tam And gouothold. rolsons In Agriculture. • • .. , Dr. R. 0 Kedzie, •profeisor 'Of dem- n *l7 in the Michigan agriculturai col- r lege, has ftirnislied a valuable 'paper . to ' 4 l the Aransactioni of the . ,board Of health cif `,' .that State, ou the use of poisons in , 1 ;: agriculture' and more particular on. the ' - ' 1 effect„Of Paris green.. He states that. l !. there are three:forms in - ' which arsenic is .7 C teed, namelf,, white arsenic, arsenate of ;' soda and Paris green. Theltrst has been used to'destroy weeds in : , ,garderir walks, but 'Dr.. K., regards this practice as dangerous, as there, is noilf . ing in its ap pearance to dikitinguish it 1 from some other eubstancee used as articles of 'food and its use is liable to fatal -Mistakes. Arsenate of soda is still clorse. ; as its appearance and flavor ar s e . not unlike -' common 'salt, and an unsuspicioushouee wife might use it tor flavorin4 dishes, and destroy a whole family, if it ere brought into thihouse. Paris green is Very wide- , ly i used for destroying the Colorado pota to beetle and the cotton worm. Its brill iant color is likely to !prevent accidents from mistaking it ftir something else. Dr. Kedzie estimates that, more than a • hundred tons were used in one year in .the, state of Michigan': This extensive. use' brings up the queitions. Will it .peison the plants and, render crops un- safe as food ? Will it poison the-soil and injure succeedingk-cops? Will, it become washed into drains and! poison springs and weils?- What becorn s of it in the soil . . To answer the first que thin—cabbage plants were watered with , a saturated acilut,iol of ar e iic, and were , killed in' a' week but the, leaves did not - Contain e . .. not.: ;Contain. of the poison,' eicept•by if discolor , atiOn of the stem near the roots. When the 'solution was weaker, so as not to in jare the plant, tEe slightest trace could not be discovered anywhere. The ei periments were repeated' on oa \ tley and on turnips. Again, they .were tried on peas, all with. the same , results. , Dr. Kedzie says, "Four years ag.i,,l made a . cat-eft - don vestigation to determine wheith er t,!:e pqato tuber ans rbed arsenic when Paris green was applied to the-plants to destroy the potato beetle: I took pots toes raised in the ordinary course, an repeatedly dusted, and others to %IN all the Paris green . had been applied th; ()Quid be used without killing the pla ; • but in po instance could Ifind aitrac: if arsenic in the tubers. Other chen i , !is have made similar investigations th the same ' iesults" ..1 , I ; To determine the' very 1 itn i p remit, question, whether the poison , appli.dione . , year to potatoes,-would'affect the . 11411 v of wheat the yeat.after, four sqn e.lrods of wheat were measured oft inl t t Arch; id and two ounces: of Paris : green efe \ap r plied in water or at the rate of five pounds per acre—much more tha i ii is used for potatoes. The surface of tl €krdund was rendered sensibly 'r4reen, ,y/ the ap 'plication: The wheat was not iVjur'ed in growth. , The grain when ri q epies sub . Mitted to three o the mos igid rests, but not.the slightes trace of ; senic could be discovered. Dr.,K.was s. , sfied that it containtd none at all. Th: oison exerts more influence the first \y- :4 and. There fOie itls very sale to cone] de that wheat • it not injured in any del ee, Ai human' food when growing tie . 'ear ;4fier - the . potatoes. 1 In another case cabag , in the college garden after had been dressed with P; . ounces-of the eahbage , h to the closest examinatio dicate any trace. In answer to the qUes comes -of the Paris grt marks that it is insoluble but slightly insoluble i 1 and it may he taken it 1 , one part io 100 000 of 11 Contains traces of a charged with - carbonic - ) one part it, 10,000. T tr soil .containing some ca r therefore dissolve 'A porti Where the . is the ref antidote 'or safeguard is drated oxide of iron is and standard ontidote re it forms an insoluble sa' acid or only soluble , in - aeids. - .Fertile soils con gi l eater'ameunt of this required to neutralize al • • applied to it - for one hydrated Oxide , would tundredlons , per acre. per : acre, one foot otsoil. _Dr. Ii correctnestsg his reasoi by actuali'-Und repeal `,. Hence the fear of this . water is entirely ground , Several cases are, me CIIIVIefie use of Paris ge F it to. potatoes,. result More than% one thotis received from clerk •i • state, only five of whi ', , lug the workmen. I careless bewail tig, the allowed to con. , in c !. on the hand. .4‘.lt ewe) was subdued, by vane miother case the dus , , suiting in much pain J , copious discharge frQ !., weeks. The operatoi I, been subject to: catar but when, the effects , had left hitn, he had' 1 - 'duce. It proved, a 1? In another ow, the ii 7411 to enter a hole - in th/ ~,:!,. , acme intimation. • A ty escaped with his lil st, -hich he .had abeurdlyendeavered exe' tide with a. veil over his . fare. He ssi k , two weeks. Another had his es b dip inflamed -for h long time by . e d st entering them and some children •re njUred by playing among the dust- - tatoes. It seems remarkable that so, w ases should bectir: in aiore.!:thiii-a o sandi.reporti, *hen its is remembered 'careless Many - are it the-:applicat ion he - . poisoe.! , It. is Antich: safer, .how= ~ :to apply the' Paris grten in' water.— oderate spoonful- to- two or three gal- I s-care . being specially - required only the mixing. • • . IThe principle causes of failure to make reds germinate ere, covering toecieep ; lowing the surface tb become too dry ; it an excess of 'moisture. ' As a rule, all ‘ e smaller. varieties . of seed should be overed about twice the depth of their wn 'diameter. . The seeds of most varie ies of flowers being • very small, require ore care than vegetable seeds, audit is lways best\ to sow in a seed bed, all ex I ept a few - yarieties tnat do not transplant i cell. Plants may be started early in, a ' ot•bed; or in a cold - frame the latter part April, or very . good plants can be own in shallow boxei placed in a warm nny- window. • When none of these nveniences can be had, and after the taller has become warm and sultry . . orriTump, and preps it down -Smooth .nd level with a board. Sow the seeds ,hinly_ op the- surface, each variety in a, tile square .by itself, and cover each ortaccording to its. size: 'The - soil for overing - shotild be light and sandy, sifted hrongh a.firie sieve, and.if . the seeds are wry small carefully sifted over them. 'ress _.the . 060: down firmly . and water $ nee, taking care not to wash_ the soil, Om the seeds. .Spread newspapers over e surface to:keep !iv the moisture, but ey must bejemoVed when the plants me up... Keep.. cleat „ from: "weeds, and the:plants are too' Oleic. .thinAliem oat. fter they , Obtain their second...leaves, ransplaut where tile are•to grow. • were grown otatoes which is teen.. Six 'l, subinittea i failed ,to-iti- on, be- n Dr. K. re in pur , wate F , rnmonia wr,Pr;. to an exte it of • in water wllAinh rmonia.. Water cid will take up !NffMEUil ionic acid, will n 1 of it. edy'? *A perfect at hand. Hy- be • well-known Patis green, as with irsenions strong mineral ain always .a far' ntidote than.is the arsenic,ev.