The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, September 13, 1876, Image 1

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BY. HAWLEY' , „ 86 L ~CIiVS-.ER.
The flamesleapt like , some winged steed
That rides on fire in his night—
They leapt from tossing Op and height
QJ rosin pine to fragrant fir— ,
They seemed to loose themser, to Whirl
Like sportive birds, and'in th fir speed
'Leap on in long advance. and dart"
Red glancei through the forest's heart.
The birds rose far, a feathered cloud,
And flew toward 'the cone of griow ;
The fierce flame saw them, and he came, :
Came leaping like some great third wave ,
Across the , tossing tops of fire.
The flame leapt high, then high, then higher,
He sounded :ike some hollow, cave,
He leapt like some mad steed; he neighed,
He laughed to see them fly, and lo
His nostrils tanned the stars, to flame.
He: then drew back, then neighed aloud,
Then blew a breath that made a cloud,
Then breathed, then saw the b irds once more,
inc.!! leapt more furious than before, •
- :And when he now careering came . •
With crash and crackle from the ground,
Like upward comet in a bound,
The cloud of feathers icesaflame. •
TOE WAS not b If as ;good looking;
J but Jennie liked him a great deal bet
ter and, indeed, it vras only sometimes
that, in a caprice, she- fancied she liked
Mark Mahlon at all.', ,
Joe Thurston was the driver and Mark
Italdon the fireman of freight train No.
99, which stopped regularly, all the year
round at Redwood station, to let Light
ning Express No. 70 paSs;
No. 99 whistled at xoips p. m. invari
ably ; at 11 Joe had IJennie' in his arms;
kissing her almost to' death.
.This was,
- .
of course ; after they were married.
Jennie lived in the, only house, and
kept the only store there was at,Redwood,
and all the company she had, after dark,
was her old grandfather and the little
dog—at least, till the ' train arrived, and
then Joe and Mark made their appear
ance. I
Thus the bourting Was done. . Some
how, although each or Jennie's lovers
kept a sharp eye on' th other, yet both
found opportunities to propose. She ac--
c,tpted Joe, and when she informed Mark
next night what she had d ne, he turned
pale, and then congratal ted , her, and
when he got aboard his gine he was
It was tl , e beginning of his min ; and
on the night Joe and I Jennie were mar
ried—which was but aIbbr i ef - ceremony,
/18 Joe
_was pressed for iime—Mark was
not in a condition to , take his place on
thelrain, and on tht day following the
company dispensed 'With his future ' ser
vices. '
From that time Mark,' is the' expres
sion is, went to the . bad. His little 4sav
ingshe proceeded rapidly to drink' up,
and this dissipation made"
,the usual
ehangee, and soon, in ' appearance, ma'n
ners, speech, and the rest, he was .a 'dif
ferent man. • ' I
Sometimes he dropped `into ,the little
glop, and more than onee Jennie spoke
to him in reproof, but . ‘rith- gentleness ;
and it was only when sh l e perceived that
those well meant reproaches made him . a
treat deal worse that 'she ceased to offer
It it a terrible sight to see, a human
Filing sinking in _ thedark and dreadful
pu)t in. this way ;latit , down, down he
went, and no - -mortal :'hand could save
him. ' .
I don't know when or . how ieNWitß, but
hp imporCeptible degree Jennie grew
afraid of Mark Maldon. He had , never
altered one word of love to' herafter her
marriage, nor had .he seemed to like her.
huphand the leas ; but, somehow, w ea
rner she saw Mark's_ white and swollen
face coming in at: the, door, or beh4d,
the * distant wood, his bent ;and furtive
figure gliding softlyover the hroken,
twigs and - dry' grass like a', ghost, her
heart felt a nervous pang , and she Wish
ed he would go away ,to live. somewhere
else—or—(was it wicked ?)—that
might even die and be at rest.
