A. DIFFERENT KIND OF TIOSE. For some time past it has lseen . one of the duties - of the poli9e officers of Sf. Lci l uislo go to the various houses"on their respective beats, and ascertain the size, etc., of the ' hose used in sprinkling the yards and streets. Out on Grand Avenue one of the sturdy , peele l rl3-4ad watched a long time at the back yard - ofan•ar' istocratic mansion to try and obtain the feces. nary : Information , from the servant-girl. But' She didn't appear, and in. .a of despration, the officer walked ground to I the, front door and rang. A moment later the lady of the bottee appeared Y herself and open6d the doer, This rather staggered the officer,.and without a word of preliminary explanati+ lie touched, hts hat and led ofr, with "Good morning, mad aril 1, I called to inquires what kind of hose yon "Sir ?"- said - the is — tonishenady, : growing about a.gaiter heel faller. "Yess'm. Very disigmeable to ruble you, but we have to .make ;these • inquiries, mam . —,; Dutyi . you'know - r• ' • • • ••. "Duty, indeed, eir jou . miscreant,--" "Beg pardon, madam. Perhaps\.-yon don't use any hose. P.m sorry ;' but li don't . know.'' • "Not use any hose .! , -0, you vllain 44 Well, perhaps its'rubher, hose, madani•r i - : , • "Rubber hose !" she screamed. "Youahoni-'. .finable wretch ! What do You mean ?", "I -mean .whie kind of hose--" all 'the impudence Vi. . • "I aek a thouband pardons, madam , ; I' see . you don't - know—" . • • 4. don't knout'!" • • ,' • • - "But here comes the kitchen maid. She can tell me what4 : waut - to .• ~ • • • "Susan,if you say one Word to this misera ble brute, rii disdliarge2you. . She can tell -you, • indeed, can she Ishould -like to see her." : - ; And so the officer had to retreat finally with out accomplishing • his purpose.' The jady told her husband. the husband flew in ,a rage to the sergeant, the sergeant explained the matter:and • they both agreed that it was a [great outrage and ought to . be kept, very quiet. . NOT. EXACTLY THAT WAY. There is a beautiful incident in some of the new- Siinday • School books. It .'opens with a terrible storm at sea, which grekly frightened the captain's wife and'all the sailor's. The cap tain himself was very cool, and when his wife wondered at it he took down a sword, flourish ing it in the air and asked— " And are you not afraid I" • She wasn't. - She. said she ;had faith in her husband's love and friendship. "Neither am I afraid of the storm," he Con tinued, "tor I haie faith in the• Lord's love and protection." . • 1 , • A captain on the Erie'can,l read the little' stony the other day, and it tduched . his heart. He discended to the cabin, where pis, wife was niixing biscuit, and putting Lis fist _ under • her note aske(l • , "Eetsy, are you not !timid ?" "Not mulch," she replied giving hino. a danger ous look. '`Why not r be yelled. It would have seen ,very proper for her to have said something about Divine Providence, but she didn't. She . replied-- "Because, if you don't git that paw out of my foci, I'll nick up this dough! and break an other rib for ye r. THEY CHANGED THE NAME OF THE TOWN. • The Plymouth pastor piid us., a visit last week,and remained in our midst for upward of three or four days. His presence upon the ground