~ , IRE titMOCßA,i; i ' l ~...../ ~=.;,.., ~ Pus:Aston ICTIBRY W 31DXXIIDAT Montane. ~ i,, '.i • • Ar MONTILOILE, SUBQ'A CO., PA., BY -%- I"T..Ab WI. 33 - 2' do Ci ittrsmit-e _..,... t i 'EDITORS & PROPRIETORS, '',.,f , 2 ..7 '' At'two Dollartper Year in Altana.: '-' To ADVERTISERS I--Tim DRILOCRAkt 4111 an adver tiabsig medium is unsurpatieed in this section. It reaches the Farmer, Mechanic., and business man. Its tiroolation is comitantlyincriasing and. Its adrertleing MVP PeSlOTabli). Rates will be given at our office or ;r ip. - .... 4 . , , 1: 1. 4 rr . 1 '''• '- • J BlRlNTiodal4oerOillna4e supplied With foui sting ,pressee.together with 4 large variety of type, rdisa v amnr•inknrett., wits r whidr went* prepared to do work in - the beat style and at prices lower than any competitors in any section, ttampkta *hewn and sslltositesi thee:half givbn .at otir 'titlice.'s , Wotrk*Ordcr ed by mail rilirecnivo.promptofonon.7, • ~ :: • ,• , S. :ILI :ILANTLEY,; , t . , .. .. • t‘ i . , Ve...0.. ontistit. iiiiii iii ii.ii: 'hai,iindiielies's of the; '-itutiourio'et*at, 1 4,-04'Ai',44 1 `* 1 ..ii. , .', 11. Frazier ;sq., our 1a,,; ceigmporaryt !,oi , the- , 7 independent Republican.; aid.lttie brief time aud Space in which we, bsitiofillUde'tirit '144 week,' Iniiko I,'l(o4ip' . ,hTild. Make ,ii *h• - 7 1 eit444o 8400.1)4 'Os, time, ;. 6 1# , itar ;. sonar knowledge of him only..dateil back sone . seven iyeare; 'or id 4tink: -the time- we hiiiir been r . Cone uii tin .the, nsiroca'Ar, heliOe''#e;4ii'icat';itieti.'''ii;s by thoae,Wliose. I F intOrmaiatin„we, ha . 4e,o4tained, upon :11'0 nativity aiiii:,former..career. - ,..He was *a sort , of ' 4teohen Fratier now residing 'Pi - oil.; :iprotigh . ; born ; in .Cauton, 'Conn., Deo / 2i5t.,;,1822, but while, a,. yqath his, "1 " 4 f a rm s l' parentik Nate, ,ou a En-, A ie •town-. ship of :Harmony, this dean tvi, - He, en b seaktelittir :read' law with Iliiif.'!B.: . ,S. Belit i leY and . wtioidinitod :to 'the liar of th4 c ..4Prit.i.i!)‘ , 4sinst ‘ Tefra , -. l i. ; lft I )4t, : di4,:700t. pursue- .this profession, but , a , abort' titne,, as ,he I became, successor to: Joisiilliiller . us editor'of the SUsgebaniiii'l RoYistii,, on the 'Brat of :May 1852, 'which i iti -,lj o be ~eniumeneement of his editorial, lif*.! -In ,;18551 - the: _name, ot , the.' pap waal'Olitinged tii the Rep übl i, siathriili the,' late ton. C. F. ' Read assn= cia4 idifor fer . ,U ~tipae. ‘,Vf+, learn that, the l circtilation of .the,!, Register when Mr. ' Frictier.took it, vas voly,ebout , seven or eight' hundred. Tbrongli'thtir`undi;.i t ifit-; edrsev4re ii de and efficient ' iorir- of 'hi i,s' 411 v. • i- er, ,PiPtialett, ' i ,s _u, pittissrhroth i whose .n-:, fortguate death; took place' a r fe w Years ago; ; , play:be:as :much : attribtited; if riot moi l thi :,large' eiroilitiiiii Of"the 10 . '-, - publican to -day, as . to' ; the particular* distjligiiishing '` t editorial . ability. \of the proprietor. But Atli uutiring, indnatry and' pereveretice . of liotktogetber with 'a foranate'poliiical cOndition'Of the times in iipt'haiiiig any very formidable local opposition, the paper, has „attired-. an unusual circulation for ,a ,ci,untrr paper and is a credit to its i r late editor and the, county in, which it is , published. Seven, ~ , years ago we could notlappreciate the du-' ties_, and , responsibilities of an editor's life, but to-day . We. are sonie Whitt prepared to "speak .intelligently of,the *inceisent *nil. arduous labor and