Matters went on much as 'usual till
ane evening to October, when, about ten
o'clock, looking up. froM her Sowing,
J-tinie beheld - a pallid face at the window
staring in at her intently. .. - '
Somethihg , jiimped intd her Throat,
"d she eonld :dot :.,'stir or:speaE, l But,
then the face went away, and OreSently
ttt door opened and Mark camellia the
"Didn't know me ?"' he said, advanc
ing and leaning across the
liel* you are not. frightened, Jennie. It
wtte thoughtless of me; but I just *amt.'.
a peep, at i'fireside comfort,
area I tear I base iquissed, eb ; ? .1744 did.
1, 4* 80 cosy - 'and content - sitting 'there„
lad I'd give something handsome Whim
`Pretty wife waiting at the_ hearth for
mo; and, really, you innan't mind on e
e eveadropping„ Jennie, will you
There wat, , ielzkethioir mournful in his
6 eke, voice; sine words that totOed - her
6 1)19 - , and this was the• - more notice
'le from the fact_that,..forpuee E he Ms
enterely sober. ''
"Yes, Mark,' you
' frightened me -ter
ribly -, buti t's gone now. Why don't
you d o better ?—you .know what I mean
—and I am sure you ' will not find it
hard to get the pretty wife and the do
mestic happiness both."
~ He shook ihis head'.
00, late.. I've, missed my trip.. 'I
don't blame!anybody, s though-;. 7 .0n1y my
luck, you know. Joe is .due pretty soon
noW, isn't'he'?" ' He glancednt the clock
and nodded; lind 'then sald : . "I've felt
iwfully=tired and. cold , all' the evening,
and—and.=lOnesome.. I don't believe I
ever knew Myself
. to be 80 . lonely before, '
and he laughed in a melancholy way,
fiddling at the same time with the scales
on the counter. "And I declare," he
went ori, glancing round- oddly,."this is
such,a pretty scene that it--it makes my
heart ache, Jennie, ts) think that I have
no share, in it. , The 'pleasant glow 'of
- the chimileY corner for, Joe, and the cold
and snow for Mark ! Such is fate, and a
fellow oughn't to complain, ought he ?''
Jennie never felt so .uncomfortable in
herlife. She was h ot `afraid of him any
longer ; but she wished \he would go.—
Still he stood there 2talking in the same
melancholy (strain, and: at lenth came '
th? shrill scream 01 the engine's whistle
outside, andthen very; soon after, entersmoky
ed Joe, smoky `and:all bkgrimmed, but
'all smiles and good huinor,
"Four minutes late,",said Mark, glanc
ing up at the clock. - .
"Yes, my fireman was -taken sick at
the cut above," said Joe, after kissing his
wife, as usual, "and I made the run from
the last station alone: I don't know
what I'm to do—unless—by Jove ! 1
just thought of it—l can get you to go
with me, Mark:'
"The company mightn't like it, Jbe,"
said Mark; witsli the same strange depres
sed smile.' , •, -
"In a case like this there's no 'Choice.
I Can't keep my train here all night, and
I can't go on without a fireman. Come,
I'lltake the . responsibility and make it
worth your while." ' ,
Jennie looked uneasY. Mark . Mahlon
rubbed his hands together in a feeble,
imbecile sort of way, hesitating. I
"The company didn't treat me right,"
'he replied ; "but that wasn't Your fault,
Joe. Well, I'll tielp you out. I always
if ik
do a friendly, turn when I eau.' ' -
"Good !- ; There's the expre now."
added - Joe,as the whistle of Isto. 7 sound.
en, and the' train went thunder' g by.
"_Let's get 'aboard at once I must make
up for lost time.'
"Very well, I'll just get my coat and 'be
on the engine' in two minutes ;" and
Mark Meldon hurried out._: _
"Good-by, Jennie," said Joe, "I must
be off." . ' -
' -`,`Joe," she hesitated, "I half wish you
were not going to take that man l'' .
Joe started.
, .
"Why. ?" . .
"I don't know. I don't feel quite sat
isfied.'' ; ' , .
• "Pshaw, Jennie t Mark - never harmed
any one but himself, and he couldn't
harm. me if he wanted to.-- I guess I run
the engine, don't I, little girl ?"
"Pleitse -don't take hini.', .
"And keep my . train _standing here all
night, and be, discharged to=tnorrow .
morning ? nonsense! I,must clear the
track, darling. You forget that* . there's
another- express yet.- You don't 'want a
'collision, do you ?
