_ , • Arrangement of Et* , ....._. .. VIA RAILROAD: - :"--. • , . .......t ,- ~,,, Arrives. Diparss 1 inkhannock, (Daily,) . .... Toop m 1215 m - VIA STAIIIIII: - 1 : - ? i. " r - v. liontrose-.Depiit,(Daily,)...i..' ', iiioOpm ~ alm a 4 New Milford. (Daily,) .. .....1000 ain isOp m Wyalneing, (Daily.) ............ 045 am 00pm Meadville. (tri weekly.).... 500 pm m aw ;lonhlin Station. (tri weeltl,o .. 74;10 a m 7 1 ,00 am BingbarntoNtia S. Lake.(tri weekly).. 600 p m 7,00 p m weehoppeh.tiri we0h1y,)...,. , ... ...... moo am ; 400 p m The New-York, (iiia Montrose DeS4) Vim Milford, ran khannock, and Wyalusing are dusty. 1 - • • i The Conklin Station mail runs Tuesdays, Tharsiitys and Saturdays. The Binghamton mail, (via Silver ,, e.lce,)rnna Taal. lava, Thursdays. and Saturdays'. • . p r iendsville mall runs Tuesdays, Thursdays:aid Bat lOW. I 1 The IteshoPPen mail rave htundltys,Wedne days, and irldaYs• t i . 1 _ ADDITIONAL ST DNB: • A Stage leaves daily for Mont ens e!Depot a' 1 na,,and returns at 6 p. m A stage leaves daily for New Milford at7spa. in. sad reliant st 330p.m. . • , 'Ei C. 1 1 4;111DHAM. .M. lioitroo . **Oinky . T 411,4 ) Table. , . Arr angmeot of Trains. •To take effect on .Monday, Aprlll7, 1876. 1 . , , : 'UP Ttitine Down Trains. co nsular). • riontnivon r , n., J. X. . - ' *As - p.m.., ' 545 10.15 .. —.Montrose ....9.00 412 555 1025.... Allen's.. ..... . , 845. . ,.545 . 1028. ' ...:C001'.....:. ' '840 , :. ' 448 6c61022 Bunters.... .. .•••885 '444 608 10.16 .... .....Woodbourne.... ... .... 880 ' 440 6 11 1047 11 10 40....... . Dinrock 885 436 6 Tyler's... ..... —Bl5 428 6%5 1057... • .....npringville...:.... JBO5 , 420' , 68a 11 03 Lynn 6 755:412 6 43 II IR Avery's..L. ..745 ' 405 664 11211. ....... ....Lettion - :. 1 . ........ 735 7400 103 11s4 ' L0bed ) ...... . ...7 ga 845 715 11 45 .... ... . Marcy a... 115 187 ,- .720 1100 Tunkbannock ' 700 ' "_.82 . 'Dales aril) run on Lehigh Valley time u kept in the Offlte of P. aN. Y. Bit at Tunkhaunock. .•, All trains connect at Tanithanntlek . with . -P. ii i 'zi t; B. E.going north and south. • JAMES. 1. BL4.MBLER.l l 'resst. Manch Chunk. April , 17, 1876. ' • : . , ' List of Now Advertisementi. Notlei—Wm. White Sheriff. Report of First National Bank. Boots and shoes-11. M.Cornba: Busmes Notice—B. Stroud. Plants—S. B. Shapley. Notice to Fishermen. Bee on Dirnoek Camp Gratin& '•-• Tobacco and Clara—Louis 104);' Special Noticer-Dr; T. J.'Wheatote "Goon News."—Songs and tunes for Bun day Schools, Christian Associations, and Spac ial Meetings. By R. M. Bleintosn. Publisbod by Oliver Ditson & Co. , We "boys of .a larger, groWtO eau well re. _ Can member when our supply 01 rai*ea wasien erally bought from old ladies,- who had 11 - Or 12 of them, together with a gener4ssortment of apples, nuts, ete.,in small 'quantities, and on the same small stand. Now, great pyramids-of the luscious fruit illumine:all the stiset corners, and rapidly disappear by tens ‘and,dozeus,while fleets of swiet'Yessels cannot Coale last enough to supply the great demand: Why I` , Simply because some mercluudts,ouen upon a time,hap-, peod`to send fOr more . truttlthan was wanted. It came. it Would quickly - spoil. It was pour ed on the market in quantities. People seeing great heaps;becime orange hungry. Not many oranges spoiled.)" More were j needed and sent fur, and they are now used a hundred for one. Not many years ago, one or two Hymn and Tune books supplied all the Sabbath &heirls Piablishers were timid about new boOks,because the market was full. But one or two new, ones succeeded, and competitio , was %mink with the most pleasing results. Di ltitudes now sing easy, pretty - Sunday School ngs that never sang befOre, and , the ga • f the 'streets is beard to sing the lays of Z n ;—becanae they 4 are prettier