The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, August 23, 1876, Image 2

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    HE - . : ppiIOCRAT:
.4 1 1 A . "a El - 2" ez C "CT S it
At two Dollars per Year irL\ AdTance.
TO ADVERTISERS :—THE Draw_ A r as ap idver-
Using medium is unsurpassed in Otis section. It
reaches the Farmer, Mechanic, and businpss - man;
drculatiodis constantly increasing. and its advertising
•Iktes reasonable. Rates Y wUI be given at our office or
ymail. -
JOB. PRINTING:—Our -office is supplied with four ,
Tinting presees.together with s large variety of type,
larders, fancy inks, etc., with which we are piepared
do work in the best 'style and at pries lower than
ay competitors in any section.; ilampks shown and
itimates cheerfully given at mix mince. Work order
( by mail will receive prqmpt attention: .
National DemOcratie.Ticket.
';', NEW yorix.
DEMO csA Ti co PriT 'CON vg.N.:
. , •
Pursuant , to, resolution passed by. the
Democratic county cornnlitt e in setion 1
Augnatllth, 1876, ' a' nonii e ating on.- - I
vention . will convene
,at ,The 'out liouse
in Montrose; On TUESDAY SEPTZW
BERIIFTEL,IB76,, at 1 o'clock, 'p.:tri.,
for the ; purpose of expressing a chOice.d
the delegates -for a candidate for congress
and alio for' a candidate, for state set
- .
ator : and: appointing ; c o ngressio nal . and
. Senatorial .conierees. Als4 for the' purpose
of ricini,iiiittiii'a two
_candidates for' the.
• Representatives, 'one candidate
for Prothonotary, one_ candidate for \JUry
commissioner, and , one s dandidate ,for
. By the smile atith6rity
. the'itofninittees
of Vigilino
trictsa ti
re reby,:directed to call a pri-,
mary_or delegate:‘election for their respec
tive districts, 'be holden on SATI:it-
DAY ; the day of Sefitegiber
~ neat,
for the purpose of electing,
delegates . to represent eanh , 01, said dis 7 :,
tricts in-Ceiling Convention; :and 'also to'.
theii and there elect' , one
, persea 'to'
represent said: districc orilneCdun eeti)-
mittee:fof.the next ensuing year.' The
delegate elt9tions shall be orpnized and
kept open between th'e' h - ollrs of 3 o'cjoek
p. in. and 6 o'clock 0. in. unless other
wise 'ordered - by . , the VligilanCe, commit-
The.names; of the ,committees of. .Vigi
lance .are iAblished , elsewheie:
O. P. BEF;,BE; - r E; . B, lIANVLEy;
'Beorefarv. ohtirnican.
.. .
.-- A TTO .1-; .11r .E 7 l' . , , .-,, . -
Galueha IA; Grow: whoassunies to claim
the title of - , 116n; to his name, and. whO
has had his ` name heraldrthil tlefore his 'tip=
pearang r; • 1:00!ig Yle,etipg,l;ast: _ that ; cai
"The , second 111.411 of the nation" pro
nounced me a "common, nialiCions' 'and
willful liar," af:a public nieeting, held` at '
the Cixiitg"o*ulguTo. ti'f-ILT,onYiiesday
evening .of last we ek, and informed my
neighbors that I_ Nytis
~..‘fnitWortity of the
respect of honoiable men." This he' aid ,
upon 1 Ili; tirredifta'iharie 0f.,. deiiic;et•ale;
Intilicip#alicl,yillinl i lying upon ms- past, : ,
in THE DEmocis4, and claimed to quote'
from,THEDzincnkr (a.?! froni hitiielf)
the written and Parble evidenoe tii'prdVe,
it. Acting as prosecutor, , witness; 'and'
jury, : he tried,couvinted, and Rentencva
me to take , rny, iilace, in , -thetoWn* 4here
1 reside t among common 3 liar - g; a nd tii 'be
forever debaried frOin,tk;gdod Opinion
of sialithoripia,bleMfn as, he prmounced
himeeit :to lie, or any -other.) , - - --- ,
The charge was a' grave one . and-'tithe
sentence just had the eivideneo sustained
it. ' MY' tipOlOgflor; appearing her ` :is .
simply. because , Oa Otild he liou 0, .A.
