Reform Sparks from "rilden. 1 We tick every' hom-t, reiitl.file• f o llowing. It will that Govern . or Tilden ! - las n it pet Written. his letter of .Beceptance. 0 1 10 '0E. will sllow th9.peOple t form Tkniocritt ho.a . to .say 41.4 whiitll l lB . ..= a szert ion's are G F.*:E4 1,.- tXtjLEßN4 l o ) l: l ,47*Gtlgli;t:;': :'uo3;3l.lirip: earliest, convenience Prepare and transmit to you a . formal acceptance. of : the itotn - - - 'inatton which you now. tender - to tne In behalf of the 'Pen te;ratic Natrona l,(;urit S : do poi - :destt'O, l • elision to anticipate any which' not, m o t , b e appropriate to' that curninithic4- % haivever,: he perniittedLto_ T ue to 'say nomination Was not.a . ' mere persomil preference.- hetWeen etti z:us and statesmen -; , .:republic who ihetiirehoseti for thsiinguished an honor, and for so - august a duty. It waeiaihei .cleolaration that august body ju whose behalf you; speak in tavor of ,adminiStrati . ye‘ reform; . 1 w it which e Fen 4. l,4l:::assnetated tile' ill' the pnblie mind. The strength the un , •• irerrnty,.atiti , the'ellleiencY Of the\deniand fir adniiiiistrarlve reforni in 'all, govern an . d: don of the. Federal G-overnment, with , w hich the. DAnocratie masses everywhere were instinct, have -jedl6 a terie,kof snr 7 prises in the. - popular:. - asserriblakes,: .and. perhaps in the - c-nrentnAi itsdf. , lt would' be unnatural, gentlemen, popular.' inovetfien t,:_so genuine,-and - -,so potceritii, should - stop" . with . 3,500,000 . Denwerati ; that a should not extend by contagion to that large Mass of itidepen 4ent vot .rs who stand between.parties our 'con try.;'.-and e'en .to a . ',,moderate pot:tiou of .the, partY,under, who eladmin ts;rasiuu the evils to be, ecirreot,ed- have grown up. And,: . perhaps, - .in' . what we have witnessed 'there, may, be - an augury in - respect to what we may Witness in the, ,I,ction about to take plaCe tiqoughout our country; at least let US hope-so and. believe so.' . I am not without experience of tto ficulty and the'labcr. of- effecting adOn ktrative.iefotm, wherili requires , a rev olution in policies and imeasures lOng established in gOvernment.l If I were to judgt! in this-year and a half in which I hare been 'in the State,; Government, •khould say that the routine'd.utieS of 'the trust I have:. had imposed on me are small btirdeUcoMpared with thatoreated by the attempt to change the goVernrrien t of which' I am the executive :head. ptt ally is this so 'where •the reforM is to bt woiked out with rnmie or less of the co.operation Of putilie'offthers who either have been tainted with the'evils . to be' re- Arrssed or who have been ine.tpaeitated by habit or toleration of the wrongs to be . corrected to which they h i ave been don!, eetkuog , .witnesseS.. therefore; if your chioci! 'should •be ratified', 'by the p'eonle at the election, should enter upon the great: duties which would fall upon me 01- as a holiday , : repreation, - .very, nia,ph in that spirit of consecration, in iviiich the soldier enterS, ha't'e. - [Ap 7 . plzsus-.] But .let us beiiev, ai Ido be flew, that we now see the dawn of a better day tot.mir . 'country, and 'that as 'is-,the 'work Ito ;which _the 'Democratic party •with many of the former. members of other puma has ad dr4•ed itself, the Republic is yet to be renovated to live in all thei future, and, to he. transmitted to : future generatOni as Jefferson contributed. to , form it ,in his. clay, and in which it'has been 'ever since, until a reeent:perioiqa bleping ilk , whole people. [Applause)] IGentle. men, I thank jrciu . for tie :'wiry kind' tqlus 'in which yon have made, fOur cinitimuication and I extend to yott col- Irctivelk and individually a most cordial gredlig. Another Account of COnter's • DETnorr, Mich , July 13.—Lieuten ant Carland, of companyß, Sixth in fantry, with Gen.' Gibbo 's coMmand,- writes as follows concernin the slaught- . er of the Seventh caialry and General Custer. The letter is dated Month of Little Horn river, June 2,9, end pro e ells as follows : At the mouth of the.: Rosebud.. on the 2 2u of June was struck- - a ilitrge . iiidiati tail leading up the .Ifosi-bud'. Valley.- Glieral Custer from'there took 'coniniand 'f the twelve companies of cavalry; alid• ' , tith e d on after the Sioux. ; He fol\lovied thew to the foot of the MOniitainS, and fanial by scouting ::the valley: -that- 'ilisiy w on. a branch . of the. Lit tie liorn. .This was - on ;01i . . ' 4l - 11 . On the.2sth he:"took: . flie COMptiti '"::l,ql followed dOwn 6 . 1, , while. Major Reno with .seven . .:Coiiv Vinue b. went down on the other.:. Major lkio wag to- attack..,the enem in-•.".the t-4r while Cheer ' fought _them . . y- in.. front. TioB would have.• . ivorkett'.all right, - ..7 - is P(,:tio had got in their „rear ;, but:Gelgcal ,iitzter,- marching •=:''dOwn *on • the , other iitle. saw what he supposed .wiak , the front 01 tile campandf Made ii,charge on them, the Indians gave way.' - letting.' himii,iiit iti the gap,: .- -I , lhe brave man rode in with. his 300 , tne " and would have killed the whole - .(100 Bioux, I believe, if there had heen . , tiu ' .. : . i, 'Holly behind. him. :But . ririSti;id `:of '""rging the - front' lie. %vita right .iii:.t . he (~ . 1; t 1'.2 of bet weeil .. 3;ooo and 4.000 siiin*. l),,se that !ere' behind him; kept; : don.; ciiled utitille Wi :" s right 'in their:pii4Eit,. 1 t hen, when i.t- was too .late,'„ (!, ,. :TiioP „ 'old dash - , trying th cut 0440' h't 1 02!"':: 1 1)11 t , the enemy *as„ too' manY '''fici ' le4 AM 11110.-- about the. first 00, and the -Ifots6§ ' icioofH;s4l4i6fe dp.w n' .µt; thau tt tOkes n.feli``'it The' . , •: .Sioux theii.. turned w.t,t.h all their . ;force ufain ..44jOr - Reno., r He charged themwith 'One company and . returned with -Ottly,.tleveo - Men. THe then retreat ,d .tt .short'..diStanc, „placing ,:li•is..menr,ou :4 lil.tiff. , . -.,... iti..lipt ;themCif -iintilttie night ot.'the'29th, • •hig nien.: . .golng:Wit.b.oup[-Wit- - ., te,rA Or ty-eig h i - r . 'ihO'tl4'ii: - . 'lle •-•Wai - •relieVred by Generals TerrY and r Gibb , in who'eaw, the...moke. frotp - Where they were on the Little Horn, and,lthinkine it a- signal of the. Sioux, marched- that w ay. _jug,tju time to Save-the last handful of ,toe .:Sev . lentil . `cavalry. ' . Out - of , the r whole .reki . ..' , went only 4748- !min -are left; and forty of them are kladly:w ? ,oune.ed. It Makes one elieittrstOle•to . loti l k lover the battle ground .and- see . thii- poor- I fellov4's, - some of them with.,.their, enti ids . cut ,out others ; `their eyesdug . ut.,and :hearts laid .iterifss their . face, . Th e y even stopped to - . cut their pockets. to" get, their .'tnoney and watches. , 'The .l most. fearful sight . was Golonei Cook. - IHe was a splended look.; ibg , , man ititn - lone - dark_wh!skers., ~..They dtig- hilt fide — tilt out - SO as' to get iiii3:fine beard,.it..iapppOed-! :-Thity did pot dis flg.ure General Cusferin ,any way but liis. :brother LTotit -.Custer - was,, opened and. : heart ' tltiken 04.-, . . r . :-r- -..:, We estimate the loss .of the enemy, at 500,'-though it i• • naril -to tell how many . were killed, as t e• .carried, most of them . away. . Some of d , o4rs - claiti- that Sitting 'Bull was killed a4 !leis known by some, and an Indian angwering. his disCription was found .deadi bti t• no doubt this is false, as they would have tried to carry him along. • • ' H r- -- r • . - , General Nev... and the remaining •offl- Cers are- feeling :ery badly. I . was 'stud ing by General- luster . when General „err,: Caine up ''arid; ashe looked down upon the noble 4e l aeral the tears coursed .down his face al he said: ~ • . •, ‘• "The flower if! . the '. army is gone at last." • .. -• i , Carter was su , , posed . to be the fi! - .4t one who died but h o ugh he fell first we , found se*entee.. Iciirtrige: sheik: by -his side, where 11elha l ek. - ept-\theni off until the last moment. -.!:There can nQ blame be attached :'to 10 one for fearful slaughter.' If Cu 4 ster had'; `had the whole regiment itlyouldionly have been worse, as .the Sioux Nqre to. many: Of course there will be snm 7 t . • blamer by eastern pa.; pers;but as Witnei of 'the. whole tattle I cannot censure any of e There is one. poor : Crow. Indian on the boat who- has fl.Ve: shots through 'him; yet he is happy because he has nine scalps at his side. This is a true state. ment of . , Gen. Ouster's brae 'charge. These Sioux were all. from., some 'agency as ye found 'Camp equipme.nek that had never been tis4;'als.i blankets that_ were new and branded! ‘. - U. S. Indian depart inent. Th . , re is .verys' little 'More to say; and As the scout '.starts for - Lincoln with the mail in a few moments, I will close. rlst.Frout :the Outrage' Mill, A - -;orrespondent of • the Ne ir York World, writing from Memphis, Tennessee under date of Jiily 13, - says twti.days ago * Warrant Was 1 issued • for the . arrest of "Fiances Thompson;" Memory a' witness ,beforaa cOngreisiohal' in vestigating coin- . mittee and more-lately the most iiifamous procuress L in Keihpnizz. .1)r, . J. •. if, Nuttal - ' swell known MemphiSphysician. having beer in ' SOme. way- advised that there was suspicion iis i to - • the true sexiof this - vile creaturesslit. :ova- , i• Su in mooed. be 'fore the reeorderwho drOted an investi gation •hrfour - Of: • the' WWI.. prominent :phyStaistiS,cati*into court and testified that this pseudo ',. woman is really a mail and in not respect ..a woman, The court then i ininos.4l al fine upon "Francis. Thompson. - ' ice default of, which AIR. - (,.e) Was„takeh with the .chain - -gang, to the city r,tkpile,' atter having been fist strip-. pal of . female attire \ - and :endued • in the garb: - appropriate .to her - (his) real - sex. She (he)-attraco-, d do much attention in public that she, (he) had' to be recommit. ted to ,her ,(tire) Such is . the. characH• ,ter of the- witness,. on whose- testimony and,thnt of a riegrO 'named , Luoy Smith, WhO-Ilodgen,and',Blept in; the - same bf.d witw - :"Frances! - Thothrson," . 11eSsrs. , `Wash bu rue ,; tth , Broomall republican members of. a congressional invtstigating committee to enquire - into tertain'allezed' erio.ous -- prOceedings in the ci y of Mem phis, in the \ year 1866, - made.. report _ that "thecer4itititig acts of atrocity sad ofdiabolism - comen i tted' \ _ n tvere- : , the ravishing Of dva,COleredltvethen.'. ', 4 lii.e rape of Vratidets - Thiimp*on,'' Messti: . Wailibu . rhe .13 - thotnall'go:oni to : say,- "is . 911 to ;which referefices .hera - -- niude.". .;;Afrer stating ilecordink t6.o4 4 iAt i fitillight (4 f- "Frances: 'Thompson,'' Witt . .seven ' men, who had' `policemen's stars' on their breasts - and who were "all rishmen," had on a cer taiii-hight-entead the house of the said ,Franca ,ThoMpsori," Messrs. 'Wash -butte and -- TrOdintill',,declara -- that "the. , womair,- FranceS - Thompson, .. was . theh violated byTfourof f thel_ men, and st - Lybad-. Ay beaten'and bruised that 'She Jiy . in 'bed for three days."-' ; op. testimony of "Fran-. ces Thoiiipson/1 On which :Messrs.' Wash` burne.464 Broomall base their 'statemen is :.inity- be fiitind, on pages 196 and'l97 of their repert. - , . i .' . . ..- .' .', .'Tils.'l , h evi4e.p . ce 9 . 1 Oisriurjured ne gio.ichiihdrehlre,ised • iii : woman's cloth ing was . made the . .thread . .of. a -horrible . iarratiVe,iiiitheiiifjoAted by the signatnres - , • Of 6voletiding j !repnbliean; members:of ' Coin gross;': prititeo, iit, ' the • govern men t - ex-' I ~tien se::and sent ;t_O:i.hy, - ,;;Ions . ,throngligh.O: I .hkail,iiiiilef they Ain existing franking . privileges. - Th- vile tibrieiktion -liat'tted''. . 1 / 4 ; •. -its' purpose. But the people 'against t'ho'se good name. it Was directed have lived down the ; base caluniny now, their turn to laugh. Probabiy there are two men wi l t,' by this time ar, fully itnpteils..d with '.the - ,trtith of = the iiduge 'that - •`he ;laughs best who. 'aughs bist,'• and those cwo are B. Washburne, Mtnister to France, and the Epti;John . M. Kruothall. of Delaware county, Penn 87Ivama. Republican .meinhers :of. ;Coin. and Republican newspapars 'at pres ent engaged - in grinding out a new grist from the "outi age. Mill" may_ profit by their experience. Terrible. Tragedy.* . . NEWARK, .. J., .J u i .y .1.3.,-4k, two.. o'ciock to=day three iirothera,named :Fit:- horn, who have, heen . ., desper ate itharp.c.,ters,for 'years ,were . arrestecL by OHO officers disorderlY condant. ()gibers :Dickerson and .Eisdenlittempted to march theni Oft the men drew revol vers• and shot tisden' 'dead ai.d fatally . wounded 'Dickerson., Escaping from the crowd the desperadoes' ran up the street j to J. XV: Dawson's tannery indtiver street vyliere they fortnerly Worked. -- Th're they called for Mr.. Meyer,. the foreMaO who had. discharged them,: but not. Anding him they commenced an indnieriiiiinate firing on the shop, which resulted:in the' killing 'of ;Olin iAlbu!.t; the:assiStaiit : fore, Man, and the wounding Of Workrnen. The employes : - of the. Shop:turned Out en masse and chagentlie 'murderers *to= wards the river. Li tie, pursuit the work men used stones and knives, striking the inurdererSseVeral times before they reach ed river. The . latter, escaped into the water and attempted to esCiiped across the river, but were stoned to . death by the outraged' workmen: The wound ed were taken to Sr. Nicholas hospital. One of them,'; named Fisher, is dead. Dickerson Will - not : recover and. the other men are ilia orecatious state. Albus and Elden leave futilities. The murderers as far as known were unmarried. •The body.of, 'One of, the Fichorns has been recovered from the river. It shoWs marks of had cutting .about the wrists. Men are now engaged dragging 'for. the', others. The shooting had no .connec tie,'" with' the recent. labor troubles 11 , ?re: The murderers Were despetate charaCters. and they shot innocent men out of 'mere deviltry. Policenian Dickerson died of his injurierat - o'clock.' He was one of the colored men on. the force. The deaths and ' number seven, policemen Elsden and' Dickerson,. the three Ficliorns Alhus and a workman. 'The most intense excit..ment proailS in the city, and the summary actiorvol the . workmen is gen erally .commendi.d. Ai AMTOOD HOW LOST, .HOW RESTORED I . Jtt 'published, a new edition of Culver melt'sDr. Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impoten cy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also,roaepalption, Epilep4y am:Hilts, indnced hyseltindnlgence or sexual extravagance, tc. Or Price.'in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clear ly demonstrates: from a thirty years' successful prne; tice, that the alarming cduaequencee of self-abuse may lie radically cured without the dangerous \ use of intern 'al medicine or the aPplication of the knife ; pointing ont.a mode of cure at, once simple. certain. and effectu al, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may - cure - himself 'cheaply, pri vately. and radically, . , "This Lecture Should be %in the hands of -every youth and every man in the land • .--- - Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt Of six cents or two post stamps. Address the Publishers, :' . . - .- • F. Brugman & Son, 41 Ann St., New York ; Post Office Box, 4586. July 12,1876. 111QP EPORT. OF THE' AUDITORS OF. 1.13 Lenox Township, Sucq'fi co., Pa., in the account of thc Supervisors and Poor Masters of said Township for the year ending June sth, 1876. Amount of tax.levied for poor.purpote% $1,217 90 ' " " township and bridges pm 41 Paid A Churchill fee Col the zume 4 per cent • $ B4 77 ExonerAtiotis 11 84 Paid into the Treai;nry hy A Churchill 2,034 70 '2,131.31 , Bail in Treasury Jun - it 7th. 1875 - 1.11 - Paid in by A Churchill, Col . .• 2 034 10. Collected from Abington.... •6028 .• Gorman estate , 25 00' " 'toad tries paid .to Treas.... '33 50 Paid for the snpport of the poor 954 65 . bridges and plank for sluices.. 749 62 " Black & Clan rwater for damage. ...... 7300 el WI/COX & Pratt for plows' and Scrapers 44 78 i• Supervisors- 18 •I • Poor Matters - •-,\ 88 00 to Tovrn .. I' •28 50 2,154 65 We, the Andit,ors of Lenox township, having exam-\ fined the above accounts lino them correct. WM MILLER, \ D 8 MILLER,. ;auditors, P H BELL, Lenox, July 12,1876w2. NNTJA L . STATEMENT ''OF T I LE ,Auctitors of Clloconut •Township. , - SCHOOL 1 1 11 Np. `; • • , Cash on hand last yenr...: .. 4 $ 98 66 Whole amount of duplicate... 4 . • • 715 97 State appropriation 129 27 Orders paid. .. . ....... ....$776 74. • 1 reasurer's percentage • .. .. ....... 16 1 Rzonerationa .. 22 45 • • Collector's percentage ' . •84 68 Sal in Treattnrei's hands 93 88 Tcrwiu ,TAX. • Amount or duplicate_ • ow 77 li:zonbrations ... ' 250 Collector'- peregnta e............ •.. 28 41 Orders paid- 416 71 Ia Collector?s bands after deducting centage ' .. t l2l 04 Treasurer's percentage , 850 In Tres snrer's t .. . . ... ... 12 61 • DOG TAX. Bat in Treasurer's hands.. - 25 Duplicate - : : 63 50 Collector's percentage .... . 3;+ 'Vreasurer's percentage Paid orders. 59 21 BACK ROAD ' , Amount et duplicate • • .43 90 Exoneration% . 190 : Collector's - 19,E In Collector's hands 8 (.0 Treasurer's percentage ' • - 74 -I - Paid orders ..... .... . 80 lit • - JOHN DOYLE,' ht J DONNELLY, Auditor*. JAMES BOARMALT - . - errto-- rll4=Golden. - Chocotint. July.l2 - • • • . H - OVTFIT.. , Bflilerd c•uttit.ior 'sale cheap liswo witkihe necessary Aituieg. liOtiresB, : May 84,18765(. ' •-• 14046 'oefpg-• • TEW - , • NEW 'GOODS • --- ••, - . 