and , sweeter than • those of . the heathen round about. Here is good news,boYs, girls, teachers I Come and buy 1 ‘. ' e. MEETING OF MEDICAL I S9crrir. —A specuu mating of the- Su.squehanna 'Medical Society I'm held at Brooklyn on the 17th 1?t May, at which there was a larger attendance than usn tit The discussion of Chorea, the subject: se lected at the annual _meeting, Was qpirited and interesting. Though - no, was advertised &large number of patients were present for ad .. tick. Delegateg, were chosen to the State Society and American Medical Association. The niem bus or the Society .were hospitably enteriain ed at Bullard's Hotel by Dra.Ainey and Clam berlin. Susquehanna Depot was selected as the place for the Semi-annuel Meetlng,the time for which was postponed from the first to the last Wed nesday of June, 281.11 3. 3. 8. lanarrv.--13rother Marviri, who has so long bten a suflerer, is mercifully 'released. He pass ed away V4dnesday the 10th,about one o'clock in the morning. He died as he had, lived—in the sunstine of. God's smile. A more trium phant death bed scene 1 never before -witness ad Thursday; the tith, at twelve o'clock a' large nuniber of relatives' and !ftiezitis assembled at the house, and after the usual ceremonies the ?Tuthill were 'brought down to the Baptist church which was well filled with.sorrowipg friends, for the whole community felt that. they Were indeed mourners. The Rev. A. H. , Fish preached•from the Words I the deceased bad so olten ,repeated during hii illness, "Oh death Where is thy sting,.oh grave where is thy'vic t(lY 7" The choir then sang for the closing bYthn a piece'of Mr. Marvin's is4ri selection, 'le is gone to the spirit iand' The sympa thies of the community are with the bereaved h u'ilY• • • .Miss Horton teaches the school at the Corners. • Miss Kittle 'Goble in Stanford-. °ilk, and Miss Nettie Stanford in .the Howard district Mr. Alvah Fish iaaiitudent in 'the Commercial College, at Bingharnion Mr, R. Luce has moved on to' the old homestead:.....: We hare got what we have long needed, ti mil linery shop at Franklin - Forks... The Baptist bu ,n (lll .Y school was reopened ogi Sunday, Ma ~ y ' l u .Early sown oats are up , and growit4; ZOE, Df cJ R/TION , 4Y.— . n, pursuance o, aDLA in re, ) . l (inse to a call previ;usly thade, the soldiers \ and citizens of. Montlose met at the Court ill ISITORS to the Centerintal CaU 'find gooti ac. i ii'llse 011 the eveniei or AlaY l 1 71 - 11 , for the comthodations withip a•rmrle. of the Centeimisl . parpose of ruaking arrahge i nieu i ts for the Etroper Or9uittisi ohjlte of sl,rixt riiiiWaY, at= reAsona* observance of. Decora 1 ' t i tan Day, and orkanlied,. ble iiiietS: • Mal' it' pOStili , card a y"reeit , Or two by , don: coultirg . tc , secure rthrns:, , ~ , . 1 , , ., , tleeting .11yde Ciock l i er,jr., Chairman, and b , -, , - 7 ,C. H. littitliAlti),' 11. A. Datts, Secretary. ''' ' ' . I . 8847 ita - veittird' SI. West Frontier rota Pa: .--- \ , ~ purrt:.se..of the meeting thavifig been ' satlY 187 , 6 t 4 ' ' briefly- announced by the - Chair, the following Prelkinble. and resolutions were ,presented by Capt. 11'; F. Boirdslo and unanimously adoti ted : • 'ViTrunuctis, This Centennial Tear finds us as a Nekton rejoicing In the knowledge that our country is truly, infect 'l,is Well as in mom the of the tree and the home of the brave." WannEns,. While irk view with apirdena ble pride the pOsition „which, in -one brief cell= tUry,she has asSumed among the nations of the earth, we abonld net forget to-return thanks to the Ruler or nations, or 'neglect to do honor to the memory of our Revolutionary' sires who died in giving birth to Liberty, or those "brave boys. in blue"'who died that Liberty might live ; therefore Resolved, That it is eminently fitting on this