Arrangement of Mails. VIA RAILROAD: rrives. Depar k; 10^Ithannock, (Daily,) ....L 700 p In 1215 m • • • VIA STAGES: Montrose ..... 600 p m 620 Li'A New Milford, (Daily,) ;.....1000am 180pm' o wyalueing, (Daily.) 945 am 200 pm Friendseille,.(tri weekly,)... . • . 600 p m 800 am oonklin Statton,(tri weeklY,) . 700 am 700 am. B i n ghamton ,via S. Lake,(tri weekly)..•6oo p m 700 p at,' atio ppen,(triweekly,) a in• 400 p m " The New York, (via - Montrose Depot,) New Milford, raulthannock,aird Wyalusing are dal. • h e omiklin Station mail runs Tties Thortidaya, d Saturdays. • , end Bingsamtort,lnsil, (via Silver Lake,)runs Tneli; j o ys, Thursdays. and Saturdayil. Frlendsville mail runs Tnesdays,Thuredays,and sat urdaYE. • . The l'eshoppeo.mall runs Mondays,Wednesdays, and pidaYs• ADDITIQYAL SMAGSO A stage leaves daily for Montrose Depot at 1 tri.',aad atp. r `t stage leaves daily, for New Mi ford at,780 a. at. d returntat 3 30 p.m. 11; C. F RDHAM rP. M. , • ' • f i Montrose Railway Tinto Tablel Atranguaent otTralns. T eir o take et on Monday,c April 17, 1370, • , , , .. , Down Trains.' . _, '-' :' ' !OtiTHWARD. t Up Trains • . NORTHWARD ' , 1 A. P. X. 1.1,5 10.15.... . ....Montrose ....9.00 4.52 - 5510 25 ' A11en'5......, 845 ! 545 . 1028. ....COW'S '-'4 ' - ' 890 4'48 605 .1032 Hunters ~.835 444 60S 1030 ..Woodbourne 830 440 ' 612 10 90— .... . .Dimock ' ) 525. 436 : • 617 10 47 . '' - 'Ty1er'5.......... :815 928 625 1057.... ..... bpringville.. ... ... ~ ..805 - 420 630 11 05.. .'. ..... ....Lynn 755 412 615 11 I_l3. - .. Avery,'s r 745' 105 653 1128 . ...". Lemon . • 7 354 00 i 703 11 .53.... ..... .Lo beck.. ~..'.7 2.5 345 , 715.. 1195 ' - Marcy's - 715 337 72012 00. ..Tunkhannock . 700+ 322 T: Ili iis will run on Lehigh Valley time as kept in the OLlke of P..t, N. Y. RR at Tunkhahnock. t; All trains connect at Tunkhannodk with P. ..16 fol Y. 3, it, going north and south. JAMES. I 'i s AMES. I. BLAB LEE, Pres't. Mauch -Chunk. April 'l7, 1876. ' ' . >iist of New Advertisements, Proclamation.. Br.'cbe Shawl Lost.- Profession6l Va , rtl—E E Snyder. • Annual. Statement of . Oibsort . I' Township. Financial, Statement of . GibsFn School Dis- II trict. ' BUSINESS Plowing Match County Inqnute Religions Notices • • Fresh Oysters-0 Q Hill " Meeting of Rough & -Ready COURT P 1 OCEEDLNGI3.--Thil3 court commen cing Aug. 14, 1876, was held expressly tor the trial of criminal cases. Hon. F. B. Streeter and Associates Cook and Chapinh presiding. The Grand Jury' organized by 'electing Capt. Geo. L. Stone, of New Milford Oorough, Fore man. 5 Commonwealth vs James Normilo. Judiet neat assault and battery . .' .pefenclOitk4ve . b.ol in the sum of $2OO . for. his appearande at he next Court of Sessions. , . 'Cow' at vs Laura Thonias. Defendent enters bail in the sum of slo+l Corn'th vs. Wm Allen. indictment arsen.— Verdict nut guilty. • •. • • Coni'tli vs John Daffy. Cake,- surety of the peace. Detcndent not appearing 1 1.14 F. bail was: ,i. , clrtred forfeited. • • Coni'tli s A .H "Harvey.: Indu4nent; treating a child. On motion of Blakeslee, Court directed defendeut: discharged. • ,Com' th vs J D Ilogort; Indiatinent; deSer: &n. Prosecutor not • appearing defendant dis charged. • . Poor Masters of Great Bend 'Twp vs Poor Masters of Great, Bend Borough. jOase, settle ment of n, pauper. Case dismissed on grou nds that justice had no jurisdiction whenorder of relief was given. I _ Cin'th vs John Preston. Indietnaent,break in;, entering, and stealing Bill igo3ored. Coach vs Lewis -Van orsdale" and Albert Ilugebbutn. Indinttiiint i burglary. Verdict not guilty. Corn'th vs Le*ii Smith ig,nciredo— Prosecutor topay costs. • Cum't., vs Wrd Allen. Indictment, breaking jail. True bill 101611, I A. similar Was returned by the Grand Jury in the, ease of Wm- 0 Mattice ; y,rn Pought and Geo LaceY, who, it:Will. be remem, bud, broke jail - a short time agd. , . '• '' Cam'th vs James Kelley. Indiettnent, as: wilt - and battery. Bill ignored; i 'County- 'to Pay casts. Cum 111 vs Noah Lindsley. Indiettnent, re moving land narks,. True bill found; '- Wm C Mclntosh appoinedlassestn;a. for the borough of Great Bend Y4 l a g l P• :..