The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, September 06, 1876, Image 7

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    Arrangement of Nails.
Vis kAtLizazon
Z; . Dego be:
TioLbanuock (DailT,) .... • • 00p m 1215
VIA &rums : • ' '
Montrose Depot.(Daily,), m.:
New 'Si ilfe,rti, (Dai1y,)...::,• i.... 1006 n m 130 pm
Wyalusiug, (llaily,). 9 45am-1000pin,
Prietidevitle,(tri 60U pm 800 n m:
oon kna BtatianAtin
leekl,y4). •• .. .I'ooa in '7OO am
Binginuntou,via6..l.4ake,(tri vi.p
am , 300 p mi olily).. 600 p m , ''‘'()01:11n
The New:York, (via Montrosel DepotOliow Milford;
rankilannock,and Wyalusing are daily. ' n
The couklin Station nisitruni Tuesdhys, Thursdays,
sad Saturdays.
The Binghamton matl, (via Silver 'Lakearuns Tuee-1
jays. Thursdays. and Saturdays.
- • - ' -
Friendeville ma!lrune.Tuestlays.,Thursdys,aud Bat,'
urdays. • •
The Moshoppon mail run s Monidays,WqdnesdaYs, and
Fridays. . • '• • • .
• - ,
A Stage leaves daily for Montrose Depot at 1 m..and
returns at op. In •
A Stage ,leavea daily. for '.NEtyi liilford. tit 700 a.
and teturne at - 3300.m. , •
° • - C. -F ORDHAM. P. M.
Montrose Railway Time,Table•
Arrangment of Trains. To *aka eff , ecton Monday,
, .
Aprill7, 1876.
Down Trains.
p. X. A.B. AIM. 1.. x.
545 10.15..... 4.52
555 1025 845 545
558 1028. C001'5..... 840 • 448
605 ,1032...., --Hunters--
608 10 .
86.. .....Woodbottrne. • .. 880 440
612 10 40........ Diniock.... 825 436
617 10 97 .815 428
625 1057....... . . ..... k 420
630 ' 1105 , ...... .7 55 412
645 11 18... ..... • 745 \ 405
653 . 1128...«..%. ....Lemon 135 400
705 1135 Lobeck .
....,-. ~.7 25 845 '
715 1145 .. telarcy's 715 s ' 337
120 1200. .. . ..Tunkhaenoqk . 00- 322
Tlni no will run on Lehigh Valley time-as kept in the
Me of P. & N. Y. ER at Punkhahnock.
AU trains connect at Tunkhapn6ck with I'. &N Y.
R. R.going north and south. •f • •
Manch Chunk. April,l7; 187 G. " . . '
List of New Adveitisements.
bpecial .Notice, -
'( i
Business CLrd—L. B. I illituns: ,
Anditor's—Notice—est,a d of 8. X: 'Smith.
Engravings of the Press ential Candidates:
Auditor's of Enos B. Stod
dard.' ' ' ' , ' .
BusniEss OCALS.
Sewing Machine for sale.]
Owego Diking Saloon—Lew. Seeley.
to a recent lief of tile , legtslithre,.- passed in'
April,. all' members- beni , fieial . Societies 'are
relieved from individual-.liability for lodge bi 7 ' s
• - •
debtedness. Theaet ro4sltit fplicilVs=:; • •:, .
,Be Qt enacted". ete;„ That,Oltetribers'of lodges
of the drderof OddTpllows,Knights of Pythias
and other. orgitaz - ati6ris, J paying,--periOdical or
funeral benefits ; Shall rfot oe' individually liable
for the payment of periodical pr funeral bene
fits otother of' , the - ilodge:or other nr
ganization,..but that ;the. same shall be payable:
only out of tlia, -treasury, of- such: lodges' Or
ganization ;.?I**4 :That the ppyisions of
this act - Shallbnik;aritifY''t6 Unitidorborated as
sociations ;.:',and provided . further ; : th"st ` ' this
shall ru,t, apply to any Aiithility-treretofm'inl'
curred. „
'NOS.—Mllollgimportan, lawe•Mssetic.en
the'last. daytitthejlaiefr ses'sio'n'of t 4 6n
th e ;', 7 halS..lint_.been: heretofore
published, and which will be found of interest
to parties having ,business,.#ltb,,litiite4-Statgk
Courts : : II - - •:
Be it enacted, etc.,. That nOteries. public of the
several States, Territories and the I:2>istriet.Of.
Columtkiai. be and the ;Same, are hereby author
ized to take depOsitithas, 'and - do lin other acts
in relation to taking .tepthrony„uScd in
the courts of the United StatO, take acknowl
ehernents and .affidavits in the same manner ,
an - d_witit . the..sol - 0 effect aa.commissionereok
the United StateS ;Circuit
take and do.. . ,
6AMI LawsL--These, ,it seems, are not, like
~ .
unto the laws of - the It edes and ;Pentians—they
ebangefrOm year to year.. ~ Yesterday we put
it like this : -, , • 1 ' • ' 2 '
"Now hunt deer, elk, grouse or pheasant or
prairie chicken, rail or reed bird and squirrel."
This is last year's law, and - was obtained by;
placing an overweening cn r ufideuce in the little'
work published by .th' Sportsmen's club of
this city, and, given us Rif oniguidanc.ein rnat-.
tern of, this girt. But; with: a Change of law
mine to change - of -little hook, andliec . ice we,
put our ~fdot in' it. Now that, we've got the
club into trouble, theyhave sent Us the very'
latest acts in the, garide .laws-up to the,verY
last moment, we are mtormned, and we can'
tviw assert that deer, and grouse or pheasant
or prairie chicken,: , nust not be hunted:until
October firer. and" as fi r frail or reed'bird, ,you
can let sliver at, them alll,you like, while squir
rel is huntable and shootable after July Ist.
Poachers will please not, plead our anthority
for - shooting deer and r heal:tut In Septi•Mber—
it won't work.—Scranton Tia'nes, ,
Pursuant to notice a large number ot, the.
Democrats of Houesdale met at Coyrie's
on Friday evening last, for the purpose of or
ganizing a Tilden Reform Ounpaign. Club.—
The meeting was' organized' by the selection of
Peter S. Barnes, esil. k ,4l, Ohaillx„18 12 1 an 4 .,
Ham, Secretaq:': ' ' _- • :
On motion the Secretary stated' the object of
fiiie meeting, and reads plan for the oiganiza-,
tion of a campaign Club, ',which was adopted.
On motion of W:11. Dimrnick, the Cbair,ap
pointed a committee of
_seven to report : officers
for the permiment.''Organization of the itonei
d i nle Tilden Refotm Club ,foi,the present cam
plign. The committee who constituted 'ae
W. IL Vimmick. igeo. . Purdy Charles B.
Thos. 'llatri; E. Brown, K.
B l eardslei and P. P. Smith.
Th e com mit tee .retired.#tir..ieilnisultation, and
subsequently raads tbeir,rpport recommending
the folloivirit ; Iperinatient° 14janization of the
club - • '
President—U.on. F. M. Crane.
Vice Presidents-Jelin. Kelly,
George R. Mayhew, E. M, Spencer:
Cerrespondiog Secretary—T..l.lfani, • t
Recording §egretary—P P. I slot,k , •
Treasurer- 4 -,W:,1.1:
Executive .COx4riiittee4-,P. M. Irane,Geo.
Purdy,.&. tiartoug_ilWro v i ,
ii.•llo3xii)t 3;.;t3tirtia,.
salmi Suydent.43;•o'..
L. Fuerth, P i eter, Charles F. rli*ck
The report of the committee Ives umtaimoue
adopted. ,
'On : rnetion it was decided , that the regular .
meetings of the club; shall - be held on Thurs
day evenhigs,Ot each Week, at> Coyne's Hotel.
.:An opportunity was then given for such, as
Wished to sign; as; , meMberS of , the club, when
all present, including several who have hereto
fore acted with the oppositton, appended their
sig.nattireS to the roll: ,•• - . • •
, The meeting then, on Inotion, ailjOurined:
AMY; lasT.—The follow ing named - periong
have been l drawn to serve as Jurors nt the Sep
tember term of Court, commencing Monday,
t3eptembei : '
Silver Lake--Ttoinas Patton .
,BriqgeWater-Cliarles Sprout. •
MOntrose-Erastus H'RogerB,Nathan L Len
beim, DartiO B Frink.
Gibson 7 -Solomon Pickering. -
New Miliord Boro-James J Todd, Horace
Barnum, Edward Wbitlock.
ChoconUt- Michael Murray.
