Town, County, zind'Vzciety. ':— . Get registered. —Thousands of base deceivers are hung every night.,--ea the backs of chairs. —The Luzerne Union cohtains five col urns of sheriff sales. Hard ti mes • —The house of Ed. Conklin, South Bridge water, took fire ca Sunday after i noon, but was extinguished without much damage being done. 7 -r----Remember that the Tilden and Hen-, dricas Reform club .meets at their room over . M. A. Lyon's drug Store this (Wednesday) evening. -----As the managers of the Harford Fair tailed to furnish us a copy of their premium list in time for this isiue, it Will be held over till our next. j• —The Honesdale 'Citizen says, two of the most enterprising tanners in, that county have failed, owing to the_ great depression in their line of business. ----Judge Elwell has recently decided, in Columbia county, that repairs to school build-, ings cannot be properly paid out of the special \ tax for building purposes: The South Bridge itter neighborhood will picnic at George Decker's grove, on Satur , day ,of next week. The Brewster neighborhood 'are cordially invited to join ,theme -Philip Hahn, the Avenue butcher, has finished up a neat room : in Lathrop's plan ing mill for his sausage, Mill, and now rune it by, steam. Mr. H. is bound to be up with the times. ----A picniC will be 111 d on'the 7th of Sept. , on the fair grounds, in Montrose, for the bene efit of the 'Roman Catholic Building Associa tion. Good music in attendance. All are Cor dially invited. . —Rev, 'G. H. 'Kirkland, ;lo4er' rector of this parish gave his old con i rregation a happy surprise last week by makin them a short Ta it He officiated in the de kof 'St. Paul's, on Sunday morning sad evens ig. - :—Mr. J. Groves says ithat he his alien that layed four eggs in a day, that is two doub le yolked ones In twenty-four hours., Re, showed us two monster eggs hat this hen pro duced, atd sihat is more won erful she contin ues to do the same thing every day. .. 1 .----A special telegram from Harrisburg to the Philadelphia • .Eilening Bulletin 'Says : "James S. Courtright, ex-Treasurer of Luzerne County, who was convicted recently of embez ling about $20,000 of the State funds while in Iri oftim, has refunded the money." • \ We are glad there is one, who is .ques tionably a citizen of Susquehanna county wbo wonid not get down and I roll over when the "Texan Ranger" commanded him so to do. We belieie that James It. Carmalt, Esq., can go before the voters of Stisquehanna county to day and take the'majoriti against G. A. Grow. —The Wyalusing District Camp Meeting, at Dimock, commenced cin Wednesday last, • and will close on Friday morning of this week. The attendance has been large each day so tar, and on Sunday ten thousand people or more visited the grounds. Each charge is well rep reiented, and much interest is manifested in the religious services._ With but one or two exceptions perfect order has prevailed. —The Crystal Lake Himse ii one of the iti finest houses for a . summer resort in iepart of the country, and is kept in fi rst-el . ' style and the beautiful lake and groic make it mu . more inviting. Parties going on a picniC or a ride will find it a splendid place, and the charges are very reasoUable. .11!.r Phinney,the proprietor, is a very e+3mmodating and pleas ant landlord, and is always ready to wait on kis guests. —A Tilden and Hendricks Reform Club s was organized at Auburn Center on Thursday` Sight last with the following officers : Presi dent, Elijah Crane ;Vice-Presidents, Abe White and Patrick Cavanagh ; • Secretary, Thomas bheriden ; TreOurer, William A. Lin abery. A very interesting address was deliver ed by E. O'Neill, esq., of Ilionttose, and much enthusiasm was manifest, .:The club will hold its regular meetings every Saturday eve nag. =—The Republicans of Bradford county lave nominated the following tic)ree, : Congress—Col. E. Overton, Jr., of