•--- ' z ' i f Concth vs John T . Hillis. Indictinent, lap , ceny,by bailee, &c. Nolle prosequi entered. pn Payment of costs, $25 62. 1 ' I Comith vs Joseph Beaumont and Friend 9vi3. Indictment, conspiracy to defraud True. Bill Verdict of jury not guilty. . Wm Mien, George Lacey and Wm Bought indicted for breaking jail v i fere brought into ( van, plead ,_guilty, sentenced reach to, -. pay :ft tne of sloo' and thirty daYs' Imprisonment In ttienty jail Nirt appoint E 11' Smith - constable of,Fran in isvp. Court appoint James *E - Carmalt auditor in' the estate of Henry Manzer. ' Win .r Philliin,esn," i membe of the ' Neiv' York: bar was admitted to practice In the courts ~ of this county. 411 ' i Ira l H. Thomson esq, ,461 ,Bradford- county° irdr was admitted - to practie l e - intihe courts of ibis county. - • Com'tli vs Benjamin Gegory. Indictment, Tippling Houser 13ail entered 4n the sun) of 1200 for appearance at Noyember Court, , . 1 eutaftit vs Georg,e Littimer. ' Indictthent, 1 Larceny. Verdict riot guilty, • I .toni'tli vs David Stew - att. ' Derendent not t prle!aing, INtil iki"orfeito.l. 4 :l6- ',3l , :zr. .-- j -• • Coa l th vs ..fohn Piundan. , ssault and Bat t'ay, certified to next Oyer„and Terminer Conitii vs WM Hotted. Indic6nent,l3teal'. in g• Bill igaored.l Corn'th vs George A. Phelps. ,, indiatinent, c ' ar qing concealed weapons r l 4W ,prosequi Entered op ixtymini of oiati. 1 - ,n (loya l vs Edward A Gillett: Indictment, a•gery. Nolle '.pr os q u a a tote' red ion 2 a meat t' C cl oCn st ' s t . ll vs Pairick !laid atur E ' dliviiid Rand. I ndictment, FeloneOus Assault,.`' kale PrlqUi entered paym t Comith- Breaking .:J.ail. pay a 'fine of $1 hiprisonment in , Com' th vs bail in the sigh o' Com'th 'vs %V gave bail in the Com' th" vs Ge 'ceny. \Verdict property, pay meta in tthe cou months Fire Company ,t . _ .. _ . - I''''''THE:DEMOCAT:; - .,FAU:gr - 1:7:5! 7 ,1'..: - '.2;''-1016 . nt of costs. ward A. Gillett, Indictment, Plead guilty.. Sentenced to . and costs of prosecution and the county jail for thirty days. inns Kelly. Defendent enters ashinglon Gow. Defendent -um of $lOO. • rge Lacry. Indictment, Lar guilty. Sentenced to• return osts, ' and undergo imprison ,ty jail for the Period of three rue Lattimer and David Stew find True Bill. P hiarcey. Indictment, Humphrey Marcey proseu find True Bill. IT T'acker. - Indictment, Ern , ignored. Prosecutor to pay Co&th vs Ge. l art: • Grand-ju Com'th vs Ze Burning a Barn tor. Grand Jur , Coufth vs W bezzlement. Bil costs. • •ard Turner. Indictment,Lar ry found True . Bill. Virdict Y. Lindsley and others. In- This case grew out of a dis- Ownership of land. Dorcas . Verdict against Defenaenta •sts. • Coalltla vs Ed ceny. .Grand J OfJury not gull, Com'th vs IT dietment, Riot. pute about the Burch proseeuto l for $5 fine and 13 iness Locals. ted at this office on subscOp- ajr OATS wa Lion. - -FRESH. OIiTE the Keystone SS tioual Bank, La• s have cotninenced arrivin.; at !loon, one door above first Na ement. Drop in and see. (CEO 1876tf.' Montrose, Au , The First U ty of Montrose next annual in t at 3.p. m. Bus'' acted. Let all a litontrose, Au! iversalist Church and SOcie- I : ix! Bridgewater will bold its i reting at the - church Sew,. 4th, of importancelo beqrans- I tend. ,1 23, 1876 tma Association of Universal= next annual session at Benton, ept. 6th and 7th. Service duesda3r, at 113% a. m. • nen, from abroad are, expected. t hat every church and sticiety A. 0. WARREN. Clerk. ; The Busqueht ists will hold its Luzerne county commencing W Several eltrrgy It, is important be, fully represe August 23, 1811 NOTICE. . `' ,Tlie•setni-aun Fire Co., No. I.'' 4th, 1876: • . The tunehdir. Rough & - Read Aug._ 18th, w.)111 Ist,. All tuenah ] • Aug. 23, 1876. .. , 1 iii . election of.Riigh & Ready be'held Monday:eve, Sept. '. • Lilts offered at a - meetini 'Of , Fire ' Co. No. 1, Friday eve, [e . atted .npon Friday eve,. Sept. !r are:- requesteci . to be present: • • • .- '34w2, PLOWING 31 t ATC A plowing m ty Agricultural farth ot John on Saturday, Se First pr Second Third Fourth Mo . _ Jo The full pre pear next wt ek Aug 23,1876 tell of the Susquehanna Conn- Society .be held on the Sonth Bridgewater; t 2d. .. .. .. $8 6 4 1- , : ---- • • , • ' Es S TYLER -...- A.THAN GARDNER, Judges • !HINDS, him list : of the. Society will up- pTß—AtZiontrose, corm:llene (?f Monday,- August: 28; as be- COUNTY INST ing 'at 1:30, p-m fore announced. ng, Lecture by Rev J } Chen jibe Reciprocal `lnfluence`. of gi . i hia Labore." !vening, Lecture,, "Self made," ' lutb, of: Lock Haven.. Tuesday'even shire. Subject the Teacher an Wednesday by Prof A ,N .-R Thursdity .ev; lic and \Pr iva te? Swarthrtiore Co Admission - to :each. We ask 'lectures to aid i and believing profitable.' . . ning, Lecture, -. ."litinesty,Pub" by Miss , Maria L. Santo - M t -of _ 1: * two _ lectures twenty :cents it full' .attendance' _upon- these Ittif;'.enenSea.orthq Institute; will be interesting. ;and - , Ti r TktEN, County. Sdperintendent..., ; _123; 187.0 - • ' .1- Alont:rose, Au d1:91 . p . r• side 'at.'(.ll#oe4tlten OLD xo,re§pa Cents pei doien HANDBILLS f r Auction Bales, - t te.i" printed at he Di uci . office. in first‘viii , mtityle and lwxeasonable p ices. ,ot .summons and ,subpoenai • fs Oft)ee. ° 'Other blanks in pro red with care. teW 1( just, printed at,t rusionotll prep; . 1 ---Pictures`taken hi all thelat. ictures copied - and- enlargedi Ilt)t of frames for sale: cheap, 1 at G. W. DooLirrix's. p),"74.—tf.-- PAIOTOGRA.PI3 ' est Styles. Old Also a splendid MOntrose, <,l To RENT. Houge and 4. of J: B. McColl May 31, 1876. rent;ttn in Montrose, Epquire I . carpets; . 01,.09thsi mAtting, NEW=. STOCK. &C.,j ust receive, OUT lioncrose, Ap BERG. ROSENBAUM & il 12, 1.876tf. . .13J1K. Hats, felt and cur. •BOy - S . ;jest °petted .at 7 ; i ; Ert fititiziritAtrm & SPRING Elqle: 1 Centettni4 , Ha_d _ Gu April 12,.1876 agon Shop - a fine lot of Plat &Buggies lull trimmed. Com lass in every respect for„Sale AT PURDY'S O nik Wagons a pleto and that thesp for cash. btorttrose,\Ju e .7, 07(4 :.orttiient. the latest. tvid "visiting and business cards this; office.. - Call. and.see them Isewhere, . A: LARGE, beatest styles just received . ,at before oraeribg num need complain that be dvertiee when he can get the printed at the'Dsm three dell4a per thpusand,aild foportion. . No business is "too poor to ti lateit style basil ocRAT ottiee for other work in p II WrAiris by . :l he, sett ,ur yard, Napkins, towels, and House great variety , at L TENBEIII3,• ROSIiNBAIIN & 0,0.. 1 411 12 ' 1876tf. - ' ' -. : , - : . - NEW LACE C I Tail* Linens, keetAng goOds Gu ontrosc, aA • : -WIJEGATE =EL I tTION. 1 • jut el‘etors of Brooklyn are re , at the house or - J. O. Bullard, Qt. 2d, between the hours of p, in., to elect two delegates to in Cciunty Convention. JOSEPH OAKLEY • J. O. BuLLARD. The Democ Amsted to me SatUrday v e and 9 . represent them Aug. 16 187 A i bll MANINTRIOENT lot of fine Cloths and CUM- Meres, Coatings and Sultings for custom work just received;•call and leave your measure for a ne* suit at • • GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. 'April 12, 1876tf. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE. illaving bought Louis . Knoll's stock of. Cigars, Tobscco and COnfevionery, I, can urnisla first-class articles for the least money.; Fine summer drinks ;for the thirsty. JAMES ZERFASS. ;Montrose, July 26, 1876. 1- LOST.-At the Grangers' Picnic, at Hart Lake, on Thursday 'evening last, a gold sleeve bUttori. 'Hie tinder will be paid tor his trouble o leaving it at the .D.gatunnaT ' ITROMMEIeS Celebrated Extract of Malt, Wm. Mmsey. Co.'s Philadelphia Ale at M Ly on's Drug Store. s . Montrose, Aug. 9,1.87 G. FOR Puns. Drugs and Itedieines, Fine Toilet Ailicles. Jewelry and Perfumery, go to M. A. L on'a Drug: Store. • Montrose, Aug. '9,1876. JEWETT'S Pure White Lead, Hall Wadley & 's. Lead; White Zinc, .Ready. 31ixed PahltB, bored Paints in Oil and Tine Graining Col s, tor sale at, M. A. Lyon's Drug Store'. Alontrose,•.Aug. 9, 1876. - • lt . ISITOAS to 91e Centenotal ean . find, : gOod ae ! thodations . within it mile of . ine~Cen , tennial 'rounds, 'on line Of. street railway, at reasona e prices. Drop a postal . car•i.l a Week lor ; two , lore.coming,:to Secure'rooms. :-* ' 1 . C. H. BIRCIIARD, • 3847 Havertord St., West Philadelphia, Pa. May 3; 1876tf. I The sale ot Taylor's Family Medieines is eadily on the increase: l ' The sales of the pSst .ar being -more than double of any previous ear. The' reason of this is on account ot the enuitie merits of the goods themselves and an.d impartial manner in whiCh they e sold. - . , . . . - July 26,1876. • - • • _ ARBLE WORKS. , IThe Tunkhannock Marble Wprks of Burns & White are doing a good business and are goting out some very tasty jobs of Head Stones and Mmutnents. A.,8. Burns,,of the Eagle Drug Store, is their authorized agent for Montrose and vicinity. He has designs of llead Stones and Monuments. Any orders' left with him will be promptly filled by Burns & White., I Tunkhannock Feb 1876tf. I, C IN AIEVOYANT EXAMATiONS FREE. i There is no subject that requires so much sudy and experience tislho treatment of Ch ron -14 diseases. The astonishing success . and re inarkable cures pertormed . by . , Dr,. Butterfield, are duelo the gift of eltiirVoyance, to the life long study of the constitution of man, and the curing of diSeases front riatitrairemedies. ' Cures tbe worst forms, ot Scrofula. Catarrh ; Piles ; ' Fe;. Male WeaknesS,.Asthma;,Kidneyi , or 'Bladder .Will be at the Cafferty House, Binghamton Thursday, and - Ftiday, Sept...7th and :Bth. 1 ~. „ . . ~ _ . . . .. tIi.IE,ANA) PLACE i • -- - , .. • *: -''. ' Now IS THE TIM TO; PAINT. Lead and Oil cheaper than they have been kI 'own for years. Burn's Palle Drug ' Store is the place to- buy anything in the PAINT and DRUG the very lowest figures. A. large aisortment of Brushes and Varnishes constant 1i in stock. ' The celebrated Hall,'Brfidley, & Co.'s Pure White Lead constantly on hand, for which BURNS is the SOLE AGENT-for Montrose and vicinity.. Montrose, April 19, 1876tf. • ,-, . BURGLARS AT WORK IN BINGHAXTON They _ haye been. entering .liouses-antl knock ing down men after dark on the back:, streets, hut at this time of writing , the police think they lay& a :clew 'that. may lead:to the entire "capture .of :the- gang. • :The firm of Rine & Sholes haye been : trying .to stop this reign 'of - terror by; Mirk-hag all of their summer ,goods down at.cost thereby giving all a elianCe to:get, an honest-living: A few of those fine - tlarasOls and summer silks left. -They -are offered at less than cost. They also . keep tan hand the largest and.cheapest • line of black E ilks in the 'city.— Alourning Roods of all kinds a specialtY. Send fOr'SampleS. No trouble to show-goods::: - • 33inghtMit!M, Aug. 2 ,1876. • • = - - ' ' A. • " i OUR FIRST CENTURY." i The book of which we made mention last N'veek, brings vividly to ; the mind ot the.gener= . 10_eadqf the great historic events of the one bundled years of our national existence in a complete and interesting form, Each tact , and , event, as well as invention and-discovery dr'improvement, is complete in itself.: Its classified ii,cicx makes it, invaluable,. to all as , a ready. , work • ofreference-11'A 'the' 1, e,vents touching our first century may there be found ay .a glance.; . • ' - • • I.For its convenience and informatibn .:it. - should be in every'family library, handy for. tbe young as well as the old. In paper, letter, ress • -illustration, - and price it is among the b } eBt subscription books I have seen. '. -1 . 1 i • ~s . , ', . , - • • •MONTROSE. Pa ,`Aug . *, "M. Ilhave. eiamined, with Much. care. so mu l ch of the volume entitled "Our First Century" as has given tor inspection, and can , honestly say that itkives th,t promise of a volume of remarkable interest We, all. desire accurate information respecting the great events Of the first centnry of our "Nation, and I kubs , of no work that gives information *as well. I have'also seen that the work is highirrecothinended by Rev.lDr.Datir Ping, of Honesdale,and his recommendation Is 'a pledge Of the great value of OA book. . I ' J. G. MILLER, . ' Pastor Pres. Ch.;MOntrose. . . ' IdowinosE, Pa.; Atig.l.l; 3876. I coincide with what Rev. J. G.• Miller says abont•the York above mentioned, and recommend it to those de siring such an addition to their libraries. . l• - ' l W. H.:ESSUP - 1 _ Counselor at Law. MONTROSE, PA.. Ang.lB, 1876. a"Onr First Century:' by. Professor R. M. Devens. is n extraordinary book. It presents to the reader "Me morable Events" in the history of our country, includ ing Political,. Military, Mechanical, Social; Scli_antitle: and Commerelal Facts.. Frlfil the specimen copy, I believe it will be a very interesting book it is very liandsomely printed and elegantly illustrated. 'I feel I Must place a copyon the shelves of my library. As a book of iefereute It will be invaluable. The selection Of topics appear to be admirably made. I have every reason to believe that this 000 k will be appreciated by ill intelligent people: Already it has , been very exten tiively ordered through the agents who are selling it. I cheerfully give it a cordial and earnest reconimenda upo, ' - JOHN E. CIJESSWItE,', i - - :. I • Pastor Baptist Church. ~ Mormon', PA., Aug. 2, 1876. - 1 From a brief examination of the sample pages of the book eutitled . "Our Fire , . Century,"• and considering what it promises to be when fully completed.' consider 'it valuable • for Its extensive information re atieg to facts which form the annals of`our national history dur• ]owns first century. Its Classified "nowt makes it val uable as a ready book for reference. It will be a value ie addition to every famllilibrary. W. L. THORPE. . - • •-• , ' Pieter Montrose ' . .il. &Church: - • iUpona review of the prospectus of c'Our First Cen nry" Ido 0 . 94, hesitate to give• a hearty recOaimeada ion of the work, believing the same will be a valuable W. C. TILDEN; addition to any library. , , , i 1 ' Co. Sup't ol- Pub. Sch. Montrose, Pa; I • I have examined the work entitled "Ottr First Celt tn try ' aid find it worthy of approval ;Jor comprehensive ness o r plan. clearness mid brevity of gym and rich hems of lilustrations ltsupplieti a much neettod treasury, Of infortaatiott for the great Centennial perioa of our 'history. i give ntrorder , fora copy. - • Presiding Elder M. E. Church, . • Honesdale District Pa • Monitose, • Au6,lll, 1816tf. r! Tira Cara naL BiI'RESS ComeaNy fOrward Butter by their night, line every night whether they have one pail or more: Butter shippers .who patronize this Company, secure