1 . ••• , ‘., • ••f• - • • • • - -NEW PRICES, . • •• • '•••• - • • •. . L & o- Cook Stoves Banges s , Heat- Is the name kif a new Cook Stove; • just wit; contalab3g a new principlo in baking, , and is destined to make,. a revolution in the construction of Cook Stoves. Come in and see it. ,THE:AR.GAND ' Aa a heating stove stands without a rival, in beauty, durability and economy. Come and, sathsty yourself,' and get names of partieii now using them. • r • TINWARE. We take speeial •pleasure offering to the Wholesale' and Retail Trade, our desirable supply of Tinware. We nee none but the best of charcOal plates. - OUR WORKMEN ARE EXPERIENCED ! • LOUR STYLES Alit FAULTLESS !•,, GOODS ARE !WARRANTED! And we defy any to proaude better goods kr less money. I • 7 .---- ! -- . LAMPS. - • • ' .. , _ . ~ A full line 01l Lampe of beautiful deaign. Also Chink neye of every description: , - , • . - STONE Flower JarsL:Baoglog Pots, . Churns, Butter Jars, Preserve Jars, 'Jugs,' btove Tubes; &c. Butts and Screws, Locks and Knobs. Latches. Catches, Doors. Sash,', Blinds. Gates. Building Paper, White Lead, Zinc. Oils. Varnishes, Paint Brushes, Spirits of Turpentine, taint cf any shade desired.lj Also colors for mixing paint. A full assortment or Phlladel'lla Carriage Bolts, and a fall line of Iron Ax:tis, Bar iron, Horse shoes, Nails, Rode, ite. We purchase In Car-load lots; ; therefore can sell to the trade in less quantities as cheap as any house in the city. • • Wx. H. BOYD', j CORWIN, j J. R. COOPY. r(ontrose, *arch 15, 1876. • iLLINGS QTROUD,. -k, PIKE, L AND, ACCIDENT • INStf.RANCE\AGENT - 3 Csipnal Atepresentit . d4 $100,000,000 i 1 ' FIRE . _, i . Fire Association of Phil., Capital & Assets, $ 3,500,00( Insurance CO: of N. A., Phil., " " 5,000;000 Pennsylvinia Fire„ Phil., 1 " di 1 11 100 ,1 000 Ins. Co. of Pa., Phila., ' 1 " " 700,U00 Lycoming of: Manficy, Pa. ' " ' " 6,000"0 Lancaster (if Lancaster, -" " 40000 IN ewtou of Newton, it 44 150,000 Home fns. Co., N. Y., " " ' 6,000,000 National r .• • SI " 450,000 Co i mercialiFire " " '' 450,000 Fairticld Fire Ins. Co. South Norwalk, Conn. di Atlas , -1, " Si Royal Canadian, of Montreal, Canada; . .. Liverpool, LOntlon I Globe, of Liverpool Eng., * 1 Providence ;"Wash ington, 'of ProVidence, R. 1., " Tradelne. Co. Camden, N, J. " Patterson Imre Ins Co. Patter • son, N. J. . 44 2181.31 2,154 65 Conn. Mutua American Li Travelers Ins -Railway Pas • i. . .. . . . Theundersignedhasbeen wleiknown in tbiscOrknty;fot thepast 20 yeSrs, as an Insurance Agent. - Losses stis tained by his Comnainies tiave always been promptly , paid. i 1 ' Ei'Office up stairs, in building east from Banking Office el WM. R. Cooper &Co.. Turnpike street'. . . BILLINGS 'STROUD, Agent; CHARLES H. SMITH, I. mi ce m anf i g i ms • AMOS NICHOLS, . , ~ , . Montrose. H. .3EIT? rt.ll.3E9riri . Would call attention i!) We New Stock of FALL AND , WINTER GOODS 1 . . 'Now on Bole, In new. Dm= lt SOO D LADIES'.`: DRESS GOODS, BLACK` AND COLORED ALPACAS, NEW, STYLE OF . PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP SIKIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, HEAVY *WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, CLOTHBRAPER HANGINGS, BUPFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS . AND CAPS; BOOTS AND 8110E8, - HARDWA.BURON,NAILS, , . STEEL, STOVES Ann . ' GROCERIES, ETC. iu grent vatii - 4, and - will be 13old - on the moat favorable terms, and loVmst prices. _ - I H. BURRITT: 1875; L' • • Ewe LOT OF • • (SLCCEBBUS TO itoiD ,). ' -DEALV,II.B IN" big' StOyes, ON TIME, • .BUILDERS IiARDWARE. BOLTS. NAILS. G4 I .2VERAL 351i.E'cbxl.t3r c•IN a a Malik' i - I • 1414 Ins. C0.,1 Assetts 540,000,000 e. Philia. • ' I 6 $5,000,000 ACC IHENT. Co., Hart., Capital and durPlne $11,000,000 :43,gers i " • 000.000 s. LAXGDON, Solicitor: an. 5. 1878. ~ J _ . . - 3 *25,000 500,000 '• -1,200,04 27,000,000 600,000 270,000 TUNKHANNOCS.. • , ; MARBLE. ;-WORKS.- • BURNS Si - LWHITE, Manufacturers of and Dealers In ITALIAN & MARBLE, .MARBLE ANT/ SKATE MANTLES: SCOTCII AMVRICAN GRANITE,.`" -•- , A : !3pfrialty - lar'Comittery . iois Eno lota .. .pr . _ r6ti. Bul ts, - (hi°. Olin., TirckhaniocA. Ps, iTan. 19, 18'76.-rly •' , 840 , 0011 CALLIN4"YdAKJS It 1 Tt,-,:. LYONS :-&.; CO., !.; . • . . , HAVE ERCEIV,ED.„.I O ARGE ADDITiONS • TO TaEla..swocx or • (.)ARPNr4;' OILCLOTHS. >DRUGGET. MA TI'INC4B:: - . WINDOW :SHAbES - PAPER HANGINOIS l AN'a .ENAMEL. COETON,,YARLY, . CCTI4INI, PT ED WARE, DRY GOODSA,:isiDs, GRtiCOIES,.PAINTS, pus, - DAMASK RiPS , _ . r . , AT:T. O'DR. 'JAYNE'S FAMILY . 'MEDICINES" • • T . .._* - . t§!' tr•tli'.i,4:s, 'i 1,. - GOODS,, C4LICO,',OIX • CENTS PEg'.;YARD:! B. R. 'LYONS 'it CO. Montrose. January 1, 1870. E. arc .wriart.roaw, Manufacturei of WAGON'S, MAR & sieigbE. BUGGY, CONCORD, PatETON, ANI SIDE-BAR GEARS. EATENEAS, SINGLE AND DOUBLE WHIFFLETREES. BODIES OF TELE - LATEST STYLES, JOBBING,' •&e., DUNE PROMPTLY - • • • :" E. T. PURDY.. - Montrone, ornno7, CORRECTION 1 Rumor has it that Navin; been elected CountiTreas urer for the ensuing three years, I am to discontinue my Insurance huskies. Said RUMOR is UNTRUE. and without foundation, and while thanking you for kind ness, and I:pprciation of good .:Insurance _ in the past, I ask a continuance of pont patronage,' promising that all ' business entrusted to me Shall be promptly attended to. My Companies are all sound and reliable, as all can tes tify who have met with losses during the past ten years at my' Ageacy. Read the List ! North British and Mercantile, Capital, $10,000,000 Queens of London, • " 2,000,000 Old Franklin, Ybiladelpiii,s, Assets, 3,r40,000 Old Continental, N. Y.,. 4 4 near1y.. 3,000,000 O ld Phoenix of Hartford, " • • 2,000,000 Old Hanover, N. Y., " 1,600.000 Old Farmers. York. 4 4 74 1,000,000 - I also represent the slew York Mutual Lire Ins rams, of over 30 years standing, and assets over $30.000,000. Also, the Masonic Mutual Benefit Association of Pena sylvabia. • - - • Pr Get an Accidental Policy covering all accidents, in the Hartford ,Accident Ins. Co Policies writt:a from one day to one year. Only 25 cents for a 31,000 Policy. Please call or send word, when you take a trip Very respectfully. • ; • • - 'HENRY. C. TYLER. Montrose, Ili., Jan.l9 THE PROPRIETOR Or " JL ; TAYLOR'S FAMILY MEDICINES meat be gaining, renewed confidence .in. the SpeOifiea which he.prepares. ;;"A'l the articles of Astoria modlea which he now offersaptreile,is on the principal of NO CURE NO PAY. Ferjunost among thee° valuablearti cies is TATLOR'S'43 kIiSiI3RATED OIL, tor Pain.; Lameness ; ;Wounds or i•one.. in Man or Beset. Taylor's Condition Powders for ,Horses Canto, nom Sbnp and Poultry. Forrenovati. g the blood and system. all Stock to the Spring, nothing can he better. Tames Cough 'Syrup for all throat or lung diseares4 Auy ene trying it will be convirced of its: merits.. Ile also manufactures the, celebrated 'lndian Vegeta bio sticking Salve, which can be obtained of any of his ?gents A. B. Burns. Id. A. Lyon, and •. LN. - 13itilard, are agtrits for Montrose. • , Any one buying any of the above named articles MA' not being satisfied, can return the empty bottioor pSek age and get their money back. (march 29,'78J FURNISH/NU • ~MDER+~iIREfI, • BINGHAMTON. The latest improved Collins en 4 Caskets on hainL , ... Hearse to order. Shrouds; etc. aprill9, ki".VIND,S `4F BLANKS r'" AT THIS 0FF10.1.11 .:~ &C., &C . ruBBEp,„ -0- =ll3/1111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers