'GPM El "2" az C S?/
, _
At two Dollars per:Year. in„AdviinOm
TO ADVERTISERS: nn, Bellamy. v as an adver
: =icing
,enndium is unsurpassed in this section.- It
veachtectliti Farmer, Mechanic., and business man. Its
::"• 1 eitentation is constantly increasing. and its advertising
1 sates reaso nable . Rates will be , gtven at bur °Tice or
1., by molkl: , • --
3013 PRINTING:—Our office is supplied with foul.
printing,pe•asses. together with alargwvariety 'of type,
Iliordere,Tancy inks. etc.. with which we are . prepared
-F. to do work in the best style and at prices lower than
i;.; any competitors in any section. tiamplvs 'shown and
estimates cheerfelly; given. ;It. our dace. Work order
id by mail will receive prompt attention. ,
.11. B. HAWLEY. - , W ORITSBR.
National: Democratic' Tieke
.1 1 131 t, PRESIDENT,
Democratic Couiny. Ticket.
, 4I i
I .
' A ',-
Of Bradrord,Oounty.
For Senator,...
Of Maiatro
(Subject to Senatorial ConfUretice.)
For Representative,
Of Jackson. -
3 ,, - .Of Jessup. ‘.
• • For Prothonotary. I ,l '
'Of Suscitiehannii Deott.
For Jetry•Commissiter,
- • ' Of Itarford.
' - Piit Auditor,•
C 0 L11.14.131T5 , MILLS.
A-A At Elie election; in. Arkansas Lot week_
lil the Democrats carrwd the State i by about: .
114 50.000. majority. • Vermont =went Repub:
,J - . , .0
.;.k.; . lican,hy'about 20,000'. Verniont,shOlildd
"il have given 25,000 tO•heupwith her usual
wl:f, majorities ihpresidentl9ls R
cars. adical.
~, WIZ
1 1, COrnliiiii;i l' i. not, at par even. in Alie
_ii-,4 -,
; ,„ t fo "Pine TreelfStaio. : ° - ' 1 ,
- 40: . -, • , --1 - ' !1
~11 - . 1 -.. i
10, BLALV I 31:1L1TE !I 11.4. NE!! !,
filt To iriilicate iiii'ytiiin : ,g,,but a,',,4ni:ng : .
il it t fortnneTn Ridicalism,, it his been con=
it coded by Republican : jnurrials that"
IPMaine, which voted., on ~4onday last,'
ii should give about 18,000 or 20.000. As
. .
r i i K we gb ie are, of the, opinion.
b press w
• -
I r gthat the, majority will -fall below 10,000
.ki'll-Y , ••• q 1 ' - • .-;
re-Sfrom the best evidence of retntna. This. is.
kAr...E ;... ' : ... ', - ' • . , \
Pt'"a blow to Grlantisin that will :send the
1 4i
, k party. reeling to its- corner in 101110 • a l nd
t....,t . , 'it" . 5 _ , ~. ; .
_,lndianna'and will Llil to come to time
don November Seventh: • It might as'well
liirthrow up the spoil`ge, if:the
,25,400. in
Li'a u to ,
fit _Maine li sWill d 'dl (1 l6 00 . . 0
W' .
- 0 The senb,te did not feel like taking any
,;;'; .
ps toward ecOnomy during the late,ses 7
allioni although the Mortons land ' Gatner
t'',.3ns - are now •engaged- in trying to fool
, ..• ,
Plhe people by telling . them that . if Giant,
(ism is perpetuated :they practice re-
clrenchment hereafter. The N.' Y. Bun.
4nakes, the aollowing -- pomt : • '
"The senate comfits' when - full "of
'jeventy.four members. "The HOusP ,has
',iwo hundred and nin'ty-two members,
`‘nd nine Delagates, -in all three huildred
, d one. -"By au examination- of the:ap.;
collected froM .be
d that the senate totafor. their side
),930 80, and , the House voted for
eir side $322,025 . ; Or, in other werds;
cost of running the senate, dlyiding
appropriations - by the bulk or,tha
is over $4,000 for - every - senator,
lie it costs, a fraction 'over . 81,000" a
ad for
-the gt ! use :on: the 'saute Acale of
•ntatiai: • 1
In point of 'fact; the Senate increased,
number_of its , employes largely;' and a
.tiered to . 46 highest scale of sal
7. 'Di
.400, on the 'other, hat4,:ye.