for every bipment a night route. We haye better facilities and a cooler 'route than!you ever had offered you before. Patronize your tome road and make a suc cess of an enterprise that has and will benefit you all. , Montrose, July'26, .18 7 6tf. We'bave just . received a very, large stock of plain and fancy envelopes, letter and note pa per, plain and fancy bill bead papers, cards of all Sizes and colors, colored Poster 'papers, ttc. all of which we can ,afford to print cheaper than any office in 'this or neighboring, counties, and in Ogood style. Work done in black and colored inks.' It you think there is any that can beat us, gig e us = a trial, and we will'show you what,. we can do.' , All kinds of blanks on hand or printed to order. • - WE TARE pleasure in. calling the attention of our readers to the fact that' the popular Dry Goods house of C. F. Swam kt Co., Bingham ton, are now receiving, an unusually large and complete assortment of new spring goods. Not withstanding the cry of "Lard times," this house informd us that their trade is larger than at any former season. This is easily accounted for by the fact than they always offer the most reliable coods at the same-prices that many houses sell a very inferior grade. All tht. nov elties ot the season, both of toreign and_ do t:nestle mantifm:ture, may now be found upon their shelves, and a visit to their store,will con vince anyone that that iA the place to trade. • .- NO CURE, No PAY. Sirby'S Cough Balsant,a very . palatab:e Com pound, for the various affections of the throat and lungs . . • Used ,with : great. success la case of s and and triinoati4 . It is prescribed by the physicians and endorSed. - by the people.. Wa rranted to give entire' satistaCtion 'Or money iB - • Kiiby's Nagle ; Relief fur the :instant cure of severe' and acute.palus.... Kirby's Tasteless .IVbrru . Lozenges. safb and effectual. ' • • Kirby's Condition Powders for quality, quan tity and purity are superior to any Powder for stock nianufactured. • • Kirby's Camphor, Ice for.chaped bands or sunburn.' ' For sale by all Druggists in Montrose, and Dealers in Medicines throughout the country. June 28,1876y1. . To Solon DiliacTons.—The attention of the members of: the gPsveral Boards of School Directors,in Susquehanna and adjoining Conn ties,is invited to the Ibllowing testimonials and endorst.inents by the leading Educators and School Officers of this Nonst.-th DisTiticr, iela tive to the .•, ' STANDARD: CHARACTER. STARLING'MERIT ' SANDERS' UNION READERS, &C., published in an appeal to - their patrons. only a short time since, on the occasion of 4, determ ined vflart,simil io the- one now: being made in this county, by agents of. rived ptiblishers,to displace these books: The undersigned ; residents of :the' sth• Nor-. mal District of Pennsylvania; comprising the Counties of . Bradford, :7Lycoming Potter, Sns, quebanna; Sullivan,Tioga,a}itl.Wyoming,would respectfully represeut;rthat since - SANDERS' UNION R7DERS AND SPEL LERB ROBINSON'S S RIES OP 31A.THE, MANICS,AND SPENCE INN COPY-BOOKS, have been quite generallyAntroduced into and are now in use as a whole, or in part, in a large majority of the Public Schools:of this Normal District, and believing, as we do,' that these books are Standard TVorks of Sterling Nerit,ansi among the very best published ; And, seeing no sufficient reason fora change, would earnestly advise any who may be tempted; interested Darties, to displace these books, to'exercise ,great' caution, and to be Cully satisfied of the superior merit of :the hooks proposed as substitutes, be fore subjecting the Patrons to . the additional expense of purchasing neto.books, as Well as the, to the great inconvenience and troublefn-: cident to the Introduction or displacement „of Text-Bo )ks—besides thereby preventing it* fornzity so nearly atialnoi, in this District. . ::; F Allen, lustittite ConduotOr and fornfer . Principal of 'State Normal School,, - Mftnsfield, ' • Chas H Verrill, Principal of Mansfield statC Normal School. • ; A. A ,Keeney, Co. Supt. of ;Bradford .Elias iforton, ." ` d. IV' Allen,' ;" •• :Potter " W C Tilden; !:''- SuSquelliinfa 'r F Glaban, - • i `,`, • 's Lycothing ",, Thornpsint • " Wyotning," : .1 T Ree - d, !Orme!, !‘ 1_ H. Hutton; former Principal' Troy Grafted' Schbol.. l • E Pitcher, , forreer l Pridcipal To wanda Public Sehopls. •!. . t . A H Berlin, farther P rincipalMontrose Grade d. .•, ' School. F ill Smith,.Teacher 3iatlis!, &c., 'State NOi 'ma:, School; Mansfield. , Letiauel Ammerman, Teacher Lang., &c., State Nor. School,' Mansfield. , Alonzo Ammerman, Prinp.:slf pppa, pep., State Nor. 'School Mansfielff. The County Superintencfeiiii above named, With two excPptions,'arii ( litill iietitig as such their tespective , cOunliet, have expressed themselves as having uniformly oppoSed chang ing the above mentioned hooks fur ,the reasons stated in their appeal to their, patrOns. -The'eublishers desire to say to any not fa Millar with then boolis,that they most cordial:. ly invite attention 'to the. following, as among the many points of superiority and Oxcellence Me Paper, 1)1pe, Rinding, ,Illaetratienkand idechaiiical execution'. , 1 .77if Gradation and Progrrive :Character iir the Peries. •• . 5,,, The lugh, unexceptionable moral tone of the lel lections in each book. , _ , The cheapness as compared 'with other sillies res Pe tr to qUUlity, number of pages, quantity of read' matter„ &e., ae. - N-R—Sample . copies for examination:and compari4un will .be ..furnished gratuitously, on application to W. B . Deans, M on t r o se, , or ,the publishers, '• - IVISON 4 ' BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co.; ' • - 138 - 64 140 Grand Et., New York. • . In regard to an exchange-of School Readers in this county, at, present; Lhave' 'nay to say that think Abe: wants- of thq - eountj , , in 'this respect, 4 not:cleFnandA ctiangeqn these hare times for Money.- , consider.'l Sanders' Read9is riming ,the'liesl r" - ' TfLDICii; co.. Supt . , Montrose, -. • :Presidential. Ofimpalgt. caP cams 46 - TORCHES. , Send for Illustrated 'Circular and Prlca i eIatNINGITAA HILL, mminAceruazius: 204 Church Street,- Philadelphiii. August 2 * 1816m8. 11 X.Eh..1.016G1r331/3. HAYDE.I4-JACESON-At the 'Presbyterian parsonage, in Franklin, - Aug. 9, by Rev. J. H. Dominus, C. T. Hayden to kaloraette ' both of Nevi Milford. - TIFFANY - -TEWICSIMBY--At the resieenee of the bride's father, Aug. 16, by Rev. G. IL Wee.... ton, G. P. Tiffany and Hattie. E. Tewkabur3r, only daughter of . L. R. Tewksbury; all of Brooklyn, Pa. • HAButs—At Auburn 4 Corners, July, 23d, Bishop - Harris; in the 47th year of, his age. . For a number Of years he has been slowly passing kivay under the ban of censumption. A. delegation o) six from 'the Masonic.Fratertii ty of ..liieholscia attended his funeral at Jersey. Hill, July 26th; ind with a large number of - friend§ and relatives listened to au able dis course' from Rev. A. O: Warren, of Montrose. He leaves a wife and datighter to mourn , his de- - parture. , -Com. • VANTIOTkIi —ln Bingbatnton, N. Y„ on the' 10th inst., Eva .Julietteovire of Norman Van boten, formerly of ,Liberty, Susquehanna coun ty, pa., aged 22 years, 8 months and 20 days. County Basiutioo Dtiectory, , - Two lines in this Directory, one year, $1.5 0 _; each-ad ditional -line, 50 cents. kONTROSE. W HAGEIWOUT, Stiter.' Wholesale l 'and Retell dealer in all kinds of elate roofing. i3lete paint, etc, Roofs repaired with elate paint to order. Alio. elate - paint for sale by thd gallon at barrel 4 liontroee. ' BILLINGS STROUD, General, 'Fire and -Life Intim.: wage Agents, alne s lel! Railroad and .Accidental ,Tickeis to New York.and Philadelphia. Otliceone door east of Wm Cooper x Co's bank. •'. WM. IL BOYD . Cu. Dealeis in Stoves, hardware,;;_ and: Mann cturers of Tin and Sheet-Lon ware, Tor. ner of Main and Turnpike street. . , • A. N.