pee Piling. THE FLIGHT OF A ROSE. BY ISAAC N. ISIATNARD. 1 had a rose qnce, glorious lair, That blooMed one nltorn fOr!me ;,, AIM, the next she was not there, No rose upon the lea. "My angel gone r' sighed I iii tears, l And the c'ewy night , • Spread her bright wings fOr roseate spheres ; Flown ever from my sight., And o'er the gardens and the lea I've roaufd full many a clay To find my lovely "Rosalie," "My own sweet Rose" estray. "In vain I in vain.'" 1 sighed "Give o'er Thy mournful search for her 1 Thou'llt never see her, never mores Be her wrapt worshiper." But 0, one morn, as I walked forth. Upon the flowery lea, A rose looked up, of heavenly birth, So like "My Rosalie." She smiled like her—oh such a smile ; So sweet, so full of loye, Without deceit, no.taint' : of An angei froni above. On my wrapt vision there she blooni'd Alone, in modest worth, : Unconscious of the charms she own'd l , F Nor deigned toihow them forth. My Rose ! my Rose thou art that ROse That spreads its roseate Whigs • In the dewy night, when the South *hid blows, And the Harp Eolian sings. Or else her spirit's self thou art; _Come, down to earth again cheer my hinely, Weeding heart .And ease this load of pain. S.. To thee here will I rest, . n My thatights oClove on earth Till we, transplanted with . the blest, Renew - our heavenly birth.' And then I rais'd mineeyea to hers; . And thought I saWleer smile, _ As roses smile on wOrshipers, • Sincere and without guile. It may have been a smile . of ,love; If so, 'twits mournfnl-sWeet„... And seemed to say, "Loqk.there,.abOve,' Nor worship at my feet.",- 1 rose and turnid'inY'eyeson high ; MethinkS I.See her:noWff !'• • . My Rose,• sweet blooming, on. thi: sky; .! And glory. on her '.!- • She seem'd-to chide my w:andering ways; M search forßosahe.;:. A voice I iictrrd , like sweetest - I:4s ; "I bloom in heayen for pee.", .• REMARKABLE AQUATIC :PERkORMi-- ' ANCE OF AN. ENGLISH GIRL. The steamer Volunteer, belonging to the London Steamship CompaeS,"left Westminster Pier for Chelsea yesterday afternoon. with Miss Beckwith and a company Of 200 ladieS and gentlemen on board. When the steamer reach ed Chelsea Old Bridge, thousands of persons had gathered cn the embankment to see ! the El art of Itlisi Beckwith on a ten mile swim in,. the Thames—from the Old Bridge at Chetel t.4.i:, Greenwich pier. Without any undue del,y the' young girl (for she is not ,yet :Years 6ra g e ) made, her appearance, attired in a professional swimming costume, on deck. The company on the steamer cheered atrai tant - regain, so did !Duly hundred spectators on the .hridge,! and the many thousandi an the erithankrnent,, - 'The. demonstration. Was ..:renewed when sliejtimped into a waterman's boat, which pushed,out into mid qrcam:- Standing, on the 'stern she waved her hand to the specta.tors rid ; then phinged , into the river. . The exaet , time Was tfitt.f: fain ntes past three. There Was' a fah* breeze,which made the water rather ',umpy, butrthe fllirce Of le ebb tide was all in her favor 4 ' ' With a gentle breast stroke the young swim tar, with every encourageinent - -j - fronti tii.,euri oils public Proceeded, on her arduous feat. A • ,iii t, in a small boat, in wh i ch were, her 4 - the); tal brother, the iatrer reUdy to linilP to the ait.t` a his sister in the event, at any emergency. led 1 the way. , She .. swam close to the :gen?, and kept' that positiote'ruate' or Ile% during the Ichole.of her task.' About' len minutes niter ttarting she