The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, July 05, 1876, Image 2

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    tHE pEM
Punitensu EVERY W - Ernite ti fiA.'s MORNING,
, 01.1 - 3 - szaz
At, two Dollars per Tear in Advance.
TO ADVERTISERS :—Tan Dinsocrur as an adver
tising, medium is unsurpassed in this section. It
roaches the Farmer, Mechanic. and business man.: Its
circulation is constantly Increasing, and its advertising
vutes reasonable. Hates will be given at our otllice or
rrnall. . •
108 .PRINTING:—Our office is supplied with four
dating presses,together with a large variety of type,
vrders, fancy inks , etc., with' which, i we are prepared
silo work in the tied style and at pric",l3 lower than
sy competitors in any section. tiamplcti shown and
Mantes cheerfully given at'our office. Work or er
tby mail wilt receive prompt attention.
- • W. C.' OHMS , R.
Nittional Uemoer
Never in the history of t e Democratic
party did such a weight of yesponsibility
"rest upon its leaders and 14prc!isentative3
as 4:lid upon those who assembled in cop
vention at the city of St. Louts'ion_ the
27th ult. As. we said lasi week, the
whole country was looking to
liberations for the nomination of 'states
man worthy .0 rule this great' republic
and for a relief from the .ohicial irribe
cility and corruption : Which menaces its
existence. :Tne pei,ple ) were emphatio in
their dematils that not only profes,sions
, of honestvand "reform must bo express
ed 'in simPle and atraightforwayd
tuitions in a platform 4 principles, bat
that the men put upon ;it must be: the
practical embodyment off those princi
plea, known and read of all men-.
To the nomination at 'Cincinnati of a
• candidate Without a . purpose,* upon a
; platform without a meaning, St. Louis
responds with the nomination of a Can •
.didate whose name is: a symbol of un
flinching reform, upon's platform which"
* means a_ peaceful, revolution in the whole
spirit and conduct of the igOvernmentof
this country., •
• . We . agree with the N'ittsbarg Post in
saying that now. the • issue is p4inly
made up - ,between Grandam and rotten
Radicalism on the one - side, and 'thor
ough, purification and • reform in. public
affairs on the other. 'lt cannot be.s.pure
ly partiSai- contest, for Samuel J. Tilden
• has won hiS highest honors as a reformer
by - striking down the New :YOrk
. Rings;
which we freely but :regretfully confess
were' chiefly'. ornpused 4' his . 'own party
frientle...4s it:Would be a gross. slander
to charge•that every, Republican voter
a defender • or'participator in the shanie,
• less crimes of 'GT:inborn, we have *a right
to conclude that 'every honest Republi
can. who believes that , theOorttption'and,
• pliAderings hii_paitisins• must firlit
be eiposed and. punished, must : give his
• support to tie, fearless leader of all true
- - reformers---Samuel J. Tilden. 'We
atleast •see who is realLy in' faior of
putint the :ptiblio* service of Whiskey
offitials,. bTo,6 7 takers_frnd
'• briiteliyers,. of ballot-bOk - stnffe.ts, . and
af: the . myriad' 'of rogtes and ruffians,
• great, and who' - have covered the
Republican party with unutterable shaine.
• It is.all in -vain .- to- say:, that through
• ;the' eledtion, of *.Hayes, .reforw - tan- be
- ,itchjevedwio,in party.
He is the candidate of , Grandam: 316 is
• ••._the,•nominee' - of Camerin . - . --the second
choiCe of the vii dicitivd Morton without
the aid,4lhose friends he could not
hatel4n*sen - •a pandidate.• And let
ever;v;voeir remember that if . he wishes'
to Petputuate the rule of drantism— , the
rule of -the rotten leaders of Republican- -
ism,:the el.(:otion ofl 'Hayes - is the only
way to accomplish t . 3t bad - result, For
Cameron _and •Morten
s will be Hayes'
chief advisers, --. and corruption d' ch.-
lainY in high plaCes : will flourish as they
have for. the last' eight years.
