- ti;81.,- . :,And_...,g,0#5.40tt1, :Keeping:Farm Aecountn In order to conduct farming o perations` understandingly and intelligently., it, ‘ is neseasary,to ascertain - . thel.coiii:, of pro. duction'ty keeping accurate n'ecourit, as far as possible, with tbe•farni 'as kwhole and,witb: each field. in :detail. ./To do this requires, in :the first ' place,'an' accii rate MenStireniine,of the different fields., A Map of the farm should' be triode; and ()itch : field numbered - with the number acres also Marked down; 4 farm ac count book should be . prepared , or pur.• chnsed in which should be noted the crop, produced on each field, elmging to-its account',:the labor .required o produce the crop together with seed, anitre;, in terest, taxes, &C.; 'Crediting t e amount: i for which the procluze is ,sol., or at its market value,` By this coruse.the.actual. .cost carv , easily,,be ascertained,' shoWing bow, and ; ,Where tha profits ovlosses arise, affording. an excellent guide for future operations., An . ; account shinild \ also be kept fith , the farm; as wii h an individ ual, on the above basis,, balancing the books at .the end of each !year, and tak ingin,,,inventorY. of stock, farming im *Pin. t 8 450 J. to: .Qp.ett ...correctly...the ac- count for the succeeding! year. This method will demenstrate conclniiielY whether *ruing pays, or not las far as that pel son is. •:concernetli! • Most farmers ~ are very careless about . kee Mg any ac counts whatever, even - wi h neighbors and others with whom they ,have dealings which iriCvery prof ifie source of trouble and' vexation often leading to expensive • lawsuits. . .• • '- But farmers will say they have no time to.attend to suehri thivo,anil trust to lucK Od the litiiio34•6l l, •:cither., Pell pledcafry them flii?ouir,li. - • ' Any , mer chant or other business man who con • ducted his affairs in •suchs a slipshOd, slovenly would' - surely fail, and certainly would not deserve to sneqed, It will require but a few inornentat the close of each day to `note down the ac count. o f . thatlday, and \oue year's, trial of keeptng :farm! , 'accounts' `, will \ convince -most farmers that it is a' very s-neible and proper. method of doing business. I , • would like to hear irona others through these'Coliima Mi `this siiffitiet.. • Tit r e Citttle - of Norway., We anti in an intetilitiug report bylfr. H. 46.:JenlitiA,. ,- . on: flie ligrictitimi=of 1 Sweeden and Norway, a description of a remarkable tweed of tattle indig,enons tn Norway, ', Which.; even, - in 'those days of cross breeding and imprOyenient, is still g1y06 9) found in iteorigin pririty..' The cattle are small, fun *ll -cows-- eldorn at taining a weight of more, than 70 to 800 lbs.;' tlie'Y'are a rnountain• *ice, an their diminutive size may be ,fairty,, attributed to the poyerty . Of the fOtict and the - rough, weather and:long - winters of their habits They are good milkers, best in this par het-liar of many breeds kept at the royal faro :at Ladegatirdscen , haying been of this fie: liorec,ver, the. Care and good living ,bestowed on the race at the farm have somewhat inereas,f4l the, stature and weight`of the animals. One cow Milked, in 1868, 646 3-4 gallons,. in 1869, 720 gallons, in 1870; : 680. gallons, - or, on . ate average \of three years, 658, 1-2 gallons, with a living weight of about.79o 1b . .; that-is nearly .9 lbs. of milk for each one lb. living weight annually, a result which bears,comparison -with Ithe best milking bree'di. Usually the , .Thelemaik cows do not milk highly iinmediately after caly. ing, seldom more than 3 I=4 gallons daily, but they maintain thel yied evenly, and dont 'remain long dry.' pike every other good milking breed. the Thelemark cows are very liable to milk fever; for which reason it' is very important to keep them •on a low diet for some time before and atter calving. ‘• , , - " I~ i ~a ir' • Ants are very fond ofanything sweet. And : by taking advantaue of this they mad ,be trapped very easily. Procure pieces, of sponge and sat4ate,them a thin syrup made of honey, molasses- or sugar, dissolved, in warm ,water, place these in the haunts antd take them up occasionally and dip them in boilingl wa-. ter.. In,a few, days tbe.tr whok colony will have ,disappeared: l the home, of the colony •be , discovered beneath some part of the foundation of t'he house or in, the yard, it may be destroyed by _pouring boiling ; water upon it. •• The place may be,discovered by careful watch ing' for, a ,sliort time., Cultivation of Orchards. There is u 040,14 but the l stirring of. soil in the , orc*ris a good thing to. promote Agto'w*Fpf wood and np trees that are in ill-health, but the e.xperi mentArioted in the Country Getitleman of Richard. E. CArpt.n ten. which in aicarkfs a Feat benefit. In yield of fruit to benb tamed by ,cultivation is haindly decisive, .for soine of our best 'orchardists, ' . from long experience, believe in mulchina and top dressing rather than very much:cul tivation.' The question torus somewhat upon Yavieties, a good deal upon soil, and ever =so lll**manure is employed'. " -- 'Xo recover the volle—beat the white of offe-ogg, add. -to it\the . juice of, one lemon, aa's w eetep. with\ ;-.' : _agar to the taste. Wee,: one ' I from ' time to time It ha s '' effect= , _ • nally to Owe the;salmi founder:_. 411. -41.-- Destroying Ants. MII F4ieci . .r,vr l gor.sep.:.:, ::) The a ppropriate kind of grain, fcc,be_ lecl .mot depe,nd, ignin ' the'work to :be performed ,Ifi the horse.. sto be driven rapittly on. the,road, then only suehrain . its contains, a large , portion: of, nitrogen o uslood slion j ld •be', used?' such. as oats, peas, w,heat-brand, oit r cake, ,etc. Proba bly the' best rpition for medium size livery horses is eight, pounds hayeight pounds oats,,lour pounds fine wheat' bran ,and one-half pouted Gil meal .p2r day, costing atPresent prices, 30 cents ; but frequent ly not more than 20 cents. This, small amount of oil Meal should snot be omit ted, as' it will; genera,lly - prevent constipa tion and assist. in,the. , digestion of other food:, It is much; better to regulate the -boweli of the horse with food than with medicine.. If the. oil. meal does , not keep the, bOwels sufficiently , free, use occasion ally a little ' steeped,, flaxseed. Mai - a is ~ , . , much . : safer than linseed, as that is liable , to\ be substituted for apart of the oats: \ For ,draftiwork with 'a walking gait, whether on the. farm or` in the city,,the i ,befit ration s corn and. oats, or corn and `barley ground together, and mixed with moistened cuthay; In this ease ten pounds hay r ten pounds of the mixed 'meal, and , and a half pound of the oil .meal, Or eight potinds of the meal with four of fine bran coking in ihost places, not over 25 cents Ifuer day. , 4 few ,potatoes, carrots,.beetsor parsnips are excellent for the health otthe work) horse." . . , Fdi horses not at work, or baying only a tittle eXercise, sixteen pounds of eat ly cut hay, tour pounds of oats with a fete roots or a little oil-meal, Will keep them in fine condition aiid good health. Such hories inayalso,be kept On' clover or ,tiin-s. othy, bay, withoutgrain, it that is cheap er ; but -no animal should - be .kept kept throughout the, win ter on dry food alone. 'al iety of 'food should be provided, as far as this can tif; donewith economy. , ,_• ~_,_ Falieniag . a Calf. h best food to fatten abet with° , whole milk is.oll-miial,•molisSeitand'skini Milk for the first two ,weeks, - after which a, little oat' or - barley meal may. be used. A - ealf can be Made - to:weigh one hundred 'and twenty toe hundred and. forty pounds at four! weeks. old,' 'never having any new. After'. the cow's - Milk was Oad. The ,oil-meal . should be . scalded and allowed ; to- form' a thick mucilage before being Mixed - .. With th 'skimmed. ?milk: : : The molasses may be ,added di rectly to the milk and the . whole may be given blood Warm.. The proper quantity fot . i young' calf, is' - a tnblespoonful of- oil mOal the Same of -Molasses, divided into thi•ee.parti for one .day's feed, added to the mai. After the first week it may be gridua4 - increased, and at the _coin , - meneemept of - the .third Week a ePoonful of itiii-meal and Moliss.es may be given •to each feed 'a , quart of', toiling water being ttined , on to the meal over night and also lin-the,.morning to - font a mu cilage an! :1 'a, spoonful Of. oat or barley - ME4I may ,be added, but,'-this. should-be cooked. - -: I.At, present prices the whale *feed' will not cost _;more than one dollar for five weeks, ' - and. -- An' early "Calf of the weig t, nientioned : ; , will bring. from ten to twelve. 11. raised one late' hi the season two years agO, by the above method, that. colt lessithau one dollar far feed, aside from the ekinitned . milk„ that brought nearly . ten dollars. Should,' they have scours, give them a tea made by' boiling corn. -cobs in water add add tottte Pure'cow's milk, is mmla ap as 161- lo vs: 1 Witte • ., • 86 28 tat.tr , .. 4 38 Svgai• Milk .... 5 27 Caseiiie ... . :-. . _........ .. ..• . .:.,:. 3 80 SodW, .lime, magnesia and iron ... 0 72 The specific gravity , of cow's milk ranges !from 1.018 to 1.045. but the deter-; minatiOn of this point is' a very uncer.i tain test: of its purity. Or - eam *being : lighter than milk, its removal leaves the: quid co i nipa,ratively heavier. Water might be.added° ; to this and the specific gravity. thus broUght up to that of genuine milk; The galactometer is Used for ascertaining', the specific gravity, and the lactometer4 the only instrument employed by o'l4 New . * - ork health authorities, fixes the amount of cream - present. But accord;' log to'lgood authorities, the . etnployrnen. of both.'not ode,,is necessary to read) a corrent citincineion as to the impurity or purity of inn. it would seem, that thh test re'llnired by.law is an actual - chemical analysts. NIBS season is redolent of new varie- 003 gc (i)ep0tt:49,,411 Of which are crack- , ,ed rip; bY the crackers-up to supersede anything hitherto known . , Just so.; - Farmerf l who will not finish r plan t ing f or so m e days tt, c , p m. TO; - are too shreWil to be taken in by new .sorts at price . s,without possessing sortie accurate knowledge of their }'quality an,d . productiveness. It . would be rather mon otomitis for us to recommend again the coltiiration of_ thewhite Pe - achtilow-h just as much so, the Springfield Rapubli can nominating 'Charles : Francis /Wars for every - important political poo, that loonis up—but we, shall engage no other for next winter's supply, even though We pay twenty-five per cent., advance on all others in .its market, • ,To reinore paint splashed upon win - 4os . vanes, use hot, solution:ot soda'and * oft flannel. - ' , . • i ,;., ;-' ',,, -., . .....).. ;‘'-': - • ':, :.. a. : - thlen N. =EZE=:= Pure Milk. 41111-• New= Ptitiitoes. Bininitss'aards. .E. iiicittn and tirgeon,_ graduate of the Woman * Medicnl College o the - N. Y. Infirmary, then resi dent plipician fur a year in, the Woman's Eloapital in N.Y. :i after four years' practice: in Pon du Lac. Witt - - consini has , located in ,Montrbse. Special attention 'given to diseases lof women• and children. Office at the font of Main Street, in the 'old David Post home stead. I ' •• • Montrose. Dec. 15, 1875.-Brenso . - 11.1 r 1). BAtDWIN, M. D., HOINItE , d. pathic Physiplan • and Surgeon. has- located himst4f at Montroie, where he will attend promptly to all p feevional business • entrusted to his care.—, intrOffice in Car alt's building. second - floor, front. Board* at Mr.• E. Daldwin's. • '• • ' ' • • ' Montrose, Pa.. March 10 , 1875. - • •• / • D W. SMITH, DENTIST:- A- , i Rooms at his dwelling, next door north of Dr. Halsey's, on Oldi Foundry street, where he would be„ happy, to see all those in want of Dental %%orb. fie 'feels contdent that he can plass° all. both in quality of .workland in price. Office hours from 9 s. x.to 4 r.x.; • hioatrose.Feb i ll,lBl47—tf , . TALLEY 1110 USE, GREAT BEND,? v . .1.2 a. Bitnaied near the. Brie . Railway Depot.— Is a large anu commodious house. Has undergone a 'thorough repaint Newly flirnishedronms and sleep tngupartments.spiendid tablecand all things comprisl lug st class notel. • HEN RY ACKERT, Sent. 10th. 1878.-tf. Proprietor. ________ RILLINGS STROUD, FIRE. . .AND_ A-P I Life Insurance Agent. AU business attended to promptly .on fair terms. (Mee drat door east of the bank of Wm. IL Cooper I Ce.,?nbile A.venueldant. rose,. Pa. (Attg.l JUL] 3 tly 17, 1872.1 • ' BILLINGS STIIGIID. • TIE CI ar) , LE'S MARKET; lip Rahn, Proprietor. Froth' and Salted Meats; Herne, Pork, Bcdogna San fage.ete., of the beat goal By, eonetantly-on hand, at oricee to snit. • • Mentroee, Pai, Jaa..l4; 1 1173 . -1 T • EDGAR, A. TURRELL. • • • C 3IINEI iILLOR AT LAW, \ No. rid - Broadway, New Yor k City May 12.•175.—qeb.11.1874.-iy)-. ' tITTLE* AND BLAKESLF , E, , AT . tornoys Law, Montrose, Pi.- (Mace oriposl4.e the! Tarbell libusr. - I . 11. B. LITTLE, • GEo. P. LIT . 4E 14witrose.0 t. 15,1878. E. L. BLAICESLEN W. CpOLEY, - BUILDER, Cl• : STILL 'ON THE TRACK! Every style Of buildings erected,. and everything furnished, at f:.`REATLY. REDUCED' PRICES:' Contracts cheerfully furnished. Stair building a specialty. None. but experienced workmen tolerated: jan.20, 1 115. itiontrose, March 22,1816.-41 • , DEANS , q lcs, F* - . W B,DEANS;; • DEALER I. N ' ,•- Bonks, stationery. Wall Paper; Nevspa oers. Pocket , Cutlery. Stereoscopic Views, 'Yankee Notion*, etc. i Nest door to. the Post Office, MOntrt;ite, .M., . 1 , . . • W. - B. BEANS. S•aot. 80, 1814, '.' • • . ~.. X.CHAtIGE fIOtEL. M. J. HAR w:4 ringtoni lanes to infnrm thepublie thaihaving rented the Echange liotelin Montroee, be '.e now prepared to - reommodate the traveling pnbilc in fret-classety e. • ' !Montrose, Aug. 2E1,1873. BUIRRITT, DEALER IN STA IT• pie 11611 Fancy 'Dry Goode, CrOckery, Hard ware. Iron, Stoves, Drugs. Oils, and Paints. Boots and Shoes, Huts and •Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes. Gro , cedes, Provisions, &c. New thltor.t a.,Nov_ 6, '72—it. ' • , JOHN ;GROVES, 'FASHIONABLE el , Tailor, liontroie, Pa. Shop over Chandler's. Store. Alt orders filled in first-class style. Cutting done to order pn short notice, and!warramed twat. ;. Montrose. !June - • , • R. -D. I A. L. moor. ADM.IIs IS- , • ters E l lectro‘ Thermal Baths, at .the , Foot of Chestnut street. Call and wank in all Chronic piseases. . • ' I NiOntrOßC; Jan.17. 1 72...—n03—tf. • - • . EWIS KNOLL t SHAVING AND hair Tkreasing. - Shoy over the Post office build- Iniz, where Ihe will oe found ready to attend all who may want anything .n his line. - ontrose Pa. Oct. 18,:1869. Uft PURDY. If ANUFACTURER • of wagons of all kinds.. Also makeia specialty of wood work for sale. ite?airs promptly attended to. Uses only liiest stock, and aims to make only firsvclass work. - [sprit 28,181(1:] - FIR. Vt. L. RMEIARDSON PHYSl ciannnd Surgeon, tenders hit.professional ser vices to the citizens of Montfose and vicinity. Office at, hisrusidrce,on the corner east of the e Foun dry.. fikug„l. 1869. • COArILL AND DEWITT, ATTOR- , S neys ut Law and Solicitors inßankruPtcy - . Office 140.49 Court Street ;over City 'National Bank. Bing oamton. N. Y. . Wx. H.Bcovira.. June lEtk,lB'73 JEnoxx DEWITT. E- DRUG STORE; IS THE 4 - 4 place'to get Drugs and Med/tines; gare; To bacco, ?lil i es. Pocket-Books. Spectates. Yankee No ttons. "cc.; Brick Block A. B. BURNS. ontro.'e, Pa., May sth, :1875. F l , FITCH.. ATTORNEY AND L• COnncellor-at-la'wMontrose, Pa. Office as heretofore. below and west of the Court nous:— Siontro .e, January 270875.-Iy. • , r. • • kr - LYON, SUCCESSOR TO 1 1 -11. • Abel Parra, dealer in Drugs. Medicines, iThemicali, Paints, Oils, Dye-stiffs, Teas,' Spices, Fancy Oods. Jewelry, Peri umery, &c. • Montrose. May 19.1815., C Wtf.EATOi T ,COLENarrisrat Aral Limo SIIIIVT.:7011, P.O. address. Franklin Forks. Susqliehanila Co., Pa. . . _ a. WARREN, ATTORNEY .LAL, Lim, Bounty, Back Fay, ienaion nd E em.,z:ori • elairita attended t 0... Office oor belovrßOy&e Store,liontroae.Pa. [Aug.:l.'o9J V 4 LOTT,ATTORNEY' A.T. . LAW , ' I . • youtrose. Pa. -Collections promptly attended to-. Special attention given 'to COnveyancing and Or: phans Court practice. Office , on Public Avenn• over First National Bank; front. [march 29, 164 ViTVSON J. TURREL SURVEYOR. aving had 20 years experience in the business, will continue to attend to calls in my profeSsion. lifontrhse, 5ept.15,•"15.-ly* • - • W. SMITE. ANI) Chair Manufacturers. : Leo. i • r Meth street, e. Pa. ' [atilt. 1.1869.] w.i Moutro _ 'IA IW. StA • RLE . .;ATTORNEY AT 9 • l-1 • Law, office over the. 45toie of M. I) issatter , In the Frick Block .Montros e Ira. 1Ang.11,119.1 e'RIFFIS . 4,-, SAYRE, DEALERS. iN. J 1 - flardware,lron,:Nnila, IleuedarriiAing Goods; (Inexerlilis and Provleions..A4;tod, Stone..Jappaned and Presee Tin Wari.,,hte. - ,Aa. :ftiarett 15, . . . r_l" . . : .- & .A. IL. McOOI4LITNL AT. cfl • korrn;Yontliftw. Office ever .W.AI.• Cocippelt 9(0 1 . 1 :ink AloptraEa Va. I,lay - 10. 1571.--tf -- , .•• ______ B i O. CAMP, ATTORNEY AT • t w; Montrone , Pa. Office over 'Arm. R. Cooper & Co.' -Bank. Mon pee, Pa., Jan. IStb, 1870---11* t i.An - ----I al fA3ERT S.' JOI-IN SON. 1 A B , C TION .If.,ER ; 'Aildrivs; .19, Mi. . .. Moittrote, Pa mart Brick 131 !, M. jai, 14, 1W14".1. O'NEIL:Li ATTORNEY, 'AT. Law.2.oMce over A. B. Burn's Drug Store; lock. Montrose - , re. !TIT. I -Ej,..x.- - . - : - 1- - - 1.-. 40.7rItiNSEC-!Addfui - ;, -- : -.-- .. - ,. 411101$ 1 40i; PO,. , . „- •. c. 1 -4876. B'6ltiets . cards.: i) t -S. POTTFiIt DENTW, WISHES: • to Inform the people of ifontrose and Vielnity,,, that he is permanent ly, located, in the second sthry P. Stamp's new building; opp,site Coopees Bank. All kinds of Dental Work - done- in the besfananner. n. B.—i Nitrous Ozide; J.anghln qua, givett f9K Ott painless extraction of teeth. 1 . Montire April fith 1846.—tf : . • ' 1 4 - I,.pACON, WILL fitRIAFT,ER a * efurnish the'eltizegs; of Montraie'end Vleinity; with first-elass,Breaci, Buietait, Rolls Pies, adzes and Cookies, Tarts, &c., ste Parties, and 'Weddings supplied, and quality; ituaranteed. OrDinin booing op :stairs , where Geo- 044 • will he fenna rea dy to sat ? isfy the `cravings of the inner ttian; , Itioutt9se, sr! ad. 187(4' ; 'B. IaCON. . . VEW MILFORD, MACHINE SHOP. LI All kinds of machinery made, or furnis4ed to or!, der. 'Repairing promptly atten • to. . JO Lltftl SAULT& .New`iillford, May 1.7.1646. y. WM.-A.-CROSSMON, -ATTORNEY at Law. ()Bice over the First illation • Bank. Montrose,Pa. 10C,Roselgoki • Montrose; Aprill9oB76.—tf. = PILI MAN & CO., FIRST-NA .tional Bank Birilding, Montrore: Pd., Dealers In' Dry Goode, clothing, Milltnerylieods, Boots tit Shoes; &c., dtc. [April 26. 'l6.—ti] Banking, &c. BANKING HOUSE WM. t COOPER & CO. MONTROSE, PL GENERAL BANKING BITSINESS DONE COLLECTIONS MADE 'ON ALL POINTS AND PROMPTLY ACCOUS TED FOR 'AS HERETOFORE'. DOMESTIC CHANGE FOR SALE ITNITED:STATES & OTHER' BONDS BOUGHT_ .AND, SOLD;, COTIPONS A.ND,CITY AND, COUNTY BANK CHECKS CASHED' AS USUAL. - OCEAN STEAMER . PA S SAGE ETS TO. AND FROM EUROPE. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SPECIAL TIME DEPOSITS, AS PER AGREE ' MENT WHEN THE . DENS , IT IS' MADE. r In the future, as in the past, we shall endeav or to transact all money business to the satis faction of our patrons and cortespOngents. • WM. IL COOPEM.& ;CO., Montrose, March M4nkrti. THE SIISQUEEtA i NA , COUNTY: AGRI CULTURAL WORKS, ilavinebeen , re° rgan I Zed uncle r • the Orin. name; and style or Susquehanna County Agricultural Works'. limited, k xv.\ r 4EIVETT, Pres , w. - H. COOPER, KredB , SAS, Secretary. Are now prepared to tarnish, on bho4 notice, •• *tatignarg 6ngints CIRCULAR'SAW MILLS, TURBINE WATER WHEELS:, And do' all kinds of mill and job work promptly and satisfactorily. at low rates. We man afacturs and have on hand a large assortment of • PL 0 S 0 1. 1 2 ± 1. 1. 17L E D . A .l- A lb CAULDRON KETTLES of different styles, ADJUSTABLE BARN: DtiOß HANGINGS, - MEADOW - _.ROLLERS, BLACKSMITHS' FORGES POTS and GRATES, DOG POW— ERS for churning, One and Two-Horse:POW— ERS anc: THRESHERS, of the latest and best patterns, 'Sm.,. Montrose, March 1,1876.--Bm. , 41 atilt eW aald , call the:attention of the Public - wanting . : - ANYTHING- IN THE:MARBLE TANI SUSQUEHANNA DEl 3 (kr; . P 4.1 far Being the only Marble Works Inithe Connty.afe All Work Wartinted as,':ltepresented you : , - q4:Ar. SA V.O. .41.-.O.ATE..r. ' liy "as,' _ Stfki!en April 14;1816. 50A„17701 . 40",.N.E1V;': - .: A BOOT & SHOg . SHOP . • bO Jost npeneCover Weekci •lteihulett .Co. • .hri Jonas of work male to - order.' RePairin i f dose on ahem notice, After him rig nearly 14 yeare ex oriel:we in the business I feel confident "'can please a !Arno way give me a call, • - - • - '.UPTISORVVII4 4 , - .l_" , Montrose, Feb. * 1876.—t1 AND FOREIGN . EX- 13 orb , • ti)burt WORKS at 'OR NO BALE, • WILL,VO DeLONG. ),I,l:A..pcmv - i. , c;# ii.a,.' EWE PLANING ,4,4.014.k.::*AR:0.1 In order t 6 better aceotomodete tbe Coiolllnnity, th e undersigned, has estabihrbeCii• degot for, the I , lllle of timber Mantifactured at bit newly-erected betiding on the,Old Beeler tanner Site, in the /, J f .\ 4 1 HE4R7 where Will be.kept constantly'on hand. A full stock of WHITE AND ,YELLOW,PINE,-lIEMLOCK, 120 AC, ASII,-MA.PLE AND. BLACK WALNUT - LUMBER, which,witfithe aid of the most improved machiney and competent workmen. le preparodto*ork intoany ohape to meet the wants of Customers. • . , WELL SEASONED FLOORING. CEILING... • SHINGLE' AND LATU CONSTANTLY ON. HAND. Planing., Matching,. Mouldings. and ficroll Satving cone to order. . WAGON, CARRIAGES & SLEIGH, MANITFACTORY in connection vita the abovO establishment. under the management of Mr. R.R. , ROgers. - Examine our work before leaving your orders elsewhere. Repairing &Me promptly. A. LATHROP. Montrose. September 29th. 1875. N EW ARtiANGiIIIENT Thy TooDlo's Drub Rat I. II: BULLARD, PROPRIETOR. PATENT -.MEDICINE EMPORIUM The undersigned would respectfully announce to all the people everywhere; that to his already extensiv stock and variety ot Merchandise in tho Grocery, Pro* lision,and Hardware:line. Ele has , added a v.ry choice assortment of PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES •BRUSHES, PER FUMERY, &c.. which he flatters him 11 he can assure the public they will And it to their advantage to exam ine before , purchasing elsewhere. To all Physicians in this section of the county he would respectfully al , - nounce that he haseecured the services or. R. Kenyon as Druggist and Apothecary. hose long exnerience and acknowledged care and ability. entitle him to your e,n tire confidence in the line of compounding medicidet or preparing prescriptions, and who would also esteem it an 144 , pe c al favor to receive calls from any of hie old -uatottters or new ones. Will make the Patent Medi• finest) specialty. Also Domestic and Foreign Mineral Waters—an extensive stock. Also line Groceries— LEIBIG'S EXTRACT'OF BEEF. MESH SALMON PICKLED & CANNED CLAMS. LOBSTERS, PEAS. CORN. BEANS. OYSTERS., a pc., &c. • In fact. anythincand &Very thing that is ordinarllyleed 'ed. Respectfully, soliciting a call I remain I. N. BULLARD Poivder: Powder! Powder! Blasting, Rifle and Shot Powder; Shot. Lead, Gas Tubes, Caps, Pouches, Flasks.,,Plte, `., • ' Ste., itc.. Tor sale by . Motitrose. Sept. 9.1874--tf. WHZ rrE F R I I ,OWERS -BLOOM IN Are you aware that you can obtain Summer heat is January ? That you can impart balmy air to you families that you can give spontaneousgrowth to plants and Flowers. and that you can make home s little paradise by purchasing one of B. C. Sayre's tiot, Air Furnaces ? These Furnaces are now constructed with VAPOR PAN by wAlch the atmosphere is tem. pered to that resembling Simmer. heat. NO MORE CRACKING OF FURNI . TURE-NO MORE DRY HUSKY HEAT. • And ths time has come when consumptives may T Joice in coal meri ts, hese furnaces are sold entirely A r ae e e on their Own acd are now the leading Aram in this part of the country. AU Furnaces are watraia , ed to give entire satisfaction or no sale.. ICT Xl_ INT 3S° s. I keep competent men on the road who are well at? quainted with the Fnrntice imeiness and they are rsan• etant'y putting up these,Yttinaces. Their work is intr. ranted to please. TiresO Furnaces are now scattered is the following towns and cities : 'Binghamton, Scranton, Providence, Wilkes Barre• Kingston, Pittston, Elmira, Waverly, Williamsport Great Bend,= Snspnehrnna Depot. Mapco k, Downeyllle, Andes, Mai garetville, Franklin, Unsdills, Owego, Northumberland, and many other towns• Any person wishing a recommendation from anY ore •living in tne above named places. 1 Will gladly Co. rrit pond with them. giving names •of parties now news thcseFfirnacei. SAYR. Montrose; Deci)zatier 22d. 1875-- t a :a. DpINDING I J. N. CoNODON. ~- ::*.ao3.iti-Dlanilintrilk Co., . .-..'',:.., .. -1 ,':,.-:::: , - .. , r. ~'•:_.::- .'*, • ' • Pubi-(:.404.. , .03ititnite Aforio, NiM'lit , .::ANO:j,. , fillkNitE. :- IMONUMENVJ =ME Misellanipui. la.tcowTzto 1 1 . 43- . KICS YON Draggle t & 4potheeary . NOT-AIR IldlCS33.l4lPekcitiut.recl 8y taiTAsionr,D 1.0840.1 lIANUVAOtIMIikii Ok ALL KINDS O 'IANTLES I 4C. MUT Deoßros or SCOTCH OR Es r 1(1:` b ee 9,141*".8541-:"'' XI:Aar11:4)81.°11t .11 Se SW MILL I. N. BULLARD. Montrose Pa. ALSO.