the -multitudinous.; trishi and perplexities he •• has , retssed.! - through in twenty-four ,years of editorial'! responsibility. *-During the seven years of: our optenicurytthip with him as an :edit-' or, 3Vp:liiive only known him throngli the columns of his paper.; He : had not inti mate friends 'ur aeqnsintancesi to our 1 knOwledge,-outsideof Ilia family\and im- , meitiate ,relatives. By his Raper, we b \ e-, cattr.lo know him as a bitter and un compromising partizan, • especially so tc all those who bid fair tr, become SUCCeBS- - Jul bontelitors for Public patronage.--. Neithei,was this wholly confined to po litical oponents. We are inclined* to attribute s this more Ito the fact that he felt that •lie, had , spout the - best part of life In' building c ap his paper and there fore-had .acquired a position that no one had aright to infringe - upon,' than to any.dishouest-niotive. Not having min- - gleititaternally with Like eaitirial breth ren.;loMr•lvith hi nor without the y counl. ty, 1144409' g made his office and fire aidetAgioalymorld,' we- can readily see, thatilike tilt obtain eagle, he rday have had i!ffildoiliiiiiiiidiitilia in waging war up on a s ' l i t iiF#?:#f*Ril to approach 'his sit ll AlC l tailla J ili. Ili I t iti Titeilealleita githei fißepnblietin -poAly of Saiiqukibiqiila's etiatitiiiii#ve ' met with a gr "tiOrliitiiiiitiltie iii*ii i iiit t 'll. H. Era. 0 ',) I 1i,_11:7 1)(11; har p s •.1 ~ , zier = .811t1N94 1 )1 - ; 0 44 4 1,1 1 .4 Rl . # a a tic) • patelt-DA-4eirPiat"N , Ai)Sti te,TlllWit3Plip have attaisielthel i forme; thati, dive , lima 1 Ict his commtaid, ) who iivill i‘ie Ali& . alit odds that he has garr,ie,d;‘,Sl,o,4o.oi'Oeti,'Sh4 i , gl ll liji o .V 4 4 1 1 ):04 .- ‘i' f " : — 4' cess.,. , c ,8 , ,, !t .'"-, id esl, , , ;.,, ; 1 / 4 )r.0 , ,W1 • 5inate31.44145%44 Till4llgvAlqrttri :liiettri hint- ; apolaleofovakiritli !Writer iiindl litiiiest', sitizt ,1 81ito,:kv% 1 6;!ii , lifldlie`Yig,1_4111,,,iiii6,0° front 1 Ai i iiiii4ii'Bl6.'4l'ltiiiciA " l iiiii4 ‘ ,:. 1,/ .1 .. tal N-tal l # 941 PNWttt.,..AYAL',ll4 ,, faßtx.,4o.ltfiri i tori al ' mon ufla cial till i halt b. ti ilti 'i), liiicei the! - silk worm .whiclii r &es fortglit4iitti...4 riiif tit e 1 eocotTn . in ilflOh 41:iiis° eft fi Oe'd i ltpif j • 9 ' o'l. 41,1 0; Oil to beaf,e, , lmly i k_ ., o,KH,,lit ,i , )4 49 ,11 ; ht fm ,,,, bellebsp tutoit-iffiql, Pfergra itilmoullfiaiki3 " . 'i• uWi ta '),),• I lk . ' %S` q)) ". - • ,;1 . A . A4 S 1,4 i .4 1 ~. • . life energies in on Independent. Republi cql,V,th fruit 0f,,:1y hie 1 are hereafter to 'Otheks hand. ammi ~% . .1, .:'.4-:'; . . !'' ttArSbi,?t.OlLS' iNTERNST. ,li;interest-IngdeciOnof , thesupreme blink iSithnotinced concerning usarious interest,' The Miners' bank of Potts ville havinglaued certain sums of money to a business firm charging more than iithe legal rate, of interest, upon the f *litre of ttio- , firar+btatned - judgment , for ' its loan. and interest at : the:rate stipulated.. Tho priweyiyi of the -firl:4 , was; di!id , ilib ject, to‘thaite44 , of the ;judgment obtain= ed by the tittrilc ' The' purchaser resisted' the,payinent ' i of the bitnk'S cla4pinsinll 1 alleging that( only legal interest could-be k recovered, and the, common , 'pleafie enkirt iof -Sch_tiyikill , cOutity., decided that' the usurious interest ; must 'he . detliictal:freni the amount 4 . i . j01e !jti"grnent. . the :Au roieine conk . reverSesibis decision-on the :ground thnt;noithird party.: cilti,itteceed to the - rights itif the. iiehtot , ot- take ad 'vantage of, the remedies open tiri hitn,in ,resisting the,iiiaytnent -*W : anillegal:rate of interest. , . Tile cort,says:upon; this point:: . "The act of May2B, , 1858, made it Toth' :cal change it.; the dons,equendee . flowing oat of the - rec!ipt of More than'. six per, cent. per,antium. 'lt' repealed . all former, lairs iniposing a .penalty. , The first see , tion still makes six per..eent. theli*fal rate of interest . The secobd section're 'cognizes* the :actutd businesi *ants; hab-, itsAnd'_onstons Of the ~people:.: It, ar m:nes si teater rate maY be charged and - paid. It. therefore= declares ' that, if it' I I Hshall be reserved or c o ntracted, the debtor ... .1 s shall not be required to pay - the. excess. :4 option, he mity retain or deduct - it from the atoeunt of his !dent, or if - he has iri)luntarily paid the WhOle debt and the i'keditS of 'interest,' t ie in.iy!recoier •the excess 'by instituting legal , proceedings I not more.thau six. months aftstr its pay-; I.metit.-- liolonger can a stranger-to 'the ' - transaction Iqui tam, Action, ' work 'the ; forfeit of the whole. The siii:itte pro -poses to deli!. only.; With. ,the parties tol, the promee4ings. • ,The debtor may elect' , whether be will withhold the exeess,or recover back Whthin the time, limited. Failing Solo do within the time specified, be has .no remedy. No party informer . , •,,..: can interfere , either before . or, after t he Mama," 1 The defendants , in the • judg.i m ent—the f•-borroivera :. of the money—f having thetriselves, as satisfied the, &inn holds that the purchaser of retl estate subj ectl to the judgment ss:# put.upou iteittinot queitior. • the legality .of the rate of; interest paid - by the 6011-. . rowers of -sinus out of which - the judg went grew. .. - I 401 , . B 00 PH. • A ILL E . D iiR . Lill . i., ... :' COLN: ;i.,.. ~ . . . The statetnent in 'Thimeroy's Democriit '. __ , .•• - tlipt tho rea s o n why •John`::Wilkes Boooi killed President Lincoln was because the: ‘• 1 • latter refuSed4o pardon, 'Catpain :Beall ii i a yery'dear friend - of Booth's; and that in relation to l Allis subject 'Booth visited the i president in co mpany with John P Hale,' ~: .Wasiiingtou . Mac Lean, John., W. Forney,_ and Wm.•l .Seward although denied by , •14„ Mr. Forney,,is nevertheless insisted upOti 'lly .Mr: PUrneroy as true, and in . .the,. &li l t,. . oci'at of a' 'late date, the - following ar •l . . 'tide • • appe a r s in : relation ; thereto. It i s headed "Lincoln," and says: ;• .• 1 The-statement embodying the , particu lars, 4 th!, death of .31r.. 'Lincoln, as"'ir .publisheclj on the Bth of lif ril; 1 18 76, ,m this oapo, was- fi rst published 'b y us ~in New York, in Pomeroy's Dernocral, when Messricliale i Seciard * ,• Roliey, and- M:0- • Lean. were. all alive. Mr. Halt., Mr. Se, SV aid and Mr. MeL. an were' all the ititne, asked to Contradict ,it, but :'would not:t— Two,of• the - gentlemen named -by us are ,itili alive; Mr.' McLean and s - Mr.fForne3% Qn'the occasion of a visit' to Cincinati,' .at the One, and afterward' at the re, deuce of. , Mr. McLean, in the preat.nceof witnesses!, he told : the particular3 - 6f the aesassiva ion, . which, for • reason's - of - tiit4 . :oWn,-fie id not , care.; ton :publish:` ' His i statemettas been gully y-corroborated 4 others. - I r. SeWard waawritten:to from Nework city , and .asked to denY, the statement. He , answered , ,,4haf,'netehd : wouid.,c!inie Isom , dietnrtiihrllie reporda of . the , past, and. that he 'Preferred not it() 4peak., .; fie 'believe 'it losilie_ hlt , . In Spirit cireles,:through mediums, the sOr • it of. Linboln and 111`)oili •do often speak, a's we ttrOold. Those who are .curiMis May..probably . obtain ,statenientS to rete or to. COrroberate Mr: rilciAin's ai ms- inent froin'this source; if they,' believe iin • sueb pht4iomenat. • -;• •• - . - 1 , -., H 1 .• • i - r7viSygtars ago: we . ' listeiied to :an- I t.i'apeeci . knaiden• -thr01i 4 2,.11 whom spike stitnetlitukor somebody :purportink to! be tiie.„ spirit of Abrtilisin Line . ...olii.' •Foritn rivtriiivit; , ,told - tis, in plain woicl,'of 'lnaii ) , 'tiva):l,l , 4•TuanY, things donnestteij with :his , eittly - : life;tbilniarriage, his ettre,4 as Pos-' 0 f :II i - ‘1 . 4 - \il h. l.le l'idien.treatidrAlt(,::,c atise . ',lntirrot qatedi'witit.had . been'. t0 .. :4' by Mr. A liegQi 4 na , wii,t . We: had . learn ed i 6 tilie . 'i• ' 4e!dtetstos9Mst,, illiars'-',Alice _in ' N'eW ) otiti . ;),.Befure trii iiit m ite . 4, -d oted ' i i ve is olds 4-:.,lii mit . li tt(\ ll ,. - •*,v , .:•;:• , • •-;1 1 ": iiiilttwivi bus - ,.:46., t i . -- • ! "14L11.4ncoln, did',you; earth !ifelntisv Fred A. Mopre • * ''"No4that rememb e r : '... Said that he ktio.w you quite'well, years ago,that_he - waa:-enee engaged in the; same office with:you." dd not call - hiin to' mind4there is Such kimultitude . of fees and memories around one. What looked be like ?" "He' wine tall, rather aniulitt, slow of apeechi thoughtful and rather . more dreamy than ambituoue • - • , `'Fied Mi& !• Fred 4 Moore I - 0, yea .thqught lie . was- a poet, and 'years, and years ago wrote a book of what he !called ipoetry Yes, he was a dreamy tllow Fred A. Moore • was at , one time ` .a part !her .ot Oi rs in the publication of ;Lit OrOsse Democrat, and a friend'of Lin ;coin, Of ~ whom we bail often'epoken. He !is now. ,we. believe, in Washington,• and a ;correspondent iof the Milwaukee Senti natand, other papers. On ,trialti t ug in gnirie weleern that some twenty4ive'or tbirty;years-ago he did 'write and have Ipubliebed a book of 'penis . or ioetry; Ibut we.never saw it, or heard of i until lafter we were informed of its existence by Ithe professed spirit of Abraham Lin !iboinw, , , • We!Mention this 'incident only`as an evidence,that the earth, the Water,' the lleay4ns, the'air is ftili o ,curious thin& not .etsily understood' without; Why igr: Forney should deny or forget soinanortant an incident 'of his life is something we do not 'understand, but we shill go to wort► and find out.. 'vr , e notice that .the high compliment paid. ISenator,Watson in the , Montrose ReptiOlican last 'week based upon his in trodiOtion of the bill which passed the last legislature prohibiting:attorney ,fees on all judgements less than one hundred ,doll4s, is being copied by others of our exchanges,. and. that the - Senator may hovel full justice 'done him; another tact shoed be coupled with it, and that is, that at. the last ; April ; Term 'of court. just lefore the bill became a law, be took the opportunity to center up what small noter? he had on hand, 'to the number of ten Or a dozen making a ,91vtr sum of thi" , or thirty-six dollars, attorney fees. SVhen the philanthropy of the Senator iS p4radect before the public for effect, this i(kuel etionld' accompany .it. The Seutttors cu*dity in this case-,can .only be reconciled with his ostentatious phi lanthropy 6n the,same principle that the 'victim of intemperance yotes for.prohi biti4n in order to put temptation out of ,Lis. Way. • • . • t In a case where it had been determin ed li l y the 'common pleas court, of Le. high county that the amicable revival of a jOgmeut by an insolvent debtor was a'irilud upon other creditors, .in giving anillegal preference ' the, supreme court haslreversed the . decisios of the court heltiivr and substantially decides that where a party can acquire `a-lien on real estate by issuing , execution,: the act of tile:l43oi* in arniCabiy consenting -..0,re --viviqhe jodgmeht, so as to iive the lien, is wit a preferetee , under the. bankrupt la*. . , . 1 or. Hayes, of Ohio sta \ rtled his friends in iroledo the other day. They have been sa, ing that he was in favor of the u neon! dit onal repeal of the Resumption act, as i blowihg trumpets on -iccohnt of Lis .suPerority to Bristow , in this respect. Now he has said' to a 'reporter of the Cincinnitti' Commercial: - e‘Certainlv I arn not in favor of 'the repeal of the Re • 1 suMption loot, unless something is sub-- st4uttd that will more effectually bring ahint swcie . payments as soon as 'lie tithe preicrilied in' that act," 'he fitter , who attempted 'to ride 305 inlesiti. fifteen hairs in the \ match at 1 Ffeetwood failed after completing 226 ! rapes, becoming exhausted • and being 20 minutes behind time. His failure:is at tributed in a great mersure to the ;Nyuther and parily to the expe , •diture of strength . ii controlling the mustangs he rode, . , i . • IGoI4 closed in Nevi: York, onliondav a •' • . I Advertiseinents New This Week. EMIR. Carriage Maker. Picture Framer,and Undertaker, a few rods from. Phinney's Hotel,- near X. E. Church. A DMINISTRATOWS NOTICE.-IN the estate of Reuben Fuller, late of Franklin township. Susquehanna', County, Pennsylwania , decd Litters of Auminiatration in the'„wid estate having been granted to the undersigned; ell. persons owing said estate are requested to make immedtate payment, and all persons having emints againet said estate are requestea to present them without delay, • . IRA. FULLER. {)lay 10,:1870.--6w. - Administrator. . , . N 0 . r4Li`tHal h 1 . . : •- .. ~' 1 1 , , . .. 1 . . . BTo the. Petri and •legal repreientitlves of Ezekiel abcock: dec'd.,late.of Montrose, Susquehanna Cbu- 14 - . Ptiv, enlva 'li it at. - - • - - '• ' • dTake not fee.' t hatan itiqueSt will be • held at the late welling house of ~t‘ zek tut BubCoek., (leen, iti.tbe „Our . Ongbof Montrose, in the County 'of -Susquehanna-and' to.; eof Pennsylvania. on ...ftiontlsy; the. Mith Clay of -• lily, A.D. 11470, Itt',9-e'clock,ia the torenoon of thatday , er the r arpose of niakiug partition at he real estate of :laid deceased, to and among his. - children anti repres. 4hpit:vts ; it the seine can ' he'. done without prejudice co ! or spoiling ef the whole, otherwise to:value and tip, Maine the 'same aceoroi ug to ' law-rat ..viltlch - amp- .4nti ;place youate.requited to attend if you think - proper; ' , i . '" - ' •:•• ' •.. W.,•• Wilrrg, 841314 Sheriff'sOfilei,lllcintroe, gay t. ith VoTtl,-,--liw., ' , i MEE ADMINISTRATOR'S NorTokt IQ the est. of Jacob', Anb drq township. Lettere of Ailtniniqttatton.inthii,said estate, having been granted to the unaarsigusCill parsons ow-' in g said estate are requested to,inatt Immediate pa y.l meat, and all parsons having dahlia Opinst laid estate are raines.ed to present thentwithontdels . April 12, 181.6—ew' Adallsktrator• _... , . i B OUTS. AND SHOES IN JACKSON., it is a r ei'' `concededa . end mutt be kept before the' People. that MC. MC. Combs heats them all la the manufacture of the above goods. • • . . -. . Who is the man of rucli renown, -1 •• . r Op,whom all other shoe-makers ftati.l4 . ..1 :.., - Because he keeps high prices down, • .11. IL COMBS. , • 1 1 '. fi• Repairing don'ts niatly." - Jackion, Pa., 111a724, 1816y1. RgpoßT •\ , 4 OF. TIN CONDITION . :O/ Ti . " First Natinal But it Intros°, AT MONTROSE, IN THE STATE OF PSNISSTIXANIA; At tbe close of bualaeti, May 142, AR9OURCIIB; Loans and discounts..:..... • -.141511611.16 . , Overdrafts.. . . 4,781 19 U. S. Bonds to secure ci rculation ' ........ ... 90.900 00 Due froth approves reserve agents... ‘- ' i.'; 15.158 83 Due from other 'National Banks.., ...,... .. ax 91 Due from State Banks and Ban kers ' -'...:..... 9396 BEI Real estate, furniture and fixtures ' .8,5487. Currentexpenaes and taxes paid-- - 1,084 95 Premiums paid .... 14,&0 00 Vhecke and other„eaeltlitems , • . ,9,107 Sti Blue of other *National Rank1y.,......"..... ~. 2,14 5 OD Fractional currencytineltulingluickles) MO 07. Specie (including gold Treasury notes). . 115 00 Legal render notee. 4 '4312 . 00 iteuemption fund, with IL 8. Treasurer (6 per, - cent of circulation) . • .... 4,05040 . . Total.. . 328 9 4946 b . • , . Capital etot k paid in $lOO,OOO 00 Surplie rand • • 6.00000 Other undivided profits • :8,3 66: National .Bank npt u s outstanding 81.00000 Dividends unpaid t' • - 600 Individual deposits suhicct to check . 6,19103 Demand certificates ordeposit..t 32,924 00 Certified checks • 4400 Cashier's checks outstanding • 66117 Due to other Nationali Bank* 4,1562 69 Due to Stat. - Banks and Bunkers • • . 1434 43 Total... . . .... • - ttn,l9o 60. STATE OF eENNSIIINA.NIA,I,„ . • coincry OF' bIJSQUSBAN NA, 'J.' s . 1; N. L. LEnniim. enabler of ihe above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beet of my. knowledge and belief ; . N. i.LENHEIN , Cashier. Subscribed uud sworn to before me this 14th day of May, 1876. L. SEARLE, Jr:. Notary Public. Cauazer—Attest ABEL TURRELL. I ' . B. ELDRED. Direciors. • I M. S. DESSAVER, --- Zdontiose, May With 1876. , • NEW MILFORO MACHINE SHOP.* %L. All kinds'of MA'rhltiery tridide;Ot tiintiohtulto or der.. Repalritg promptly attended to. Ofl.llTi _ New Milford, Mut VT, 1616.—1 y, 4 -" , . . . ATTENTION FARMERS. . . . The hi glieet market price wilt be paid the Ceive o 4 Lambe. etc., etc. WE BUT BY THE POUND. Wilt be in Stontross every, Tuesday during the 14011911 MM. meacing May :23.18T6; . , , BLATBR iii ROB. 6 HOE *SIIOP I Mei Just opened 'a shOe shop in Searle's neir build ing. on the corner, up stairs. where I am prepared to make all kinds of gentlemen's boots, shoes. and gai ters. bf all the latest , 'styles of wirrk. and best material and workmanship. Reps ring nesey dorm . • Fir patches pot on. . ;i ROBT. Montrose, May 1O 1816.—1 y , • TEli?,s Ntw i l;RlCk LIST . SPRING AND SIMMER OF 1876'. Look at the folirivring which speaks for itself. Heavy cottonnde pants ' $ 15 t.tont wobl-mixed pints. ;.: .. .... 1. , tx, 2.25 Good ail wool pants :1. : 8.00 a 00 Imported CMSmere, pants ............ .-... .. 4.:407.00 French Doesklu pants -4.'150 7.50 tztout.workingmen's snits .... 11.04M10 CO Fancy merino cassimere suits.— .. ...... 1.00a10.50 Merino Silk mixed!sutts ...... .........‘ . . .... " 8.0(010.00 Horns cassimere snits . • • •. 13.000!0.50 Knickerbocker anu, plaid sults 10.000)18.00 Black trock coats • .... ..... 5.'100) . 8.50 Imported black frocks .... 9.00(018.00 Fine black clotbbi vests 1:750 3 75 ' White linen vests i 1.0(0) 3,00 Boys Suits with. knee pants, 3 to 9 years. _ Catton snits 4 . 1.156 3 60 Mixed ea.wimere snits • -3,506 5.50 Al wool eassimere ;snits .. - ' ' • 4.5cQ 7.00 French worsted sults—. • 7.41X44 9. 3 0 • , Boyd' suits Wltil-lOtlg pants, 9to 15 yrs. Cottonade snits $ 3:0004.50 Mixed =Winer° 5uit5........• 4. • 4.0006.00 Panty plaid suit," 6.'060 Oh French worsted snits . ............ 8.00a12.00 Youths' Suits'frOm'age 15 to Men's sizes. Stout everyday 5uit5......,,... 65(0 9.00 (loolj Clissirnere suits ...... ... . 7 / .50011.00 Diagonal coat Mad yeas • - 8.00Q15) 00 Fancy plaid b 1148....... 8.00405.09. . ilurnishing. Goods. . , • Good working stilts .. $ to Fine white bosoita 5hirt5.,...... .... .; ...... .1.00 God denim overalls... . Good rubber enopenders....._.....L- ' . 25. Gloth lined paper collard per bot ... . lu Good umbrellas . .50 Good cotton socks .. f .... , .. .. - • 15- And all other• goals in proportion.. The .aboveare • prices that no other concern has or will offer, Tbeytir6 cash pile( e and made to bring people from a distance. It will pay a man to drive forty utiles to tuy a suit of clothes ut my gyre. WEBSTER The Olothier 62 and 64 Court Street, . .. April 19, 1876. - ' ' ' Binghamton.. ._....._ r{ OR 1876. . • • • .PRINTING - •A SPECIALTY... - With our four presses, a large assortment of plain and fancy job type,:bcrderi; inks Japers, tl cards, etc., an'eiperienced workmen, we_ are prepared to do • 2 • • • 1' All Kinds of Job Work • • . at, 'the •LOWEhT PIITCES . . - Promptly upon receipt of _order. (by mail or otherwise,) • -• • we can - furnish --; • . Wedding Invitations, • • 1 En, . velopes,,Bill Heads, Statements, Note Heads; I . 3oxl..,alii;ls,:Sliow Cards, AtliaissiOn Tick-. • Law - Blanks. Atietion: • Billk-Larde PoStnrS, Small -Posters; ' • . Bidtle - Ltibels, Calling Cards, Address • • Cards, Business•-Cards,‘ Itt`vitation. • Cards, Pamphlets, Business. Circular NV rappers, Tags, •Thincii4l: Proirrarnmea 1.• • • • - • • etc.,' etc. T. • . • HA.WLEY4 . CHIMER,' . May 10., , Democrat Oflleoiwi. • LL 01? BLANKS out° vt -FOR.- ~; ' 6 ~ ~ i IN a . INLIMINT • • STOVE S, TIN, COPPER & SHEVI IRON` WARES, HOUSE FURN ISHING GOODS, AND BUILD ERS HARDWARE, &O. 4. ILi it .;__ 131,JANCHAKIY, BARTLE': CO, SASH, BLINDS, DOOIK ,WIN DOWS, CORNICE ''IIfOVIAD : INOtig '&o.,'' Wl' le we will sell •t Bleobberd, Bartlett .6 Co's. prices'. SCREWEitTATOES, SASH - 'AND BLIND:- .pASTEN ERS AND:; HINGEQ; HOES, YORK SHOVELS; , RAKES, WIRE GOODS ,4C. , • ind On . Pon Cools* , Opecia neements . ng Goode. F. 444 1 Didryi MEM IRON. CLAD; ,F,IRSI PREMIUM, • AUL& (JOHN HA.Y.DIN t General Agent,) OTSEGO COUNTY ithißEß, LA'I•- FOR*; SPRING AND" BUG- . . W / KGOONS.' Unetirpasaed fur Style and - Durability. We nave recently 'titled to our selection of Moral TFiEr CACISTENNIAL ,C(.lplt, made by Itathbone. Seed* Civ., 'Anhui,. N. %hi Mood liar. klortdos.Parlot Moira. • wad Canard Cook Stoves. man afacturt4 by Parr, 4lhan,•N.T. We also keep the e.:,lebraW , . . DIAMOND BASE BURNING' AND ' FSARLESS COOKING . STOVES. Rathbone. Jewett & Raeigove. piney. with Copp* 'Reservers and Nickle Mountings of thelliteet improved jottern. .:it "proOlptlri, t skld orders ht bbing solicited. •-•- ' HAYDEN & 'CLEMENTS. New Milford. May filth. 1815.—t4 IVXECUTOR'S NOTIVE.-WHERB se letters testamentarg Act the °Mete of Thome Meenan, I ste of Forest Lake township, have beengnos ted to the undersigned, ail persons Indebted to said es tate, are requested to make Immediate payment, sad all persons having claims against. the Mime are request ed to present them without debt. ' CHAIM/18 DUI 4NTT, } Executors. Wst. F. GOGGIN, April 12. 1+176.--dw. . ADMINiSTRATOR'S NO'T'ICE., In the estate of jamea sicDotineli. ate of BudOn, dee'd. Letteri of Administration {et the said estate having been granted tO the undersigned att persona ow ing staid estate. ate rt.:clinked to make immediate pay ment. mid all persona hiring claims against said eslata me'rogaeetod to prettint them without delay. OATH ICIUN E ,IdoDONNELL, . . JAMES NI cDt ip.p;ELL ALEXANDER McDO:silkiELL. May 3d. 1106.-6 w • • • .Administrators. A UD ITO NOTICE. --Thcr tinder. A. signed having been 'spoointed an auditor by the Orphans Court of Nusqui.hasna' Count*. to distribute the fonds remasulue ,in the hands of W W. Williams. administrator of the estate "of Alonzo Waker. will attend to the duties of his nrpoinimeut at Ills Once in lkicintroe. on Fri, ay. Jane 9th. 1876. at one o'clo( kp. m.; at which" time •and place all persons in terested will preeent their claims or be forever Cohan ed from'coming Won said tunds F. 1 LOTT. Auditor. May 10, 1876.-4 w. SIGNEES' NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that, James 'Martin of Bridge water. has made a. assignment. for the benefit I I if creditors..to the undersivned; .and all persi•nr indobt vi to his estate ere requested make iIPM(111:1te pay ment, and those having claims to present them duly at tegted for. settlement. ' - The notes and accounts wit remain In oar hands for payment till the tot of j.nrie..fafter which they will be placed In the hands of oar mil:Wiley fair collection. R.T.. COOL, • )•• ' :`W.II. H. JONES r itati g neclk • May AU DITOR'S NOTIU .- T -ThP ITilder . stoned an Auditor appointed ,I , y the Orphans' Court of -Busquelutona County to:dibtrlbute th , . funds remaining in the hands ..f Ci. P. Ronk Kir and Trusts of the estate of Joseph 'Backus. dettiti. - ax ill tt end to the duties of his appointwour at his take in 14ontrore, on Monday. June sth, 18^11 at i p. Pl.. at xhir that and place all persons interested' "will present their 'elauns or be forever , debarred from co m ing to o paid fund. May 3d, 1n3.-6w A.IIBEL HOUSE.. • • , • orrosra i-ez•cornymotret, • • • • , )IONTROSE.PI44I4`i . , . . 'JOHN TA.RIIELL, F.ROVIL Nine /Hague mil, Backs trace IMO Breve deny , t2l' neater with theiduetteN. Railwity, the Lehigh Villa Reitman. Ann the D. L. & W. Deitti;gd. -April 1 1813. - • K. LusTING6ToNE. I -The the bred Rta T)r. vinestone. oo 1 1 1 . 1 . T. liirebarti, bred by 14."4, Iscitiprity.t.twi•cii , Iurl " Stood by tfratoirtod; ret 11 , 4 -1: 41 , I na m. i t t,ll Imo trot- Lin Moro . 'eon) • 'lto Nittrit, .41 ic HO" number of nutrus iit,ttir 1t:304 4 ,n o 11. 4 4 4 .1 Sh,l4le. tore, ,ott Suturdny of oat h itt yes. I.el: 3 Y'v/I t ' p a Tbiireday ut oneh work., • Terms to totitirt: titti. toittiei mot ty t'int aI 3111 " 11. 4PI:IiTI. Parch* parting with their in: ti o la hi' belt for in:erAnee moni y. ihcit fool to 'all bur an be returned to iior ii4g -c 44.4wws free. 2141"1"(1. 411'04 mid ; 0 :11 0 11. tit; v.:Lull:to ourpiwritia Northern Penttsylittibiu. lID. ' - 4 , 4-i • •L. .`f BlitcLlA ilf tc,,biiplv.'lllqi*ay''(), 3 K‘.4 . 1 1 .4, 4iv • ) , li' - ' , : '• F`• . : 2- . :'--' • ' :;.. , _., ; . ;,; : r;.. Dealers In 3 r : '~~P ~. ~' . ~L. !!:1 Legal.,,, way. A. cnossvir4. Andam
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers