Premium List. :'; . the following is the pre i the Thirtieth Annual Fair .; hanna County AgrieUlturall held at Montrose;-,, Wed Thursday, Sept. 3 .au d,14, . ' DIVISION ; I.: Itories. , Best 'heavy draft stallion;:sire of'. .1'..... ; . best four 'bolts. .... .: ....$6 2d $3 Best quick draft stalliou,.sire:iir., ‘''best four c01t5.... ,'.....:-:- 6 3 Beat-stallion, fouryears old Ewa , ' upward - .'..........1 J ..., :,.:, 5 Best , brood niare.,,aud cdlt:-.',... :).`,. 6 3 " single gelding over fiiiir yearsl old raised in the county..... 5 . Best single mare over four -years'.-, old raised in the.cOunty..... - 5 Best single horse not raised. in the county'-...'::.........'„ . ....'. 3 ~ Best prat of hOrses or mares rais- - ed in the county,.... .. . .. ~ . '6 Best pair of horses or mares not ' raised in the county, 5 . Beit pair three-year-old 001t5.... - .. 4 . '• pair two-year-old colts. ' _ 4., ", 3 year-old colt, (gelding or.. \- - : ..- ,mare,)...... .. . ........ 3 Best two-year-old oft. • 1 - 2 • '• ". 'on e-vfiar-old 'dolt, .‘: ~ ' 2,. . • " suckling colt. , ' •. 2' Fastest pair walking horses in harness, twice around' track: $ Fastest single walking horse in - . harness twice around. track. 3 - Jtid es-- . . ri , -..Montro se; . Ei F G iith Clark Sisson, Bention ,Centre, Luzerne county; A. B. Walker, Nicholsou,Wyom ing_pounty. , I • _ DIVISION 11. • . ' Class I.—Du rhams. 1 ~ Best' herd of six, bull aid five • i - femalee.: .... .. ... . . . ....CU , Best Durham bull two years old : and upwards. .. ... . ....... 6 3 Best Durham 'Cow four ‘years old -. • and upwards 5 ,3 Best-Durham bUltone year old.. - 5 2 '" Durham heifer: tiree years . . • old - 3 '2 Best Durham heifer two years old 3 •2 " Durhath heifer one year old. 3 " Durham bull ca1f..:... ...: 3 " Durham heifer. ca1f....;....'- 32' , Class 2.—iarade Durhams. Best - herd' of six - . bulland five females J 1 35 'Best bull two years o .and up,. , ~ - - ld - :ward o; ....... .... ~... ~ .. 3 Beat cow four years old arid irp - wards . 3 Best - heifer three year's old: ......3. four y, arlings.... :3- ; ...-., i • fAur c lies - .....:..- 3, • ".bull calf..' ' , ' 1 ... 2 - " heifer calf 1 ' 1 ' " '2 IJudge . 1 - .- senry'• , - lialpiti,Friendsiille',; If illiaT Grave', Pimock ;, - ,Horace Brews ter. Bridiewater.: ', 1 , '• '. Class 3.—Devon 8. ... ,_ Best , hfrd of . ., - six, -- ,:bull•and :five ' • erriViles' ...:.$lO Beat t hul.l !..FF,q,,, years old- and. -up- - wards.,,,, - . - / ..,„ ~... I. ~. . . 6 ,*, .0 Best ':ull'brie year ola - •'- . 3 . f ,c,?sy full! .years 'old and , up.:. wardit.,:.,,-.....,,.......... r .'.....i . -5 -.' . .- -- 1 Best heifer three years old.; 4. fi' -;,..,', :a'ff 1!4 -.: two —, I "' ' = '.. ..... ,' ;.' 3- , ; '' i --:- gg ..'one ".* , ' - ; 3'- ' • ....i" , " -' , calf - " •.• ':'.':.....' 3 1- V,. iglii eitif'. . v:i,. -.; `...;s .., . :,. . '.,. - 3 '. , . . j .Class 4: :Grade bevons. - - Bete Wird fife six, '13'611 and five -' t '''.a ft.:wilt-a.. ~, ; „1 . , P .-.:-i.•.', '.';-:. .. . . $5 Best bplll,Fo‘lear4l 'Old ' and' tip? waids.... , ..!,!.,...........: ,3 . Best-caw-four . .yeai l s l Old frturi- wa..ds.-..... -.':'. ::.- :1 ...,•-. . .... 3 ReSt heifer three years,old . ,.. 3 , . --"' -" ' ' - tWo ' "r` ' `......,. ,3 :''' 5 4 . ti: la k e: .$ , , .... , ~. -'3.. - ", - foUr: Yiarlinii:.;. - ....... '...., 3.. it o', cal res. .•.1. . . . .. ... .. "3 i,:i' bull.`'calf ......:.. .... g. : - - ~‘ " heifer calf . : .'....'•••• ::......-•-• • 2 —, ...,... 4 • Judrs-4-B. H. M 1 lford, Montrose, 0.. F. Perigo, - BrooklYn ; B. E.. Beebe nklic: .„., -. , , ,‘ , -. '•,-. ' . '' Choi' S.Oxen and Steers -•,,, Best -pair- wilt ing ::,oxen- four . '. - - ~,, pars, 01d.,.;;•'-': 1 .4- - ..: .:. . . ...i. 6 - 3 Best pair steers 4.ilie vears-old.{. 3., _ 2 it ,To _,' 44:--iwo , " .. 3 ' . - :2 ,, cc cc. ~, , - it one ", ~. • 3 " 4 ‘ 4 ' - '''Calves - broil:ill by boy.. 3, 2 ;I"' '• 144 . 2 fit cattle•• . • .•• •• • • • ‘-‘ .:-.5 r• cow or steer. ..; .. . :.-...... 3 - 7'7' ,l -,_ __.,! --'.- 47-iftd ge —Prat! g'e ' - 1} d .d*ln - , - 40.1.1 . etaysin Oe_ ntre;. yiriti..!.T. Auitin,..Pridgpwater ; Orrin Pridiard; Springville. — : - ' • .f.,-.. lderneys. ilefit herd: of six, i alt and „ficre: -.. , :,',.feinales. - .. . . :..'...' .....; ;a. I,:o l 'z'''' *" bull. ...." • .:.. 'p' .- -- '- 3 cow ••. ••.. . •., J. ."- .! 1 -. •. • ~...,.. ~ - 5 . ~,3 " heifer three years dd....-. 3 ,f7' 2' , • ... 14 - :',,,", --two , tic :,".. ...., 3 - 2 ' ‘s,'-' vs4"-'.:.. ,one, - ~ . , 41 .. - . , ....5. , O ' ' " 2 " bull ealf.'..-...". :. 3-: g bird Grade :Alderneys, bull" and five-females•••. 11•••••••• 5 Class 7.—Ayrshires. - ~. ' ''. Beat herd ~:of-4sixo bull and. fie ' . ~.,:: femodO s .^..:•.•• ~ 111 ••••.I.*. O r • . 1 • 10..' , , . .M; b u rr i ' ir 4••• 1 . • 4 . 10 ; • * 1 ; ;! .• • • • . 6 g ''' ' 3 , i a - - dt c0w4.•,,,,,,:,.:••., ! • .4-Ca ••••01. IP • • • e• 7 ,, , ....m, ..t.beifirtlitee ears 01d... •,.. ~. ~,, ee-- two de - - ',„ 3- - ' , - 2 -$ $$ - "'' -i4. 1 .f..•• 3., \ ~,.',,.' . . , . • -.•- . , - . . 8 - 1• A •-.,..•).: :,“ „ .“. • i.,,ealdr. a . ... i 0 • a .• ' ~ ' '.. ' ~.., ' a .„'i,,, . . ; - 1 -. 11't,e•-l-._i r ., r e . --, q ': ‘a:v.. ' Z •:o '• '. l. .— ..,„ i,- - 4:: 4-'t', !f, , 5,.,.. -.. f ..k-f.14.':.-. lzl- .. ' k ..,.,.., i,, i ~, 4i,1.t,.: ~ ': :',:; \ t.. - . Dit ,• ix•' ., mler - Lile a, , ;rair . -1 ,•••.- - 0 ~.-.., ~.„ . -...-, f • .;4111#911g9Ww.p--.10.w. 4 ..• i ....w:-..,--- : '-'” --.—• - . . E. W. Rose, Silver Lake.' Jr:VISION ITT Class I.—Sheep, Best fine wool buck.... . . 5 "' three tine 'wool - ewes; . . . ..... 3 cc tc . cc, l am b s o.lmiddle col .butk :.... 3 three m ddle, wool ewes. 3 I"‘ lambs.... 3 mum IA of f the • plue lSoeiety to be lesday and 1876. . .Bess: `breedin `,‘ fourpi! 01d.... Judges— Maur' Birch Gage, SilTer' Best trio to lass 2.,—Swine. .. ; 5 rsow. • • • ;II IC 11 ' ;' '• 5 ~ 43 over three rnonths 1.. 3 'atnok Byrne, St. Josephs, i !art], Forest Lake ; Ebenezer Lake. ;Class 3. 7 - Poultri. keys .... .. 2 k 2 cksp . nish,. ... 2 rkings 2. triburgs...'..f ...... 2, -- 1i0rn5....5..... .... ..2 ndans - , ntains. ' .. 2 e- - , - i . • ''' 2' 1 .I•llk.aresol.4l ..... ... , 6EB ............ ..... 2 E. Baldwin, S.. A. Pettis, ett, 4. , lclntrci,se. • , - Dl.V.t§lo. IV. ' ssl.-11ope' Products. i. firkin . butter.* 2a $3 3d $2 4th $1 Arkin . , : 1 butter:. $5 2d $3 3d°s2 4tli. $/ e; not :. ' ! - ' 1 25 ._ lbs . . $4 2,d $2 .butter ' tid rolls. : . $3 2d..52 inegar not ; au 1 gal.. ;maple " "bf sz do irc tt cr•.; ..•cc g ; d Judges Rodney Je IP, CI: Best tub o " June , 13etlt:tub o Sept.' Best etiee than' Best 10 lb: in po Best cider ' - less t 'Beet, 10 $1 1 • 1 'Class 2.—Seeds. el corn in ear. .. . 3 ,'b:_ white winter wheat.. 2- 1 ' spring wheat... 1 rye.. • 1 •; " i oats. 1 1 barley 2 `sugar Best 10 lb- Best bush' " bus it I cc -" 'Vest's sweet c0rn.,... , Class 3.—Fruit and Vegetables, Best and greatostvariety, not less tharsti;of winter apples.... 2 Bestand greatebt variety, not less 1 'than six, of fall app1y5....... 2 : Best and greatest Variety, not less i than ! three, of pear 5:....,... 2 , 'Best -and greatest variety of 1 . quin4es ': 1' ,Best apd greatest variety of 1 - plums. ...• 1., Best and greatest variety of grapes - . not less ttian - three, grown in , f e .•• the ' tiunty' ' , . - • 2 Best and greatest variety' of vege— ' ''.:' tiibl 5.....1. .... ....- ... • ... 3 : Best 5 e bage healis..... . . .. .. . 1 sc " 'l2 r tabagas.... . " 5' till *Shea... ..... . . , ...... " .4 . p nipkins.... ..... ~ . ..• . !‘..12„ tads. :, .........„..... X 62 l'' 8-....,".:.',•- ' ' -.: - .. ::-. -' ;ads eauliflower....- .-- ..... 0inat0e5........ - ... , .... el .potatoes A •••••• • . ld• squashes., - , ....-1 ; .: . ~, 1 -el.carrots.....',.' - '....- 4 -, 4 ' " "i '- •• "I" l'' . ii'el mangel wurtze . . lel sugar bee ".- tt.-:. - . , . ~. • • 1 - Iv i , circler, beefs. 184 . -- Wm. T. 'Moxley, New Mil airy. C._ Berthplf, . Jessup ;; „Veil , ,h - tcF l ,,,iLaifOrci: , . . PIN T I* - 101C V. - . .. I 1 , -Carriages and , gabipetiN r 'Made M. the Cohniy. - _,,..1 ` : .' b) '';' -- - ' . '''i l e carriage . ~ ..;.,. le carriage:. . ... . 2 1 ber wagon - .3 !i. i 1 ocrat .wagon ........ `.., . 3 . Igle . .Aeikh. •:•'•••:. ' : : th0er i 5et.........'...'....` . .,.4 - .. .. . : -: .. e, , . -. , -.. 2 ' • I. 'Class 2.---Leither, &e. ' -, " 5 13; " 12 ' " bus ~ 5 ,fi «• bus " btls , " bus ir, 12 • Judg .uerePtir Class 1 Best do " sin " lu «; sici :': ". to #1 r fine boats.. .. . .. .common boots . ... -1, , bides leather:. "- leatber..... ": • wile' leather... 2 double. harness • 2 gle harness ..:. :•........ ImPlernents and Bla . ckiniith plow ?- Tow 1 tivator..... . 2 irn power 2 Best pa Pair or se , ic Si Class &I Best. " ha " Cu , c co " St 'oh!ic fi r tit h i " WS, 41 4u , tW! . Bhitg machine.. 1 ttgr 11iortie power arid thresher 5 ci, t 4 CC tt 3, m- mill and power.. 5 gyring 6 Ft . : s. 4 cc On ",far: Beat; mi 2d , ! 3d ."-. " Best hay has tedder s Judge-rivae CroCker, Jr., Mhntrios H RiOderlied, Bracknex, H M. toner ; - - ‘- - Hanford::: i ' DIVISION; Vii: Class'is-- Domestic Manufactures. Best . 19 yards f1anne1; ....... 2 • I• . woolen 'carpet. .. .'.`...2 iU 41 - 44. iWOOS " 44' 66 t!.3.9 yards linen 'clot. .: :cassimere loth '1.,. " x. - , o ;` • 'wow 4ti t., Lifoitisl4oloo*j TRE,,9:--;-i:1fi.70.,:':; • I e .50 I 'Mrs John F Hunter,.Mrs. R S Searle, Bridgewater. Flass 2.—Fine Arts, Ornamental Needle- Work, &c. • Best. photograph's; Diploma. " quilt of any. kind..... 2 " display.of fancy I,irticles. !,.. 2 spread...... ... . . `.2 " tidy - 1 fine .ernbroidery. " chair " knit 5haw1............. " deflection of flowers.. • • 2 " vase of f10wer5.'............ bouquet " exhibition of engravings.... 2 " lainP mat. • • " speciMen worsted "" ornamental work..., " 'penmanship... . .....1 - Gluss 1_ 3 --11neurnerated: Judges--Mrs Davi'l 0 Minkler, Meadows .- Mrs 'James Sprout, Bridge. 'water; Jo in:.'Brown, Forest Lake; S B McCain; Rnsh. Rules and Regulations. 1. The. committee and. Secretary liave an office on the Grounds,, 'where the Judges are requested-to mee at 9 o'clock on the 2d :day _when their names called and I vaeaticies filled ; and . they will-be furnished with , the Kooks of En try, when they will proceed to decide up on the. merits oi the articles and animals entered for premiums, and report in \writing at one o'clock, same day. .. 2. It is -importnnt - that all persens ap• pointed on Awarding Committeeteshoold be present at that hour. The judges can resort for instructions and to make outtheir reports to the - office. ' 3, Any animal entered for exhibition in one class, cann ot complete in any other eltiss, ,except as one of a herd. 4. The Judges 811411 in all cases with hold premiums When the animals or articles are not worthy; though there be 110 competition. • , 5. Exhibitors wishing to compete for premiums are requested to have their articles 'or animals entered In the Secre taky's Book before the . close of the first day of the Fair. No animal or article can take a premiuni not entered for Com petition previous to the Books - going into, the bands of the Judges, and they must be on the grounds for 'exhibition . by 9 o'clock a: m. of the . second' day or they cannot take a premium. - No' animal or article can be removed befbie the close of the exhibition without the Consent of the Executive Committee. 6. Superintendents of the different departments will have all animals -'and articles systematically . arranged.-- ,Tbe officers or the Society and Superintend ents will be known by 'their' official badges. . 7. Noy premium will he-awarded to any petson exhibiting - aiticles or animals not entered in the of the bona fide owner of the same. B...Persone hibiting full blood animals for _premiums, must leave. the pedigree of. their stock with. the Secretary for, the consideration of. the Judges tnereori and till animals competing 'for ,preininms as through hreda, must ha recorded, or en.: titled to record in the respective Herd Books. " .9: Preiniums not. called fbf.befOre Jan., Mary Ist will be considered donated to the Society: ' 10-. _Persons not residents of this County, • , . exhibiting, animals ..or articles deemed wotth`y iif a premium by the Judges, shall only ,he en titled to a diploma . therefor. A suflicitnt police, ftfre,e- willtbe in at fendarioe,-day and - giat, to protect the property of exhibitors. . _ Arrangements are made for keeping stock over- night in covered 'stalls. . There will, be a committee at the en trance of the Fair Grounds to direct all persons driving in stock overnight. Entries can be made at any time pre vious to the Fair by leaving word with or, the Secretary, D. S. Brews-' ter, -Montrose. ' _ Judges and' Supertendents that are present-in time will .reeeive, •a,ticket for dinne.r'• Daily Order of Arrangements. . . The gates will be open from 7 o'clock a. m. until 5.p. m.,.each day. September 13... tire, day ~at - 1 p.-m., a trial of speed for the fastest walking horses will take place. fastest double team,premiuin $5. Fastest single horse, premium $3. The . seconA . . day,,._Sf . t_pteinher_ 14, at, 10 o'ckaZitir..' werand‘tavaleade of hoises in ' hki!nesß will takc,,plact) the truck.. At I 0 o'clpck;ria, - - . thlt:icalll iit tbe-Snper fiinten: . ero,' , Vise first wilt stieinble.'; in fron OA ihe Judgel_s' -itand for eillibiqon and ffpal inspection. At,ll o'cjack, sin : gle 14ndriiii4tebg horses, , ; - '.41 111., W o ei c , coltei:','!AfgAlbek4l4,iii.; th.El;o46sB— . At 4ro'clock l annqpcement (,)f Abe aw4ril of premiums. ,To:o;ftelndel with an4x , hibitOn of general ' :: driving op .. tbe -- traCk. litlee at'Adimiiioon. ' 'Nei' e viiil _be .if O. badges .or .._ . tickets issued, but :all animals.:and'.art,i , ,, 'cies enteredfor coin petition free of charge. except, horses. - For, each . ‘ aarnhasion !of ad ul to ,25 cen ti , will -be cbargek (elci i pt to life,'io4' 'l5 ' cents; for 041. dren u natl., 12:- ye,ayt ; 'of .7a0;.:,' . -14:180.'t",25 cents; for'each adnnision_ of double teanis, ;and 15 c''..nts . .for single hc.kigos; : :, . ? ~: . guperanten4i3i*. ,- - ,;1, - Geitfrrat , - SuperiOtendeOß G. troll er, Mt) atrose. ~ : ' -;,-: • :;,i ~ Aset, , SolitirintSfldititl-Wl,,,Biltii,lB - Y) ..' r:;:7 .- ':, ; ; : v . : . ,'' -'' A Suilrinteaorji4attiffirtd: l + gfitilW ol i t s ,.UA 11 1 4 to 4 ::il t. - 011 j ` , -Suptt- Oultrv.-Anthon7 Beck. _ L - Sup*Agricuitimaj Aill-4 , .. baßgdon_. • i: Suet Dairy 1141.1741 Whitt, • • . Sup't' Vegetable . Hall—Edwin Lath. , , • Sup't Frnit-LO. Jessup. Sup't,"Floral Hall--Mrs.M.artha Knapp, and rdra. Edwin Lathrop. Plowing. Match. The. Plowing Matoli wilt be held on.the farm 'of Ll'ohn Hit titer, South -Bridge water, on Saturday, Sept. 2d, at ro'clock Ist , -premium. . Judges—Mosea . S . ._Tyler, Jonathan Gardner tiD. Hinds Bridaewater. . . . , • - , ,: Special Premium.- . Best acre of spring 'wheat .% ..'.525 ' 46 ~ .6 5 winter 2-*` ' . ' 25 Sample of wheat' 'to be exhibited, not leis that one bushel;' and premium` to be awarded at Fair Of-1876. - Competitors to give 'fall statement of mode` ::culture, amount'of iseed sown - and fertilizer used, how and when • applied, nature - and con dition of the scAl. underdrained 'br , not,' and such other information is may be required by the Judges that tnay be of benefit to the 'public, etc. ' • - . AVERY PRINK, , - - J. C. MORRIS, - Ex Com. HENRY SHERMAN,, , • , D. T. BREWSTER, H. H. Surnittn, Secretary._ President. Montrose; Aug 80;1870. ' ' LARGEST OM BEST ASSORIMEE IN THE EOllllll DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS AND, CAPS, In. =the NVF7Ail : goods' bought with care and for 'cash 'only. gain's . just received.— • • , . ' , Country Produce of all kinds - marketed in Philadelphia and New York. "Welcome" to both old and new customers. Groitt f3en'4, - May - 10th, i 1.870, MO ed.. THE POPUIIR MI! 6000 S lAD MIRING ROUSE .& ROSENBAUM CO' • . Is still in Montre r se,,being establiebed nearly a quarter of a century, and intend to be another . Are carrying tile largest arid most co mplete assortment of Dry Goods, Ready-Vide Clothing, &c., of any other firm in the County. Our facilities for buying in large quantities of first. ban& by 'the original' packages, and by haViDga resident buyer constantly in the market,is sucb,that it makes it almost an impossibility for any new or old dealers to compete with ns in -prices.. S. Detisatter; having just returned from New'. "fork wi th - „tt large stock: of Seasonable goods; boughtfor cash at the most favorable rater, prices being so tempting that ho bought heavier, than usual l and mostly at Imp Auction Sales. We will, can and shall sell them a low Oastonishingly lores. • 1. GUTTENTIVIW; DRY GOODS, CIRPET'S," MILLINERY AND GOODS, LADIES' .AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, X'i -- ' 0 ;4P. t , 74 , Nr - ;',1)4:: 0i i 43.?e,. , Pine lot of• Cloths, .Cassimers and Fuitings, for Custom Work. Measures taken and perfect 'fitting guirU te ed. Only reliable goods sold that will bear Irecommendation. Price list fumishedon applitvilort as our cse. tom. We will say for one and all, that we defy competion. Respectfully yours, GIITTEDIBURG, ROSENBAUM & 00. , .., ,•,..,-...--..":- ^r Montrose. April :120876 - WHOLESALE DEALER. - LAMPS, PAL AiL.:O;i.JASB LAMiPS; HAND LA BtfIigE.REV,WICKS, SHADES; SHAIA. Jac.; cfac. DYIRY MO Of PUNT Prima Guaranteed as Low as any HMSO in Southern A*11,4. Address tior4mptly- Attended To. icpEsw : jolie.plusTANG : . -14.-.:!',- We ;ete°eotitin.iisliy addidg tidy material' to our office; pad with our La* .Stock • oc : 101) TM . ' and TOUR -Piiiiiiirtliestisia: -. li‘Dts* ,oolo4ol4 • .k . • • . . . . - . • . . . . - ' • • -; -4 "•-!, • Wa t ( 64 1 1410* and leallti ist PAWLS! .$ CR - 0 ot ;. ••• ; 1 4' , f.p.•l; . . • *, - •. . _*• • • itt p • • " .MW BOOTS ; . AND SHOES, NOTIONS, WALL 'PAPER, STATIONERY, &C. I 11, "LENHEIM -..:F•sieth.:::Bettet - , 'Th4n;::iFiction! '''6l:l'R imor COMPRISES-'4,S'USOL, Of our own manufactuie and well appreciated for itsimperior isorktnanship EATS,. CAPS, S&C., =MB A. S. riaXINT- ALM= +749.A749.:1NT1v?14P . x - t-au - • ~, ~, ':y g.. ~_,:> FUENITIIBE: A`..*-* • ii#4. - &'Isolil s ggtoosivolfttnituroW ar,sroom you willtind tbelargeot OtOCk Of . $ FIRST CLASS AND CPMMOII PriCTRN irtrßE To be fonnd in this section of them:lrby. of his own manufacture s and at prices that cannot fail to give esu faction. They make the very beet EXTENSION TABLES U 3 iis t "CV S wo:, rt. x PURE MA.TitASSES, AND COYM.OS MATRA.SSEV UNDERTAKING --The anbscriber wilt hereafter make t adertatiria specialty in his business. Having ' just completed a NEW and the mcst elegant IIEARSE in she. &ste t s' needing his services will be attended to promptlyand at satisfactory charges. WEE. Wi SMITH SON. Moutrose.Pa., Jan. 8 1 lArtik—nos—tf. --AT-- BLOCK," Mit4tll ) -':'-BINGHAMTON, ~, j ., : , SPEOLkIa INDUCEMENTS IN ,ALSO, ~.21ANUFiOTURER-:OF .-..-!.- • :.1. 6 , i j_. ....'.b. MEE In the Country, and WhMtaimT them. Of all kinds done in the neategt lankner. 9IFV,AI4OIJfi'IINDS. Great Bend, Pa. An iniiiiebie'liiie of 1114- GEO.. LENHEIM. (In His New Store.) &i.:4'::)..i,3:i. I xx.g M. 8. DESSAIIgt, Managing Diener. COMMON OUNEII AND MarckBlilB7s.. ,;:, AT THE ILO 1 EST RATES MIMI : ),.,:-i,,,, ~:-,, ',;4.T ''.3.:;,::'f: 13 3B MD 19 1876. 111•11 Mil • -: A. 15:,3114111k.B. ~: ~ . ~ ~.~Y