The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, September 06, 1876, Image 6

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    Town, COunty 'and Variety.
—Would it be proper to ! call a retired li-.
quor dealer's country estate a , bar-owa-ial man
—Mies Einily Rose is , making , some fiEle
impiovements upon her residence on SOnthi
Main Street. -
---"Mrs. Partingtoe ous to ',pow.
whether a man who dips 'La can into a tank of
water is a can-tank-erous 4n.
.1 , , _
—Very neat and e:egant tpu the paper coo
are thatlon, can now buy with & picture of
,George Washington - on each corner. Martha
is supposed to be on bOlind sewing on the but-
-;---atewart Bentley, esq.. o Wilhamsport,
bas been in Montt* for somuidayalpast called
here by. the serious illness of his wife. who' cam
to her old home for a visit. We i are pleased \ to
announce that Mrs. B, is now cOnsidered con
The. County Teach er ' s InStitute closed
on Friday last. The entire proceedings
be published in pamphlet form, and ma' be
obtained of the county superintendent and Oth
ers at knominal price. - i• •
don't see bow you can haire been
working all'day like , a horse," • exclaimed the
wife °ea lawyer, her husband having declared
he had been thus 'Working. "Well, my dear,"
be replied, "I've been drawing a conveyance
all day, anyhow."
—the Graded . Sehoo, op9ed on Monday
- niridttrabk. -- 5
Pastest single 'walking horse in
harness twice around track. 3
Judges--H. F. Griffith ' Montrose_;
Clark Sisson, Benton Centre, Luzerne
_county.; A. 13. Walker, Nicholsou,Wyotu
ing county.
"A y r - sic:lN IL:
Class I.—Durhams:
Best herd of ilx, bull and five
females: $lO
Best Durham 'bull two years old
and.upwards 6
Best Durham uoTi four years ( t old
and upward.: 5
Best . Durbarn bull oue year old.. s 5
" Durham 'heifer three Tears
old ,3
Best Durham hE. , ifer twoylears Old 3
Durhara heifer one year old. 3
if t Durham bull'calf ' , 3
". Durham' heifer . . ... 3
Class 2.-Grade_ purhams.
Best herd ot, six. bull 'and five , ,
-females. ....
Best bull two 31,etirs' Oldk;And uP
warns .3
Best cow four pars - old and up
- wards :... .. . ...... , ; I 1 3
Besitielter Chree years Old 3
" '' two " 8
" " one " := j 3
-So p r
fit 'four' calves .... 3
" bull : -calf.::. 2
" heifer- . 2
and !wady Hose CAppany, No
1, held their annual election 'on Monday even -' l ,
ing;tast. The result is as follows : Presulent
W; A. Crossman . ; Vice President, E. C. Ford
ham ; Foreman, N: A. Warner ; Ist Ass% Fr
B. Pickering ; 2nd Ass't, Fred Browni Finan
&II Secretary, A. D. Birchard ; _Secretary, H.
P.. — Nichols ; Treasurer, F. C.' Wright ; Ist
tipeman Lewis Frink ; 2nd pipetnein, ! James
Zerfass ; Wardens W. H. • Jesstir Amos Nich
ols, B. Stroud, D. Sayre. 1 1
- 7 —A very good game of,bafie ball was play
ed tit Hawleyton, Aug. 26th,1:ietween. - the Stare
whichthat place, and the Pastimes, of S4ver Lake,
resulted in, an easyvictory Writhe latter,
by a-score of 11 to 34. This, being the second
garne; between the above nines, considerable
interest was manifested' by the friends of both
nines, as the first game resulted in a victory for, /
the Stars, score 21 and 26. ':A third game Will
. soon be played (time and place not known at
present) deciding the "boss" team. '
—There has been a new"blacksmlth sp`'
erected on Seakle's Corner., It'is said that a
number of workmen are to be employed in the
manufacture of cold chisels ) that will Stand hre
•In theaVenapt to cut the firm of ,Hayes
Wheeler loose-from the responsibility of the
doings of the firm of Grant;Cameron,Conkling,
Notion & Co. Alßo to Manutactu're guns \ to
ari% on the war in the South for the liberation
of the slaves, and to only; set those free from
military rule who will vote the Radical ticket:
It•nEnlso hoped.that this new enterprise will
Lavp . a tendency to institute , a Grow-Ing buil
nesa•la, this congressional district. This is
said to he' a. very" hazardous ‘cnteiprhae- and is•
liable to Fink all the capital invested. Wewill,
however, endeavor _ to keep (Air rea.derapested
as taisti we 'cal) jn. regard to. the assets and
iwabilities of this firm. •
- —We, feet.:: to . TO oice Aand .c)alin the
right so to de) over" the ProsPect of an early
'completion of the long talked of Soldier's litOn
tunent, to be erected on the county grounds.