Thepatform could not be ',otherwise
thawit is, c if- Made b - p:ruent 'and,sen
sible.inen. ' The free? trad doctrinaires,
the.hard- money bigots,!:-e, d:' the infla: .
ton dreamers, With ' tli'ir' respective int
prie'tieibie dogmas 'and:their'doinineer
inideMands have all been Put aiide;aod
a jlidieiOus' , Platforril,' s suggested byibard
exPerienAnd the sad sufferinga of the.
times'-has been adopCed.. As it 'mist ev=
er be, the aPirit' of compromise and` - con-
cession is Manifest' in' . ' the platform, and
it must meet: the:. wishes " of all prudent
Toters. , : ' - . c.. , '
, , .
And now the Demoratic party is' fair;-
. •
lj launeheil, and with%rire.diseretion in:,
to one of the most impOrt4nt contests
eke t,
in which it ever engaged. That its glo
nous history and .its unstained, record,
with, its • -banner borne by -the great chain
pion_of reform will crown its efforts with
a oomplete 'victory we cannot permit our
selves to doubt. - .
Had Blaine - with his positive aggress
ive attributes; been the nominee of Cin
cinnati, the.probable current of the emu.
paign could • now be calculated. But,
Hayes is only a fitiatink ark on the Re
publican stream and :will either glide
over the course ec an easy `viCtory or, be
utterly wrecked; and broken into frag
ments lung before the end of the jourpey
shall be reacheli He has given no in
spiration to his part' no quickening
pulsation to themass, no enthusiasm even
to party.leadeo and he will ba the fee
blest of all candidates, to resist an adverse
.tide hould oue surge against him during
the struggle. He . appeals to no positive
aspirations, ralk!es no, partisan allies by
his guarantees, of . aggressive reform and
leaves Ununtubered voters of his , own
faith who would gladly do better Under
any party banner, if the assurance can
be absolute that the word of promise
would not be given to the ea' to be brok
en to the hope. 'Snell is Tilden's rival; and
Tilden can fill the' high measure of pub-
lie confidence that is necessary to, break
the weakened lines of. his adversary; He
will be powerfUl in . theconflict,regardless
of 'factions and alienations from his own
party ranks. He has positive qualities;
'he has . courage ; he has . . statemanship ;
hei. , has organiation ; he. has,the prestige
of success. The Country hungers for a
master leader it is weary of the drivek
ing mediocrity that •playa,. upon party.
force and taktisrefuge behind party en
trenchments When grave wrongs have
been done' It is sick at ~heart with pro-•
fligacy and %, , ; , e,sfe.' It is humiliated by a
degoneratinestandard of public.integri
ty. It is shapaed by open rascality and
appailtql by violent usurpation. Frq l / 4 m
all these causes the hearts of the people
. send\Out theit• ceaseless prOtests : , like. the
sad song of the shell that evert . echties
the fi•etfhl triurmurs of the sea.--Phil
Ttnuis. (Ind)
'-It is With unfeigned - -Pleasure that we
a - nuoune s e the unanimous. nomination of
this distinguished Indianian as"our eiln
didafe fur Ifjee.Pn-sident:- In 'his own
Statele'liasibeen •flir . nutny years2l,he fa
vorite 'eon, al great, favorite through the
West, and universllyTopular.. The eon-.
vention performed its work nobly, and
We - have AS' 4result the very best ticket
it was possible to present. The •Demo
crats will go into this .contest full of
he'rrt and courage; We feel well assured
tht withw two .rich standard bearers the
victory welt certainly . be ours. The cry
oi "Reformand relief"_ which has been
going np all over this broad land for
years will , be'answerectwhen Tilden and
fiendricks are inaugurated. Let us work
for that auipicious day.
The . •Deqlocrae,y has put, forward its
two, strongest and ablest .representative
men, and if it fail with them it will not
fail,discred4ably It is a, comfort once
in a - while, 'to - see the leading positiOns
occupied by men with. brains, and there
is something i heroic in the entire
flee of -"expediency" which the St, Lousi
ethlvention appears to have
. (1110.), - 5
,T •
The -rharorm..
We the delegates of .the Democratic
party of the trnittd States in national ,
convention : assembled do hereby deulhie
-the administration,
,01, the:Federal gov
ernment- to be in urgent need of im
mediate. reform, do hereby enjoin upon
the nominees of this convention and , of
the DeMacratic party in each . State. a
.zealous effort and co-operation to this end
and dio 'hereby appeal to our fellow-citi•
tens piny, former political connection
to undertake with us this first and most
pr,ssing patriotic duty. For ,the Dome
racyof Ant? whole country we do here re
affirm s our faith in the permanency of the
Federal Union, our devotion to the.Con
gladioli 4.f the United States, -with its'
'amendments universally accepted - as a fl
pal settlement of, the controversies of civil
'war, and do here record our stf-adiast
fidende'in :I,he perpetuity of republican
self-gOvern men t . ; • absolute ;aequiea
cence in; the will of the majority,, the!
vital, principles - 1 ,- ;publics ;in the su-i
oremacy 'of- the civil over military author-1
i .
ty ;' in :the total iseperation 'of ehureh l ,'
and,State.for the sake alike andl '
religions freedorn in the fgatility
citizens before 'just - liiwa, of n;
enactmeot in ; the ~lihert y ; of in di vidiio
conduct j,unvexed by sumptuary
in the faithful education Of, the. rising
gerieratien, that they Inay-preserve enjoy
and transmit these - , best conditions'. Of.
huinall happiness and .bope. lire, behold
the.l3oloip products of a, hundred yeari
changeful history hut while,upholdiui
the bond of our union - and great charter
THE DEMOCRAT . :. JULY 5, 1876
of 'these our rights, it behooves . a free
people to practice also that eternal vigi
lande which is the price of liberty.
Reform is necessary to rebuild-andl'es
tablish in the hearts of the whole people
the ;Union, eleven years ago happily res
cued from the danger of a secession of
S.ates, but now to be saved from a cor
fupt centralism Which,after
on ten states the rapine of carpet-bag tyr
annies has honeycombed the offices oU the
federal government itself with incapacity
wake" and fraud; infected S \ tates and
municipalities 'With the contagion of
misrule and locked fast the prosperity of
air industrious people in the paralysis of
hard times. Reform is nec:ssar) to es
tatilished a sound currency restore' the
public credit and maintain the nation=
al honor • • •
We denounce the ::failure
.fOr Ode
eleven years ' to -
,make good. the. pi.omise:of
the -legal-tender notes which - are
standard .of -Value • -the
• hands
of the people and' the non-payment' :Of
Which is a disregard Of the plighted faith
-of i'• the nation. SWe denounce • the itti
prOvidenca whichin eleven yearsi'of : . pettee
has- • taken' , from ;the people - in,' Federal
taxes.thirteen times the'whole amount of
legal-tender . .notes- and ,squandered
font times am sate An' useless 'expense
without accumulating'. any reserve for
th i eir redemption... We denounce - -the
imbecility -:and• - immorality of
that party which during eleven years-of
peace has made_ no advance toward re
sumption ;• that instead - has
resumption by •wasting our resources .and
exhausting all.' our surplus income, and
while .annually' . ; professing to intend a
speedy return to specie payments his- an , '
nnally' enactediresh. hindrances thereto.