placed a straw hat on berheal,but " tosoon as the Sun became obScured 14 clouds te threw it to her father, and never had Oc-' talon to use it again._ ,A crowd, &Imposed of 4any hundreds, bad fulkifved her from Chelaca, l thing the embankment, and aCßatterseatsns- Iktehin bridge it became greatly augmented° by larger crowds, though the culinination in the number of stieciators was reached at West-' 4 tainster bridge. Vauxha bridge . was reiehed in thirty-four minutes. ' hen she had Pa B ged ' it she several times passed! her body through a boop---a feat which elicited a special cheer. : .. at Westminster the sight of 4nlannense papa-. late on the bridge was of itself reintvkable.- 1 , Ent in addition theAlbeit' embankment teent7 ti to be equally crowded; and, on passing :un- (I '3 the bridge, the Vieturia embankment- as kr as the eye cott)il reach, Was denselY Abfong- CI 31i,s Beckwith must however' have -been e.cteely visible, owing to a small shoal of wat- EntAll's bnatti, which crashed itito One anotli0:: lith deliglitfut indifference an the frantic ef-i iriv. et their ocetipants to get a,g it. Rse.-°k; the twin - amt.' In seventy minutes she had .I*eaci-i -td Black t ria r's bridge- LIB d from: thia fioint to - 1 6e4d ot the `Course. spent atirs apPeared on t'' , °-ts. crowded What( wilidoxtt.v. and 'uccupled tvtry avkdiable position.- 1 . , li S) tar the young milliliter had fliSplayed not , t!elist bitioue. O'n the to . atrarY 1 the natural kubei•anv e of her spirits and confideue Orman-, 'had not in the - least abated, while there i. no change in -the healthy 'rose hue oP her. Ihteuance. She proceeded , with 149 '.ease: a stilled swimmer, white the distance had 141111 Paired the remarkaklegrace pflefietfle.' 'don bridge, crowded of euume"was posed ) ' 1 • in an hoUr and twenty-two minutes. The boats after this became more unruly than ever, and : onseveral occasions Miss Beck with was nearly stunk on the head by their bows. The occuPa ts of two of them began to quarrel; and fought! with their oars to the ter ror of two women in ona of the boats,-whose screams could 'he heard on shore. ,One of the combatants had hs oar smashed, and if his id craft h not lad s ubstantial , -breadth of beam, the swimming [teat !might have been mumps flied with a fatil'Ailaster. London bridge pas sed, the absence of great crowds of People'rob bed the occasion of I a good deal of its interest. OpPosite Greenwcb pier, Miss Beckwith, at five minutes . to l stsl was taken on board the Volunteer, having seam the ten miles'in two hours and forty-slx.lminutes._ During the time she was in the Water she .declined all refresh- Merit, and 'when she appeared on board the Steamboat she was 'apparently as fresh.- and sprightly as when first she came out of her cab in at Chelseti.—LLondon, Tekgraph. (CITIES 6671.1RTSHIP. • "Probably,'t said Sir Arthur Helps, "there is no instance - i which any two lovers have made love exatly, i 4 the same way as any two Other lovers, si ed the world began.", 1 Bqkis, insinnated: ' - , Vivien charmed Merlin. Alexander l ade 4 bonfire for Thais. Hildegardet ok the bull by the horps. : 1 , The Mercha t of IVenice sott-solderedF'ortia vrio a lead eas,-et. I - The garTulou's remaferin tlie"Arabian Nights" told her husband stories. Victoria sentltor F`rinee Albert and told him she wanted him. She was victorious. , Inesian islands they win pe• their heads . wit4 Ft shilielah. r‘ightli and Bliioeard 'were_ off thO old lOve btifore they were In the Poly hearts by beatii . 2:Hurry the with th 6: hetid'( on with the ne , Mr. Johnson :down with:his" 4 . ep of affection Tristram did alSo F•t,'' good 'mangy fai him poked. the tobacco in his pipe sweet hearts finger—a warm to• it mostly •with a - harp, and was 'ar. His two Isoldes were too wp her . ,pp' iri his Peter's prittipki Thibbett's' wi whigh *she tised litth*n to use eousldered fat& Th e age himself. t. -- Sam Roi illy selt'becaose bi others kill the t 'ie.' ! inclined to Marie, and locked castle. jt WOrked aa•well as shell e caught hiln by thegrace.with her wash-tub. .She was never alter the . wedding. h deputed an agent whom he r to plead his suit with his lady "did • it but too well, but for 1 the famous lEiWyee, killed him- Wife died, while,a good,many _ - selves because their wives , wives ou't 1 . -.- Nicholas, of nee table, but he itabedded banded it to b ussia, wauted; to pop at a din hke to be caught at tt, so ring. in violin . ) of bread and se i cretaii. wu cauglit by 'a 1 1. rktitt!g the thlOcrinc 3 3 daughter carried. him- hOme on-her. - footsteps shonldn'tj be traceil. I card of it, and fiaddltgl him on • 6.. t of her life; Charlemagn sl snow storm ,sp at midnight, as . back, ,s,es that h The. Emperor I to her for the r SUGGEST doOrs and windOws to • your hingvaluable _inside, keep your in them ; if youihave any mon ntr pocket, and n you - want. if , yin! have got it , you play mgers and expert th.ein to give iner t you are' a fool i it. you iedt a man at htm own gae,try .1 . .-pertence ; if yo t bet• you' can )keri in three tird monte, you •u. 'lose your money in the pool 1 wn :fault, for nO,Ouse urltes men [ 4's'es there ; if you sleep in a ut your money,watch and (Ba te and, lake a check ;,, it a,man to(j) , :ri a little; bas or safe and athanee - to beatme,rie sop by .- . . I . s itand 'let him play it alone ; ea ;pool';" if ia nice looking g 411:3' ctilli yott 'Judge Smith," ; nes" .of yVntertOwn, shakes . et t c ; i is tli: g a l t a; r i til t.4s n e; m y e ot;, s ` G `iili en :L e ic r 'q . ~e ',Brown, fdri , be is a 'Amo i pal will aildfs you by your he ne.xt 'corner and rope you in ~ bye you will , ose, Finally— , little money and a few valua ,ds of 'strange: men in 'Cars, °m ils].it iLI ew ailk s, mind your own ;amble:--if you do and lose„ .. be squtial, as 'every: body knows 4 not; say as word if, you bad - - If you hay( house and anyt eyes or a lock - ( ey, keep it in Y it you'll know . aatnes with sire away* -their in think you ca n 1 'it and learn pick Out the j Will lose ; yo fibs, it is yollr to : make nurel, crowded hotel, 01144 ill siick4 . you ttioiv tell'you there js betting Omit, pA don't play i ewl man comesalor or "General J'. • 'hands and sayt bite and don't al 'Green or Ju(l, steerer" and hi• ticrht name on to a bane whH e keep sober, earr bles, aybid crow tallies; hotels t business, don't f sure and don't is that you ",:woul won. times leave spots on 'window tin the sash. Ai.2 lady, IVho s tl at benzine' applied to such fairitera aom: glass v~bgn pai 4nows, informs planes afid.ullo it' easily 4.0 ed tp remain awhile, Will ren t oved Neon iing.- Siiesays d,.but has hot icited it, that of iOda,:applied hot; will be alsopiea. strong solutipn equally ellicactio irou: young ladflwb' you, my child; iitild tako.-YPI takd nye:pg twenty r said . 71 ,Efl younger: "Riess iring,:batebelor, - 1 , T;aughing.-ulaT u take a° - ,u an grow' fat, but ypulve gut, t 9 - •,tux i , niglilly -'with, bread'and meat and it .qqii?.: :cOinsciefice it. yotitget it to 414, - - _ • --..