The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, August 09, 1876, Image 6

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    Town, county, alla voziety.
— 7 -An Elmira' girl, who is anxious Ito get
rid -ot a lover, has promised ?1 marry hhn
when liayes is eleeted president: ,
---4ome of "the 'bOys' i of our town 'went;
on a hockleherying. excursion to -Mesboppen,
some of them returning with nine quarts.
=- 7 -The members of Montrose Fire Co: 130. -
2 are requested to meet at their parlor -on
Wednesday. evening, NAug. 9 1879,1 at 7 P. M..
An egg measuring 84, inches by 93i t
inches, and weighing,4%, qunces, Mr,11.3 left on
our table on. Monday,' by, Mr.; J. of
Bridgewater. i
—Rev. F. A. Deny, of Rust, whose horse
was recently killed by lightning has had the
less made good by his , friends. , Mr. D. is duly
grateful for thie`expreision et 'kindness.
—lt is rumored that a feloneous assault was
attempted one day fast week ;on a lady in
. this
vicinity :!:`‘ . llurglarsq, akgetting so 1;4old that it :.
is dangerous for a .venture outside of
her parental enclointe. •
—The following is a list of officers elected
,tor the ensuing term, in Montrose Fire 01. No. .
2, July 14, 16 76-: Foreman, Otis MeCracken ;
Ist, 0: C. Leet ; 2nd Ass't, Dayid Little.;
fiec'y4. g Aarrington •Treas.,A. R, Whipple ;
Ist Pipeitiaii; Lint' nine ; 2nd pipeman, John
Dillon. !
very convenient enterprise, for the
people .of Montrose and
,Ticif!ity, is the gun
shOp just, npened, in the basement of . B. C.
SAYre's store, (under ithe Democrat' (Ace) by
Mr W. Clark. See ialVertisement on sec
sand page,ot this paper:,
—Montrose 'Fire Company, No: 2, *1
hold an ice-cream and peach festival On Friday
evening of this week, (it being August 11) at
tie 'Engine Honse .Preparations are being ,
Made to exceed - anything of the season. All
are cordially invited to, attend. -
We give cur space this week to, the very
interesting letters of acceptance of Tilden and
Hendricks. As we firmly , believe that these
remarkably interesting , doeiments come from,
the next President and Vic President of these
United States, we tink that no matter of
more interest could be!laid before our . readers.
--7ldr. Paul A. queen is spending his Vaca
tion interested in the sale of the new work
titled "Our First ',Csintury" soliciting orders j
and agents for this cohnty. 'The Fork is super
for to any we have seen. A' more eisteuded
review of it will be giVAn next week. We no
tice that some of the leading men of this place
have -already subscribe,
severe rain storm accompanied by
high winds and bail; visited this section on 4
Monday afternoon, last. No extensive damage
was done, in the borough pore than the blow
ing dowb -of trees, etc., and, the unroofing of
two barns on Wm..H. 4scup's farm. In south
Bridgewater the storm was much more severe.
The oat, corn, and buckieheat crops, ere com
pletely devastated. Fences in - every direction
* were leveled. A. tree was blown down near If;
Tewksbury's house,strikinglhe roof 'and crush!
ing it in.: Many boildings*ere unroofed. The
‘orcbards I were badly damaged. 'Rows of
trees were blown down, and the frig shaken
oft! from those left standing.
•We notice that it IS offically announced
that the Montros.e Republicim has been sold to.
Mr. J. P. Taylor of Wilkesbarre. The Repull
limn- ought to be and we -presume is n excel
'rattly paying property but it will requirecon
siderable effort to keep it up to the mark
Where it was left by late Mr..yrazier.
arealation of,;5,000 copies for a paper in a
county containing about 4,080 republican vo
ters is a very large oriel and in these speciall
bard times is,iery likely to fall off. The Mon
rose DliiioCß# his also , been greatly improv
ed of late andthis will not:tend to increase the
circulation of its rival. i -We hope Mr. Taylor
will have tlipAuccess be anticipates! nut in the
newspaper World It is not all gold that glitters.