Grow,;•filayed thug, A(a cowardly ‘:pet.-
tifogger; 4vho'claime4 I to have the ',written,
evidence twproiemY guilt . and . • refnieil
to prodUCO it, taut asant4as,to ,convict - me.
upon .hia :parolelestirripay: l, , gad ti ct ant
ed the.:Part. of: a i!nianr• .iiiatkad :of-the
part of '."the fellow".:1 - (Should . 6ot - haie
appeared here. •' ..- -,', ',,,,,' '
G. 4.Grovitnade this statement 4
neighberiand others in .public tneeting
assembled. „let That. I' . rough - the Col
umns, of,:etE'Dmiocitirr, =had' charged `
him with being: titi • ;' officer or stockholder
of the'll'eaas-and.:riqifi l O-",,Efkiway. ~2 n d;
That he hat calledupon me andnlorm.
ed. me-that : he was iintfailidioi.'pr 0 . 4 . 1 i. ::
holder:of' th4railway', hut Was'i i keviaeikt
of one:4 O itih:ranCliee,a4 that-he,request
ed me t,makea.correction .in annot.dantq
• therewith. —, `_ '_ - f ,l,t_ ... , ,::::-....:',::.: -:
3d, that I Wised to make' siiqikpiir.
reotion, but that P*l', e . . l 'isilinsi pf . , THE
DEMOCRAT _contained a
repetition of
same obFge ! '' - . I -
. I wai(present at' reitli* . i6aeti4t*red'
, sf L ' -"
.: i., t .. , ;,, • .
to above aid, b • its respectful
arose :at its c.ose,' ,not ‘t,o' tins' i wr Mr.
'GVe r t ro ari_it ha beeU erroneously.`Eitated,
for 1 shoUid hi ye -considered mytelf elf
pray Out of p act in a' political or,,per
sonal altacati n with any one at that
2 ,
meeting • but arose simply to claim the
right which b longs to a -criminal in a
i / a
court of Juste e. , That when .Mr. Grow
:pronounced m a "common liarn befdre a
jiii•y, 'compose of my friends and neigh
_bora, and clef ed to convict the upon
,evide co to which he explicitly
referred, Ide added that he should read'
that'evidenee :ud I Was ready '1 to lettie'
judgement of the .". andi, : .
nd this Only,: I
_did,.witli- : -
,g . the benefit of a general
lives not `:the , • man;: be, he
d, .TexasjPacific, etio or . .
I's" • ISland, WIU . can , pro
,"dommon •liar"
before an
i y - friends and - tieighbors
in - a,' political Or:a"l'eligious
hati'ShAll.'Claini the . riot
~ ..;
him the ' evidence he
best - . ...
Ossess' . ;-- • • .
rti that':.G.- - ./V.. 'Grow.. then
yed; - the: part of: "the
, fel=,
o . tpaicllx.pi.tlifo?jge : i•; .. ..wiien.
read that written evidence
16. .question by saying that
' tor. attacks- me through= his'
my ow tr = way to. correct it." . .
.1 . -
pie Challenge G, A. or
n . - Or- "frllow7 to read= from
HE DEMOCRAT,. any such
;asstimed I - had madeagamst
my. case to thl
'out even.
from 'Glen wo
Audience of •I
Whethefit be
to detuand of
iTifessee to p
- agam'asSl
; . and there 01,
lOw" 'and ,
he refused' to,,
biit eva& ,
-'ran hen an: ed"
paper t.talce
First=l •h
any Otherm'
the files. of .
charee- his !h
him; ,
Second—l. deny that he ever asked me
to make t-an , correction and it .would; be
impossible or me to correct a thing,l
never hid stiated and lastly that I -never
.repeated the l charge for the same reason.
,In the fdlilowing is my only, Offense, if
any, and upOn ready to be. tried
for truth :an .1 veracity, with all.tbe
fogging powers of the dapper attorne;
lat e from Texas, to distOrt"if before the
jury of 'my Teodoro.