anniversary year that we bow with a feeling of, deeper gratitude at the moss grown grave"; of our patriot sires, end that we klndleanew the' spirit et. Patriotism and love - of country as we surround the freib 'motinds of those_ Wbo were either comrades or. friends who fell in de fense of' "The Oki Flag," ' Resolved, That the , soidiers and citizens of ontrose will unite, on the 80th el e May•next, and do bonorio the memory "of our. bern.dead —alike to those who gave their lives to gain :our liberty, as to those who died to defend and , Preeerve it. • - • I - 90 - Motion, the • follitivint ioraMittles!Wet t e' Appiiinled • ; 7 Committee on Decoration : -'H C Jessup, H A Deans, B R Lyons i --Benj H Mulford, C A, Marren. , • - - Committee on Music : C C Led, Samuel 'Backus: • ' Flood Committee : N. Read; E O'Neill. Connnittee on Speakers.: F Beardsley,,J R Lyons. On motion, Captain F. Beardsley wait ap pointeci OlDcer . ut the Day. • • On Motion, the &Doi lug Resolution was unanimoutly adopted': • . • , Resolved,- That 4 cordial invitatio n - tie extend ed to the Firemeti of Montrose, to the Sabbath Scbools of the various -denomination& to the Masons, Odd-Fellows, ,nights of Pythias, Grangers, and Sovereigns of Industry, in this and adjoining towns, to, co-operate in tho ar rangements and participate in the exercises incident to a, proper observance of -Decoration Day. - : ,; On motion,the Secretary was directed to fur nish a copy of this resolution to the various or ganizat ions and ordeis'abnve named. 'On motion, adjourned to .';meet on Thursday evening, May 25tb , , at , the Court. House. A. nulls, HyDE , Cnockan, Secretary.. Chairman. Louts KicaL. Simiing -and H r'Dressing Parlor, on Public 'Avenue, keeps dillfaild To bacco and Cigars ol every kind, also -fresb. Candies. Montrose, - May 24, 1876. Pwm , ! . PL'tzira S. H. Shapley, proprietor of Oak Tree Green Housejlinghanitort; N. Y., was iii town on Saturday with ,some of his fine plants. He will be here again•on Saturday next, May 27i1r, whit another fine lot of virbenas,pansas an d budding plants a general variety. May 24, 1876. SPECIAL NOTICE. Dr..-T: J. Wheaton, accompanied by Dr. W. C. Starbuch, of Boston, will be in Montrose the second week in Jnue. This will afford a rare opportunity, for the toothless and those afflict ed with bad teeth to obtain good counsel Sad first-claSs work at reasonable rates. F ormore specific information see next issue. ~ Nay 24, 1376w1. A IiEE'ON D.I7IOCE, CAMPGROUND. Let every one,who desires to see the Dimock Camp Ground nicely graded, turn out on 'the Bth and 9th dayi of June, (or send a man) with team or iinplements suited to the work. 'Earth and stone can be had from the field near the ground. Let us. , ake onr dinners with us and put in good ' time for a. good cause.. Come friends, let us make the, rough places smooth.—. Notice given by request. of Presiding Eider Walker and many others. . H. G. HAMM, Sec. Camp Meeting Com. Lynn, May 24, 8876w2. NOTICE. TO FISIIEitSi A; • Stock company of gentlemen residing .in_, Bridgewater, having built and stocked with fish the poti&on land of Willi.m Haughwout; in South Bridge - water, all persons are hereby forbid fishing in, said pond. • Order of Cinnpany, May 240878.101-..;`,.i..• NoTICE.—The undelsigned Intl just been ap pointed agent or the : London, Liverpool & globe Fire Insurance Company, the strongest company in the United 'States. Capital, over $27,000,000. \ jPolicies issued. for this company by, the undersigned. • Very resp'y, • . . BILLINGS 824011 D. Montrose, May 24,18M6.' 21*2 OLD Newspapers tor sale at.this Officent ten cents per dOzen. • HANDBILLS fur Auction Sales, etc., printed at the DEMOCRAT office. in first-class style and at reasonable prices. • \ Wit .new lot of 'saiinutons aud subpoenas just printed at this office. Other blanks in pro fusion, all prepared with care. DEATH TO CAITET BUGS.-M. A. Lyon, the Druggist has it for 25 cents a package. Montrose, May 10; 1876 FOR 'SALE, a first-class new open buggy broad cloth trimmings-rcheap lorcash. • • E.T. PURDY. •° Montrose, May 10, 18743. - 19w3 NEW STOCK Of carpets, Oil, cloths,- twitting, ctc.,just recoiled.. • ! • . . ..GUTTiNi3ERO. ROFENBAIIII & CO. • Montrose, April 12, 18761 f. 7 SPILING,StyIes SOK lialB, felt and fur. Boys Centennial Hats, Ust opened at Gurrszinuato, ROpENBAUId & Co. April 12, 187thf.- • .. . , .. . A. Likito assortnient of. the latest and .neatest styles . .of visiting and, - business' - cards just ;received at, thisl office. Call . and see them heTure, oraering el.ie;where. - • ‘ , - . ..• 1 • . I:l)l6piaiti; tha t . be is."tao pool. to advertise' r i‘yhen . can get the bitest style husinesi, caidsj printed at the Dint ,oottAT office, fox .t litee :01 itits pet% tilousalAttud work inprop art on: puspiess Locals, THE Dg.MO,PII LAZ ES seethis, you can get 9 yards of the . best Linisdain yard, .wide sheeting Iror $1 00 lit Cheap4ohifs; also; 16 yards of the , best (itny in, the Store) Calicoes for $t 00. Montrose, May 10, 1876. • - t • . NE LACE CU RTAINS by the sett' or yard Table' ILinener,,,Naphlna, towels, arid • Howie keeping gotidl in - great variety at GOTTENBERG, ROEEMBAUM & COO Kontrose, April 12,1876t1. • Lamm,. do ' , you want =a , nice Aipar= press,, blaCk or cblored:if so go to Cheap . John'e,where. you will get.l6 yards of the same for $4 00 snd , all the Oireinings thrown in free. =Come early. Come at once., - " • Montrose, May 10, 18'M. . • A mAnntnotrr lot offine Vlotbs and Cassp tueres, postinitS•aud Sultitigs tor eustoui work ; . ; just received, oall and leave your measure for a newL suit at , I GUrresnEno, Itostrinausi & Co: April 12, 1876tf. , ,• • ; • nunt REtmln!that the .fourt h of uI y ibg and alio. that at M. A. Lyon's Drug Store( can be ikmud large stock of Jewett's Purel White Lend, Rall,Bradley & Co.'s White Lehd,l Pure White Zinc, Mixed Chemicals and Color ed Paints, Paint Brushes. Varnishes. Japanl Dryers;, and everything in the line of.Drugai Medicifte,s,! e ancy Goods and fine . Toilet des. , , 1.9*4 Moilirose, May 10, 1876. TIME /4 8, 1 D POUR, 1 . • •i '4, 'Now TB THR'TIME ,TO PAirr. Leatl and Oil cheaper than they, bave been known! 'tor years. Burn's Eagle Drug Store'is • the plaCe tei buy anything in the Pangs' and DRUG line at the very lowest:figures. - A large, assorttnenant ,Brushes and Varnishes constant ly' in stocM Thee celebrated Hall, Bradley, Co.'s Pitre White Lead constantly on hand, for', which Pnans s the Soils Aoarcr for Montrose and vicinity. • Itiontrose, April 18,1876tt • ' 4 • , MABBL Wous. Thell'unkhtinnock Marble Works of Burns & W i to arel'Aoing a good business and are getting, out some very tasty jobs of Head. Stones; and Monuments. A. B. Burns, of the Eagle Drug Store, is their authoriied agent: for . Montrose and vicinity. He has designs of Head Stones and. Monuments. Any orders left with him will jbe promptly filled by Burns . ,'& %Visite. Tunkbannock, Feb. 2, 1876tf. MArithrouh' the country are severely at; flicted ;with a cough and an ,obstruction of the. air paisages leading the lungs. Various remedies are used, but that which is said to give the best satisfaction is Tayloi's Cough Syrup ior Expectorant. As it is sold ,on the principle of Ni Cure, No Pav,it would certain ly be well to give it a trial it-can, be obtaitdd of, all the Druggists m Montrose, or of dealers in general.throughout the country. Mareh 29, 1876tt . . eIt.INT • • G. • We ave JUst received a very large stock of plain - .,nti faticy envelopes, lettor and note pa per, plain and: fancy bill head papers, cards , Of all size's and