As such a hindrance we denounce the re
siimption Clause - of the act of 1875, and
:here demand its.repeal.• • • • -
We demand a judicious system of prep
station by public economies, by Official
retreneliments and by, which,
shall enable the.nation soon tOassure the.
whOle.ivorld of its perfect .ability and its
perfect s readiness to meet any of its
promises at the call of . the icred
itor • entitled • to payment. We
b'elieve such a system well • devised ' and
above all entrusted to competent hands
Or _execution creating • at no' tithe.- an
artificial sdarcity,of currency antl ! at no
time alarming the' public Mind.
withdrawal ofthat vaster machinery of
4edit by which . ninety-five per cent. of
all business transactions are• performed ;•
al,systern open; public. and inspiring gen
eral confidenee would from the. day of •its
adoption bring 'healing on' its "wings tO
all our harassed, in
industry acd set in mo
_the wheel of commerce, anufac.•
titres and. the mechanical arts, restore
•elmployment tO,labor and renew in all its
national" source the prosperiy of 'the - peo
ple. '
• Reform s :pep: scary in the sum and
mode - of 'federal. takation• to .the end' that .
• I -
Capital may be set free friim distrust and
.labor lightly burdened. We denounce
the present tariff' upon r.rearly
four tnousan.d articles as a .masterpiece
Of injustice inequality.apd false pretence.
tyields a dwindling not a yearly; rising
revenue. It 'has impoverished . many in
dustries to subidize. a few. It prOibits
i!mpOrts that,might purChase the orOducts
American lab Or. It has, degraded
.from the first to an.
.inferior rank
.upon. the seas: It has.
Cut down the sales of Atnerican mannfac-
tures - at hein , -'*and - abroad- and depleted
the returns of I Ainetioan - agriculture-an
industry followed, by half our PeoPle.' It
bosts the people - ve ti-nes more than. it
'produces. to; the Treasury. olistruCts ; ,the
processes: of • production. and was . tes.-- the,
0.10 of labor.
,It • promotes': fi aud and'
i fosters sant.iggling enriches'', diShonest
-officials and bankrupts horrest merchants.
We'deinand that all I customhouse ta x ; -_
ition 'Shall be only for revenue,.;.
I_ :Mom, .is' neeessdrY in the seale,,of
"public expense, Federal, State and
. I . Federal ,taxatiOn :has.
swollen from Sixty . millions gold tit I. 860;
to four. htindied'itnct fifty :millions; "cur
-11.614 in ;1870;
.!.our: aggregate
from, one, titimired. and
.fifty-four. millions
to ke7en hundred and
currency. in 1870; -.or in one
decade frOfri • leSs than rave, dollars „per
ihead to more : than . Oghteen peT,
head, f Shiite t4e . pe4ce the, people h!tve
I paid to . their tax-gatherers • morel,_ than
I the sum Of the 'Natienal:debt, AO more
'than, twice that, sum. - for the, - Federal.
GqvernmeOt - alene. dema nd a vig
orous frpgality - in every departnt,and ,
from. every . of leer of . the_ government.
- nee- - ssary .to put -a ,stop.
the profligate waste of Roblin )aii.d* and :
their diversion r - "froin by
the party iii pOwer;. w ; hich has squander:
edliro;.kti,pdred . ricrei,Upon
~• •
out• • .. ,
railroad's - alone, and -of niore . than
thrice that aggregate has disposed of less;
.than• 'a - si*th . r:dirently ; to ..ttlle4 ; :of;,,the,
!: r ".
.otnissiona'lOU'Reptiblican - doUgfreie ',and
the errors cif: our :treaties_`and ottr .dip'io.:
iwicy •Whio", -
i4ens foreign -hi rtlf.., and - ..;, kin d
reoroiiiine,the -; of
'brethren - of' • th. racifld_;efia'ac
Luraiuns Of. r a pe : . - spr4ng
sapae . , great
. : paient.., - stools; fact
• now by law 'cenied .-oit,iienahlp),thiough
natnializ*tion aff• being_ nett er aeons oni,:-]
'Ad . tO:tho;,traditionsl,,of:_•4 progreisivA.-
:nor,t, , ierchied jkliherty.qp4er
egnal WE,t, denounce
.06 polipy.,
winch theryiliberty-loving.
ported .f4,i4Porial" pprt4eo - *pit -Mow,
golan mep;birea . to .perform. servile labOr
contracts and demand: , such modifications
of the treaty with the Chinese: Empire,
or such legislation by Congress Within a
constitutional litnitation as to prevent
the further tmportatiOn or immigration
of "the Mongolian race.
Reforp is necessary: and can never be
effected but hy making- iethe"controling
issue of elections midi , lifting it above the
twolalse issues with; which the office
holding clais and theparty in pokwur seek
to smother it the false 'issue with which
they would_ enkindle sectarian :strife in
respect to public ichbols of Which the
,establiihrnent and 'siipport _belonging ex
clusively to the several States, and which
the DeinoCiatic party? has Cherished from
their foundation and resolved to - maintain
. . . ,
Without; partialty - Or preference for any,
sect or - ant Without .contributing
from - the treasury to ; any ; ' the `.false issue
by which they seek to light.anow the dy 7
ing ember 3. -tecOonal hate between:
kindred peoples,Once ; itinnutbrally
ed, tOt now retinited* . iitt one Indivisible
republic and a common destiny:
Refortnis'necessarY in the oivil,Service::
ExperienCe pro*eifthat,effidient'ecOntimi - 7.
cal conduct .of the goverithiot4rweinpsi
is not possible if its ,civil service be'siib-. '
jected to - ohangefat - Levery election; to lie
a prize. fought for at the ballot-bok.;:t ) . 1:10
a brief reward of titirty zeal, instead
postii of honor assigned for proved com
peteney and held:for fidelity in the.otib- - .
lic employ; th4tthe deSpeniiing,of..pit
•ronage Should/ neither be - 4 tax upon the
time of all our- publi& - :trien .nor. the in
struMent of their ambition:: Here adain .
profesSion& falsifiedin the performance ,
attest, that the party in
. - . power can work .
.Out no praCtlcater satisfactniy_reforna,-.
Reform is i - neceirsary even.. more in the
high - et 'grades of public Service.: , The
President; President, 'trudges, Set):
ators, Representaties; Cabinet -officers
and all others in atftho;•ity are the. public
servants: the, oPC-3,are.ivit priVatel
.perquisite R4' . ? a publie.trnAt'.. Wii
the.annals Of this Republic show die: 7 •
grace and icensure .a - Vice PreSidelit:
slate Speaker id, the - Holise, • of. Ref, -,;
•tatites-tnaiketing;- .
,rulings ati;.;a;t!rei
iding- otlider‘; threq - senators prating
secretly bykheir votes as law niakers; five
chairmen j(if leading commattek of the
House of exposed` in i
, )b
-.bery; Ute Si . .eref,ary of. the Treasury,
forcing, balance 4 in it he2puhlic•accdunts.;,
a late ,AttOrney Gentl%ll misappropriat ing
liut►iifundi; a . - S eeretary of the Navy,
enriched tir , etiriciiiiig friends by percent:
ages. levied off: the iprofits of contractors
with his department an Amnagsador to
England censured,' for - a dishonorable
, peonlation the President's Priv4te Sec
re,.ary barely/ eicaPing conviction, upon
trial c.itnplleity in I . 6o ' o:upon
the revenue il ' *detary of WarimPeach
ed for high, 'critne.4 and coniessed
demeanors . the - demonbtrat ion ' corn-,
piaci . that the fi rst 1 step in reformmus t
'be the people's choice of honest men 'from
another pdrty. lest tht diSease of. oto pci.7
laical • org4nizatioli infest the body-po
litic, and lest by Making no change of
men or - patty We can get no . change.