Towanda. ,State Senator—W. T. Dives of Towanda. ,Berresentatives—B. Reed 3iser of Nysoz, James Foster of North Towanda, John N . . Gil let of Soitth Creek. • Congressional Conferees—N. C. Elsbree, J. it. Smith, Nelson Gilbert, John H. Grant, Vol JurY - Commlialoner—'r. A. ,Lee. —The „ grading ,of the. MontrOse Railway track theplank ros.d,its orig inal terminus, yesterday and the track, will soon be hi readiness so that Passengers and freight will be landed ~t 4,„ .that point Instead of at the fOot , 4 ,llank 41111?' We rejoice to be able to annoOce - fact . l and I've will raise With hands in :iComtnetOatinn of the company for this action. it Will be great ikdvantage to our people in these ha,rd times in several par ticulars. lt,will save, Vs 833 per cent. on cart age of coal and more than that in other ex. Pen!les, —There are those, who assert that Mr. Grow said in his defamatory speech against the editor of this paper that he would read the ar ticles if he hid the paper. .We heard no such thing or he would have beer' s,cdimumodated.— Sat if he did say ao; it Oa, not' relieve him' from responsibility in the 'natter. It washis business to have had theni if he (lid not-intend to misrepresent,. -Zr.. wt be charged Hon. 0;8. motley with falseh ,that be had Mr. B's letter in evidence d it and he then pettdogged out of, it by saying he would read it Whe bad it, tiritV beigg ‘Oalled to tiro: duce It lie said it 14 been lout. bush dodgei are too t hin " 4?nt,PePPl!.The D 1 . * 9F . *4):ie;Oabi gay lime hefting'. $441 L-:.; arc among the most _pleasing er in nature or art and it always 1 the refinement of any one who cultivate them. Mrs. H. F. 'ne•'collection sit them. Among I • a, 'verbena bed. She also has vine tooted in a small jar, that . m 12 by 18 feet with a very tiful wreath. —Flowers ornament's el ,1 speaks well for takes pains Turrell has a r 114 specialties' a Southern Ivy encircles a. ro heavy and heal On Fri. 'over L ibety. to Mr. J. A. 1611113. bad just erect had it roofed a l shed attached. isbed the barn Wreck and mai Nas done in t 1 heat d. ay last a severe storm passed !Ishii), in this county, by which r was seriously damacred. He d a barn 30 by 100 feet and d enclosed, and about 30 feet of The aq•rm completely ‘demol and shed making of it a perfect •of rubbish. No other damage at locality as far as we have, —Judge Nilson of our week. The Ju of our citizen: is one thing 1038 i - ow 1e w tion this fall fib rally for Till he is prepar: l that is in hini He says he v. reform princ Tilden and fib , l ' ilson, brother of Mr. Mason borough, visited MontrOse fait I ge ,will be remembered by many. itB it former resident here. There i ertain; that no . one need be at a 1 II vote on the Presidential ques -4 r he deelareS hiniself unequivo ten ,`,Hendricks and Reform, and :d to give evidence of the faith Iwith great argumentative force. 'Led-tor the Lamented Lincoln. on i pies and -now he 'shall vote for • ndricks for the same reason. He or argument with us. had no room ght f Blooming Cereus belonging Bullard has been celebrating our ar iramost appropriate manner. .n beautiful blossoms set forth le t o: the night, and opened their tO the gaze of the adrnring —The N M Mrs - A. N. centennial ye Last week their fragrank snowy, petal- crowd,' which ,thronged to view them. On Monday night we were 'favored with two open I ? blossoms ; •t o more on Tuesday, and yet another coupe on Wednesday night. Thurs day ::night t e climax was reached by four opening in u ison; throe of which greW- from one, leaf. it s Bullard was kind enough to open her, ho eto all who cared to examine this wonderf I plant, and all who have not seen it have lost a. rare and beautiful sight, "A tinhg of eauty is a joy forever" and cer ‘tainly,,all w o had the pleasure of seeing this beauty, will ry the joy in their hearts forever. ,---South'Main Street is ahead on improve ments