attracted a staring crowd whenevei he presented himself. M.r.. Beecher "with, severe), friends was engaged in making an inspection of the main building when he i liappened , to meet Commissioner Durfur of. Oregon. Recog nizing Mr. Durfur, whom he had meth on a former occasion, Mr. Beecher, in his usuil i ly pleasant manner; raised his hat to tbe Commis sioner, at the same.time, remarking "How do you do, Mr. Commissioner ? . This is Mr. Durfur of Oregon, is it not ?" "Yes," replied ,Darfur. 11L Beecher?" "I am glad to meet you 'again," answered Mr. Beecher. "You see, I take a great interest in your . State of Oregen, I believe they did me the honor to name , 4 one of their • townships Beech-Town." `, , • 'Oh, yes, I believe they did," responded pur fur ; "but you see Mr. Beecher; - they - have changed the name of the, town since ,ghat. time "What 1" ejaculated Mr. Beecher, looking rather surprised. "You astonish me ; I hevtr heard of that before To what name,pray did they change. it ?" -• • "Well la.:Beecher, you see they 'call it "E;liz abeth' now." 41 4 1- A , She was ti,-.celiired lady and attending a re vival of ,religion„ and bad worked heiself up to• the-e,7ttreMq pitelief:going' to 'the good place in a *oment, or , sooner if possible. Al" her file4thegave vent to her_:feelingsand exclanned: ,Lll wish I was a June bag ,r' A. brother of sable hne,,standing near by, in quired : • , "Wlittido you Want to be 011 e for ?" • "Thitj, might fly to my Jesus.," , - °You 'fool. nigger; woodpecker k.oteh you lore you get half way dr." . , - The editor of the Woonsocket Fa rsot thus , notices Some poetical commtmica lions s' ; poetical:effusions of and 11-a-e-i are in: admissible. Reasons the - rhythm( sounds somewhat like purnkini rolling over a barn floor, while some lines appear to have, been Measured a itird-stick and oth**ith a ten-foot-polie; "Thia world 18 . 811 a fleeting *bow," Satd's tried to a culprit on^ the geliew#•'' l . , sY the prompt reply ; "bnt you*',o):* tiortild - rathati fh*.;ilaowiPikipi DRUGs, itEDWINES, M.. "Oh, yes, and this is i • Miscellaneous. A.. - .: iLtrot,::' Drliggi4:, MONTROSE, PA, • i Dealer in all kinds of Pure Drugs:Medicines, Chemicals, Dye. Woods, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. • t Pocket BooliP. Combs, Jewelry, Perfumery. Toilet Soaps, Brusnes,Violina and Violin, Strings, Yankee Notions,•Panqy Goods, Cigars, Tobacco', Table Cutttem Fine Solid Silver, Spoons. Plated Spoons, Knives and Fork's, Guns, Pia ,tole. Amunition, Shoulder- Braces. Trusses, Medical Inittrriments, Dental Materials, Lamps and Lamp Chimneys, Teas, Spices; Baking Powder,Sea, Moss Farine, Gelatine, Tapioca, etc., ctc. , , Daly's Pale Ale for Inallds. Those who wish to buy Paints and Oils, would do well tO examine our stock of White Lead, White Zinc, and Mixed Chemical Paints,` before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of colored paints in cans of from one to five pounds each, on hand. ~ montrOse Feb. 2,18 16. FOR, 1876; JO.B PRINTING A SPECIALTY. With our four presses, a large assortment of plain andlaney job Cype, borders, inks, papers, cards, etc.,,-and experienced workmen, we are .prepared to dq An Kinds of Job Work . • at the,LOWEST PRICES. Promptly upon receipt of order, (by mail