Springville-Hirana Fisb,Byron Handrick,
Wul H Gerritson, Isaac Meserole, John B Wil
liams, Samuel Shook.
• ‘Harruorty-JOhn R Coinfort. • '
Jessup+Charles B Bolles.
'Silver Lake-Lucius VVaper.
BridgeWater--Mtred Ititepliens, Gilbert J
Stephens,lowen A Beebe.
Rusli-Charles L Baker, Ebin B Cobb.
New ltilford Twp-Horace A Summers. •=
Briooklyn-Elisha Williams.
‘Gibson4-Nelson Potter, Raym9nd H Scott.
Lenox-L, Byron McDonald.
Herrick-Ernest L Avery.
Harford-Au.itin Darrow.
. Liberty-Javan Beebe. •
jackspn—lsaap C 11W, Wm 'C Chandler.
Aubni -Charles W Pierson.
Jackson-WM C Pickering. - •
Traverse Jurors-Second Week.
Up Tritig
Liberty—Elmer Tompkins,
HarfordAlonzo Loomis.
E Webb, George P Stock
holm, Francis W Smith. , •
Cboconnt-:-Peter Clark.
New 'Milforti Tvvp—John A Dix, Horace
Stoddard.! -
• .SpringCilie-7-Archibald Sheldon, , Ira A'
Stiickland. , •:. . •
Sqsquelkanna Depot , • , David A Lyons, Cyrus
S Ek-nneti; 'Wm Kezininerki,:.ktohn Fitzsim
Mons, Harrison Hall.
.111.hialethvin—Job.n Davis. : '
Cliffordcild Green, Ezra S'Letyis.
Attb.urnOeerge.R Carter,Charleg cap. • ,
Rusltilohn P Divine, Wm H Sherwood.
Montrose —Robert Strange.
Forest Lake—George J HanOrick. ,
.Ararat- T heWis J Tabor, Nat haniel J - Weit.
"Lathrop—Wm H Osborn, • •
Thomson-401'64'r titoadard.
-GibsonSilas Howell Thomas Manzer.
Dimock—Daniel T HantirickiUrbane Smith.
Brooklyn—Lyman Tiffany., ,
Bridgcwatetisi.icholai 0 Passmore: - •
Great Bend Boro—Henry Ackert. •, '
A. new sewing maebine will, be sold "dirt.'
ebeap7 and on:easy . ',ternis, as the present own
er bas - no.rise: for it. Inquire bp. person or let- ,
4.r at the DEMOCRAT Office. Any one wanting
a nYaeliine will make money, by - giving this
their attention,
Montrole, Sept, 6, 1876tf. ' .
• OwEoo. l ----Lew. Seeley , b - as opened in OWego,
N. Y., (opposite the Depot) an Eating . Saloon,
twhere,be 'pleaAd tO welcome his Old
friend ofi . SusOneltanna county: Trains' mob
r at the statiton . long'enOugh to allow persons to
'give hirn a call. Go' end see him for old ae•
quaintance sake. Yours truly,
Owego, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1876 -1.
ENO 9..M8.51E - 14T HOP ! • •
Tomplim's Hail, neas t e Encampment
Grounds, willsbe thrown open on the afternoon
and evening of Sept. 7th, for the accommoda
-1 kin of all. who wish'kftiTripp the light, fantas
tic toe" The Brooklyn Orchestra will furnish
Q. X. General.
August 30, 1876.
Tam iND I PLAdE 1
Lead and Oil cheaper than ;they have been
known for year& - Burn's Eagle Drug Store is
ih e 'mice to buy anything in the PAINT and.
DRUG line at the very
: lowest fig . ures. A large
assortment of Brushes and Varnishes constant
ly in stock, The celebrated Hall, Bradley, &
Co.'s Pure;; White Lead, constantly on hand, for
which BURNS is . the Soix AGENT for,Montrose
and vicinity., -
Mantro,se, April' 19, 1876tf.
. ‘,w , _
Bruagester Baptist Association—The fifty
first annilTrsary of the above Association will
comatence'on Tuesday., Sept: 12th. at the Bap
list Church, in Dimock, at 2 o'clock p in. The
Introduetery Sermon, will be preached by Pas
tor Cheisbire, of _Montrose. ;Sunday. School
ahniversary on Wednesday, afternoon and eve
ning'. Delegates- will please. report on arrival
to Paitor Post, or the committee on hospitali
ties. Who Will be in waiting to receive such at
the church edifice.
August 30,1876.- 35w2
They have been entering houses and knock
ing down !Men after dark on the back streets,
fait at thiS tithe of 'siriting the police think
they havela clesv: that may lead to the entire
capture of .the =gang.— The firm. of. Hine
Sholeti baVe ;been trying , to Atop this.reign of
terror by. Marking all of their' summer good 4
down' at cost thereby giving all a chance to get
an honest living. .4 fey/ or those , fine parasols
and summer silkoleft. 'they are offered at less
than cost:* They alSo keep on haiut the largest
and chealyst line of black bilks in the city.—
Mourninggoods of all kinds a specialty. Send
'for samp les. No trouble to show goods.
Binghamton, Aug. 2;1876.
A. GRAND CONCERT and Brass Band.
'will, be held' On the Harford , Fair
Grounds on Friday, Sept. 15th. Twelve Brass
'Bantlsa.n ope. rne.- Brooklyn, -Montrose,:_Elk
Lake, Gibson, Thomson Oreat--Bena, — Great
Bend Village:- 'New - Milford, Stisqiieliatinti,
Page's Pot id. franklin„ and Ararat Bands are '
expected, in be present. They will unite' in
playing eivialt seleet pieces; making the larg
est Band eyer heard in this section of the coun
try. The object is to Nomote good feeling,
aid the musical. 4401414 of the County. The
musical performance -will be conducted
tPkof: Cogswell; and the Military Department
Will be under tbe direction of the , celebrated
Drum Malor,`E X. 'Barney. - -
• Amusemenyi! OrNarious kinds during the day,
A. grand ht:p wilt be held at Tompkin's Hall
lia;ine'evening. ,
,A.dmission,l9..Groutidsils tlmts. Room
1 75 ceuts., '
;,Ladies free. ,
Lot us t see the largest crowd and the - best
time ever witnessed in Buiquehanna County.
80 0 4 1876. 85w 8
-„Tiaverse tlitrors—Flist Week.
, B
OATS wanted at this office on sibiscrip-
01.1 . iNewspapers tor sale at this Office at ten
cents perlicrzen.
DBILLB f ur,. A.uction Sales; te., printed
ai theiDEMOCBAT Oleo to - 'fitat-vi:i.:s sty.lp.and
at reasonable priees. •
NrA. _ .
new or suininons . anti sub. I nas
just printed. at this,9fllce. aO t her blanks in \ pra.
tusionl all pre'pared *ith dare.
Trio, ,
MEE'S celebratcg . Extract of Malt, Wm.
Massey . I.t Co. ' s !ila!leip* .at' M.A. Ly-
Offs Drug Stoie. C
- .llOc4rose, Aug.-9, 1876: - 1 •
.P,ORI ?ETRE Drugs and Medieineb, Fine Toilet
-Artieles. , Jewelry and 'Perfutnery, go to M. A.
Lyou'a Drug Store. - -
Montrose, Aug. 9,18'76. •
PdoroodArds.--Pictures taken is all the lat=
, est styles. Old pictures. copied and enlarged.
Also a' splendid lot of frames for sale cheap,
_ u
at G. W. DooLrrres.
Montrose, June 10, '74.—tf.' ,
Iloise and rot to rent: in litontrose,.. ! Enquire
of J, B mdcolruni.
May 31; 1876.-11. - • ' •
NE • STOCK of carpets, oil clothe, matting,
&c., just recetved. '
trose,April 12, 187614 f.
SPR a Styles Sila Hats felt and fur. Bops CentenniaLliats, just opened at
Aprll 12, 'lB76tf.
FRESH OYSTERS bayp l ,commeneed arriving at
he. .11.6rstene*loOn ; one door above First 'Na
ional Bank, basernent, • Drop in and ape..
'Montrose, Aug. 23, 187Gtf.
A MA tNIFICENT lot of fine Cloths and Cassi-'
meres, Coatings and - Suiting& for custom work;
'ust:received, adl,and leave your measure for a
new suit at
April 12, 1876tE
,the Granger& Picnic, at Hart
toike, on Thursday evening 'last, a gold sleeve
button, Jhe finder will be paid.tor his.trouble,
oaleaVing it.attII.DEMOCRAT ()ilk&
Jtwxyr's Pure White Letid;- Hall 'Bradley&
Co's. Lead, Wljite Zinc, Ready Mixed Paints;
Colored Paints In Oil, and - Fine :,Graining Col,
Ors, for sale at ?L A. Lyon's Drug Store..
