(Communicated.): . THE -REPUBLICANS WARRING A.GAINST STATE , gIGLITS, , F. , • • Col. Ingersol sent lout by the Republi - - can party to make spepches in •favor of their•candidate:fotPresiOnt nayi.. l / 2 • ‘ . ,,15T0, man should he elected President of thie nation who believes :in ,'the: :Deinocratic doctrine of 'State Rights,' ',who believei that-this governmenti is only ii-letie,ration of states." „.gx:Speaker _Maine, making epeeChes fox Alie - - seine '''inirti eayi;' l 4'he Democratic partyiin , ' puttinkiii- P-Over; nor 'Tilden, is putting l'Orsiard a:Eipecial champion of States Rights," unit S'aid fie had taken aditintage•of Ibis convalescence An d read all the inauguri,xladdresses and messages of all the Presidents from Ilvash ington to4iiii tintifii.:filla "ednfederici 'ii sot mentioned , unti i li Pierce and,Bnehan on came in." - r -- : --- ~ The foiloivint eXtfitOti' fiotif'theSe In augural addreiies and .messages" will con vict these Repuhlicaii iiitiea*ters - of a 'de liberate intention '.•to destrorthe Ameri can Government and erect l'despotistit on its.. ruins:: Avety Inauitiral address or message from Washington to c:tttr.pres ent time upholds - the rights q the States as the Palladium ofd our. Liberties, - acd the ;:President - of their ` Own selection twelve years' before Pierce cane le, calls our Viiion four tinier; &Confederacy and speaks of our Confederated States. 'Wil liam Henry Harrison, the hero of Tippe• woe, ,"whose struggles :with the ene rnies of our country," says the historian, "may properly be cbnsidered a continu ance of the war for , our independence," upon, 'taking' the oath'd i - office, March 4th,' 1841, speaks of the principles which' should govern him in the.discharge of the duties of his oflce and .describes the rights, of the States in the most minute particulars. , s , He saYs, "The - great dread of many of the patriots of the Revolution seems to have been • that the reserved powejs of the States might be absor!bed by the—Fed end government and `a,consolidated pOw- . er e's ta blifilied, kering . in the States - the shadow only ofi that,. independent action for which they had so zealously-contend ed and on the preservation of which they relied as the last hope of liberty. Gen. Harrison was,at the time of this address, 68 years of, age. His father was One of -the Signers of the Declaration of 'lnde pendence and be knew whereof he affirms ,ed,4hat these patriots of the Revolntion relied, on the.preservation of the powers of. the States as the '4st hope, of , libertY. The destruction of these powers or rights is therefore the detitru°Wu of - American liberty. This good old' patriot continues I' • - -.." thus, •Tp tb the present. time Wegener algovernment has seized upon none of the reserved rights of the:States:. They move in their respective orbits in peifect harmony with their central- head - and with each other. I have\ spoken of the necessity of keeping the respective de partments' of 'the goverm.e ts iwitbin i their appropriate orbits,- his is a mattei of difficulty in ,some -- caseo ;. brit miechicv-:, oils. as collisions of this kind may, le,' i those who arise - between the respective communities, which- for 'certain purposes I i I cmupose the nation, are much more so, for no such nation can long e!xist, without the careful culture of thoge feelings of et!lifidence and - affection which are the ear owe bonds 'of free - and oonfe'derate eiiit6.. No participation .in any, good spossessed by ai-,y imember,ef -thinezten 9re eon federacy,,,was w,44heldJ from . the pli.xeli of any other meniber,l except il ' l dommic goveriiment. i iThe 'Citizens (1f •e4ich state- Unite,. in tiger persons all the pritilegeiWbich ; that Chara,Ctef eon . ; fern iii.i all klwr lov:itt l y claint td,..nsi citi t'4e ‘)f. the thtted , §tates, but in uo ease call the same person:at - the' same time act as the citizen of tw,Olseitifate;afttiei,aild he is therefore positively precluded from i 1 ' - pu' O F ny interferencewith the reserved wers of 'any state' lint 'Arai Of ' i/iiich he iii'for the time -being' it eitiZen; One -Citirti m ay, indeed offortorthe , citizens of of er states his 40'44 tOLPie.ii, 04nageiii01ti tint org'anizeir sisocations requiring cotn , pliance with theit wishes, too much re ifiri - ble - the advice of others-to her allies supported by an itrmed - fleet. it was to the ambition,lof7 - the. -- _.l eadinipstistee 4 Greece to, control the dom iiitincori gems of others that the- destruction of that 'CelebrAteo "Oonfederitoi is.dits.. `. Pur Confederacy fellowcitiiins, cop oriiYbe preserved by forbearing to inter fere with the internal affairs of . 811 the . uates. Our citizens must be content With the exercise, of, , the powers, Witk Which the - -COnititution''lOtheii them. Our confedcracy is , perfeetly illustrated by the terms governing ~,a common co porteersl4. A 4.43114, pf,ppr.,,trri igt 4 V?fx ti4eli4 dtriti t iiiitiktiotidii'd the , - Counsels of the allied mem b ers , blitthat IM=En=l which bas ii 3 iiita ment, To in the prin, os Tdiss go Whig 'party, publicans f Southern S' against the this great -0 ,rison speaks more , riih t -t4 ,time of , Vette tirm - . into 0 ;Their object is to Crush" o - all t h e Sta; bulwark - of' . all'the 1;?tlie 'these !Radio the ,principt ; were adminii Gen.!Bait fort Gov. Til arid. that is s marked to' a ;tin Post on tion in sayin !aeactily in fa and Hendrie perky and. w tirely depend Hayes may at the men Does anybod of nis electic, ~say to Itlrt Morton, Mr. the. rest of who have bri grace,' and them ? the lace of Al letter to Go kind of men :ter caw :ter as simply shown that G ter withont ty and atono itself." 'I he plalfi in of the South Carolina Democracy, a opted on the I7th,' document W • ich ought . to.- be carefully read'by every Independent voter, and by every voter wio' wishes to know what is the real feelin _in the South. In the plat form the -Car.lina Democrats say: "We declare our ceptanee in - perfiet good faith, of the 3th.l4th and 15th amend , ments to the. Federal Constitution. Ac cepting and' siFinding upon them, we turn from the settle , and final pail to the living and momentois issues of the present and the future." Is there any rebellious spirit here ? I)learly, there is no necessity of a military force in South Carolina suggested by his, and the country ought not to forget he cotirtesies and exchange of patriotic ~e mentoes between Boston the nenter of ; toy,;; the flit .1 feeling, abontl Carolina ia pe: in the Union, mew, whit ke, that the who; -ri:While§itti9g, Bull i , s resting ou- - his laurels the Indiaria, are returning to their reservations,. claim the:dare and piotec-. tinu..of the `:'s 'vernMent - and prepare-fot next yeara ca, , paign against the settlers 'ot. tlie'fivritie, .- T he,eam paign has .been ' a , ;failure --and a....raud. .. Its. result's. may 'he b . riefici-.sitmine tip. in •G a rook'adefearon' th.e,l - tosebild;' he.:destruction 'of Ouster's Coixtiiialid, , tai increase of . the - army • and . ,;the retreat of 4r troops. In the mean tittie, the belie is -universal through the ;west . that the ampaign against the Indi lins*as Alelibexate)Y planned in order to 6,600 tin excuse for the increAse, of:. the itt'trij , and the military nee pation of the :south. ' The ..rci,l. iwiaicli , tile administra. ;Von' :attempt . , --tO enact — in :lite ' Biabli HMs . has turned. into a tragrdy in which tlititekid'iitifilf. * ''atict '..hOndr ut_ the nation 1-raTes . ,lll V?! ifill . XEOUTO I MI REAL ESTATE IN. I FORI4T _LAKE .TOWNSHIP. 'The underilguetrtictitora of the last will and testa - pent of Thomas A eehan , late_of the Township of For - eM lodge, decals. , will; in pursuance of an order o f the Orphans' Co'ur of the 4.,otinty of Susquehanna, ex - pose at public sale on p'e premises, in paid Township.; Tuesday .October . 10th :1876, at I o'clock p. m , all_ the followlng.described real' es tate, to wit, situate In said townithip4nd bounded on the'noitlf by hinds of Michael finlritae, on the east by it.nds of Patrick Etti.teion the ikonth:bylandis of Mich ael Carney, and on, the west by lands of Mathew Kelly. containing sixty acres more or less. TERMS OS tiA.E—s2oo down, ssooon confirmation of sale and the balance in one year thereafter with in terest. - W.P.; 00001 N; CHI E 8 DELLIA. 1. Executors. August wins. . . • - • 85w6 „ „ A 445 v, wroqi.or. - just received and - fftr kir 3 - surwiNE F L:0 II R. For dale by ALtiO LI, HINDS 0 OR6OERIES I dohs stimeof B. J. WSW. e WO' *.aeZIL4OII.9 -P°i; Ail• MUM; 100**, ii901 .. :;1678, -`.•,:,.- azzaza reserved by, the individn- 1 at by the 'common govern= 4rntit it finds' no supprt es of our Oonstitution. I"- ', l reaildePt, 'elected by- 'the postvely forbida these Re on', interferipg with the r:'tes \ and warns the', people If: hey .are no,w a part , Of Indederacy which .Gen.,Har of,' the Rapt!blicans have rio sew:ll4l)6p among theta In 'than` they have to send an nad , or, any foreign nation. in this usurpation of power t - the 'rights and powers of 'a .and, thus .dedroy the last freedom. The - ,messages . , of Presitients , will show that . 1 ;1 Republicans are false to : of the GOverntrient . ett, of ; Maas., is as earnest eh as' Mr. Parke Godwit, , ling a, good deal. He re. correspondent of the' &is- riday: . ".L• have no heSita g that I am earnestly and vor 'of: the eleCtion Of Tilden ks:, .f. think the early pros- . Afareof the country are en= ent on . their iticcess.. Gov. man well enough, but look Who 'are_ supporting hint! F suPpose that in the event, In Gov. Hayes is going. to Blaine, Mr. Chandler, Mr. Crinkling, Gen. Butler and then,. 'You are the, men ught the country into dis hen ; turn his hack uPon supposition is absurd upon L9ok at Gen. Kilpatrick's Hayes. That shows the who are supporting the Re idates. I . regard that let infamous, and if it can be ov. Haves received the 'let .nouncihg its author open , it, 'ought ty defeat him by nti , slavery and Charles ,er Center\ of pro-slavery a year ago. When South ceful,and is honestly with: both in fact and in, senti : there for doubting eoutb is like4iie ? S' SALE WER§I'EWS NEIVI . PRICE • , SPRING AND SIINthER 1876: Look at the following wbi4h 'speaks for itself. .. • , Heavy cottonade 'pante. E. • -- 1 4 i•tont svool-mixed pants.... , ' I.• Ir. -, • .25 Good all wool pants— . ...... 18.000: , 00 imported - cassimere pants'. .. . .. '. . .. -Frenth Doeskin pants—. • - • .. 4.760 7.50 Stout, Work ingro en's 5nit5.::....... 6.00,12:10.00 'll'ancy merino cassimere suit 6. .'. V. .. . . 7,00e110.50 Merino Silk- mixed • 8.0040p:0n Harris cassiincre suits... 13.00016,50 Knickerbocker anu plaid . . ... . 10.00018.00 Black frock coats , Imported black Snicks ` 9.00013.00 Piuciblack cloths . 3.75 White linen vests • 1,0 8,00 :BiVB Su its — .‘iith kn ee' PO . ti 3...4).9 ypare. , . ... ... . ... . 1 . I . . CattOIIEMUS ......, • ....! ..... .. . . •... .1... 6 ' 8.60 Mixed casPhnere ealts... -, - ] 8.50t' 5.50 Ali wool cassitnereloits , ' . 4.50(tt 7.00 iereuCh worked mita... . ... .; .'... 7.00 Q) 9.50 Boyce suite, with Iqug „pants, 9-to lb yrs. • Cottcinade pnitp........ : ...... .....*....... '.......$ 8.00a04.50 Mixed casainiere sults 4.1:M12:09.00 Pane) , plaid anat. ' 1 ... . . ..... ~, 6.5009 no' French : worsted suite ... &steam Yonitie Suits from age r 5 to Men's sizes. Stant everyday 5tate......... ..I .:4 5 500, 9.00 . , Good cueunere enita • .. 7.501411.00 DiagOnal coat and vests t ' 8.00012.00 Fancy plaid milts - 8.00a15.09 ' - Goods. - lurni sbing Good . . . Good . working shirts 1. $ • - 50 Fine white bosom shirts' ' ; ..4 . .l.oo' Goodidenini overalls. ~ ... -. .. ..! ...... ..:. - 50 Good; rubber suspenders........' 25 'Moth lined paper collars per box ' - ' - 10 Good , umerellas , 50 Good'cotton socks i - 15 And all other geOds in proportion, The above are prices that no other concern has or will offer; t They are cash prices and made to bring people from a distance. It will pay a man to_drive forty miles to toy a' suit of clothes at my styrx. _ I . WEBSTER, The Clothier. , '62 and 64 Court Street, ' Binghamton. Api i il 19. 1876. IMORTAN ANN I . O UN CEMENT - 9. & A. - CORTESY, • mo.rtv- arc:!4=,x3l9, MERCHANT *TAILORING, • . Wehvould respectfully annonice to the public that we have removed to our new and spaciuns store. No. 21 coiner. of Vona and Water streets. and are filling it with a new stocr cf goods that have just arrived. Our stockkof Dress Goods. Shawls, etc., are of the.very lat est Spring patterns and styles and purchased for cash when the market was most depressed. In the Hue of Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Hair Goodi, Ribbons, etc., our stock' ie unsurpassed. We have also .opened a Departwent of Merchant Tailoring, and have just purchased a large stock of the latest styles: in the line of oloths.eassimeres, etc., and of the very beet slimily. We have employed to take charge of this Department. MR. T. D. TA?LOR,.Iong the leading and moist successful cutter in this city, and who , always guarantees a perfect fit. Mr. Taylordid the se lecting of the cloths, cassimeres, trimmings, - etc.. for this dep , rtment, which should satisfy .all that we have the latest and mostlashionAle styles. Wecordially thank our patrons for past favors, and promise them and the public generally that we axe bet ter prepared than ever to supply anything in our line, We solicit your patronage. pinitintaton, April 19, 1876. ORRECTION .1' F. Runor•has it that havintr heen elected County Treas urer for the,eu toting three years. I am to dtecontione my Insurance busbies. .Sald HUMOR:is UNTBI:.g, arid Avithoat foundation, apid, while thanking .you for kind netas, end i.Ppreciatiort trf rood Insurance, in the past; I ask a continuance of , your- patronage. proinil4ing that all business entrusted to , me Fball be promptly attewiedto: !Ay Companies/ire all imund and.rellable, tita who have ,met wiKh du: ing 0 2 '1 ten years cnylAgeteY. Read The List 1 • • North British and Meredntile, Capital, l' $lO,OOO - .000 Queens of tondorn."; • • • •-• 2.000,000; Old 'Franklin, Philadelphiii, As'bts, 1h:100,000 Old•Contiiiental: N. Y., nearly '-'8,000.000 Old Phamix of ti irtford.. • r'• • t ( " 1 9 1)00 'Old-Hanover. N..‘1.800.000 _ Farmers; York. . • 0` 1.0%000 I alit° represent the ,ivew York Mutual Lire Ins • Tame of.over 30 years standing. and itliets over $30.0o0;300.;-- Alao. the Masonic Ztlutuai. Benefit Association of Penn'-' sylvania. . rfrr Get an Pieeldental Poi ley eoverine idiitpeidents, In the; Hartdord ' ceitient ins. , Co Policies:written from one'dni to one year. Only , Cents - for n$3,OOC PolicY.,. Please call or-tend Word, `whon'yOlL tnke n'trir Very respectfully. , , • • 1 ; t"' EIRSIttd - VYLER. lilontrose, l'a., Jan.:lo . yppslwEss,,.cuANGEt. , ,,. , , i,.,,0, i f li-j I ; Thei firm of E. Bacon" &Co: hnvitig 'been &stover* 1 * ll 4- I {LitiPue ;he • - :!' Ai the old "stand. , } fam to furnish ill kinds of - 411.: H. .T.WBBB. 111017101 .S . lttirrti - CAN NED UOODgu. ,COnotitntly con.hand.' 4 y: , • • •.. • • . , LARtE AtSORT!AENT OF .TOYS, 84C,.81:0 : . kontrose,x4:-Ada ; •''• = • -IHAND4. AT OUR NEAV STORE, No. 21 Court'Street. , cf 111 2,1 'W. Ili SULPHUR . DAP Is Cleaning, Deceloriziag,"Diainfeeting, flooding, Healing and ?Reifying. It renders the coarsest skin remarkably soft and healthful. It imparts a beautiful smoothness to the skin, apd forms an elastic whiteness: It cures burns, scalds, chafing, excoriation, rougluiess,, tan sunburn, freck les, liver spots, chapped • hands, sores, ulcers, dandruff, blisters on the hands and feet, itch, ground itch, itching between the toes, itching of the body, piles, corns. Also relieves the itching and irritation of biting and stinging insects. As it is 'especially adapted to the TOILET, NURSERY, and 1:4411-1100)1, you can take a Sulphur Bath at pleasure. For bath ing Children, it is unequalled. Ladies who use it in their Toilet would never do without it. It neutralizes the, odor of perspiration, and, as an external remedy, can scarcely be Used - amiss. Full directions accompany each package. TRY IT. Price 25 Ct:. pot Cake.- 3 Cue: for 60 Ott. By mall 33 Cts. By mail 75 Ctii. • • • MAIN DEPOT AT • " • Dr. Van ;Dirkets Office, No. 1321 Green St., Philidiaphia. Sold by all Druggists. -USE, NO OTIMIL. At wholesale sad Retail Prices'. ‘•., ` I C. & A. CCIRp3BY. riSARY THE NEWS, - OH CARat THE NEWS TO MARY . AND EVERYBODY iCtSE' FOR GOOD NEWHIA HEALTHY Am) REFRESHING ~. ILLIAN & ~9„ HAVE MOVED TO THEIR NEW wrong • . z Ntxr THE FIRST 'NATIONAL BANK, • (Sesile`e New Brick,) Where they will keep on hand the beat molted atock.of llTen's and Boys' -Ready-Dlade VILOWEINa, , t DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, HATS; . MILLINERY ' . GOODS,' &0., . • . of all descriptions and latest styles. GIVE 1313 A CALL and we Will SAVE you HORSY.— _ Terms. cash or good paper_ Respectfully. S. RILLMAN & CO., NATIONAL, DRY GOODS .35 CLOTHING PII bRI V I BLACK AN) COLORED ALPACAS, newest. shades, 25 cents per yard, at S. P. & CO.'S First National. BLACK AND COLORED. CASHMERES, all shades St, cents per yard, at S. P. & CO.'S First National. , BEST CALICOES,!neyr styles and fast co'ors. 6X'Oents per yard. at S. P. & CO.'S First National. HANDSOME HAMBBRG EDGING AND INSERTING from 10 cents per yard up, " • at S. P. & CO.'S First. National. YARD WIDE. BLEACHED COTTONS, from 8 matt per yard up, at S. P. & Co. , S First National. YARD WIDE FACTORY, from Vi cents per yard up Wards, .. • • • at 5.. P.