The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, August 30, 1876, Image 7

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    Arrangement of Kalb.
_Arrives. Deparu
Tankhatmock, .. .. 115 m
Vu.9reoEs• ' •
Montrose Depot,(l)ally,). 600 p m 620 a ..n'
New 3tilford, Mai 1y,).. . .......1000 a m 1 80pm
vir.yalusing, (Daily.) • . ' • 945 am 10 wpm ,
Friendsville,(tri weekly,) ' ` 600 priv 800 am
:lonklin Station,(trtweekly,) - 7,00 am 700 atn
ginghamton,sia S. Lake.(tri weekly). - 600 pm, 700 p in
yieshoppen.(tri weekly,) . ... ... .1.......1000 aM. 300pm'
The Now York, (rota Montrose !Depot,) _ New Milford.
run khannock,and Wyalusing are daily. 'i.: • '
1 3
The Conklin Station mail runs noidays, Thursdays,
and Saturdays. ,
The Binghamton mail, (rota Sil t' r Lake,) runs Tile's
lays, Thursdays; and Saturdays., i • ,
Frlendsville mail runs Tuesdays, Th Marys/id Sit
The 3leshoppen mail runs Mondays, edneedays 9 and
Fridays. 1 '
A Stage leaves daily for Me;ntrol e Depot at 1 m.,and
returns at 6 p. titl
A Stage leaves daily •for New. Milfoi4 at 7130 a. nu
and returns at 3 80p. In.
• B. C. l'onDiAlif. P. M.
Montrose Railway. Tinto Table.
Arrangment Or Trains. To take effect on \ Menday,
April 17, 1876. . •
Down Trento. -
BOUTIt WARD. . I ‘, xonTawArtio
r. ph A. IL ' ; 1 1 4.X. r Y.
10.15..... ....Montrose - '......9.00 4.52 .'
555 1025 ..."..Alleu's '.. 845 545
553 1028. .:,..Coors ' 840 \ 448 '
605 1032 'Hunters ... 885 444
608 1036 .. ~WoOdbourne ' ..8 , 80 `440
612 1040...' Dimoek j 525 436
617 10 47 Tyler's ..1.. ~.815 428
625 1057......... springvlll6.... - 805 420
630 11 05 Lynn 755 412
645 11 18 A' .Avery'*.... - ..745 , 4.05
653 • 1128 Lemon ....... ..,...'7 35 400
'2,05 11 35 Lobeck.....„ ...725 345
715 11 45 ..... ~. - Marcy's , 715 38T
720 1 2 00.. ..... '.. „Tunkbannock......7 00 _ 322
Tulles will run an Lehigh Vnlley time as kept lathe
Office of P. & N. Y. RR at Tunkhaunock.
All trains connect at Tunkhannock with P. N Y
R. R.going north aid south.
Mauch Chunk, April 17. 1876. • .
List of New .Advertisements•
Executor's Sale,—estate of Thomas Mehan.
BUSINESS Loc,u,s. -
Encampment Hop.
Meeting of Pomona Grange.
Bridgewater Baptist Association.
A Grand Concert and Byass Band Picnic. -
Meeting of Susquehanna County Farmers'
—The Wayne County LieraM says : "The
first Sunday School in Pennsylvania, and pro
bably in the . -'United States was instituted -in
Clinton. it was in the year 1813, and- t•Uncle"
Alva Norton was its firstsuperintendent. , Mr.
NOrton is now 85 years old; an ar
row-and tough as an, ox-hide when the ox has
served an apprenticeship at a tannery."