_Good-bye, Jennie,
darling." • - -
~ .
"Take care of yourself, Joe," she said,
very pile and_ trembling, and almost try
ing to detain', him.. ; .
"Don't'leirie your engine a minute."
.He laughed. .' :
~ -
.1. never do. Againgi.the rules."
4 few. -minutes later; freight' No. 99
svas on its way, : Joe at- , his 7 accustomed
Most, and'Markn hie 4..9ffice, of ftre-,
man. , - ' i ' -
' - ' 44 Nowi*hat's the ink - illations, Joe ?"
laid Mirk,- much _more cheerfully; hiif
ilpirits rising with the speed they were
making as they tore along through the
' rnal bight. 1
"Weil We go on as bard 'as we can till
1 .
we reach Clear Spring, and there We pall
doer to •the south ,siding , and let NO. 80
ep.ress pass,,nud, then we have the right
o -way all the rest of the route."
l'i (After, Clear' Spring there is no eitikg
1 tiff 'We reach "Apsiey Junsition seven
nines ,beyondT?" - . - ,
' ,r;."Nune. ,We wait sixteen • minutes - if
`necessary, at Clear Spring,7 replied Joe,
&wisely. 1 ~ . -., '
, 1 ,
"All right., ißv-the-way,l haven't had
a;drink to 7 day-. - I brought a flask along"
said Mark, proaticing the 'article and uu 7
screwing t, 'top, which formed a cup.—
"Take' a, nip.- .Cold night; won't hurt
Joe shot* his heo.
"1 never totich_it When- 'l'm on duty,"
„"Once and away won% hart you, JoG
' it's good stuff, and won't' do you any
, i, "Well, Perhaps One I drink ''won't hurt
Your health .l ' '.: -- . i. ..
l Re drank., Three minutes Afterward
Ili. ifits OS igiipabie of r exercial,pg his Ise
'ides fs.if he had :iisifillOed 'a, .ftwFte
itbait) "raged,: 'his siert 'Vogue dim,
1 . , : . 4
MONTROSE, PA., SEPT. 13, 1876.
his. limbs relaxed, and, he fell helple.
upon the bench built against the side
the cab.
A lurid triumph filled the eyes
Mark Maldon. He flung the bottle c
of the window, and siezed the hate
that governed the movement of the lo
hav owed you along debt, Jo
he snouted above the '
roar of the 'who
"and aoo I can pay it with comp°
interest I You took everything from
and mad me what I am,: and - now
gives me linv revenge !"
Joe was incapable of - moving, ,but
senses some degree still remained.
"What, are you going to n do ?" he gs
"You shall see."
The wretch pulled the lever, and
engine 14tped suddenly as a horse boil
when pricked with a - spur. Every poi
of steam she could bear with safety fi
instantaueons, explosion was put oil,
the trai dashed forward at lightn]
"Remembet Clear Sprin:Ercsilimg," gam
ed Joe, hardly conscious.
"I shall remember to pass it," yelled
Mark, with demonic joy,- above the clat
ter and crashing of stich mighty .ma
chinery. "I looked into your home to
night, Joe Thurston, and saw your, hap.
piness; and then I asked myself where
was my home and where my happiness ?
I saw your wife—the woman I lcved, and
of whom you yobaed me. It was a com
fortable reflection—all that love and
peace for you, all the shaine and . des
pair for me My chance to get even
came before I dreamed of it. You are in
my power now, and I'll use it. We both
die to-night." '
Ile stooped and ' siezed Thurston's
watch. •
~'Every minute brings us nearer to
death. Ha, ha I We are at Clear Spring
already," he cried, glancing out; 'but
we stop. No, no I We go on till
weemasb into the express, and be ground
to 'atoms." -
This horrible design seemed to. sober
Joe' somewhat. He at last comprehend
edit. .
