The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, May 24, 1876, Image 1
, • ::-. ‘.'' I' fl 7 ../ 1 i .'-' , 4. _i-li ' ,!. f ":41', k! 1 i - . 2j• - -- '.5.,..•.:. !...?-:6 ';:ClA 7, H By HAWLEY l ac. IClit °VT OF NT 841,1 p,.. • Ode bY We, OnitiY.,thie„‘*; , ; , ..„ Ia the.l4sl4r+9tikht M thpAprit sUn (I While primrose anitiinowArop gem the . ground And the birds arelntitint and' buil ding around, While laughing voices and dancing feet, With lvakeriitilt:fanctarid budding Beyond my reach and beyond ,my scope, They piss. while in fear and doubt I stand, Out of my hand, out of my hatid. Baby pleasure av i d bry Not one of thetnihn Mine to sharp ; ; ~,, t , Not Blear, bin dri d-it With kiss; Not a ,smiie,lllut;j4eitioill Itii!eipier Now the gating knight anus •Sir the=euming strile, , , The sweet gift tadeiet start to life; They nestle, the maiden shyness beneath, • As the bright buds htdeltrtbvir silken sheath, By spring dews nourished spßng breee,fa i tined Out of my hated; or icy Hand: ': • •`, F I dare not trench on tby realm my boY, Nor rob thy sway anne-virgin toy ; 1 dare not touch with my faultering fingers, The-kOPOMB wherethe !ight of ennr,liielingers; Nor drag to' the garnitililiklit of day, What youth's proini-eitimnee vrould delay, I can but wait outside -.`lTt „ Where the cold winds sigh and the brown leaves-fail, • 0.111 the castles I built, oh I the joys I planned, Out of my hand, out i of itiyband - • • I Yet I bear then, iffID1 1 .0 1 lin400111! • Did I not lavish 'kid And Terrain, . ' Quitting the pleindiret or patting Youth, The glories ,of scleebe and art and - truth, That the paths of those little feet might be Fresh and sunny and safe and free PI Scheme and vision and hope of mine, They were but those golden heads to shrine, Now; alone and tired, slniv drops the sand, Grain by grain, from , my, falling hand ) _ Father of all, Saviour of all, Behold at thy altar, titepa„Lfall, Thu kilt not disdain - that•Yeome at last; With iny treasure spent &id iny noonday. ; past, Take thou the guidance that I resign ; Take this hard; embittered heart of mine; , Take the baffled ambition , miirinted prayer,' , Baseless terror r repininmcare Guide e ach fairy bark to the heavenly strand, Take my darlings, my darlings to thy hand. • " aro ' "WHO SHE,DDETH MAN'S BLOOD," BY JANE G. AUSTIN. "17ELL, snoullitilt , i)arry her, that's all !" said - Rufus I?.altry,, rising haw the lOg-wEidi ' , and his , brother, liannel,.h ad 'seated:We IN pis to rest':at ter. cutOng 'the deer t - had hunting all the: 'forenoon. "Not; if beyer , spoke to.a voma'n, again - wenld , 'I (1,11 Myra Matiniell my wife .l".' "Anil why not,l should like, to replied the elder brother ? esgerlyi, ease stir! 'is fhandsonier and:. sinariei gad sharper tongued than:'- all b - er,ayes put together, and so sets, them to gbasiil• ing and trying to run her down, are , men' like you, and. me, to join in and help . ' alung,the' Slanderers and backbiting, that's most broke her heart already ?" ' "Broke her heart!, .Broke. Myra Mann pll's heart !" eched - Was, :with aloud laugh. "Why dein't you 'talk • about\ . breaking the heart of my slut, Sue,there. She's the most respectable ferule of' the two, I believe upon'my soul I" - And new Manuel Baltry.aprazig to his t , et also, and clinehliik his sinewy hand upon the handle of his hunting knife, tame close to ha :brother's side - 7 -olose,' perhaps, as Cain did to Abel jest before,' that blow was struck over whisk w , ild mourns to-day--ao he said, • sav agely • "Look here, Rufus i llialtrv; 'that wo man is to. be my wife,.and the man who evens