or otherwise,) we can furnish' • • • ItVedding Invitations, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements,Note Heads, • Box Lithe*, Show Cards, Admission Tick , ets,'Ball !rickets, Law Blanks, Auction - Bills, Large Posters, Small Posters, Bottle LSbels; Calling Cards, Address Cards, Business Cards, Invitation Cards, Pamphlets, I3uSiness Circulars, Wrappers, Tags, Dancing Programmes, • etc., etc. HAWLEY ft' CRUSER, Democrat Office., 3fay 10. VALI:TABLE FARM FOn., SALE I NEW MILFORD TOWNSHIP. The' undersigned eieentor of the estate of Simeon Van Fleet. decf l d, offers for sate the farm of•said deced• tat, one-fourth, mile porth of the'Motley church, New Milford township, Pa., It contains about 112 acres, well watered, fezced,and under a good state of cultiva tion, I must dispose of said WM, and will sell on iIEASY .nPERMS. For Further particubirs inquire of the subscriber at Summersville.r Pa. N. P. 0. Address, New Milford, Pa. • E, A. ALDRICH. July 19, 1876:t.f. ;Duchy b. Co. Fancy Cards 11 styles with name 10 eta. A Agents wanted. J. B. Rusted, Nassan.N.Y. 86 _ o"rfd,abrdtassemurti AG E N-TS patent lever watch, .free of cog.. write at once to J. BRIDE & C0.,4 761 Broadway. N. 1 . 86 . 1 15 101•$1 " mo i . rt i;g l e ll i a e nt, ft9olliocha , trice, Snow Storm, Gold Pleb, Trait. and other popular chromes. each 234 feet lono, only 5G cents each NATIONAL CHROMO CO,•Phlladelphia, Pa. 36 AGENTS. WANTED FOR THE GREAT CENTENNIAL BOOK Imineope. iiales. IT PAYS.' Send for circular. P. W. ZIEGLER & CO., Ph ladelphia, Pa.. 36 FARMS with fruit and Improvements at your own fig - FARMS urea.' Catalogue. with maps and photograph- FARMS is illustrations, telling all about Maryland and FARMS Delaware. sent free. 16 FARMS J. F. MANCH t, Easton. M. D. .AGENTS. WANTED! "Medals and Diplomas &warded, for EIMI T AN ; CENTENNIAL BIBLE ISO° Address. ,for new circular's, A. J. HOLMAN It C0.;930 Arch rt., Philadelphia.. 36 . , TILDEN 4t ..REFORM. Now ready foi agents: TheNational.Rand ooh for voters, with_Life of - Tileen and. Hendricks, and an expose of Rings & .Frauds.: 50:") pages. Illustrated.— tAcent)s will secure outfit and - tetra Wry. $lOO a month made. E. B.: TREAT, Pub.,;805 B'way, N. Y. .86 101),SYCHOMANCY.or SOUL CHARMING. Iloweith- X er sex may fas.Cina.te . and gain the love atd affec tions Of any persim they choOse inStautly. This sim ple! mental all can possess. tree, by tali; \for 25c. together with,a-marilage guide Egyptian Ora cle. Dreams, Hints tcl•LadieS.Weddin„c , :kliht Shirt,&,c, A queer book, Address T: WILLIAM £ CO., Pubs. Philadelphia. . 86 r-- - . I • $5O to s2oo. A MONTH FOR AGENTS. U.&INTERSA L HISTORY. The great interest in all nations and in our own t ing history of 100 rears. makes this book -sell _faster than any other.. 3books in one. beautifully Dins trated . Low price:quick sales, extra terms. Send for circular. J. C. MCCURDY 00., Philadelphia, Pa. - AGENTS 'IRATED.E.6I;g II .I7 NATIONAL CAPITAL AND. •TR it . CAMPAIGN .OF 1876' Just the book for the times. Gives a full hiss toryof Ana National Capital and Government. • Shows how the government has be :n managed since its orgia.