colors, colored poster papers, etc ( : all of which Nye can afford to print cheaper , thaii any office in this or neighboring counties, and inlas good style. , Work done in black and colored inks. if yOu thitik there is any that can beat us, ,ghe us a trial, and we will ahoy', you what we can do. All kinds of blanks on hand or printiirl to order. , A. CARD TO tHR have recently as sociated with Me an artist of rare ability and a life long experience in Painting in - oil, India ink, or water Color!, and any person that has old pietures of deceased friends will do well to bring them to us as we can copy and enlarge themio any size, and we guarantee to give sat isfaction or no pay. Please call and see speci-. mens. Also all kinds Of picture framing done to order. MOtto frames constantly on hand and very che4p. Q. W. DootaTnar, Photo-Artist. Miiritrose, 3Tay 17, 1876. 20w4 . . , ~ , - W*Tikg pleasure.in calling the attention of, our 'readers to the -fact that the popular Dry Goods', house Of C. F., Stssom (55 . , Co:, -,Bingham ton,- are now receiving an unusually large and complete assortment of new spring goods. Not withstanding i the cry of -"bard times," this house linforms us that their trade is larger than at any formeriseason.. Tbis is easily accounted for by, the fact that they always offer the most reliable goods; at , the same prices that many ,hous sell a Very inferior grade, All tit. l n0v,.. : cities Of ihOeason i - both of foreign and . 'do mestic manufarture, May now he found upon their Shelves, and a visit to their store,will con yinee .a.iiyonelthait . that is the place to trade.. . „.„ CLAIWVOYANT EXIMINATIO:TS EREE. • There is no subject that requires so much study land exPerie.nce as the treatment of et ron ic The astonishing success and re markable cures' performed by Dr. Butterfield, ltre due to .thelgift of clairvoyance. to the life-. long sjtudly offtlie constitution of man, and the curing of diselisest rom natural remedies. • Cum the wbrst forins of Scrofula. Catarrh, Piles, Fe male WeakneSs, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder Will 13e - at the Cafferty House. Binghamton Thur day, and Friday, May, 25th and 26th. Dr.; Butterfield will be at the celebrated Min eral 13prings -Rush, Pa., oh a visit; Wednes day, May 24t , arriving Tuesday evening, May 23d, Staving till Wednesday at 5 o'clock p. m., Orli/timer l ima IN Bnioitiirrox. • Thp.lateit newsin •Binglnunton is that Hine &13libles, of 59 Court Stre&ti have Just received their !third Fall and , Winter stook of Dry Goods which is . noW complete in all departments.— The best Silk: The best Black Cashmeres.—The best Alpaca: ,The beit,Merinos—Empress —Plaids of of descriptions. The best Shawls; Kid 'gloves, !Embroideries, 'Ribbons, Ties, &c., in tact everything :that is kept in a first-clase Dry Goods Store at bottom-figures. ,Another important item,which if known may he essential to the people of IgOntrose,.New Milford and surrounding "Country, that • Geb. B. McCollutn and c. C. Faorot would be most..happy to see all Of their aennaintances and show them, the barg#lns that lime & Sholee .are now prepared to give, • 'Ai , Hum & • Binghamton, Dec. 1; 1875. 2 ,Nay :4410 4 Air:oriental traveler describes this busy scene witnessed op historic shores :,. "Our . steamer landed on a beach which was the port of An tioch,- where the disciples Were first CtiliVd CialktiBllB. There:Was.no town at the watees edge,. no pet, I: ;no wharf. , The passengers and thn inerchandise were put ashore in:lighterS, whiO ran up into the sand. A.. - troop of catn els,-With their drivers-, lay on beach; . ready, .to t!ranspor the goods!, into the interior:— Ami:mg .1 11 e landed avere hoxes marked. "Uri Ayer . 