her to a dug, let i alone the slanders piing against her, is my: deadly enemy -14 him be twice my brother ! . You' un dasta- d. "I understand: . that you're a Confound; ed foul," Rufus replied, sullenly ;'"but. I'v e said my say, Marry, Whom' you , iike d when, you like, and if she ap4 I don't agree to bre toget l her, we'll agree iiliyeapart, and you' shad help build nie a shanty-the other side‘ of the grant, 40(1 we'll have the land surveyed and set a, two halves." "All right. I'm going to•get thtqhorse to Carry home this meat, and after' that I'm going to take. one .of• the ..hindqUar tqs over to • •Maunsell's,; maybe I shant ge; home to night." •• :" • - • II) as you like'; woul,t get, me tq gay another word for •or against, - not if pu. lire at Mauniell's . . • " And linfus strode away in 'bne direr andAfanUel in the, other, leavingSme, whose . virtu* had so invidi been used 0. to failings, to 'guard the of the unhappy deer, whom , Manuel had pursued more for the' 'sake, of the: One: Tiarter destined-to the . abOde'Of - Malady-- "te than for the thee, quarters- reserved hir his own and his rother's bachelor v ablithment. A multi) psted by,' laud . , true to his Rufus.. had :refrained from I'''tth or comment "uponthe satiket• 'of !is ' , rot her's frequent absence. from the which, since their fattier and i nother's death, they had! shared Without " companionship ; and even . When Nl4nuel, in a half-bashful; halt7deflant begau One day the somewhat,, i pleuline task of cleaning, *and tidying pl4ce, and - especially\ of cle4nitig • bedroom, untitled = since,.,their dehth, Rufoe looked • a While it grim . adduce, .and thcn, aliatehipg his gun from its .00ruer-and • ,di d 1 • _ .ke . • lirml , _ . 1 . : 1 - 1 , it) f. k . ~:' • ; ;kI . X: .A: ----__..:.. = „ t,...,.. ~... - - -----,, „....., , . ....... . ..__ . . .. . . . . _ - ' .. ' 2 _ . '""* 4 %.,...../ - . ... , .. . .. ~ -. • 4 .. ...? Yr , - r 1 .' 1 I ~, _ 4 ... ~.• , ,:, ~. --' . „ ,-: ,si :4 ,0 i [.l I : .". i . C...V1 Li 1 ' ')* t 4 '‘.l i t . i . b PI ''..7j 0 0 :ki l l . L 4: '.,.1:.-f ,!; ta - t , .‘;,,,....„.,;, ‘i ,, ..,,,.- ..: ,..:,1. ,. ,,,..f,., , .. ;: ,.., ~ . , ..„. .\1 . ... I (4 1_ ) iN t Igi) , ...... . 0 )4 i zat , i.veNtlitxx-1: -- rlstr:i t. 7 :ll 4 hlai4ul - • IP . 1 ' I i fwns 1 -. _ .. . • , -,-,1;!:..- -.., ' 'l. 3! 1 &':. : ' f.: ''' ;. I j * a 0 . % , Z 72 ' % r •g ; a: uz.w.A 1-4. :, r . , ' - ..,!- .i'. '.. , : . :.:c.': , _ , - - 7 -• • ' . I ,-,: ,,,,, ' i t , 11 . 111 . 11141 -.. \\ . .. ~ , . . 01 1? _ -i' ~ f : ; • -.....,..,....--, ' A - - - . IL - ' 7 • ' I •7 1 r„ft ,L,9, ,„o`,,): : eki,,Le 07 :::.411 . ..itiii. TA • ... . . , - . . • , "t: .. ....:,' ~ t ~ . . . 7 ' \-...:---.. •' I . :. ' ; l fit' . .. , .. . 't ',a. r• "s 4 1q ,: ~ - , . , ' , , , - . ' .''''.% (1 ; ; ~.. 111/ :1: 4 ' 1 .I. ` .1 ,,, ~,,i.) i r 1' 4 :) ., t + r , " '• ,1. 4 4 i• 44 • 4 • I ..- '•.•k . ' 1 ..; •• ' :," -t; o!); " • .Elriel ' lbt.` L. 1 1.44 Y 'Tel ti://iCa - OWS 3k :,': .; '(.,,- 1 z , • . -,.:.. -,• ..r 3 ' r.. ' ', t C_ k •• :. - ' 4 .„. ).. ' fi - ''' 4 . . ' ".. ' , '.!: .; IF: , '• .• il:,r, f l. " 1 •'.• j2 . :T • si' ' Sqi- 1. 1 ,' i ,'_....,.., A . , : ~. ~ , , :, :„ :, ~,.. ..„ , i„. . , ~, , . 0. ~: , I.i i- i., .' : H '.• . P : .'. / ; '`: rj : 11ii ` • , , ~ , , . , ~ . 1 , ~ „ lif ~ ,fr v.,...i‘ii ,t i , ;), .". 4. ..t. i.J: , ?......1-...e. . 1:.“. .. I , # • ; 1 whistling. to Sue - -he iOrode away into the forest, nor was seen again until after tiun; set, when he appeared, wearily makini his way along e the: path. between the for est andlthF,-houpe,rwkth• a brane.,ut cl wild_ " I Pl o tli ai ti er l o3 4lot other. * "There's Miire 'nieat , tlian we can eat While it is good," .said.:llartuel, in: w.con-, i.nliatory tone r lA_ the, younger brother threw his load upon the ground in front of the door, and .turned, toward the springi , where'the family toilet per fortned. • • , .."Dotwhat You're a mind 'to with it," replied ituMs, surlilY, but yet with a half• - stnile-=- . -eagerly hailed ,by the elder . : whose :rough nature was :just ` tin :ry ',Softened' by — that ; feeling an - those hopest and . :6,iipectations which. throw 'a refining infitiOnce Over `the- ' hearts of the rude*, and-Most uncouth of beings; if bnly the_Jore; be him:jest and the `hopes konertibte. -r . So Manuetfollowed hiti brother tow ard-tbe'4iring, and said; in .'a ..low not. unloving voice "CoMe• Ruf, don'tlet's 'keeii: up, any longer, brothers so, and all. Shake hands; old felloW, and . tome .nver to -the wedding to-morrow, "won't . you,' I'd a sight;riitfier be friends "fore I'm spliced." ‘,70-,iikerroW,is it:?" replied Rufus,slow -IY, as he wrung the water from the brow-u curies and beard.' "Well, then,' Man-, nel, haul% but--yes, Folks will think better of her ill =your own biotbei goes "to• 'the. Wedding ; and if 'its got to beovliy, try to help along tis.far And sc Ihe next afternoon, when Mau , - tie] kuised his , expected bride upon ,his arrival, he told her that after all, Ruh:taloa dphsetiteci to come., to the Rea ding; and the bride :with a well - satiefied" smile, ; "That's right. Bring lam, in here and let me see liim before 1 go out among the folk& Maybe'. :he'd, say sornethiti . ugly befpre therti •No , Rafe so mean as all Mat," feplied the brother a little. indgnantly, but nevertheless obeyed, and .brought RufuS quietly through,the back doo\r to the little bedroom ' Wheie Ull,ready for,the. bridal, sat aluue waiting forAfict. moment.: - - • Rufus liad'Ov.e, seen het, end as he stopd listening to her .words of - *elm Azle, and, l stammered, a phriSe of 'reply, he thOtight he had never* beheld AO -splen-: did alwanty,.so fine an animal of his own . species. • That' Wealth of chestnut ' hair brightly tine Wed with:gold' that he had , heard of her as "red-headed," that warm ly tln ted corn [Action, of cream fin d those great soft eyes, colorei like her hair, that ; 'voluptuputi. fullness of figure t.iposed . by her low-cut and short-sleeved .bridal dress, ;those ripe trioist'orinaspia crontrastin4 with the flashy teeth behind -theni, and, to crown 18,11, that rich sweet voice, toned expressly for lair-, ere talk, as the young man told himself. Yes, here was isuch , a woman "as he had dreamed of himself posseSsing, such a woman as he had not believed to exist in - flesh and blood, and here in the wilder ness, too,• 'Within his reach- as mile!) as Manuel's, and this WM the girl whom he had rated lower than -his dog. whose :ic-; quaintanee lief had scorned, whose mar riage lie had fought against, and now she was to live In! . their very house, be the wife of Iviother man, and not hie, under his.own roof. ' "Won't you !be friends with meat all, then_?" murmured the rich voice in his very ear, and Walking with a start from his reverie, Rufus found that . the siren stood dose beifore him, her moist eyes 'raised to his, her ripe lips trembling. and her hands extended. ' - Manuel had already left the room On 'some hasty errand,, and the .two, were ,"Won't you try' to like me a,little Murmured 'the girl, and her sweet, warm breath, fanned his cheek Its _ithe drew a step nearer. \ ,With a sudden impulse, he threw hie arms artiunil iher, ,drew her`-Toughly, strongly to his', breas, fastened - his lips 1 upoiLlers i in one long imperious then pushed her from him saying-: "I'll do Iny,test, n0t,',t0,,, and-, the less you say to' Me'the better for usliothi and for Manuel, ton. , , bet tne alone, and I will you. • , . He rushed korn -the room as he spoke, like one pursued, and she,,tookihg after' him with a . viciorious Emile, said .to her self : "I neversawl a man yet couldn't mas- The wedding was as gay as festivities are apt to be arnotig laborious and scat:ter ea people, wholseldom are able to indulge in: any species of festivity, and even Myra gaunsell's most determined de tractors o)uld hot hut cintess that she was not \ only! the handsoinest- woman present, but that her: active hospitality her untiring gayety, .and blight spirits were the most attractive features of the. occasion:. One alone of her guests steadily avoid ed her presera4, decoting himself to any one else than to her,and finished by flirt ing furiously with Nannie Burton, who n4r ,„ • . , . 1 .1 '"" ' • ''' ''' ' '''" . "'!: .. .r.'1 1 1.0 ' •'.!-: 4 '' . ':• . . , '111: ONTROSE , it.. MAY 24, 87 - , .....,...._ __. • .t , .. . , „.. , . • 6. ~t . . ~, . t ...,. ~ ~, .. ~, ..i,,,,, ,-i,• '. rko ono.elip noticed, who . never:had imped to attract the attention of one of the, laanFlipmeit l young mea, in, the %vlible O4)tinery-814,,,gyra saw ,the flirtation, knew that Rufus had accompanied Tan, without so much. aseia.good high t to, her4elf, and• she• smiled well:eat, isfied._: I• " ' it"lt's . wiiiking 'faster than 1 ,:thotight,". aid she. - , k „ It, livas;tw - o or !three days after:the wedii. ding before. Rufus again.,sQught thelone y cabiti. *here already , the strong...armed aeauty, whom, his brother 'takent tti rife was inakit such revolut4ott: - .1 : . iu domestic Matters that the place was hard- Iy. to, be. known as, the woe. Itufna,greeted both her . and Manuel:lm the lialftcareless,;,half-surly .1 manlier habitual t 6 him of late l •,and iwentAihout his share pf -thc, rude farm labor* and \ the ` ,tinting, - shooting and fishing i ., ivhich , Supplied the family with their onlyilreab meat, With as little reference as, possible: to the other inmates of the cabin. 4 • r This state of things endured for n a while,-tuitil one 'soft ''dity of th'e Summer, ivihen Myra &Airy'haitAellif.• fti,ur; months a bride she sbuglitAier`. brother-iii,4 7 10/ere he ant upart ; s► ij~yie, distance f r om the' linage, and said :. si'v,ot 'to 'motheYs to get something SU& ivanteto: send nie, 140 .it'alonesome tbehouse.'l: ;1 The man,Aot-,a glitiPlong,, impatient glance at her. fro,m„,bloodsnotten Stirred un'easily,' hut iaid . ,not a word., 'Waiting a tnoineni, she resumed .; ."Won't4y , in:Aufus, or at leak to the' door a'. - • `tNq, Ij .won't, :Let 'me alone, cp't ybu ?" growled' he, the dark blood rug- Anglo his face in a torrent. ,• I"Let yqu ;alone! Why, - Rufus; 'do s you ' hate me: like that r " , 44. d: .siren voice. faltered and fell; apd the gleat dark. - eyes dlied-r : with: team and one wow, thrilhdg band;:cl4ng.PP-7. on his till! he •shholc4 .- off :like a serpetA and, sprtrgifig ;'his feet; 'cOnfrOnted her;., = —•-• • . ' ' "'gate you 1 Yes, /, hope ,it is.liate;il but it, is something.that maltes;ma_tatug, I. my teeth and' curse ,yon, both , in i my_ - heart wheilever Manuel goes near yon— tiometimeti that, when you look and'ilMile into my eyes - 1 - Vour - W .- a - uteri " fashien, .would make rue like to snatch you, fii. my arms and ipress you to. my breast until I broke every. bone in yOur bodY;and crush the very life tut 'of ,you—sometirrieri that, ,Makes me . hate the:. sight of you,: and. *Lithe the .sound - ,,of,your .ho Ley-sweet Veiny., and that ye t ~, wi11 .. not ~ let. tie. ! b - • easy unleds I arn within sight 'and selind t.l you. ft ' s, 1 hope 'it' is `hat; 'Myra laltry; that Ifeelifor you, for-if it is not . hhte, it is; the. fierce ; strong love Ithitt, *lien it goes,wrongl, inakes it, deyil,of At, man, and the worst of - devils of the • wo7 titan who ;tempts' him on. - SO now, Myra Baltry, knowingmy mind, and `'having my warning, • you' know what. I mean When I say let me alone, if you know What's go'od for- • . :youi - self; -- or: your ' hue ' b,and,'or for me. . ,' • 1 He strode away as be.spoke toward the darkening wood, and Myra, the rich col or( fading from her lips and cheek, until he was quite hidden, and then, shivering lightly, Went into . the house, murmur it:lg : ' ! „.. ..., : .. "Th.4a the man I ought to ,have had, not this. I Hate me 'do you ? ' Well,, you shall hateime W`orse, aicd after the - same fnehion." 1 I The winter passed, and the spring, and the hot i still summer • days brought" the tirne of the bridal round agatn,and again t4o.tWo'brothers sought,for ganie in the fdyest, and stopped to rest beside a weed land spring. - "" ill was‘Manuel who. said. in .an,ahrupt hard voice, and 'breaking the sullen in lenoe \ whiph now . usually prevailed be tWeeu- them : . . • I"Rufus,l ' hadn't .you as lives lave •a' house of vour. own ? - You spoke of it you once, I know." ' . ; "The house we're in is as Much mine aiiyours: i Why Should I' turn out ?" 're plied the younger, defiantly. - .- • • I "Well, Lyon -neverseem- to - be - satisfied. Whether !Ton keep t np .sour .ill.feeling award gyro, or not, I don't pretend - to know.; but this I do know—that you're nett lilq,b4, 1J est. : brotheti and, sisteri2witte nettling secret, ,or, , underhanded ab,Ont, it. SOinetimes I catch 1, you looking at he'r, dnd sometimes she at you, as if theie was an under Standing that didn't ,need words; and some times again, you seem to be, in a Mad fit With each other and won't speak, but try to. spite each, other every way, juntas sweethearts do when ;:they fall out ; l and then again I've come upon yzu whispering together as close as. those . 9a,ine sweethearts when, they make up.— Them Utiles you always look guilty,and color np ;and walk away ; . but . Myra— eti,e's a deep one; She'll: look lip in my .face and laugh, and tell what you've been talking about, .as :honest-well, 'I don't . know.. Maybe I'm ail wrong, - and maybe I'm right ti but anyway t I'd - feel myself more conifortable if 'you'd a shanty ~byy ourself, and keep away from mine.' '. "Like 0:1 turn me out' to shift for thy self, eh-Fr. asked Rufus, with a bitter la t 4gh. "Turn me out 'of the 'place we i• bOth'iii 'born' . in' lefttforus both totkve in together.; `and''ffelMartiediiagainst ng,. .wpinau you o can't2 trur,A teven wittp the man wh o warned you ~ againfither„Zi lien 't t he a fOol l lilinttel-not SeCdnd. titnettif leakt." s ''Then you won'ttlgo Mdiartratidedthe elder brother, angrilyialld , clinchtug •: , hiti hand,,upo,n, hns:guu 04 , 4 ; .'{'f ' "Not' to4lay won t, ntir otnorro)r t i, neither,'''ink replied Mel; ,•• ''but I'll.thmk it - 04;er; and 6elibitt Tit d0.,-PerbaN VIE :get . niatried i tnyiel fir if, Y9Fit i ) l -TOL .decent timei; That;l3urton. girl is a pretty, littlepifee t " I A {3 1 rn4ke up your F mind, ', , quick; er PII - iee it I' , "Make 10 'Up for, you;''t - groivied ,, Mfifinel, • Shbuldekint big piece, , and'striking , off itilo the wood; For, a long, hour, his brother sok atilt. :beside the spring; his .. I ,bfad bgtsnen, hia. :hinds; 'eyes befit upon 'the gray nald, glotirriy: ihougt- ;' rising' Oith .; groan,: he: }atm& iutti , the :for4t;tritchatj• iPOYgtakink, hiB , -way.tpwarst the • • _Pie t spi ~was,„4jyeadi r setting i and, ,its t :level rays tank ipg, ~.throug)i„,thi e ,; uncler-. .grc*th; 'ebntraitine with :the ; dense sfiadOWß; "thrOviing , coti 1 . 10 t. tovert; then rtnist. 'familiar! 9 1 :4ee4);!ift4 changing their,lslisped and: P-T.TPP". t ( 4. ) , Vi 4 gorno 9f , Ni 4Yr 1 . • 4 , - 1364 - eird ;1 igh ti that Ittlf ue tido( aft I I ,a not half. in filtration; ;Itl 'wrought the i cbange albw;lumittes hitd - wrOPght in the 4:ll9iliftr scenki ti t . itand,im thifi r utitiOnless,4 frairied - ,' ear cane) of ra large body tn'OliknO"'thrO' t h deign:4 Borne' ditAtanbe.lWinif hjttlittOd-. toward the west; isiiiuilhg 'eye,a,from„tbe bhpdingoun rays, he: . ..4lcohn tbd in tliat direciipp,. and dietttiguishe4..a, loriti'vb bleb . he took ati first for a bear ! , rearin't himself 'opOn' hie; IlaiMbhee; F ie lere r at res often' do for ,`,-dtiervettieifedo ef,„ . 4,The r fellov,i, thapfas, in otirAorn l last we'ele.t 4 inuttered.RufaOsAirighis,piec j e n d tiny, ' the witbr c h, I . s zing e'r' 'CU' the trigger:`. ' , Batinqhat ‘the‘Changine f light stole .o n, an d tine ;finger 'of ins felr,upon the vague , fortu t ishuiredlit_ to bear, lint-a,tnau, the . 11 0190, 4 1‘ i 4 tortifilf 'thee - brother 'frciiir "lihn* tUfw! Baltry - tiud 'parted in anger . an Itciur be; fore./ , What : was it V_ Who,wassit that pulled the - trigger in, tfil very., instatit that the mind of the miserable man tolti him c , f, his error and bid hini" drop the weapon in horror; thaokin God fur his'eseape It did not seem,. Itufai that. set; 14' Voldit-' 4,iry deed, and yet in • -th'e' instant when' .he olfarly ,saw- his i z:r4- I r,, even-:whilehiS own for a m . shook,,lFith horror and .his heart turned cold' within ,him, themus ! . cle of that fingeritrion"the trigger: con.: tracted with a minvuleive niotion, 'the . piece was , slischarged, .and Rufus Baltry , knew hitnelf a , murderer and a fragil e*. • His first Motion ' was' `to"fle4 Bice Cain to the-waste places of the' earth; but second motion restrained him,' 'and aet him hastening headlong to his brother's side, the still smoking rifle in his ;hand. Bathe rehance shot had sped as - one aimed with' deliberate 'care seldom does, and the bullet had so justly touched the life of the unhappy victim that he had fallen dead almost without a moan, cer tainly.without knowledgeof whence this instant and painless death had come. • Satisqed of this ;Rufus Baltry turned and flel,--fled like one.ptirsned by an ar 'my of demons, nor paused until hi burst into the presene.e of the dead, man's wife, gasping, hoarsely. "He's dead, and. I have ,killed him no, not I, but yon,-youfair, false woman I On, purse you , --cnrse :you-curse .you a thiiiisand timesr "Re is dead and you h im !" repeated Myra, turning pale as ad:lee ; but unheadipg_ :the ciirses I and reproaches heaped upon heri i F,‘,When ?,Ilow ?", - - But when in broken,.scaroe intelligible sentences, the stricken, man had told his story the woman's : :face A:barged and cleared with , a look lof .reliel., v -: .`, 4 > "It. Was punt ‘;coterse.;,only accident Don't :you' Hee it yourscilfi. Raul 'The sun ,vras in 'your , eyestvon ,were poking for Vie , bet,F, :Oink:MO - illy enough We told Stnntion ~when vlie stop, ped here yesterday that a bear bad been in our cornfield and in the queq sunset light you, took Wul f for the bear rearing up to get a look at you. Its all a straight story if you'll only- tell it straight, and not look scared. Go saddle the mare, and start as quick as yqu can 1 . go - .straigh4 to Steteou'i and then to Burton's and tell them what has/happened, an that. we want them to Mme and help bring him homiiand see that, its all right. Come, Rufus, the only way to get orer it de cently is to put a bold face 9n Me matter and tell pot. story -in yo q/ own way. There'llhavol j o be a ury antall of that on to-Morrow,' and men got fr 7 ‘ ' all around to make ' m it ; then we'll h them : to bury him, and 'all wil be' over. Get some one—NannießtOnn if you like-- to come and stay wit One, and when all mikammem•maiwz 5... , ..1 1, W 1 1 1 0.4155/r-VAMLLICIAI....”.O-4-............a trot- _ .01-11 11 'lll4 3.11 .10 'l, AO' r,j4.11. ;:.-11 1 ,, YA34Lig". r 2 33 .999, 140 1; i 3 ": 11 'Z11:' ."1 - t 11.,11401,* fiti:Pl ilLtnr4 4 4C7.o . tet Tim .r; 'it . 4 Ili . RA 4 A,14'.; , M31.1 2)IT--; iv31:1:-.trritn v ;IA (yr 40_42 ...41 , 2eirsumati ?fi . 'nriribtd)rol .t.(itto ;.,‘,llss ,"„0.c.0.'.:9M )r,rsk"4 7131 toff )r. sit • i., ,1 : 1 r uts; Ar. , 4 , -lE.i' . 31. .41 1 / 1 - '4'..e ... wta t:: Pfc.,/ MI 41 ii-lblACTAVllOlgiliiiia SiiiiVirli t hiliAit: folks have ciante-bitkitstiotitilb6ti-La° '' . .)S.lle*niktd ,to to his gea - rattdrramiled s ,:i % ; ,,, I .m e 1144 L 4 r.4.:- . ,-ki!": re f .' 'e 4 oo *I • one o oa.' ing tq ro g;iiiii ie .(eioi4 c ht-..'",,'A .I‘. AN. ',.‘` ,I. .\tl I' ,I),T h ilfil, , X9Alwl* 1 talk , Pf ,NY.c!,,tcit Wan - is ,lroot stil ' hoi uptOn, my, hap with' hitintirdiiiid c* IE I effNifitOitiii ' ittfelV Oh,fiendtielid4fiebitviblit bald I ever done that your ahotildßbe ,telito*. ~ou Pe 4 11 Y-)ifej i/).it0.0 l'illiOrc if , )1t 1`- i J . 4, I: i ti ., .q 9 , payte ,the mitre, ItAit tific- i fk ci ‘ieUol3 4 a, ''' ithir ih4 ' 6 - Baia !fi. ?r i.o "e - t lill'elkeiLdild det" 'not` ' toikeV Your 'alci ;II relined Oflnts.7:c; ; ;fn.!' PI) -, , , - .3 7 .1:14/-:1:1 it;,(-4 . With , A .itrpaAi : Or; 171'14th-I*On deopsir s t the yiyoer, oixi 4 ,yirg t p l if,„ : he AvatpetKeL ii 'in' the end - to, do; an ten minutes later ) i 'li& Wiairidini, at . **fti t iiitied foiiti'rl later) ,Lleitiestineikhbotlfoili'difltiti ftiliay. , !"i'lt)i " 1 A ;ten -.days' —wondertredade4 laimtait i g 1 944 111 ,Y, .nbil3Pers) Anil :kAgiIefICARAPt. uNircA and an pereapg of the ,p i lTie.rib,,Eck Irvi n) iwith;:whidh' Myra `'Matinsell i ,kat ell 11 1 ;held ire . fte? ' 7 . nfi aiiiiiired 'illivir 'allied hi' litrietir of lieriacqoalitanoetirtiartht 11111 1 1 44 -tii , _ Baatryitamity hat/ been aolafeltidell 0 a 'the neighho t ri;o il l ss. ! . spovielyis t 4;l4 4 #o4. s4 .. 1 : 4 4i,h.P.4P I °,P7d ~ a rldl . Ah ji ,, PP , M t ri t ilAta 'goSeiriveie 'Very litniteu and '.w when oma pOnth4iisilreitiirtrt 'it'lity 4 kitSt'Sfirlini ji.,vinpat her fathor's aYObsepandi Rtitniih" j'elgiiiiiifig Alike , ilh PK' fol,,eB4 , oaojubitl tis at'4, T 91-* . 4 1 4 5 9r* ii ni. a , l ittP) RV 1 1 41 PR of 14 1 tii of,pu lie pigt4,all 4 ,pAb lc ail liilie - tlie , ptiblin'tongtia • Pijeceedi'd it' e' ' fit vreise itielf nrioilL'solcnetteVatitibi. 13 1 / 4 it I Ali bw. , lieen-Votild have ibeedt the7',lntetesklit hoY'rse°r.ol l iflglOP- 11 0 .1 1 M.41Pkg) IVTINInt•;;,.,ir lent - the' Ongues,rpl'i t . i at I itty : fl t uAlie r : 'haVe . jcito - ain;wha not even" Myra oia .. fainily knelt; th t iiiely 'it i'ciai" ' " id' 44i l iti that4hellicl nOt:seelinfile In the', tiodi "OE II : Riel4, Pri-bp. :pretended :adoiileitt .ail bet !'l ' gatllef# hope , 411 '44 3 9, 9Pq coAldr.ts4:4,-;11 `ast - oniihe4 thir .Op , rilatos 1 011» ftioinityivtie l d l'a iriliijandje,'Clo 'lllna n- Ynei liiii tied rtletif Er:hiit Widow' liiiifiii if iiiiihit i tiat the tonsil ut, the, heaiest jtiati‘e ors tkoi ( 1 1 rpeLtCA t the. PlavitrilQataicfeTO iniseante:Aa 11, lild lAeg,n4heligtlW-Pf) ktrillualift o 4;ra etith. ' ' '. • ~ Of" OnoiiK: at' . th is; tlie 'iiiiiii)sliiii .:I viengne'ltgatki and, foii4Ew :little 4iiititi ilitlrti'"" loudly than ever,: but itttie4triiied.the , Obl- ,, 1 kets.,Of t „tht* . ogmmen pi" for,, , buried.ifig, us • their iFood)onti,ilonle i ,..o,l., ,O9r 4 inift i nf h ,,t 'heard'n'othruie, and we're as mearly 9:41.- • . netident, of lifiblk.' oliiiiiaili as ii 'le 'Oopiil ' ' ble 'for .'atry one :tol., bo while , ' belobting,i : 4 ihoweyor, remotely, to s'ivtlizEd,chnims+4 4. if 'liti.t • - s :.. .• 1 ~-, i : ' -,:: , ..,..: F' •LIU': ~ i.A1,41,,Ti0w at. feast '.lsii _are goy? g, to :4, j . 1 140`py '' *said tlie tilde; ' a fest bourti 'aftei' ,Blie- haititi , oitt — .eziedtb d i hbnii the tad ' leftc - T: hi &Midi:lW ;1 fti ost you -anti c•If•alone;to-'.*'11 getherliphalvfialWaYfiflaOted , tot WI • -.1 • 1 , 1 ''"Alone !.I wish, w t e.)verefl",glu)W , Tl (4 Rufus g!oirtmio l. ' . :' ~ ~,. ~, . ',. "Why; we are' 1 ' iVh'at"ilO 'you' iiii4a .l n't* .. 1.8 'echoed Myra, Following' the &shoe .ber"i x. 'companion. cast aroundthe rooni. ;find ihinderLour being litip,pystalituNilid ; "Conscience,. ,gr6aned the . unhappy pan., - .. 1 ,124 hen .„ or I fancy'hini here, nild''that! atfbad - ; I 'he watches us, hel listens to na,"he poi/ song -every moment., A was-a fooLto ~ L sent to , our marriager-I, might, have gona. , 1 A somewhere,away eto seii, i to foreign re somewhe away ,from everything I. had • ever Seen or knolvii,iind .ioild bare r : s let Me alone, .but ') And,. hsding hislace -in -Init'hands, he 4 'gave way to gloomy.despair.. 13ut Myra ~had not yet 'lost her. influenc., ner il airei! ; spell was not 'Yet broken, 'and by Word , and voice audjoubh 'she soon back to. the paisiOnittei and3fsverish tion which her guilty heart clillgd4Ove.+- 1' '4. But this power, was,ou ,the wait!oind au, the sweeter, kner,' More, huinibizmg r ete-, mentiof life 'in that lonely cabin Wirt, , vanished withlt. : 2" • A gloomy! winter :Taifised; Rufus.gioNts.'t•ia :log every day, more gloonay,,sulleti-atAi forbidding in his manner, and. Myra feel-. ingl'hat her iihortlived and: happiness was changing to a ConditiOn of doubt,' and even terror almostimriossible'id beat, i 'm tfor relnorse and focy,Working it:lather itill in,the.rude mind of thg,untanght suar4l„ had nearly destroyed' jta balance; and hits„ /Wild fancies aV'tinies amounted all bitt:fa Mania,. Aside from that fancf. r ) botner Trasior tver:lhunting triarviith'r eyes and gestures ,pf, , stern, reprOWN had reverted ; to ~hia:old „auspiciorks i iini,.. doubts of liyia herself, and- vague violent jealousy of noir one and other of the men , who had paid her bout!' during her widowhood, or - even 'before. her marriage, possessed his mind at. timea - with even frantic v;olence.i • , , quite innocni• so far as this.suspicion was concernA Myra bore it With every thing but patience, and, after awhile, her fiery temper gained the ascendency over.' her equally fiery love, she began to retort her husband's accusations with shrewiik violence, and even to taunt him with the murderous weaknees that had led to hie brother's death, for in her heart she did not believe that the act bad beea.tie• liberate, else even she would never have married the fratricide. • - Upon the oftaston otonaof these ilia.- rels in .the early spring,: when Myra hat'- (Continued on fight/ papa) •