The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, August 02, 1876, Image 7
Arrangempat of Nails. .V to Remitom): • • ' rriveB. Deparcs .o,uhannock, (Daily,).... . .... 00 pml2 15 m VIA STAGE!s : ontroso 600 pm 626 .„„ Ilil ford, (DM 1y,).... •• .• .1000 a In 1 aup m sc u ' scy , hie ing. (Daily.) 945 a m 20C pm F r ieudsvi I le, (tri weekly,) • 600 pm - 800 am Station t (tri ... „. 00a m .700 a'm ginghatuton,tio weeS. Lake.(trt weekly).. ti(x)pia vzoo p Yiesuoppen,(tri kly,) •-•.'••••• 10 00 ft m- - 400pra The New York, (via Montrose Depot,) New Milford, runkhannock,mui Wyalusing are daill. • The Conklin Station mail,runs - TuesdaySi Thursdays, stld Saturdays. m e Binghamton mail,(via Silver Lake,)rtnis Thursdays. and Saturdays. • ; friendsville until runs Tuesdays,Thuradays and Sat pTlay s. • he Aeshoppeo mail rune M onday fl, Wednesdays - and FridaYs• ADDITIONAL BTAODi:' A itage leaves daily for Montrore Depot at I ti,,,and ,tta S tag e - - ' A l e aves daily for New 1411fordiat,180 , ~ t dteturne at 8 30p.m. 2. C. FORDIiAM P . Routrose Railway Time Table. A /augment of Trains. To take effect on. Monday, Aprill7, 1876. , • - • Do wn Trains. • Up Trains o rritwAno. NORTHWARD 545 10.15..... " 4.52 3 55 1025' ..'...845 ' - 545' 6 58 1028. --Cool's ' 840 1 448 6C5 1032 , Ranters ..;835 444 ' 608 1036 ....Woodbourne 880 440 612 .. . 430 617 10 47 'Tyler's 815' 428 ' 625 1057.... ..... !Springville.... EO5 420 630 11 05 Lynn.;;. 755 412 645 ..11 I‘4' Avery's 745 405 653 1128 .. .. . . 735 '4 00 105 11 35 Lobeck ...725 , 346 115 11 45 Marcy's 715 337 , ;w 12 00.. ... . „Trakbannock 700 822 Titling will run on Lehigh Valley time as,kept in, the 06te of P. &N.Y.RR , at Trinkhannock. 1 , trains connect aiTunkhannock with P. &N Y. north and sOuth. i I I JAMES.I. BLABSLER, Prat. Manch Chunk. April 17, 1876. I List of New Advertisements. Dr. Van Dyke's Sulphur Soap. • Cmpaign Caps, Capes, and Torch€s—Clun- D inglia!n & Hill. . BUSINESS LOCALS. Grove Meeting. Meeting of; Farmers' Club. . Meeting of Agricultural Society. Special Notice—Dr. T. J. Wheaton. Burglars at Work in Binghamton—Hine & F,boles. Campaign Caps, Capes and Torches—Cull zingliamt.t Hill. • • • - . Democratic Vigilance C uitmi tee: Democrat votes are 11111:11:fal !lost in this county by a neglect, to,complyi with / the re quirements of the law relative to assessmei l f its Ind payment of taxes. All persons, to secure,. the rights to vote in Pennsylvania, must be as- . Eessed two months before' election, anCl. have paid a state or county tax (either will do): within two years. In case the tax is paid this year it must be a month preceding the election. Foreign born citizens wishing to vote next, November must take out their naturalization. papers a month before election., They must al-, so be assessed two months previous todthe day; of voting. The election will be_ held on "the Tuesday. next following the first Monday of November," being this year the ith day of the mouth. 1 Monday, September 4, is, the last ditY tor be-i ircg atsessed. , . Tuesday, October 5, is the last day for secur-1 kg naturalization papers. Tuesday, October 5, is the lastday on which tares can be paid in legal time to' vote. The above dates should be carfully remem bered and acted on by all voters. Three persons have been appointed in each election district of the county whose duty in conjunction with the member ot the county committee for their district, is to see to it tlii4 i t the above requirements, are complied with and "let no delinquent escape." The following are the names.of the County and Vigilance Committee in each to i wnship ad borough in the county respectivelyt f A r RURN —COUNTY COMMITTER AN, R. B. SIT iSher. VIGILASCE COMMITTEE, Abe White, 1\ Linabery, Patrick Cavanaugh. A.POLACON—CO., Patrick Walsh. Vig., M E Rau, Charles Ragan, Richard Rooney. ARARAT—Co., L U Baldwin: Vig.,T J Lew ii, Chutney Avery, Wm Boskett. IhuboEwATEn---Co., 0 P. Beebe. J Curtis, it S Searle, J D Hunter.. • BROOKLYN—Co., P Tiffitny. Vig ,W P Crandall, Joseph Oakley, J. 0 Bullard. CROCONOT—CO., David Stanley. Vig., M J Golden,Christopher .Byrne. • J Decker. Vig., John Stephens, Henry Cuddeback,Henry Rivenburg. DIMOCK—CO., C 0 Vig., J W' Allen, Isaac C France, John W Tyler. Itsysrx.—Co., -T P Phinney." Vig., 011 11:31,1d, J Rivenburg, Charles Wells. FOREST LAKE—Ca, John Bradshaw. Vig., Isaac Strange, Michael 'Griffin, Elislia Griffis. F RANKLIN—CO., 0 M Hall. Vig., Leslie Pot, J L Merriman, F W Smith.. iliallosvutat—C(s., John ' Hagan. gig., Bohn Foster, E L Handrick, Thomas Mathews, R M Tingley: ,Vig., Charles roller H T Davis, Wm Gish a_ GREAT BEND TWP.• Co.,Wii Deakin. Vit” Barnes, T D Hays, I M'Hasbrook. GREAT - BEND BORO.•••••Co., V Reckhow. „ Curtis Gilbert, J H ..Du.senbury, Richard" Stack. GREAT BEND VILLAGE.--00., CIJ Langley.— 1, 1 Timothy Shatinan" J 'Brown, F S Barnes. . • Ii ERRICK—kiO., Henry Lyon': Vig.,' Ellas Westgate, E R Barnes, Isnuil Myers. liatotortY—Co.,. B MoVoy. Vig” W, D Weeks, Ste then Jennings- I J A. Williams. Horace W E (Amon John W Gow. JAcKsos—Co., H W Tyler. Vig., ktptin Reason, S E Morse, 1) L Gregory. J ESSUP-4)0. s Burge •R. Bury. Vig., teiger, John Smith, Georg IllcKeeby. • LE NOX--CO., A J Titus. ig., Ti W Conrad, 9£ Bell, Thus .1) Payne I - LATiotop—po •E .M Tiffaily. - Ansel Lyman sanders, S B Quick... LIBK ItTY — Co, ' Isaac Comstock. Vig., T tatidriek, Jacob Chalker J A Wilber. LITTLE MEADOWSCO., k' Shout:way. Vig.,; 0 Dyad, Garfield, Patriek Shonuesy• AIoN ntOSE--00., E B Hawley, Vig.. P lnsford, A W ;Cooley, John boyle. MIODLETO WN---CO. Richard O'DonnelL,Vig., i ris R ' uss Timothy koynihan; LawrenCe•Cur; MILFORD r rV7,l l ,=-Co., Wm Raiding . : Cig , John P Smith, 140134er.`'. Ntly Muironn ,„. 1 . B Dean; - Cyrus Barlow, Henry IV Ha -• yden, R Mintur Tiljn. Norgan Bbutts. • AT 1 1 man, E C Leavitt. -00 • i i ‘ I - }t " 4 .. Eben Cobb. Vig,; J files ' Logan, Wail' 04X) Harvey. ,1 SP RINGvILLE—Co. P Smith; James K Al:llrich, Charles Sherman. SUSVEHANNA, WARDr—CO., Peter Cor win. Vig,, A Wdßowley, John 'Townsend, John Fitzsimmons, W. WARD—CO., James Burns. Vtg., John Donohue, PII Furey, Wm 13 Langford.. ,I I 1 SILVER LARE—po.. Lorenzo Stone. Vig., Win ,Tho Mas Buckley, J J McCor iek:- • - , Tnomsoli`--Co. L Aldrich, Vig.,, J M Wrigliter, J W irOwn, Van' Horn. • • Business Locals. PRESIDENTIAL OAMPAIGN—Czips, Capes and Torches. Read Card Of Cunningham & 11111, in thfs issue. August 2,1876w8. ,' . - The Universalist will bold a grove meeting at Lenoxville, neaii the house of James S. Rob ert.son, August 18th. Services commencing at 144 i m,. and ”fp. m. , Adgust 2,1876 w . VIE Susquehanna County Agricultural So ciety will meet pursuant to adjournment at the' Court House, Monday evening, August 14th. By order of ExeOutive Committee. D. T. BREW:STER, Sec. Montrose, Aug, '1876w2. THE 6"usquehan a: County Farmers' Club will meet at the (.4d court house in Montrose, Saturday,- August Sth, at 2 o'hlock p. m., to dis cuss the followingl question : "Is- our present township' road sys em .the best system ?" }: D. D. LATHROP, Sec'y, Montrose, Aug: 2,1876w1. SPECIAL NOTICE. T. J. Wheaton, he Dentist, be at the Exchange •Hotel, lin Montrose, on Tuesday morning, Aug. Bt4 prepared to make engage ments for work on the natural teeth, and to supply all the toothless with first-class plate wo:k. Iliose wishing, teeth filled will please call on Tuesday, tlie Bth, and make \ their en gagements, and if the number be sufficient to warrant it; Dr.'W.lC. Starbuck will make au , ocher visit Montrose. • _ ilkesbarre; Aug. 2,1876w1. ' ' • ~ . BURGLARS . 