All these #rOngsand,crimes the
product 44 Sixteen year's , aseendancy" of
of the itePulilican 'party, create a neeessi-,
ty for refqrrn .confessed by the
,Reptibli- . ,
cant; thenliefy - e3 but their 1. - refortner,i - are
voted doWn. in convetition . 'and di placed
fro the Cabinet: I -- The 'party's MOB of
honeit,' , oerS, are, powerless to feilst; the .
eighty th i nisand'office-holders, - .'itsleaderk
and giudes. . Reform tan only be had
a peadeft i. if civic 10°1mfop.' We demand
a changet Of' - system a chapge of adinin
istrfition-lif party so. that - - we
may hat4a things of mettiberi and ; of
men. , .
The reading:wit:3 frequently
The ,Aennnonitien nl
ttie 'resumption aCt
repeal was received, with
At tbe . ebtioluilitfr 'Por'sf, - elinei said
the eominittee hag - adopted and . ,loi4S4
thongh not ii?‘a 144 of -the . :platfortn the
rysolittiOn — ivhien .. 'be` read:indniiink the
,of:.the t Howie ;of
iii atittintdoiin the approPinations. and
.exhhiting . them to titnine3& Also a -
JesolntiOn *§_tO the . just,clairtukof soldiers,
.sail 04 :R i nd "th'eit - Widhvg and .orphatis..
Ad4ettideitiet4ll:Neur ' Phis - Weeg :
Notic'e is hereb . Yglven that is ptirsuanee and by vir
tue of ctrder of the Court of come:Kin Pleas of. Su
squehanna county to us directid, we will ()apnea for sale
at public dentine in BecioltdaW, Liberty township, fins
, .
.iltednetiduiy, Jul* 26 6 .1876, -
At; 10 o'clOck the following described, pieces or'
parcels ofj Ind. the estate of. AlansorePhalkor assigned
for the'bebefit of his creditors, viz . The' arst,,eituate
in Liberty/township. Phsrynehanna county, bounded as'
follows: the north
• by lands of Knight, and Mun
son, on , the cast- by lands of Win. Jestup and D: J,
Murphey,) on ho Beath by lands 91. P. P._ Butts,lMr.
()alga and ,the Riney creek; On the west by lanes of
Libete Robs and t'rutta I Rose, P. P Butts and the turn.
pike road Containing one ,hundred and fifteen acres
of, land mere or less, • Ow 'which is 'a dwelling Lortse)'
barns, &cl and about one hundred acres unproved.
The second situate in the same township. bounded
'as follows': On the nOrth by hind Of Win: Wilbur, on
the.east lands of Win. ,Wilbur,' on the south and
west liy iambi of P. P. Butts, containing twenty-eight
acres, more or less, about one half improved.
• The third. situate in:tho same, townshiti,,and bound
ed as follows' e- On the ' the Bliley Creek road,
on the•Ott, by lands.; of, Pt Pi Batty on - the" south by
; lands of Mr. Travis, on..,tne west by lands, of 1,,
Travis, containing foUr acresonoraOr hiss; ithout one
half IMP ,rOvcd. • J. , ' .-i ,•• '
':T1113 fOlAlth Situate in `the same township, being an
- equal undivided one-fourth Intt:rest .I'lllbn-following
descritrd land, known Ite,inct, Kichy survey
their Sne i ce creek purChase; .t.inthe man thereof made
by John ears; a surveyor. as lots Nci 08; &J, ti6;tindl4'
excepting therefrom inQ ncres,„tuore, o r less, sold and
ConveYedtO Newell Bailey from• off lot ..‘b. 80, and also
reservin4 ttiO oak kink hemlock tstnbarlt•aa-caid tract,
the stimelavini; been preitionsly •
TERMS OF sAGE - -lalia , ilestv4liecelstebo town,
$7OO wit i I flPerest Pet). 'i t 077 004 , an totem( st PAN,
1, 1.878,, 00 and interest Feb. 1. 18194800 and interest
lett,l,.lBBo,'And' balance - with =interest i • Feli..,l;itiBl..— ,
'oneseeded. third and fodrtii. pieces, one-fourth down.
one (mirth • on' 'dual corfirmat ion of' sale find" balance
six months thereafter, with interest from. final Conti , '
m aticov. - Amount unieild on, giving • deed to ne mice
Iby first Itnigaient nfortgage Ben' on, the , print%
1 14. P. PITCH,
1 = •1 11. 0‘ KNIGHT: 4 f “Ai'4o. l efulk
g iu)ytt o 1814. 117w4,
theiest ot Albert G.Re)noldsoate of Brooklyn twp,
dec'd, Letters of Adininistration in the said estate
having been granted to the undersigned ail persons ow
lagnald estate, are requested to make immediate pay,
ment. and all persons having claims against, said estate
are requested to present them without delay.
B. G. WlLLlAMS,..Adminiettator.
July 5,1878.
the estate of Hiram Reyzoldi, late of La.
throp. Susquehanna County, Pennsil,,anta, deed.
Letteni of , Administratioli in the bid estate banag
been granted to the undersigned, rll
_persons owing
said estate are requested to make immediate paym ent _
and all persona having ' claims against said estate a m
requesteu to present them without delay.
47w6 Administratrix,
J'nly 5, M 6.
the receipts and expenditures of Jackson sch ool
District, Susq a' pouts, Pa-, fur the year tuft :lg
June sth, 176: . • . • ,
(irons ahlount;of tax duplicate for school pur
poses $l,llB in
Deduct exonerations ...... ........ 46
Total _ _ ' $1,08071
Cash froM former. Treasurer 339 tis
state ...... • Xess
From other resources 43Ss
Total rec01pta........ $1,1360u
' • mrs.trateuitaa;
Paid Teachers' salaries :.... ... —.41.059 00
Three now woodsheds & c 10611
Fuel an d
anngd contingencies: - .. ' ' - •'' 9993
~... 9092
Salary of Secretary 40 00
Salary of Tressarer and Qollector. .... ,' , 80 31
41,454 C 6
$ ll
2,68 21
11. W. TYLER, President.
W. M. BIRDSALL, Secretary.
July 5, 1816w2. ' •
Balince ja
Far Butter !
Are delivering butter via Montrose B. IL and L. Y.
from Montrorie to New York
TWo.liours Ahead of Any Other Route. •
Arrives in New York by" this route at 8:29 o'clock
A M. By any other route from this place. flee in
Scranton two hours, reaching New York 11 1 :30 a. m.
_Arrives in Newark at 8 o'clock A. per Central
Yxpresa By snY o'her roue Berk in Scranton two
!lours. teaching Newark at or about II o'clock a. m.
Arrives in Vt iladelphia at 6:45. o'clock A. X Per
Central Express,
_ Thus it ,will be seen we are Two ITonr4, and more,
ahead, avoiding the beat of the d:iy. which is intense in
the ci
Batt er reveived up tt,' 6 o'clock p. m., w!ll leave the
.station at 5:45 o'clock reaching , •le.stinatiou as
above. If rvceived inter, can be stmeu in a c 0.31 cellar
until next day,
A convenient place to unload at the
A cool cellar to store butter in until shipped. Carted
only three-fourths of a mile to the railroad. Empty
pails returned free—kept ire de of offlce - until called
for, the same-care given them as any.otL er matter—and
as low a rate as any route.
IV - Patronize your borne road, in which all are large.
ly interested.
J. R. RANNSIFOIFtp, Agent.
liontroee. July 5, 1816.
is hereby = given that in pursuance and hp vir-
tue of an order of the ,Court of Common Pieds of Sus
quehanna county, to tt b dlrtgAed. we will expose for
sale at public vendue on thd premises , .
Wednegday; Aug. 2, 1876,
at 2 o'clock p. m., the following described .pleces or
parcels of land, the eetatel of James Martin, astigned
for the benefit of his creditors. The flr+t piece in butt
ock township. susquehannk county bonmled and
described as follow*, to wit : Beginning at a post and
at ones the north west corner of lands conveyed to Roy
al Tyler, thence north 89,degrees weft 16 rods to a post
and stones corner being. the south raft corner of lands
conveyed to George Mowry, hi rice by line of raid tat d
north one degree east 4 LT rods to a corm r. thence east
49 rods to a to4ter,', thence south 67 a.'d four tenths
rods to a corner. thence south 30' minute. , emit 88 rode
to a corner. the..ce west 131 rods to a corner, thence
north one degree east 34. and four tenths rods to the
Oleo of beginning, Containing bT scres,ll3 rods, more
or less. - .
The second piece in the same, township, nonnded and
described as follows. to wit : Beginning at r post and
stones corner in line of lands:of J. B. Wallin, thence
along said' line south :10 minutes east 116 rode to a
corner..thence west f> , 36 rods to a corner, thence north
116 rodS to a corner, thence east 8934 rods to the place
of beginning. containing 65 acres and 4J rods, More or
less. . •
The third piece In the same township, bounded u
follows: Beginning at a post are', at nee the north
west corner of lands of said Martin. thence by said
'lands south 81. degre- east 7% rods to a corner. thence
by lands now. in possession of Jesse and William flew
ry, north 21,‘ rods to a beech tree, thence south 45 de
grees west 88 rode to a corner, thence south 3 degrees
.west 1434 rods to a corner, thence kluth ti 7 degrees us.
5734 rods; to the phice of beginning, containing 14 acres
and 60 rods, more or less All th se piece+ lying in
contiguous body and constl• nti Lig one,',Arm, on which
Is a dwelling house. barns, out etc.
• TERMS u 6" BATA—.,2OO down. 1;200 on final c.,n111 , -
motion of stile, one half the balance In one year, and
the other half in• two years (rum final confirmation
with interest from final confirmation.
Amount unpaid on ,final confirmation Anti giving deed
to be secured by. first. judgment or Mortgage lien en
premiies sold. - • • *- , „
B. L. COOT. ,
ma. JONBS.I Alf4)/13,
JulYs, 18'18.
*nip Ilnance#.
Autoprit 91 UM
• .• ; RECUPTa.
Caph on hand, March 2,1x45., 4 217 19
.• Reed on Duplicate or 1500
• " 1010
II st
Amount paid on orders, 47350
T Carpenter l i 1471 W
Treasurer', comnitssien• *
. ... 15 52
Cash in hands at Treasurer April 60, • •
• Mtl ' • 20 57 /
Amount due on duplicate. 187486 98
6. .6 .. am 86
imount levied 1873.. :.'.
. .
Cash on hand itch • ' A oti
4 ' ' Ted on dAplicale 1 11573.
'' 86 74
' 4- • '' 36i 65
1875 ; 131)00
100 00
" Jeuzie3 Hare.......
Amount putd on oNer*, , „, ,•,, MI 10
Tieasurer's comini sion 15 lir
Carh in TreaoaNfoi liadaa April 8,'70'1 61
Aminit die Ott; & iirate,l674.. POOB
, 4 ' - 181. 143 b 6
Meanot lotted ...
Ainotrat iiorked.oo„l:9o., • .#1 , 31 05
Un Si P• 1
t•• .. •s ,
• • %DOG , ;LILL
anaauiat ot ..... ..
a .
- 4
C te .. hi - '
e$ ti it re ';1.46 $ :t1
e reed pi ilylieate •187 R, 4 l it °II
s t 1874. 5010
- . • _.:.
. ,
; •":! ; alirisuttußin, ,
Amnunt paid on orders $ XI!!
ppeapuree .; • -°
C 41.1 it! l'rettkurees hitildt April
1616 ' t • • ai s
Ainomit thie duilleveoe oaf I 1414,... • fin!"
' " • .* t 4 • - 1875. . ht )
ja r ' wHIVIR . 104itors
• R +*.it R aleiTraf .
4int i w i ; J POWIRS. 1;
July 5‘
loi +l4il
pocitt IAX.
xP IND erui it*