The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, August 09, 1876, Image 1
BY ..HAVVLEiy--,.4_„',013.U5ER. THE AGE OF SrEAL. • 4 The ,werld, bath great pr9gresSive . periods . known ;',• ' ; I • first was called the " -r The , w _Age. Age. -p` • The next the:bilinzp," and theit .theqiyon" came, , • While the present lacks a distinctive name. But with significant, baptismal Seal,. It should be called the age of "Steal ln "A name not used in ambiguous *ay, . But always spelled distinctiylwith an a. • For far too many 4 think thatthieving pays, And live-by robbery in a thousand wan And seek with cunning and , inventive. brain, Some selt-advantage rapidly to gain. . Though "wooden nutmegs" may be out off s tate,. The cheats are quitu as I"Yankeefied"and greati A long-faced deacon of the days of old -T--i : A country,groter, as the tale is told, . With a sharp eye , for principal and trade,; These plain instructions to his. clerk conveyed To "sand the sugar and dilute the rum, And then to morning prayers come." With pious scroples sold perception rare He eased his :r science in his daily prayer., But the skilad i mindlers of to-day. Neer stay.` ' . their cheatings tong enongli,a, pray, Nor their unlawful seekings after gain To "ruin and-sugar" proits oft restrain. Though as an.-"itent" in that liind'tif trade— (Superfine" and "Special" an its grade— Nay be quoted "crooked whiskey," which Can claim A double-twisted and extended fame. in this Age of . Steal all knavery thrives , And scientific cheating Wrongs lour lives ; We'knoy not what we eat, or drink, or wear, Or 'Whit processes and combinations rare Compounded ingeniously'and sly, MI fife'S ceaseless necessities supply The "peck of dirt" allowed each human-kind Is put ,up "sugar coated" and refined Nor one such measure is a lifetime's fare, But many times over one eats his share. The tricks of "Tweedledee and tweedledum" Have In this age taitirr* . ticm come; And doubtful The highest , powers and talents of the land, Until all truly honest' hearts exclaim, ; • • With rising wrath, yet overwhelming qhame, "Upon what meat do theie oureinsars eat ?" Thit thus they stoop to wrong and c heat, And find in private want and ilpublic neCil Some chance to satisfy their Vicious greed. igei , of all ages, may this 'soon be past, • And an honest millenuitirn dawn at last. SECOND.THOUGHTS ARE BEST. 'T 00K, WALTER; that young girl's . 1,1 face would make , ari att:iat's:fort tune!" "By I all that's wonderful, it isn't my COUSin Mtiy( .Walter, reigning in his horse so suddenly all to throw. him .upon his haunches. - "Well, you gipsy, what are you doing fifty miles from home this morning ? Some mischief, I'll warrant!' "Visiting," May answered saucily and concisely, from her station by. the lawn gate, , `Visiting whom ? some ancient maiden like yourself?" I i , May was sixteen, and could , afford to be rallied upon her age. So her bloom ing cheeks dimpled with a smile El 3 she answered: 1 . `Not so bad as thaq ' Walter. I'm helping Susie• Arnol d, nFrse ber unclt—a *crusty old bachelor,' who can sympathize, with your, sufferings from the gotit:', ; Walter laughed. " It still _ takes' some trouble to get the start of yoti, little boz. Susie Arnold herel I'll just run in and see it she has a . placein her memory' for an old friend. Jump, on -May, and take a ride.. My friend here will'be; most. hap- . py to escort you. By e by,l must' in traduce you. Philip, is is my cousin, bins—flif.r. Orine, Miss Alley's. Steady,' Gyp ;. there, May, let me assist' lyoti 'to went." ' L 'Thank, you,, Walter, I' am sorry , to diEm.point you, but I ;twist decline to make my debut without a side•saddfe." `Gvp" is gentle as a larnb ;.not the Iraq . dangefin the wOrld. May, r thought von were as brave as ,you are esucv." •i I B 1 this time the spice of' ari - ng in the girl's nature wss arousekio ;she suffered Walter to assist her to a, seatlupon Gyp's hack, saying.: .