The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, August 09, 1876, Image 7

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    . .
• " W W W a -11 • V V 'lb •
. .
Arrangement of Nails..
rrired. Deparse
l os l kbannock,(DAily , )
_ ••.. 700 Pin /216
gent rose • Depot,(Dally
t : .. •
... 06A p , ‘620 a. 4
N o w Milforu.(Dally,) •.. :1000ani. 1 30pm
.... . . .1940 a ni-. 200 pm
?riendsville,,(tri weekly,) - • . .
6) m
Oen klin.Station,(tri wee,kl,o • ....:1004: pA ni m
B i n gliainton,viaS.lake,(tri weoklY):. 600 Om 700 pin
6 , s uoppen,(tri weekly,) '• • '; ' 400 p ra
• The New York, (via Montrose Depot;) tieW
r u nkhannock,and Wyaluising are daily. • . • •
The i"onklin Station mai,l runs Tuesdays ; Thureditys,
and Sat rdayS. -
The Binghamton Mall, (via Silver Lake,) r ns Tnet-
Joys, Thursdays. and Saturdays. - . • • • -
r'riendaville mail rani TiiesdaysiThuredayn and Bli,t
u Te y S •
penmallrunsmoidats W•
edne d, •
se ; i
A.npriluNAL STiess :
A Stage leaveadaily for Montrose Depot a - 1 . m.,and
returns at p. . 4
A stage - leaves daily for Now 781 4 ;
snd returns at 880p.m.
lilontrose Railway Tima Table.
ATTASIgtHeIIt of Trains.. •To take effect on Monday,
Aprill7, 1878.
Down Tralne. Up . Traini
545 10.13..',.. ....Montrose... . 4.52
555 10 25
_.....A11eu'5....... .845 545
558 1028..8 40 448
605 1032... ..... ...Hunters ... 886 444
608 -1086. . . Woodbourne.... ...... 880 440
612 10 40... .. 25 - 4 36
617 10 47 Tyleett... ....
.015 4 28
625 1037.... .... 805 420
630 1105_ Lynn 55 412
645 1118.; ... 745 403
653 • 1128.•• ....Lemon. .... 35 - : 400
705 11;35 Lobeck..... ,_7 25 845
715 11 45 ‘. Marcy's 715 387,
720 12 00 . . ...Tunkbannotk . . 100 3'22
~ . .
Tilling will rtin on Lehigh Valley time ais kept in the .
Ofike of P. &;N. Y./IR at-Tunkhahnock.
All trains connect at Tnnkhaunock ' with P. &N Y.
R. 11. going north and south. ', .i .
- ' JAMES: I. BLit.kSLE/C, Pres't.
Mauch Chunk. April 17, 1876.
List of New Advertisements.
Gun Shop---J W Clark.
Assignee,s,Sale—A 11 McCollum.
The Oldest Horse Shoe—J Groves.
Assignee's Notice—Est. E McKenzie.
County insti tute.
Paints-7.M A Lyon.
Extraqt of
,Alait—M A. Lyon.
Drugs &, Medicines—Al A t Lyun.'
.Probibition County Convention.
Democratic Vigilaitee Committ
Democrat votes are annually lost in this,
county ,iby neglect to. comply :with ilia re-. -
quiremen ts the law relative to assessments
anti payment of taxes: All . persons, to secure
the rights to vote in, Pennsylvanis , ,.must , oe
sessed ttvomo4ths before +tion,and : have
paid a stateorcatiitY•tak(either will do) - within
two years . . In case the tax is pail this year it
must be, a month' preceding ihu election. •
Foreign burn ,eitizens ..wishing to vote -next
November _must -take QM theirmaturalization
papers a month beford election: They must
so be assessed stwojuotiths previouSito the day
of yotiug. , ,
The election _will_ he:.- held on "the Tuesday
next following the tirst Monday of November,'"
being this year the 7th day of the month:
Monday, September 4, is the last day for be
kg assessed. • • . • ' • •,:
Tuesday, October 5, is the:*st day for seeur
icF pares. '
Tuesday, Oetobe ,is the last day on - Which .
taxes can be paid n legal time AO
The above dates shotild be . : . carfully reinem
ber'ed and acted on by ail voters. '
Three persons have been appointed i each
election district of the - county• whose ditty in
conjunction 'with the, member ~ot the county
committee for their district, to see to it that
the above reqUirements are comPliteci'.;. and
• , • „
let no delipttuent.escape j..
The following 7 are the names of the County
and Vigilatiee Committee . in leach township arid
borough iii the, county respectively,.
• ••
, • B.
Swisher. VIOILANCK CO M- TEE, Abe White,
Win Linabery;.Patriali
APOLACON—CO., Pa - trick . Milsh. Vie., M E
Ryan, t.;harles Ragan, Richard, Rooney.
