Ism Arrangement of -Mails. VIA .RA1111041: Arrives - . 'Depart* Ipihatinock, (Dailyq uop in 1416 m Vt.& STA4EB : • Montrose Depot.(Daily,), - 800 p m 620 a New au I.Bopm wyn i ne ing. '(Datly.) 9 4s an 200 p,m 7 • i dsville,(tri weekly,) 600 pin 800 am "oultlin Station,(trl weekly.) . 7 a M.. 700 a M nisshamton,vio B.l.ake„(tri weekly).. 6 p m 700 pin v „ ro ppen.(lri weekly,) . • 10 a m 400 p in The New York, (via Montrose Depot,) New ,Milford. :aokhannoek,and Wyalusiag are daily. . The Con k lin Station mall ruusTrtesdays, Thursdays,. .3vd Saturdays.. , . • ; • , The Biugnamton mall, (via Silve Lane,) runs Tiles- - , J a na. TIM rEdaj:s. and Saturdays. • • • '•rlendsvillcalai I runs Tuesdays,Thursdays,and Sit 7113) .5 . nite Aeshoppen mail rati9 MOndan!,Viredne4ays, and iridays. . , # ADDITIONAL STieEpi:' • ' • *- • A .ztage lenVes daily for Montrose Depot a' 1 Tn.. and foam* at 6 p. A Stage leaves daily 'for New Milford at? 80 a:M. inti returns at 3 80p.m.... B. •, • 1 -.C.. FORD ADM. P. SI; Montrose Railway Time , Table. - .._ . . , . • Arratigment or Trains. To take Oirect on Monday, Aprill7, .1876: i , poll trains. • • Up Trains fotIRWARD.t NORTHWARD , v . x; A.X. , ,` , ' i t A. 31. P. X. 545 10.15..... .. - at/jar° SC i . :9,00 4.52 • 555 1625.4 - .....A11eu'5........ 4.-845 545 ' 5 53 1Q 23.' Cool's 5...840! 448 , 6115 10 32 Hunters . 835 444 - 60s 1036 ....Woodbourne.' , • 880 440 ' 612 10 40.........—Dim0ck - ' • 325 436- 611 10 47 ' '' Tyler's... '..... .815 428 613 1057.... .....bpringviile.... .. ... i 805• 420' 630 11 05.... ......... Lynn- '7 55 412 • 645 1113. . . Avery's 745 405 , 653 n 55....... - ..., Lemon 735 4 tX) 01 11 35 ... „Lobeck ..... . ...7 25 \ 345 715' 11 45 .... Marcy's 715 337 IN 12 00 ..Tnrikhannock 7llO -8 in 'Pining wilrrun on Lehigh Valley time 88 fr ept in the OffiLe. of P. •k. N. Y. RR at Tunkhatinock. . All:raina connect at,Tnnkbaunock with P. * N , Y. ' 11,13. going north and south. I . „ . JAMES. 17BL &ESLER, Prea`t. - Mauch Chnnk. April 17. 1876. • List of New Advertisements. •.• 1 : . Shipping of Butter—L. Searlejr. 1 , • , Financial Statement of Jessup ToWnship. annual Statement of RUsh. School. District'. Executor's notice—estate of . Isaac .Comstock. , Annual Statement-of Forest Lake Township, • AthniniArator's notice—estate t Jared Ba ker. . . . . . . , . • • Financial Statement of Silver aka School Fund. . Financial Statement of Brilgew . ater School District. fl.' . ' . _, . , Financial Statement 'of New Milford Town tip SchOol District. . . • ---, . - BUSINESS LOCAS. ! Camp. Meeting. Kirby's Medicines. Meeting of Farmers' Club. American Watches—J. F.' Bronson. Centennial Sermon—Jobn,E. Cbesshi AN Am—To. prevent, fraud and frau ulent • practices upon or by hotel keepets, inn .een ers and boarding housekeepers, • .H , S [;CT I.)S 1.. Be endeled, c.,That every per iuu who shall at 'any hotel or inn, or hoard, ing house, receive or cause to be) furnished sny loud or acpzlumodations, with intent to defraud the owner or proprietor of stick ho tel, inn or boardine; house out of the value or priee of such food or aceommodation, and every person who shall obtain crediti at any' told, inn or boarding house, by : the use of any ,::else pretences or. device, or by deposit ing :ii stich. hotel, inn or boarding hoUse,any I , :;gage or property of value less than the 410Unt of such credit', or of th bill by 'such Arson incurred, with such fraudulent . intent, . 