• "Well, I see , you wish 'me to appear, ridiculous, so I will gratify you." She adjusted her dress, and assumed an erect, gracetul position; which did not tell of an inexperienced equestrian ; and taking the reins in her hand, she turned . ller arch face toward her cousin's friend. saying : "Mr. Orenj challenge,you to atrial of 4)eed—tnat distant oak to be the, gpal." She touched Gyp lightly with the whip and started off, .her curls flying in the wind ; Philip followed: closely, but she kept, the advantage gained by her Sudden start, and reached the tree first. Philip's exterior was that ef a hero of , romance, but as yet himself and seal= nit nts were strangers, and her Was cold and haughty. 'Ph i s was the gentleman' Whose claims consideration Mty jAlleyn ,decideCto no igre. ' She read the pride upon, his curved , , ..: -, . - • -.i ...,. ! , •'... .'. ..-• ' ' ' ' . _ • ' . ; " •, , "Ai i,i i , . . , • .. . .1 t . -,- . , ... . .. . , . ~ .. , • ' . •-‘4l: ---". ' kii4l,X -I : . . . ' ' • . . . . . , •,.. ..•.'„,-;,.. ...._ _, , , :., ,- • • _...'-: • . . ' —ll - ', _ .; ' :',' . , ' '' , '. ' ''',' ~, : . . - •••• '- : ', '.''.' - '' - .. .. -, - .: . ..; ' .--;'; : , . ... (iiiiriEl:. ' , .. -.-', •••' .' • ' -') 'i:;,:' 1 .. . r ;-..,. .*lsl . • -. '`,:' '' . l*, •o't . ' . .•,,' -; - . - • •• ' . V,, - It,';:t. . :: 2:.5: , '',,: : • . - 4—.. I . ' ".. . l ' - : -:. -1 1: C . - j - • • •7 . ' ,., , : j z....',, , ,: '•;.:,' .......\.., '.. i..: ‘ . , '•-• . . ~. . - 1•- „. ,:.,, . , \ - 1 ,4; 414 :~, IY • \ .' 't;asigillaill4 ' ''''' ': ' ' . attit 4 '$ 4 ''' 2 .•... -• 4 ' — 0; 1 ' . . : ' ~., ' 1 ' 1 1. . • .• . . . , . . • • , • / •••-'•••%. .. \ - .. - ,k"i , " . , . . . . ..-- . . - -, lips; and mi4ichievouly resolved'to punish him for it. . . May was tan enigMa Ito, hitn--a new pecitnen of I the human family. So pret ty and lady-ilike in her : look2—so wild and untamed iti‘her actions. He looked at her much as he would at a velvbt furred kftten--pleased- with her ;beauty, but 'wondering whit, freak would nextiamuse . , I‘l..think Walter has by this time made us call, andlwill, be looking. for Gyp's ap pearance. 'Twould be good enough .for 'him if we didn't conic. Tried to break my neck ; don't you think so, Mr.bdr.— . ~ "Orrie, at your service." ”Ah, yes,* if _NMI), his fatruli very cold asi "I believe ) There is..bui "Adam, dropped. de lashed out *long ner She can tere "Good-bv , before night ip hadtime ".I..wondel young laciie .he rode. slov 'alter, .wot lids cousin's gate, :was, th itront her ho *8 though st the. best of "Miss_ AI How th reach this. "Nhen .mayhO - chop UntiLthat acise. w . • May was cess of her cross-cut h and taken a there cansicl panion. 3ust the Walter made his appearance, and, after a few parting words the two friends tur ed their faces homeward, and were; soon at of,s)ght. Philip 0 ni , and Walter Alleyn were together in, th latter's room. Philip was reading, an Walter was sending a cloud of smoke filotn a fragrant Havana as he glanced thr ugh his letters. "Well, 1 eclare,can I believe my eyes? flat little umming bird Sto be caged at last." Philip to ked up inquiringly, and Wal ter Joased - a 'Rat perfumed note toward him, saying "Bead. th Ile took the note and read: "DEAR. 00Z :—Come and visit us as early as the( 10th bf this month, , and, if possible, bring your friend, Mr. Orne with yon. wedding is to come off on ii. the 12th, a d,l want you to , officiate as. gtoorrismen , I have two' very pleasant young lathe's selected to stand , as . your vis-a-vis) Do not be frightened and stay . away, thinking I may inflict myself upon one of you, as I have a more important part to act. lam in a great hurry, so cannot sto to explain particulars, but will do so n hen we meet. Good-bye. I L MAY." "Will yo go Orici ? I. think it would be a pleasant Change irem this dusty old city.: Say yes, and,l will • write May to the effect night"lO- , Philip consulted his calendar, and finding that, he had no pressing:business set down Or that time,made -up his mind to accept the invitation, The appiiinted day ,arrived, and with