& po. , s FinitNaticual. BUST SIIIIMNOS„ new styles.ls eta. per yard • at . S. r. & 00.13 First National. BOYS' RUB i•:MADB SUITS, from $5 up, at S. P. 85 Co.'S First National. YOUTHS' BRADY-MADE SUITS, from s6.soip, at S. P. & Co.'S First National.. MEN'S BEADY-MADE SUITS, froth $0 up, at S. P. & CO.': First National. BOYS' CaSSIMEHR PANTS, from $1.50 up, at S. P. &CO.'S First National. MEN'S CASHMERE PANTS, from $2.50 up, at S. P. & CO.'S First National. We shall also keep on hand Gents' and Ladles' Un derwear of all styles; ladies' and misses' Ready-made Snits. As assistaece to our experienced and artistic milliner. we have engaged the services of one of the leading trimmers in. New York city, and we guarantee our millinery department to contain the leading styles and trimmed in best city styles, and our prices lower than elsewhere Remember we will keep a full assort . eat of all classes of goods generally kept in first-class stores, and our prices we warrant will be the lowest in Susquehanna County. Our special buyer will be in the market at all times, and -procure for us the lates t novelties. Our motto will be. "Juslice to all."__ Bear in mind we have a NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, and the LOWEST CASH PRICES IN THE . COUNTY. As an indacement to make large purchases we will deduct, (on demand) on all cash bills of $lO or more, Ave per cent. COMil one India] Both great and small ' • And buyyour goods & _ . At S. P. Co.'s First Na Respectfully, ' PILLMAN & CO., First National Dry Goods and Clothing Store. Montrose. March 25, 1876. • B. R. LYON S RAVE RECEIVED LARGE ADDrraGNS TO 'THEIR STOCK'OF CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, DRUGGET MA TTINOS, WINDOW ' • . SHADES • PAPER HANGINGS AND, ENAMEI. CLOTHS; COTTON YARN, 'COFFIN- TRIM " • - MINES, PLATED WARE; 'DRY . GOODS AND GROCERIES,TAINTS, OILS,' • .DAMASK, REPS; -' ALL OF JAYNE'S :, FAMILY MEDICINES, TRUNKS; 'UMBRELLAS, RUBBER • GOODS; &C.; $3l CALICO / SIX CENTS Y;f!.iti) Montrose, Jenne/y.l, 1878. REMOVED:AND , ENLARGED. GIOCEitY-1,-STORE to the building' ; tour ;door, above the First MOWS Bank; Public Avenue, - (formerly becutoled by , B. P. Stamp,) where I have enlarged my stock of • Groceries; Frovisiott atc. `r invite eompetiticin both in quaflty and price:' isfesea give me a call and be convinced that I cen do gon good, , WrisgiCT ! 7..*IBRICLL. latitroee, - April " .ir s 7n Thie STO AOADEMY.eiglith" ;MS, ' year earamh.ceff,oplbp-irst'Nesday ti Septeht ' - het. The ha 'term Closet o the , Tietisp,hoAste, „dr•helikegiving. • The whiter , -Wise : , totessetoph vp , the ittit TWO" after Thookeiticopeos of d* 401 pg. land complete: ' Baptises aucerazi. aft IS or oforsostlos addrou p , ‘ , .4.4 . 0118.#1 4 , au,* ifille=4*' V 1, 3 rsh 1 .ik , :,11 3 " .' ~° .. B. R. LYONS it 'OO I lave removed my EGGS WHITE COCIIENS, BUFF- COOHENS, "PARTRIDGE COCHENS,' PLYM.OU'rH ROCKS, , • , AND •HOUDANS Eggs foO.:llatitiinii,' . .,7,l- . ....... $3 Per 11‘7 OrYoung Poiris for sale after August let; 1876,,at reasonable prices.No„Auferior specimens shipped from my yards. - , White Cocher.s.ist premium 'at Jersey, Fair (Berry & Williams,stock.},. Buff Cadmus. BerrylS Wilihmut No circulars. Write for what is wanted and promp repiya will begii , en. ' Addree. b. 4, GILLBJERT, March. 29. 1976.—em. FL gr. xbrrixrrEvi. WAGONS, tIARRIAGES, BUGGY, CONCORD, PHEI'ON, AfNI EVENEItS,I3GLE AND DOITBLIg WRIFFLETItEES: BODIES OF THE LATEST STYLarSi JOBBING, ':&c:, DONE • PROMPTLY E: T . : PURDY. , liontrole, June 7. 1876. f. 1 .71L- 4E4,1 -w-4 n-t 4 di, 0-1-:,1 The largest stock of Twinned Hats to he found in the city at the lowest prtces. The Moen and meaty Slyttab Hats ant Bonnets in thc city at ROZELLE'S.. , The Lauozsrant clitAiNsT stock Old Lao dies Cali , out side of New York city, all ta be found at ROZELLE'S:, ',Alin% forgot it, that ROZELLE is selling, the very lowest is can. He ' • Discounts all the rest or the 97 I BINGHAMTON, e7 Court Sc. • N.Y. .1, Court it. Binghamtori April 1 . 9, ' HOW ANIIOOD : ROW - LOST, HOW RESTORED ! Just published, a new edition of Dr- Culver well's Celebrated 'Essay Oa the radical clan! • (without medicine) of Spermatorrhcra or Seminal • WeakneSs, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoten cy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impcnimeuts 10 Marriage, etc. ; also, Consumpttor., kpllepsy and Fits. induced by'self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, &a. 12rPricet. in .a.sealed envel.4pe, only sit cents. !the celebrated author, iu this admirable essay-, clear , ly demonstrates. from lc thirty 'years' successful pillc tice, that the alarming couacquences•of self-abuse may be radically cured without. the dangerous use, of intern al medicine or the, application of the knife ; • °int* out a mode of care at once simple, certain, a effect 'al, by means of which, ever ' sufierer, no set' what his ,condition may be, ' may cure himself cheaply; pri vately. and radical?. This Lecture should be in the hands of every` youth and every man in the land • • Sent under sea), In a Plain envelope, to any address . post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. , Address the Publishers, . F. lirll,lllllll & Son 41 Anit at, Now Turk ; Post Office Box, 4U6. July 12, 1876. • : CLARK.' .PRAOTIOAL MA .40 'AND GUN SitilTilir " • - .Bas' located' on Public Avenue, (basement ;of $. 0.• • Sayre's store bnildine) where. be .is prepared to (V . Gun kinds of Smithiug, &ming Machine repniring, . IPil ing.' Lock repairing ands It Tight Mechanical repairing , on" short notice,. and on as reasonable, terms, ts C=;l. done elsewhere. All work warranted.- Orders by promptly- attended to. :Kmat' :patronage le solicited,' and satisfaction guaranteed. . J. W. CLARE. Montrose. Aug. 9, 1876tf. FARM, _ FOR SA L E . . , ..,, i , The subscriber offers- his lam far *sale; sitakte4B. Forest Lake, containing 65 ,acres 450 improved."( c Wilt keep twelve carve; and a tea u; Well watered, is slim. a good grain farm, :Has a nice - younz orchard. Tarim ~ w ilfbe made easy. For farther puliculara =Ca' Address, " —•' • '` AARON REYNOLD _ or S. D.: ROO 71iontross,1118 Feb. 113, C 11 TO J. DQNLEY;. -•,-: ' ; 11' ,; -1 .1 -IL • , t '...:_truakruanrtgo . • 81N9H.4,4"x,.5. y„ , . • Tke latest improved Cogine.. mid Caskets on kiAaiei. - Xeerke to wider. • 131irouls, •te. rAW MEM &pm:Mal workman, at arrvIDZIMMAIKX*4,4 g me openetik shoi" undti .readr to deli] x . 4;1 0 .E;4jarleir • manifolll, umber 815 0 0, ' 4 4 NI Mril I 4,4t1 ~,••3 • '12,11 yr, Manufacturer of ifillelab.e. -0- SIDE-MR GEARS. AILEIRS. FRENCR MILLINERY, EGGS °reit Bend, Pa.,