- Bu i lard; Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Book*, • St.itionery and Yankee Notions; at the head of Pub lic Are-nne.- WM II .I.IOOPER & CO. ' Bankers. Sell Foreign Pia- • sage Tickets and Drafts on England, Ireland, and. Scotland. . WM. L. COX, flatness maker and dealer , in all arti cles usnally kept by. the trade. opposite the bank. JAMES:E. CA RgALT, Attcirney•at-Law. Oilice one door below Tarbell House,' Public Avenue: - - 11. ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer. I Ciinr S. & Co., Montrose, Pa. Montrose, Pa. NEW MILFORD. • SAVINGS IsANK, NEW MILFORD': Site per eent.. Interest on all Deposits: Does a general. Bankingi business. S. B. Cklitbit & CO. H. GARRET it SON, Dealer in Flour. Feed, Meal. , Salt, Lime, Cement, Groceriis and Proyistons, •• Main Street, opposite the Depot. • N. F. ICIMBER. Lir-I . lBp ,Maker, Picture Framer,and Undertaker, a few rods • from Phinney's Motet near • .M. E! Church. • - , „ • , . GRIMM BEND. ' • ", ';' • • ' • , , R. P. DORAN. Merchant Tailor and dealer in Ready,. • .Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries add Plaistow. Main Ei.ret. • ;.. . . '. ' ' ' ;•,' —..--7,-----,; H.OICE FRUITS AND VEGETA- , BLE3 AT rifE 11:EAD OF.NANIGATIOI4I PEACITES, ::CT,ANGES, . 'LEMONS,. PEARS, PINE APP4S,.PtUMS, QUINCES, ONIONS, .T.OMA= TOES, APPLES, GAB- . '* BAqgs, ,BANANAS,;' CANTELOPES, .GRAPES,' POTATOES WHORTLE BERRIES, AC., SWEET' all at bottom prees,- by • - A. N. BULLARD. Mon.rose, Aug. 16. 1876., NOTICE. , • • • I, The undersigned - Iniving entered Into CoiSlirtnerebip under the Arm name of . • • . • LeROY dotpg hn'elne . se at the citdfand NEW MILFORD "PA:;. • -keep cOnstantly on hand a general assortment,of FRESH' GROCERIES, PROVISIONS,' • • --AN6 FLOUR:- • / " plc.', all of Which will be aold•at the loiireak . -!. `r`~ i •N: persons indebted 4o 'rne.sre recinested Aettl6 tlie„.tian;te inplic4iat_4l7.pi , cash : or a9te.: . New Milord,. Aug. , 111. 1816. - `,84w4„ -, • • - EMOVED AND; ENLARGED . ' 3 1 - 1 • I hare litmo►e$ _ G49:c44 - -y i :sT,t) . {,g•'::. to the building 'tour doors above the : Pirpt, Nations Hank, Public Avenue, (formerly Occupied 'tamp,). where 1 haveeolarged stoc k, • : ; Groceries,,Provisions,, I invite competition bcith in quality and pike: give me a call and be co _ I can dojo good. : . ILSON J. •TITIMUL. . . Montrose, April 46.1876.--yl. BIIsTKEAMTON „. BOOK L'HOPRINS Si SONS, PROBlitlis No. 41 COait, Street; id Floor,' Bingham tan; ii."1". ; '71 • . , ALL STYLES OP BW . llllklO AND ,BLANK ‘BOOK ,MANDFACTgRINC AT 41111,80NABLO. P140119'. ; :, Binghamton, May 341.1876. - -4-itil : ,; VATHA'2 , iS :TAY 1.40.4'§ 04IIA LAB: TN Ili) BLECTIO6 Oft, t ' It is i.tpfAtc , "l iirsyirsttofi.;: the' chenitcsi combisa tlini or which to incti as to . neutralizeuiitilired - pro• perties when' applied to manor beast.' •, • Willa IS it. for ? For the cure of any kind orpainAarileneet,or wounds error anything requiring an .outward application. - Is it as good as other limments farthest, purposes t. Yes. and better. What guarnatee do you, give of. tnis ?. - lt does not prbve so, after -using all the medistnel: return the empty bottle - vihere you got it and get.yetag. , money back. Who ere agetits for= the gale of this inedicirukt All the druegiste and dealers in medicine 141NOUUNO, and throughout the'eountry. - • July Ilk , ;• - ,- ' JOB PRINTING -: AT THIS-OFFICE, CHEAP. Such as & juk, P'"? MEM