it the two gentlem6n, wtio were duly in &winced WO the young ladies _who ware . ,t,o be .biid smaids. As Ma ` y. said, 1 . they were, retty and attractive, and the five formed a. pleasant party.: ' - told us who is to be the happy „man. Whefe is he, and why don't you introduce him ? said Walter, after a tune. The gir l , smiled amusedly at each oth er, and Mary-answered : "I can't very well , introituce_him until he arrives i'n town ; and I :shall 'not de scribe him,las I wish him to, make a won derfulimpriession,and a description would spoil 1 all." , Philip grne made himself very agree able. May modified - her: tendendy to mis chief. for was she net the hostess, and in duty bound to make every one' . as happy as possible 1? . ' - • - She was! more dangerous to Philip's peace of Mind in -this mood' than when in such , `wild exuberance . l of spirits; ae, Sweet' strains of some familiar song is more effect Ve when we know that the tenderly modulated voice' has capacities of power and - passion held the abeyance. ..An and rcurrent of sadness formed . a minor ead nee to the harmony of his visit,'lts he saw' more of MaY,and'thought that thetoorrow,, would See her trans planted froM her girlhood' home tha of anothen! On the Orne---a peculiar name, is it ,had a weakr;ess, it .'was pride y name ; and his tone was he zaid : it is peculiar to, our family. one, he 4d. to the - °rues." r.ohably?" The fringed, lids. iure4.,as Philip's blue -yes )t their: coldness, sand-touch- horse lightly with ber whip off, With a gay : . . a. Tell_ Walter I'll be back ," And -was away .befOre Ph il to•reCover his good humor. .. if this is a fair specimen h," was Philip's :thought . as back to 'where he had, left Bering how he - would relish jest—when there,. by ~ the re runaway girl; 'dismounting looking:as,dignified L ie had.' pot mystifl.ed him to hei , • , leyn, are you!kt . magician name of-wouder did you, 7 h, pot , • Er.'..Orne turns. priest, I'll e him .for my confessor.- . me. `guess' must: be . this or- secretly delighted akthe suc- . ruse, which consisted of a' me that saved some distance, t fall speed had brouglcit her erably.iu ativauceol her com- t, and see wha(yon - think of . r venin gs of the MONTROSE, P four Young people were awaiting the en traitor of the tw(i-so n Oon . to . be united for life. - • . sudden. - dience'lell upon. theni as the gentleman come into the -:rocim-sup porting .upon the lovely :girl whose_ floating veil, faitened :in ' its place by.oranke-bloisoins, eincealed: her blush es,. • "It was - not ?dap,-Thls :lady-Was tall and stately--,May. Was 'petite - and slight. The momentary peiuse of astonishment that followed was -bi9ken liy,the entrance of May, who -intiocuced. them as "My . frieiid, the lie*. Dtpcith. Ware, and my schoolniate, Miss 'The gentlemen were: :.too ,welhbred to express theitsurprisl,-amithe , girls thor oughly enjoyed their Mystification.. • After the certruiniwah Over, and con gratulations were o red to the newly married, Couple ; , Water. seized the first opportunity to que - tr i ion May -as to:her motive. in misleactingthem. • . "Why, what .do yin mean, ~COUsiii Walter ?'' May's voice cr.reht surprise,' - ink dimples at, "You know . you - little deo ever. I thoui up your Mind' "Will. you Walter ?. that you lectui ,The brown innocent, and " Didn't you, a 'more import 4 -So. that old gOose so tees 77 . . She made him. - a deep.: courtesy,, and *walked over - to where- . 4 ) hilip Orne was standing..:. have beep.,-.‘e you, Miss Alleyn, to apologize formy'extraordinary, mistake,. in Coneiderini. you the .bride; elect. Your friends mitt feel very. hapc ' py that you are . not to; be monopolized jug yet. Thit, how didi we make such h mistake ?" • . "Perhaps %%alter hasj an idea:: that a bride ulaysa . more itniprtant. part than. the lady who. entertain the gLests," said May, innocently.' Philip look4d. at km itegnly.: As their eyes met May straggled" for a moment to ,etain her gravity ; then the pent up mischief 'laughed cut of her broivp eye:, and in the curve-of li l t red lips. ' "I . understand Miss -Alleyti I wedding, the and manner expressed but Wither detectedlurk the copers of her mouth. what mean very well, iver. lon are as bad as ht you Iliad at least made 'to behai t e yourself." please Vxplain yourself, at is it at I have done, re me in this way ?" fryes 100 , d very clear and Walter bust, out , with write tame that you klatl - ant part to perfOrrn ?" the troibH You dear have I _.4m I not the hos 1 have put a wrong ConStruction upon your note, and, of course, yeti feel Ro bKdly about it we ought to beg your pardon upon our bended . knees. But, jesting aside, may I tell you\ how very glad Lan that the evenwg still finds you Miss A— evn ?" His voice is low, but very earnest, and his, eves, blue and clear as the sky in Jiine, were very thriling as they sought an answer in those which dropped before them in sudden shynss. May'hastenedlo tUru the subject, "I must tell you who our bridal couple are. , The lady was a favorite school friend of Mine. ands an orphan who has no home but that which a boarding house provides. The gentleman is a missionary ; arid as my : father • is inte rested- the particular locality to which he is going, he proposed to give 'them a wedding party when, he beard of their engacrethent." ' The Wedding guests were invited tore - main for a week or 'two at the Alleyn Mansion ; and walks and drives about the picturesque neighborhood filled the time very pleasantly. • AS Philip saw more of May he became completely charmed with the little maid' en. ; • May's feelings were enigmatical to The beau ideal *tared by her girl ish fancy had borne. °°a -'very differentex terior to that,ot Philip. She could not help liking him, and she was si-cretl)i vexed with he,rfolf for He was so fair—so effeminate look ing-,-he must he , 'deficient in manly strength and courage. She , would not think of him—a man of - that stamp should not win hei heart. Her studied indifference probably add ed to her charms in Philip's eyes. He bad a fancy for' , overcoming obstacles. In his, legal capacity he would often under. take cases for ; their very difficulty, . and' ': was never so triumphant' es when .he could make - .a jury agree upon points Which only an acute lawyer could make clear. One morning the rest of the party had gone to3visit some mineral springs at 'a distance. May had a slight headache, and excused herself from joining the ex cursionists; and. Philip stayed at home to write some letters. . After awhile the fresh' -morning :air wooed them forth for a ramble, and, Meeting on their - return, they walked along together. , A prettraild was walking 'along the sidewalk, under the , chhrge of a nurse. Philip and Mary were . : bOth fond of children and they watched the little thing with great interest, admiring the effect of her lohg golden hair as it limited down over her white dress. - .:YATT,GILST . 9 ; 1_876, "Mad ;• do b ,o---sßad diJg r and on, directly i 0; id 'lie little prattjer : tam, , , withlongaping serid,:q,ttiat those-fear.... tut of .dangers—a h'ifge dog, w hoSe'hinod shot eyes and, fiiam. flecked mouth, 'Out of which lolled the, red' tongue, showed the truth .of thei alarm: (;-: • .May's feetiseeined - frozeii:to the ground ;---a• horrible helplessness: held. her•there. The panic -stricken nurse left the child, and .ran inside a garden gate; and closed it after her. • The unconscious f little one laughed and put out her chubby little Bands,' evi dently. 'thinking that 1 . the iabbid animal would play with her tas lid °her. pet dog at home. • . Philip:retained his; self .PosseSilon, and just at the criticali - moment wren all seemed. lost, he caukht the -.creature by the nap of the neek,land . -held • him, in a . powerful grasp. in. vain - did the , mad deneci animal snap lat. -his - captor, and wreathe :and; -- struggle to. , escape. The white. fingera which May had -secretly stigmatized, as . weak . sad' - effeminate, seemed made of ..• • , A few Moriients ofl this llorrible uncer tainty—thenjhe brfitea eves glazed and went into. lltie - dinger was_ no longer inimediate and Philip itelaied his hold. • By this time a policeman had arrived on the spot, and with his pistol he Soon ended the, pier creature's sufferings. May felt deeply h i umiliated at her in efficiency in the hour of danger. • - For all that she had done, with her fancied firm ness of nerve, .that ilimpled little form might now have been mangled and torn by those huge fangs,i in which lurked a poison as deadly, and more .to be dreaded, than 'th tt Of rattlesnake. She caught the ehild in 'her arms, and almost smothered her with kisses; then she turned to Philip "Mr. Orne, I owe a you a debt which nothing. can repay.. If this little darling - had been bitten, 1 Should have felt all I,lirough my life that it was owing to my lack of presence ef mind in not snatch mg her from the threatened danger." Ef.vr overstrung nerves relieved the-Al selvesin a burst of tears. • "Don't sneak of ii—it is best forgot ten. Will you take - ; my arm ? You are looking very whiter', M;ty accepted the proffered arm, and they walked on in silence. Philip did not underrate the danger he had escaped. He, well ; knew that a false aim in seizing the rabid animal, or the slightest relaxatioi , of his iron mus eles, woulis have apoaed him to suffer ings compared to which the tortures of the Inquisition were but as shadows.. He felt as a 112411> does who has- met death face to face. May was of a frank, open nature, and she felt that she had done this man-in justice. She ;.had underrated him, and she must make a confe.ssion, or never again, feel at ease inhiesociety. "Mr. Orne,"! said he hesitatingly, "will you forgive me ? I did not give you credo it for such courage.. thought—" .q.iay no more, Miss May,' Philip an swered, as 'he gazed'into her brown tear clouded eyes. "lt would not be in mor tal man to resist so !fair a pleader, what-. ever might be her offence. -May I not re-. verse our present positions, and become the entreating party myself e There SW a meaning .in his, quiet tones which thrilled to May's heart and made it throb tumultuously. Philip saw her agitation and took her little hand - in his warm, firm clasp. "Miss Alleyn—May—will you prove your contribution by giving me the, sole right of thiesoft little trembler?" As May listened. she knew that Philip Orne-would henceforth be to her : life:as is the sun to the flower,. but a strange timidity sealed the :lip& usually so read,y with her gay retort. Blushing apd confined,' she 840Ve to withdraw her hand l Her, lover's ardent glances studied the sweet face; with its downcast eyes. • , "If you do not answer, I shall think silence means c,onseut.". One swift glance at his face..., - , ','lease, Mr. Orne, my fingers are not made of iron." - He dropped her , band, with , a pained look. , . "I beg your pardon - The rest of the sentence was .unutter ed, us May was flying up the walk like a wild thing. - This evasion of 'a direct answer was a new phase in -May's character; but Philip read its meaning correctly. A denial of his suit would have been prompt and de cisive. Sera timidity c,ausedhope to. fold her snoivy wings and Make her dwelling within his heart. t He did not succeed in seeing Mai , alone until the.morning of his departure, but the previous eVening he gave her a. bcquet ,of , English violets with a note hidden inits fragrant depths ' requesting her to wear his,offiming as a breast-knot if she,could respoOd to his love, ~When she appeared at breakfast,the sweet shy face. was suffused -with . blushes as Philip's eyes rested - -upon , he , neath breathing forth their precious meaning, reposed his gift. " When Philip returned to hie city home ,VO,L: - , $3N0.,-..=32 be bore with .him the hope that, with the coming, daisi e s, he might claim his "gay,.. as be loved to call her.. It seema fitting to ,him,-that the earth shmild 'be dressed in 4 garniture of bloom 'upon her Wetlding 7 day, who is to him the fairest bki:Aorn of theta All Stins.. A matter ofForm —Fittiug a dress.. A very llnatiefaotofy sort.of - Bread-- The rail of faine. - 1 . • Mr Philips' lectnro about the,. 1 4 1.405 t Arts," does not concern the ladies. They haven't lost any. In New 'fork an -india rubber car is about being,invented which. when cram. med full; will hold a couple more. _ - A New York carpenter,. In advertising for a situation, frankly days that_ work is not so much of an object as good wages. Wheh may , a man be be thor. oughly "sewn up ?" When. 'he. has pins and' needled: in his loot and a stitch in his side: . . "Goodness me, I" cried a ntce old lady the oth.-r day ; "if the world does come . end next year, what shall do for sutiff ?" "11 .do declare,.. Sal,, you. look pretty enough to eat. "Well, John, ain't .1 eating as fast I bait ?" replied her mouth lull: "To what sect or fraternity do you thinkl belong ?:' asked a conteMptible little lop of windy. "To the 'insect fra tetaity;" was the reply. An exchange deScribing funeral pro-. cession, said : "The procession was very fine, and nearly two miles in length, as was also the prayer of Dr. Perry, the chaplain." Wanted—A cover for a bare suspicion, veil for the face - of natim, buttons for the breeches :of •ptivilege, oinding, for volume of smoke, cement for . broken en gagements. f`ls it wrong to cheat a lawyer ?" Wai recently very, ably discussed by the mem- bers of a dehating . society. 'hi e.fanclu sion atrived at was that it was not Strong but impossinle. , • litirs. Bookhas left her hnsbana, Mr. Oootif,has - gone to parts unknown. We CannOt say, however, that Mrs, Boots is right, hut , there can be no mistake ab3nt Mr.' Boats being left. . . How the Cinese manage•their deities— After a - long period of wet weather when they have prayed vainly, for 'relief, they put their gols out in the rain to see how they like it. , . ' • A vddow once. said to her, daughter, "When yomare at my age• it will be-time enough to dream of a husband." "Yes mamma." replied the though ties beauty, "for a Second time." • A witness being interrogated as to his knOwledge of the defendant_ in the case, said he knew, him ,intimately—"he had supped with hitii, sailed with him, and horsewhipped :him. " - AA. 'mischievous girl living in Thirty fourth4treet, New York, being bothered by a number of lovers, has incited them to a public 'velocipede race for her band =the whiner 'to win her. An old man of our acquaintance says he was born at the wrong time. "When I. was young, yOung men were of no ao count, and now, that I am Old, old men, are of no account," , A printer out West, ,whose office is half a mite frem any other building and,who bangs: his sign on the bough of a tree, , advertises - for an apprentice. He says, "A-boy from the country, would be pre. ferred a,, - We knove of a beautiful girl who would be a capital speadlatiori for' a 'fortuna hunterOf the right 'sort.: Her 'voice isof silver; her hair of gOld, her teeth of pearl, her clie'eka of:rabies, and" 'her eyes of dia monde. A company of . -'young: ladies -lately ,die cussed. this question : "What is tfie.groat duty of man ?" One of them dressed a, la mode from head tot foot ~ Contended• That it was_ milliners' bills. This - WKS agreed to,without a dissenting vote. • A paper - in southern Illinois regrets that it went to press "one day too earit to record the `death of John . Bates." This is not quite as cool as the paper which said, Just as we are going to press John Smith is being run over by the cars 1" An Irishman was one day observing to a friend that he had a most excellent teleicope. "Do you see yonder church ?" said be. "It- is scarcely discernible, but when I look_ at it through my telescope. it brings it so close that I can hear tho: organ playing." • • , . Mr. Smith can't see why his wife sticiuld o!zaject to his staying at the club 'so late snnply because he said, when he came - home the other nights, "'My dear its the coldest year for many nights ; at fifteen degrees past 10 the clock stood ailteen mmutes tdoW freezo,"