"My God, -Mark, have merc7 I" he
groaned. "Think 'of my poor wife. -Re
verse the engine\ or we are lost.",
"I do think of your wife, 'and, that
nerves me to go to my'death smiling and
joyously„because you go along- With-me,"
returned the fiend. "More steam, more
steam, if we blow up I What care I r
He turned to the , coal tender. There
was a flash in his . face, a report rang.out,
and he-tottered and dropped down among
the wheels. Sothething hot spurted up
ward—blood—and the train jolted.
A woman clambered down from among
the coal. It was Jennie, pale as death,
revolver in liandi . '
"You, Jennie, or is itlancy ?," mooned
poor Joe. . • ,
"it is I, Joe. I distrusted that , man,
you remember, and before the train, left,
I aimed Myself and sprang on the last
car. You made such speed' that I have
been all this time getting here; I wasn't
used to run on along the roofs, you
know, and leaping from one Oar. to an
other ; but here I am, and just in time,
Joe." •
"God bless you, darling; but I fear it
is too late. Where is my watch ?"
"That villain took it , with him when
he' dropped under the wheels. What is
to be done ?"
"We must go on just is we are going
now. If we_can't reach Apsley Junction
be e fore the'express, we are lost."
And so they still - tore on thiough the
murky night, plunging deathward with
every second. '!
Jennie looked steadily ahead. .
"I Bee-alit:item
"A lantern I" he cried, tryipg to rise.
"It it the switchman:=at — Apsley 'Junc
tion I"
At, the- same instant both heard , the
wearied and ' '
.ominous scream of a'ivhis.
"It is the exPress approaching at the
other end 1" shouted Joe, with the and
den energy of despair... "It ve , haie two
minutes in our favor me- are eavtd:l
What is the' color of the lantern, Jennies
darling ?'''
"Red, and he WaVeB il tip and'
running germ the track:"
"Sound the whistle ?Our times I" Joe
screamed. "It is the signal to switch us
She knew how; Three thriOcing
blasts and a! long concluding wail The
watchman had set his lantern doiii.• One
minute!;/ •
,' Over, the -
rails they jumped, and were,
ante on the siding. With, a rusty
the switchman.cloied-theiWitch. A flash
and a yell, and . etpteas `No' - 80' had eafelY
Both trains, mere securt.- `.1.!%v0 . min.;
des! •
IKisi3 rime; danger now- she
whispered. 'He caught her just in
tor, she bail fainted.
versed_ the engine s :. and ',the ,
standing 0a,,,, Li ,t
f*Yon,whistled : in - the 'Mali': Of ftioiti,'
be said, tremulously. "Thete only
two minutes , between yon and' eternity,
my man • .
`7wo minutes," said Joe, ."and a wo
mans loving heart I"
And that was. true. -
M'ANY , YEARS ago, before the era of
rnikoads, and when . highwaymen-
abounded along the great , route' from
Calais to, Paris, a noted drover, who had
been to Boulogne with a large, droie of
horses, vithich he had ' sold for cash, NO
oveltakeh by night. on' his return; 'near
Maequise. He remembered that a little
distance ahead was- aquiet inn - he had
never stOpped'at, and he determined to
spend the night there.
As.he rode up toithe house, the land
lord, a respectable looking person, receiv
ed lila hOrse and led .him away to the sta
ble, white he invited the: drover to enter
the - public sitting-room.
Here lie found two young men, one of
I : om f whrobi his resemblance to the land-
70 — rcl erecogiiiied as his 'sop the other,
I somewhat older, from his manners, ap-
peared also tc helong to the family. Im
mediately after Opper (durina '
which the.
drover stated where he had been. and
what good luck he had mt-t with,) the.
'son mounted a horse, and stating that he
was going to Marqui§e to stay all night,
rode off. The drover; having looked af
ter. the comfort' of his horse, soon after
requbsted the landlord to sho . w. him
118 room.
As the traveler slipped
,off his gar
ments,. he felt fir the, leathern belt about
his waist, to see thfitt it was secure.. Tnis
contained his goldiwhile his paper money
was in a large wallet, carried in a pocket
made for the purpose, in the inside of his
vest. Depositing these articles beneath
his pillow, he extinguished the light and
threw himself, upon the ird, whO, over
come by weariness, he soon fell asleep.
How long helm(' been in this state of
forgetfulness he could not tell, when he
was aroused to wakefulness by- the sound
of some person "endeavoring to open ithe
window near the head of the bed. At
the same time he heard suppreged.voices
withoUt, as of several persons in whis
pered consultation.
Startledlby tbis auspicious appearance
of things, the *over reached toward the,
chair on which he had thrown his clothes,.
for his whpois; but to his dismay, he
remembered that on his arrival, when
preparing to -- wash off the dust of his
journey; he had laid them, aside, within
the bar; and had neglected to resume
them.: •
Scarcely conscious of what he was do
ing, the, iefenseless drover slipped from
the foot of the bed; and hid himself in
the 'darkness behind a lot of women's
dresses suspended from the wall, and
Watched the motions of a man who was
now slowly and cautiously entering the
room.' He even fancied he could detect
the reflection of the dim light upon an
upraised -knife as the man approached
the be 4 with staggering and uncertain
steps. But great was his relief 'when,
instead of an attempt at murder, the in
truder carelessly shuffled on his clothes,
and throwing himself into the bed he
had just vacated, was soon in a sound
sleep. • _ • 1 •
Not knowing what to make of this
• •
strange affair, the , drover ! determined to
dress himself, call up. the landlord; and
have this singular intrusion explained.
He bad reached his-,cldPies, ,and slipped
on his trousers, and was moving toward
the door, 'when StePs_Were heard cautious
ly: croasitigibe (*ter' rOpm. Once more
he sought the 'aihelteeof the :diessesi
which completely ;: screened his person,
and awaited, the ,entrance of the persons,
whoever I'l4' Might:be. Presently, the
ddor of . the rod* Was . 800t1Y - opened;
and two men mane; their appearance. it
-WSB 'not - su :durlr - but that the diciier
cttuld readily:distinguish -them to be the
innkeeper:andithe man he had seen at
the table.' -
"Step lightlii, - ;1‘ tell 'Yon " vrbispered
wake him tip,aud
then vile'll::have a pretty mess ,ori char
"Nonsepie 1" replied the other,- with
an oath. ' "YOU arts glared, old Man."
"Scared 1" repeated the first speaker.—
"No man: ever told Jean. Gamer . 'beftire
he was Scared. ,Here k .give me the knife.
Pa show you who is ?cared. You secure
ihe lender the pillow--I saw
him put it there;_and do thereat."
The old man': was' advance,' and as
.he stood. between ,the window r and the
'drover, the'latter coaldisee his foriif-bent
over the bed, • while _his hand seemed to
beiearobing beneath -the pillow.
": "Here; Ilenri - .:—take it. Here's the
wallet, and there's' the" belt. How heavy
it is I" and he passed the money to: his
companion. before, Ilia, , Other 'had yet.
reached the bedside.
The - Old'inan put his hand jia,biabO=
eiatil in& the 'trembling 'drover
• Arrive' forth'the' long blade the' - other haa
given:him. For an instant : the inuid*
ous .weson was poiae4A4er,hisbead r and
thin - de'Oended upon, t)fe' pewit)the .
;poor -Wretch in the z.
The murderer paUred'in • bia!sitork for
VOL.. -- '3 . 3.N.c):. 3.7
an instant, as if to satisfy himself that'
life was instinct and then mved quick
ly from the room.
As soon as the 'sound of his footsteps
had* died in the distance, 'the horror
stricken drover escaped through the Win
dow, and' ran with all his speed to Mir-
Oise. where, arousing, the people of the
fide], he told hii fearful story.' A crowd
soon collected about' hiM; and-accompa
nied him to the' fearful murderer.
All about the 1101183' was still, but on
approaching the barn -a , light *As this v
eyed- within - and, moving no elessly to
the door, and peering thrOugh the cracks,
the two murderers were, found in thc,act
of digging a grave bett_eath the floor. A.
rush ivas made upon theni,andThey mere
arrested. •
lie the sight of the dros;er, who was
the first td.confrout the guilty Wretches,
the landlord uttered a shriek ,of terror,
and fell to the ground, while his accom
plice, as pale as a corpse, gazed upon him
with a fright, not doubting it WAS the'
ghost' of the murdered man who, stood
before him. •
The party now proceeded to the house,
dragging the murderers after them.