-r -iler cent, of the , e no less ti a with a depth of f•dzie proyed the ling on this point •d - experiments. poison injuring lU. 82., • • ° Mooed where the • • 'en, in applying v in ,poisoning. Ind reports were t ,• all parts of- the L , • , report, poison- I I !one 'case, by I Paris ,green, was itact with a sore - d enormotislyl,but , 1, .r and salt." in was -inhaled, re , n the' head and a , the nose for two states - that' he had since childhood the - Paris green of suffered from It werlul medicine. ison was permitted hoot leg calOng other man- narrow ' from inhaling the arting Flower and t arden Seeds. epare a - bed in a sheltered place in the rden. Make 'the soil fine and free SOlection of Seeds. . , . • , • The impression that, care - :is useful it the selection , of , seed for sowing is very general one '; and• yet • 'people :hardly knOw_what it is they should select. Some like to take ,early seed, some well matur ed seed, • and Others seed . froth certain portions of the seed-iressel or stock. Some 'experiments made- - reuntly at the Berman eiperinie . ntal station • Leipsic, indicate that ,the size of, the seed has more to do with the idea 01, an excellent selection than any . other test, . Peas and beans .were taken from • packages.as gen erally sown, and the largest and . heaviest selected from the rest. An equal num-. ter of the large 'find small ones were then planted. as near as good' culture Would perniit, together, and' then treated in every respect- the • sanie. The result -was that every, instance the plant from the large seed was . larger and healthier, -And the' product 'considerably . more than from the_plants raised from the smaller I sizes. • . • . How. far this rule will apply is as open question:; still the resultt.. as given here were so uniform through all the plants ,tested that they would seem to establish a rule. We believe in co me instances the product wais nearly one third more, and if this is to be the case always we would employ . our time to better advantage than in riddling all the seeds sown, so as to usl only those that would not. pass through a rather large mesh for the Size of the seeds:, It may be observed that these remarks 'do not apply to what we . have recently said in regard to seed potatoes because the potato which we cut up for planting .is only a Seed by courtesy. The eye, is the. analogue of the seed we are here speaking of ;.and . if that single eye is strong and good the size of the potato that -bears it is of no c c; ,nseqhence at all. ;experiments ;exriments with seeds are so easily repeated and the results, if' they come always the same, so valuable prac tically, that it would be well to repeat them The habit of-trying, - experiments is, at any I rate a good one,- and every one should cultivate the natural disposition which.peompts all.of us to make them. Trimsplimting Trees. , The -people of . the United States spend annuallyi millions of dollars for trees. finally one-half-of the tress planted an- nullity are lost inside of two years. If a tree is eiiiefully-dug, with plenty of fine; fibre roots safely packed (if they are to be shipped any distance), and carefully shield from the sun and-wind ; aftv.r it is -removed from the box or package the roots. dipped in a sort of paste made of oil and water, and if the ground is not In condition for immediate ptanting. "heeled,' with'care . ,so that the 8911 comes in contact, with the roots take my, word for it not one tree in fifty will dte. Nothing is so conducive to. the growth of the tree and protecting it from the drouth as mulching. Half rotten manure, leaves, ,sawdust‘,. or something , similar,. may be used, and should be ,at least six inches deep. A,. tree thus planted will stand almostrany amount of drouth. • Immersing a growing plant in water of on p hundred and twenty degrees. Wit eleanjit of liee and other insects, an not, hurt the plant. - - To remove paiht spleabed, up - on wino dow pane.s,, use a hot solution of soda and a soft TICE b'glloCft.o-4 - JUKE x`l4 , _. 1870• •Business Cards. )R 1 . ELLEN! E - .! MITCHELL, PHl omit itnd Sttrgeon, graduste of the Woman s Mediesil College of he t N. Y. Infirmary, then , resi dent:physician for a yeurin the Woman's Hospital in N. Y. :I after four yearV:pretticd In Fon \du Lac. Wis consin; ham located in Montrose. Special - attention given to diseases of women and children. Unice at the foot of Main Street, it the old David Post home stead. '1 ,; • , rose. Dec. 15,11876.1-11ren50 • D. BALDWIN, , M. D., HOW * pathic Phykainn and Surgeon. has located himself at Montrosel. *here he will attend promptly to all lorcifessional hilliness entrusted, to his . - care.- Office in Carmalt's building; second floor, front. Doan% at Mr. B. Baldwin's. , . , Monixose, Pa.. March'lo, 1875. • DR. W. Wi SMITII, DENTIST.- Iltoome at hie dwelling. nett door north of Dr. Ilelley'a, on Old Foundry street, where ho would be happy', to see all those in want of. Dental W ork. feels cbn Oen t that he can plasm) all. both In cinality of work and in price.[OfflOe hours front 9 A. x. to 4 r.x. Montrose. teb.ll, 1814—tf HOUSE; G.FiEAT BEND, VALLEY HOUSE; :Pa. Situated near the Erie Railway Depot.— Is a lime and commodious house. Has undergone a thorough repair. ittewly furnished rooms and Bleep tnizapurtments,stolendiduibles,and al) things compris ing a Ili at class hotbl. HENRY ACKERT, Sept. 10th, ltriB.4f. i Proprietor. i ' , -. .*LIN GS 1 STROUDI FIRE AND .140- . i Life' Insurance Agent. AU businesr attended to prouiptly,on fair terms . • pfdee drat dOor east of the bank:of Wm. 11. cooper dr, Cr., ?üblic Arena e X ont roselt Pa. I . [Atig-1,18139.) Jily 11, 18'12. .1\ ' thwarter STROUD. • - VIE PEMILES 'MARKET, PHIL -a- 1 lip Hahn, Pr4rieior. Fresh and baited Meats, Hamp, Pork, Bologna daufage.etc.,ot the best qual ity, eonstantly on hand.at prices to snit. biontrose, Pa., an. 14.1R73.-iv . --- i -------- 7 - 7,7 - ! . - • . . R A i Et DGA Couruin.i..on sii , Lew, . 1 •' • . 1 No. 170 Ilisoidi*ty,New'York City ,f 71111. y 12, "15.--(F41).11013'1 4 . -r y) . . UITTLES ANI) BLAXESLEE, AT - 1-4 torneyis at Vaiv,Vontrose, Pa. Office Opposite the iTarbell Atontrose.Oct.lls,l B 'ig CO • A ' w. co rigy, BUILDER, : . • . • STI LL I ON THE TRACK l . • ~ . Every style of ;buildings erected, and everything: funitehed, at Gai4Tiari REDUCED NUDES. CODtraCts checrfully furnished. Stair building a specialty. None hutiexperiencedvirorkinen tolerated. jan.20,'75. Montrose. Alatlh i2.1.816.-Byl , . . . W , ' DE . 'DEANS, 'DEALER IN, B• .13ookti, natiouery, Wall Paper, Newepa. oeti, Pocket Cutlery, Stereoscopic Views, Yankee Notiona, etc. Next door to the Poet Office, Montruae; -1 c ' I • -W. B. - BEAM- dept. 80, 1874. 1 1 . ; ; ; V . XCHAN p-E, i fiqTEL. M. J. HAIL E. 4 rington wfshes to inform thepnblic that having rested the Exchange Motel in Montrose, he's now ta prepared to acOomoditte the traveling public in tirest-class Etyle .1 Montrose, Aug. 28,1873. \ ; TIT BURS ITT, DEALER IN STIV .. 101.• pla and' Fancy Dry Goode, Crockery, Hard ware. Iron, Sttives,' Drags. Oils, and Melts, Boots and Shoes, Haland, Caps, Furs , Buffalo Robes, Oro enries, Provisi ns, itc: . Now !Milord. I a.,Nov 6, -'72—t.l. OliN GROVES,FASHIONABLE tir Tailor. Montrose.: Pa. .Shop over Chandler!a Store. Ali orders filled In Bret-class etyle. Cutting dOne to order on ehort notice,\ and warranted to fit; *ontrose, June 30.'75. D ll.- D. LATIIROP, ADXII.II§- ters Ele4ro Theimal Bath*, at' sae Foot Of Chestnut strebt., Call and' consult In all Chronic diseases. • ' tlifontrose, iltn.ll."l2.—noB-4f. • LEWIS KNOLL,'. SHAVING AND hair DresSing. Shop over the Poet office build ing, where he; will ne. found ready to attend all who nay want anything • n his line. {Montrose Pa. Oct. 13, 18611. • FTs. PURDY. MANUFACTURER i• of walne,of all kinds. Also makes a specluity . Of wood work. or Sale. Repairs promptly attended to. Uses only best!stock, and aims to make only first-iclass iyork. •1 . ; [sprit 26,1616.1 D R ' W. Ij' ; RICHARDSON, PHYS.!- . _ cian an Surgeon, tenders hi e proressionaller iices to the cal zens of Montrose and vicinity. Office at his rusideicw, on ate corner east of the Form . y. i (Anz.l. 186 A. COVILL AND DEWITT, ATTOR - J nays at aw and Solicit \ ors in Bankruptcy': Oftlee Vo. 49 Court Stied , . over City National Bank, Bing aa inton , N. N. Wax. H. Scovux, i June 18th,1873 JEnoxa Dzwrrr. A.-GLEI DRUG STORE, IS THE place t i e get Drugs and Mencines, tliears. To cc°, Pip* Pocket-Books . Spectales, Yankee No ions. ac..Briek ' Black A. B. BURNS ;Montrose, May sth, Mb. :- • • F.'Frran, ATTORNEY AND . A-.• Conductlor-at-law Montrose, Pa. Officel as heretofore, bUloW•and west of the Court Honee. Montrose ;annary 27,1875.-1 v tit( A.l LYON.; SUCCESSOR , TO 1 1..v_a. • Abell Terrell. dealer in Drugs: Medicines. 13hemicels, Paints, Oila, pye-stuffe, Teas, Spices, Palmy GooliaJewelry,PeKlumery, &c. Nantrose.MaY )9.1876. .- C. IyHEATON, • CIVILICK6INEER AND LAND StritUTpit. I P. O. address. Franklin ll'orhe." i Susquehanna Co., pa. • 0. 9 WARREN ATTORNEY, ' AT A• Law,; BountY; Back .Pay. Pension , trid Ex emli,lon • Claims attended to. Once frt. ' oor below Boyd's Store, Montros e .Pa. [Avg. 1.'69.] I. LOTT, _ATTORNEY AT LAW, • Montrose. Pa. Collections promptly attended to. Special attention given :to Conveyancing and Or: phut& Coutt Practice. Office on Public Avenu' over First National Bank, front. [march 29, 'ZB.I WILSON J. TURREL, SURVEYOR. • T Having had 20 years experience In tbe business, will continue to attend to calla in my profession. Montrose,lPa„ 13ept.15, 15.- . ly* . • ' WI VI: SMITH, 'CARINET AND V e glair Maunfactiirere. Poo ai , rget. Montrose. Pa. rang. 1.1869.] "11 Wi SEARLE, ATTOnNEY AT _IL/ • Law,,' office i over the , store of M. DAsetner, in the Bricit Block ;Montrose Pa. LA.ng. 1, '69.1 • RIFPIS. & SAY E, DEALERS rev Har Provision,s re, Iron, Nail', Housetarntshiag Goods, Groceries a d Provision , ood, Stone, Jappaned and Pressed Till Ware, &c., &c. ' march 15, IT B.:& A. 11._ McCOLLUM, AT CP • tonlays at Law. °Mee over W. IL Caliper & CO'. Batik..plontroie l'a. May 10. 1871.—tf . B Q.' CAMP, ATTORNEY . AT • Law, liontrOse, Pa. Office over Wm. H. poopcx & Co.'s Bank. Montros; Pa., Jan. sth, 1876--I.i* 14.1.LBKRT S. JOHNSON; Au.c7ipNEER,- Address, • 1 - lifarchl4, 1876. Montrose. Pa rNEILL, ATTORREY;i AT • Law._ Office over A. 6. Burn's , Drag 13tore, Brick Block.: ;Montrose, Pa. • E Junall, AMI ELI • ' atJaTItt2TUR, kiireass , Am, 1 4 / PP44. IMMYII, T - S. POTTE4i . DENTIST / : WISHES. lea to inform the people of Montroseand Vicinity, tat he is permanently located, in the second story qi P. Stamp's new building; opposite Cooper's Bank. Al] . kinds of Dental Work done in the best manner. N. 8.-Nitrous Oxide, Laughing Gass, given for Vie painless extraction of teeth. Montrose, April sth, IS76.—tf BACON . .WILL HEREAFTER l A _4 l . furnish the citizens of Monts°Se AO Vicinity. with first-class !biscuit, Rolls Pies, Cakes and Cookies,. Tarts, &c:.'titc., atc Parties and Wedding Supplied, and quality guaranteed. IN - Dining Rooms np stairs, where Geo. C'allis will be found ready to sat isfy the cravings or the inner man. _ Montrose, ItlayiSd 18.76. . • - B. BACON. IXEW MILFORD kACHINE. SHOP. All kinds of machinery made, or furnished to or tier. Repalrleg promptly attended to. • - /DMUS SIiuLTZ. •New Mllford,llthylt,lB7B.7l3% M. CROSSMON; ATTORNEY V V at Law. •-s °Bice over the First Nation Bank, Montroae,Pa. W. A. Caosaxex Montrose. 00110; 1878.—d. - • , Q, PILT MAN & 'CO., PIR.S T NA ;Ai • tional Bank Building,' Montrose, Pa., Dealers in. Dry Goode, Llothing l 2.lllllnery Goode, Boots & Shoe*. '.&C., &C. . [April MI, '76.—ti) Wit 11. COOPER & CO. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL POINTS AND PROMPTLY ACCOUN TED FOR- AS HERETOFORE. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EX CHANGE FOR SALE : R. B. LITTLE, Ozo. P.LITTLE, B, L. BLaszawrz. UNITED { STATES . & OTHER BONDS Bashiess Cards. Banking, tw. BANKING HOUSE HOI 4 ITROSE, PA. ENERAL BANKING BUSINESS DONE BOUGHT' AND SOLD. COUPONS . AND CITY AND COUNTY BANK CHECKS CASHED AS USUAL. OCEAN STEAMER PASSAGE TICK ETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SPECIAL TIME DEPOSITS, AS PEit AGREE MENT WHEN THE DEPOS IT IS MADE. In the future, as in the past, we shall endeav or to transact money business to the satis faction of our patrons. and correspondents. WM. H. COOPEft & CO., Montrose, March 10 15.-tf. Bankers., T" -) , - • SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY AGRI:- CULTURAL WORKS, Having been reorganized. 'under the drill, name, laid style of Susquehanna County Agricultural Works, limited, R.JEWETT, Pres , - W. H. COOPER', Tress , D. SAME, Secretary. - Are now prepared to tarnish, on thee notice. ,tatinnarg 6nglites, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, TURBINE WATER WHEELS., ' And do all kinds of mill and job work promptly and satisfactorily, at low rates. We man afflatus and have on band a iarge assortment of • PLOWS °IIII7I.VP CAULDRON KETTLES of different styles, ADJUSTABLE BARN DOOR HANGINGS, MEADOW ROLLERS, BLACKSMITHS' FORGES POTS and GRATES, DOG POW ERS for churning, One and Two Horse POW ERS one. THRESHERS, of the, latest and best patterns,' &c., &c. Montrose, March 1,1870.-Bm. arbit eW 4 aid call the attention of the Public matting ANYTHING IN THE MARBLE LINT' SUSQUEHANNA' DEPOT, PA., 5 • rlfrßelng the only Marble Works in t4e County..igg All Work WEuTanted as Represiented YOU CAN SAVE .MONEY Silage& Deism:4 i Ps.. April 14,1875. SOMTHING NEW. A BOOT & SHOE SRO has Just opened "over Wookst lielbuielt Ai Co. AU I& of work made to order. ttopoirtog 40 4 1 .0 on *holt Batt.. Atter bsvlng netirlY II YOU/ en 0c44 0 buena* I tool cezMont au' plume' so *wit& ma; gift, ink & a4lt. U 2 PTErijitr-- Itentrose, Feb.lslo.—tt- nits I to 013 R WORKS at OR NO SALE. . By callingon us. WILUS DeLO!4lO. M. A. COLVIN,) gent ' • I' Miscellaneous. FT , cio bl. ip sis ra_4o_l7- t =1 VLANING 4 - U-MI3 . ER:.: . YARD .! In order to better accommodate the commtrnity, the Undersigned has established' a depot for the rale of Lumber Manufactured at his newly-erected building on the;Old Keeler tannery Site, in the HEM 'OF TOWN where will be kept cOnetantll on hand, A full kook of WHITE AND YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK, ASH, ,MAPLE AND BLACK W ALNUT LUMBER, • whieh.with the aid of the moat improved machlney and competent. workmen. is prepared to wort into any ►lope .to meet the wants of Customers. WELL SEASONED LUMBER, INCLcIDINO FLOORING, CEILING. SHINGLE AND LATH CONSTANTLY ON BAND. Planing, Matching, Idotiding's. and Scroll Sawing tone to order. ' WAGON, CARRIAGES & SLEIGH, zurimurAcTonv in connection Nene the above establishment. under the management of M. E. H. 'Rogers- - Examine oar work before 'caving yo4r orders elsewhere. Repairing done promptly. A. LATHROP. Montrose. September 29th. 1875. . NEI! ARRANGEMENT The People's DruE Ston. I. N. BULLARD, .PROPRIETOR. KENYON.Druggiist • Apothecary. PATENT ' MEDICINE EMPORIUM undersigned would respectfully announce to all the people everywhere, that to his already extentiv• stock and variety of Merchandise in the Grocery, Pro vision.ang Hardware:line. He has added a vt ry choice assortment of PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, PER FUMERY, &c.. which he flatters him& If he can sem the public ;they will find it to their advantage to exam ine before purchasing elsewhere.. To all Physicians in this section of the county he would respectfully at. nounce that he has geettrill the services of R. Kenyon as Druggiit and Apothecary. w totio long exuerience and acknowledged care and ability. entitle him to your en tire confidence in the line ot compounding medicines or preparing prescriptions. and who would also esteem it an espectal favor to receive calla from any of hi. old ^tistomers or new ones: Will make the Patent Medi. /these specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral Waters—an extensive stock. Also fine Groceries— LETBIG'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, FRESTI SALMON PICKLED ,t CANNED CLAMS, LOBSTERS, • PEAS:CORN. BEANS. OYSTERS. &c., ay. In fact, anythingand eversthing 1 hat la ordinarilyneed• ed. Respectfully soliciting , u call I remain i. N. BULLARD Powder! Powder! Powder! Blastine, Rifle and Shot Powder, Shot; Lead, Gun Tubes, Cape, Pouches, Flasks, Fuse, for sale by • Montrose, Sept. 9,:1874—ti. THY FLOWERS BLOOM IN WINTKR I Are you aware that you can obtain Summer heat is January ? That you can impart balmy, air to you families? that you can give spontaneous i growth te plants and Flowers. , and that you can make home* little paradise by purchasing one of B. C. Sayre's i!ut- Air Furnaces ? These Furnaces are now" constructed with VAPOR PAN by which the atmosphere Is teas• pered to that resembling Summer heat. NO MORE CRACKING 'OF FURSI fI;RE-NO MORE DRY HUSKY. HEAT. And the tline has' come when consumptives may Te jolce tll coal fires. These furnaces are eold entirely on their own merits, aed are now the leading Furnace iu this part of the country All Furnaces are warsant• ed to give entire satisfaction or no sale. "ET Et. segk. C 233 S. . . . I keep competent - men on the road who are well tc quainted with the Furnace 'business and they are cor , stantly - puttin,g up these Furnaces.. Their work IA wir• ranted to please. • These Furnaces are now scattered a the following towns and cities: , Binghamton, Scranton, Providence, Wilkes Bgre. Kingston. Pittston. Elmira. Waverly, Willouusport Great. Bend, Suspnehrnna Depot, Hanco k, Downsville, Andes, Malgeretville, Froxiklin, Costal , Owego, Northumberland, and many other towns. aszuiacturad 337 Any person wishing a recommendaq,an from an, r • Hying in, the above named places. I Will gladly co. ref• pond with thew. giving names of parties now toigg these Furnaces. • • Montrose liontroim, Deceinber 2d. 1815— 214 i - : QAUSIBUS LINE. • dersig,o has an omnibus line running WO \ L. 4r, W., and Erie Railway!. c‘ Tha y trait. ,ilhipPin4: : ::. : Or-': RelhipOing I Baggage at either IkePok will be promptly attended to. „ • The new river .btidge lino* , completed, how' UR° to no ferrying alwiyi oihiiiiatoconvey passengers to soy P Oll surronadillg C 01011.17. p p't. 4 , U. BUOUANAN. ro Gieat Bend; Aug, 19, -1814.—tf. MILL AND I. N. BULT.ARD. NOT-AM B. C. SAYRE, Omit Rend, Pa. J6iOrdorfor a.4l%.3m.mtx..a.cksio