1 and any person *ho e alter obtaining credit or accommodation at any hotel,.t nn dr board= - . ;DI , : house, * shall"shall"abscond -: from S. eh' hotel,. iqu or boarding house, and shall,s i tareptitiously ronoye his baggage or property .therefrom ; I shall, upon conviction, be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon . conviction, shall he punished by :iniprisoninent in- the county jail for a form of not more than sii. months. • SECTION. 2. Every keeper .of . a hotel, res taurant, inn or boarding house shall post in a" . public and :cOnspieuous place , ' in the. offiee or publie.rooin,and,inevery bedroom occupied•ky guests in said house,, a printed copy . 'of this'aet, : 21. e. a statement . of . the: charges 'or rates. of aarges by the day, and for mea.s and items furnished, and for locking. No elfarge sinn :1;111 be collected or received by,ao.ispch per son for any services not ..actually rendered,.or for any items not actually thliVered, or for a . longer, time than the person so charged actual ly retrained at such plaCe. For an viOlation ~e this section, Or any provisions in this sec tion,The otlender shall forfeit his. bill so charg-, ed, 4L(I -upon conviction thereof; - be adjudged guilty of a misdenieatior,-and Shall:„ be punish imprisonment in the .countyfora term of not more than six months . .. . FJECTION 3 In - .case Ot ..difaalt the'part of tip; nests in any hotel, inn or boarding hoUse, 1 0 l'efeern within sixty - 11 . 4ysall brfgeage,.t (cet era, deposited as socurity for charges jneurred,: sAid baggage, et Cetera, .be 'sold It;t, public auction after due notice by. pUblicatiOn for five dayi previous to .sale';: all excess - of proceeds' exce , ding charges ineurred.shail be held , lor .the owner. SECTION 4. Ti a - et is ) ( X1 1 , 14,e7. ,after the, *Tune; .9.77ino.lDo lirli eighteen hundred ; 'pd, AI'I'ROVED--The ~Im of • : •• :•• J. F. HAIITEANFT., ffilliniimialim..dia...rb,..iia.,.....miao.maiiiJ Business 'L'oc . • A ,LOT OF AMERICAN' IT ,terciizOfrom-a Bank rulq. :;11e, tor sale a.t . one. half original; price.--, 41.. Once and, secure .a' bargain. _at- PhoN:uN'F, Music ittoi Jeweirkf,tore; I .tnitru:sc., June 28; 1870. TtiE Susquehanna Oottuty Fl. rmer's lab Rill fiiet:t hi Montrose, as Usual, lon S at u rda y' . , , L :. : ,, t, iii 2 o'clock p': rri: The Attention fur t: ' l ' . ''' .lo ll i. 3 "Is it tuore prOit able, front the P r '"lt'et - ; of the dairy, to rata ca ves than kiitte ?" Statistics will be quite int ortani in thlz qutt4,on. , , ., :.1 - ;" ' i IX D. LATIIROP . , J:zrie 1 13 ; 1876. - el'N'i' .:NNIAL StiOlOri--:- . 04 BabbStlr even-, ( h Y 2 J.` ll Zed, 18715, the 'pastor 01 the BePtin v'ill! , - . 11 of Montro3e, will. preach A •sennon eo lnthemorative of our, 011 e fipadreth- Birth d4l'. Subject, "God's mer(tyLecogniieil i nthe,- r l n4l iw/al growth awiproSpe ti ofi our , naLlon , :: Divine service to conunence i at sir' °tei°l6 _ l( P: -. 4 1,01nd lut one hour: • A general ifrvitaqui_l As , ' xtended to the citizens of lintitrbie and neigh urhuod. • , CAMP MEETING.' . 