Lights were procured, and still keep•
ing their pritioners with them e the people
entered the room where lay - the body of
the man so stratngely. murdered instead
of the horse dealer. The wife and daugh
ter followed.
When the covering was removed frog
the.face of the corpse, and the full light
of- the candles flared . upon it, .a wild cry
burst from thf. lips of the landlord's
"My son—my murdered son ! Who
has done this ?" -
And with a hysterical scream - she fell
to the floor. . •
"No, no ! it can't be so, mother !" ex
claimed ,the daughter ' as she struggled
to reach the bed. But thee terrible truth
burst upon her as her eyes fell up 4 the
mangled form of her brother i - and she
also swooned upon the body. •
The cries of the broken hearted fe
males seemed to arouse the old man for a
moment ; and gazing- wildly at the sight
before him, he also realized the terrible
truth. He-had murdered his own goal
On investigating the filets before the
magistrate on the.. following -day; it was
ascertained that the son of, the innkeeper,
;who was• a dissipated yoUng,man, had
visited Marquise the previous evening,
where, with some of his assooiates,he had
been engaged in drinking and gambling
till a late hour ; - and being too much-in
toxicated, to' remount :his
.horse, and
ashamed to meet his family, some of his
fellow gamble,rs had accompanied :him
home; and supposing the room in which
the drover had been put to be Vacant,they
had assisted the drunken man into the
window. It ;wee their • voices the lodger
had heard ; and thus it was that . the hap
less youth met his death . and our friend
The accomplice of the landlord prov
ed to be his own son in-law; Henri Le
grand. -
From that awful hour the wretched
mother of that murdered boy, murdered'
,by his father's hand, remained a raving
It is only add, in conclud
ing this tale of horror, that the drover,
recovered his money,; and justice. claim
ing her due, the two murderers paid the
penalty .of their crime upon the•guillo-
Shortly after, this last event, he
people of Marquise, to whom the- amine •
of the unnatural murder had become as
ePesore, assembled` and leveledthe build.;
ing 'to the groitmli• The Spot now cei:;'
eri3d with brambles :atid thistles, ant
,pointed out to the strange; as. the -pleoe
to be avoitietr;for the ignorant assert
that it is haunted by the 'ghost of the
rtniirdered eon: - -• _
.An old lady pos!essd 9f large for
tune, and noted for. - her penchant ,for
use of figurative 'einressiotik . One dafas-,
sembled her grandchildren
lowing conversation I tonlrplaess4 . l . ! ‘4
"My children," : Raul ; thy' 1 14 a
the root and Your the branenes : !",i. k .
"Graodms,"said' ode:
"I was thinlctnehow" muQh beta fthiti'':
branches :would., flourish if thelifot way
tinder grottn(l.7.,i ncr .
A dandy` Wae one - evening in eamp4l4,
young lady, and oblerving• hey"
kiaB her favorite poodhyhe advantiedand::'
begged the favor,oremarking that).:
she ought t have ; ae ) mgeb,- eharityfor
him as.she to
shOwn the iteg.
_the belle, never kissed ir4r:clag.
when he wat a inipte'l-ThifelliiirbiA
the hint and . was off instaatjy, lect,
- : ~,....,...,_,,,t
~ People tell the.fto,l of a. Maallte i
'Stilled at tlialoase bf a deiglOon t "her ii
mile' from lila °it'd T horitie, early 'fri, 'the'
in(iiining, and .altenAlre wad edlottitia;
Silted bio*U o l l :a Ohltb, ,andoott;,
80444 totea3 ; 49* . 4reaki,m6 - 4011g. _ 1
f,loit.oilspod . „„ iii ik 1 .. 121/(,t‘oiratoP).cor
~.011:10.ja ou mu ? , a :thiveent tkie 'to tell
yoti.r , • , . 21, A. ittg.;'.. ritl;- .i..-1.',: ..41 , ,41Xti ~
, A difflotatlook to pick—Oat fr om a
iiidd hos&