—Following is a copy , of kletter received
by the president of the f.aebtiti4 School board
lrom Superintendent Wickeriliam : "A school
board can, before the elect On pf a treasurer, fik
the salary of the office at a less ameunt than
that , named in the law. I. am - disposed t
think that this may also be 'done at any.tim
before the treasurer elect has giVeir bond, or en
tered upon the discharge of his effice.: 'But
any such action subsetinently taken would' lie
a violation of a contract expressed or implied,
and is, of course
--- The Port
.Jervis Gazette fi l as the ' follow
: "Honesdale now lays claim to the cham
pion woman. She is the wile of a Glenn:in la
borer named Nicholas Staegen. On -Wednes
day of last week she went out on the moan
tains near Honesdale to pick blackberriei. She
filled a ten quart pail in due time, and started
home. On her way she was taken sick, and
there, alone on the mountains; two miles from
home, she gave birth, to a child. , About the
middle of the afternoon she arrived home: She
had the little new cooler wrapped
,up in her
apron safe and sound, and F , ar,r t e
,pn her arm
her ten quart pail full of berries. - The baby is
a lively ten-pounder, and the mother has not
lost a day's work since its birth., Let all Cen
tennial wonders cease' henceforth,
—A. sad accident occurred at Campvillc
yesterday morning., A..boy named Bond,about
twelve years of age,engagied is diitriblting ad
vertising bills about' the !country, letp,, the a -
com m °dation train at. Canirville on Saturday
evening and remained in the place over night.
On Sunday morning he stopped at the residence ,
of Mr. Hanel, who lives on a farm belonging,
to Mr. E. Van Tuyl of this city,! just west of.
Campville. Picking up a revolver which was
lying near him, he began carelessly' fooling
with it, when it suddenly went ,off, entering
the head of 'Mr. Haner's little boy just below
the eye. Mr. Harter 'telt graphed to OwegO for
a physician at once. but Oile child died inkabout
twenty minutes after the accident.' *The,sle
ceased boy was two years of ate and an only
child. The boy at whose hands the*ccident
occurred says that his .father is a shoe:maker
living at Susquehanna. Au account' of the
Matter was telegraphed to the father, altd the
boy is under arrest. The affair cense& great
excitement at Campvire, but was undoubtedly
an accident.:—Binghamtrt Tin*. -
—The Scranton Repubborrn. of Monday says:
"Yesterday morning whlni some of the niem
hers of the Evangelical congregation , of Hyde .
Park went to;the .church, -shortly before the`
usual time •for holding services, they were as
tonished to find the, interior badly charred, the
seats burned down, and several holes burned
through the floor, It was evident that the fire
had existed aklay'or two , Previous, and, doubt
less owing to "the close character nf , the build- .
ing, doors and windows hating been tightly,
shut, had been 'extinguished of itsef. , The
building was so *seriously damaged that tbe.
question of holding 'services., there in its pres
ent condition was not to be thought of, and the
congrega Lida turned faadiy away. It is but a
Short time ago that the church vies built, and
the work of securing funds for its construction
was no easy :task, - the Ongregation not being
• the wealthiest or most numerous ini the coin-'
munity. The church; was a r neat frame struc-,
ture, situated at the corner 4 , l3wetlarid street
and Hyde Park Avenue. 'How grigiba
teti in it and bow it was extinguished are mai
tetra of mystery.. It is :thought,. howe!Pr, that
the work of
.setting It' on tire h 4tat , or an in
"Whirr, but tPare , 4nefr n0. , *.e*: : 0, 134,4 4
definite clue to ' Bitch aisuppoaition; Theidain
age dUne4stotuddetiih*, , - ~
—Several valuable cows have died in
Wilkesbarre Withiti the past' few . days:and no
'one, appears t? understand . the cause, or is able
to save ' them from:' the fatal disease' It, is
thought that the 'long dry weather the
,vrater in the' pastures became strongly im
pregnated f rom' the, coal deposits and miner‘,l
poisons,. a d that 'it produces this, disease
among the cows. - There being no rains to di
lute or purify the water, and the cows :being
obliged - to drink it while in its stagnant and
gingrehescent condition, it is said, - causes 'the
complaint trora which they (lie. 'The sudden
.decrease in the quantity of milk is the first,
symptom,and a rapid loss b of fivsh follows, with
a quickleav pulse and a seeming difficulty in
'breathing. ~ riliey die within a week aftei the
,attack. Those cows keptin stables or in clean
',city lots and fed in, the usual mtmer, have so
far escaped t eI l fatal'digease. : , ,
ENCA4PMENT.-COrilrade3 Allow me - to
.call your atiehtion to General Order No. Four,
publisl4ed in this issue.
