Arrangement of Mails. VIA RAILROAD: A rritles; Depatu linkhatmock, (Datiy,) '7OO m 121 b m - . liontrots-e Depot,(Daily.) • 600 p m 20 4 New milfora, ....1000 ain Si)pt m Wyaineing• am, no I) in Fri t anisville,(tri weekly,) " 600 p m sw u m :loettlth Station.(tri weekb 'zoos 100 am . Bi figlimutpe ;vie S. Lake,(triAveel4ly).. '6OO p m i ) 00 p m st ,,ooppen,(tri tree k1y,)..... • 1000 a m 400 p m The New York, ((via :Montrose Depotj.getvlitilford i , runkhatmoek;aud Wyalusing are I , tie Conklin Station mall rims 'Ptiestlaya, Thnradar, and Saturdays: • Tate iiinghvnton mall, (via Silver - Lake,)rune-Tues-. i lt pl„Thuradays. and Saturdays, , t t i tty rie: . dsville rims Ttieaday/I,Thuradaya,and Sat ttr The ..‘loshoppen mat l ru ut3 Mondays,Wednaodaye, Lind • i 'o ADDITIONAL ZrOES: ' k . A Stage leaves daily for Montr se Depot a' 1 tn,.and returns at p. m Stage leaves daily for New Milford 41.730. and recurne at 830p.m. • s:.a. FO I RDRAM, P.' X, Montrose Railway Time Tab l. arrangaient or Trains. To take effe ' _on Mondayi Aprlll7, 1875. . , • - ' Down Trans. ' - Up' Trains solnitwa tb ••• NORTHWARD 545 10.15.-- ....Montrose . ' 4.53 555 1015 845 , 545. 558 10 2 8.... ... .8 90 ' 448'' 605 - 1032 ' Hunters • .:.885 444 , 608 1030 ..Woodbourne...f. ...... 830 ' 440 612 10 40... .... Dimock :.8 .,.825 486 617. 10 47. ...... —.Tyler's. ". ... 815 428 „. 625 1057... 420 630 " „.. 755 412 . 645 11113. Avery's 745 ' 405 653 11$8.• ... ...Lemon ` '735 00 703 11 ... .. . .4.L0beck..... . ...725 345 715 11 45 Marey:'s 715 "337 720 12 00.. .... 700 822 Tinins will run on Lehigh Valley time as kept in the Of or P. &N. Y. •RH at Tunkhahnock. All trains connect at Tunkhauuock with P. &N Y. R. R.going north and South.\ • JAMES. 1. 81, AKBLE.II, Prea't. Mauch Chunk. April 17, 1876. F ' List of New Advertisements. Sheriff's Sties. Taylor's Medicines. I BuslNEss LOCALS; Grove 'Meeting. Taylor's Medicines. State Normal School.' Night Route for Shipping Batter, • Cigard. Tobacco and Confectionery—James Zerfass. . Democratic VlgilanceoComittee. 7 Democrat votes are annually lost in, this connty by a neglect to comply with the re-; quirements of. the law relative . to assessments and payment of taxes. All persons, to secure' the rights to vote in Pennsylvania, must .be as sessed two months before election,'and have paid a state orc'ounty taX (either will do). within two years. In case the tax is paid this year it =At be a month preceding the election. Foreign born citizens 'wishing to vote next November must take out their .naturalization papers a month before-election. They must al so be's.ssessed two "months, previous to the day of voting. L The electinn will be held on "tile Tues doy next following the first 3lonci ay of November," being this year the:7th day, of the month..: Mundsy, September .4, is thelast day for he- - kg assessed. • -1 . • Tuesday, Octobers, is the last day for secur kg naturallzatien papers.- Tuesday, October 5, is the last day on which tares can be paid iu legal time to. vote. • \ The above dates should I carfullY remem bered and ticked on by: all voters. ) Three persons have been appoptted in each election district of the county whose 'duty in conjunQion with the memberlot the .county committeefor their district, is ti) see to it that, the above requirements are complied with and "let no delinquent escape." The, following are the names of. the County and. Vigilance Comfuittee i in each township and bob ouch in the county respectively . AUBURN—COUNTY 'COMMIT‘TEEILAN i ;'•II.. B. Sw'isuer. ViGILANCE COMAIITTE'E, Abe "..1 IVm LinabeFy, Patrick Cavanaugh. • . • ApoLacoN-'=-Co.„ Patrick %alsh. Rytib, Charles Ragan, Richard Rooney:— • L 0 Baldwin. Vig.,T J Chatincy Avery, Wm Boskett.. 13atooEvrATEn—en.; 0 • P Bi!ebe. Vig.,'C J Curtis, H S Searle; J Dfliutiter. . • P H H. Tiffany. Vig . ,. W Crandall, Joseph Oakley., J 0. Dullard. • • . CRoCoNIIT —Co.i , David Stanley. Vig: i X: :4 Djnl~, 1I - J Golden, Christopher.. Byrne. CLIFFonn—Co., J C Decker. , . Vig.. John Stephens, henry ,Cttddi.back,llenry:Rivenburg.. Datock•-•-•-co.; C. 0 -.MAW. Vig., J W l as -4 7 1 C France, John W Tyler. • DUNDAFF—Co., T. .P Phinney. J -C. Olmstead, J Rivenburg, Charles Wells 4 FoREsT LANE—Co:, John Bradshay. Vig., Isaac Strange, Michael Grifiln,.Elislia Griffis. FRANKLIN—CO.i . 10 M Hall. '-Vig.,, Witt am' Shields, J L Merrintan, F : W 'Smith. - ". • FRlENogvriax: , --Co., John Hagan. V ig., John Foster, E L liandrick,lThomas Mathews... GinsoN--7C0., it M Tingley. Vig., charles. T Davis, ,Wm Claflin. GREAT BEND TVO7.--' CO., WM Deakin. Vig.; IV 8 Barnes, T,:l - .) Hays, 3 M Hasbro Ck..: ;.: GREAT BEND BORO.—CO., V Reekhoiv: Vig., C. Cimis Gilbert, J Dusenbury, Richard Stack, . .• GREAT BEND VILLAGE—CO . .,C J _Langleyy Timothy' ShannOn, J :Brown, F S Barnes. . • • . lIERRICK-CO.', Henry . Lyon. Vig., ...Elias Westgate, E R Barnes,lsrael Myers.. : - HeItMoNY-Co:, t. R.: - . McCoy i Vig., /08 tin, 0 D Weeki, Stephen - Jennings. 11 e.nronn—Co., J A Williams: Vig., Horace. Sweet, 'W E Ostaonr John W Gtiw. J ACIMN—Co., H W Tyler. Vig., Austin Benson, E Morse, L Gregory,,, J.EiiSUP—Co. George:4 Harvey: Jos.: Steiger, John . Sinith, George Miaeeby. - • • LENOX—OO4 A:J HI W C onrad, E Bell, Th o s Payne. • • •• tena. , p—Co., E Tiffany, Vig.„'':4l2tliel llrrrill Lyman banderg-;$ B quick; Linisarr s Y—Co. Isaac cothsweg. Vig. R l lstalriek,.jacob B Chalker, .J A. : • LITTLE 31EADOW —CO., .1 )- .84(inner.y.' U Doud,D .R.Gar,tield,.Patricit ShObrte..seY„,..- B'- Hawley,' 'Yi.g;.l:2 4- Ittlyngorti s Weonley, John Doyle...', O'Donnell. V ig. , this Itiss, TimOthv . M- ynibair :Laivrence Cur ; - • ly, • ..ILA V imILFORD T*P.--cd., WM Harding: 7 — Bist)ee, :S F LAv .31 iLtoitn E De 94.. Cyril,: U i rloiv, Henry - -1:111.001.:...4 iii ~irn. Ti aki , wn-Co., Morgan .Leuvitt. ~tk ii.....(3o....E be tt COlib ..•• : =? Vt.k4 , Jaf,nes./i.. 0 6 , -, Wrn T Geo' HarveY. "' S PRINOVIL 'Fiib! . Smith, James K .011mleAr • 6 esQvunsiati*, Vig.,."JohnTOnsendi. john Fitzsimmons. - . W. WAnn—Co„ James Burns. Vii.; Jilin Donohue, Pill Furey, Wm .11 Langford., .; SiLvER LaxEH-CO., Lorenzo Stone," Vig., Win Heavy, Thomas_ • 'Buckley, J, J 31cUor-. Mick. -'" ' 'hug) s N—Co.; L S aldrirh. Vii;., J 31 Wrighter, J W Brown, S Van Horn. Builness Locals. CIGAR ANO COIiFgCTIONERT STORE. Having bought ;Louis Knotrs stock of rig ir3, TObacco, and 'Confectionery, 1 can turnish first-class articles, for the last money.' - Fine summer driuks for the thinay. Jaw S ZERFAsI. • Montrose, auly 26, :1876:' ' - . The stile of 'Taylor's s is steadily ou the increase. The sales of the past year being 'more ithait double of any previous year. The reason ot this is. on account of the genuine merits;ot: the goNs themselves and the fair and impartial manner in which they are sold. ' . Julk* 26,1876: 4 - GROVE MEETING. The second Quarterly Meeting of Ruih coif ` will bej•eld th the grove at Elk Lake, on Saturday and Sunday ; July. 29th and 'Both; the first service commencing at 2:30 on ,Saturday. Rev. L T. Walker, P . . E., and , several other preachers will be present. All the people are cordially invited. F. A. DONY, Pastor, =" -July.26, 1876 1• STATE NORMAL SoNOOL, MANSFIELD, TIOGA. • CO., PA. , • The Fall Tm will open Wednesday, August 30, 1876. Ample and most excellent accommo datiOns for boarding and day students, a facul ty of experienced teachers, and terms lower than found in other schools. i State appropria tions are still continited and re/I*e the expenses of the' students. POI. catalogue giving full particu lars, or admissiOn to the school, apply to Prof. Charles fi. Verfil4 A.. M., Principal. • 'July 26. 1876. 80w2 THE CENTRAL EXPRESS COMPANY forward BUtter by their night line every night whether they have one pail or more. Butter shippers who patronize this Company secure tor every hipment a niiht route. We have better 'facilities and a cooler route than you ever 'had 'offered you before.' Patronize your hor ie road and make-U sUe cess of an enterprise • that has and will benefit you' aIL _ Montrose, July 2t3, !876tf.• A MAGNIFICENT' hit of fine Cloths and Cassi meres, Coatings and Suitings tor custom work, just received, call and leave your measure for a 'new suitnt GOT'TEMIEBO, ROBWBAUX it CO. April 12, 1876tf. PLOW TRIAL. . The executivOcoMmittee of Pomona Grange N 0.7; P. of H., have : a War ot - -plows in September. nest., 4atiufaetiirers wishing t( COmpete are requested to give notice ' by the. 20th 01 Augiist.; 'This wilt' nut 'be a : ploWing match, but an itnpartial test of plows on their merits, all things Considered., ~ Notiee of time: and Nice will be gived. in due timgg.: Address. • :P. Xi ACK, 1 ' Lathrop, Susifa Co., Pa., - July 5, 1.876.• , 'MARBLE WORKS. The Turikhannsfek: • Marble Works of Burns White are *doing: -a good businesi and are getting .out , .sonie tasty: Pins of Head Stones and Minuments. • A. B. Burns, of the Eagle Drug Store,. is:-their authorized agent.for Montrose and vicinity. He haS designs of. 'Head Stones and MOnuments. Any orders left with him : promptly , filled -by Burns'tt White. .; . Tunkhannoek, Feb.. 1.0.3tf. TIME AND PLACLA . • MU' IST;TEC 1.13.1 E. TO, PAINT. Lead and Oil cheaper than they have been hi/own for years. • Burn'? ,Eitgle Drug . Stoiv is the place to buy anything In. the PAnc and Duro line at the; very lowest figures. A Jarge assortment of Brushes and VktniShes eonstant= ly ire stock The celebrateo . Hall, Bradley, & CO.'s Pure White Lead constantly on hand, for whichBURNS Somr. AGENT for Montrose, and vieinity.. • . • •,MontroSe; April 1.0, Ig76tt. •• . . • PitiNtrtriG.' - • • We have just; received a . very large stock .of plain and fancy enV,elOpeS, letter and _note pa-. per, plain.and lane) , bill head_ papers, car& of all sizes.and.lcolorS,colored - -poster papers,-etc. all of which - - we can afford to print cheaper than any office in thiS or neighboring counties, and. in as goad sty le. ••• Work done in black and •colored inks. It you think. there. is 'any that can beat us, gi% 6 uS - a -trial, lip(1, we will shotv you what we can do. All kipds of blinks on hand Or printed to order. _ . ' REMOVAL"! s- Mr. Geo. C. hill Wishes )to ',inform the pep ple of Montrose and vicinity, and the public generally that hp has re:tnewed_ from hiS old 16. cation to Searle'S new block, where? he has 'bet t,er facilities Mr entertaining the ,:public; He "Ms, 5.15,0 added &emu ew -features to his . fOrnier buSineSS, noticeable 'amor.g which is his ice-. cream . parlor, *here, particular attention will be. given . tolarge or! stnali parties: . The .best.of cream:always on hand. Confectionery, nuti, cigars,' tobacco, . etc., etc., as - .usual Also pick les; sauces, etc.- ! GEO. C. HILL. DlOntroe - , July 19, 1876—tt • • CAMP MEETING. Wyalusing Distriht Camp Meeting will be held; Provldence permitting, at Dimock, Susq'a County, Pa., commencing August ,3d,..1876, and continuing nine (9) days. The people of the county know thkigrounds are pleasantly located on the ,Montrose rail road, at Dimock DepOt... The water ,supply is plentiful and pure. Theemilinittee have provided fora good board ing tent to be kept 'on the ground, and the us ''ual supplies for persons and horses can be ob tained at reasonable rates. ' "Ho ! - Every'one that thirateth, come ye to the water I" ' • bal l . WALKER, Chairman. J. H. WitsToN, Sec:. of Com. Arrangemenp3. • Brooklyn, Pa , JMie 28th, 1879. I It. R. ARRANGEMENT for State-Tetteliera' As eociatitin.--The following ;;. have Centen nial Excursion -tickets on ,eale at the, principal stations, without 'orders : North Pennsylva lila--Lehigh Delaware-- Danville, Hazleton, a‘l4 Wilkesbarre—West Cheeter and ‘I• Philadelphia--PenisYlvahhk--: Philadelphia and Reatling—C'atawissa and iVilliatusport--.Northern Central—Philsdelphia and Erie.: - , • Persons who pay full sfare in-going 'over the Delawaraand 'Hudzion can procure ptteses the. meeting to irethrn free. For Cards of.;lleirrberistip, which will secure reduced )tel . ntleSj . enclose nne dollar, ".with' stamp; - . • For °Met., apply (stamp enclosed) giving railrbads - and,names of StatiOnii, befcire August 15t;1876. FIitTCHER SIOKEEJ, Ticket Sgt.': State Teachers' Assodation • Germantown Pa. July 110876-46. T-Htl -- ,Dr.40.CR, - ;,: . ' - :JULY - :'..26 . ,.': '1870: OLD Newitpapers for salo at this,t;ffice - at ten cents pet dozen. • • HANDBILLS fur Auction Sales, A tv., prigtecl at the DEmecn -AT office in ftrst , style and at reasonable prices. „ Dn..N MACKEY. removed; his of from flopbottom. to *pringyille, Susq'a cos t respectfully solicits imtronage..- . . flopbottOni, July.llr,'lB76. . ,28w4 • Mr - A, cew lot ot sum mons atM subpoenas just printed at-this office. Other blanks in pro• fusion, all prepared with care. •. • , NOI ; IVE is hereby given that. thiseeininis are in the hands' of Ansel. Merrill,vl , llophottom i for collection. All indebted ; will ,pl..ase call and settle, by - note . orotherw!se. N. C. '3lAkEi, -- 141..D. Itopbottotp;luly 12;1876.: - - 28w4..' PrtaronnArms. 7 -Pictures taken in all the lat est styles. Old pietureg copied and enlarged. Also a Eiplendla lot of frame' for sale cheap, • . at G. V. DooLtnueit. Montrose, June 10,14.--tf. • To REbrr. • House and Lot to rent in MoritrOse, - Enquire of J. ,B. McCollum. • , ' • May 31, 1870.-tf. , , NEW STOCK of carpets, 911 cloths, mattit , g, &c.just.received.- - • • • • ; GUTTENBEItG. ROSEN,BAtIM &.00. Montrose, April 12, 1 1,876tf.• - - SPBINO 'Styles 'Stla Hats, felt and fur. Boys' Centennial Hats, just opened at , GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM•ft .01; Aprlll2, 1876tf. • AT PURDY'S Wagon Shop a fine lot of Plat form 'Wagons and Buggies full trinuned. (113i plete and . first-class in every respect for sale cheap for cash. • Montrose, titine 7, 1876tt A LARGE assortment , of the latest a l nd neatest, styles of visiting and business cards just received at this office. Call .and