4k,. co., Lowell, Mass.,U. S. A.," anilving that they. contith.ed .thedieines an& whence they: came,: These with: other . goods. hoisted On the bachs of - mine's, tor 'trans. vacation - tri' Aritioeh." Thus. the , skill ot 2 the I -West . sendS latek .ita,:remedies . he mad,' I ladies of Ontitil.atipns that inhabit tboie..c! i nsjerq sitorWwltenee' Our: spiritual rnatina'Ciiine." 2 Windsor, (Ft) -Ohroma. 131 T REAStiRgR S . SA t OF tritlSFkAT ed Lauds in Susquehanna eounty. Notice is .herebygiven that . ' agreeably, ,tair the Act of the General Aseembly - of thr Crtrecoriwealth of Penn sylvania. directing the mod of keilinieup seated lands. the lands of which the wa.. Wets or owners on the numbers given below will be sold :at public "'endue. at the Court house In Montrose; oti Monday, the 12th of June, A. D. 1871 k. forlarrearagar due: end the cost cc erned on each tract . respectfully,. u4less the Isaton paid before 'the day of 151116-409 to CoMMence at ten eclock III: zr • • 1• • • 4cu& 1, W ad, • . , . . c.tians .- nom. AILLILJOr vor. , , ~.. Jonathan! , Sißi 4 I 144.1.01 s gesatijr. pti • it itopathan . Ser n -• igentat,jr.4 pt. wm Forbes , , • 1 - Jobittlkan . Her 1. gent jr pt it . t:e9nard, Storte: • burner , Robert Witiott ; Se sole pt Chile opher Irwin Andrus , McCornOU Darikk ) - ' • 1, _ Ain Mike? 4 , J6oo ; liolair 6 Simnel Meredith • No 1 - A •No I No I Rio 4 for . 187 a • : .17' 7011 PrJ 10 Line wont of Grit- m 1 fir a- 'N . of A W wiiraer •:, •• 10 Walter Geaaer - !Jima Also, ivy,. 4793 , Charles 94 F Lusk Itrack, 2000- Robert Trail John Nagler No 51- : • ~,12/1111 4 Samuel Newport I 1 oh n Cad E wa Ml llader r. . Jonathan Nerblt i Mrs 8 Hamilton EZE Peter Harris John 3aoroy,, TWP, Nos 43 61 and U illamioltrO,Roes dp George PauliFp I Aaron Young atuntirolizt , • ' i.IRH Rom Itstatte McGoverni lot , do 1 •do r mity WORD ITv?. . c L tarArd Estite JoisLANil , • „ , 65' Paul Kugler ' (C G Ward Estate t 165 • 1 ; • , MDR 'MP: 2,4°' , . IMrs Waterman est. 'I- ' - _or G,W.lrohnsow 1 '„ 4ti ~. IT'sts - Grizzir, CTWP.. '. 'ls- 1, . 12$ INo 80 tax for 1875' J D Drinker hes ~, 1 , , longatolls • ' • ~ fsB Squires . 1 THOXIION Tr". . 134 , George !Wall .. Ann M Shipky., . , . 1165, 100 Peter Snyder , R A (Wilts Bet - I • 'Bl5 . N Y City 92 '. ,Jatees Mnmford CGI Mnniford ' ' 189 HENRY C: TYLER, County Treasnier, Presenter's Once, Montrose,,Aprild, 'l5. ~ • BILLING 4 STROM Brim, LIFE AND ACCIDENT I6',sqt - ocK'-'4O:ENT i IMlCcoastrcoase,3Pab. C4pltal Represented, .100,000,000 Fire Association of Phil., Capital Asset.; - 4 amo i tioc Inmirance Co. of N. A., Phil., • " ' 5,000.000 Peunisylevala Fire„ Phil.,' " 1,100,400 Ins. Co. of Pa., Phila., " " 11.10,000 Lycorning of Man ucy, Pa. " "' 6,000.Qutl Lancaster of Lancaster, " " 400.000 Aesvton of Newton, 66 160,tha Home Ins. Co., N. Y., " " • 6,000,000 National " 46 " ' 450,000 00 , 1,mercial Fire " ' 46 460,01 A) Hartford Fire of Hartford Ct. " " 4,000,006 Atlas •• " " ' 500,000 Royal Canadian, of Montreal, Canada. " 13100,0.1, Liverpool. 'London lb Globe, : • • • • It of Liverpool. Eng., . 27,000,000 Providence Washington, of • , Provideuee, R. 1., " " • 600,000 Conn. Slntr.al Llt6 Ins. Co., Miseitie )40,000,001. American'Life. " • •i5"010. Travelers Itte. Co., Hart., Capital and Surplus 33.000,0(0 Railway Passengers $500,1100 Theanderiignedhaebeen weiknownin thisconnty s for thepast 20 years, as an Insurance Agent. - Losses sus tained by .his Comoaln,lei have always been promptly paid. - Office ug *take . , in •bnilding east from Banking °nice of Win. a. Cooper &Co., Turnpike e!.reet. BILLINGS -STROI/D g Ageut. Cr/ARLES "' SMITH, V - Oftlce Managers • . AMOS NICHOLS, • ) Montro!e..Tan.s . , 11316. HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS? The followlosi Is a lipeelmen of it. a% pounds TEA for one dollar. ,5 cans- PEACHES or TOMATOES tor; one • •.• • , • - " • • 4 CADS, LITTLE NECK; CLAMS fdr one dol lar. 7 pounds RAISINS for one. dollar. .22 narS•SOAP•Ior . one dollar. . • , • ••• 10 pounds prunes f►r one ,dollar. • 14 pounds SALERATUS for one dollar. • . 4 pounds COFPEE for one dollar. • 12q .pounds CRAcKEßS.forone dollar. - 150 JAW BIMAKERS.for one dollar... .; The whole lot thr -TEN DOLLARS_ ind present.thrown in.l • GoOcif for minptydays: A large stock of new and 'choice.. grioris low,. By calling .at the. head,of Navigatitin you Shalrhave the Tull , of .your.tuoney 'eve ry time and sofnethingcxtra. _ Call tlnd see at. • - A. N. B1:11.1411 . D'S Montrose, MANI tatt,B7o ! • - • • ,JOB PRINTING I • , • TUIS OFFICE, CHEAP. `., 611,N A mkt' Nichols t and Alden. I .-1 do's 'do ' do do Qilspte Pittte 11. Bowers &Pas no,ose. 'tor. Mozidatia ~! ,C is • S. ik kill! • lirartSpreticei - ' tkrisks7 ' i -• ' 1 belongs ,to 4 s i' quilted' , • a p: •. ; 7, , ~....„. R ir.liose,alo , ,, .. , x'A . eark - , i i tc: ' ' Da Chandler ' ', SH Dayton - .. ••. Sherman D Phelps: ED 'TIP.' • •' •:• • • `• 1- . 1 j AIIMM Tiffinty '.• •-; , Nl' TIM. :', : '..; -. 'i,l C L Ward Eft I • . Michael Meylert ) cs._ Tvrt:' . • 1 : ' ; I • 1 Int Nichols '.-.,,!': do • do: . • ; . do . do ' ' Abeldo ; , •;.do' , ,•;! .'..-, 'rurrof . 1 : . • . wimps rov. ' • I Sedate. Griswold urrissor. • yotri. • I Abel Tarrell 1411210 X 2 . 107. - Tb l e ti rt rtie l John RIM get GEIVI'RAL FIRE LIPS. ACCID_BST. S. LANGDON, Solicitor =71M21 Onstnetif - Dirootorsr. - , . • I Two lines inter Direetoeyi one $1.136 ; oioli 414°1 l line. 60 amts.. : • • I: ..,.;.:;'..cc , : t'. • : i ottr io tt i t , 4 ~, :, ,, 4 WM. 11441tilf0iTtiStateri ; Whbleinti - and : .. x similar in al I kind* 9,i91149 soplinyt, iiiga‘esitiak - Rooillepaltred•vnth slate paint to order. din e :: paint far sale by:Engin/in 01 NOW) : Montrose. , v &Lukas sTaourr;" "Onerale • its' laid it& biail Klee Aienrs, , , able, inn . Matiroad. i and Meidantibt ; Ticketsili sew 'York and Philadelphia: !An ono dOor cast of W i m. II Coopers. Co's banite'' ; . • •,-. ..I. 1 WX.,04 BOYD 4 cOt • _Weis lin Bioko. Wishnick Sid gandUctrirers of Tin and Shostrizon *am p filif% der-of Main ant Turnpike' street- tg, gi •- . ' ,r- J . A. N. But d, Denier inArocaries;ProsisionS, Ildeig; Stationery and an!gea Aidtilll; 11 4 the, bes 4 Pt 1)16 1 He Avenue. ''.r., 'it'-; '' , . , ' ' • *11.,0 • 0001913 lb o.o.:llsitinst. " Sill 11 6 oveivi.lbjur , WA., Tidal and. prlB!_coa, -guillil4d• 60aud• Imillk ' # Seabird: , - • • ' ' 1 - ,___, WIC.L. COX. kamearkittlter and , dealer In all SO , cleannelly hags by the trade, opposite thabank., -,,.r jAififfi X: dplaitta•f;AttarneparAaw, 9Mpii . Oil doorghtileviMatilittil lines. Public Anemic ,1 ...‘... .1) r 11, 'MOSE NT HAL; Inetloaear... z:Care B } i Mtn as vee Pantraile.rii; - • , , , g, , , , _ . , .g 4.-:( . gl. o g ~ ,- • _ -1 , 1 , nyisriattMlß, - ; 'SAVINGS IsiNK, risvi- idit.Po)lll . :, 1: . lilz i per :j -aiAli 'Serail on all Depptica. • • Does a maul Bab Nista - eta. , . 8.:B ._ !sir. ki pr II .. 4:ll4tRaT a ISON e ' iteater"in Piiini; itied, ldsidg - ItaltigLissee Cement,. 'Groceries ; and 'Provision e 's* - 111,171 1 l ! t ;?Pr ei ?.?ii h f D 12 1- '• .' . ~., 'iri. MI 8(1 ssBo 03 80 4048 59 44 8104 '9640 492 e 1 A IR gr Xl6 '4786 Sias 106 f 4341,4 a, 45,Apip t . 1 , , • 41; P:DORitt. lfeicbsat tstlot o v , ad dfslr Mode CiothlagMri (Mod.; rioi so PiOrlitosok ;Tr rr Erß . N.E w & - • t : LI •i- .1 I 7: IS # , .. 4 • ,1.1) OB OY, THE NEW .I'DVIIAET 'i AND' EVERYBODY OLBII 18 . 19 89 65 ' IP 80 !Si3~ ~.. i,~ f: . . , . - ii - b • . '''- -- -- ' I ' • 's ' ' 1 •' ' • '.' .- VO 'fi OD. NEWS tli tuciivrity Jam— '' ''' l'au.' 2l !". .i... 71% ':, '''., i:..!.' t• 7,...d,c," ' , ' p e .„ f • 11 i, . .....:+ i /,: it 1. ... t • 841 484 :J.! 'ort!: r. .i~t ". ~. 