• nizatiou Explains bow jobs are put through ,con- grass. Gives a lull history of the Whisky Frauds, Amp. and oilier scandals. It gives the iivee of Hayes and Wheel erailden and Hendricks.. Grand chance for agents. ! Adarces C. C. WICK & CO. Cleveland,O. 36 14..V.4.0V - AL-200 : Pianos and Orgatis. 1-0) At Manufacturers prices. The Subscribers will sell their entire stock of Ilanos and Organs, new au d second hand; sheet music, music= bogks„ and mercha n ,disc, at very near cost prtees for cash daring Septem- - bet previoqe: to removal to their newatore 40 east 14th tit— Union\ {3 qnare, Oct. Ist. Illustrated catalogues mailed. Agents wanted. Special inducements to the 'Trade. H. SA. WATERS. & SONS, Idanufacturera and Dealers: • 481 Erway N. Y. TO AGENTS OR ANY• WRO .NEED MORE, THE . BIG ,BONANZA SILVER VOLUME. Dan De gale's new,book with introduction by Marki Twain, isjust reany„ The richest in text and illustrations seen for a long time,— Are you ont'of. work or dragging along on. some 'dull book ?.:_Go for this one: It willtilyour pockets , sore Don't delay and lose territory yon want, send for circu lars at once; It costs nothing to see them. ,AM: 'PUB: CO., Hartford, Conn.', or F: G.:814M & CO., Newark., J, 86 18761 ; • WiIERV, NOW ? ',1876! To Michlian,.one of the foremost, donrlettog and healthy States I `,° WHAT FOR? • 'To bai a Facet cut of the One .Million acres of line far .., tan, g -landas ifodians r sale bitbe ()rand RaPhle LBch . Ready Markets , ' tare Crops . Good Stronl e soifs oo ; R, ru ne ml t kin hro il a t r, o h r eentre of .grant.'' sew,. 'Dents all along. Products raised. Plenty of water timber and build! to tio per ' acre ; one fon% materials' rfteer" fit= $4 'Send for illustrated 41"4 ' balance en time ana be i ccavia _. , purAlet, fall of facts and s gag 7• Fees iii 44404 CNN*. , CHEMICALS. =UM i ._ !,:-.''[-:: illicellineotti..- I FLOWERS BLOOM IN TER t '. ytT H W Y Y IN Are you aware that you can, obtain •Summer beat in•, January P That you can impart balmy air to you families f that you car give spontaneous' growth to plants and'Flowers, and that you can make home a tittle paradise by purchasing one of B. p. Sayre's Hot- Air Furnaces P' These Furnaces are now constructed with VAPORI PAN by ..which the'. atmosphere is tem pered to that tesetubling Sommer heat. • NO MODE .CRACKING OF FURNI TURE-NO 4110,RE DRY HUSKY Ht AT. • And• the time has come when consumptives may re joice M coal Ares. Tbese furnaces are sold entirely up on their, own{ merits, aed are now the leading. Furnace in this part orrhe country. All Furnaces are warrant ed to give entire satisfaction or no sale. Fl:7 IV' A IEI I keep competent men oil .the road who are well ac quainted With the Furnace business and they ace co& etantly putting up these Furnaces. Their . work is war ranted to please. These Furnaces are now scattered in the following towns and cities: Binghamton; Scranton, Providence, Wilkes Barre. `Kingston, Pittston, Elmira. Waverly, Williamsport : Great Bend, ,Suspnehnuta Depot, Lianco.k,, Delhi, Downsville Andes, Matgaretville, Franklin, Unadilla, Owego, NorlhuMberland, and many other towns. . . 3bui,ft,3;kti.l!;isvot•tla-cicic $y- : • • - Any persOn wishing a recommendation front any one living in tne. above named places. I will gladly coi Teti pond with them. giving names 'of parties now using these Furnaces. s B, C.. SAYRE, December 22d. 18751 , Montrom, li 1 0 0 1b 7 : 4 V 4 1 . 