By complying with section I, our Encamp
hients.will as ume "form and comeliness."
You will o!serve that Section II refers to Or
ganization, w thont which nothing can be mili
tary or soldi•rly.
The carryi • g out: of the programme contain
ed, in 111 rests wholly with you. Onr
visiting frien• a always expect to see a little of
the "pomp a . d circurnetanee of glorious war."
My purpose,. ith your co-operation, is to make
our encampment for the two hours interven
ing between' ne and threelo'clock p. m. of the
second day 'a military camp. If you agree, we
will, for two ours, sink the citizen in the sol
dier. A lettr from General Robinson, in reply
to,my reques for him to 'be present and deliv
er An addres at our Encampment, says' that
pressing'engacrements SI ill render it impossible
1 .,
for him to de an, address but that he will
be present a • d "talk to thc. boys." .
i • , Fraternally
a g ; I • .
MONTROSE, PA., Aug. 28, 1876.
ERS I, commanding officers
lof Battallions and ,Com
orgapized bbdies of soldiers will
at Encamptaent, report to the
eral and hate quarters assigned
panies, and ,u
upon arrival
Adjutant Ge t
them. ;
11. The Soldiers in thel:various Townships
and Boroughs are requested t 43 take immediate
steps to organize,where it baS not already been
done, into companies—=it not companies, then
"squads" tbatcan be consolidated upon reach
ing Let all who can,'bring guns
and accoutrements ;
The Drum Corps of{ 'the County and all
old drummers and fifers areliniited and reques
ted to be prtisent---"arined - aml equipped."—
They willicporit.:lto Drum Major.E. N. Barney.
IV. At; One D'clock p.'!na.," of the 7th the
"Long Roll". Will beat, and until three o'clock
p. m., the _Encampment will be under "military
orders" mid .4n sbliliers are expected to be, at
their post.. order of exercises will be
Ist, Guard' gotinti; 2d, Battalllon Drill ;' 3d,
Cointiany,Drikl by', the Militia Cor
c i iy , wanies.
the Prphan School I ; 4th, Dress Partide.
Upon the '" arade" being dismissed the `cone
mandini.o rs of companies will march their the speaker's stand, when Major
General Job C. Robinson, Ex. Lieut. Gov. of
New York Will "talk to ths bOys.''•
By Corp*
P 3 Adj. Greu.
Business Locals.
. ,
a County. Pomona Grange P.
t Montrose, Tuesday, Sept: sth.
is SaMUEL SMYTH, Raster.
1876. •
H, will mee:t,
'Augut SO,
NT 'HOP ! .‘.
Hall,' near the. Encampment
be thrown open on the afternoon
f !Sept. 7th, tOr the accommoda-
I r
OwiSh to * . Tripp the light,fantas
Brooklyn Orchestra wiliturnish
Q, *
35w2 . .
Grounds, will
and evening .
tion of all wt
tic toe " Th.
August 30,
- •3
first anniverssi
commence on I
tist.Church, ix
.tor‘ .Cheishire
ning. Delego
.t 6 . - Pastor Pos
ties who will
.- August -30,
Baptist Assotiation—The fifty-
Ty of! the aboire Association will
Tuesday, Sept 12th, at the Bap-.
i DiEctock, at 2 o'clock pm. The
Sermon will be preached by Pas-
-of Montrose. Sunday School
Wednesday afternoon and eve
tea Will please report on arrival
, or the committee on hospitali
be id waiting to receive such at
flee; s
1876. ' 35w2
Tag Susqt ehanna County. Farmers' Club
will meet at o'clock on Saturday aftetnoon,
Sept' 2d, int.' e old' court house, to discuss the
following qu itioo : "Is our present Town
ship-road.system .he best system ?" • All who
teel an interlt in this question are invited to
attend and le d us their aid and counsel,wheth
er they are embOrs of the dub or not. It is
hoped that tbl
s discussion will result in a peti
tion to the le islature for an act which will be
`general through the country. -
1 D. D. LiertmoP,.Sec.
Aug. 80, 1876.- ' ,
, A GRAN t CONCERT and Brass Band_
Pic-uic will ,be held on the Harford . Fair
Grounds, on rilay, Sept. 15th.; •Twelve Brass
Binds in one rhe , Brooklyn, -Montrose, Elk
take, ;Ohs° i , Thomson, - Great Bend,-Great '
Bend. Willa c, N,ew Milford, Susquehanna,:
Page's. Pond, Franklin, and Ararat Bands are
expected to =be present. They will unite, in
playing seve al select _ pieces, making the larg
est Band eye heard in this section of the coun
try. • The o ject lis to promote good feeling,
'and 'the Mu ical interest of the county. - The
-musreal per ormance will be conducted by
Trot'. Cogsw 11, and _ the Military Department
will be and r the directinn of the celebrated
Drum Mao , E N. Barney: ,
-' Atimiseme is of various kinds (luring be day
A grand,h,:p will , be held itt Toinpkin7a Hall
in the . evenr. : ' '
.. Adruisolip 30 Grounds, . 25 &WC,: .130,11,1t00m
75 maw. 1 guiles free. -,
Let us a ''. 'the,. Wiest crowd ;ftnititho best
time ;Ora ii tkested .111 Busy:whims Cottity;
~,,-.,. Aug.-20, 876.; ,i' ' - ,-. 85*8
General Comd'g.
igy"Ore wanted at this office on anbacrip-
OLD Newspapers for sale at this Office at ten
cents - per dozen. „ - •
HANDBILLS for Auction SaleS;(jc.,.. printed
at the DEMOCRAT office nt:first-clityle - and
at reasonable prices. -
'l - ot oUstmmons and subpoenas
just printed, at this office. " Other blanks in pro-,
fusion, all prepared with care.- ' ;
TROMMER'S Celebrated Zxtract of Malt, Wm.
~& Co.'s Philadelphia Ale at: M. A. Ly
ons Drug Stiore. • -
Moutrose, Aug. 9,1876. .
on Puns Drugs and Medicines, Fine Toilet
idles, Jewelry and Perfumery, go to M. A.
n's Drug .Store.
ontrose, Aug. 9, 1876. -
ROTOGRAl 3 llB.—Pictures taken in all the lat
est Istyles. Old pictures copied and enlarged.
Altio:r a splendid lot of frames for sale cheap,
at G. W. DooLrimes.
ontrose, June 10, '74.--7tf.
To, Rumr.
House and Lot to rent in Montrose, Enquire
of 0. B. McCollum. •
May 31, 1876,--tf.
NEW STOCK of carpets, oil cloths, matting,
&c!,just received.
GIITTENI3EIte. R0i3EN134.131/. & CO.
ontrose, April 12, 1876tf. • f
BRING Styles Slla _Hata, felt and fur. Boys
Centennial Hats, just.opened at
April 1876tf.
. FRESH. CrYSTERS' have epmmenced, arriving at
h Keystone Saloon, one door above First Na
ional Bank, basement. Drop in and see.
Montrose, Aug. 23, 1876tf.
A *AGNIFICENT lot of fine Cloths and .Cassi
meres, Coatings and Suitingsfor custom work,
just received, call and leave your measure for a
new suit at
April 12, 1876tf. _
The First Universalist .Church and Socie
ty of Montrose and Bridgewater will hold its
next annual meeting at the church Sept. 4th,
at I 3 p. m. Business of importance to be trans
acted. Let all attends
ontrose, Aug. 23,1876. '
Losr.-- 7 At the Grangers' . Picnic, at Hart
Lake, on Thursday evening last, a gold sleeve
button. The 4nder will be paid for his trouble
on leaving it at the DEmoaltAT ofike.
EWETT'S Pure White Lead, Hall Bradley &
CO's. Lead, White Zinc, Ready Mixed , Paints,
Cc lored Paints in Oil and Fine Graining : Col
or, for sale at M. A. Lyon's Drug Store. ,
Montrose, Aug. 9; 1876.
Having bought Louis Knoll's stock of Cigars,
Tdhacco and Confectionery, I can furnish
first-class articles for the least money. Fine
suMmer. drinks for the thirsty. - •
Montrose, July, 26 , 1876.
V -m .
icrons. tn the Centennial tin find good ac.
zotnmodations within a mile of the Centennial
GrOunds,.on line of street..railway, at reasona
ble prices.. Drop, a postal . card a - . week or two
before 'coming, to secure rooms.
. I • •
C. 11: - 13InclIARD,
84.7 Havertord St., Ark , st
May 3, 1876tE
The sale, of Taylor's Faintly _Medicines is
steadily on the increase: .The askant the past
year being more than double 'of any previous
year. The reason of this is on acomnt ot the
genuine merits, of the goods themselves and
the fair and impartial manner,in-which they
are sold. ,
July 26, 1876.
The Susquehanna Association of 'Universal
ista will hold its next annuatsession at Benton,
Lnzerne County - , Sept. 6th and 7th.. Service
commencing Wednesday, at 10% a. M.
" Several clergymen from abroad are,expected.
It is important that every church and . society
be fully represented.
August 2301876.
'The semi-annual election, of Rough L.% Ready
Fire Co., No. 1 will be held Moiday. vie, Sept.
4th, 1876:
the amendments offered at a . meeting of
ROugh &Ready Fire Co. No. 1, Friday eve,
Atig. 18th, will be acted upon Friday eve, Sept.
Ist All members are, requested to Ile present.
Aug . . 23, 1876. 34w2
MA,nnim WORKS.
The Tunkliannock Marble Works of Burns
& White are doing a guild business and are
getting out some very tasty jobs of Head
Stones and Manuments. A. B. Burns, of the
Eagle Drug Store is their,authorized agent for
Mcintrose and vicinity. He has designs. of
Riad Stones and Aliinpnents. Any orders left
with him will be prwptly filled by Burns &
White. ks__,
Tunkhinnock, Feb: 1.876tf.
There is no subject that requires so 'much
stady and experience as the treatment oa)tron
ic diseases. The astonishing suctess and re•
markable cures performed by Dr. Butterfield,
are due to the gift of clairvoyance, to`:the life
long study of the constitution °titian, and the
curing of diseases from natural remedies. , Cures
the worst forms'of Scrofula, Catarrh, Pile*, Fe
male Weakness, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder
Wpl be at the Cafferty House, Binghamton
Thursday, and Friday, Sept. 7th and (Sth:
Lead and Oil cheap,er than 04 have been
kuown tor years., Burnie Drug Store is
the place to buy anythirig in the PAINT and
DING' film at the Very lowest figures.. A large
as t 'sortinent of Brushes and Varnishes constant
ly! in stock. The celebrated Hall, Bradley, t
UO.'t3 Pure White Lead cOnstantly, on hand; for
which BURNS is the Sour. AGENT for Montrose
and vicinity.
ILmttrose - April 19,1876tf.
They bave been entering houses .and knock
itig down men after dark on the back streets,
but at this time of" writing the police think
they have ,a clew", that may lead 19.1.bc entire
capture of : . the gang. The - firm of- Hine &
Stoles have been trying to stop this reign of
ferror by Marking all of their summer goods'
down at cost thereby giving all a chance to get
in honest living. 'A few of those tine parasols
tnd summer silks left. They ate offered at less
han cost. They tibia keep on , band the largest
and cheapest line of blink f iikti• In the city._
Mourning goods of all kinds a tapeci9lty, Send
or - simples: No trout* i•ii,aholv, g0(4.; ' .. . •
- BINE dalion;abi ,
Binghamton, ~ A ug.'2; 187. k, A • •
Butter by their night,line every night whether
they baye one pail or more. Butter shippers
who patronize this Company secure for every
hipment a night route. •
We have: better- facilities and a cooler route
than you ever had offered you before:
Patronize your honie road and make a sue
cess of an enterprise that has and will benefit
you. all X• 11
Montrose, •Ju1y,26;1876tf.
We have just received a very large stock of
plain and faucy envelopes, letter and note pa
per, plain and fancy bill head papers, cards of
all sizes and colors, colored poster papers, etc.
all of which we can aftcird to print oleaper
than any in this or neighboring' counties,
and in as good style. Work done in black and
colored inks. It you think there is any that
can beat us, gib eus trial, anew& will show
you what we can do. All kinds of blanks on
hand or printed to order. - -
A plowing match of the Susquehanna Coun
ty A.gricultural Society will be held on the
farm pt John F. Hunter,' South Bridgewitter,
on Saturday, Sept 2d.' - '
First premium $8
Second . " 6
Third " • 4
• Fourth " 2
'Mona 8 TyiEn,
Aug 23,1876w2 f
WE TAKE plea Sure in calling the attention of
our readers , to the fact that , the popular Dry
Goods house of C. F. Sissox & Co., Bingham
ton, are now receiving an unusually large and
complete assortment of new spring goods. Not
withstanding the cry of "bard times," this
house informs us that their trade is laraer than
at any former season. This is easily accounted
for by the fact that they always offer the most
reliable trbods at the some _ prices that many
houses sell a very inferior grade.: All the nov
elties or the season, : .both of'toreign and do.
mestic manuftv:ture, May now be found upon
their shelves; and a visit to their store,will eon
yince anyone that that is the place to trade.
No Conn, NO PAY.
Kir-by's Cough Balsam,a very pabitab:e com
pound, for the various affections of the throat
and lungs. Used with great success in case of
Asthma and Bronchitis. It is prescribed by the
physicians and endorsed by the people. War
ranted togiye entire; satistisction or money•re
funded. ,
Kirby's Magic Relief for_ the instant cure cd
severe and acute pains. •
Kirby'ti Tasteless' , Worm Lozenges. Sure,
safe and effectual.
Kirby's Condition Powders for quality, quali
tity and purity are snperior to any Powder for
Kirby's' Camphor Ice for chaped hands or
For sale, by all, Druggists - in; Montrose, and
Dealers in Medicines".throtighont the Country - .
June 28,1876y1.
To Smoot. DIRECTORS.—The attention- of
the, members of qie c.Ftverzil Boardeof School
Directors,in Susquehanna and adjoining Conn
ties,is invited toThe following testimonials , and
endorst.ments by the leading Educators and
&hood O f ficers of this' NORMAL DISTRICT, rela
tive to the • -
putilithed in an appeal to their patrons, only a
short time since, on the nccasion of a determ
ined - similar to the one now being made
in this county, byagents, 'of rivnl publishers,to
-displace,these books.
The undersigned, residents of, sth - Nor
mal.biqtrict of Pennsylvania, comprising the
counties.of Bradford, Lycoming; Potter ; Sus
quehanna, Sullivan,Tinga,and Wyniniitg,would
respectfully repre.sene, that since •
have been quite generally introduced into-and
are now in use as a whole, or in part, in a large
majority of the Public Schools of thjs Normal
District, and believing, as we do, that these
books are Standard - Works of ASYefkng"lferit,and
among the very best publish-ed ; and, seeing no
S ufficient ;reason for change, would earnestly
advise any 'who . may be, tempted, by interested
parties, to displace these books, to exercise great
caution, and to be fully satisfied of the Superior
merit of the books proposed as substitutes,• be
fore subjecting the Patrons to the additional
expense orpu releasing new boob, as well as the
schools t6the great inconvenience and trouble in
apt -tge introduction or displacement of
Ais—besides thereby preventing uni
formity so nearly attained in this District.. .
F A Allen, institute Conductor - and former
Principal - of State Normal School, Mansfield,
Pa." •
Chas H Verrill, Principal of Mansfield State
Normal School.
A A Keeney, Co.. Supt. of Bradford Co.
Elias Horton, " . "
j W Allen, st ' Potter "
W, C Tilden, " i " Susquehanna
T F Gahan, " ' -", Lycoming "
Thompsoh &Ale; " " • Wyoming_"
J T Reed, IbrEner, " " Lycoming
H H Hutton, -former': Principal Troy graded
School. . •
HE Pitcher, former trainCipaf Towanda - PUblie
. Schools. 1 '
A H Berlin, former Principal Montrose Graded
F 31 Smith, Teacher of. Maths., &c., State Nor
mal• School, Mansfield.
Lemuel Ammerman, Teacher Lang.,'&c., State
Nor.,School, Manidield. ,
Alonzo Ammerman, Princ. olCom. Dep., State
Nor. School Mansfield. '
The County Superintendents above nulled,
with two exceptions, aro still acting as such in
theiriespective counties; and have expressed.
themselves as liaiingAiniformly oppoted chang
ing the above mentioned bookslor the reasons
slated in their appeal io their patrons.
The Publishers desire to , say to any not fa
traliar with these books,that they most coidial
ly invite attention to the following, as among
''the many, points of
,superiority and excellence :
The Paper, Type,. Binding, Illustrations, and
Mechanical execution. < . '
The Gradation and Progregitive Character of
the peries.
Thehtylt, unexeoptioniible mond tone of tbe
leetinns in each hook.;
The cheapness as. compared with, other series
in respect to quality, number of pewee, quantity
of `retidirigrmatter, &c., &c.
. B.—Sample copies for, examinntion..and
,Comparistni will be furnished gratuitously on
application to N. B. Deans, Montrose, or the
publishers, -
BumatAlt TAYLOR & Co.;
138 & 140 Grand f3t.,.New York.
In regard to an exchange of SchOol 'Readers
in this': county, at_ present, I have only to say
that,' - think the" wants of the county, in this
respect, do not demands change, in these hard
times for money. ;
..I consider Sanders' Readers among the , beit
published. - -
' ;! .. rtl- 2
l• - 2 r r ' W.V• Tabut,CO.'l3upt
Aug, o
MMontrose,. a,' WSt
:*• !;
AT PURDY'S Wagon Shop a fine lot of Plat
ono. Wagons and Buggies. full trimmed. Com
plete and first-class _in every respect for .sale
cheap for cash. , • , •
Montrese,,JUne 7, iB76tf.
A LARGE assortment. of the latest. t4nd"
neatest styles of visiting and business eardy
office. just received at this Call and se e 'them
.before unit:ring elsewhere.
, •
- No businesa paan need coMplain that he
is "toopoor to advertiso" *hell he can get . thb
`latest 'style husineSa cards printed at the Dim
°CRAP office for' three dollars per thousand,and
. other work in proportion:
the sett or yartt:—
Table Linens, Napkia, towels and House
keeping goods in great variety, at
OUTTENBERO, Roinput4r* ,Uts. ;:
- Montrose, April 12, 1876 ti.
- The . Democrat = elt,cton of Brookly n &row
quested to meet at the house of J. O. Bullard.
on Saturday, • Sept. 2d, between the hours Of
6 and 9 o'clock p, m., to ,elect two delegates to
repredent them in County Convention.
4 '
Aug. 16; 1876:
The Eitftets•
New York Produce Market.
Reported Every Week Expressly , for Tax Mosyntosis
Dixocimr by Hayden diDuckwortb.Prodace Com
mission Merchants, 8:15 Washington Street.
New York.
New York, Aug:2s, 1876;
State, dairy pails, select tgi
State, dairy pails; prime. 27 04
State, dairy pails, fair to good. :1.24
State,•dairy pails, poor to fair. ....15 044
State, creamery, select invoices...3o pa
State, sweet cream, pails, choice..2B
State, sweet cream, good to prime 27
State, sweet cream, lair to g00d....25 ogi
State Firkins, choice yellow. .• 26
State Firkins, good to prime . sgt
State Firkins, fair to good 2-1 Cqk
State Factory, fine to fancy 93024
;!" • !` good to prime„. $ (#)
" ....... 6 (&
State farm Dairy, ' 8 ogi
" - good to, prime: ... fi
" fair to good.. 6
. .
'State& Penn • 1.7%g
Western •• - . 15 eg
Spring lambs,.Jersey, prim,e 6%0
Springlambs, State, good . :6,wi
Live calves, State, good `to prime. 8%0 9
Live calves. State,. fair, to g00d... 8 0 8%
Hogs, city dressed • • • 't.79‘44 Bj4
• ,•'
Spring cbickens,Del & J'Y;Oet 0 .- -7 ,- - 4 18
Spring chickens, western; per lb.. • g , ,...;<116
Fowls; Jersey; per .Ib.;, ••'
Roosters,.per .. . ... •Za 8
Turkeys, Jersey, per. lb. 130,: . 15
Turkeys, western, per 120. 14
Ducks; Jersey, per • 620.;',.•• 87 :
Ducks, western,:per MO, 70
geese; Jersey, per 2 25
Geele; western,Tier 2s @. 1 50
DRIED Plt - . -
Apples, State, sliced. prinae r ..,.... 8 (4 < 8,4
Apples, State, quarters '' • • ... 8 0 . 8%•
YeautreS - ,'Veelckfatrey,•.:V-.•*..;.'r:-.••.14
Cherried, .• . ;...14144:15 •
,Plums, ;State. . .. . • 1W
Raspberries, . • - 23 ,
Busin,eal -Directory.
Two Directory,_one year, $1.50 ;. &tat ad
ditional itne.,so cents. - •
. • --
• ' kONTRO§E— . ' • : '
i .
W 1k1 • E
„ MEIWOU'It, Sta r ter.. . Wl:miic ,andlletal l
' dealer in all kitida of elate roofing, slate paint L etc -
Roofe tapaired with clateptunt. to order. Also , slate.
paldt for sale by the gallon of barrel. Montroce. ' "
• • •
BILLINGS 'STROUD; General. • Fire and Life Inert,-
aace Agents, also, sell Railroad and Aecidental
Tickets to New-York and Philadelphia. Offlperane
dtior east of Wm. II ; Cooper .t Co's bank. .
WAL.II;')ItOFD & 00, Dealets in Stoves, Itardivaire,
and Mutat •ct urers of Tin aticl.Shest-Lon mare, cor
ner of Main and Turnpike street.
A. N. Hilliard, 'Dealer in Groceriee ; Provisione t Boa%
Statiopeq and Yankee •NotiOne; at the head of Pub
lic A - renne.• • a
WII. lI...COOPER & CO., Rankers. Sell Poretgn•Pas
'sage Tickets and Drafts. on England, Ireland, and
Scotland.• • • - -• • • '
WM. L. COX, llama% maker. and dealer , In all arti
cle& usually kept by the trade, opposite the bank.
JAMES E. CARIIALT, Attorney•ae-Law. 'Ofllte one
doorbeloarTarlx3ll Rouse, Public Avenue. 4
H. ROSE (THAI,, Auctioneer. Care S. Pfllman & Co.,
Montrose, Pa.
' "'• : ' NEW' MILFORD. • - •
SAVINGS 10.11 H, &ILFORD, Six per cent.
interest on all Derinslts. Does a general Banking
business. - " S.' B. CHASE & CO.
H. GIBBET. & SON, Dealer in Flour. Feed, Meal,
Salt, Lime; Cement, Groceries and Provisions, on
Main Street; opposite the Depot. • "
N. F. KIMBER. Carriage Mater. Picture Framer.and
Undertakei; a few coda bent Phinners Hotel, atm
M. E. Church. '
46111 4 11,11friliG V , :,; i i : i' , ' . .: . i '.-- ,, i , . ij :Al 1.
. vr.i,--..... , ',.:....'... - .-.. , :,i , ,1i
• . • .• .- - • •• • ••••• '•,,,, :a...014,010.
31. ,
is '--