this year. In addition to those - we spoke al a few weeks Since, we notice S. H. Morse and Wm Smlth have been beauti fy ing and im proVing about their dwellings. D. Brewster and 0. P. Beebe have built a fine stone walk in front off i ltheir store building, besides the great impro l ementa they have made upOn the buildipg H. F. Turrell has, also laid a first lass stone walk in . front of his :, 'procuring the' stone from Mr. ry. One of the finest improve- store buildin Sprout's qu ade by our street commissioner, meats rit ster, is being made on Plank What makes it of most impor- Mr. D. Bre Reid street. tance is the wospect of its permanence. The road is bein! filled with pounded stone and is to be cove - I with - earth, and when done will be sijmethm (hirable. Such improvements, at this time, sr far more practiCal than ma ing nheckeri on, the Public Square. With priv e ai. -walks out otthe public funds. ' • • i WHO is iritE LIAR ?—I am and have always ar : I een aw 1 Republican and as anxious for the best in rests and success of that party as any other_ ' an,thut when such an uncertain man as G. : Grow is by . his own well learned tricks and 'florts made a candidate, I cannot give him 'a • ote. His den , nciation of Mr. Hawley as "a com mon malic ous - and willful liar," in a place where the 1 tter' was at an entire disadvantage and Grow - ell knew could not properly reply shows him to be a cowardly'poli ot fit for the suffrages of peaceable en. But it turns out tbat Hawley or resent i tician and Christian truth when he said Grow wee coo the Tease radroa& stated no n fleeted wit s • ley needs no defence among his i • here he is known as a kind heart e, truthful and respected man, and lassured that the outrageous abuse e row Makes him many. friends. Mi. Ha neighbors; cid,. peaces he may be of him by, TILDES ND • HENDRICKS REFORM CLUB OF ,1,3 MONTROSE AND : 13aniazwATER.—in pursuance to the noti published in the DEMOCRAT to all who were interested in the election of 'ilden and Hendricks and an honest ref orm,a meeting was held in the club room over Lyon's drug c li store, last aturday evening. Aug. 26th. The men ing was called to order by E. B. Hawley, airman of County Committee, who stated the i bject of the meeting. The election of permanent officers` was immediately begun. The' followng gentlemen were elected. Presi dent, Abel 'urr,ell ; Vice-Presidents, C. J. Cur 'tit; and l M. . Dessauer ; Secretary, E. o' 3 Neill ; Treasurer, pi, ri:, Llttle. - .* , A plan Of organization -was adopted and all those present inunediately enrolled theniselves as memb er. , ' • ,Among the questions discussed during the 'evening was with regard to the necessity and expediency, of keeping the club room open ev ery evening (Sunday excepted) during the , cam paign and leeping a supply of political news papers and other campaign. documents so that all might Lave a place where they could sit and read the political news of the day. A fi nance committee was appointed to solicit,sub scriptions, o detray . the necessary expenses of the club. .; A motion was carried that the club hold their regular meetings on Saturday..eve ning of each week. A. committee of Bye were appointed J r report an executive committee of ten ad to eport on this (Wednesday) evening to'whicht me the club idjourned. 'Let all vo- . ters who desire ,a change of administration 'at tend be meeting this evening and enroll them- _ selves; zike4tienv of the Tilden and Hendricks ReforM Olub ot Montrose, and Bridgeirater:-.. The time for work is at hand .and. thereJa enouglifOr air to do.' THE DEMOCRAT ' . AWITST: - - - '39, 1876 ---No liquor of any kind is allowed to be sold within three miles of an encampment or reunion of soldiers of this State, except by censed dealers at their usual places of business. • Wednesday afternoon last some per sob or persons unknown, entered the residence of Mr. W. J. Falkenbury, the family being lib seht, and took therefrom a large quantity ot things among which were-six pairs' 'of kid glOves, a valuable gold ring, two silver cups,' silver goblet, spoons, a pair ot boots, etc. The thieves were undoubtedly well 'acquainted with the situation of affairs, knowing that the fami lyl were away from home,Mrs. Falkennury hav ing been for some time past with her invalid mOther at Lanesboro. Entrance was effected frOm the rear of the dwelling by prying off a shutter and raising a window. Tuesday eve nmg last at abOut half putt eleven an unsuc• cessful attempt was made to enter the residence of Mr. M. Lannan on Jackson street, but the I • prowlera made too much noise in raising dOw and were overheard by a member of the family.. Upon being , discovered they hastily fled and no clue of them has been obtained.— Misq'a Journal. —From the Scrar ton Republkan, we learn that "shortly after nine o'clock ,on Saturday night a gang of about twenty ruffians made an attack on the house of H. B. Dalton, of Mead ow Brook, and battered in the doors and win dowS, besides threatening violence to Mrs, Dal ton, who happened to be alone at the time, her -husband having gone to town on some busi ness. - Mrs. Dalton was terrified almost out 'of her wits by the savage demeanor' of the crowd, who, instead of being _restrained by her pres ence, added to their work of destruction that of blasphemy and nbscenity. Before they suc ceeded in laying violent hands upon her, how ever she took refuge in the house of a neighbor, Mr. Jones, where she remained- - until the des p3radoes departed. It would seem that this is the same gang who, it few nights ago broke in to and robbEd the house of Mr.-John Davis, at Greenwood. They have terrorized the entire neighborhood, and the respectable and unpro tected are in constant dread of them from, nightfall until morning. The, sanctity of home is no barrier to their villainy, and plunder and pillage form their highest aim. It is about time they were made to feel the strong arm of the; law, and that they were taught how to re spect the rights of peaceful citizens. A vigi lance committee is, we. understand, being or ganized to give them a warm reception one of these nights. It would be better, however, to let the law deal with them, and weed them out of" , CoßitucTloN.—Judge Pearson has decided that Wednesday, Sept. Otb, is the last day on which registration can lie lawfully made. Persons not :registered, and entitled thereto, Should give this matter immediate attention. WILLIAM M'CLELLAND , Chairthan Democratic State •Committee Harrisburg, Aug. 25, 1876. ACCIDENT ro JUDGE COOK.—On Tuesday last, as Mr. J. H. Cook was preparing to return from a social gathering at Mr. F. D. Lyons', be met with a very painful , and serious accident. As he was cotaingkput; he missed his footing and fell the whole length of the stain, bruising him very badly, but fortunately breaking no bones. He is said to be doing as well as the nature of his injuries will permiL—Swiquehan tia Journal. Bala Bamozwxrzn—lt has been some time since we noticed any items from this vi cinity, so I thought a few lines - would be ac ceptable We are having it very dry here as well as elsewhere, some farmers having to draw water from the brooks, and others drive their stock away to drink. The 'tall crops are very light, especially buckwheat and pots toes.... We had a light frost a week ago that injured the buckwheat some, but the dip_ weather is doing the most damage thus7f,ar. ...Mr. Thatcher, who bought the Mesh an property about a -year ago, and moved from Scranton here, returned last week to remain during the tall , and winter. He will probably come back to his little place in the spring if he does not dispose .of it previous to that time. He wishes to sell out, has made many improve ments, which addsl much to the appearance of the looks of the place.... Mr. Kent, of Brooklyn, bought at sheriff's sale the Wallace Hewitt property (opposite the Passmore gate house.) Ic had been rented by East Bridgewa ter Grange, for nearly a year; but now by the kindness of Mr,- E. -R. Ketchem they have rooms free. The Grange meets Saturday . Sept. , 2nd, and a .full attendance is desired as dele gates are to be elected to the Pomona Grange. —.Mr. Wm Reynolds has repaired the brick : kiln on the Pasemore farm and any desiring brick will do well to give him a call Some of our young men are expecting to visit the :Centennial, soon, East, Bridgewater, Pa., Aug. 28. CARBONDALE Norks,—There was_ a Tilden and Hendricks Club organized iu the Third :Ward ;- they made their- first appearance this evening. k They haVe a good flag and banner ; ;the latter being about ten teet i long and three 'feet wide, and printed in large letters are the words, Tilden and Hendricks. The banner is Made of muslin with a red and blue border.— 'On the top of the banner. is a lithograph of Tilden and Hendricks decorated with flags. The Carbondale base ball club haire disbanded for the season and three of their best players are employed by the “Irvings,” of Ronesdale, for the rest of the season.. Burrows is the only lonesdaler, in that I club now anti "sarcastic outsiders presume to call them the 'Carbondale kvings' " is ton bad that they disbanded so Isoolk but in , these hard times it, is. hard for a City like this to support a club like that one.— ' They are negotiating with 'nineteen first class ;clubs ; the games !to be played, on' Tripp's IDriving Park at . ikranton. Awing the clubs are the 'Mutants; Chicapfs, Crickets.-014elseas, and others, - ChurCii the Public - !Ikon to Smite . ottitel; in `Wfirstaiiiicondi ion,,Ond:l Luzern& County Convention did not favor the Carbon dale politicians very much. ; At the Convention held in this city on Saturda l 7, John Miller was defeated. 'He wanted the nomination for Rep-' resentative. Mr. Stanton of Dunmore was victorious The Wilkes-Barreicorrespondent of the new Demdcratic paper, the Luzerne Leader, published at Pittston says , that the County Convention at that place consisted of delegates that it Auld be hard to find their equils. He says that they even sold themselves, on promises. This riaper like the Le&ter of this city is a paper that doei not support every rascal who hag the audacity ,to run fir office and who thoroughly disgrace the Democratic party. Carbondale; Aug. 17, 1876.. COUNTY TEACIIEBICABEMIATION —First days proceedings. The _annual Teachers' Institute of Susquehanna county, Pennsylvania, convend ed in the Graded School' building of Montrose, on Monday, Aug. 28th, at I:3o'p. m. Teachers present. 121, as follows : S S Wright, - H S Meeker, Pat Trodden, Nathan N Martin, Nettie Stanford, . Deborah Potter, - Clara Doolittle, Ella Griffin, M 0 Webster, Alice M Hodgson, ' Anna Keegan, • Ella Russell, Louisa Marsh, Emma M Bushnell, Julia Miller, W B Shaughnessy, Eliza Brewster, E A Smith; Mary Gri ffi th', Eliza FutsCh, Y F Carrig. • Libbie Morris, Elsie L Griffis, Sarah M Tilden, W NV-Malice!, E K Richardson, Lillian Carlisle, . Frankie Horton, F D Brawster,. Emma Allen; J Etta Scott; ' •Ella Burns, Ida. Everett, , Emma A Raynor, D J Ring,. Henry Phelan, . G L Mackey, Minnie French, Katie Coleman, - J H Raynor, Lucy S Perkins, E L Sterling, Wilmot Davis, - C P Prescott, 'Mary Martin, ' Jennie Dean, James G Gillen, John Reynolds, E D Bertholf, • , Katie Moore, : Lizzie Georgian& Eldred, Lizzie Clark, ' Alnaina Robertson, Clara Hayward, W B Tiffany, Emma Lord, .Lizzie O'Donnell, Maggie Raymond, Jennie Case. Opened with - prayer by , Superintendent Ti den. He also addressed the Institute on the I importance of teachers.attending these gather-, Ingo. Prof A. N. Raub of Lock Haven was then introduced and after a few preliminary remarks gave an address on School Ornamenta tion. By ornamenting school rooms with mot toes, pictures, boquets, and festoons of ever greens, the teacher. renders the room attrac tive to children, thereby creating more interest in study and attaining a better degree of order than can otherwise be secured. , Mr. H. C. Clinton next addressed the teach era on Systematizing work in the school room. That teacher succeeds best who proceeds in his work the most systematically. He then illus trated in a humorous manner the sculptor's rule of physiognomy, a new departure in insti tute matters yet of much profit. . Superintendent* : Tilden then addressed the teachers on neatness in the school room after which the institute adjourned till 7:30 p. in. 1 EVENING SESSION. The evenink session of County Institute was called to order by Superintendent Tilden at 7:30. Prot. Raub was introduced and address ed thelnstitute on "Talk." The speaker gave illustrations of how the English Language is continually changing, new words being added, while at the same time old words are dropped ' from the language. He gave illustrations or examples of provin cial terms and contractions of words, showed the exaggerations of attributes by yperbole, and introduced in hit talk slang , p; rases and, super,uous words, thereby rendering the effect' on his hearers more forcible. The speaker next dwelt upOn the changes in, the meaning of words, the, meaning of proper' names, and the changes in words , by affixes. , These remarks' on "Talk" were entertaining as well as instructive, and our teacheri , can hardly fail to make practical use of the ideas in and out of the school room. Prof. E. K. Richardson, of Great Bend; fol lowed in a talk on the word building: i The Prof practices _ what - he'•preachet acid gaye the teachers his system which has proved so successfnl in bitschool during the past year . The Institute then adjourned till 9 a. in., on Tuesday.. : . • - ELT—Bissm,---At the M. E. Parsonage in 'Brooklyn, Pa., Ang. 18th,: by J. R. Weston, John R. Ely, of Brooklyn, Pa., and Helan'Bis sells of Ditnock, Pa. . PACK , ER-TItWiBB IJILY-At the ILE. Palm._ age ' hi Brooklyn, Aug, .22nd, by H. Weston, W. H. Packer arkl - Frantiala .C'rewiti; bitty, all of BroOk 1 31 1 1 )11 4*4 '-x7l4Aurrimmas . .:.- Batb; Luterne I catintyMgA., ,412 g. 18, of couvulsicus i , _Cdors , irs.; Infant dimgh, ter at Orvi ll e D. sn4 Ida A. Hollister, eked 8, CARBONDALER , C Handrick, M H Meeker, E 0 Smith, Lora Marsh, .Mattie E Barnes, Annie, Meeker, Stella Barlew, Mary . E Bennett, Nannie M Finn, Sarah J, Cinley, Lucy Brown, • Edna 114. Garfield, Allie M Guernsey, Mary Prink, ' Anna 141 Hand. Alice Mehan, PM Ely, Ella J Baker, • JuAia Smith, • Lucy Codden, Katie Dennison, Sarah A Tune% .; Hattie Brewster, • D T Brewster, Lo4ie Gill, Emma Walker, S Addie Harding, r Ida Hamlin, Susie Horton. Anna C Searle, Mary F Lewis, - Myra A Felton, Frank Wilson, Julia Raynor, Alma Foster, Elisha McKinney, G L Gere, Mina Mackey, Hattie Dewey, Alice rell, iFrank P Tingley, Ida Gamble, N R Davis, Susan Davis, 0 C Whitney, Libbie Spencer, Carrie Wellman, - Hannah Martin, B E James, Joseph Johnson, E Jessie Bolles, Anna Pepper, Id L McMillan, Mary Degnatic, Frank Raymond, Lena Zorn, Lizzie Bronson, Katie O'Donnell, W F Waterman, Fannie Fraser, months and 16 days.' The funeral was held at Bnioklyn, Sunday, Aug. 20. • TrEasTER—At Franklin Forks. Aug. 18, Mrs Samantha -Webster. in the sixty-sixth year of her age. "As the Father bath life in himself, so bath Be liven to the Boa to have life in himself." B?isigns--In Jackson, June 24th, of scarlet fever, Walter P., only child of Timothy F. and Avaline D. Barnes, aged 3 years 9 months and 1 day. • STRPRENS—In Brooklyn, Aug. 15, Edgar, son of Aaron and Adeline Stephens, aged three 'months. MST NITIMI. Rift Of aircoaatroise. CASII CAPITAL $lOO,lOO. LUS FUND, $6,000. SALEIMINICCIOI7.II3273 To their new and - commodious Bank Building ea Transacts