-?.. 1 1 . ' : ' - -- 7 - 1 .--i744 , -..--7---- q mploing of iito?s, 'as well as raay !lie. chieftyiin_ tke linprma o lo'olt on .them.. -. -‘- -,. • ' .fr4? l Joward : vocation and maid : there is no honor ~in. .Oft tine gran .3vritten. words, r stens of, t 1 p-s 9 irEtotior:: 6 oies. 41ountng jta L ive l r S• ' 4- 410. ,ideoy4theleourt of Appeals' geti beer as intoxicating. It Im"fii3eli:d.()d . 41kAlbany, thati! THE '-DElt .1 ONe FOR; TIE. Vi7E.EK. CAAT, - :'-AVOVST :-21,.._-;.1.87.0 NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, WriL :II . ,' . 13,07D. -.:15T,...-Ci., (Bulicogeson To liOrp & COEWIR,) . Cook S t o v es, flanges s Heat- ing Stoves. ~- . --, ON NETIME-I . f t - - , Is the name of a new Cook Stove, just out, containing a new erinciplo in baking. and is.deatined to make a revolution in the construction of Cook Stoves. Come in and see it: ARGAND As a heating stove stands wlth e nt a rival, in beauty derabitity. and economy. Come and satisfy yourself, midget names: of parties now using thern. TINWARE. We take special pleasure , in offerin g to tbe.WhOlesale and Retail Trade, our desirable supply of Tinware. We use none but the best of charcoal platet. I OUR WORKMEN ARE EXPERIENCED ' ,cstrit.srYLEs ARE FATiatEl3B !: GOODS ARE WARRANTED) And we defy any to proance better goods fc4. less money. • LAMPS. A. full line of Lamps of ,beautiful design. Also Chim neys of every descriptin. STONE WARE. Mower Jars, Banging Pots. Churns, pinker ,Jars. Preserve Jars, Jugs, Stove Tubes, &c. • ' , BUILDERS - HARDWARE. I • Butts and Screws, Locke and:,Knobs. Latches, Catches:, Doors. 'Sash, Blinds, Glass, Building Paper, White Lead, Zinc. Oils,• Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Spirits of Turpentine, Paint cf any shade deaired.j Also Colors for making paint: ' - A full assortment ot•Philadelohla Carriage a full line of Iron Axles, Bur Iron, Horse Shoes, Nails. We purchase in Car-load lots, therefore can sellio the trade in less vpintities as cheap as any b.onse in the Wx. R. BOYD, IJ. H. CORWIN, j. R. COOLEY. .tiontrose, March 15, 181 G. BILLINGS STROITD, GENERAL FIBS, LIFE AND AdCIDEST: Ti.,iI.i;ANV.P, - ,:4G.,Z 33• a 3Pifb. Apital Represented,. $100,000,50 • • FIRS . = , Fire Association of Phil., Capital & Astetit;' It- 2,500,00 C inrarance. Co. of N. A., Phil., " 5,000.000 PenneylvAnia Fire„ Phil.,- - • • " 1:,100,000 Ina; Co. of Pa., Kola:, " 700,000 Lycoming of • ManncY, Pa. ;" • "• - '5,000,000 Lanca*ter of Lancaster, "' •, • - .100,0tal .Neevton of NewtOn, " 150,000. Rome Erie. Co., N. Y,:, " " 6,000,000 National " " " - 450,000 niercial Fire`" •" 450,1100 Fairfield Fire. Ina Co. South.: i ' • ' Norwalk, "• - 225,000 Atlas • - 500,000' - Royal Canadian s of 31ontreal,, 1.200;0 G Canada:,- "' 4 -• Liverpool. LOlldott & Globe 'Of Live.rpoor, Eng., 27,000,000 Providence Washington; Providence, R. • •• >. , fi00,000 Traderns. Co. Camden, ' " . 270,000 Pattmon Pirellis Co. Patter ion; N. J. Conn. leitticil Life FLs s - .."c0., Aseetta $40,000,00e American Life, := 42 - • -' r $5 (WO (11)0 Traitelers Ins. Co.', Hart:, Capital and Surpliii $3,060,00 RakiwaY Passengers - • 00(4000 The undersigned hasbeen *eiknOwnin thisentuity,for, thepast 20 years, as an. Insurance Agent. -Losiee sus tamed by his Compainies have always been promptly • tarOfficeupstairs,in building east froin Banking Office Of Wm. H. Cooper &CO.. ,Tarnpike street. , ' BILLINGS' STROBD, Agent.: CHARLES lI.SMITH,' _ • :; .1 'TLC' . AMOS 'NICHOLS, f Office Managers' LANODON,S. Solicitor. ' •• . r Montroie.lao. 5.2876. 3E3E. Mt 17 El. MIL InIEM- 4 1 11. 'would cgalattenilon f' to his 'New Stock o - SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! .Now on ealeon new DAT a t t()A o 2 LADIES' DRESS GOODS;, BLACIi AND. COLORED ALPACAS, NEW , STYLE OF PRINTS, ," , 3 II A IVLS, f tAT ATER- PROOFS, FLAN- . NELS, BALMORAL; AN. SICIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY .WOOL GOODS., CARPETS, OH CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS.,BUFFIA-. 'LWOW LAP ROBES FURS HAT§ AND CAPS; BOOTS AND SHOES, HARD WARESRON,NAILS; STEEL; STOVES AND • - GROCERIES, ETC. • • In great yariety, and will be sold on the oat fayorable terms, and loweit prices. . New-Milford, May is LL KINDS OF BLANKS cp AT THIS 0FF1d.154, TIEW PRIPES, DEALERS IN BOLTS. NAILS. =NMI ACCIDENT; The attention of , the readers oftheD2lloaßAT is carted tOthe fact thatItEADIXIA2I:I taklst inexanall '-:.:.• 14','.Q.-4::::FiIJRN.IrgRr::;Qf7O.I4:I.'KINDS; Plit:CNlf - ' , ::0011;111:::GlIEP . W,Iik-_,'CISt,-'11S.1FiERED: . , .. , ~ Tile long continued depression - in business circles call for cub tiansactlons `.bir rnanntketirers. and '., goods bought close for cub can be sold at low prices: To satisfy yourselves of this fact, when at Binghamton i Call and examine the general stock of Furniture and prices at it Chenango Street ' . _ Map..31..1876: • ra: a 0 1,000 MEN 'WANTED ARMED fP with Greenbacks, to buy the best made, easiest-running, and most durable Wagon:evermadeiibi the' Mone • THE 'LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF. PLATFORMS;' OPEN ,A;ND TOP . BUGGIES-- AND PILETONS, EVER' OFFERED TO ? -:_: FCITIZENS OF: NORTHERN' PENNSYLVAA. Particular attention is calledto Our Standard Plitibrms. We claini to mke the eat Family and Farm Wagon co mbined, eve: offed for the money. Each Wagon Warranted as represented. We employ none bat experienced mechanics. Selecting best of Stock for cash, and pay cash for labor,and we haVe reduced the prices, as follows: No. 1; Platform.lX Spoke, IX Axle;l34 Spring, 1 Top - Buggies,'Piano BOic of Shell bodY . 6ißrciaa • 2 Seats, - - - ' •- . $ 11 ! 5 . 0 0 Box, with Enamel Cloth, T o anslDamask I ' - Lining. Patent wheel Rubber Top, Broad C lothing 6 Trirein-ine%lll6°'7s - Add for Trimming, $5 to $8; Break $7. No. 2, Platform lx Spoke, x Axle, IX 00 usu' -- tons. Leather top and Broad cloth•Trim` • 4x5 Leaves, Drop-tail board, •2 Seats, - $125 00 P ming , . Add for Trimniing, Patent Wheels, $5 to $8; Break $7. , - - $2OO 00 We claim this the most conveniert" and dura ble and cheapest wagonlin the market.- Buggies ; prices range from $lOO toslBooo . , according to trimming and painting. ac. , Montrose, May, 3d, 1876: „ - -ft , Bic 8 •. o .3' .0 ca ' • W -TO 1:6 ' ” g • Ce 1 4. 1 2 • . • M 17 ' . 5,0 re. 0011 Cf .. 3 ,7 . • n at a. , o j I. ,r -ot 0 ,- - * c 0 a 2 ~.. _ ir • - r) Eel • = 1:2 ,, ,1 f v 42 ' " 1 0 • .pot • V - larL tz o w ! • td - . . . tg I"V = Ei' l l . . 0..4 . ~ I " , 0 , 7 .ki `...3.:.,.. .., 7 ./.:' ~-',!. P. ::`1 1 ,„•:, ;', ~ a.- 0 ,3 - • - ..: .-s- , 6- - - .., - • ~ ~,,m04 0 1 4 ,-- . :., , : - Y• . - -. , ,:p , )- 4.7 . ,,-- 1:1 • ~"H„,.. , ..;,. , --,,,,57-, -- -,,;-, ..: -/,. .0_ ~. ... , -.i.: , :- Al :,..' i t ., •,• - ' . ~- ~ ~ . 7 :) , , ~, ~., , ; Jac , . tzr ~ t -,., k . . i i A rr CI "P '1P..,,i-,.. - •••• *.= '.:-,.• H.. --.-, -....4; - ,'. !,,,,.. ~..., ~,.; . ...: ~....: 1::,..1 . = .44 ' .... t ~ _ 71 - ..