ARARAT=Co. i L 0 Baldwin : J Le*
Clam ticy Avery„.'. Wm Ilbs att. ' " 1
Curtis, It S Searle, j• I) Iltmter. ; • "
'EL - Tiffany..rir P
Cnaidall, Joseph Oalde.); , , j 0 *Ward.
ChocoNcT-z-CO., Dui id 'Stanley.- •Vig., M J
Dauiy, M J Golden, Cliiistopher Byrne. , • '
CLIFFORD—CO., C Decker: 7 John
Stephens, Henry Cuddebacir 4 llenry Rivenburg.
C J Allen,
Isaac C France, John 'W •
DUNDAFF—OO 3 - T P Yhintley, Vig., J
. 0
lOluistead, J Riverthurg,.Charles Wells..
I FORES'2 14 - It.ik r ect, John Biadaliiiiv• : 7 1743
Isaae Stranke, Michael Elisha - Grifg. ' .
FRANKLIN—CO., 0 31 Hall. Vig., Leslie
J L Merriman,
F W Sruitb.
Pft I E.NDSV.ILLE—OO., John Hagan. I Vig.,
John Foster, E L liandrick, Thomas Mathews.
Gmsox—Co., R AI Tingley. Vig., Charles
Fuller, II T Davis, Win Claflin:
GREAT BEND TWP.— Co., Wm Deakifi.' Vig.,
W S Barnes, T - I) Nays I=3l' klasbrook.
GREAT BEND BORO.—Co., V Reckhow.s Vig.,
Stack. Curtis Gilbert, J Dnsenbury,, ,Richard
GREAT BEND C J Langley.—
Vig., Timothy Shannon, . j B t Brown F
_tenry Lyon.
Westgate, E R .13srbes E lsreel Myers. '
liensiosy E McCoy. 'Vig., Vig., J. W:
Austin,.o D Weeks, Stephen Jenningp.
lianFonn—Co., J A Home
Sweet, W E Osinon Jolla W Gow. - -
JACKSON—Co., H W Tyler. Vig., Austin
Benson, S E Morse, l) .L Gregory.
Jxssur —Co, George: 1L HariAiy.
Steiger, John Smith, Ocorge MdlicebY.
LENOX—Co., A I Titus. Vig., W Conrad,
4 E Bell, Thus .D Payne
L ATIIROP—Co., E M Tiffany. 'Nig :) Ansel.
Merrill, Lyman Sanders, S B
LIIIIiIITY—Qo., Isaac Comstqck. T
Jacob ..13.Oiialkvi, J Aj Willfer. •
LITTLE MEADONVEI —CO., P Shonnesy. Vig.,
L B 0 Doud, D it Garfield, Patriek Shonnesy.
AloyntosE—Co.,' EA3
RlynstOrd, A AV Cooley John Doyle.
C6.Stikill'ard - O'Donnell. Vig.,
Otis Boss, "Timothy-: Moynihan Lawrence Our
John 13is4ee, SAP &pith, .4 • Mosfier.'.
Cyrus Barlow Reny %V !Hayden; R Minturn.
AND -4 09•,,,A0rgau Shutt& 'elikreis4 l ' I.
E , C Leavitt .
ttien Pohl), Vtg.;JeOies 14 iglu o
Win T HarveY4
tq, RINOVILLE--bo., -P.' L vig.i .4,luffs
E. C. POltrillAM.P.2d.
Smith, James K Aldrich, Charles Sherman..
win. Vig., .4.1 Ay :Rowley, John Townsend,
John Fitzsimirions,' , W. WARD—Co., James
Burns. , Vig,, John '.Donohue, P H Furey, Wm
Swim. LAKE--6,,, Lorenzo Stone, Vig.,
Wm Heavy,* ThCmas Buckley, J. J McCOr
-mick. •
TuoNtsoic--Co., L J
Wrighter, J W B own, S Van Horn.'
I JUIri LIST.—The following is a list of the
1 Grand and Traverse Jurors for the .August
'Term of 'Cour t, crimencing on Monday next.:.
\ • • rti mi Jurors.
Auburn—Riley Bushnell
Susquehanna Depot—John B. Scovil
" ' " Frederick E. Ives
, New Milford . TWp.--Belus H. Foot.'
1 " ' .- " 'Boro.---Geo. L. Stone
...' " ' Twp.—Hiram Williams
Springville-Charles -H. Sherman.
Bridgewater•—Levi 8.. Gurnsey • '
Harford—Joseph Williams .
' Friendsville—George Smith
Clifibrd—lra Cobb
Liberty—James Downs
. New Milford TWp.—Wilson .8., Watson.
Harford—Linus W. Moore . , •
Herriek—John B Lyon, Jr. •
Great Bend Bpro.--Charles - Simpson..