'AT *ORK IN BINGLIAMTON.I , I They.,have been entering houses and knock.; ing down men a4er- 'dark on the back streets,. but at this time Of writing the police think they' have a clew that may - lead - to the entire capture of the g, 'lig. The'. firth of Hine \-& -Sholes have been trying \to stop, this reign of terror by marking; all of their summer goods down at cost 'thereby giving all a chance to get an honest livink:; 1.. k. few of *those-, fine parasols= andsumniersilks left. ..They*re offered at less . -than cost. They _ilso keep on hand:the largest and cheapest line i ot' black Eilks - in the city.— Mourning goods orl all kinds a specialty. Send for-samples. NO - tronble to, show, Foos, . • .• ! 1 1 ,- .. 4n:F. JO' SHOLE!3„ :Bingharnton', .Atig. 2,1876. , .. , SCno D ' To oL! ntEcToßs.—The attention of the members Of Ow- sevPral Boardi of School Directors,in Susqnehanna and adjoining Conn: , ties,is invited to the following testimonials and endorsvments by t the leading Educators and School Offieers of this . NO.RmAL DISTRICT, rela tive to the ‘STANDARP I CHARACTER AND STERLING MERIT ' OF : • 1 • SANDERS' UNION READERS, &C., Published in'an appeal to their patrons, only , a short time since, on the occasion of determ ined effort`, sitnilartfo the One now being made in this county, by} ngents of rival publishers,to displace these bonlis. The undersign i ed, residents of the sth Nor mal Districtsot ., PqinsYlvania, comprising the counties of Bradford, LyeotAing, Potter, Sus queluinna, Sullivati,Tioga,and Wvoming,would respectfully represent, that since SANDERS' UNIQN READERS AND LERS„ ROBINSON'S SERIES OF MA.THE MA.TICS,ANn SP I ENGBRIIN COPY-BOOKS, have been quite generally introduced into and are now in use as: a whole, or in part, in a large majority of the Ftiblic Schools of this Normal District, and believing, as we - do, that these books are Standard Works of ; Sterling :tiferit,and among the very!bfist pOlished ; and, seeing no BuFttent\reason - fOr R cliangeovould earnestly advise any who iMayl be tenipted, by interested parties, to dispkre4 theSe books, to, exercise great caution, and to be I tully satisfied of the superior merit of the'boks' proposed as substitutes, be fore subjecting t 4 Patrons to the additional expense of purehasi i ng new &mks, as well as the schools to' the great inconvenience and trouble in cident.-to. the IntirOduction or displacement of Text-Bo - As—be - sides 'thereby preventing uni fcirmity so pearly lattained in this District. 11'SA Allen; institute Condtictor and\ former Principal of State:Normal School, Manifield, • Pa., - Chas.H Verrill; Principal of :Mansfield State Normal School. 1 AA - Keeney, ;Co. Supt. of Bradford Co. Elias Horton, " • "..` Tioga • W Allen, , " • Potter " W C Tlt,en, • . " " Susquehanna T F Gahan, " Lycoming " ThomPsOn Bodle, " • " '--Wyotning " T forma,' " ."- 'Lycoming " B H 'Hutton, fernier Principal Troy Graded School. \ ' H E Pitcher; forraer Principal Towanda Public • Schoola. . Asti Berlin; forme! Principal Montrose Graded • School. 1 F M Smith, Teae.her of Maths., &c., State Nor mal School,'Mansfield. Lemuel Ammerman,-Teacher Lang., Jae:, State • - ' Nor. School; Mansfield. • - Alonzo Amniernian,„Prine. ot Corn. Dep., State Nor. Schoof Mansfield. - The County buperintendents above named, with two . exCeptions; are still acting as such in their tespective 'Counties, and have expressed I themselv . es-ae 410ing uniformly opposed thang lug the above mentioned booki for the reasons stated, in their „Oi l peal to their patrons. The desire to say, to any not fo niftier with.tbeaeibooiis,that tbey most virdial-, ty invite aiteutiOb to the' following;Uiameng the many pointS Of superiority and excellence The. Paper, , Binding; , Dultraikas, and jred t anica4em'uilon. The 0704404 v and . Progrenive' Character of the Perim 2 ' The kik, uneileOtionable moral tone of the leci;oniz iin eacli t book. • The - :chespneap:aa compared with ether series in respect to Qlzatity, number of pages, quantity of residing matter, 4.,t0., N. B.—Sample copies for examinatimi and coniparison will she furnished gratuitonsly on application to W. B. Deans, gontrose, or the publishers, IYIBON, BLAxix.AZI TAYLOR & Co., .188 & 140 Grand S.i.; New -York. In regard-to-an exchange of School Readers in this 4 cotuati, at present, I have ocly to say thai I think the wants of the county, this respect: do not demand a change, m these hard times formoney. • • I consider Sanders' Readers among the best published. • , W. C. TIIDEN, CO. Stlpt Montrose, Aug. 2, 1876. OLD Newspape'rs for sale at this Office it ten cents per dozen. HANDBILLS for Auction Sales, tr.', printed at the DEMOCRAT office in firSt style and at reasonable prices. • DR. N, IVlsmx.r.s. having removed - his of fine from Hopbottom to. Springville, Susq'tt co., Pa., respectfully solicits patronage. Hopbottom, July 12,1876. 28w4 rip -A. new lot of summon* . and subpbenas ust printed at this office. Mier blanks in pro 'mien, all prepared with care. _ -- , - NOTtcr., is hereby given that my accounts are n the : . bands of Ansel :Merrill, of Hopbottom, or collection. A ll indebted will please call.and :ettle, by note or otherwise. - , N. 0. , MACKEY, IC D. Hopbottom, July 12, 1870. 28w4 PROTOGRAPIIB.—Pictures taken in all the lat est styles. Old pictures copied and enlarged. Also a splendid lot of frames for sale cheap, at. G, W. DooLnur4i,'s. Montrose, June 10,14.---tf. To RENT. House and Lot to rent in Montrose, E of J. B. McCollum. • ' May 31, 1876.—tf. - Nim STOCK of carpets, oil cloths; ma, 4.t c., just received. . GUTTENBERG. ROSEKBAUIt Montrose, April 12, 1870tf. SPRING Styles Stilt 'Hats, felt and fur. Centennial Hats, just opened at GiUTTENIU & April 12, 18780. . AT,PUEDY'S Wagon• Shop a fine lot of form Wagons and Buggies lull trimmed. plete and first-class •'in every respect. fc cheap for cash. Montrose, June 7, 1876tt. A LARGE assortment of the fates neatest styles of visiting and' business just received at this office. Call and see before oraering elsewhere. Ho busineSs man, need :complain thi is "toe poor to . ad'vertise" When he .can gi latest style business - cards printed at the octia'r office for three dollars per thousan, , other .work in proportion, ; !..! NEW LACE CURTAINS by the sett or yard.— Table Linens, Napkins, towels, and , House keeping goods in great variety. at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM l &CO. • Siontrose, April 12, 1876tt. A. MAGNIFICENT lot of tine 'Cloths and Cassi merea, Coatings and Suiii . iigs - .14 custom work, just received, call and leave your measure fora new suit at . GUTTENBERG; ROSENBAUM 451 r, CO. April 12, 1870tf. ' CIGAR KRO CONFECTIONERY, STORE. Having bought Louia Knoll's stock of Iligarsl Tobacco and Confectionery, I can tarnish first-class articles for . the least money. Fine summer drinks for the thirsty.. • thiIESsZiR4M3.. Montrose, July 26,1876 s The sale.of Taylor's Family Medicines is steadily on the increase. TLC sales of the past year being more than double of any previous year. The reason ot this is on account 'of the genuine merits of the goods themsOveS and the fair and impartial manner in which they are sold. ' July 26, 1876. " , nirrons to the Centenntal can find good ac ..tommodationa within a mile of the-Centennial Grounds, on line of street railway, - at reasona ble prices. 'Drop a postal card a week or two before coming, to secure rooms. •C: H. BIRCHARD, 3847 Haverford St., West Plulaaelphia, Pa. May 3, 1876tf. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL; • MANSFIELD ; TIOGA \ CO., PA. The Fall Term willdpen Wednesday, August 30,1876. Ample and most excellent accommo dations for and day students, a facul ty of experienced teachers, and terms !lower than found in uthet schools. State appfrfria awls are stalcontinual a4d reduce the explasea of the Btudenta. 'For catalogue giving hill particu lars, or admission to the school, apply t 4 Prof. Charles Verrill, A. M., Principal. july 26. 1876. ' 80w2 THE CENTRAL .EXPRESB COMPANY forward Butter by their night line every night Whether they have one pail or more. Butter shippers who patronize this CoMpany secure for every bipment a night route.l i We `have better, facilities and a cooler route 'than you ever had offered you before: i , Patronize y ur home road and make a sue cess of an ent rprise that has and wlll benefit 1 you all. , Montrose, Ju y 26, 18760: 1 MARBLZ WORKS. _ The Tunkhannock Marble Works of Burns & White are doing a good business and are getting out some very tasty Phil of Head Stones and Monuments. A. B. Burns of the Eagle Drug Store, is their authorized silent for Montrose and vicinity.. Be bas des gns •of Head Stones and Monuments. Any orders left with him , will be promptly Riled by Burns et White. • Tunkhannock, Feb. No CtrnE, No PAY. - Kirby's Cough Balsam,a very palatab:e corn= pound, for the various _affections of the throat and lungs. Used with' great. success in; case of Asthma and Bronchitis. It is presc,Tibed by the physicians and endorsed by the eleople.l War ranted to glyo entire - satisfaction or money re funded. I . . Kirby's Magic Relief for the instant cure ot severe,and,acuto pains. <- • - 1 ' Kirby's rasteleas Worm Lozengesi Sure, .i i sale and effectual. ' Kirby's Condition Powders lot quttlit , quan tify and purity are superior to any rowder for stock manufactured, 1 1 ' - . Kirby's Camphor lee for (lisped bands or sunburn. • : • 1 For sale by all Druggists in MOntrose, and Dealers in Medicines throughout tbe country June 1876y1. sting, 1 ( 11 3 ' 0 a m t : sale axid 'cards Ithem Lftt he 'et the DEM- Ap;nd tB76tt I t' TIME AND PLACE Spring lambs, State, pod 7)(4 Now is +nu 'ruts - TO PAINT. Live calves, State,. good toprirae. 7 - Lead and Oil cheaperi than they have been Live calves. State; fair. Ao good:— Nig known tor years., Ourn.'s Eagle l3rug oore, is Hogs, city dressed 8 3 3(4) the Place to buy anything in the P l ums and Dime line at the very lOwest figyres. 'A large assortment of -Brushes and Varmshe4 constant ly in stock. The celebrated Hall, Bradley,r& Co.'s Pure White -Lead Onstantly on hand, for Winch ptituis is the SpLis. AGENT for Moptrose and vicinity.' ' .11Lintrose, April 19,- 1819tf. We have just reeeive:d a very large stock , of plain and faucy envelopes, letter and. note pa per, plain and fancy bill head \ papers, cards of all sizes and colors, colored poster papers, etc. all of , which we can afford to print Acheaper than any office in this .or': neighboring counties, and in as good style.: Work done in black and colored inks. If you think there is any that can beat us, give us a trial, and We will show ' you what we can do. All kinds of blanks on hand or printed to ,order} REMOVAL I 1 • ••,' Mr. Geo. O. Rill wishes to inform the peir ple of Montrose and' vieinity, and - the - public generally that he has reinoved from his old lo cation to Searle's new block, where he has bet ter facilities for, entertaining the public. .He has also added some re* features to his former bußiuess, noticeable 'ameng which is his ice cream parlor, where 'particular • attention will be given to large or, •small parties. 'The best of cream always on. handl, C onfectionery, nuts, cigars, tobacco, etc., et 4., as usual Also pick les, sauces, etc. GEO:C. BILL. '. Montrose, July 19,1876—tf. CLAIRVOYANT EXA3tEN4IONS FREE. There is no subject that requires so much. study and experience as the treatment of ctron ic diseases. Tue astonishing success' and re• markable cures performed by Dr. Butterfield; are due to the gift of clairvoyance, to the, life long study of the constitution of man, and the curing of diseases from natural remedies. Cures the worst forms of Scrogila, Catarrh, Piles, 'Fe male Weakness, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder Will be at the Cafferty House, Binghamton Thursday, and Friday, Aug. 3d and 9th. Dr. Butterfield will beiat the celebrated Min , 'oral Springs at Rush, Pa.. on a visit,. arriving Tuesday evening, Aug. :Ist. at 6 o'clock p. m., leaving Wednesday, Aug. 2d, at 4p. m, • WE TAKE pleasure iu balling the attention of our readers to the fact 'that the popular Dry Goods, house of C. F. SISSON ;:t Co., Bingham ton, are now receiving an unusually large and complete assortment of 14ew spring , goods. Not withstanding the cry Ig ' , bard times," this house informs us that their trade is larger than at any former season. This is easily. accounted, for by the fact that they always offer , the most reliable goods at the slime prices that many houses sell a very infertor grade. All the nov elties ;of the season, both of foreign and do mestic mannfa , .:ture, may now be found upon their shelves, and a visiti to their store,will con .,yince.anyone that that is the place to trade. DA1CAL.R.3:3.3C49.43-338, t tZ•l• COLLAR—BEEBEAti: Warren .Centre', - July 4tb„ by Rev. 3. , H. Green; David dollar, of. Wy alusing,-to P. A. Bzebe, bf ApolaCon.• BEllcE\l77-SMITI---At i . he residence' of Harvey Coleman; in Herrick„Bliatord county, by Elder E. Burroughs ; of CamOown, Levi. Bennett, of Tuscarora, and LibbicclTowantra,'Pa. • - BURRIT—RAY;CBFOILD—On Tuesday, Abe 25th of July, at Moscow, pa. by Rev. G. G.W. Soutti- Nvell, - Colonel Loren Burro t, of Uniondale, Pa., and Miss Delpbine,RaypSford, 1)1 Washingten; J 3=I3ELALT3EIEJS • • - TAUESDELL-At Frankiin Forks, Pa., July 18,.1876, Triphena E. Barnes.' wife o Rollin B. Truesdell, aged 35 year. Bieovri, Montrose Depot, Pa.,: July 20. 1870; Mr. - ErAstqs G; Brbwn, aged 52 years.. C?titTElt—ln 'East Bridgewater, July 15th; of diphtheria, Ella. A.,1 youngest daughter of Patrick and Fannie. Carter, aged 2.yrs 4mo. 12. daya. . CARTER—In Eait Bridgewater, July 20tb, of Diphtheria, James son of Patrick and Fan nie Carter, aged Myr& 31no. 20 da. • • CmrrEn-;--•In East Bridgewater, July 22nd, of diPhtheria, Joseph P., youngest son of Pat rick-and Eannie Carter, aged 4yrs 10mo, FANCIIER—March 25th, Wilmot, eldest son of William and Susan Fancher. aged 23 yeara andlo months. • • . Brother, thou art gone to rest ,! Thine early tomb; But Jesus summoned thee away ; • Thy Saviour called thee home. Brother thou art go' ne to rest : Thy toils and cares are o'er ; . And sorrow, pain, and suffering, now Shall ne'er distress thee more. GrJmDEN—At Friendbville, Pa.,:-July 20th, 1876,Frederiek Charl, youngest son of B. T. and klattie VV. Glidden,. of Forest Lake; aged 11 months - and 16 days. The little lite meisurea , as yet only by * months, was so winsome with baby, sweetness that, `-.when "God's stillness" rested on.his love ly form, the world gtw strangely . dark, and sadness fills the home wbei'e the little one left lonely in the nest" asks in vain for "baby, brother" Charlie." , The Etarkets. Sew 'Work produce Market. Reported Every Week Expressly fort Tax Mowntosk DEXtoCrakT by EaydenADuckworth,Prciduce Coto. mission Merchants. 825 Washington Street. Never York. Ile* York; July 28, 1876. e i BU'N'TER. State, dairy pails, select 27 28 State, 'dairy pails, petite.. 25 QC 26 State, dairy pails, fairltogood.... ;23 -24 State, dairy pails; - pooi to. iair. 174 0 22 State, 'creamery, select, invoices...2B @ 29_ State, sweet ereaui, pails, ehoice..26 a 27 State, sweet cream, good to priMe24 tg 26 State, sweet ereaiu, ta4r to g00d...22 State Firkins, choice ye110w....•: .26 State Rirkinsi good td, prime.. :..20,t a 25 StOe Firkins, fair. to good: , 22 ‘24 State Factory, eto &gel . 93 4 6 • "good to Oriole.. •i 8. ` ... fair.... ' 7 @ 8 .': State farm path ra n 8 (4 good to pritne..'.. 6%igt - fair to goOd 4 : .. -.. sne 6 StateikPentri, w o • •, • ' E., •_••• •••, • .11 II; 19. 1 ;-)ifEATS.4.11D • • ,t3pringlanitrai,_Jertegivrimt ORICESE. EfIGS. , Spring ebiekens,Del&j'Y,Per lb.. 174:4 lB Spting.ciiicken#, western, per lb.. ' ice - 17 -"Fowls, Jersey, ,er 1ti.......'....... 150 , ,16 Roosters, per I ~.., - . -9e- ', 19 Turkeys, Jerse - , per lb ' 180 , , 15 Turkeys, western, per lb - ...".' .. . .... 12(4 , 14. Ducks, Jersey,.per pair . ' ' wig' - 1 oo ,:Ducks, western, per pair. - ....:.".. 500: , ' 60 Geese, Jersey, per pair... .....1 7507/1 9.25 Geese, western, per pair.... - ~ .1"2544 150 ~ • DRIED PIiIIITS. • Apples, State;sliced. .8 .0 83 Apples, State;- quarters..: . 8 8% 5 Peaches,: peeltd, - 0/4 'lB Cherries, prime, . ... 44 14 • Plums, ...... ~...12 tat / 3 Raspberries'... . .. : 1 24 .25 County Business Direotory•, Two line's Intlds- Dlrectcify.,oneseor, $1.50.; each ad ..: -; ' ditional ISO coots. - MONTROSE. WM. .T 1 AGRWOUT, Stater. Wholesale and &tail dealer, in all kinds of slate roofing. elate paint v etc. Roofs repaired' wtth elate paint to order.. Also. elate : paint. for sale by the gallon of barrel. Montrose. BILLINGS STROUD, General, Fire and Life Intim - erica. Agents, also, sell Railroad and Accidental Tickets to New York and Philadelphia. Otlice one door east of Win. II Cooper .16 Co's bank. WM. U. BOYD & CU, Dealete in Stoves, 'Hardware, and Ilanurctureis of Tin, and . Sheet-Lon ware, cor ner of Main and Turnpike street. A. N. Bollard, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Book.. • Stationery and Yankee NgtiOne; at the head of - Pc Avenue. WH. H. COOPER . CO., Bankere. Sell Piareigt Pas sage Tickets and Drafts oil England, Ireland, and' , Scotland. . WM. L. Ota., Harness muter and dealer in all arti cies usually kept by the trade. opposite thst bank. JAMES E. CAIDIAL ; I`, Attorney-at-Law. Orrice one • . door - below Tarbdll House. Public Avenue. 