-4cranton Ana'. '
The residence of F.T. Badger, west"
of the,city limits, at the cerner of Main street
and Glenwood avenue;waS'entered by burglars
• -
at-abont 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon. After
ransacking the first floor of :Abe honse the
thieves encountered the escaped;:;
taking with them a small 'amount of clpthing
and valuables to the mount of about $25.---
, A
The manner ikwbich the affair oceuredwas as
" r Mt Badger had been bust at work during_ -
theafternoon near his teildence. His wife was
absent and thelioese was empty. _Between 4
and 5 o'clock he was engaged "art bard on
another portion of the farm.
tithe lionK about: u';
unlocked arid • hack kitchen. Tie
beard a 'nnise, as it some; one walking, and
stepped hito l irobni, l east, whichs•Vaa
the dining-room. On . account (If the heat he,
left all the doors open' behkiaithitV- - :this
opens on the - east into *. Badger's sleeping
a sitting room, the
1.44414**44134,*(44 an
:d openini :in
thebeciroom. rite steps were i still heard, and
Mr. Badger, sUPPoiing that 'ilia • W ite Must have
returned, passed into the sitting-room; = As he
reached the:centre of the room he, heard the•
steps' aiii4P,'44 P - 40 7 distiactly, laud turning'
saw...throngh , tlid`open .dOor of the bed-room
two men, one engaged in ,rim?maging tbrqugh
the drawels of a buten; and 'the :other assort
ing different articles of cli4laing upon the bed,
among which were a number of Shirts, and
Mr. Badges best cloties.--Binglountftn Times%
—Heart - Freeman, it.'wealtbY butter mei
chant of.Rahway,N._ J., while sleeping on a
sofa in his hone, about 4 o'clock last -Friday
afternoon, was bound and robbed by masked
burglars. Ur.'Frearittres residence is at - Sic).
65. Milton street, the principle street in the clty,
The boase stands a:short distance -front thd
'street, „in, a yard- surrounded,b;
Freeman Stated to a reporter last night,that he
was first aroused by feeling semething forced'
intobllt. tho 01; and : pund- - ,thitt ! four niasked
men' were tying3tii*':;ll.,yoxing,nianytit bag
origx 10 bead, while a* boy wearing pair'ijf
goggles of!bitte glass, with is ire sidesitied .
hia arnis 'with a rope.: Another put a blip
noose around hia neck and drew the rope over
a clothes hook almost strangling him. His
throat and 134CK were badly' bruised and diso6l-
arid by the rope. Ile IV as struck several vio
lent blows on the chest, and seriously injured'
while struggling to, escape. The fatally were
absent at the this, and be 'was bolted for =halt
an hour before he was released. His sister re-.
turning Ito the house ;saw the doors open and
all in confusioni and found her brother hang
it.g as the robbers had left him. The burglars ,
ransacked thev i yhole house but tailed to find
several gold watches and other articles of jew
elry and the family silver plate. While the
men were in th 6 upper part of the house Mr.
Freeman thought he was alone and made a des
.perate ,efrort, .toliree, himself: He heard a gruff
voice call doW4 - Stairs tto thOse who were be
low: "Put an endto that fellow, or he will spdil
all." This was followed by a severe blow
,Which had the desired effeet;', Mr. Freeman did
not, -.move , The robbers were .in the
house about 20 minutes. They secured $3lO,
which they took from Mr. Freeman's person.
Harvey, of itugh,:left two varities of fine ripe
apples at our of last week for "the boys,"
for which they' return their thanks.
DIGEST OF LECTION Ls:rms.—Polls open
7 a, m. and close at 7 p. tn. _
Every male citizen, 21 years of age, possess
ing the following qualifications, shall be enti
tied to vote at all elections :
1. He shall haye been fi citizen of the Viii
ted states one month.