Montrose, Aug. 9, 1876.
Having bought Louis Knoll's stock of Cigars,
Tobacco- anti tOnfectionery,' Cali furnish
first-elhsi article's , for .' the lefist 'money: Fine
summer drinks-for the thirity.
trose, July 26, 187
NIS •ns to the Centennial can find good fic
,!ornmOdations within a mile of the Centennial
GroubAs, on hue . street . xailway, atsea.sona 7
ble pnces . ' - Prop a postat , ‘Card a week or two
before (coining, to secure rooms. -
C. H. IfutcuAßD, •
384 Havertord bt.,. West ,Pkilaaelphja, Pa.
May - 3, 1876tf.
The; sale of Taylor's'Pamily Medicines is
steadily on the increase. 'The sales of the past
year_ being ..inore than 4.1.114016 Of ariy previous
year. I The reason of this is on account of the
genuine merits tho &midi thernselycs and
the fair and' imparthd- manner in:svilic:h they
are. sold:
Ju1Y 1 ,26 . , 1.876. ' -
. , .
The Siisquehanna Asscieiation of Universal
ists 'wi I hold its next annual session at Benton,
Luzei (i;' i-.)iinty i - Sept: 6th and 7th:, Service
commencing Wednesday, at 10% a. m. ..-
Sev(lral clergymen frurn:abroact are expected.
It is important that every .chureh..and society
be fully represented.
st c'
43, 1876.
TbelTinikbannock' Marble Works of Burns
& :White are doing 'a' good business and are
getting out , some very tasty jobs of Head
Stones,and Monuments. A. B. Burns, of .the
Eagle eug Store, is .their authorized agent for
Montrose and vicinity. He has designs of
Head Stones and Monuments. Any orders left
i h tb ite b . ,`ini will be promptly filled by Burns &
hallnock, Feb.
.1.876tf. •
Butter by their night line every night whether
they hiye one pail (Irmo& Butter shippers
who patronize this Cotinparty secure for every
shiptutnt a night route. .„
Wehave better facilities and a cooler route
than yk,u, ever had oflered you before.
PatOnize your home road and make a sue
cess oft an enterprise that has and. will benefit
you all. - .
Montrose, July 26, 1876tE
There is no subject that requires so much :
study and experience , as the treatment of ctron
ic d ses. -The astonishing success and re.
marka le cures performed by Dr. Butterfield,
are du to the gift •of clairvoyance, to the life
long st dy of the constitntion of map, - and the
curing l pf diseases fromnatural remedies. Climb
the worst forms of Scrofula. Catarrh, Piles, Fe
male Weakness, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder
Will be at the Cafferty Rouse, Binghamton
Thur&ay, and Friday, Sept. 7th and Bth.
. W E, ''AS.ICE pleasurein calling the attention of
our readers to .the fact that the popular Dry
Goods house of C. F. 81136°14 .4. : C0., flinghatti
tun, are now receiving an unusually large and
complete assortment of new . spring goods..NOt
witlisiliOding. the cry of -”hard times,'' ' this
-house i nforms us that their trade is larger than
at any - ; ormer season. This. is easily accounted
for' by he fact that they always offer the most
rehab' goods at the some prices ' that. man y .
houses sell a, very. 'inferior grade. ~.4.1l tht. nov
elties Of tile.; aeasctn, both .14 foreign' wad clo.
toestic !inanufatlture, may now be tbund upon
their shelves t and a visit tolheir storeiwill-con
yince anyone:that - that is the• trade.
Cling,lN — o Islo -
R.irb's (lough Eialsant,a very palatab:e corn
‘ the various, affections of the throat
and lungs. Used With great success .in case of
Asthma and /3ronchitis. yitis prescribed by .the
physicians and endbised - by the people. War
ranted to give entire satistisetion or money. re
funded; • •
iiirl*a Magic. Relief for the instant cure 01,
severe and'acute
Kirby's Tasteless Vyerna 4ozenges. dure,
safe and effectual.
Kirby's .Conditicin Powders - 62.40 / id:le quan
tity and pyrity are supria!,. to_any . PoTley for„
Kirkrs.alaphor Joe. = for draped' 'band" or
For vale by all Druggists in Montrose, and
Dealer!' in Wichies.througlibtst the country.