1 / 1 Will be on the camp ground in Dimock,Pa., Providence perntitting, to assist persons in se lecting tent sites ,between the hours of 11 a. in. and 3p. m., on the following days : July. 15th, August Ist, 15th, \22nd, and 23d, 1876. , • !J. 11. WEsToN, 1 , Comniittee on Tent Sites. Brooklyn, June 28th, 1836.-3w_ 'AMP MEETING . . • l• '.. -' :•• • - . • - - WyalUsing . District CainP;Meeting_ will , be held, 'Providence pertnitting, at Di tnock,',Sukfa - County,.Pa;, , :cotumencing August 23d, 1876, and'euntinning nine (9)ldays.' , The people of the county know the' grounds ~are. pleasantly located on the, Montrosel:Tail road, at Diniock. .DeOt. The water supply is plentiful and pure. The committee lave provided for a gOod board . ing tent to be kept on the ground, and the us uallsupplie • for persons and hordes can be oh-. tamed tit, r adonable rate.. , "Ho ! very one that thirsteth, come ye to , . . the, water. IRA T. y r AI;KER, Chairman. J. H. WESTON, See. of Cori]. Arrangements. Brooklyn, Pa., June 28th 1879. . No CURE, No PA -r. -'KirbY's Cough Balsitn,a very palatab:e Com pound,bkr the various Sffection of,' the throat and lungs. • Used with grest success incase of Asthma and Bronchitis.. It is prescribeii:by the physicians and endorsed by the people. War ranted to giye entire satisfaction- or money re funded: • • , r--- Kirby's Magic Relief or the instant cure of severe snit acute pains. , Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozenges. Sure, safe . ,and effectual. 1 •: Kirby's Condition Powders fox...quality, quan tity and purity are superior to any. Powder for stock manufactured., Kirby's, .Canipbor , IS . for. chaped hands or . sunburn. . 1: nt. sale by till . Druggists in Montrose, and Dealers in Medicines th otighoufthe country. June 2,8, 18741. , ' . • HARFORD PAM. • The tiarford • Agricultural, Society will 114 1 . d their nineteenth Anntial .Fair on their pounds in' Harford Village, on • ednesday and Thurs day, 27th and 28th of ,: eptember,t 1876. The list of Premiums will a pear hereafter, . . H. J. VLEn, • • . L. W. , lolmtE, Ex. Com 1 ,_... • - 1 HENRI I t GRANT. . '- • June 21, 1876. • —-, . .. • _ HANDBILLS: fur Anet tv., printed at the DEmoev office in. first-chi, ~stylo and at reasonable pries. . .•"..nn. new lot ot sun - 11114ms and subpoenas Just . this office. Other hlanks, in pro tusiOn, all.prepared..with'eare. • PnoToottarns. 7 -Pictitres taken iii all the lat est styles. • Old pictures' • copied and enlarpd. Also a splendict.lot of frames 'for sale cheap, 14 G. W. DOOLITTLE'S. • Moritpse, June 10, '74.—tf. . . To .Botb;c and,Lot to rent iii Montrose, .Enquire 01 J. 13. McCollum. t• .. M4y 31; 1876.—tf. 4 . • • • NEW STOCK. of m1).03, oil cloths, matting tte.l,just received. ROSENI3.4.IIM tt_CO. • MoiltrOse, . SPRING Styles-Stht Hats, felt and fur. Buys Centennial Hats, just *tied at GUT:r g lißEitG, ROSENBAUM. 4.t.' CO. April 12; 12376 a. . .. AT A i PURDVS WI gon Shop -a tine lot of Plat forth VagOnS. and Buggies lull trimmed. I Com plete and ti t sk-ela s it every .rt.peet. fur. Sale 1 .eheap fidr ea-th. . Montrose, Jane 7,1876 a.:. ~. 1 . . • - . • i . . Lows. Kzio - t.r., Shaving and flair : Dressitig Parlor, on piiblic'...44nue, keeps on Itand To 7 taecos, and eig - ars of i 'every kind, - also fresh Candies' • .1 . . . 3lontrose, May 24, 1876. - . - . • , •• ' .4 LARGE assort ent of the latest and neltte” styles of visit ng and business coils juSt received at this °Tee.: Call and see theni befor‘ onering = .• No business I,lin p e ed enntplain that he . . is "too potir,twadvertir," in can get the latest stylelUtiinets card printed at the.DE3r 'o6ltAT office for - three dollars per thousand,and other - work in proportion. • " LADIES see this, youl - can ,get •9 yards of .the best .Lons.dale yard wide Ileeting for $1 00 at Cheap John'a:NalSoi 16 yards of the best. (any In the store) balicoes fOr • Montrose, Maylo, 1676. • „ •. • 1, • NEW LACE ebnirAtitts sett or yard. Table Linens, Napki towels, and .I..louse lieeping,goods hi #,•rea . iwiety tit GUTTENE ROSEIFBALTITAtO; Montrose, April 12,076t1. • • LADIES, do you wO•it a nice Alpaca Dress, black or colored,if so go to Cheap John's,where - you will get 16 yards of the. Saine for $4 00 lnd :,411 the trimmings thrOwn in free., Come early. Come at once. -,liontroge,. May 10, - 876..„. • ! • • _;ENTEICNIA.L PAlTV.—Yourself and lady are itespectluily invited. 0 attend • a danei g party. at the Hotel of GAY: 31apeg, - iri Len. Sus- Ariehanna county, on Tuesday, Jul '4211. Qood music in attendance: , .Bill ' • . W. AlArEs, P op'r. Linax; June 14, - .1.5tp... . _24.w2 NEVER SAY F;iil as J long as, you can get Dr. Churchill's IReniedies for Croup,. and Diphtheria. They %Fill cure every one who feels (imposed to givo them a M. A. Lyon. is sole agent foi Montrose and vicinity. Get a . bottle and be convinced. June-14; 1876 pd. . 24w4 . THE Russian Cour i t invited Dr..4:yer and his family to the Arehtinite's in the Royal Palace. This distinction was awarder! him not only because he was" an Aniefitaii, but also be cause his name as a pkaysipia.n Lad become fav; drably knoliti . inißitssta on passage round ttteworld.— isrroßs to •L. : good.-ae tow nip t iqns-witj•Art „ outer' riial Grounifs,.on hne ut street at' reasona prieets. :Drop a i libstal." - ,tard a week. or two bntore carting, to cure rootits.' -". • .-• • , • liaverford bi4-AVest , May . •6tr• 18 • , -. 1 . MARBLE Wangs. The Tookhanneels. Marble Workslef Burns ltihite are doiUg 'a good busineao and are gettirk out isotue i very ttufty jogs i Hof • Bead . and ,31,murnents. A. B. Buena, at the Eagle Drug Store,. is their autilorizedi agent for Montrose and vielnity. Re . has designs of .Flead Stones- and D i tontnnents. Any orders left With him will be promptly filled by Burns 4". b White. Tuukhatinuek, gel). THE DEMOCRAT', JUNE 28, 1876. 1876tf. • 01,i) Newspapers for sale at this Office at ten cents per dpzen. A MAGNIFiCENT lot of fine Cloths and Cassi meres, Coatings and Suitings fotoustom work, just received; call and leave your, measure for a new suit at GUTTENBERG; ROSENBABIt 1r CO. April 12118700. . . . . . - 31Axv-through the country -tire, severely alt flicted with iicouith and. an -obStruction of the air passages leading. to }the liings.,. . Various reintdiesare . used, but that Which is said.. to give the best saiistacticin. is Taylor's 'Cough SyrUp or expectorant.. As it is soldma the principle !it No Cure, No Pay,it would certain ly be well {to give it a trial It' can be obtained of all the PrUggiSts in 3lontrose, or of dealers in -generalithroughOut the cotintrv. 'Man:ll,2 ; 9, 1876tf . .. . . . . . 1 , . . TIME AZiDi PLACE 1. . • ' • - , .. :: • • . • • Now Is TITE - Tnii TO • Lead and Oil cheaper than they have been known ter years. Burn's Kagle' Drug -Store is the . place - ito buy anything in the PAINT and llnuo ling at the very lowest figures.. .4 large assortment of 'Brushes..and Varnishes Constant-, ly in 'stodk. The. celebrated Hail, Bradley, -& Co.'s Plug White Lead constantly on band,•for which BONS is the SoLii: AGENT for Montrose and vicinity. . • • MJntroSe; April 19, 1876tf. . PRENTIISO. ! • haVe: just received a very large stock of plain and! envelopes; letter and 'note pa per, plain and fancy. bill 4eiid papers,' cards of all sizes and colors, colored poster papers, etc.. - all of which we can . afford to print cheaper than any!office in this or neighboring counties, and in as!good style. Work done in black and colored inks. It you think there is any that can beat us, gig e us a trial, and we will show you what, we can do. All kindS a blanks on hand or printed to order. ' • ' WE TAIEE pleasure in Calling the attention of our readers .to the . Tact that the popular Pry Goods hOuse Of C. F. SiSsox & Co., Bingham ton, are now recciving 'an unusually large and complete assortment of new spring goods. Not withstanding. the cry of "hard times," this house informs us that their:trade is larger than at any former season. , easily accounted liar by th i e fact that they always'offer the most goods at the some prices that many houses sell a very, inferior grade, 411 du, nov elties ot-1 the season, both of foreign and . do mestic Manufw.:ture, may now be tbund upon their shelves, and a . visit .; to their . store,will con vince anYone that that the place to trade. . . , • • el LATESTr. NEWS IN•BINGII.A . MTON. . The latest news in. Binghamton is fine & Shole4, of 59 Court Street, haVe just received' . their third Fall and Wioter stook of. Dry: Goods! which is now ! complete -- in all departments:—: The best Silk. The beSt Black. Cashmeres.—: The best Alplica. The best Merinos—Empress' —Plaidkof all descriptions. The best -Shawls,: Kid Glives, Embroideries, Ribbons, Ties, &c.,; in fact e reri,thing: that' is kept in a first-class: Got dsStom at bOttom figures. Another` impoitatit iteni,which if:known may be easeuti4 Co the People of Montrose, New Milford and: .surrounding coun try, that Geo. B. -McColl* and C. O. Faurot would be most' happy to see all of their acquaintances and show them the bargah4 that lime & Sholes prepared to give. I - -:- - ' HINE & SHOLES. . BinOtniltort, Dee. 1, 1875. • . . : . G~,.~ißv EX! .MNATIONS FREE. 'Cher no subject that requires • so , much study and experience as the treatment of ctron-- ic diseaSes. The astonishing success ..and re markable cures performed "by Dr. Butterfiel Are due 'z.o the gilt of clairvoyance, to 'the long stady of ,the constitution of Man, ,and the curing cif diseases froth natural remedieS. Cured the worst forths of Screfulal; Catarrh, Piles, Fel. male Weakness, Asthma,. Kidneys or Bbidder Will be at the Cafferty House, Binghamton Thursday, and Friday', June, 29th and 30th, Dr.lutterfield w beat the celebrated Aliri' 7 oral Springsnt, Rush; Pa., on a. visit, Wednes day,Jutie 28th, arriving Tuesday, evening; Jane 27th; ;m it) ing till Wednesday at. 4 o'clock p. June 28th ES DE PARIS I aVyleisg. 11, 1.• .301'S; FRENCH MILLINERY, ourt Sereet, Binghamton, Y. 97. The lar: est and best stock, of Millinrey Goods outside of New , "ork, and at the very lowest cash prices. ' ; 1 buy for cash and sell for Cash., We will not be under sold. ZADIEST CAPS AND- lIEAD-DBESSES in j a Very large variety, FRATK LESLIE'S PATTERNS. HAIR GOODS, ETC. I F. ROZELLE. BinghitOton, N. Y., April 19, inus;TROS.I3 1 - ::STEARi. MILL; 'OAT§'YOR, SALE . BY THE LOAD at the : - ;STEAM hti LL. FRY:$l.l.' GROUND • GRMIAM FLOUR :or tale at the • : 1/114L.1 • Atiy - Jiti_anti(y - Of: .MEAL & FEED of t ie best ,at-' the . STEAM MILL. : FINE WiI.FAT . :11DDLINGS STE. 'MILL . WHEAT 'BRAN Jur -sale at the -! . • . STEAM-M.11;r.; WEE,EAT P1,01111;1 , 11ESH GROUND, at the STEAM. MILL. OLD.. WESTERN CORN for - :souilar. On account of the poor tpalitsn.ot necessary to secure 00, old torn for heed : 200 iba.natAlie STEAL-M AllYthinglyOrt can think of, von willlfin , k at the - STEA:M. MILL . 004tzose.A.cril 12, 1876,—tf. -ar= -0-- MEMI EGGS 7 i i,WHI : TF4 . , POCHENSii . ,i, BUFF COOHENS, • • PARTRIDGE CpCHENS, PLYAIOIITII ROCKS, • - ANy HOUDANS. Eggs for patelsing‘ - 113 per 13. • or - Yon n g Fowlif for saleiafter Anoist Ist, 1876. at reasonable prices. Nu 'inferior 'specimens shipped from my yards, White Cuchess.let preinltim at !Jersey, Fair (Berry Williams stock.) Bu ff Cetchensi Berry ,&' Williams. No circulars. Write for what is wanted and promp replys will be given. Address. C.C. GILBERT, Great Bend, Pa. March 29. 1876.-6 m. Wilber's 'Direct Draft EUREKA MOWER . - Best Mower !In the World. Farmers SAVE twenty-fie per Cent.. by using it in gathering their hay crop. ALL WHO. TI Y IT BUY IT ! Extra parts arcs intereh,angeable. Our Agents have full; supply always on hand. . . , . • • Send for circulars aud , . Teetitho - iale -to Towaiii:a Eureka Mower Co , Tnw.4,l Ida, Brudforu Co., Pa. . s . . It. S. sEAnLi, Agt., Montrose, Pa. • June '7, 1811:—Sw . . 4 . 1 i YER.g. 8 • tRSAPAIiII LA, / 4-l i'l*On rumprimi T EE j BLOOD. ThiS coMponnd of the ireg- able alteoatives, ;Jumper- I a, Dock, Stillingia and trdrake with the lodides 1 Pqtissium and fron.makes most effect - 151nm of series c , tmplaints which are very evalent and afflicting. It tritle4 the brood, pntges out to king . humors .1n- the .stem, that melamine the .alth and settle into troch so me disorders. < Erupt ions. lice on the surface of hn . from the blood. Internal tiiination of these same hn =Ors to some' intern - acergan, or organs, whose action they derange. and whosd anbs.auce they disease and des troy.. Ayer 's Sarsaparilla expels these humors from the,blood. When they are gone,. the, disorders they pro duce disappear such as nlceratiol of the Liver. Stom ach. Kidneys. Lungs Eniptiona and Eruptive Diseases of the Skin. St. Anthony's Fire. Rose of Erysipelas, Mims. Pustules, Blotches, t Boils, Tumors, Fetter „and Salt" Rheum Scald Bead . 