> -,. . .re .., 7- 7...,.....,- ~v , .••;.. i; - , -I_,- „ W.-, ~'.;•!.;:: Sei,lg.., ~ - 1-f4' .• - Cit!' ' u ;,. , -. ~,f•- . .=;'' till; 4 , 1 • •'- ; 1 1111111 '. -t " l'' OW' ;: 141 7 ,.. a ' - 0.1 <,....,- ~,,, ~.. .. •04 . p.,.., ~m, ... F ,,,,. :. -o f . ~. . pin g .- 0 1.1 ' - '.. ".., . ' . 4 1 g , 4 g . i • ~..2 a _• _ r'z'a-13 .a - . ri= : ,- w •... !- —; =, ig r- t.... -.•- . - . .. ~. .--.:, • , tni 4 • ..i.T.ti-- rr-':' .... ••••.- -0 ; • --It" ~, z . -G., : 6 ‘. 4 • - ". :_ c t. ;40 ...Ao' : 1111 . - ' 6' , ~..• . 1 1 .:::/` ', w• ~r. . l'. ,' % .• ~: - i . 11.47.," 1 ; 7 F,;•.0 :, 1 •4, ' ',... ,' aT.O). , . . ....,... . .-., go 7 ts „,„.„ 1 E...:, . ', r -,,...: 1 , : - ci i... 4.., '. g -,:„..., :•: , .............: 1 ,.. ; -g.: -: , . . .1' ` . t' ii . " , 1:- '' .":if 41illire . .....-,..'. ,f,.,;r5 8 17 1 .Icr , . P., • w .., 7) . -.,s 04 - : --''...", .•.. ' VW °.. : '. , 1 " ' {'- 1 j ."," i",, AO 14 :• V ..* .' • 'f,', %.* . . ~- r, ' ?`" ' . 'P i tZ• ', 2 ' ' • ' ' 4 ' , 7 ". : 7 ' : ' tr(r.' ",.'..::." ;i : Z tOri fa- * lt -'.• • ~, 2 2 . ..: ' ' - ',..` 2..- ..: ' il .: . 11.111 -. ' ''''' •' . ';, c ,-). ri. , ~. ; . , .. IEI2 SPECIAL , . . • . _ ~.„ . , . ~... - - .—.-.-- -. .. : Al3l-,L.:.::13E, , i4N ET- T ;OSe; 0 4 2 , '..;.'01 . N.,6:14/iIVITO'N' i ALSO A MERCHANT All our gnodS have.heen bought within the,last few weeks, for - CABI I I, , rit very low priee,'.tkereby (=Wog ;' us to sell cheaper than the other catahhehraentafia the city, A!ho are carrying stock bought id Much higher rallks -- ‘ • April 19, it376m 3.. ' YOuR 'WAGONS, cAR BIAGTs Alp SLEIGHS, Ws. : - .,otr§T.gligQijz.ll44.v.o4P,'U‘ ... ' .. : PRICE LIST.' .. :'- ' Biiiiiirlng done.on ihOtt - ,, notice, 4e.apee cheapest, .!.. -...-- .- - , 4 . \ .... rt..hui th . Firlt-cless Phgetone ,-., .. -: - : -....1:-. 1::-.... ... ....., 2 0 6 4 _ ' Bo...aleki, -,,- -: - , .!_,---;,,..,?. • - • -.., 130 _. . 4 t] . 4 • ..." ' 'l;umber wagoin,-'. - '. •?- ' .::." i ,',', ' ' lig .", . ' ,Plettorras from $l4O to;.,- - -- -' ... 4 41/60 .", Swell body SlOghe, - - ---. _ - . $ ras • r itolittaiperstiolkiiv,........., ~.. ~ ~ .__.__, : ..., .ra einkandoe; _,.:_: ,_:,,,_, .., :. ~,..,, .;,., ~,, : . r" '" j 1.40 per start - •- - -, • . ,: : ~ .- : ~.,e..7. - .00 AU work warrautelt 4 Call and examine. my ‘stoci c betoripurchaolug ehiewhere. '.- - OIIETERLIOVT. Unrford, April 96, "16,—tf 33.133.632.Etriatc0ri., ZIT. "I" • at the ab(ve r: natitid.'place,andatto to the fact that goofs beughtle this way • will'prove liattefactery becalm; C l:i sir 0 • 0 0 = ' 2 ° e• C. t 4 Zr) Zr. ) , .• rt : •-•' . • C 0; • . • ..G" -4 to ~45117.131M3Wi11i1t. 1070, • . Jobbers of rine' Woolens REPLETE WITH =ALL pas LATEST AND QUALITIES. Manufactory at Spnogvile, ned Itepoiltory on Public Avenue,, Montrose. Pa. If you' desire to pur chase, examine our stock, and If none are oa hand to snitme can make to order at sane price SEARLE, Proprietor. D• D ti &;( 121 14 a 0 o Its 41 L4l `et, ANNOUNCEMENT ii TAILORING :-!•ESTABLIS iiEWV TARBEtIi ROME. . • - . . Hide Otago add 'laths leave this st Pelle '‘Wli. 'wette with the Noatroso Railway . UlO Lehjelt z Railroad gumlike D. L. & 141111 1(18, AVERY. CROUNSEII Sik. , . :~.~,_. tirrettrrs !pm cetrim 3 . . . 01Critest % . . . . ESIMISZEI i I 1111117ffl =4 C:101 F MS C. 0:= " #O4 • 11111•4 =r i g ' MMEEINII m Ps. 1-3 ;:si `l~ ; ;'~i ; Ir 4 • 117' , it Ire - 11, • -5.... .r! . -,:) v, , r , t r . 1 04 s r7~:.`i MEE MEM