June, 28,1876y1.
A. 0. IVARREN, Clerk.
AT Puunt's Wagon:Shop- a fine lot of Plat
onu Wagons and Buggies full trimmed. Com
plete and first-class in every respect for sale
cheapfer cash. •-,
Montrose, June 7, 1870t1; • •
A LARGE assortment of ibe latest and
neatest. styles of visiting. and -business cards;
just redeived this office. Call •and ifiee their
before ordering elsewhere.
No businesi • nian , need - complain that .he
is !two - poor to advertise' :.when he can - get the
istegrstyle business .cards printed at the DEm
oCRAT office for
.three - dollara per thousand,and
other. work in. , proportion.
NEW LACE CURTAINS by the sett or yard.—
Tnble Linens, Napkins,. towels, and
keeping goods in great variety at "
Montrose, April 12, 18760.
We have just received a very large stock of
plain and fancy envelopes, letter and note pa
per, plain and fancy bill head papers, cards of
all sizes and colors, colored poster papers;'eto.:
all of which we can afford to print nheaper
than-any office in this or neighboring counties;
and in as good style. Work done in black and
colored ink& It you think there is any that
can beat us, give us a trial, and we will show
you what_ we can do. All kinds of blanks on
hand or printed to , order. • -
To Sorrow, DruEcTorte..—The attention of
the members of .the cAvcral Boards 4of School
Directora,in Stisquehanna and adjoining Court
invited to the following testimonials and
endorstitents by the,2lading Educators and
Schoo/ Officerzi - of this DfoRBIAI. DISTRICT, rela
tive to the
Pulblished itian appeal to, then - patrons, only n
sbort - titne'sinee; - on the oectiston determ
ined effort, similar to the one now being made
in this county, by agents of rivid:publishers,to
diSplace.tbese books. •
. .
The. undersigned, midenti of the : sth -Nor : -
mai District of - Pennsyh , ania,- coniprising' the
counties of Bradford; LYComing, Potter, Sus
quehanna, Wyoming,would
respectfully represent,. that since
.• •
have been quite generally introduced 'into and ,
•are now in use as a whole, or in part, in a large
majority of the Public Schools of this Normal
District, and believing, as. we do, , that these
hi)oks'are k*andard 'Works** S,terlinY liferitAnd
among •the very best publi,shed ; .aad, seeing no
suffletent: reason for chaiige, would earnestly
advise any. who -may, be tempted, by interested .
7xartks,4o displace these books, to exerninefjroi
'muttony and tehe.fullytatistied of the superior
Merit of the books proposed as substitutes,: be,
fore subjecting. ate. - Patrons to' the additional
expense,of purcha - szv new iffloks,,as„well as !the
schitiola to the great incOtifen fence and. trouble tw.
cident to the littroduakm disPlacemeat' 'of
Text-B6)lis- , --besides thereby preventmg
fortuity so nearly . attained in this Diitrict.
• P A Allen; institute, Condtiotor and fortiler
.Principal of State Notmal Mansfield,.
Chas 11. or.3itititfield:Sti4e
istormai SchoOl:7 : • • .
A A Keeney, ot
_Bradford CO:
Elias "Horton, . "
• Allen, ," . : Bitter '
W C Tilden, " Stiaquehannti
T F Gaban , Lycoming "
ThOmpson - ''Bodle, ." Wyoming
• Reed, former, " Lvcomrng"'
H Hutton, former F'r,ineipal Tr oy Graded
H E Pitcher, former Principal - To wands Public
Schools:.", • '
A H Berlinjormer Principal Montrose Graded
School. V ' •
F M Smith, Teacher or Maths., ttc., State Noy
ma: School, Mansfield. _
Lemuel - Ammerins.n; Teacher Lang., ite., State
• Nor. School, Mansfield. •
Alonzo. Ammerman; Princ.V of Com. Dep., State
_Nor. School Mansfield.
• The County Superintendents above named,
with.tWo exceptinds, am still acting as Such tn
their tespettive counties, and have expressed
themselves as having uniformly opposed chang
ing the above mentioned hooks for the •reasorts
stated in their , appeal to their patrons.
