' - ANOTII EH'S. =, - = She has the most alluring eyei, ' A little Grecian nose ; She wears the most bewitthing guise, And parti-colored hose ! :' Her touch can thrill onesrangely when . One clasps her- in .the &nee ; , At least they•tell me so—but then I never had thec.dian.ce.' =-' . ' , Her melting tones, so people say, Intoificato the brain, And Wive, when she has gone , away, ) A joy akin to pain. • • , Her voice is like sweet music when ' 'lts strains are soft and low ; So those who've heard it 84 7 —but then Pnever did, you' know. 1 She makes the most superb, ifitgout-- Knits stockings by the score ; i I Knows Latin, and Italian, too, . Greek, French, and plenty m re \I ' •, 'She's just the girl to sweeten li e--- Adorable I---divine ! • . In short, she is a perfect wife ! ' s But then she isn't mine 1 ' HISTORICAL ADDRESS. • DeliOredat the County ICentenntal • Cde 7 bratiom at Montrose,SuSquehanna - Conn., ty, Pa., July 4th, 1876; 4 :Benjamin Park, L.L. I)., of Parkvale. in complr,- once with Resolution of Congress - and ProelantatiOns • of • PreSideut and 'Gov' color. • • • . . . FELLOW CITIZENS, -LADIES AND' GEN • • TLEURN : Thii is indeed .a.-proud and, Glorious day to our Wholeicountry; a day, to be remembered. • The pentennial'Aii— niversary of . an ack and event, the mild ence of which is seen. and felt in every corner of the civilized. World,_ so evinent-- Ivowned and blessed by the CreatOr and. Governor of the Universe daring: the past 160 yetirs, in the.extention and dif fusion . of light, liberty, intelligence, and . genera; prosperity, that amay 'adopt Ills language in delivering : lsrael- from : bondage : "This day- keep it throtighont 3.)ur • genetathins." The Impulse of Re puhl:can dovernMent started on that .day and bv. that memorable declaration of principles, a political gospel, bas,lBll4-. ken every AoVeinment in the \World—e- . cept ours-which is built upon ..• • • in commemoration of that great act, which was one hunsdred years ago thig day cHnSammated in Independence Hall,. hi . Phil , tdelphia,:not Only severauce frtm England but •a- covenant of union among tikuiselves, in grateful remembrance, Pod as we trust: heartfelt giatitude• to' / God, for the blesings whichl - have Oily and continumisly showered Upon* . us es . a nation ; the earnest hope and . prayer that. this freedom arid. in m u nitieS gained by the. virtue, the • wisdorn,.and valcir of our 'evolutionary fathers-may be • continued and transmitted to. - :tiie gene rations yet to. come,the people of thiS w,role• nation, it: is presumed, will on .this by assemble in their respeCtive 'nigh, •thiyhootls will sWell a gen , ?ral. odors of iational.rejoicing, a telegi l aml of which is even now on itsAyay. frorn the hand of our President to every corner , of the rarth.: ,Glory to God in the Highest— on earth peace, good will toward men." - LA us hope that this, the.proudeSt 4th of Idy. since 1776, :may be - a revival sea.-;.i . ton of public and political virtue and pa; . tity ; of faith in each oth; , r es a true tia-. 6431 brotherhood, iind: faith in God, as Ihe author and 13. , stower of all; 'and th us do honor to the past, the- present, and o f our land... in this Switzerland of Penn'a,, the Keystone and Centennial State of our Union, the ,heitvens shine brightly tpoi, and over us ;..peace- reSts . upon • all landscape. - These . hills • and valleys. : but a few.years.siace an intiroken forest,. pro , :trated..by the arm and industry of Dnr ancestors, are 'now, clothed . with the vadtireaf civilized ; *dui:grain waves pith majesty .in the fields, the air:is sweet ao , lsends upwards - an aroma of . ejinlta- - !I+IA and joy, as if to mingle with the gret:ful emotions which should swell e'o= tly heart aniongus.as we iead - and fecal' he story of the dOjngs and:sufferings. Of, titqltecollitiollttry