7 A I SIZil Zi NING UMBER YARD!' to better accommodate the community. the id has established a depot for the ettle of tnnfactured at hit newly-erected building on elcr tannery Site, in the In miter undersigue , iLtunber the:old Se HEART- OF TOWN be kept constantly on band. . A full stock of where will AND YELLOW PINE, HE MLO , ASH, MAPLE - AND BLACK WALNUT LUMBER, WHITE 0 the aid of the most impro - ved =whiney and workmen. is prepared to work intoany .hape wants of Customers. whichmit competent to meet th ASONED LUMBER, INCLUDING SIDER% PRIM. CEILING. SHINGLE AND TH CONSTANTLY ON HAND. WELL BE FLO, Matching, 'Mouldings: and Scroll Sawing der. Planing e one,to 0 WAG; N, CARRIAGES & SLEIGH; i kr Clis\ Lei kr-li-11 iki) :4•41 in connec ion wit° the above establishment. under the management of Mr. E. H. Rogers. Examine our work before leaving your orders elsewhere. Repairing done promptly.l A. LATHROP. Montrose. Septembez 29th. 18T15. I - ARRANGEMENT People's ➢rub Store. The BULLARb, PROP4IETOR. KEN YON .Druggist & Apothecary . PATE T MEDICINE EDIPORIUM The undersigned would respectfullyannounce to all the people everywhere, that to his already extensiv! stock and variety of Merchandise in the Grocers': reo• vision.B.lld Hardware:line. He has added a vi ry choice assortment of PURE * e- •' • :NT MEDICINES. BRUSHES, PER FIIMERY; &c.. which he flatters himit. if be can assure the public they Will find it to their advantage to exam ine before purchasing elsewhere: To all Physicians in this section of the county he would respectfully ane nonnce that he has secured the services of R. Kenyon .1 as Druggist and Apothecary, s : hose long exnerience and acknowledged cape and ability. entitle him to your en•l tire confidence in the line of compounding Medicines or preparing preScriptions, and who would also estee it an especial favor to receive calls from any et his old ^ustomers or new ones. Will make the Patent Medi. sineau specialty!. - Also Domestic and Foreign Mineril Waters—an eaten sive stock'. Al sof,. ne G facer' MMHG'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, PHESH SALMON PICKLED & CANNED CLAMS. 'LOBSTERS, I PEAS, CORN. BEANS. OYSTERS, &0., &c. In fact, anyt ingand every thing that is ordinarilynevit ed. 'Respeatfally soliciting a call 'remain , , I. N. BULLARD Powder: Powder: Powder Blasting, Rifle and Shot Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun ' < Tubes, Caps, Po'bches, Flasks, Fuse, - ' F &c., &c., for sale by ' I Xontrose.Sept.9,lB74--tf., .*; ; .:-.9_1v . IN7 . 1 . B17:$-,:41,,- . ,.t Thu dersignedhas an omnibus line running toes y trait. - L. & W., and Erie - Railways ai Opins' . 'ror - _'-' . 4o . .*iiiii,lig:.: . ';:. Baggage at either depcit 'win primpqy'attendect to. The new river hrhige lo now eempleted s hence t is no ferrying. . • 1 . . . . . . • . .. . _ . 4ye - outland to'ccanvey passengers to any point* th is ourtoondingeon.ntry. . , . .- , -- • • . •, - t - 'l.•. U. -BI7OIIARAN.Propsi.F ... Ores' t Bend. dugf.l9. 1874.—tf: ~ t c i 4 ~,,_ e , ~ -. 2 - • - -..- _,; -, ~. .. f , ---o-- Montrose Pa. MILL AND I. N. Great Bead, Pa. Ani'cirderfor• Business Cards. DR. II R. ELLEN E. MIT CHELL, PY . eiman and Surgeon, grad uate of the Woman a Medical College of the N. Y. Inlirmary„then reef dent physician for a year in Alpe Woman's Hospital in N. Y. : . after four years ' pra tice in Ron du Lac. Wis consin, has located in , biont , rose. Special attention g given to disease's of wo and children. Office at the foot of Main Street, it t e old David Poet home= etead. , Montrose, Dec. 15,1875.--BtOnso lID. BALDWIN, I. D., HOM a pathic Physician and Surgeon. has,-located himself at Montrose. where he Will attend promptly to all iprotessional business entritisted to his care, IWOfilce In Carman:2 building, second floor, :front. Boards atlix. B. Baldwin's. Montrose, Pa.. March 10,1675. 1 ' • DR. W. W. SMITH, ,. DENTIST— Rooms at his dwelling, next door north of Dr. Halsey's, on . Old Foundry street, where he would be happy to see all those in, want of . Dental Work. He feels confident that he can plectse all, both In qrialltyof work and in price. Office hours from 9 A. at. to 4 P. X. Montrose, Feb. 11, 1874—tf VALLEY. HOUSE ; . (iIftEA'r . .I3END 2 Pa: Situated heap the:Erie:Railway , Depot.— alarge Will commodious., honige. ties undergone a thorough repair. Newly.furdished rooms and, sleep ingapartments,splendid tables;andall.thingacompria toga filatelass hotel. ,-. HENRY ACKERT, t , .: Proprietor. i • , . iptiLLIN GS STROUD, FIRE- AND -11-J Life Insurance Agent. All business attended to promptly,on fair termß, Office first dooreast of, tile bank of Wm. ii. CoOptitls Co.,Public Avennead out rose .Pa . . .-' -- ' [Aug .1,1869.) 1 11y4 17, 1872. ' BILLINGS STROUD. 'THE PEOPLE'S *ARKET, PHIL lip Hahn, Proprietor.. • Fresh and Salted Meats, Hams, Pork, Bologna Bantage,ete., of, the best qual ity, constantly on hand. at pricer to stiW Montrose, Pa., Jan. 14.1873-11, EDGAR A. TURRtLL. COUNSIILLOII AT LAW,. No. 140 ,Broadway, New York City. 14y 12. '75.--(Feb.11.1874.-1) • • LITTLE': AND BLAKESLEE AT -1.4 torß ey sat Lawddontrose, Pa. Office opposite the.Tarbcll House,. ' - R_•B• LITTLE, CiZO. P. LITTLE,. Montrose.Oct.ls,lB7E. B.L.BLAKESLES. W. COOLEY, BUILDER, STILL ON THE TRACK I Every style of buildings erected, and everything furnished, at GREATLY REDUCED PRIME. Contracts cheerfully furnished. Stair building a specialty. 'None but experienced workmen tolerated. jan.20,"75. Montrose, arch' 22, 1876,-41 B. DEANS, DEALER IN W• DoOks, Stationery, Wall Paper, Newspa pers, Pocket Cutlery; Stereoscopic' Views, Yankee Notions, etc. Next door to the Post Odice,• MontrOse, ?a. ' W. B...DEANS. , Sdpt. SO, Ma. V . XCHANGE AOTEL. M. J. HAR rington wishes to inform thepublic that having rented the Exchange Hotel in Montroie, he us now, prepared to accommodate the traveling pnbllc to dm-class style. Montrose, Ang.28.1813. BURRITT,,DEALER IN STA .L.A.• pl. and Fancy Drz Goode, Crockery, Hard ware. Iron,Stoves, Drags. Oils, and Pilots. Boots and Shoes . and Cape, Fara, Buffalo Robes. Gro ceries, Provisions, au. New Mrltord. I a.,N0t.6, JOHN GROVES, FASHIONABLE Tailor, MontrOse, Pa. Shop. over Chandler's Store. AU orders flied In fret-class style. Cutting done to order on short notice, and warranted to St. Montrose, June 80,.'75. DR. - D. A. LATHROP, ADMINIS ters Blectro Thermal Bathe, at loXe Foot of Chestnut street,. Call and consult- in all Chronic Diseases. Montrose. Jan.l7."l9.—no3—tf. • LEWIS KNOLL,. SHAVING AND . hair Tlresaing. Shop in Searle's Lew bnildint, below Bxprese Office, where he will roe found ready to attend all who may want anything kti his line. Montrose Pa. Oct. 18, 1869. T. PURDY. MANUFACTURER of wagons of all kinds. - Also makesa specialty of wood work for sale. Repairs. promptly attended to. Uses only best stock, and aims to make only first•clesa Work. [april 26, 1876.] DR: w, L. RICHARDSON; PHYSI clan and Surgeon, tenders hi sprofessionai ser vices to the citizens of Montrose and, vicinity. Office at his rusiderce, on the corner east of the Foun dry. (Ant:A. 1869. Q.COVILL AND DEWITT, ATTOR neys at Law and Solicitors in Bankruptcy. Office :elo. 49 Court Street. over City National Bank, Bing mton , N. Y. W7d. n.Scovux, Tnne 18th, 1873 JEROME DEWITT." AGLE DRUG STORE, IS' THE •L-4 place to get Drage and Medeines. Cigars. To bacpo, Pipes, Pocket-Books, Spectales, Yankee No tions. &c. Brick Block A. B. BURNS. IMontrose, Pa., May 15th,18115. ' 11 F. F.T.Tell, ATTORNEY AND • Councellor-at-law Montrose, • Pa. Office as , heretofore, below and west of. the Court Home, Montrose, January 27,1876.-Iy. -...A. IXON:,__SITOCESSOR TO 43-1. • bel •Turrell, dealer in Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuffs. -Teas, Spices, ,fancy Goode. Jewelry, Perfumery, - Montrose. Ma 519,1875. - 1 1 0. W PATON, el CIVIL 1 NGINEER AND. Le.ND . SUBITETOPL, 1`,04 addrese. Franklin Forte; • • • . Snsquebanna Co., Pa. ,A .0. • WARR - EN 7 . ATTORIN.F . .ST .L.IL• Law', Bounty, Baal; ray, YeualUe an ' d Claims attended to.. -94ip-zfirf, ...00r belo*Boyd'a Store, liontrose.Pa.'' EL LOTT; A.TTORNEY4T LAW,. s Montrose. Pa. Collections promptly attended to. Special attention •given :to ,Conveyanc.ing and Or: plums' 'Court practiee. Oftice on Public Avenue over First National Bank, back: . • [March 29,'26,) WILSON J. TI - .FRREL; SURVEYQR. Ty •-lisving bad 20 'years experience in tbe; business, wilFcontinue to attend to calls in my profusion. Montrose,' Pa., 35ept.15, '75.4y*: • . • . W. - SMITH: :CABINET AND Y• Chair Mannfacturera, fri,ut ••T Blair sheet,` Isiontiveo. Pa. • °' • • [atig.,l. 18_69.1' II W. 'EARLE; ATTORNEY4T J.,. Law, office: over the Stine of M. Dassaner, in 41e Brick Block.lloatrose Pa. [Aug. 1;139.1 . & SAYRE', DEALERS iN 1....)1 Hardware, I ron /louse orntsh ing Goods, Groceries and PrOvlsions. - * ood, Stone, Jappatied and Pressed Tin Ware, Vic:, &c.'' • •,' ‘inarch. T B. -& A. .McCOLLUM, AT , ei • tomoya at Law. °Meta over W. Cooper Co's Bank. Moat,rate. Pa. May 10, 1571.,-0 , •• • U. CAMP, ATTORNEY \ - • Law, Montrosp, Pe. Office over Wak U. Cooper Co.'s Bank. • • ' • Montrose, Pa., Jan.lsth ; 1876-41* . .. .. . .. EI,I:I,BgRT: S. - , - ::-.T.OHN : SON, - ,i..:,- . .Y- - ......,:*. .:: .: _.. , ..A.UCT1.0 - .1411 , ,,it11i-..-i - -:444iessi -,,..- - :-:.,: 4 , : , - - ~,miirOi29c'lB764-'', - - - :- . .:.:.!- - ....!'- . ::.."...':"-:. *ontraie,i . Pa OWEiLL;':ATT - 9INKY. =,-AT • Law. Wilco ever lA. B. - Burn's- Brick Block. , Siontr;•••, Pa. p, , -14414011.1 ?Jam 14 litne iiClll . !l7, ..:1 1 11y r.„ ). -•- r : , i _ km.4of f:Zt MEM S. POTTER, DENTIST, WISHES e to inform the people of Montrose and VlCinity., that he is permanently located, in the second story