It is to hear county monument but it is built
. with the `money: or_ the r. citizens of gontrese
Bridgewater althost entirety. But there
Vii be an oppomigly given Other towns here
after for any !Way' of patriotic remembrance
or the brave who fell a sacrifice on their
• Country's alter in' the 'way of Adding to or
embellish:l4o "deserved patriotic memorial.?
It willitto thing, to it is,
.713,1,6 no one
be ashamed of, and we bop the menfory of ,
the "BoyS In white" will be kept green by
yearly additions and embellishments The
• last and lane looked for stone is quarried and
under she ecdlptors chisel, and: the first of Oc
tober will undoubtedly sae this \ monumental
& latched. Ur. Gray, the sculptor, dill need ,
no aonsplillients hem to the* show that he is a
workman of the *Alt ,Iffhaire ft par".
atle pride in the id(11 , that it aot only is a coon
fy monument, but that every atone that coin
\. poses the *trump has 11?0 firwied *pm As
" Ar.a4.l-it 7
—.-H-These pew style panlers. do away*ith
newspaper bustles, and a : journal mush run on
its merits, , alone. • ..1 •
Feise . Hair . is. now, .made to imitate real
-bairlio closely that it is hardly possible to tell
which is switch.
, —Whyis i the opening of the fall campaign
likethe dress cif a fashionable woman ? Be-
Cause there's szreat buStle about it.
, • '
young lady, on being asked what bus
iness her lover was ink . and not liking to say
he bottled soda, answered ': "He's a practising
—The worst case Of sunstroke of the sea
son is reported from I W illiamsburg , where a
seven-year-old boy ' broke a base-ball bat in
:an attempt to brush a fly off , his tither's ear.
—The Gracied School will commence the:
fell teinf. under the direction of Professot C. T.
ThOrpe, on Monday.—susqu'a Journal.
Mr. Thorpe is a brother of Rev. Thorpe
of this place.
party of rascals are traveling the coun
t 4, over, getting farmers to sign their mites to
contracts for a new patent steam apparatus for
ceoking food for stock. The farmers areap
pointed agents tor certaiwterritor3r,.and agree
to four Machines u four years,which agree
ment they • think they, are signing, but which
in reality turns out to be nothing more or less
than a promissory note, of from one to three
hundred dollars: Look'out for these fellows.
7 ---Tbe great auction sale of 509,000 tons of
coal 'by the companies in the late combination
took 'place on TueSclay or laV. ; week in New
: , -41tiisn,e
. Prodijefi; .
Best tub oi.firkin• •
June 2d $3 3d $2 4th $1
Best tub or- firkin,'
Sept. butter.. $5 2d $3 3d $2 4th $1
Best cheese, not •• s
than 25 lbs. .$4 2d $2
Best 10 lbs. butter
in .pound rolls.:S2
Best cidr vinegar not
less than 1 gal
Best 10 lbs.' maple
sugar...... L.
Best 1,0 lbs. honey'.._. .$l.