11.1tOSENTLIAL, Auctioneer. ,, tare S. It ,CO. Montrose, Pa. . • • ' , SAVINGS BANK, NEW MILFORD. Six per eent. interest on all Deposits. Does n • general Banking business.. • S. B. CHASE As: CO. H. GARRET & SON, Dealer in Flour. Feed, Meal, Salt, Lime, Cement, Groceries and Proyisions, on Main Street, opposite the Depot. N. F. KIMBER. Carriage Maker. Pictn re Framer,and Undertaker, a few rods from Thinners Hotel, near M. E. Church. - ' • • " • • IL P. DORAN. M erchant . Tailor and_ dealer in Ready, Made Clothing; Dry Goods, Groceries add Proisions, Main Street. • • • CARRY THE NEWS, OH CARRY THE. NEWS TO MARY AND EVERYBODY EISEI ' FOR GOOD NEWS, rs HEALTHY Ant REFRESHING . :,:ILLMANr, *1 HAVE MOVED TO 'THEIR NEW STORE, THE FIRST NATIONAL 'BANK, Where they will keep on hind the best assorted stock , of Nen's and fi . oys' Ready-Blade- C4,4.(;)-T- r ...g --.C,8-, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,•PANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, HATS, MILLINERY : - • GOODS, &0., ' _ of all•descriptions, and latest styles. , GIVE us A CALL and - we' will SAVE rou ZOKEY.=-- Terms. cash or good paper... RespectfaVy, PI LIMAN... 'Zic co NATIONAL .114y, GooDs :,& CLOTHING Estrgoluttx. BLACK. AND COLORED ALPACAS, newest shades, - , • • 25 cents per yard, at S. P. & CO.'S First National. BLACK _AND COLORED CASHMERES, all shades • - • 81., cents per yard, - • o• ; at S. P. & CO.'S First National. BEST CALICOES,ftteir styles and fast colors, .6 . 3 i Canis ' per. yar_d. CO: • at 8. P. & .'S First Nation HANDSOME HAMBURG EDGING AND INSERTING • horn 10 cents per yard up, - at S. P. & CO.'S First National. YARD. WIDE BLEACHED COTTONS, from . cents - per yard-up. at B.P. & Co.'S First National. YARD WIDE FACTORY, from 'I,V cents: per yard at S. P. & CO.'S First Minces!. BEST BHIRTINGS. new styles. 15 eta:per-yard, at S. P. & CO.'S FiriitNational. BOYS' READY-MADE S U ITS, from $5 uP, - • at 13: P. & Co.'B First National. YOUTHS' - ItEADY-MADE SUITS, from /1.80 up, - at 8. _ MEN'S READY MADE SUITS, from $8 ng, at S. P. & CO.'S First Natiotuti. BOYS'. OASSIMERIC' 'PANTS, from $l.BO np.. • - - at S.P. & CO.'s First Nation,st:' MEN'S- CABSIMICRE PANTS, from $11.50 up; al B. P. & 00.1/3FiretNaticiasta We shallitlso keep on hand Gents' and Ladies' Rik derwear of dU styles; , ladies' and misses' Ready-made Snits, As assistance to our experienced and artistic milliner, we have engaged the services of one of-the leading trimmers in New York oily. and we guarantee our millinery department to contain the leading styles and trimmed in heat city styles, and our prices lower than:elsewhere. Remember we ,will keep a fall assort , ent of all classes of geode - generally kept in Brat-class stores, and our prices we warrant will be the lowest la . Susquehanna County.. Our special buyer will be in' the market at all times, and procure for us the latest novelties. Our motto will be. "Juslice to all." Bear in mind we have a NRW STONE, NEW GOODS, and theIOWEST CASII - PRICES IN THE COUNTY. As anindueentent to make large purchases we will deduct, (on de rn andion all cash bills $lO or , more, five per cent. . Come ono and all - Both great and small And buy your gOods ' At. S. P...& Co.'effirstNattoniaL Reapdettally; S. TILLMAN. & CO., Nattoual prypoodo and Ciothipg Store. liontioue. March 25, 1876., • BILLIARD QU'ITIT. Billifirdoutat for, Oclutap t . Two UM** 'With tbe _ ttvaeeeAiry Agteitri OfWARNSR:; -1911 84,18103 F IMiootrose.l''4 4 •• ~ ~.._~' LWI PtiTYLTRY. 15.EW MILFORD. - GREAT BEND. (Beailers,sew, Brick,) Bra 9 IA 0