2. He shag have 'resided in the state one
year ; or, it having previously been a qualified
elector or mitive horn citizen
. thereot, and
shall, have removed therefrom and returned,
then be shall have resided therein six mrths
immediately Preceding the eh.ction. •
3. He shall Wive resided in the district
where he int4nds to vote two months imme-•
diately preceding the election, instead at ten
days, as fornierly. •
4. It 21 years of age, or upward, he shall
hive paid, within two years, a state or county
tax, which shall have been assessed at least two
\moneas previous , to the election, and paid at
least one' mouth previous to the. same. •
5. Foreign born Oltizens must have been
naturaliz,ed at least one mouth before the elec
tion, and must 'conform to , the requirements
contained in, section 4, preceding.
The electiim will be held on "the Tuesday
next, following the first Monday of November"
being this year the 7th day of the In s ontp.
Friday, Beptember_Bth, is the, last day for be
ing assessed. •
Saturday, October 7th, is the last dap for se
curing naturalization 'papers.,
Saturday, October 7th, is the, last day- on
which taxes lcan be paid in legal time to votl.
The above dates should be carefully remein
bered and acted upon by all voters. •
ricitato 'bugs are doing a
fair business in spite ofqthe determined opposi
tion of the farmers....Dea. W. Truesdell of
New kiltord, formerly of this place, is very
Much out of health, but his physician gives
hope' his recoyery....Little Lulu Stantord
luid three of her fingers cut off last Sunday
morning by tie accidental .blow of an ax.
E. Lockwood 'has lost two valuable
cows within a feW days, and a man in Frank
lin lost eight, head of cattle by the' same dis
ease.?.„.The lovers of innsie meet every Tours
clay evening at 'the house of Russel Southworth
Miss Eliza having .a splendid, instrument and
being an accomplished playel• makes It just the
place .tor these entertainments. .Ekter Brew
ster has preached in the Baptist church sever -j
al sabiiathe the people must indeed be hard
to please if they look farther for a pastor .
next appointment is one week from tn-morrow,
Which mall be Aug. 11th.... If. there is any one
not particularly opposed to capital punish,
meat and would hake no serious compunctions
,of conscience would they please hang the gates
to the P— church yard.... Our burying
'ground is Sadly out of repair. , It is finely lo=
,catedand might with a little labor lie media
grateful retreat where we might visit - the home
I of our dead without feeling that we . were real-
ly in Y`Ciolgotba"....The first &Math' after the
4th of July the two ',Presbyterian .s,oeieties held
a' centennial communion •on Fraii,itlin hill.
The Rev. J. H. Dorenius gave us one of his
best discourses and altogether it iris a time
Jong to be '
remembered::. Quarterly meeting
in the 31.. E. eburch one week from to-morrow
sitheabrick chapel.
.The ordinance of baptism
Will be administered the Sabbath previous.--
Lima, Sittray evening . , aallr. gtatildford , Wag
leaving the Store, his bQrse - became frWitened
and ran down into Mr. finidrtcles carriage
6.sai4 . b
01 rmitples made Shipwreck
of the buggy,-
• Hair° : * l7) itic-Nrc.- 7 -The most enjoyable oc
casion ev-r our priVelege to 'attend, was that
held en t , e 'beantiftil'grounds' of the flareord
AgTicult I ral pocicty t Thursdayauly 17th.
it beinthe iighth anniversary of Live Oak
todge, 01'1. 0. of 0. F., No. OM, ot ilarford,
the members resolved to honor the clay with a 1
'pnblie 'Oebration, inclUding eieroises , ilmt
Would afford rational pleasure to themselves
and bring the public generally into u. moie:in
timate quaintancer 'with the' principled and
objects fan order whose professions and in
spiratio are mystf.irionalk 'blended and brieflY
expresse by "'Friendship", "Love" and
" Tru tb.'i • ~
Theay ,w 4 c armtng ;, clear an
* i ,charming-; ' d cool , a
rare corribinatidu of all that makes raid-sum
suer inviting. .At an early hour the people
were gailering in—childhood 'yeinth and man
; ,hood--abimated with pleasant antimpations of
1 a "good tittle ,coraing. 7 :
, - Bigler, tioilgvi. of adjoining 03 , 4'44 - hips Vera
Well repr'esented. A generoue supply f excel
leittinusie :was furnished by the- Gibson ~ Ow
, _, . _
net ,Band vrho elicited most enthusinstie - prilie
forthe'ereditable manner in which. : tpeir part
of the programme was perfornied. Several ap
•l,, t - t
TRE:::: . :Iii:kI,I6:6.RAW - if.' : ' , ATT-q!V: , c..'; . * , : , , - ; -13 1 1 , - .
propria.te selections ot, vocal music were finely
executed by . the Hariord , cAr, led by
Sophia. ,
bountilut repast was ',prepared In the'Ag
-ricultural dining ,room and . under the shade of
the grand old maple groye near at hand. , '1
part: of the entertainment was mainly prOthitsi .
and arranged by the ",Daighters.of Rebekah"
and , the'excelleut‘manyier in which they'
tained the part, assigned them by their,"lsaacs"
is(,most „surely a convincing prootl that the
teachings . and •infloence of this most beautiful
Degree does not detract - from domestic abilities,
The , refreshments having beea fully en)oyed, ,
the 'fraternity and frtends assembled around
:thy," Speaker's stand,' and were entertained Iv'
able -ad 4 resses delivered by , iteivs. J.. H. Weston
Moore, of. Brookilia,% Pa.,, Rev.G T.
Price, of •Harford, 'Rev. Lowber of Lnzertie' co.;
and Pr f`, 0 0. Tiffany, of.Schtylkill' co; - The
eloquent - address of Bro., Pries , was prepared
for the occasion and was a masterly effort'in
fa4Or of.• thapriticiples and influence of the Or
der. All the speakers:-Were listened to with
marked attention, the dispassionite, candid
manner in which able arguments were deduced i
shoWing , the inseperabl% connections' of- the''
principtes , of Odd .Fellowship. with the best in
terests ot. humanity, could not fall to receive.
favorable 'consideration from bearert .united
by friendship. actuated by love and - earuesOy
seeking the truth. •' '
!Live Oak Lodge may be congratulated upon
this happy Occasion ; everything , combined to
make it a success and the pleasure enjoyed by
all present invoked kindly regards for i tf-e fu
ture of No: 635. • H.
RepUbilean County Conic)Otlon:
• . •
The Republican county convention met on
itonday, and was' called to, order by E. C.
Fordbam—ebairman county corarnitteet E. C.
t'ordhatn . was j elected President and E. P.
'acme, N.O. Amy and C.O.Vedder were elected
Secretaries. After the roll of deledates was
called nominations at once proceeded,
G A. Grow, the "Texao Ranger," was nomin
ated for Conzress Over James E Carnialt,'of
Clioconut, busq'a co, by a small majority on
the first ballot. It was announced i3y. the chair
that there was an error or disagreeMent among
the secretaries, but the discrepency Was of no
particular account as Mr G Would probably be
nominated anyway, if another ballot was ta
ken. Some one of "Tetas" proclivities arose
and moved that "The Itanpr" be nominated
unanimmisly which was seconded and' receiv ed
the endorsement of perhaps - a little more than
one-half the delegates and the chair declared it
For State Senator A P Stepbens, of Great
Bend, and 1V - W Watson, of Montrose, were
named. On first ballot the chairman announ
ced that the secretaries had disagreed but un
lige the course he took in' the case of the "Ran
ger" he declared the ballot void and ;ortlered
new ballot. Oti the second ballot Watson was
declared nominated by a vote of sic) to 32. The
tally as kept 'by one of the secretaries and by
several outside the "Ring" on the first ballot
gave A. P Stephens 37 votes and Watson 35,
which if the chairman had been as quiick to`an
'flounce that a little discrepancy , "%4uld make
no difference" Mr Stephens . would have" been
declared nominated, but it seems the fates. (or
the Ring) had determined otherwise.
At this juncture the programme of the Ring
appeared so very plain and their deterinitiatien
to cram it down, the masses without grease Was
so manifest thPt the "rntllic in the air" seemed
to say "down with the 'Ring", and( from that
time out the convention` ran wild, and the
scrambling for further nominations was strictly
a free fight,eVery man for himselt,a,nd the 1111M
her of ears and noses taken up at the close
was largely in favor of the Ring is they were
severely punished. The nomination for Rep-,
resentative after - eleven ballots'resulted, first
choice, in the nOmination of Dr E P Hines, of
Friendsville, and on the 15th ballotlhe second
; choice gave it to M. J Larrabee a popular young
man ot:Susquehanna. During the balloting,
however, we learned some new uses of figures.
On one ballot the chair announced :the tally
for the different candidatei 'and' the sum total
of the votes was 78. - Bow this was, done by 72
delegates will be as mysterious as the first bal
tot is on State Senator. But-these little discret•
nudes seethed of no
,consequenee in the gener•
al squabble. The Ring having suffered quite'
severely in the Representative_contest, it came
up to the scratch on Prothonotary ratherrweek
but'rallied finally with 'skits powers;. ',The
contest simmered down, - hoWever, after a few
ballots to W of Great Beigj, and
Amos 'Nichols, of Montrose. here the' ques
tido of mathematics again came up, as the see
r4aries gave tie' vote of 37. and 37 out Of 72
voters. `But on a final rally :the Ring lost
more ;ears and' noses and Sitnrell was
nominated by'iti vote` of 42'th'30`
• - ended the last lessonin Ring politics of
Susitebarina'cenrity for this centennial year of
1876: - Since itie old fashioned people's craft
battered 'a' leak in their: old rotten hulidast
fal-1, the _ Ring, has been quarrelling as to who
should be the ileknowiedgee leader wadies the
fight grew hotter and hotter 'among thetn,"the
"Texarßanger"came to their relief and agreed
it they would accept him to lobli.'after,'.the
terests otSuiefa eoUrity,m Texas'iands and rail
roads, asif - their RepresentatiVe . congresi,
' would take the generalship of the sad
rally the people to its support, But it seems
tinst atter his own ax was ground by ilia own
nomination and that of Watson, he left his ar
my "le skin their' awn 'skunks"' . and,. the Ring
got "skinned!' It is, evident that,the "Texan
Ranger" cannot ,afford : to kiose -a single eye or
ear in minor contests in this district, if he ex
, _
.pects to have his Texan,.interests "subsidized"
, at thepotie in isioveraher.
But enough ! Out of pure sympathy to the
Ring we desist < trom-fartber comment at:this
More anon,-
'3•91..,1.V#T4T.W:g..,-1.;...-.:,..,'',.:.,',!-lii.::-',l -
ATTENTION, PENlOCitAtieol. l l* COM-1411*-
'The Members of the Dnincieritt - te , Coiinty
CoMmittne *lie hereby Imuimoned" to meet at
the Traverse Juri Boom in vie Court gonse . at .
Montros' e' at. Ai'
2 elnek in:, on - the first kon- -
day "of August dOuit,it being the 14th 4ay,.-
The time at the county :nominating
convention is t 6 Axed at, that thneandOth-_
er businees of vital importance l *III' mine
lore - the committee,``Let every e er b 0 in
his - place. -
The names 011ie County Cott - Mail tee tire gib-
Hilted else*here, in: conneetion with the Vigi'-
fahee committee ; The memberii of the.county
committee on are • required' te, be present but s
we'hop&they Will not fail to attend; iuperSon
or by proxy. HONESTY} RERAN
_Let ns fight the good fight
before and finish our. faith at ,the polls Novem
ber 7th, 1876."
B.! HAWLEY, Chairman.
O. P. Basni,
11;eadvariorsVeteran &idlers' Organ-1
=Wiwi of Savtielianna County.,
• Mormitosg, N.., July 21, 1876.
GENEIIAL OitbEß ) • The Veteran Soldiers of
No. IL ° Susquehanna County. - are
hereby placed under "Marching Orders," - with
directions to "move" at daylight, on the morn
ingnfithe 6th day of September, with three
days' "cooked rations",andall'necessary "camp
and garrison equipage? in the direction of
lord Fair Grounds, where the Organization will
renderious for three days.
Veteran recruits from neighboring counties
will be, gladly "mustered" into,. our ranks for
this "emergency." •
. The !Telford Guards," the "Gibson Rifles,"
and "boldiers' Orphans" `arse cordially, invited;
and will be warmly welcomedas "recruits" for
this "campaign.P By command of
Com'dg... Vet. Organization.
R. C. JEssuP,
Colonel and Adjutant. Gtneral.
- ! .
Snr l niAaii-,—Wit,cox—At - Wilmot, by Rev. D
D Gray Atilt. 3,. Loren .W Sherman, of Lyle,
Minn.; and Marion F Wilcox, of_ the former
place. • ; • - •
• .moimeormicgko.
WOLCOTT—Entered into rest, at' St. An
drew% Rectory, Springville, Suscfa, " Pa.,
July 27th, 1876, Ellen A., wife of Rev, Luther
Wolcott, in the 48th• year of tier age.
NswToN—ln Brooklyn, June 6th, 1878. Ma
ry, widow of Saml i. Newton, aged 82 years.
Orax—ln Jackson . , June 23, of scarlet lever,
Lizzie V, daughter of Omer and Althea 8 Olin ,
aged 2 years and &mouths.
BusuxEtar—ln Auburn, July 12,1876, Bertha
infant d'Aug ,ter OR M and Edith Bushnell,
aged 5 months and 20 days,
the est of Albert G.Reynoldsoate of Brooklyn twp.
dec'd. Letters of Adinlnistratiou in the said estate
having been granted_ to, the under#lgred ad persons ow
ing skid estate, are reqttested to make immediate pay
ment. and all persons having dahlia against said estate
ate requested to present them without delay.
E. G. WILLIAMS, Administrator.
July 5,1870. 2146
writs issued by the Con:, of Cocamon Pleas f
Suiquelartnna County and to me directed. I wilt expose
to sale by. public ,vendue, at the Court Iteuse, on
Friday, August IStis,lB76,
at one o'clock p. m., the following pieces or parcels of
land to wit :
All that certain ples.e or parcel of land situate. lying
and beinz in the township of Thornrol, Susquehanna
county, - Penh:vivant:Ll bounded on the east by lands of
Samuel and Alden Rub'ard, on the south and west by
lands of 'George WailiCe. and on the a lands of
the Widow Wilson, containing about 60 acres, more or
less. about 25 acres , improved, with the appurtenances,
1 frame dwelling hotise, 1 frame barn, and fruit trees.— ,
[Seized and taken in execution at the rust of G. '
Lewis VS William B. Bowen.]
ALSO-that certain piece or parcel of land situate
In the townshii of Auburn, Susquehanna county. Penn
sylvania, bommed on the north - by road leading from
I(ennedy Corners to Carter Town, on the east by lands,
of J. P. White. on the south by lands of Henry Dun
more, and on the west by lands et Martin Wilcox, con
taining 58 acres, mostly improved. with theappurte
'minces. 1 frame %welling house, 1 frame barn, and an
orchard. [Seized and taken in execution at the suit of
IVm. J. Mulford vs. Philip Bwackhammer.l
TAKE NOTICE.—AII bide must be arranged on the day
of sale.
Sheriff's Office; Montrose, July 26, 18711.
-R-L 1 tice le hereby ?given to ad persoms concerned in
the following Estates, to wit :
Estate of Alvin Spr rigor. fats of Springville. deed, S.
D. Thomas, Administrator.
Estate of Horace Seymour, late of New Milford, deed,
Franklin 'Seymour, Administrator. •
Estate of Timothy ± Downs, late of Choconnt, deed.
Philip O'Connell. 4dminiltrator. ' ,
Estate of Abram Brandt,iate of Great Bend, deed, Al
manta Brandt, Administrix. -
Estate of Elijah Westfall, late of Oakland, deed, Gay. ,
lord Curtis. Executor.