The Publishers desire' 'to say to any not fa
miliar with these books,that they most cordial
ly invite attentitin to the following, as among
the many points; of superiority and excellence :
The Paper, Ope, Binding, illustrations, and
Mechanical execution. • •
'The Gradatz:on and Progressive Character ()
the series. • -
The high, unexceptionable moral tone of the se
lections in each book.
The cheapness as compared with other series
in respect -to, quality, number of pa*, quantity
.of readine. s matter, (tog
N. B:—Sample copies for examination and
comparison will be furnished gratuitously on
application to W t B, Deans, .2d.ontrose,,or the
}publishers, ,
138'& 140 Grand Et., New York:
In regard'to an exchangP of School Readers
in this county, et present, I' lave only to say
U I 'think the wantsi
of the county, n this
reinject, do not demand a change, in these hard
iinnes for money. ' •
I consider, Sanders'. Readers among the best
C. TILDEN, Co. Supt.
Montrose,,Aug. 2, 1876: •
„e rac.a.xixtz.a.ok.33es,
gRtINDAGE--BOIESTAVER-At the house' of
the Inide groom, Franklin, Auir. 26. by Rev.
J. H. Doremuti: Ask Brundage to Mrs: L. Bo9k
stayer, of New Milford. • •
RAI7II--BRIDGEMAN--it ffie house of Sanin
el Chamberlain.' in „Gibson, Sept. 2nd, by Rev.
H. J.. Crane, Prof...A. Raub.of Lotk ilsven,
to Mrs. L. M. Bridgeman, of Gibson. •
. .
CAUEY—DENNEY—.At • the Parsonage,..Tack,
son; August 17,, by Rev. W. Ward Willis;
G. R. Carey, of Blakely, ,Pas, to -Mins D. May
Denney, .of South Gthvon. . , .
hirricE--DkvisoN—At the residence of the
bride's pother, btortbJackson, Aug - 7, by Rev.
W.• Ward Willl4,jobir M. Prince, of. Middle
calve; N. Y.;: to Putline E. Davison, of North'
Jackson, Pa. -
:_ -.. .~~
attlatlS Harri 4 aged
46 years. • • -
(I/Liman—ln , LithrOpi - Ang:isth, Eliphalet
"Girdner, aged - '43 - yeara...; ,r,
1714filerrtalallxLg ,,, -,
uga= a
amount' ad trill maki
.eu .
o r d izzo bebepromptly *Owed
Pdvidnilk.Pa.• APIS 1, -111ATnym
The , lllarkets.
New !Jerk Produce Market.
Reported Every 'Week Expiesery for Tam Mow:noes
psmoca& 3 l Usyden &thickwortn,Prodnee Corn.,
mission orchants. 325 Washington Street.
-„" kierw York. - • ,
State, dairy pails, select ,
State, dairy'pails, prim©:. .. . .4..27 (41
State, dairy pails ; fair to g00d....24
Slate, dairy pails, poor to lair. —.16 0
State,"creamery, select invoices...3o
State, sweet cream, pails, choice.. 29-
State, sweet crearn,,good• to prime 27
State„ svieet cream, fair to g00d...25
State Firkins, choice yellow. 26
State Firkins, good to prime... 24 04
State Firkins, fair to good; Z 3 (4;
State Factory, fine to fancy.'.....10 42)
good to prime—, , B%'@
" fair... 6
State farm Dairy, B%@)
4 , good to prune. . • 7%0
fair - .to g00d... . • 6304
State & Penn' 2034©
Weste_rn , prime
Spring lambs, Jersey, prime 65ie
Spring lambs, State, good. 6340
Live calves, State, good,-to prime. 8%0
Live calves; State, fair to g00d... 8 sig
'Hogs, city i dressed- -
Spring chickens,Del& i.'y,per , lb.. 16Q
Spring.chieltens, wt-stern, per lb. •(4
Fowls, Jers6, Orr 'lb • ' • .150
Reesters, pt.r li, :" • •
,Torkeis, Jersey, per _lb : - -140 gt
Turkeys, we.i.tern, per lb • • ... 140
Reeks, Jersey, per pair
Ducks, .western, pet'pAi; :
Geese, Jersey, Per pair:' •2 . poet
Geese, westeru,-per per.. pair - po et
Apples, State, sliced, prime.... `
Apples, Stati, quartert •:` 6.;4@
Peaches,. peekd,
Cherries, pilule ' .. ,g
Plums, State.... : t • • • 12 ig
Raspberriei...;...' . 22
County Bugness DireetoiY
Ivo lines In this Directory, one year. $1.00; cacti. ad
ditibnal line. Weems.
BAGUWOUT, Stater. Wholesale and Rdtall
dealer in all kinds of slate 4roofi ug s . slate paint,
' Roofs repaired with slate paint to order. Also, slate
; - paint for sale by the gallon of barrel. Montrorle:j
tiII.t,INGS STROUD,. Gleneral,. Fire and , Life Insur
ance Agents. also, sell Railroad and Accidental
'Ticket s ito: New York and Philadelphia. Office one
:.door east of Wrn. II Copper . Co's batik. ,• •
W.M. H. BOYD &: Co, Dealers in Stoves,hardwlllre,,
and Minx:if' cturers. of Tin and Sheet-Lon ware, cot.
ner of Main and, Turnpike street. •
A. Billiard,' Dealer in Groceries, Provisions., Book .
Stationery and Yankee Notions; at the head of Pub-.
lie Avenue. , • - ; -
.WIL I.Io6PER dv CO. Bankers. Sell Foreign Pm
,' sage Tickets and Draft ' s' on England, Ireland, 414'
Scotland. ` • .•
WM. L. COX. Harness maker and dealer in ,iall;arai
cles usually kept by the trade, opposite the bank.
JAMES. R., CARMALT, Attorney -at-Law. Office one:
door beloiv Tarbell House, Public , Aventie.
ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer. - Care S.
~ Montrose; Pa. •• : •
- ,
-‘ • NEW 11111LrORD.- - • • '
- ,
FAVINGS BANK. NEW„MILFOR.D. - Stir - ' per sent,:
interest on all Deposits. - Does a
_general Banking
business. • • • `• S. 'B. CHASE
iir CO.
H. GARRET & SON. Dealer In. Floor: Feed, Meal;
salt, Lime, Cement; Groceries and Provisions,. on
• " '
Main Street, opposite the Depot. • '
N. F. KIMBER. tarriege -Maker.- - Pictnre Frnmer,and
Undertaker, a few rods from Phinney's
31: E. Church. - r "
H. P. DORAN; Merchant Pallor and dealer in WO)
Made Clothing, Dry Goo*, GlN:ref-fled add Provisions,
.; Main S.reet., - • •
N° l l o 4. • '
The understkned having entered late co-partner: Q:4
under tho firm name of
doing business at the old stand of L. L. Rainy.
keep constantly on hand a general Assortment at
Agriculiural Implements,'
etc., all of which will be sold at the lowest cash prices.
, • • " • L. L. LzROY.
N. B.—All persons indebted to me are requesited to •
settle the same immediately by cash or note.
• , •,L:,L. LBROT:
New Milford , Aug. 10. 1870. .
A beck for Singing eltsVgC*. by L. 0. EmersOn. Cos
taint 50 pages 4)1 elements," well arranged,* hundred
pages of new. bright. interesting music (easy glees, 4-
pan songs;
church r practice, and t elf as 'many pima
of the beet music ; thus fursirhlng the best ma.
terials for Singing &Imola , in the best form.
Prlee 72 eta. of $7 50 per dozen.
A fine lane School &nista; in great Intriett.—
Subjects, `A'ords and . Music stilt_ good, mid ouches; win
surely please. By W. O. Perkins, anther of Oddest
honin, bhiniug River, etc, f
s Pricy !Meta.
Now Church Musk Book byL.O. Emerson. :rime
Singing Schdol Course, with abundant material- ft".
practice,and a largo number of the best Motirical TUllll$
-11tiotets, Anthems, etc. - Choirs. Classes and 00WIPR-
Lions wilt Madly welcome thut. new compilation stf a
most eumeWul composer.
- twee $1 0: or 412 00 per dozen.
Any bock or 'Piece sent, POst:Psid, for retail pries.
OLIVER - , Drrsoal .& co BOston.
H. intsou , Di
toon (10 ~ •
711 BroadwAy.: Sactesacir to I f ee & Walker
- Phibc
,ialits 1876 •
044 4:0 14*.t,
N 0.1104 Osumi' *root, Phlladelpilik,
New York, Sept. 1, 1876.
fat Ca,Palges.
I lnetrAted a~
103 i
2 50
1 75
23 2
~. :