Iced the andjreduced the.aal
'This-contrast v r lie .-the le
i-Aim Republican 84tafe and' the
; ti6,oOnie:and it Marks.the'
7 between ;the two partiei. ,By
for, corresponding
Ai l he: inference will stand 00 bold
and. exPolie' 4111,
*ore 11 , 4 ', #401',..7teit:.14, stern
*kick, tpeak and need no
. ;
For Conegiess,
.__...,:,.~w~. ~,~.
. .
• '
'Grant his- cohorts of Babcocks,
- 1 jak1140; Shei) - 4erdss to*Lies: -„Ciland
\lo4l4obesons, me 'id genus. On,, could
never - enlist the sympathies, of: honest
patripts , a(tlie„present crisis in - =our. na
,tiOttikatrairs,butlhe very:eatae influence
which eleeted'him at the outset, and has
'kept him in. power ever since, now asks
the public to Support Buell secon'ilzate
nonentities as, -the' Cincinnati nominees.
Those. nags wereN. all bred in the same
.stable; midi -though the team May be
changed', the same Wily old. frauds handle
the reins Oh the boa..
. .
There is -but .one grand,
.aIL i in pOrtan t
issue i.n the present contest, 4‘ainery,. the
re-establishMent of an lonest, capable,
and''patriottegoverti merit -at - Washington
Rep u blicans Of the ECbOUI , of/Lincoln;
Chase, Greeley, Sumner, , Wilson, and
Seward, Tust Surely be:: aware they .can
not even hope'for any such result from
the aiiociapes !of Meisis. Grant, Hayts
and Wheel, r, To use a homely old pro
verb,"YOi- 'cannot make a silk purSe out
of aiows's ar! - . '
Republican trOekly Jpui4at of .
atioA speculates Odithrially.
on ,"RU'OBABI/ITIES, an d announces that
*As the campaign 'adt3nees;. the Demo:.
cratic argifinent becomes Constantly
weaker. ['.] • Indeed, the only 'assertion
that has 'even' thee. form of. an argument
is, . not that the: Republican 'candidate
i's nut au holieSt.and, able' inan,
nor that there is anything Wrong in. his
pUbliC•career;l:*' - 41c • *. • but,solely4
- eieetec.',, he 'will be controlled by its worst
element.. • * ;influeice - which
it is said will . Overpower him is what 'is .
called "(4 - by Willett
,the.rnercenani narrow partisan
merit in, theli r epublican •'
jThe same Journal con :
€` ‘GRANTisaI,! , in' the ciffenSive sense
iliteildeo, is Till PROSTITUTION OF, OFFIC
ENDS. But if it be so supreme a foice
in , the:Republican party as the Demo
`trigs assert,. by is -'it" that the pre.ident
IG / P:ANT,I with all . the :powex . of patron
age at;his cUtilmayd, and bent—as the
Pemoorats inaistipon. a.._third term,
-eotild not procure a renomination
'ply .beeause , :of the
adain'st . it - other - n ords the -good,
sense a . ild patriotisrn or the, party. 3were
more gowei•ful than- , wh!Ltl "is :called
- -
Stuff! If GllANTiaili d' to secure
self a nomination for nie third ferm, it, is
not be9ause he did not Strive hard - to get
it it is not '"beeause of the Rep - üblican
protest against it ;"'it - ,is• not because "the
- good_sense and patriotism ['] of :the Re
iiabliealt party were More. powerful than
what i called ‘GRANTISM'.7 It is sim
ply:- because , the I,lclepenctent pretis
thrbughout the. country denounced' the
inft4ous attempt violte the tirw.-
honored : cuseoin, that' broug-11t "the mer
cenary and narrow Partisan element
the Reliublimn party'? to their
And now , the good MSC" and
at THE PEOPLE pill turn the corrupt, Re
pnqican party' out of oPe, and .settle
`6RANiiim' forever 1
A FR.I t ENDLI 7 Wo l
EST 11E1,'U
AND BiTnrEh; never t
\ cOuntry'standa to-dayi united, line, filth:
viiible ; the iPaimettO 'and the. Pine wave
• 1 ' . ; .