Estate of Milton R. 'Nl:afford, late of Middletown;deed
S. J. Davis, and Lucy Spafford, Adm're.
Estate of Simeon Van'Fleet, late of New Milford. Deed,
.tilliorAldrlch,Executor., • . - •
Estate of Roxanne i d. ! Snyder, late of Lenox, deed.
Henry T. Davie, Administrator.
Estate of E. Everett,i Martha Emily, and Walter Si.
Thotnas,lnittore P.p. Chandler, Guardian.
Estate of Oars Tingley, * (late Clara Potter,). minor. B.
D, Potter. Guardian.
Estate of Clarence Ward. minor, Elliot Aldrich. Guard-
That the ace.outants have settled their ice:aunts in the
Register's.Oftlee in and for the county or Susquehanna,
and that the same. Will ,be presented to,the 41;Idges or the
Orphans' Court; on Tnureday; the 17th 'day of August;
187 e, toy coufirmatiOn and allowance.
U. F. BEA tiDSLEY, Register,
Register's Office,ldoutrose. July 79,18'16, •
riOl.lllT . 'PROCL A.M AT 10 Whereas,. the.
V) lion. P. 13. Streeter, President of the Court
of Quarter Sessionefof the Peace,. and Ccittrt •3t
Ctiminott Pleas.,'Oyer and Terminer and. Or.
pila .COurt in the Thirty, fourth JudichdPis z
triet cornpoSed cd the county of Susquehanna,
and the Hons.J. W. Chtiramin and J.. H. Cook;
Associate Judges in said Susquehanna County,
have. issued .their precept, to me. directed, tor
holding a Court, of, Qyer. and .Terminer,,Quar
ter Sessions; Common ,Pleas, and . Orphans'
Court, in• the 'Bbrough of blontroSe; and Coun-
ty of Susquehanna, on the 2d Atonday of Au
guet,lB743, itheiug the.tourteenth day ; to con
tinue one week: , •
No tct to HEnEnx GIVEN to Abe Coroner.
and Justices of the Peace' of said county of Sus.
quehanna;"that ithey'may be there in their pro=
per, persons, at two o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, with i their records and inquisitions,
and other remembrances, to do those things,
which - to their otlicm appertain 'tobe dene.—
And those .who- are bound by - recognizmicei
'against the prittaters that are or shall:be In the:
Jail of, said couoty. or SOmuehanua
,are t tohe
lben - there,‘io prosecute agah,ist thew as w tic
• ' '
- Dated:at 'Montrose :the ttithsday of
.anlY i ln
the, year. of pile: l li/N.:one thousOnd eight,hen.
tired and. "
• 'WM: WHITE; Sher lit
July 18,1875,
.FlRAT:.#Argi.#4.),: - JUIK
SVItPLU~.:F~ I%D , $6,000.
r-1.3311tfEC3 0 0"31112C1
To their new ' and. , tointnedioni Bank' 13tiilding on
- • ' ~YablicAvenue. •
'l'raiumeis the . hnelness of
New York, First National Bank.,Phtladelphia, Phut.
delphia National Bauki
NM, J. TURR.!CLI t .. Pitzsanstrr.
LENREIM, Cataluna.
Montrose, March 25,18;6.
Look at the fqlowing which speaks for Itself.
Heavy cottnnalte pante $
ttont 1.5k34.25
Good all wool pants. .. .. • 801640 Q
Imported cabsimere pants • .. . ...; ... 4.757.00
French Doeekin pants .... 4.150 4.50
Stout worktngmen`a snits. . . : .-... 6.00410.03
Fancy merino witaimere su i ts .... .. ........ 7.0M10.50
Merino Silk mixed snits . B.OIOIOA
Hume capsimere nits ... ... ............. 13
Knickerbocker and plaid salts 10.9 *lB.OO
Black frock coats 5.100, 8.50
Imported black frocks ..... 9.0041.3.00
Pine black cloths ...... ..... • 1,7256 L 3.75
hitolinen vests 1.004.3,00
Boys Suits with knee pants, 3 to 9 years.
cotton suits. • 1 750 8.50
Mixed cassimere snits... ..... ... 0.504 5.50
All wool cassimere- snits . 4.54V4 7.00
French worsted .suits 7.004 9.50
Boys' suits with long pants, 9 to 15 yrs.
• Cottonade . . ... . .. . $ 8.0004.50
Mixed cassimere sults- 1 • 4.0040.00
Fancy Odd suits -
French Iterated salts . 6.
8.06 1 / 2
Youths' Suits from age 15 to.bien's sizes.
,;stout everyday suits $ 51504 9.00
Good cattermere snits . . ...... ....... . 7.50411.00
Diagonal coat and vests 8.00412 00
Fancy plaid suits 8.00415.09
Furnwhing Goods.
Good working Olds .......... 56
Fine' white boscim 00 '
Good denim overalls— ........
Good rubber suspenders. _ .......... .
Gloth Hued paper collars per bo x -
Good umbrellas
Good cotton socks
And all other goods in proportion. The above are
prices that no other concern has or will offer. •
They are cash prices and tnade to bring people from
distance. It will pay a man to drive forty miles to
tny a suit of clothes at my stirs.
WEBSTER, The Clothier,
62 and 64 Court Street,
April 19. 1876.
TIR , VGS, '
It A. Lyon, Druggist,
- Dealer in ail kinds of •
Pure Drnigs, Medieines, - Chemicals, Dye Woods, Dye
Stuffs, Paint?, Oils,' Varnishes.
' Pocket Books, CoMbs. Jewelry, Perfumery.
Toilet Soaps; Brushes,Violina and Violin Strings,
Yankee Notions, Fancy Goode.
Cigars, Tobacco. Table Cuttlery. Fine Solid Silver,
Spoons. Plated Spoons, Kr Ives and Forks, Guns. Pis
tols. Amunition, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Medical
Instruments. Dental Materials. Lamps sad Lamp
Chimneys. Teas, Spices; Baking Powder, Sea Noes
Farine, Gelatine, Tapioca, etc., ctc.
Daly's Pale Ale•for
Those who wish to buy Paints and ons, would do'well
to examine oar stock of White Lead, White Zinc, and
Mixed Chemical Paints. before purchasing elsewhere.
-All kinds of colored paints in cane of from one to dye
pounds each, on hand.
Montrose Feb. 2,11316.
V l c)is 1311:tter!
kite'ientral . 'll4prtso
Are deltverini hatter vtit Montrose B. B. and L.
.from Montrose to New York
Two Hours Ahead of Any Other Route.
Arrives in New York by .this route at 8:29 O'clock
A Ir. By any other route , from this place, Her in
Scranton two hours. reaching New York 10:30 s. m.
_Arrives in Newark at 8 o'clock A, N.. per Central
,EZpreit. By any other roueflee Serauten two
mum reaching Newark at or about 11 o'clock s. m.
__Arrives in Philadelphia at 8:41 o'clock A. X Per
Vential Izgrees.
Thus it will be seen we are Two Ileum, and mere•
ahead, avoiding the heat of the day s which is intense in
the cities.
Butter received Up to 6 o'clock p. m., will leave the
station at 6:45 o'clock p. m.. reaching deittlnstion as
above. If rccelved later, can bo stored in a cool cells
until xtext`day.-
A-convenient place to unload at the
coal cellar :to Store butter is until shipped. Carted
only three4ourths of a mile to the railroad. Empty
pails returned, free—kept, ir alde of office until called
for the Pardo care given them gassy otter matter—and
es. tow nrate as any route. '
tarPatrontae your home re 4, in which all are logc•
V Interested: -
J at. ` R VirIoiSFORD, ,Agent.
Montrose;. July 5,
The -firtri'or rt.'6ll as Cii; bsving heen,dlstoivce. 1
hill continua the , . - • •
Confeeti one.
At the Old stand. a),
all kinde of
*.giZlTli -::411114: ' .si rger
AtVholetale and' Retail Prices.
'cc;nt;tiairly On`band..
-lionturie,May 414, 11116.
Atiti Otters;