Liberty--Kirby Marsh.
Franklin --Henry L Hitchcock.
Ararat—John a Todey. • • ,
Brooklyn—Bradford () iVatrous.
Forest Lake--Seth 0 Wright.
Liberty—Joseph W Austin.
Bridgewater--Mortimer A. Wood:' '
§usquenanna pepot—Henry S Griswold.
Traverse Jurors. ,
. 1
- Harmony—lsaac Kisbpaugh. . - ' .
Thoinson--:Jo141 O'Brien.
Montfose—Billing,s Stroud. '
Forest Lake—Hiram Cogsivell: .
Oakland—Charles W Litmb.
Dimock—James A Lathrop.
Harford—lra H Paris. •
Lenox— Samuel S Benjamin.
Rush—Henri tlisha. ,
Auburn—Alonio F Lacey.. .
Lenox,--Josep Hawley. ' ,
4 , . Willi In White.
Gibson—John raft.
Oakland—Alb rt G Brush.
Bridgewater—. ames S Gardner. S 1
Lenox—Jeremiah Knickerbocker. •-
" Charles S Miller. . '• '
Jessup—George. H ri arvey.
Harm ony—J a les
~Buckley. .
' . Liberty--Stanf rd Calvin,
t 'Rush—Asa L arlin. .
Bridgewater— rvil Hancock, Jerome F
i Herrick---Steep ard. Carpenter. ,
Great Bend Bo o.—John Maynard.
Lenox—James ii Utley, Lyman Bell, Gard
ner W Green. Oliver C Severance.
New Milford Tarp.—William D Rice.
•_ Harmony—Stephert' Jennings.
Silver Lake—John C Gage. - - , -
Dimock—John Rosenerants. •
Montrose—Homer R Frazier. - •l''
Apolacon—Lafayette D Minkler.
Clifford—Jana hart Burns.
Springville—Jseph M. Crisman:. - - -
HerriekGeor , e E Burdick, Stephen H 13rOrt
Little Meadow:-Lewis OTOWd.
BriAlyn—Jeiemiali C Gere.
A po.lacorf—Dabiel _Bans. ' .
Susquehanna epOt—LevioS Page. ,
SilveeLake--7 orenzi) . Simie..
Auburn-=Waren Tewksbury. • .
Susquehanna - . epot—jobn Albee.'
Cliffordflira n Stevens. -• \ i
Great 'Bend T 1).--,James N. Green.
Titlimmku!s Ce
Cassey 65Co.'s P
cui's Drug Store.
31outrose i Au!
lebrated Extract .of Malt,
Ale at M Ly.-
'Lyon's Drug St
3lontrose, Au
e White Lead, Hall Braley&
e Zinc.. Reedy, Mixed , Paints,
n Oil and Fine 'Graining' Col.
1. A. Lyon'S - Drug Store.' •
_. 0;1'876. . •
CO'S. I*W, Will
Cidored Paints i
ors, for. sale
Itiontrose An
T/16. tetn petal
ate :invited-k to
New , Milford ;
AuiritSt'is7q. at
pose of
twb'rep.reSen tat
veinber •-•eNctio
eratien. All w
liquor' Italie, a
by law all - wh.
equal justice - t(
preservinik the 6
tiara- institution.
thinking; infidel
fie tor-their ave
be preSent and.:
By 'order of
:Bend, April 2?
cc. p . ople of ;Susquehanna co..
Meet,. at' Mass Convention, -at'
)n Saturday, ,the 12th - Alay
one o'clock p. in., fOr'ilinpui-.
in nomination a senator ' , and
. ves: to be
,supported .at..the N 0 .4
• and to .transact- such .other
properly come up foreitsitt
-0 are Opposed to thelieenked
ci..41 favor ;Of , its Suppression'
are hi tavor'.of equal rights and
'all.; 'all *l'm:are in favor..ot
ibristatit Sabbath , and our Chris
intact, by repelling the free, :
influences liktlig: the liquor -traf
throw, lire .Cordialiy inirited,l4 -
•• • •
agile:pate In'our:deliberatiOns.
be convert 4 . . -Great
- . . .ti M. held at
~1876. ...... . ..- ,L. 4C-LYLER.
Aleniber. Ot : the,..State .'Ei..teoni.
Aug. 9,1876.
Brooklyn, P
' ' ' C 4 tTNTY INSTITUTE. ,
The Aile th al tacliers Institute will be held
at Montrose, for five. days, , commencing at 1.
30 p., m. - or Mo day, August 28. ,
•Prof. A. N. r aul„ of Lock Haven and Miss
'Matia ,L. Sanfo . d, of thr arthitiore &liege, are
engaged as, in fronton,. and lecturer ! .; who
come' to us wth good receommends from
School Depart lent. These, With the aid of our
own schoorivo kers, give promise of an extra
session for lute est.and value.
ThuradaY o f ernoon,Aug. 31,wi1l be reserved
'for school dire Cers—law questions, sehool du
ties &c. Teachers; yeur presence - . is needed,
and your work 1 demands of you a careful and
s prompt attendance, .. _
Inquiries for lboard. which' will hi-forniShed
'at low rates, .can be made ot Co. Burk
We earnestly invite directors to meet with
us . .. ' -
. .
'Lecture, 'with readings and - music, each eyen
jug- --. " - W. C. Tilden.
, . _ County Superintendent
,'Montrose - A g. 9,1878.` , ' 82w2
THE: Susquehanna, County Agricultural So
ciety will meet pursuant thadjourhment t tbe
court HOuse, litopday evening, August 14th.
By orderof xticutiireqcitumiyee.
, ' '.• D.,'
Montrose Aug. 2 1876w2,
. . .
'',Ti!as'Aziu Pr4cic I. - i
. • 1 , Now IS TOE TIME TI) PAissi.
Lead and Oil, cheaper ;than they have been
\ kliown for years.'- itarjeit Eagle Dnig , Skov is
Hie, buy anything,, in the PAINT and
llnuo line at ihe very , lowest figuretl.- ..11: large
- assertrnent of Brushes and Yarntshes constant-,
ry i n stoeu. The , miehrated Rall,-Bradley, ISL- -
Co.'s Pore White Lead constantly on - band, for
s BURNSIS the &Prat AGENT for MoUtrose
1 and vicinity. 1
Montrose, Aprill9, 1.876t1.
Mess Locals.
g s e.nd Medicines, Fine, Toilet
aP4 Perfumery, go toll, A.
OLD Neivspapera for sale at this Office'at ten
cents.per dozen. • , '
HANDBILLS for `Auction .Sales, te„, printed
at.,the DtatoonAT office •in • first clas, , s Style and
at reasonable prices. : •
Oar*A. iiew lot of summons ; and sUbpdenas
just printed 'at this office. Other blanks inlPro
tusion, all prepared with care.
Torelies. - Read Card of Cunningham
in this issue.' .
August. 2,1876m3. - .
PmyrounApns.--Pictures taken in all the lat
est styles. Old pictures copied. and - enlarged.
Also a splendid lot of fraines for sale cheap,
at G. W. Dootxrings.
Montrose, June 10,174.-r-tf.
To ,RENT. • ' -
House and Lotto rent in Montrose, Enquire
of J. B. McCollum.
May 31 1876 - —tf • ' '
NEW STOOK , of carpets, oil el9ths, matting;
&C:, just received.'
GuTTKNBitto. RosEtilemt dt Co.
' Montrose. April 12 1878iE
.• , •
BPituzu Syies Situ Huts, felt and fur. Boys
Centennial• Hats, just opened at
April 12 1876 t!
AT PunDY's Wagon Shop a fine lot of 'Plat
form Wagons and . Buggies lull trimmed. Com
plete arid flt•st-class in every respect for sale
cheap for cask
Montrose; June,7, 1876tt.
A LARGtE assortment of the latest and
neatest styles. of visiting and business ,cards
ust received at this office. Call and see 1 them
'before oraering elsewhere. - • '
No business man need complain;bet be
is "too poor to advertise" when he can.get the
latest style business cards printed at the:DEM
OCRAT office for three dollars per thousanid,and
other work in proportion. - '
Niw LACE CURTAINS by the'sett or yard.—
Table Linens, Napkins, towels, and Acme
.keeping goods in great variety at
Montrose, April 12, 1876tt. -•
The Universalists will hold a grove meeting
at Lenoxville, near the house of James'S. Rob
ertson, August 18th. Services commencing at
10% a. m,. and 134 p.
August -2, 1576w2.
AadAGNEFICENT lot of fine Cloths mut Cassi
mares, Coatings...and Suitings for custonrwork,
just received, call and leave your measure , for a
new suit at
April 12, 187615.
- !Having bought Louis' Icn oll's stock Of ;igars,
Tobacco and Confectionery, I can furnish
first-class articles . :for ~ the least money.i :flue
sunnierr - drinks for the , thirity. •
Montrose, July 26, 1876.
,The sale of Taylor's Family Medicines is
steadily - on the increase.; The sales of the past
year being more than double of any previous
year. The reason of this is on account of the
genuine merits of the goods themselves and
the fitir and impartial manner in which.they
are sold. . , • - 1
July 26,18.76.
Lirrons to the Centennial ean find good ac-
Intidattotis within a mile of the Centennial
Grounds; on line of street railway, 04 reasona
ble prices. Drop a postal card a week or two
before, coming, to secure:rooms. . 7 ,
3847 Haverford St.., West Plulanelpithi, Pa.
May '3, 1876tf. - - I
THE C?.Ic.TRAL..EXPIW.SS COMPA.N . Y., forward
Butter by their - night line every night fwhetber
they. have. One pail .or more;- , Butter 'shippers
who patronize 'this Company secure fOr every
Tonle. I
• We have better- "facilities and a cooler route
than you ever had
.offered you before.
Patronize your ode road and ., inak4 - a 'Sue
cess of au enterprise that has .and wail beirefit
you itlh• I
• Montrose, July 26, 1.876tf. .
. ,
. .
~.. , . _ . !
.31.4.1 3L*, WORE : - 1 ,' ''', ' ' 'iil,, ft:,. ', ' L: : :.
TlieTunkfialttificleStarbl6,2...W ; ,or s:of %Ana_
• -
.1 l3' -
.4- W hi te are doing -a' good business land are
getting out
,some very tasty joss .of Head
Stones- and Monuments.- 4. B. :Burps, of the
Eagle .Etring _store, is 'their authbrized'agent-for
Montrose and vicinity. . He has designs of
Head Stones and Monuments. • Any orders left
with him will be. promptly filled .
~ by Burns .t -
White.. --•: 3 1 . -- :, ,: '....' - -,'-'.' —1 .:•
\ . Tun kh an nock, Feb: -4. - -1876 t f. .. _ -1;
...;,..... ..._. , .._ ~. ... ,....;:.,-1..
' There is no subject that requires sO much
sttidy, and experienceAs the treatment of ron
ic• diseases. The astZnishing. success and 're - •
marltable cures performed by, Dr. Battexfield,
)tre.'due to the gift of clairvoyance, '_to the ,life
long study of the constitution, , and the
curing of diseases from natural remedim 'Cures
the'worst forms of Serofula, ilatarrh,- Piles, Fe
maloWeakneas, Asthma, Kidneys . or :131adder
WU be at the Cafferty House; Binghamton
Thursdtty, and Friday, Aug. 3d and 4th.
Dr. Butterfield will be at the celebrated Min
eral Springs at - Rush, Pa., on a visit, *riving
Tuesday evening, Aug. lst. at 6 n'cloOk p.
leaving Wednesday, Aug. 2d, at 4 p. m.
They have been entering houses ,
and knock
ing dotvii men after dark on the back streets,
but at this time 'of writing the politi think
they have ; a clew that may lead to t e entire
capture' of the..gang. The firm of Hine &
Sholes have been trying- to stop Ibis reign of
terror by marking all of their summer goods_
down at cost thereby giving all a chance to get
an honest living. A few of thoie- finel,parasols
and summer silks left. They are offered at less
,than Cost. . fibey also keep on hand the largest
and cheapest line et black ,EilkB in' .
the city.—
Mourninvgoods of all kinds a specialty. '"Send
for.samples. No trouble to show goods. •
. -. HINT & SEOUL'S.'
Binghamton, Aug. 2, 1870. •
No Cent, No PAY.
Kirby's Cough Balsauyi very' palatable coni:.,
pound, tor the *long' Strections . of the throat,
and lungS. Used with 'great succeis in case of ,
Asthma and BronchitiE. , , 4 prescribed by the]
physicians and endUrsed 'by the people. War
ranted to giye entire 'satisfaction or rnoney re
Icjr by'a Magic Ttelief, for the instant tare oi
seieri tin d . acute Pains: t , • 1
Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lor,enges, , Sure,
safe and etrectual; • • '
• Kirby's Condition Powders for quality, quan, ,,
tity and purity superior to any Powder fiii"
stock manufactured. = - •
Kirby's Camphor' Ice - for chapedj bands or
For sale by all Druggists in Montrose, and
Dealers in Medicines throughout tbe.#11114,1';:!;':
June 28 18741.
We have just. received &very large stock of
plain and faucy envelopes, letter and note pa
per, plain and fancy bill bead.' papers, eards'Of
all sizes and, colors; colored poster papers; etc. .1
all of which we can afford to -print ,cheaper
than any, office in this or neighboring counties,
add in as good style. Work done in black and I
colored inks; It you think there is any that
can beat us, ghe us a ' trial e and WiitSbOW
'you what we can do, - All' kinds of blanks on
hand or printed to order:
Mr. Geo. C. Hill wishes to inform the, peo
ple of Montrose and-- vicinity, and the public
generally that he has; removed ironi his old
: cation to Searle's new• blyek, where he has bet,'
ter facilities lor entertaining 'the public. . He
has also added some row , features to his former
busitiessoticeable among *hie') is his ice
cream parlor,:where particulir attention will
be given to large or small parties. The hest of
cream always ,on band.' Confectionery, nuts,
cigars, tobacco, etc., etc:, as usual Also pick
les, sauces, etc. ', ' GEO. C. LULL.
Montrose, July 19,4878-4 f. •
WE TAKE pleasure In calling the attention ol
our readers to, the • fact that the popular Dry
Goods house of C. F. Stasox & 'Co., Bingham,
WI), are now receiving an .urtusually large tmd
complete as.sprtment of new spring rods. Net
withslanding the ery of "bard times," this
house informs us that their trade is largerthan
at'any former seagon. This is easily accounted
for by the fact that, they always offer the most
reliable goods • at the same prices, that many
hotises sell a very inferier grade. All tht; nov
elties of toe season,-both of foreign and - do
meatie manufwlture, may now be found upon
their shelves, and a visit to their store,will con
vince anyone that that is : the place to trade. •
TO SCHOOL DIRRCTORS.—T* attention of
the members of the several Boards of School
Direetors,in Susquehanna and adjoining Conn
ties,is invited to the foll Owing, testhnontals.and,
endorsements by the leading Educatora and
School Officers of this NORMAL DISTRICT, rela-,
tine to tihe ,
:published in an appeal,to their-patrons. only a
short time since, on the occasion of a determ
ined effort, similar to the one now being made
in this county, by agents of rival publishers,to
displace these books:'
The undersigned, residents of the sth- Nor
mal •Distriet of Pennsylvania, comprising the
counties of Bradford, Lycoming; potter, Sus- ,
qttehanna, Sullivan,Thlga,and WyoMing,wotild
respectfully - represent; that aizice .'• • •
have' been quite'ieneralii introdtie.eil intb - aad
are now in use as , a wit'ole, or in part, in a large
majority; of the Public .Schools of, this
Distriet,..a.nd believing; ai we t do, that - these
books a r e. SYancliir4.l*.ork,s . of Sterling Aferit,and
among the eery best p;ublished';. - anit, , seeing
siiffictent reason . for a,. change, would earnestly
advise any who„may he tempted, by interested
Darties, to these books; to .exercise great
caution, and to be satistiO of the superior
merit of the hooka proposed us substitutes, belt
lore suhjecting the. Patrimis to, the additional
expense of purchasing new b0,q12, as well as the
schodis to the great inconvenience and trouble in
cident. to, the‘ Introduction or displacement of
Text-Bo )ks--besides thereby preventing yni- -
formity so 'nearly attained in this District.
P A Allen, Institut% Conductor. and former
Principal of State Normal'-, School, Mansfield
Chas II Verrill, PrinCipal of Mansfield. State
Normal Scholil; -• •'' ' - •
A A , Keeney,
Elias Horton,
AV. Allen •
T F Oalian; '".' - tycotithie".
TlompsOn. Wyotri ":
T • Thither; •. - • Lycprilin g'
H.. Hpttop, , ,former ;Principal Troy Opicied
School. , . •
H r Pitcher, former rhimpal To wapda
Schaals.''' - ' - • `,:- 1
H T3erlin, fortnerTit; nCitial'MotitrOSO Graded'i
F M Smith, Teacher of ll ziths.,cc., : Stat.e . Noy,,
Lemuel.A.rninernian, Teacher Lang., ttc., State
Nor.-School:slraP!ifielil."''s" . •
Alonio-Ammertuan, Thine. of Com. Dep.,,State
Nor;SchOol ltarifield.• ''''! • •
~ •
.The .County Superitktentientl:-O?ve tiatee4,
mitii,two_ecceptivri, * re , actittg as.' : Sttelt
their ic. , ,pective - cOunties.•ap4 --- titop' - ex po. s oo
themseil4 , s - as T tiaviti onithrinlY OPpOsed ehting- ,
ing, the 'above reentichled .l- inieks for the reasons
sta t n. theirf apfteallte, their:patrons. ,
- .The.Pablis,hers. desire• to : say -to any. mot
nallar. with tpes..e'hOolp,that: they. must Cordial,
ly . .inN4te atteittion to RS' among'
the 'many-points of superiority and 'excellence
rhe. Paper,' TyPei , Binding, litaitrationa;' arui
Mechanfaq execution.‘ • • ; ;:,
The Grudatiorc. and Progressioe .,
. -
• The hrgh,tizexiptioiablefficil'
lections in each: book
-The cheapness as.compared with ,other sikries
in respect to qualky i liumber of pages, quantity
of reading matter*., 4c.„ , ',;
11. B.—Sample, copies lo,r-er.aminatien and
comparison will' be furnished gratuitousiron
application ,to Montrose,,or the
publishers, ; • •
Ivisotf, ISLAnnusx, TAILOR & CO.,'
.• • :1384t, 4U Grand Et. ` , New;York:
-In regarit tolan eXchange of &bop] Residers:
in this county, at zreseut:, 1 baits -'ouly 'trinity
' , that t- thinks thi s •wants_ the , . ;county, in this
respect, do ntitrdeitiao change, in these bard
'times,for money.
I cpnsider, Sauclers' 'leaders, !Tann& the hest
cZ`ILDEN, Ca Supt
,--" •.318.70. ; .• -
• -49ntirose,, • t •
• ' ;1* TORCHES
, PA • •
Send for Illotrated: Circular
CAP t S & ft.Tid • ,
CAPS . 14 14 OUNNING. a - 1nt:41 4
N 04204 Church . Street, Philadelphia;
4iuguit 2. itltio* --
. - ' 7
.., " „7,..i... , r. „ , L.,6if -,..‘
J on WORXF::',: • -- - -4- , , - . !--,,--, -
- • _ __ -7. ..-,,,.,- -:::... , , - ,v1 , ,, f.;:ii - F . ... , _.:: . ., - , , -...-. , .; , .:?.1-°.r
-Co. StiDl,.. of 'Bradford Co:
`!' • t` Tioga
New . 'fork Produce Market.
. , .
Reportedibrery Week Expressly - for Tin litorrrnos
DintocuaT by liaydvn Duckworth,Produce Cora
.missieu Morehants."B2s Washington Street.
New -fork.
New York July 28 1876
• • BUTTER. •
State,,clairy:' pails, select • 27 0- 28
State, , dairy pails, prime.......... 26 •4 26
State, dairy pails, fair to g00d....22 24
State, dan-y_, pails, poor to fair. .2..19 22 .
State, creamery, select invoices. .29 30
State, sweet cream, pails:choice-27 @ 28
State, sweet cream, good to prime 26 -@
State, sweet cream, tair , to g00d...24 @ 24
State Firkins,- elioice yellow ' ..25 2
State eirkins, good to prime... l .24' 6 2
Btat6 Firkins, lair to good '22' - Qt
• 010E13E.
" •
State Factory, fine tafancy, OM@
_ good to - 8 o2t,
" "= litir' @
State farm Dairy, tattcyi.-. BX4ri , ‘
" -6 6 good to prime. 7 lat
fair. to ggod 6 -(4,
State ci Penn
Western .
' 31E43 4.ND STOCK.
Springlarabs, Jergey,, prime.
Spring lambs, State, gOod : , 7%@'`
Live"citivesi'liftate,,good to prime. mig
Live calves. State, fair to g00d... '
hogs,. city .... 83 6,
Spring ebieliens,Dei& J'y,per • in:
Spring chickens, wstern, per lb.. 15sa
Fowls, Jersey, per ih 144 a
Roosters, per , ; ...... ,
l'urkeyS, Jersey, per 'lb— 18©
Turkeys, weslern, per lb.. ... 'l2O
Ducks, dertiey,'p...r pair ' 500
Ducks,, western, per pair 5(? tit
Geese, Jersey, per pair............ 1 75(41
Geese, western, per pair 1.24®
Apples, State, sliced.
,8 Qt.
Apples, State, 'quarters • .. 8 og
Peaches; peeled, ,
d, fancy' . (itt
Cherries, prime • - •
Plums, State ' • '2
Raspberries, - 24
County Business Directory,
Two lines In this Directory.crne year. 1111.E4); each- ad
ditional It ne, 50 centti,
WM. HAG HWOUT, Stater. Wholesale and Retail:
dealer in all kinds vf elate roofing, slate paint, etc.,' .
Roofs repaired with elate paint to order.. Also, elate •
paint for, sale by the gallon of barrel. Montrose.
hILLINGS STRCITD, General, Fire 'and' Life Ins.ur
aace- Arente, • also, sell Railroad -and Accidental'
Tickets , to New York, and Philadeiphia:. office one
• deer east of Wit. H Cooper Co's bank..
W & Deakt Stoits, hirdware,
and Marini cturers AA Tin and Sbeet:i.on ware, cor
tier of Main , and Turnpike street. • •
A:. N. Bullard, Dealerin Groceries - ,Provisions, Hoek , :
Stationery and Yankee Notions;• at the bead of Pub
jic Avenue. ,
COOPER' - it CO.,
Bankers. 'Sell Fdreign Pas
-sage Tickets and 'Dra ft s on .Englaed,lrelitud, and
Scotland. ,„
, . . . . ,
WIC L. CoX, Harness ranker and dealer in all era - ,
cies usually kept by the trade, opposite theliatik.
JAMES E. CARMALTI, Attornepat-Law. , Office one
door below Tarbell House, Pnbllc Avenue.
H. ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer. Care S, Filluaan & Co.,
Montrose, Pa.
-interest, on: all Deposits. 'Does a genetat Banking'
basiness., S. B. CHASE .It. CO.
11. GARRET 'it, SON. Dealer In Flour. Feed; Meal.
Solt, Male, Cement, Groceries and Provisions, on
Slain Street, opposite the Depot. „ • '
N. Fs: KIMBER. carriage , Maker. Picture Fraraer,and
Undertaker, &few rode , from' Phinney's - Rotel, near
M. B. Church. •
R. P. DORAN. Merchant Tailor and dealer 14 Ready
Ride Clothtn, Dry.Ooeds, Groceries add:Provisions,
Main S:reet.
Ringor hes it that Waving- been elected Coupty Treat,
flier for the - nothing three yeersi; ram td dteconti free Mr
Insuraittee.butinet. ~ said- .ItiSidult, U, - 4.,NTRU.s*;and .
Ifithout foundation, and' While thanking you for kind !
nave, and p.ppreciation of-good Itittrance.'inthe patt„ ,
aeka contingence of ; your patropage, , promiting that all,
Initoinees - entrusted tame shell be promptly :weeded to.
;31y1Compenies are all t mind - and reliable, at sill am tea
tifvwho hAve'ifiet with losses during the p„lot. ten }Tare.
et•MY Arser.ey. ' Read the List l• • " ' :" - - •••
-Nbrtititleitieh and 3feiventll4 Capital;
,Queennsof.London. • . •. • 4,000,P00
Old I~fsnitlin, Plithidelpbley Astets;- • ,r)00,C00
C01t4 1 . 81 4 111 , N.• rip 8:000,00(1
Old Phcenix •of 11.1rtfora, - .1' . • 2,000, 'l'
•Old-l-lanoVer; N. Y.,. • •
-•,";,'" ; .
.01a Farmers.,Nork.- ' '• :i ; - ‘1t,0'.., 1 4,000;:
'I also. represent the ' , if - di; York Mlitual,:tlre Ins ranee,
of over 30 yea rt •st un d ittg, 'an 11:: ititeti( 61: C t :PAM% 30t).—=
`Alno_,the Masonic 'Mutual Benefit Astnetation of Yam—.
• • .• •• t, •
sylvinle.„ .
Vel”Get.ati Accidental.:Policy :Covering till accidents,-
in the liarttord . Accident It Co.writt-gt •
from one: day tit: one. years fiS'Adettte - foie IAOO .
Policy: kleate cell,9r; kend wordi when yon takestArip
Very respectfully. •
• , ". HENRY 'C,'TYLBR;
MoVoaei Jani9
ILVAN DC'S; IV :111110A7
Is used by 1000 Philadelphia families. It is a chemi
cally pure toilet soap; makes the skin soft, smooth,
clear, pure, white and heal ; neutralises the odor
of perspiration ;"riottitelld, Millburn, Males,
Dandruff and all irritation of the skin.
rrite, 25 Dialer 14 1611, 22 Chitin noi:' !tier cites,
60 to; by. MA 15 Cents. •
Dr. Van Dikei , l32l Green SC, Phila.
• 70/00:411.ING
; - 4 • BIIIGILS1di:Oil Y
,The, !Meat Improved Coffins and Caskets' nnilkldit" - ..
Hearse to order. - Stirchidi, etc. tort! 19, Id.
D ,
A WI'4
the estate of 11trait Reynolds, late of
thiop, Busituehallna Conuti, Pennsylvania, deed.
Letters of , Administration In the and estate having.
been granted. to the andersigned, elf pewit's ovgag.
said estate are requested to make , Immedtiite payment,-
and all persons having_elaprts against said estate are
requestee to present , th - dik nithdet delay.
July_ 6, 1876, n7wo " - Adroluistratrix.
Letters testamentary, to the.eptate,of Ltatio
stock; late . tif Liberty, - dee'd.' heVIA7 ber.ri gr.114.e.,1 to
the Undersigned, ill..persons htdebbted to said 'estate
are requested ' to make lintaecllato payment, and nit pa,
sort Itsving , elelme against the same, ere requested 'to
present theja w
ithoo delay . :
, AAC; 'tansTocK. Laecit-
june. 24, 1f41114. 'Awe.
estate. of Med fake r , latti LtrWayn;
Lettere ~,,ikeltnintstratton ~ tltte
hubs. beert gran fed to th e underelgrieit,e/rpetorde ow!
tug s$ eitake, ate revioded to poke :Immod Rua vsyo.
ravu!.., *aid Pentoug , wil t zleranti moot Mid el
ard turteLWl tb present -4 e witheritMO: • -
it .
I s A* F• TWASPtlitli,lVAlthittfetOt;'
:11110`koi • sore
C ~,~t ~ T.'~.1.~
The Markets.
)• ' •
i fr , i