The DemocrAt s July ; 26th, 18760
.• There are twenty per Ons of feepublican-ten-.
dencieS, annuunced thisi week in the Montrose , I
'Republican ' vik 4 ho , stand ready to - sacrifice' the
&ople of thiS , county, we mean' Sacrifiee ' the
:offices of thi4 county, no, wehnean sacrifice the
county,- for the offices, or words.,to that effect.,
One of I:hesel i men is a- Greeley man from the
Texas and Pacific railway and the rest arc not.
How long the tail of some cats do Grow. - -
After th 4 publination of the above, Mr.
Grow did r of call upon me, but "casually ,
'met hinru oh the steps of.: Hon. C'T.
,Tarrell'a I w office. In course of cOn-
Versation N r. Gron , slid to me that ne
was nOt President of the ;Texas ! and Pa
cific Railwity . but th4t he woo President
of, a.bran4 from the Gulf intersecting
kt, whichbeing projected through the .
state into .lle made no request
that I shotlld i correct_ anything and as
had 'never charged him with -neing'presi-
dent of tho
•any other,
:that 3f.r.
- upon - Jay i ;
not kn.
6912 e're.l
Texasatul-Pacitip:ltailway or
had room for coi:rOptibp.
t. ..I insulted to
'row would; preslime , so,tnueb
,ruorance, as , to profess to be
aS edlt,O; of a -
I .) ‘Pe
Tdm Scott' was ,
ys preild , -nt
as ; acid; . Pacibp Railway,. but I
:ply: to Ight „have
a'-masterlyLjoke: -
only 'eirideriCe upou:whiell
G• Gro
liar" awl.
the audie]
i the apo
do not' co)
thy tro!ii
2I simply
that, Oa
A. O.A C
a citizen ,
a public
there - ate .
twohounces" me"- •dotirmon
Ce where. hP - made, the ;charge
oky mvl-appeat g Here: I
P ; :hefeaskihg' . 'foi piny sympa
frietid: or foe ppop, i parta.zap .
.?,.T,theTe po lf
present the .crintien- ••evidence .
the right .-to judged upon
of upon the 'p — arOle
w, who
,once before . , prohonnced .:
biontfoBe a Oommthe
1, • •
sime•:plitoe, arid
large. inumber
ies and 'tiitt4r counties,'he - -
..,. ; - •
GrOw - they falsifier. sinptead of,
,fl:-,9 f: S i .:, :E.44.4::q Xp?ir.:
DE 44'
cuffil3l.4 ,
e pe'.ctutt l
r .Tl 9
in' ante
iiri n t9
liir 441
11 g;:'' ii aEi .4r1. - ..' , E;iVet4-*!iioh' . would
. • •
Stoned - no surppse st - nny tune
vas first col-lapelled to' vapatobe
chair from the ,eifeet of.
laladywhich.caused it. But no
y of the iddresult "tern
• 114
.sen t. ke grie
.expreisicin tbrinigliput Kie
- gr. Kerr, ,was es,ivenied,forhis
-He carried,- ,the hen, to -of
trytneu Captive ," by high -in:
at i menal"ed t 0 MId
city and honesty, of, purpose.-r—
-courageous "fader. Ho Wao nev
to go forward in the 'path made
)33 ,- . settled eon irjett'onsiwiih
t'l)er.B ol 2a l :'"PPPularrty. -.
Wee, mortivi: ambitions,
'Tlig'..-_' i MMOCII . :4T - :::: . ,A.110 , v0::::. ,k 2; . . -- Is P ro; .
th.of-Speaker Kerr, on Satur
his;. unstained p130.40ei all i'.co,ioji4ol:l:o
secure fOr him - the cohtinireil -confidence
anil support of men riho
,were not in full
syMpathy wi;Lh. all hi s' polifical,opinions,
while to those who believed . as - lie did 'no
civil position in *the gift of the people
was deemed beyond the fair scope:of his
deservings. The. thoroughness of: his in
tegrity made him popular without the
aid.of popular mangers or ofti, Pleasing ,
address. No man. in the 'country was
better thought of by the great masses of
people who never saw hiril but judged of
him by hispublic utterance and. 4netal
reputation. The foul atteck \made.upon
his character last winter, though fOrtified
by perjury and given the 'Widest circula
tion by
,a partisan press, fell bold . and
- harmleis uPon.the ears of an .unbeliev- ,
ing nation. Mr. Kerr's reputation could
.not be deitroyed. by an assault of . this
kind and - it remained unimpaired in -the :
face of a slander,, which' from its nature
was incapable,of complete disproof. ,
,A 8 a public - man occupying an ,exalted
position Mr. K'err's death is a Mistortrind
to the cciri ti try. To .the Deniocratic par
ty it is alerions disas.ter. Had he lived,
With health and , strength . suffiCien t• to
grapple with the cares and labors of pub
lic life, none of the *yOunger statesmen of
the land would' have surpassed in
usefulness. Out off in, the very prime. of
life, at-au age when in the' usual - course
of .events political prefermentS are most
certain of Uttainnient, he has- neverthe 7 -
less let; a record of Which 'hiS native
state may be proud. The sacred :griefs
of his immediate • , family and • dearest
friends will have the alleviatien'of gener
al sympathy and' regpect.---/larrisbitrg
It' now turns . out : that the.fignrequi
en biSenator Morton. as cornini.officia
ly, from .tho.. Seertary • of the Treasury,-
.showing:the ,
peildittires io the co - 11006h andaisbaise- .
Inept of - the revenne,s,.froml.B34.,don
1.8T6 da,noteome froth
,and were not "certified 'to by him ar
transmi.tted,as of lcial. .It - appears that
certain cle . iks mare iip
• „ • . • .
iolhiwed ))17the.table of deduction quoted
by Niortun and east them. to.the
It was propOsecij to print than. fOi dis
tributiOn, but even - such Senators _ ' as
Horton, Suerman.and Edmunds admit
ted that the report was so full of, glaring
falsehoods that 'they refuseil to have
printed.. The 'table, liowet,utr, based on
these acknowledged lies,wiis printed and
is being Used by Morton. who adds
another lie, by. sayinvit was, prepared
officially, by: Secretary , BristoW. One' of
the lies in this table is that the losses by
delalo,ations from 1833 ,ro )837 were:,
*2, 517, 000. The olftei ! dreiißrt T.ovi
Woodbury, Secretary of . the )Treasury,
which has never b en contradicted, puts
the losees from causes at'*ll4,9o9 . ' or
more than *l2,oo6'o9oleesby
: `than statvd
Moron Down through - the Whole table
the saufesystem of lyingr , prevails, exag
:gerating , the losses down to 18439, when
theyr•tire the saiiie propor
tion thg, the preceeding lOsies were ex
aggerated. The official reports of the
,Treasury---not the lying,table - paraded'
14.orton—show : the . ' .defalcations since
1869 hoe;eicaeded* $1,000,060 per Year,
or incirt , than twice as much per year; as
at any time 'previous, and 'this does-not
include the milliOns stolen -, by the Whisky'
Wing. or the Indian Ring, the Navy
or the .POit, Office Ring, where *the
Stealing has been done,, under scoior and
preteuse‘ of the law, but none , :the less a
robbery of the - Treasury*.i •
CFrom The N. Y. Ey eaing
13 AA .. 0 T,1% . Vida%
We recUrd in to-day's .Express'the 'lb,
lowing important-facts': - ..'
18 t• - That ' Sr.' Tilden *both: supported
the war furl:lr Ution ,"attended the Un
ion war meeting in,this this; gave money
for the war ? and' especially for the equip:
tint of Cat. Tammany 'Rrgitilent. -
2nd: ' ',l'hat . .he 1p u bliClY „and Privately
opposed the. plank , or ;:resolution at Chi ,
cgo,l a -1874. declaring "the s war.' a-fair
'tire," pronouhaed- for "the 'Union 'at ill
'hazardi '. and advlsed - deneral McClellan
to' make; hiS.,record, ekir on ,the .lat,ter,
point, -. , v, - -..,_, -, .. -;',...1. •.,
;, 3d. That he was a persistant, .unsel-.