11ingworm Ulcers, and Sores - Rheumatism :Neuralgia Pain the Bones Side and 1 Head Female Weaknet4 Stertility Leuchorrhtea arising frimi internal niceratfon and ntaitic disease Dropsy Dyspepsia and General.Debtlity. With their departure health returns. • I • . PIIISVARED BY • • . . Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Maw, Practical 314 Apalytical Cherdide, .• - • •- • SOLD BY ALL DRUOGIS rs AND DEALERS IN • IsIEDICIN.p. Aprll 5,M6. . • '; • . . • ; ANTE. YOU tiEARD TILE NEWS? "The fonovvh;gl pounils T 1 tor one diillsr. 5 'ins PEACHES - or TOMATOES for one dolt ir.: , 4 cans LITTLE NEpxci,Aks for one : dol- Tim.• 7 poUnds RAISIN:TS for one 22 bars SOA tor sine dollar. 10 pound , : prunes' for one dollar.,, 14 pounds SALERA.TITS for one,dollar: , • 4 pounds COFFEE for One dollar. i%;.- 1234 pounds CRACKERS for one 150 JAW AREAKEIISIdr one dollar. ' ' • Tbe within lot !for TEN DOLLARS 'and a, present thrown in. Good for irately dap. A large stock of neck' and ; choice goOds equally low, By' calling at , the head of Navigation you shall have the full value at_ yourmoney every time and soMething extra. Call and nee at liontraae,liarch 041876. EGGS IS THE L. N. SIMARD'S County Business Directory.' Two lines in this birectoly, one year. $1.150 ; each •d -• ditto al• line, .s 0 cents. AIONTRO'SE. BAGRWOUT, Stater. Urbolesale and Retail dolor in all kinds of slato roofing, state paint, etc. Roofs repaired sigh slate paint to order, Also. slate paint for solo by the gallon of barrel. Montrose. , BILLINGS STROUD. General Fire and Life Inane aaet Agents, also, sell Railroad and Accidental Tickets to New York and Philadelphia. °Mee one door east of Wm. II Qooper x.Cota bank: WM. noyD & CO, 'Dealers in Stoves, hardware, and Mann f ,eturers of Tin and Sheet-i on 'ware, cot - ner of Main and Turnpike street. A. N. Bullard:Miler in Groceries ? Provisiops, Books', Stationery _and Yankee Notions; at the head of Pub lic Avenue. • . WA. H. COOPER & CO., Rankers. Sell Foreign Pas sage Tickets and Drafts on gngliod, Ireland, and Scotland. .W3l. L. CoX, Harness maker and dealer in all aril cleb usually kept by the trade, uppoelte the bank. • JAMES S. CARNALT, Attorney•at-LaW. Mice 'One' door below Tarbell Rouse, Public Avenue., 11. ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer. Care S. Tillman * Co., Montrose, Pa; - NEW MITIPORD. SAVINGS DANK, NEW MILFORD. Six per cent, interest on all Deposits'. Does a general Banking. : business.' B. B. CHASE .& CO. - R. GARRET d& BON; Dealer it Flours. Peed, Meal, Salt, Litne,,Cement, Groceries and Provisions, on Main Street, - opposite the Depot. • N.,F. !UMBER. carriage Maker. Picture Framer,and Undertaker. a few rods from Phitiney's Hotel, near M. B. Church. ' GREAT BEND. H. P. DORAN,lderohant Tailor and dealer is Readi - Madc Clothing, D 4 Goods, tirocerlea add Provisiona, Main S:reot. off•4l • •••• CARRY THE NEWS,. s- Off CARRY THE' NEWS TO' MARY AND EVERYBODY ELBE I - FOR GOOD NEWS is HEALTHY AND REFRESHING $. :OMAN HAVEMOVED TO THEIR NEW- TORE, THE FIRST NATIONAL BAVKI (St=ie's New Brick,)' Where they will keep on haul the best assorted stock of Men't and Ba) s' Ready-made tat 1 ) 1 - 1 4 2.120 Cfita DRY GOODS,. NOTIONS,-FSINCY GOODS, .HOSIERY, HAT 7 S, MILLINERY. GOON, itC,;-. of ail descriptions apd latct. styles. • GIVE US A CAI L SILd railr Terms. carh or good paper.: Respectiary, , s. PeLLNAN & co., NATIONAL DDT GOODS & ' CLOTHING END1101IQII• BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, newest: 'shades, 2,3 cents pfr yard, • at S. P. ,& CO.'S . First National. BLACK AND COLOR) CAShMERES, alt Blade. 3t, cents per yard, at S. P. & CO.'S First National. BEET CALlCOE 6l ,l.evrstyies and fast co?orr,; 6 cents . per yard, , • • at & CO.'S First National . HANDSOME lIAMBUR6 EDGING AND INSERTING from. 10 cents pet lard up, • • • ; at a. P. & CO.'S First NationaL YARD WIDE BLEACHED COTTONS, from . .a grail per yard up, • at S. P. &Co..'S First National. YARD WIDE FACTORY, from, .7X ;Cents "per yard upwards, at S.F. & CO.'S First Natic nal, BEST SHIRTINGS, new styles. 15 eta. per yard, at S. P & CO 'S First National.' • • BOYS' READY-MADESUITS, from t. 5 up, • at S. P. & C 0.% First. National. YOUTHS' ' READY-MADE SUITS, from 0:50 up,' ' at S. P. & Co.'S Firlt National.: . MEN'S" REA DY 7 'hl ADE SUITS,. from $ 3 TIP;• , at S. P. & CO.'s First NationaL BOYS' Cs SSISIEBE. 'PANTS:, from $1.50 up, at S'. P. & CO.'S First National: MEN'S CABBI3IERE PANT* ft om s2. so' up, • , , at S: P. CU.'S PI rst Nationale We shallolso keep on . hand (Ante and - Ladle:4'lln- •, derwear Of all styles; ladies' and misses' Ready-made Suits. AOstiafistice to 'ott r experienced -and artist's! '') milliner. we have engaged - ,thc services of . one .ol the ~• leading trimmers in N ew•York City, :and we guarantee Our nallinery,department to contain the leadlngetyles • And trimmed in beat city styles, and our prices lower "than elsewhersi Remember we will keep i fun assort-'. ent of all classes of : goods generally kept in - first-class • stores, and our prices we warrant will be the lowest in Srisquehanna•Connty. Our special buyer, will be-in thelnarket at all times, and .procure for us the latea t novelties: ' Our motto will -be. ' , Justice to alt . ." • Bear in we have a NEW , STORE, NEW •GOODS; and • the LOWEST CASH PRICES IN THE COUNTY. ; an inducement in make large purchases:we wilt' educt.. • (oa demand) wall cash bills .01:. $ lO . qt. More, lire per cent • • Coale one. aril all ' •. ;. • Both 'great and small • And buy your goods - • • At S. P. b Co.'s PirstNation-alt. • Tiespktfolly, , . ' S. P 11,12101 It CO. I Firat National Dritiooda - and Clotbin Stole. .. ` Idon‘rose. Mirch' 25; 1876. • 4 BUSINESS 011 ANGE. The Asti of E. Bacoti4 o, buying beets dustelved, 1 will continue the- • • : - - GOnfeCtionefy; Business, At the old stand. UM prepared to fundah • 411 kinds of VVIVITS 412411 MUlai At vrtiolesale and . Retail, Prices, Fit,Sll SUPPLY , CANNED GOODS, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TOYS; E: O. BACON: -*140 1 14144iti:3d . :M5..: , .f:; . :.' G '. I NBW FNTBBPBYS& rmirm O MCC"In%fEd 3 ICXWAIfrs has opened ashop under R._ L Nett; & ,Co's.;'store. au. Public Avenue, where .he Is ready to ad all kinds of Work in his tine. Can exmi in new- work,and repair with neatness sad despatch. • JAMBS =WM. liontrodo,lOctobor4l4ll4lBTs.-3zu: < Constantly on-hind. PlinaworktnsAt* MIES ,• ~ ,