fathers- 7 seriUnS,loAl- frariiig . and God-loving men, Whn. - : ‘ aara r e t , this western world enjoy the frec-; . , and, rights.' which, Godhas mid to Omit the tree 'of, civil and'reliv • i'ms bbertv,'"under . . -, .Whose :.shade,". said itoz-r Williams , rfeverY.one:-.has,the right : 1 , .worship God according to the dictates . his own- . conscience ."', . .",-There : Was :11 . I l l'iliity which:directed. :their ,conrse and 'hapeci t he end. A dOpting,. the-motto of:ti l'hicifi~ , ld---«Never despair, . While Christ i' the Captain"--4aPy dared not i r only - to. ditlare and publish thei7 ',Wiriings and, as rl their rights, in the Clearest and most Raring stamen* ever . - before - that time forth by man :.' but with a' hindful : nt utoraini-d inpn'fivin!.the farm, the Opp, : al,d the forge, poorly: . •:arnied, and, eqUip.; Tit without supplies' of . aniu . nitioti or ¶thing, to defyand . oonfrant-the might empire in'the-.worldtheir lat iii — invincibl# On, lan] 'andl . shpreme at, N.. In the.proweit at that',Mightt ltire as children. t•heV.felt gloW . 41:1)0dP- hti(l reverenee-for ter - , s liccPs-tful : everywhere,: - girdiog,,jo. with her victorieo. .= . 'BUt liberty, for ; which they had left: that.. they . : 'Could,: not - . sulimit' 'g star ift:laves ;, they preferred . to brave' , the - 4-: . :,: i _ . .:: : .0 . 1 5 i5eFt.,',:. dangers iitid'end ire the privations .auiL sufferings Of, open resistence. The..restilt. under God's, .bleaaltig, is,the immunities we now..enjoy and this dityconimerhoilite.. Said John Matus -"We that] : make this a gloilous,ik rnOrtal . dayl we are : in our ..graves children - will hOliOr 'it: : 'Onits . . annual - :retain, , they, Will shed tears, IcOpious,' - lashing,'„tears, ; not- of -ati.bjectiOri. aid , slivery,: not .)Lag, ony bat , - ‘ofA!xiiitation,.,6l tratitude;and f oljoy. * Through all. the gloom, ~11. Can. see,- . the . ravishing rays. Of.:ligh ti an glory. Posterity triumph:in -thia day's transacticu:." : The Pail of the , CelebratiOn'.aSaigned to me,-is the delivery' of the - Historical Address in compliance, it - is . presumed with a joint reaOlutiohof both Houses of Congress' assen4 l .bled; approved March' 13th, 1876. - the' proclamation of the Pres ident arit-also of the Governor of 'Penn.. ayiyanit 'of April 21st, 1876, commend- ing its .obs.ervanee. s.`To . .,havo delivered each, county:tor town, .an ,- historical sketbb _ : thereof from formation and .staistics as can . e obtained .in , relation _thereto,. to the -it tent that` , from- -them a ' complete . record inay. be . obtained 'of. the 'progress 'of : oul industries- . ddring the 'first, centtini;l;( f their existauce. The : dtity I have to discharge : is there: fore . somewhat 'difficult. I may tax your 'patience,,farcithe trial .ia,..how. much or how little to - ;say ;. keeping. in view his 7 torical faith fuln i ess and : a ,trhe regard to statistical infortiation,calCulatd to, show the development and estimating the ures en t istate of , the country. I.t preparing tnis.brief historical sketoit .I will here state, that . many of the fact 4 -and iniorne. instances- the- language in which trtey.are detailed, I have gathered from theexcellent and *very - interesting "liistori . .. r of • StiSqUehtinna county," by . .111iss Emily C. Blackman. of lifontrose, a copy of. ivlitch :siould be in every .house hold in ,the county, and of every one born here, 'whe4iver-he may reside. My labor in gathering these ,facts has been thus, materially lessened, and the 'value increased', by availing myself, net only . - of her research; but in some. cases of her graceful Style : iit the recital of them. For all this she •s entitled to be credit ed. For statistics A am • indebted to the I t corn pendia m of the aensus of 1850-60, and '7O, and. al;;'' the . Itiport. of the Bu reau of. Statistic . of. our' State, for the years 'l2-3. Frt m a codaparisim of these , ..and'euch other information as. 1 . . have been able to ga her, I have- made and give my eStimak - for- the present . time: 4: 3 I . .. I The county' 0. Susghehutina is, scarce ly middle aged latnotig the sister counties 'of Petinsyliania. It was set *off from Luzerne 'by an. act of the .I;igislaure pas sed 'February 21st, 1.819. The south line . of the county 'W i ns run by Trustees in 1811, 'and the fi st county officers *ere' _ - elected byi tliC people - in:. 1812.'- •It ,is lhounded on.the.nOrth,.. Dy . the State of New York ; sontOby . the - counties of \yorning - and Luz 'rue ; - east by • the county of __Wayne ; west by the county of 'Bradford. - The nty contains . an area 1 1 of about 825 square miles. or nearly - 530,, 000 acres of , lan 4. The, population When set off in 1810, could, not have exceed A . 7.004 L It. is.now estimated at ; 40,000. it then,coniained : eight townships. It .. now lis divided intoY2.7' townships and 7, bur oughe. - ' i'.‘The.coutity :derives its ,name; from' -the faet that th ey Suiquehanna river first ii:nters the. Stateiof Pennsylvania within its limits;- - The name . is derived froin two Indian words:.! .7 .. ctiliza signifies. astreani of water, - and Stisque is generallyrbeliev -4 to. mean crooked. A. - .more -winding and Crooked stream than. the SusqUetien :na, astwits general coiirse, is not to be found.. in the ,istate. In our own cOnlity t varies. directly three times." ~-,---- • • • • It is. not probable that the.-Thilians,ever had any fixed :residence,-:or dweltio - Our eonlity. :1_ In: passing" from . - viryi•rning Aiorthward,orlinJrefurning they.frequent= ly crossed the-- - opcry, generally, it is sup posed,',foll'iiwin the ..large -streams - , as gi n along these valle's arrow heads °and other Indiari implitnei is haVe ibeen - found, and several places ai.,, . marked, by - tradition ,as l:.'tlie sites- of. Indian cabins.-- ... --- - .- Th& earliest Wliite'and.civilized - settlers ,;. - -. -. I. - • within what . Rolls ' Susquehanna county - • • •4 . „Catne..heiT,,it isipresuined i toon . after the i,elote of 'the-11 c e,tiottitionitry War. Thet , were mostly-. fiTai - ;New.,'England,, and impression.-the,-iMpresSioti.that.the lands -belonged ; to the state of; Con necti - .: Cut Oder. the: . Charter of -1662 $ - and, the purchase.. from ,the ;Indians in :1754 - .-.:,FOr, although . the Jiiiit' COnventiOn,,,: which- convened .at . Trent:'; . o . !1 .-in.,„l7B2;:hadf de. - tided that ',the iliffri4dieiloa - bel6figed. - ,to, Pennsylvania atideethfi.Chartek of 1681 !'and - their. purchase. of , the, Indian :title'M.' 1:768 . yet as' died Cotth. had before ' that ':decided. thit,_the, t right otisoil did...tiot:66Me before ... 1 that :tribunal, it;, was ijiettritued . that a title .deriii3O from Connecticut _Was -. .gond' _an tf. yalidll'-.', - Many : - .01: the '..settlere, either after theiileft' their . bortiet or after. - arrivingliere; - invested all: - their available 1 ;00- 8 :.iiii. - ,.:,tio _ Otrohase . .',Of..title .:titi':. : tite land tti'or,.o6oo.lfrd.:- - ..This waia4eniarda, : by'_the . begitilittdre . . and : - 'oOurts,..declatill: t4:-66 - 4:ort,hleas. ll .. :They_ were,: • therefere :•.::: •-•-:: •:.• , , ir.:.. - :-: • -.. • therefore, ..., ' MONTROSE, PA., JULY 26, 1876. • compelled to abandon their improvel ments-nr -pay fur their: lands.' a secou time.- , ,(note -This - state of. thing greatly. added to, and in, many , cases h tenSifled, - , the hardshiPs and 81!Irojn,(Y'R' inSepErably incident to, .the settling anti obtaining a liViihood in a new and . healir ly timbered forest. They had 'tiiiother Communication : .with places' .vittero..pra• visions could „ be' obtained than by: foot paths :through the foreet,..ihdicated. by marked trees. Until land chuld ne'clear and grain raised, all bieii&Seutti 'were brought from 15 to 20 miles On thesihoui ders of men.. through. these :forest , foot.; paths, across hills,: valleyB . , and streams; for the .making of even, a horse path, by cutting., away the brushwood and logs, was too tiresome : and Slow ',it task for the very few who even own.ed- that'nseful:ati 7 The whole country was thicklY.timber 7 ed with hemlock, sugar and white maple, birCh - , chestnut, white pine, poplar; iron-, wood, elm, cherry, hickory, and litter-. nut, proportionately much. as in :the; Or der-here, given. . ; Tliere was a• great deal nf, between the Connecticut -- Claimants and those wbe came . to survey and take visa 'ession of the lands nthler the Pen niylva ilia- title. Though not iresulting in open 'conflict, as in the Wyoinin& valley, there were many warnings given, threats made, and, guns ;d"i"scharged-bullets whistled° too. near for safety. • ' The ill-feeling 7whiet 4 ..: grew. out of this eonLroverey not only .retarded - the:Settle ment and . improvement of the coun ty,. but engendered a doubt, Of all title as claimed,. and -caused :several' long and vexatious suits at.law to settle questions raised—the more especially where con siderable.bodies of land, had. been sold-by the original paten.tees o: middlemen, and. mortgages taken. to secure the payment. But the mild and liberal of most. of the large owners did much to banish ill-feeling, heal .the :difficulty, and give assurance to: such • as i were desirous or willing to pay for the land. Some thirty years after this . another difficulty arose in 'relation to- several acres of hind ; in: this cctinty tinder a claim de rived from John ' Nicholson,- - who. wits . Giniptioller of Pennsylvania . from 1782 tip 'B4.;' and d-uring that period he, be came owner of nearly four million acres a land in this state He . mortgag7 ed a portion of .lands in. this county to. the "Widow's Fund .corp.oratior„' of Philadelphia,. died insolvent, leavingithe inOrtgaze unpaid. It - is not deemed nec essary here to detail the partteulars of this unpleasant. conflict, Which r :for.:Over twenty years :Caused _ great interest and excitement - ; especially to those who :had paid either in whole or part . for . :their farms. Suffice it to. say that afteriever zo.sults.at law, and some legislation, the whole matter was settled by suit of CJlll pr9mise. • Since then, for the past 30 years, our citizens have had peace' ui re, gard to their land titles. TheSedifticnltieS., as to laud titles, very naturally interfered with the more - rapid settlement of the county. But for them it is probable the census Of 1840 might have nearly doubled. Prominent among the, claimants, arid mpporters of the Perinsylvapla title.' was Col. Timothy Pickering an officer ru the Continen tat army at Salem and Marble. head, Mass.. in 1%75, and afterwards a member of the cabinet -of President - Washinge.ori. Having removed to Penn sylvania he became the agent of the gov ernm-Art to endeavor io settle the - disputes as to title and' possession of the lands in Luzerne,connty. He was appointed the first,lothonotary,, Clerk and Recorder of - that county in 1186. A few years 'after, he came to this part cf Luzerne, became a--landholder, built a cabin and stayed one or more yt-ars. During this time he introduced to our county Dr. Robert H. Ross a literary gentleman from Philadelphia. He was so much pleased here that he purchaaed 100,000licres of land.. nearly one-fifth cf the' county, and made his home thereon at Silver Lake. Dr. Rose took an _active, part in the development and • improve ment of the county, built an. elegant ree, idence; encouraged the raising' of sieep of ,which he at. one time owned 7,000. He was-influential in fixing _Montrose as the site 'for the Court- House, and gave it the name after a' town in Scotland.. When selected it 'con tained but two houses one of which was at one time; tavern; - store, postoffice, and' Court House.— The first court was held in JanuarY,lB.l3, Hon. John P. Gibson, President Judge and Davis Dimock and William Thomp. son. :Associates. Sinbe than We have had PresidentJudges•:—Thomas - Burnside Edward Herrick, John Conyngham, William Jessup, David.. ‘ Wilmot, Darius Bullock,Ulysses !demur, and Farris B. Streeter, who now_ presides over all the county conrte. t can hardly stippnee it to be 'within the domain of this address, as prescribed in the 'resolution of Congress and the proclamations of the President and Ooi 7 ergot., to (Wail the names and recite the deeds and -privations of the worthy men our fathers, the, pioneers, active in the earlier settlernentof this county whoa an . , , • I Ul)trOtiti , 'll S. IA , so. I soon Lilt C4ki4V fiopi the , Ittlblizillvd Ii - trry of Alies Rib. I trust mot of you read, . its' • .1 ihaie, with. great interest and -pleasUre.— Reading that; you kbow, who they were, an 4 have a glimpse of ,their-, privations, sufferin,gs, and,labqrs, the .11-nits and re sults of whichWe *ri`pw enjoy.' 'We cher ish their memOry, heir patienee;"forti tude, and enterpris6—we-.venerate their piety and trust. They• have passed Llte yond the Neil whichlseparates the unseen world, from our vulgar gaze. As a elites they Were noble, honest, trtithful, high - alluded, and pious tnen 'and women. It ivmore•-than doubtlbl whether they have ev , lr.been- . t-xcelled,! if equallid, in the pioneer history of our Union. They *era decnidants ofkhe Pilgrim fathers, and brought with"! therm Many of the Pilgrim and kurit4n • customs. They misted in God and ho'nored His :Holy Word. regarding the'rnselves as.co-worlie rs with Him in subduing the wilderne and preparing a home for 'their, fumtlses. They felt the loss . of religions privileges as one of their. greatest privations, and : welcomed to ,their hospitality every, one who came as God's' Minister. • . . . Though Death, the krand ley..lier, and. enemy of our race; has; laid - away their mortal bodies in thelboorn of our m4thi.r earth;' - :'earth to earth,', ashes• to ashes, dust to dust.''' lie Cali nOt . :hide or destroy • the light of their..4aracter. or the infirt enCe of theii. ~ kample their. faing• • and virtues, their Seltatiiiial,.• privatiOps, labor, are our prOpertyi, zand should .be cherished in onr m•lnories. More. valuable than the fields --they clear d and. it Ergo?. The m ,re we can ;brighten •their ineinoriesi and impr ,, ve and beaatfty these farms,. lialiciwW by the labdilthd .toil spent in clearin them, the ini)re - We add .. to o r. iiiheritiinco. Let .us .honor our ancestry, by be6rhing more worthy as their' descendanti. NO white men 'are knosn to. have dwelt here during onr - Revolutionary war. No for , igu army hhs . ever trodden •our eoi Nor has disl4ality to our govern ment or Union, ever fnurid ae!,ive_friendS here. etivi ng no . nri.iiies.w . orked,.and but a few tnanniiietures, we have had no strikes or riots, no hnnsual Or thrilling . events in. our lii,i4try. Outside of - . the laud-title disputes, and tne .PrivatiOne, sufferings and inetlOvenietices,, incident to the settling and ?Mbduing a -new and : wild territory elinging.a howling . wilder ness into such &Ide s and farms as cover our hills and valleyd;rhe progress of this county from its orig,)n tip to the present time, has been generally gradual ( and en-. tirely peaceful. 'rill: question, wkich storms' have aitated the .sea of public Opinion io_other..patitkof -our Union haVe spent their force beAOre their, waves reselt . our outer borders. Weither the feeble roar or Spray have left an impression here worthy. of record. 'shall, .-therefore, as .to particulars; confide myself pretty much to such factsand stattaticeas I have been ah'e to gather, showling the . general char ac ter and, gradual progi,ess of our c I have said! that 4ur.. County incitides an'area of some .825 -square miles, and nearly 530,000 acree'pf land. It is almost entirely agricultursil. At leash seven eights of our land 'being. capable of •t(11 7 age Or. pasturige and -no.inineral deposits of k 'flown •.and apPinved 'value or extent or of - lime stone haNke as yet been develop ed though in some places there have been found Clear in + dicattons of iron ore and slighter traces- of copper and . lime. Some feeble salt springs hate _been - build a. few explored; - !but -- none' as yet .have proved worthy of working. Several Medicinal Springs hate been discovered and waters .tested; 1 Some of these" are said to have proved ihighly beneficial in many diseases.' At :one' of these in Rush _township, cerninodi`pus buildings have been erected; and gOod accommodations provided for invalids and other visitors. Our county occupies an- outlying - spur of ,the Alleaheney Mouutains, a part of the .great APpalachitin system. ;.This spur is 'here ,somewhat Ilattewd- down and spread out 410 seriesof' hills; which rise'eenerally with' N gradual; but in some cases with a stfeperlascer.t, from 100 'to 1,001 feet ahote the valleys.ot , the larger streams—these -vallqe being. from 1,000. to 1,200 feet aboy4.the level of tide.' The average height 4f the County,ii from. one 'to two thousand' feet "above the - tide .water levet; an' :alti(nde securing , a.pure and bracing atmosphere. favorable to health and, tidivity l of both body and .mind.. Lifted above:the regionsof miasma and the dieeiies arising therefrom, shield ed by our hills fro* the ' tornadoes 'and hurricanes which sweep` through a leVel country, our Sumtner or warm season is somewhat shortenedi and we are subject to later and earlier frosts than lower or more level dietricti is the same latitude. It is regarded by - all who kitow it as a most delightful, healthy, and" - quiet sum metresidence; pleasSnt and. healthful al so even in winter all not affected with pulMonary. Weakuese • The valleys throughout then country tip; Oar - to have,_been washed out bribe streams' running through them, at some period in_ the .03 , 04 of the „past, !hen VOL. 33-NO, 30 tne' - eurre'fiti , of Water-Were inimenSely gr•u• • . .• • .• - than 'at the - present,: and the . st rata, 'if° w .Ainitigil4 sedimentary bitiuly rcck. must have been so soft as t.o. be cut or Washed 'through without Moving the mass.- ..• 'These rocks . .' ITOW. 'generally - ie regularstrata ; -.or E layers : from the bage to'khe tOpS.. of, the hills; unlike the,position of.. the: rock strata :in the southern parts of.' out . State, or near and. around the-,CO,ali,ineasures,•; where they are turned up, inclined, and bent. his the theory of •SOme geOlogiets that the country north. of the . anthracite coal .fields, has by, some :Convulsion beAn. rais ed - and the coal basins sunken, :and by drift and - delnge filled witli4iiat.hecame . coal. They say that, : the -series of rocks which form or. rib our. hills, arethe same, as anderliel and for the' floor of the coal basins,ionie thousand: feet loWer than , our valleys ; and, therefore, , though iron and Other minerals' 'may here be found,: : there are` probably no coal -veins in our hills worth 'working. ',As in Nom. 'rock strata; there are no fossil ,:remains, and very. few : if any traces of vegetable Or. in- sebt life we 'are sujipoed to - be seated up;li - crystallization of chaos . our rook. strata a deposit • o years:before'God , called , thelight day and darkness.night ; when. there was no eye •to see. or - heart to,feel, - ,or intelligence to ..' register His awful plan, of creation:- The soil of. our county, from :our fak leys to the tops of our highest •hills, is a • rich ~slaty gravely intermingled' 'with •some clay, and disintegrated rock ..and shale. This soil from twelie inches :to - three feet in ':lepth, .is underlaid by a of: tenacious clay ,and gravel,call ed hard-Pan ; which being in most cases lnipervious• to waterrpreserves ithemois ture of the• soil, • defends ..it in a . great - measure from the effects,.of &might, and preitentS trie leaching: down and 'waste Of the manure and' cithr fertilizers 'spread' . upon- the surface. When well tillea and (minuted, our soil yields all 'the 'common - • grains and -v,egetables—as fine,.crops of wheat, rye, . corn, .buCkwbeat, potatoes . &e., as any land in the state—although the . tillage is somewhat more toilso.nit than the sandy valleys, or limestone' . lands of our southern counties. Being watered by the purest springs and streams it is . pre-eminently . ' ailapted• to raising grass and stock, furnishing abundanbe of • hay-sod pasturage. • - Ne4l;-:d-tiancing,,. our hills and, - higher valleys ,of our. county, are fifty lakes and ponds of varied size and beau ty ; led by springs from . the higher ground. Fringed. with and bur.. dere . cl with . undergrowth, they :are gems • of lorlinesS,-set in the landscape along the footpath . of Nature. In most . of . these. are found- the - ettamon ...fish, such., as pickerel, perch, sun and Catfish, in• more or less abundance. In some have ' been lately introduced the black baes.—*:. SPeckled trout in considerable* quantity are fi)und_in the :mountain streams and ponds where there are no pickerel:. ,Lying within thirty miles : of the AVy• ()ming coal region—?a ready marketwith which we..,are now' connected by ..three'. • railroads,: the farms. •of • Sa t squehanna County are not - as yet . estimated, at half their real value ; for what they may be made to yield with proper tillage aud.cul tore. From forty - 10 . -fifty oushels Of wheat have been . gathered from- an acre, and the records of our State Agricultural: Sciciety show , tbeproof of. overl.so bush els Of Ccern harvestts r d from an acre. For- ty years ago, before-the -. potato crop had become subject to .disease and vermitie,. trim) four to Ave: hundred bOshels of po. , totoes-*ere, e T ipected : and, often gathered product : the . uct. of an acre of melt. tilled .- land: •.' • —. Foe dairy farthing, the - land of this . county Is probably equal to" that of auy. section of our Union. No better or rich er quality of butter, is made anywhere. than is now ,supplied by some of our careful and painstaking dairy. farmers,.' . and the . quantity has 'rapidly increased within' the : past few Years.' The nuthber of cows in this enunty as reported in 1873: to our State Bureau, of,. Statistics, was about 25,000,. producing some _two and a hnif - million pounds of butter - , nearly a milliOn pounds of cheese besides selling.' 1 140,000 , galkns milk.: Taking: the. lost. census and , the . report as .furnished, the Bureau in 1873 ~as basis, esti mate the number of inilch cows , in our • county at this time to be not less that 30,000; and calculating the butter at the very low estimate of 'lOO pounds per cow, .we have at least three million pounds . of , butter as the product of this year,iin damn to cheese: wade and milk, sold. Nationale statisticsplace the number of milch cows in the United States at thir— teen millions and credit them with. sk product of in .round numbers, 1,400,000,- 000 pounds of butter. The product of •hay in 1873, was about. 100,000. tons. Our farms ate generally improving in production and •as the present season so far is highly favoritble, the hay as well as 'other products may be estimated considerably in avanae i1f1873. At that 'time the number ofdo,mestie animala'Or live stock horses, cattle ehOp e , and swine_ were. about 88,000- of ,sheep [Coulintiod on egg* pp]