fish and successful proseoutOr of Tweed
Mid - tic - r Weetßing,inithis eity, , --
'All'these facts are Madtil''.,Cl4tr :itilto
diies'Siis;A., ' ' ''. ' 1
( i n
. 44 -
Whoever,eonsents -to dissolve:. these
Stites,. we Will n0t.•;440, ' ever,' 'never,
ilEvEß'!"'Satfisol J. 411 ,` , October
~..E . i . 9 9l4c)9scd iil.r.:eisie*:.t(4,:oti.--tti:itillaY,
i t o,t.,,ilt - itpli • i':-: - .; - •:,..i.. -. .. 1 -i - :•:;:: ;:;i' -1. :1Lif c ,.....• - . ,- , - .: . . - , -- ; 1 ; . '::: -
.. .„ • • • • - .-
The latest order Of, - .Grant; through his
Secretary of War, to &nerd , Sherman,
II- one whicti must naturally cause uneasi
ness in the.rnind of every - patriotiO citi
zen. Almost before the doors - of ~COn
grkes are cl.f)sed, the General in command
the army is directed to bold in readi
ness for =Mediate service :all his availa
ble force, and tollaye such- force "so Ails-,
tribiited and.-iittitioned as to be able ',,to
render proMpt assistance-in the enforce
ment of the 1aw..7 Rere is .certainly an
element:of; danger to the liberties of the
people. The army . is an agency by which{
the' people'maY:be restrained , in the •free
exercise of their rights, but - ,it, can rie`vii
be employedtoiierearie their
.As a means of enforcing 'jaw. time ,of
peace, theimilitary power il3 a : 4 i erq unsafe
Agine to i employ. 1 At • such times the
'Courts of ilaw ire the peeper' tribilnali l io
interpret the - laic' , and the' ci v il _ 'arin'ti;e
ageocy. to' enforce it., This Order . npees
,deprivea : . both these :branches , of,
their prOper prerogatiVes. 4033 y% issuing
it the president arrogates ihttriself th
• ; .
province of interpretation; as , well as `en
ine proclaimili . ,,inaself at, once
Dictator.;.: This is. dangerous ground , for
, him to loccupv,- for American' citizens
have•gained their freedoth 'at 'WO much'
post of itreasure and • blood,' to lightly
.yield them now. ; One other: question,
however; will be Likely to be'bronght
to prominence by _this 'Proceeding; and
that is; whether it is advatitageolus tdthe
country, l
the 'President ' i3liould' be
comininder 7 in-chiet 'of the ariny.,'
there is 4apossibil4 Of his Epilog. theisoll
diers,-aS a rneanaof iiicreasing.and , solid
ifying his PikWer, or . even a lever' for
the prOmotioniir
the sooner „the, temptation, tO:do et),;(Biw
moved from-him ,theibettery;
, . •
• The I
people are disgusted and
. tired;
With the adinii4stratioil Of pii it c affaips •
by, the: [RePfxbfibaii 'part.*T4
Reform,.Tbeir Only hONifi.* tbe l ifiotory, ,
of the. -
.Democratic; party ',With: 'Samuel
TAdeti . ' , 'an - j ;champion ' a n d •
er. Wrong:and:robbery
of the land' 'for fifteen,.years.4,. a.
change is to take The. actioniof
the house of Representatties during , the '
session of . Cdngress just ,terminiited'haii`
tiroved , con:9lb.sively *hat May lieepi-nt
ed of a toemopiatic Wouse, backed,by ,a
Democratit-..i ) resident. •The peopleitsay
tbat good . timesOe coming when Tilden'
is elected.' They say also and thq W4l
, tiever. trust Repu blican s ,at, the head, of
• •
the Governmerl any more.. Beyond.this.
they say that the:misrule of , the‘V.rant:,
adininistratibii efforts be i . elt
a national evil tpr . Years 'to'cpme.'' Tfie
people say that: this year affords t!
011$ opmrtuniu: for , inaugurating la netv - i.
.era) 4-go vernmen t by: ieleCting= , a• totally ,
different voutite of - nien•as
~Vide-Pre'sident to tboie' 1 . 104 thepe
3officesll4*. e,pepp e,pay t rings„,
. - slinlicatet;;antlfpublie!:thlelira . have;ihad
their day, and now it is time for thepeb: .
pie i t f.Vr tl
o ost4 rus or
i iy ers o
atlea t "• "V
! 4 "LF Y Ml kar P'' 4* ?!C• 7 7 , 4.•
jr. SIM
' • : .•1.40 ..-
The Curtis.. i . ring ,of ,the
party in Sew York , seems to be Makiig
desperate' war ' The
test is over the .con positi o n''of th state'
wiritS:.Cortiell : t4rTgOyt
ernor buthe,is • particularly objeetipnable ,
to Curtis and the Times who want gvartt
or Morgan Cornell -haetlie'stretigth ikfr,
-to make-the nomination unles'
s he volun „
tarily withdraws. 'rho nomination of
Evarts might please a few but he'i*obid
no l t be:it stteong - eandidate,eiMPlY,beeitiiii *
. hp is nOt .a ;politician and would , be;;a
dead. weight'oU the party i tto, far ; us.con.,
kerns active:help. in the .canvaifv:iLike
Dix. he 'Would be respectable bit t• h would`
the pOwerfutsupport - 4r the - Maclithe.
Morgan is a politiniatioi,iininrrise
and this, would be : f in Avg-J:la, ~he. is a
bitter enemy.. of ;Ciiiiktine; , and - :even.
Conklitig -could not _
man he' wbithi 84' itie4 to del
feat any ethet.. - .Taken the
Republiptin s.e,itmation in>,-,liew„York'
:one that wilt probably affords little , isatis.
fabtion party add' less ebbx
promis.e is. arranged the _,fate.of Dix will
overtake the 'eandidate : _yihpev,er thay ,
I be.'
.oofigrees mile (**, •Grow4the
egade Liberal and Texa.4 , ,Mi lan=:
iuree, Who' leitif 'de eeW t4slii. " A doj,
vial return to,.4tAte,vomil.". So,„Qrow.
turns. back,back, to, firat
lto , cievpqin,-, even t the ,
place - that" te: Ought , as - E
itnier It: e'4 . 6 Ed
,11 1, 11
be . be-oePutTf P1 11 110 1 r . :;0 1 ( 1, _
ttiis'eq4ntyq,'Ho:.,-Mait i;be wheedled and;
1• , f 00 - 14 :Oafs on that back,' it'd tilt'', ly
illagoodlsellow, but he is not the ring'i
c hoice' , ind must pdcket another defeat,
Yee, Eclei,you must give it up and give
place to, one scarcely more than.a year a
reaident of,, this dultriet, and that too
from a distant state ; a Liberal office
seeker there, and -If you don't so see it,
"your head is not, level."-=Bradford Ar-
Thegallant German soldier and elo
quent orator, Franz Sigel, is out in a let
ter to the - New YOrk papers, in which he
The principlesilud.policy latd down, in
the Detnonratic Platform, ipd in the let
tors of acceptance Of Tilden and lien
dricks, are in. accordance 'with the views
which, nu many, occasions; T ~ have' ex
pressed and defended, .privately and pub r
licty I should he:faithless to myself by
not upholding the,m now in,the nour of
,trial ; abirilierefure ply support
,in this election,t6 'the, presidential ticket
adopted bfiliPDtpoCratto,ounvention.
:We have not , time or• space this week
to give proper4"tiotice 'of' the:' . htelling
speech" which (31-.'it. c : tiriV::`in'ade in the
Court House last week. if tnisrepresen
tations are stelline 'he is entit ed to the
full oenefit of , it ~W,insy: r sler to it
, hereafter if Mr. G, does not.conelude to
`return to Texas, this.fall.
Advertisemepts , New This Week.
F 4 E. SNYDER I - .4. 1)'1 .- , IIOMCE-
a pat hic Ph sic( and, Borgeop, ; New Milford;
Pa: Cfilee at the Unloillibtel..
• rAug 23, 1876.-tf
n Wednesday. ;Aug. 16, between the jail in Mont.
rose. and Jones'-Land, &broehe`allawl with a blue nen
ter._ The tinder wi 11 cpaffer a favortiy leaving it at , ihia
1816 wt. •,; 1 ,, •
"PINA :; STA.TE,NIT:NT, .9f-„the
School Ditecidis 'o6oii nil 4 of the au et.
of taxes levied and hop .ripended for ithe:yeat ending
'lune sth. 1876.
'Ain't of Dnpli_catelB7B... '
Bal. from last year..
State appratorlatied'iS7s'''' ' •
Cash rec'4.from of-Imam:.
ppriTRA.: •' ; ' • •
litn't of orders paid teachers... $1,142 00
-4. t, " for - .489 80,..,•:.
" " " rep t and repairs.. 134 88
• " ; ifuet.4fte ..`ll3O 00 ''•
". commission paid Collector
,1875. :400 00 ,
" "" . ." Tielisu re 1'1875 25 00
Salary paid Secretary... . • ;14 .00
" orders paid purchasing ground. 163 00
" commission paio : Collector 1874 -• 79 00
• --I.l' 1,9C6 611
- • • •
$ 428 a
' ' W3l. It POPE, President.
Aug. 23,1876, ;
'celbta silet , Expeilditureti 'of the SUPervisors of
.9.1 46° P PFtrPOll , 1 01t4 0 :Year ello4 l gAPril -3 1 1876 .
Amount of road tax duplicate 1875 $1,0 1 4 3Q
"' I' " 'worked ' ' $1,606 55
• • anworked . • 21 90 -
" exonerated 10 35
• ••-' - 1,644 30
" E:'iremiedy roWnehlp:Treasurer Dr,
To a la 4 of ,bal from labt.f.year ' $ 31819
duplicate 1874...„ 91
" Poor tax. duplicate 1875 . ^... . 657 19
~:t:..Zt .'?~•.~.'
. Cr.
• „ -
'By am't; it4etitned .. . .s 7l3' 49
percen tap_ p ! itjti,C.ollector.l dupll.-•:.
cats i 874. 22 65
, tol3li3llsidortipaidTreartrer' , .2!*. fIN)
Ant dne,onUplicate 1874 4 . OP
1 ; • • • . 1875 21 . 1 0 0
xixormirstionaminAuplictito 1 . 42
. " in, hands of TrgaspTer Apra, 776 69 W...
t $. . 1,1068!
,N , B. , Kettnedy Tteasuret Gibson Doe Tax: ' DC.
To am't, of doplicito•dog jalC 19T4 $154_18
bal in !wads of Treopurer 1673 ... 4 itst
'Lot 111
. •
'By met 'cif otdere redeecned ......
. 4 ) • exonetations
. due on
' ' di commie - eon tiald Treasurer
•• , r.
t 1r
moTreasurer ... . . :.-.. ....
• bbETISS' Itc:*kix. t • . ;
It Id
',TINGLEY, • - Supervises.
' PEAS ~ P17.14.Eft, ,
We cert . * the above to be Corrict. ..
• --• ~ -'A W EARN RS, - , Auditors.
- Aug. 23;11116w2t.._ _ -, : , '
3 WHEREAS, it has been brought to my notice
that such contrivances' for 'the catching of fish
as sre c6iiinotilYknOwn as fish baskets, eel
wires,. .kiddletchuhh or - vacine nets, have been
constructed in the, Susquehanna River within
the co untv uf.Susquehatinaoind more particu
larly that: said contrivances have been con-
OFuct ed s in said,ilyer at a pint about one mile
above the bridge crossing said river at Great
Bend - .in said eunuti.,• • This •IS - fo give notice
'that such contilvanees are knOlvin io.exist and
are deelalled to be,common - . nuisances . ;There.
„LlG:pato ;White, High Sheriff of the
countysot' Sustiuehanna, 'do hereby order and
'Command than - to be dismantled within ten
dais ['kohl' owners or
• nianr
pres so as to render ihrm lOrger cspableot
tithing or injuring: `the 'fish of the said 'river of
ivh atsoever kiad;litio hereof thil - not utder pen
alty; . W.M. WHITE, Sheriff,
Afieriff l / 4 Office, Itiontitw, Aug:23, 1870:
1 - ';•
But we are doing nil kinde of,
In i!,4 GOOD : STYLE, and at
LOY(tR Oda :8 THAN
lA/ '
. ...Q 05
TO' N'iriT,OM.A . T. MAY . -CO N CERN.
W6-:_.Doti'ti . :,",'Clai
Pea we are reeeleg
•~Y tN
s2.tfi 90
1,106 81
Cr.- •
.‘..5184 "
• 13 00
40 . • ; •
• 1
••i 44•