- beside each other o ,
tl. the brow
of , Bunker Hill ; whi e Southern chiVal
ry.:and Northern m nhoot= clasti each
'other's hands on the. thieshold of a new
century. ' i• Whom G d bath joined- to
gether, let no man pn, asalider.,
4 1 1 .rnt It4PUBLIQ . .
rivo Short years fig
ph iit lc „deolitatio ri -of
, ,
,cait - Statesman .and jurist -who belonged
to that org4tiization when it,nuinbered'
patriotic, .diAntereste men in : its ranks;
lii 6 ii:whese'ioices ha e seldom been, heard
, p , ,, _ J
allste on national aillurs, and' thek, only
iii. : overwhelin ,
~with witheringtuutempt.
the incapables and thieves *hi) together. ._
have `controlled'. the destinies'of- 011 r, ITIP
ion during the past' ten years: ' The -Re=.
pUbbian party : is dead to-day de j ure and,
' I -
de faeto, dead 'as the _issues that gave it
being and which ,have long since, passed
into . hiStoryl, but n iti-: place- there
stands an organizatiti callince itself bY
( I
the same n4gre, whole chiefs, 'and - ..rank
and file - are ilbanded, together tiy - the mere
• -- 1 - -
eohnive pO#er of public plunder.
- The platfOrth of the Republican party
was originally; confred to the - e3cchopcli
Olayery Territories, and
consequent : i iireventlon of oth e r shoe
Statei being added, to, the. Union: That
,adaikmigished; the "'party bid ill.
tutglino 14160 reason OtitiuuilhE
!.',..: ~z.:*'*.i.:4
RD 117TH 1-10.X
rise again. 'Our
- was the
: n innocent Ameri
its ~ . organization;; t the: ;volia *o2.lna
of 'the Soitiii;added-to theisWeets of fed
eral officertielding; were irreOistib
men ts - tigainst disbanding ` and a: an ex
&lie for a 11 '
gled plank. was added, to the c;ld ,latforjh
with the high-sounding iiiiirie-of..Reciii)--
tstrtiction.'.' -We,_:were gravely i ti formeti
thet - "the party which had carrie on the
'war tb'a successful - cOnclusiti should be'
allowed to, 'Reconstruct!:.the _South itl its
own way ;" and a pretty m e ss tey have-.
made of :it'during the last ten ears
The 'assertion that they,the Rep blicatts, ,
IA ad preserved 'the Union, isr t• as
ptiden_t, a :piece of lying, assum
- tiou 'as
can be fouhd in-the records of
Watery. The officers and Privat sof the
national armies, belonged. to ou -.various .
political organizations without datinc
tibn ; and as the Democratic arty has
for long-years been the most umerous
and influential = "political body ,
United States, it must readily , bf
ed, that the soldiers of the Repu
mainly Demberatic. , fact
potable with regard. to - the ;en
subordinate officers; and it will
'equally true in regard to Ali(
who served under them: • Whai
comes ofthe unblushing effrout
Republican leaders, who dare
that they and theirs saved the
'REQozsiTTßuctioN TO-DAYS
conipli, notwithstanding the
position of the, :party. now
alUft, the bloody shirt,..
the bleeding wounds I - widen . 1
ing chasm,:enibitter public fee;
S . uuth clog' . the wheels of - gc,
and juSticel , trail * the
and let gleaming . bayonet
that. symbol .of : authoritY do
inore; :do anything, 'so. - Ithat . ,
to n- the beltn , of - Sta . e, 'ot 9 i the
patjon: „ "
• ,This : baa be
icy , of Grant's administration
inception of . hit Presldentitif
tire same policy will coittinue,t
iiatio ‘; - tiffliiii if of
beitrausinitt4 froth : the..Juck
Of to-day . : tn..,:tlie,' ,- Joriatharr' , :.\
1:1301TOM; -It •iS .the sattie eld't
Fame old lessat
pro ,iniporgre i Met laiejy
at i hitt aich-tricksters
§uccessi..4.nd, kti6.
:Set determination of the-seiYeie
-fdan people.. • •
REcsO.isTnu'arlo4, : tiisTs
vrninents : are,
local i-iffairSi as itCey (PA twenty
^wwlevei. Fethiro bayiihets2 d
awe the vOleirs:;.the tgrese
that-section clougress: is co
tide, and loyal ; . land an .abgaln
'zation At ali our. citizetis
God ! thirough'cut thetnion,..
, impstible : 'by
,Grant ar
midons. It is thE-refore cicar
noon day, that the Repub
has n - pretet Whatever fin
existence on account or any
iss.ues o e war. -vc , rthelt
f c 'th • N
.§buud, although accor
Hon. Win.. , Evarts; "its
'lisitnent has expired," and, wi
niat.e effroqtely,actually se:ks
-frjorn , ,ihe has' out ,
ttiin its,hold of:. the 'l.i-ins:of
&ding the riex t years:
riblt: evintuati'v would go .f
absolutelydesti.pyiog ; the
Union- and its' repute with
lions and it is t titne,.therefO
est Republicani take 'stock o
tion , to which . w? are reduced
carefully the records of the,
submitted to them-for office::
. icommitniento.)
JatlN Al)AiiS A. PEP
[From a New York paper printed
The L . POlitieasl- ii4rty in :nl
calling itself &publican' ape:
people through - its• greatest
en4eavoring lo' . alarm the Pe
ing.them that the. Pewoerat
laminated for Prephieut
k State tights.. To silence. ter:
`Mein turn their eyes to -the
ernmeut in the City of .Ne
,witness , the ceremony of t i
.the sneceseor of Washington . 1
deney, and listen to his add,
Adatne; a signer' of the .:15e
Independence, on the 4th d'
1797, npon ' taking the,', , O
._ • ,
enunciated to, the • people th
which would,: guide- Juin; ivh
tering the' office of -Pre
_'giEmploYed•iti ,
ihe Service
try abroad, I: first saw the Leo'
-the United States itt . ,a fore I
re ad it' with-geetti itatisfiteti 1
an liabitual attention An it ti
13, 1816.
•` ' I
its effects upon the Retiqe.iFisid*prosper
ity and happiness orthe4lnatiorG Puve
acquired a- veneration 4k a
preference upon p of ;0 1 '0,
Republican Governmentilf a'4.espentful
attention to: the -constitution of the in
dividual States, tind a constant caution
-o.prd .dqlio44Yi:tc . i.ttiati•dB .Ttlie.::::Stiiti:•,tio.ieril
mento ) .ii,_an9val and impartial regard=,
tn-thei4,igfiti- and Rapp ineia >:cf, all the:
States in -the-11Tnion; . -without - preferences
or regard to a Northern or Sontht,rn,.to
an Easterß,9r WeAter,n, portion, min ena•
14 me. tci with • yti tir W is g ; it
. . - •my
shall be my strenuous Ati et#or to
duty r to ail t he ` Amer can people:".
After which - the oath ,of office, ~,Was
read to him by the Chief:Justice which
he energetically= repetfted.
,".t = d'solemnly,
swear that 'will': faithfully 'execute.' the
office of 'Piesi:dirit' off the: =United; States
and will'to` the best -A ; Lability r;pre
. .
serve,,protect and defend-- the' .Coustito;
tiOn of the 'United State - 5.7 lle-r:esent - - -
ed himself and - after 'a pause `of,.o:few
minuteirose ,
and retired Thomas Jefferson; the Vice
Pres ident'lOliewed' in , about a Minute; ,
and George -Wash ip g tori, trieved !On' after
_Mini a midst reiterdietilin'zzaS; huziais, and
dis Charge of.4Thßi - closed a
scene the like of whieh r was:never before
witnessed in, this or :any other county,.-- ,
which forms an epoch' in , 'orit'bistort
and in the history of , iteput;licaii :Freei
What,an augnst and sublime .spectacle
is here presented ; ¶he , Father of _a great
_country:, vrhos: , libertiei'lie 'had aChieted
l •
by his , sword; whO had', given to, hie peo
ple a Magna Chili:ter of : - : these
signed by 'his own name who; for
years -had- been histratieg ifs pri ciples
by his•oW,n'e..kaaPie; in his'Fare-
Add'reel; ghost 'fervently . 'prayed-his
people to_ See, that_this , Magna Charter
'was sacredly mAntained ; 'find
,Whti is now
labout, to ci,in mit
,its keeping,,'intO the'
h ds 151 •hi successors in dfriCr l : see
this Ei3.:eai forinde t t 'Of - a tree . Re-public §
, .
rpreient : tohear his' fray OccesiOr 'juke a
the—preSeii4!6 'of h`great
multitude of free' and that
he- woUl4' faithfully iires - ervefhpiiliber-,
ties! To hear him , say,t,h4t, he had studied
:the Constitution and iwas delighted .*ith
its effects upon ilie: , peaeWbrd6-,' and
happinebsot the MOM" atiitijoVild
his own teachings in protecting the Fiee:
dom he' had won
,by sword.;: And
hOw hapPy. must:-,Washington have been
toy bear his pupilin the bbietice`iif Free
Governmentl,so• 'clearly the;frin - ,
inles Which ... would 'Continue te i pecice
and prosperity, of the_ nation , _that the
ay stem of this Free Republic donanded
from the-President a-respectlni 'attention
to the 'COe'stitutiona of the States; that
it demands frordibim •fa constant caution,
him !ere
is - indis:
•ra,ls and
be found
then' br
.ryof the
o asanne
'AL - 10# lis
dioits op.
;eep oven
"ng in
, the ,
.the dust
fiash over ,
',this', aye,
e may re
lo's noon
fr4in the
reer; and
1.0 rule pyr
rad - of to-•
:9 1 A l '44
are blind-
tile arm;
E% tate GovL
ting; their
yearq a l gq,
not over
' tation of
nplete; ac-'
Le fhtferni-
.ts; ttlank,
nieSs ren
d his myr:
lIP the sun
'and delicacy towards the .State2Govern
mPiits; that it demands that hee - shall
nbser i ‘e an equal regard to the ~bights
and the States in the .
withont preference to a Northern ,
aud Southern, and. Eastern or iWesiern
'2, And who were' - presprit:;_to. witnea
these momentous,preeiedings? The four
ti.:.o..PilistileritS,..ot -these.-United States,
,Yeffersoni Midison ? 'Mon rnei Job n' Quincy'
.Adams , and knr;'''-doubt`,4''A[ndrear Jiieke l on
• - and - Wirtnefiry'llarri ' OW.All:ttie's 'were
prestihrttchear ibis theory of the - Supei,.
Strnetion,of our -gnvernineitt,txooilifded
in-,presenoe of:orie olitc;RWat'afti6(s L '
.1V:30 had pit its wheFis„in i ., : nl'OVi t a i n'and;
for= - 'a" space' iteight :
Ail the. e.
'in .tike schoo) of!Naithington , eiteli-Ahe'
Oliampion:nt State:Tslte,hfs; q
itV!tatt i gh , ,
him; - as-40i= at/ 2 e 6rObtagi
doWir to. Gen.
~Gran.t,dan.d was,
:over the,defid.hpdy, of,Abrahatn;Lineoin,
and,over the sietnes of. Andrew=
that eleven States of this Union 'were
overturned and trampled down : bY the
liti'-fieetofTyranny, and despatism:
•WaihingiOn had .heen but a yearin his ,
grave, when Jeperson; stood :in the saine ,
Capital, and swore that underlll4,Oithici e
obey the .',Conitittitie;n iit ciati" iia duty .
"to`Suppert the State Govern mints in. all ;
'tbeir!rightB aqgtP2filurestlbulwark against.
Ante Repablidan2 , 2, , tendencies,"' which.
means!, mmiareby. 4ames Madison
elared that his Oath bound hiri~'r o'
the and
.reserved, to
the.Stites' qi4:4l4,f,Pg()Piet... - as „Iqually
incorporated; with o and.l4essential to; the
suceesaof the general 'system of Govern-
Ment,"-and in his writings saYik''
away the right's of the„! late 404'Wliikt
have but iv4tUticiOlii?v_,
But now this party calling itself Re - -
pi/Weak declares that - pAz PreBident i s h a lt
ever he, elected. to rake .
I - -Ras::thta Part ,- be SI A 94, fetiOn
I sohabl of!LVltt l ailliOn; *),l.
Fs it terns
link tofhe
!errif o f er i.
h consurn-
' permission -
! aged' to 4:e
1: deb : a ter
r tovfocds
r6iea_orib till ii
reig4f l'nul:
erifiai: I l ion-,
. .
Iq.IITS . :'
king to the
okafors, ie
life .. by' tell- ,
' „party has
mon - of
ii; i&arfsi let
eat Of :go'vi ,
vr' York - and
po the Preai-
-so. John
aratiail, of
h.,or office;
• principles
le sthriinis •
if my .4:mn-
stitutiow of
gn land;'
n aktfrom.
'd 411/litin
d ht
sdifoOtot.Oeorge the Third} and it was
fottnaed by the Tories of the Revolution
in4;l4lotarohista in our county who of
feieit Washington. a Crown as
`witl.l6`-iiroven by -the testin)ony, of the
first five Presidents and the the Histories
. .
of our Country .. •
elose4 N6yi :1" 9 . ) . *;0 1 -14.6p day - .-
111st' dt'lo4. -
Advertisf3mentg New 1418 Wei*,
A UD IT OR'S NOTICE. , I—Thef-Und e r
:z1 signed an auditor appointed• by the . Orphans'
Court of, Susquehanna County, AO AtetriAllit3 thefruida
remaining in the 'hands ' off tne Executor of- the
:estate of Old Peek.-1 . fittend to the
duties of hie appointment at his,..o/tlce, in Montrose •,
on Saturday, Oct.-28th', irtifitit in' xhich time '
-and place all persons interested prennat•tbelr::
claims or be forever debarred, frum coming in on said ,
land. 4i5 ,; r .; • - •
,D. SF...SEARLE,Andttot.,
Sept. 18, 1137(tr,
ssiGN-Awb,SALS•M -
,t.:OF fIEAE : §: rA
i" „ ,
I 'Notice in hereby given ' th uitli-h puisnancor and by '
the of an order of the Court of Common' Pleas Of Sufic
qtrehanna eannty tons di reeted,lve will expose for sale
at publtc vendue on the btane.faxm of A - . M. Steatite,
•in Marford Township, said County; on
Tueiday. October loth,at one o'clock p. m. the following described pieces Or
parcels of land, the estate of A. M. Stearns, assigned to ,
us for the benefitof his creditors, Y • ••
.:The first piece known as the home farm situate in.
Ilarford, Susquevanna County, bounded and described
sit follows, to wit On the north, by lands of'J. T.
Perrigo, on -the east by lands of D. P. Brewster acd
Alvin St earns,. oil the south bylands of 0. Grinnell and
on the west by lands of. Edward Percy the saw. mill •
lot and. lareleOf Goodrich, containing about 67
acres more or less on which isa good new house, barn,
orchard, (ft. ' ,
The second being the saw 'Mill 'lot bounded And des.
eribcd as follows, to , wit :..Beginning at a stake and
;stones corner• the south east corner hereof, thence
north 70 degrees west 13 rods. to the line of .lands of
Friward Percy a corner, thence along said Percy's land
end landb of E. B. Gbodrich to n point opposite the tile
per end of the pond and along the sage thereof to a
rock at the edge of high watat, on the eaSt 'aide of the
pond, thence eouth 69,degreesietiSt, 8 rcidaand 21 links
to a stake and stones corner, thence south 21 degrees
west 37 rods and 21 links to the place of heginning.con
taining 5 acres of land, more or less, with the water
privilege attached thereto, on which sa sawmill, log.
woyi and conveniences for the munfacture of lumber.
, The ill lid beteg an equitable tnterest under contract :
in a timber lot bodnded as follows On the north by
lsprit of Samuel Vail. on the east .1 y lands of ,L. L, Le- •
'roe on-the bocrth by lairds of Andrew Osborn: and cis
the west by lauds of Horace Little and David Alexander
containing 4O acres, more, or less:. • .
TER ‘IS OF SALE-- The first' piece or home farm,
Ir2:!110 down, $3OO . pn final, confirmation of *ale, and thd
ba,latic't; in three eqpal annual inst-Alments from final,
13 firma, ion 'or iale. " - • ,
,The second piece known las ' , the Alva'
_cloy:Er:1400 oh final confirmation of sale- and the bal
:en& one half in .1 year and the'otherhalf in' 2 years
frpm final,,bnfirmation of sale„
The 1 hirdkuown as the timber lot, $lOO (own. $lOO
'on final confirmation of sale; and -the balance one half '
in year and th;• other half in 2,yeare from Seal co al ;
firinittion'Of sale. l• • '
to be paidm,fro April r eonfirmai ion 'of sale and
amount on each lilece unpaid o>agiving deed 10 be. se• ,
cured by ; .first , luagment- or moflgage lien upon 'the
,premises.. • ~ • •'. l • .... . .
ALSO et 10' b'elrick - ril'in.. Of the seine day, on the '
( wood lot abovqdeecribed; there will' be Offered for sale*
in parcels'ai anetton about 200,0c0,feet hemlock lumber
to' the log: •At 2 o'clock p.Aut . ..,"at' the saw mill lot a
'large quantity ; Of logs and• lumber:: - Tam.; 'easy and
made khown on" z
37w4 Assignpes.
Sept. 13,1876.
. .. . -I
GENT , --:--
A 'S
1...A.E 1 "A D 4
t. B '' . . 1 ' .
Our large life-like. STEEL ENGRAVINGS ' of the
.N readily.," Send
-for cireular.t...:l": ENGRAVII4 G • CO., 85 Wall S treet,'
Box W'¢.l'4 • T. 7 .. 7 7 .: saws
. -
Call and see your old citizen and barber-over H.
VI Webb's store, where you can get shaving and hair
cutting dond in the most approved xnannerand on short
notice. . •'. .., ...l'' ' Piton. L. B. WILLIAMS.
• Montrose, Sept..6,lB7omG. , .
- signed having been appointed- by the Crick of
;Common Pleas, of Susquehanna County, an Auditor to
distribute the funds remaining in the hands of the As
..siguee• of. Samuel :4,, ,Smith will attend to- the
duties of his Sppnintin;nt at his (ace in the Borough
of Montrose, OW.Stiturday, thel-Ith day of October at 1
WelOck, p. m.. at which -time and place all persons
interested. must present their claims or bi forever de
barred from) .coming , lit - on said rand. ' '
i ... W. A, CROSSMON, Apditor..'
Montroie , Sept. 6;18'16. "'' • Ow 4
. _
—t- - --:-- .. 1--.-- -- ,__ : • _
4. PECIVii NOTICE. , '
. .
The underigned Overscers'Of the poor of the tovin-
OAP of Harford.are desirous of -,appret tieing to respon
sible parti•isXtiree 'girls aged respectively eight. ten and
• eleven years. until they shall arrive at the ate of eight- '
een.iears 4 - . '.. •e , .
~„.ALSO, 'Arc; boy's , aged r especti v el y six and twelve
years, until they eh:lll:arrive. at, the age of Ivrenty-orie
"years. Application must he madoto • • .1
- c , : , . -I ,7At - RSON TINGLEY; - Olieiseers .
1 .
3„ j . ii - i ~,,-; : • and -7 i ..: • , of , the Pair
''.. 'J. .0. 110T,CBBISS, ' . pf Burford a .
' SePt. , 6,'1676, - - ,•:: ' , ' -' • ' -" - m
151)11'0 t'S NOTICII.,—The under-
Biped having been 3 ppointecl an audijorly the
Otphans • total:if Stisqnobarhia Clohilty. to distribute funds: xema'Aaa ip jhe harida 0f:A..13 t Tntbilt and
ak., G. Brush: W`m r!. of the state of Faioe B. Stud(hird,
'dee'd.. attend4O thmanties of his . apithintmeint. at
thie.o.ffice in qt. Berxi Village, attirday t tet. '4l!. atvrie
-o'crotk ui.f; it V/hitlii tithe 'atia Pliite all persons ic
teigsfed, will present their claims or be forever Cebarr
k4 -fronrco min in on Haul, muds, •
A '122 r. 1 WVD.LttSIE.-Anditor.
Jt`ePt - - 6,18,/¢.. . • S • .). r • •
GOOD `to
• ....J.A 7 . , ..1. :,sr..;:— ,t , -:—; :!': i
liksP "' ' 1 - ir •,;iilligii‘ii4'." •-• ... a
-,, ' ' - ' 4 4 1 /11 ,7* exli'
, , t lp.:,:at'.o t4'o.. ' • ' , '
41/ Mali; ictsit. rebel - vim a il , • 0 4 : 4 •-• /' I ' tl
, e it ' ll. r . ' I • :
LI: 1 -latl * . ll, 4 1 g - fi'l • / . 1, .,t.C , t ',l;it _. '
EN:IIR4 ' ir - INF'"' ST 0(a ;OF ittENS'i
. „ , .. .
t'. -o'i i ', 130X8' 441 - 1 Ye) ITTLICI
•- 1,-. 'lt. rt . ' ,'"l•tr..• ( *.f a 4...a..r.`iii ,:! i, '
~' i.,~
At. prices to ttit,.tho blird titioutd: , , ! 1 i- y•
140„ , .--,,,f'.. ilii:i . ': l V. j:,i•
.BO •
,1,100.THr..;',:-.5510 sill
BOOTS '1141"ti• SBOES"kAliiiat
.• •
liTheikitiorosibit/ .
*, • arg wr showing aro*,
4 tt '
43" AOIO4IO L8711.44er
l U
it f
tt * S - OrtiA)l,lrC.- :4.'43 , . i , ,.- _ , ~
‘.. - ;-. —.., -.. ..f. I_o.* i'4'. ,'• tf s
oleos flee line of .
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