Best bushel corn in ear - • 3
" bush. white winter wheat.. 2
spring wheat.... : ... 1
" " rye,. 1.
" " oats. - -1
if - barley .! 2
" 12 ears sweet corn
Crass 3!-- - --Fruit and Vegetables,'
Best and greatest variety,' not less -
; - thar. six,or winter apples.... 2-
' Best and,greatest variety, not less
than, six, of fall apples. 2
Beet and greatestvariety, not less
than three, of 'pears. . ... 2
'Best and greatest variety of
, 84 . .. ... . . . 1
and; 'greatest variety of
plums .... .
BeSt and greatest variety of grapes
not less than 'three, grown . in_
the county.. . .2
s •
, .
ia‘g i thWeagetin t ie 4- 1 - trili. ARV. e n - °pea are
entertained of her recovery, although she is
suffering considerably;—Fulton Democrat.
--The Deposit Courier says that one of the
most distressing accidents that has. ever hap
pened on the Erie Railway, occurred on Tues
day, near Hales Eddy, A. little girl about two
years old, the child of Alex Greenman, was
playing with other children near the railroad
track.' She wandered away from the others
and on the track, and while tottling along in
her innocent nnconc l ern or-danger, the way
freight, a fast running train, rounded the curve,
and 'rushed down . upon her. She saw the train
and crouched down :as if in play. The engi
neer saw her but too fate to stop.thetrain, and
'the whole passed over her, crushing out the
young, innocent, pretty little life in an instant.
—Mrs.'H. Drinker is laying a fine stone
walic along her premises on Drinker street:— . -
The &stance is about thirty rods. There-are
but three or four families who are to be accom
modated by this walk and Mrs. H. - has no oc
casion tone it herself, but for all that,•it is -to
be as fine a walk:as tiiere is in town. The
borough of Montrose,has reason to be proud of
such an inhabitant) as Mrs. Drinker. Not
because • she _ is wealthy hut ;because of - 'the
true christian 'with which her wealth, is
used, both in public enterprise and inivate
charity. There is hardly an instituti*,eititer
".church or state" in onr town that has not
received; bountiful material aid at her hands,
andithat, too,"not giudgingly." The'blessings
also of many a poor j family will rest upon her
head and be handed dolin to her children's .
children. There would be no danger of a
.4 "Cemmune"in this country if all who posie3Sed
wealth ,rere imbued with the same spirit that
haszver, been manifested by ,Mra: Drinker.
Josie Gallagher, aged 24 years.elerk
dollar store of Wilkesbarre, died suddenly,
iccently,and Abe cause was 'skid to be heart dis
ease. Since then, rumors being current that
hit:death was._ due imihe malpractice of a blun
dering physician who had procured a painful,
abortioia,Coroner y'Ar. Pepdergiet investig4ted
:the :matter, and , held an --examination, alter
which he reported' that no :abortion had been
attempted, and that death bad resulted from
natural e,auSeX. The friends and relations of
the deceased were nut, satisfied
. ;with this, and
'then: another:examination WairoMeredby Di%
trict Attorney Farnham. -All assented; and
, the body, was exhumed from the
Catholic graveyard and
,taliett, to the City, MS--
pital room, where ,Dra. .1; B. Crawford, J. G.
m , J . A., Murphy and . Pavia examined
it, iibitgby twas' found that' the Coron-'
ees statement was filse,and . that plain evidence
of an abortion was in the elketed parts.. Ac
)rdlriglia pence iforce . Was 'stationed
co .4),
th e Aeopixtg apartments of ,Dr. Edward Gum.
port l wbe is charged with the fatal work. The
Coroner lwili probably. be Called npon
svier for his willful . mistalto,' The chain of cir
curastantial evidenCe'is iaid:t4i be eoniplete.—
, Goort, mos itmatednntibeid for
c Democratic Conieutioti;- ;
We iave only tithe and space, this week, to
annonnice the simple result of the interesting
and enihruilastic Convention, held at•Montrose;
yesterday. •
E. B. Hawley, of Montrotte; was noininattd
for State Senator by acciamatton. ' _
W.(:),. Hendrick, of Jessup, and H. W. Tyler;
of Jackson; were 4orninated for Berireseuta
tivea. • 2 . , , i„ ; f.,
A. W. Rowley; of Susquebarma, fOr Prothori.
otary. Stephen R. Carpenter; - arliarford, for:
Jury Climmissioner and:.C:..'Atilla; of Dim
oek, for Auditor
A dhipatcb was received from BradlOrd &Mb.
ty, announcing the nomination:of Bon. Joseph.
Powell' by acclamation for :Cangreas in tithe
cOunty . Oti motion, his nomination was rati
lied, and three creels given , ';for the man Who
earned' this ;
,district .two leire 'ago., - Conven
tion,. then ad)ourned dia l . Full report. iii
- our ' , 4 • •
-=--The western tarmers.are profiting byl.he
low rates of freight- eastward, over Abel trunk'
lines.l'rhe price of grain-in: this country de-.
pendink upon the prices we can get for oursur
plus inokign markets, the whole benefit of a
reduction jn frerelits is in favOr of westernship
pers. 'Until, the market is so oversupplied as 'to
effect .the Prides inEurope ithe consumers in
the Eastern.. States are not profited by the
cheap freight rates. On the contrary,,to the
extent the railroad companies make , up for
their kisses on through . business by 'more exor=-
bitant I ( localrates, the grain :consumers of .the
.ast are direct sufferers from the't uinouS grain
gates nbw prevailing. It is a pleasure to know
iowever, it the railroad companies are foolish
.nough to court disaster by doing business
I '-heaper than they can afford, that the money
hey are losing does not go out of the country.
:he grangets are now having a tall measure of
mutable revenge, and they are fully aware of
eir opportunity.
Sus • R La KE.—The, dry spell was brought
acl se by a good rain on Friday night...
he bi4ckwbeat and potato crop will m
1:), very.
tght thts fall The nuerous picnic parties
k, Mr. E. W. Rose's this summer have helped
make it quite lively. All that •I 'have heard
themselves about Silver Lake and its
dings, speak of jt in ! the highest terms
lost dehghtlul spot for pleasure parties
#ow . in these parts. Who;can tell but that
ilver Lake mw yet -rival Saratoga as a-snin
er ' esortl Surely, Nature has done ' her
are...-. James Halpin, aforinerly of Middle
.syn, is preparing *to take possession of his ,
rm in this vicinity , which he bought last
.ring... Allen J. Sheldon : being in poor
a , .
!alth, finds it necessaty . to 'rent his farm and
&eels to move to Binghamton this tall. Will
on have an 'motion and; sell off his stock;
' .i
c itgons, sleighs, farming implements and his
pps.l , - . . "CElrrEamarw."
.y - night last we witnessed a wlerd scene
' ontl three miles from thyi village, in the re.
XI Of country known as Egypt, which is sit,
,_..lted in one of the little *allege which trace
their way back from thoßusquehanna,river, in -
the' dense woodlands of the mountains. A re
port reached town abut dusk that a young ,
lady named ;Carrie May 'Gay had been toun d
in these woods hung to atree.` Immediately
the )3 . ;irgesfi summoned a jiffy of inquest, and
The p f
edrepai to the spot to investigate the *train— ,
arty arrived *t.. the place of , the tragedy
abou midnight, and fouini three stalwart men
guarding the lifeless form. as it hung dangling
from the limb of a small birch,sapling. Lan
terns were brought into , requisition, which re
vealed a sight wierd and 'startling in all its de
tails, The face was a pretty one, and in death
showed no trace of the suffering which must
have o ccurred. Her elothes'and her hair " were
neatly and tastefully . arranged,leaving evidence
that 1 1 4fe
f ind taken measures io i look 'as
well in her awful death as the wild• - andgloomy
surroundings would permit. , , 1
, - I
After 4areful examination of the body by 1
Dr. LarnWor evidence of Iviolence,tour brawny
lumbermen took the body in their aims, and
the rape by which She was suspended wasiiev-,
ered. , At' this juncture a profound stillness &t
-iled On the scene, and .as the body was being
gradnally loWered to the ground, a Most start
ling sound—halt' ihriek and half groan—escap
ed frOm the pallid lips. Thesuperstitious,cried
"My 1 God, she is alive !" but this "impression
was immediately dispelled by the do9tor, who
announced that the noise or apparent groans
' resulted from the escape of gases which had
beenconftned-in the throat by the action of
the-1100SC. , , , i
el3o y was then removed • • • •• • • •;,
when Dr. Lamb made a theitrugh ex minatton
and reported that no traces of violence were
visithe. The jury then 'examined several wit.'
limes. It appears that , the young gill, who
wat \ anit fifteen years of age, was engaged
_to tie
married, and that during the abience of her in:.
tended husband she had been to a photograph
er's 'and had a tintype`. taken with • another
young fellow.: This young -chap, proud of the
,PictUre, had been displaying and 'announcing
that it was his intended Wife. Friends of the
'girl informed , her of the .fact and told her that
should her loVer ever hear ot it he would never
marry her. This it,is thought preyedsupori her
mind, and finally from desperation sbe sought
relief through suicide.- 7 Coi. Suija •
ITO 8 Dratootthr : Th e Wyaluising - District
Ca p Muting held at pitnock, Pa,,, Aug. 20d,
to 5 lit, tst i was a perfees isuccess.—There were
abo t . one hundred and thirty tents on the
grO nd; and the attendanei was very large, the
nutober on Saturday . and Sunday amounting
to. several:thousand., It' , liras 'frequeitlysaid
that the brethren in the ministry were more
esniest - in lshor than; ever before and the 'laity
were not behind the preaehersln faithfulness.
The perviees consisted*
tatienc prayer, sinew; love feast, temperance
meetings, children's meetings, and the SUCIIRY.
lit 1
;', i i ' ' i F
'1.7:7. , : - ..,f:- ':'.7. - -i.::: , !.;',:et, 1.,:". ‘...2 . ::.N':! . .`.'q i,! - ! , ._5 11 , 4" - ~ ,v, R ;
_ - . _ . .
NearlY all the meetings were seasons of great
spiritual, Power and many . were:converted to.
`god and many believers entered into the "Val
ley of Blessing sb Bweetivaird thegood result estimated-until the day of Eternity.
A feeling of unity- - eprevalied - ' among the
!Drethren of different - denominatiOilf3,.#nd Bap
tist, Presbyterian and' Methodist, labored:side
by sidi in.pniPit:and altar. for the salvation of
lost men- , • - - •
The 'Presiding T,: tWalker,
showed muce and energy in , conducting
the meetings and is, entitled - to due credit for
its success.. -
Therec collection l andoiherwise.nn
der the Cath Meeting Conmiltfee,were4lBo 97
and expenditures $154 *leaving It balance in
the treasury of OM 17. `;'l
• The ' , people were - so well pleased 'With the
'ground and its water supply and surroundings
that a stoeli,conipany_ to ,be called "TheNya
- 'using - District Vamp , Meeting Asibciation,"
was formed and a. survey taken. and arrange ;
meats made for the
,purchase of 23-ani two
tenths acres of land at: $5O per acre, lromitol.'
U. Bailei . Thus $l,lOO were required and ow
Wednesday, Aug. 80th, (with what Was added
Subsequently) 150 shares of VG each' ,were tak
en, making $1,500. - Btictlie balance and more
will be needed to fit. up ,iheground as we hope
tomakelt the most pleasant Camp This'side of
Round Lake The books - are . still open' and
you can for Ward Ythir treble as scion as cmiVen-.
ient. •
.. ..~
• _
The stockholders - held ti meeting on the
ground and organized by the erection pfilev,
I. T. Walker, Chairinan. and J. - Weston,
Secretary, and elected the. following Board of
Managers for the ensuing year i
Rev. 1. T. Walker, Prest4ent. ; Rev. J. H.
Weston, Secretary ;. Wm. IL' Bloomer, Treas.'
urer ; Rev. W. L. Thorpe, Rev: J. L. Race,Rev.
G. T. Rice, Rev. H: G. Hariied.Wm. H. Barnes,
G. E. Palen; M. D.,A. G. Overfield, E, B. Gates,
D: G. Black, J. G. Taylor, W. ,B. Guile.-
The managers held jnrteeting and provided
for the laying out oi• a new street, and elected
Rev. W. L.. Thorpe, committee on tent sites to :
whom all communications and questions
should henceforth be addressed. 4,11 the prop
erty was, lett in care of Capt. B. B. Gates.—!.
Any, person • who takes. .one share (ten dollars)
is entitled to a tent site and • one vote and no
person can take more than'five sharea(tso)and
no person can hold more tliai one tent site.—
Trusting .in God we: pray for the couplet° sac-
Coss of the enterprise.- - -
• • -- J:11. yi'narrow,
Brooklyn, Sept: 4; 1876. , ,
Wni,. li :: P . 4p7rp : ;, Sr, 'C'o;,
Cook Moves
fa the name of a new Cook Stove. just out, containing
a new principle baking. and is destined to make a
revolution in the construction of Cook Stove's. Come
in and see it.-
As a heating stove stands without a rival, in beauty.
durability and economy. Come and seder) , yourself.
.and get times p 1 partied now rising them"... -
We take special pleasure le offering to the Whoiebale
and Retail Trade, our desirable supply of Tinware. We
use none but. the best of charcoal plates:
.s .
And, we defy any to ,proance better goods lir less
• ,
LAMPS.. , -
A full line of Lamps , of beautiful design. Also Chita
neys of every description. •
. „. STONE WE. -
Flower Jars, Hanging Pote: tiui t t Butter Jeri
Preeerie Jara, 4egs, Stove Tubes,
Batts and Screws.
Doors, Saab,• DI
Lead, Zinc: Oils,
Turpentine, Palm
for mixing paint.
A full misortment'a
fall line of Iron Arles
Rods, drm.,
We purchase in Car tbleilitiiieleiti sell to the
trade in less quiettttjely its . chtm9 .se.sep3t , ,houati in the
,eity. • ,
Wx. H. B 4 OYD, J. 14. 90014rg'.
stontrose, Nardi th, ' ,
(81100TBOOE TO BOYD" & Cosiris;)
lug Moires-.
ON 711 VIE,
BOLTS. . •
• hiladelphis Patrlage * ' Bolts, and
, Bar imp, .Horso Shoes, Bills;
We -.1.6!t'-',-91i:.4#ii
That we stern' *Wile
• 1111_,
Bat 161, moduli* ill kintiCat
Iu es GOOD STYLE, and ott,t
;luj ice.
. _
4 'WE I NTLEM 4.??
.1/ Ale.131111.;1071,01Lf )' tlvi
r I s;1,1=•,11 1: , 1. t , !irfllt.":i';'s. tlx , rve jd
:13 !1.:4a coxt
- •
.nobs, Latches. Catches,
Building Paper. AY tate
pint Brushes. Spirits of
1- 4 desired.ia Also color*
-ta t L
Of . niazitirck
r -,t211711441:201735
theirriev and > commcdicon.
Pablio A 11311144
Trline44s the buOines
:And Othro.
iNw /rot*: rint witismat Bank P 1
delphla Bal
, — W4I. J. nmuraiL Paurbritr.
14. ,
Montrose,,,,,*fqe.bss,lB7... . •..
Attaiitie Om-
Capital Represented,' 8100,000,000
Fire Association of Phil., Capi tal & Assets, $ 2,500,00 f
insurance Co. of N. A., - " 6, 0 00.000
Penneylv‘nia Fire,. Phil., " 1,700,008
Uo.of, the State of Pennsyl;
vania, Phila. Pa. •
Lycoming' of 'Man nen Pa.
Lancaster •of -Lancaqer,. • •
Newton of Newton,
Home ins. Co., N. Y„
National 66 66
Co.. mercial Fire" .
Fairfield Vire, ins. Co. South
Norwalk, Conn.
Atlas 6$
Royal Canadian, of Montreal;
Liverpool. London it Globe,
• of Liverpool, Eng., "
Providence Waettington, of
Providence. It. 1.,"
Trade Ins. Co. Camden , J.
Patterson Fire Ins Co. Patter-
Conn. Yawl Life !us. Co., 140,000,000
American Life. Pues. • ••-•
Tromeletolno. Qo., Hort„.Copliol and 8 'pito $3,000,0031
Railway Passengers
Thenadersiinedhaabeen we.lknowninthiewarity,fer
the put SO years, u a lailiniatt Agent. Losses cue.
tained by his Comnainiee hue . alwas been promptly
paid. . . .....
11. - ofilee up ataira,ln building east from Banking
°Mee of Wm. R. Cooper *G., Timm*. street.
CHARLES H. SHIT/L.l off i ce s e e e . re.
• • 8. LAN9DON, 808eitor.
Montrose. Jan. 6. 1.8.
For Mltitter I
Are delivering butter via Nontross R. R. and L. V.
• - 8. from Montrose to New York
Tiro Hours *hest elf Any Other . Bente.
Arrives in New York by' this route , at 8:29 o'clock
A 1 By 'any. other route from this place, lies in
Scranton tr. hours. reaching New. York 10:80 a. in.
Arrives in Newark at" Veleck A. B. per Central
Express. By any other roue iies in Scranton tWS
hours, reaching Newark at or about 11 o'clock a. m.
Arrives -in flilladelphia at 6:46 o'clock. , oar
Central Expresso, • •
Thus it will be seen we are Two Hours, SSW more.
ahead, avoiding the heatof the day, which is intense in
the titles. • • ,
Butter received up to 5 o'cloCk leave the
station at 5:45 o'clock, p. m.„ reaching AlleAtiriation as
above. If received later, can be stored in a.tool cellar
until next day. -
A convenient place to unload at the
A cool cellar to store butter in until shipped.. Carted
only three-fourths of a • trifle to the railroad. Empty
pails returned free—kept irside of (Ace until called
for, the same care given there as any otter matter—and
as low a rate as'any route: ' •
PatrOnilso your liotuo r 4 4in which all are larg,c•
ly interested: . •
11,AYITSFOSD, Agent.
Montrose, July 5,•18'i6tf.• - • • .
, Al!cl? 1,8
QuiNcx,§, ONIONS,.:TOMA-.
all. .iotio!O1P - r?). ,toy: .. .
•-• - A. N. BULTARD.
Icoxitrose, A tm 16;11376.'
INGHAMTON- • •-•••'
P. A.. HOPPING 4 11 80Nr$ Pit*
N c‘ • 41 " rt flreet;;,(liii3o=,.iilogisauttco; N. Y.
ALL STY SOP introma
••„. •••
BlilgbAstoil ,llll7 111 ; /82Y4.*:
SNYDERi--)C:11011tE -
Puysielvtivid'Suroo67'iliw" Word,
Cleit th aton Rotel. ".
{Ali: 11 4 0 04 • • '
; 1141,t.e • i "
• - - -
• .100.000'
I' 6,000,000
400 000
" • 6.000,000
I , 450,000
It. 450,000
34 : 1.200,000
. 4 '1100,0(N1
z 815,0011
13 ,00 0 .00.
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