1~. !: 808 1 819 $8 8 10 c$ : . ' a!ff 1 416 • Etivi moisi 2(0 476145 I 310 I I'll/ ,I• 121 "PC. F%l' I: :h 4 ": 81 7*;"1..:c PRE TINT WATIONAL • !).: ',: t glade's key Brick.). . , t I 736 160 Wtur4 tbv ktep 0111 band the briii!its4rtiii *tri•Olt I $5ll • • ielesluit•Boyst •- • ''!' U.,)1 Zt# DRY t '• dtidtjati o : HOSIERY, 'RATS,' micialkiEnr • 000D8, itq; otikil deficit:lo6:li `iniih i tiest iisl4io6 ;i ii' Y Grvii us • CALL and we will NON ' raw icol 1661 Tonna. tutor good pa?er- Reapentful!7, . • „ PILLIIIIIII.Ik CO.i I. • NATIONAL pay (loans' •ticiiitaga BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAfi, nearest ' , iiI)4IZAS ptr yard, ••,•• • , . J. at CO.'S First Ratinal!. • piacx • AND ',COLORED CASOREEES, .11 ilmittlelj, • at:cents peryard, • • at S.F. lb CO.'S !wit Nationale Ir. gss .CALRlORS,Sasw.styles pad fast: Wors t per ,yard; , . at S. P. it CO. l B First Nattatilit' BANDStaItE RAEBDROZDOING A. 1411) o•o, •,! horn ' W ar3!lrt l ig t MVlnt YAIID*DifirLiACI3ED d 0170194 frout'S ctsta: : 1 1 31 1 . 2404L,24,1p5t. YARD. WIDE:- FACTORY; from upvinrde, • .atS. P. CO.'SFirst NattcnM,V I BUST SHIRTINGEi.'new styli:6.ls eta. per yard, • • at S.l . CO.?B,Flrat Natlana. f ) BOYS', BEADY-MADE SUITS, from up, • . at S. P. & CO.'S Picot Hating. • I , YOUTHS' ARABY-MADE SUITS; ii•Oin $6.50 up, 3 at S; P, & CO.'S That Nationale ' laibra B.BAAY- ,NADE SUITS, from /Slip, • • at 8. P. & co.iq Firer Ration* HOTS' q a p•SIBIEBB PANTS. from $1:50 up. • - , , 1 - at S P.A. CO.'s First Matti:l6E4s'; 81810 CASSIMERE PANTS, it om Si 50 cp. at B. P. & CO.'S First Natlottale ' We. shall also, keep on hand Gents' and `derWeer - of all Styles ; ladies` and misses' 'Ready-wale As assistance to 'our- eiperieneed and artistic -milliner. we have engaged the cervixes of one ot disk ; leading trimmers in New York city, and we guirails* our millinery department to contain the leading ctyks and trimmed in beat city styles, and our prices lowa r than eliewhere Remember we will keep a fnll armor cut of alUciasses °floods generally kept in first-elsas .1 stores, and our prices we warrant will be the lowesilat... Susquehanna County. Our apeciai, buyer will DOW the market at all 'ttmes,. And procure for us the late 4 ' novelties. Our motto' will be. "Justice to all." Deer in mind we have a NEW STORE, NEW GOODE,,ung the LOWEST 'CASH PRICES. IN VIE COUN.I7. an indliceinent to make large purchases we will deisti c ton demand) on all cash bills of $lO or more, !Lefler; cent. Come one and all • Buth great anti small - And bay your goods ' A; B. P. & Co.'s VirstNottion-all. • . ' Itospectittily, • PILLIdAN & e , leJrst, National Dry Gooda and clot4ipg Blom Montrose, March 25, Dna. • ' B USINESS CHANGE. The Am of 11.13scon & Co, having been ditsolveipi willoontinnothe :. • • 14. Confectionery 13usiness,- At the old stood. lam prepared to Walsh Mode of • ilia 'Tv us - also FRESH. SUPPLY CANNED GOODS, Conan tly . son hand. LARGE ASSORTMENT' OF TOYS. &C. &C. Montroso, May 3d, 1874. , • A vnirroirs UNDBU-; ; Cl signet' having been ti - pfletinteti llithe Conrt ot ennunon Yleao, of r•usquehan tut County, an 'Auditor-to distribute the funds in Lieu hantiS Of the Sheriff, arial front tele of real estate of Maury Griswold; l'rnster. the Episcopal Church of Susquebar i t 'veva w in A tt I Atte dattys of hit! apnointinprt , atthe olilcb 01 Wilt Cioairiton, Atontrope, Monody einnq 18;t1, aut h'Oftelt;p, txt.; it which , time . and , pliten , all ndetinOr • ' interested, mast present their claims nr -.lns (flaw eons; 'Wind from coming in on said fund. ' W. B. OROSEESION, Auditor. May ;d, 1876.-4 W: ..~ „f ~ t ogima ft. 7, 11 ) 4 r ' Vf.; At wtioteiale And Retail PTices.. x.ll .. ~i .Zu~:i~~ 1: - . : 'L ;.,I,` r. !--,-.:4, ~ ~j i lj~i t..r... ,j ... _:: 7 P: ~~..,, '~t.; .'t ~ ~ ~ E. C. BACON.-