the business of• DIERCH,ANTS, FARMERS, "CORRESPONDENTS." View York, First Nationalßank; Phtladeiphia. • delphla Nattdital Bank, " WM. TURRELL. Passminr, N. L. LENHEIM, CASIIIER. Montrose, March 25, 1876. THE NIGHT ROUTE -I Plot* 33utter! CteeZ 6rpress . COMPANY Are delivering butter via Montrose R. B. and L. V. • from Montrose to New York Two Hours Ahead of Any Other Route. Arrives-ittNew York by this route at 8:29 o'clock A B. By -any other route - from this place, lies in Scranton two hours, reaching New York 10:80 a. in. Arrives in Newark at 8 o'clock A. M.. per Central Express. By any other route lies in Scranton two hours, reaching Newark at or about 11 o'clock a. m. Arrives in Philadelphia at 6:45 o'clock A. X , per Central Express. • Thus it will be seen we are Two flours, and mat, ahead, avoiding the heat of the day, which is intense in the cities. , ,Butter received up to 5 o'clock p: m., will leave the station at 5:45 o'clock p. m.. reaching destination as above. If ,received later, can be stored in a cool cellar until next day. . A convenienfplace to,unload at the COBB'S OBB'S 'OLD STAND , A. cool cellar to store butter in until shipped. Carted only three-fourths of a mile to the railroad. Empty pails returned free .kept inside of office until called for, the Fame care given them its any otter matter—and as low a rate as any route. orPatronize year homers ad, in which all are largo. ly interpateil. . , .3. R. RAYNSFORD, Agent. 4ontioise July 5, 1876tf. (IHOICE FRCJITS AND VEGETA BUS AT. THE READ OF NAVIGATION; PEACHES, ORANGES, • LEMONS, PEARS, 'PINE APPLES, PLUMS, QUINCES, ONIONS, TOMA • TOES, APPLES, CAB BAGES, BANANAS, , ()ANTELOPES, GRAPES,. SWEET -POTATOES; WHORTLE . BERRIES, '&O., &c., , all at bottom prices, by BULLiFD. Montrose, Aug. 16. 1876. CORRECTION Rumor has it that having been elected County Treas urer for the ensuing three years. I am to discontinue my Insurance busbies. Said RUMOR is UNTRUE, and without foundaticm, and while thanking you for kind ness, and appreciation of good Insurance in the put, I ask a continuance of your patronage. promising that all business entrusted to me shall be promptly attended to. My Companies are all sound and reliable. as all can tes tify who have met with losses during the past ten years at my Agency. Read the List I North British and Mercantile, Capital, • $10,000,000 Queens of London. II , 2,000500 Old Franklin, Philadelphia. Assets, 8,500,000 Old Continental, N. Y.. '` nearly 8,000,000 Old Pticenix of Dartford, 44 • • 2.000.006 Old Hanover. N. Y., .. .. 1.600.000 Old Fanners. York, .4 ell 1.000,030 I also,represent the new York Mutual Life Ins run of over 30 years standing. and assets over $30.000,0 00 . Also, the Mitionic Mutual Benefit Association of Penn sylvania.. IST'Oet an Aecidental Policy covering all accidents, in the Hartford Accident Ins. Co:.. Policies writur from one day to one year. Only 28 cents fors SS,OX Policy. Please call or send word, when you take a trip Very respectfUlly. Montrose, Pa., Jan.l9 1878.--tt B USINESS. CHANGE. The firm of E. Bacon Co. having been diesonva, I will continue the, Confectionery Business, At the old stand. lam prepared to furnish all kinds of IMVITS NUM Atwholevel° •nd Retail Prices. FRESH' SUPPLY. CANNED GOODS, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOYS, &C. &C. Montrose, May Bd, 1811. tnaciertzt3sia2.g. The eed.reigli t d will make Undminithrit a SpeCialiq ,theLe bustneso, 'AU eeeding,tbeir services will be promptly Attended tq. Satisfactiou guaranteed. ' • • • _ • P. 4 , .MATTIIEwt. .Ireliodeviiir: reit. April I, 1815. 14-I1 BILUAR,D OUTFIT: *WWII ofditt lar4sids thaw, . Two tabki with 04 elle° ..,,_. 1 1 041 1 16 ,_ AdA; (4 . OO . ig• 1 . WAR NER ' Aug . aa, 1175 „ .t • Xostroschlo Public Avenue. And Others. Such as IigNRY C. TYLER. Conanntly on band. B. C. BACON.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers