Arrangement of Mails. - RAtthioan i X - onkeanuock, .. trig Via STAGES: I, • g oe trose Depot.(Dally,)...! -800 p .m 620 1% _ ; ; 11 New Milford. (Dallr) ..: - ..1000 m ' 180 pin Wyalusing. 480 am 300 p in friendevine.(tri weekly,) ... 600 pm 800 am ;lonklin Station, Or! weekly,) ... 7 Marti 7 00am Binghamton via S. Lake.(tri weekly).. 600 p m `7OO pto geshoppen.(tri weekly,) 1000 a m 400 p m The New York, (eta Montrose Depot,) New Milford, funkhannock,and VirYalusing sire datly, The Conklin Station mail runs Tuesday's, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The Binghamton mail, (via Silver Lake,) runs Tates jays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Friendsville mail runs Tuesdays, Thursdamand sat erdaYe• The Nieshoppen mail rans Mondays,Wedne diva, and Fridays. ADDITIONAL' STAGES A Stage leaves daily for Montrose Depot a' 1 molid returns at 6 p. m 1 Stage leaves 'daily for Now Milford sit 7806. m. I nd returns at 3 SO p.m. Montrose Railway Time Table, arrangment of Trains. TO, take effect on Monday, April 17, 1875. Down Trams. 1 J. , Up Trains e OTTO WARD. , . NORTHWARD 1 .,,Y.• A. X. - 645 10.15.... ...biontraSe ......9.00 \ .4.52 565 10 25 .....Alleu'a. . . ' 845 545 558 1023. Cool's ~...840 448 605 1032 Hunters 1 ...835 1 ...885 444 608 1036 ..Wopfibourte.... -830 440 612 10 40.-- ..... Dimockl.l. 825 . . 436 .617 10 47 Tyler's . j .. , ...815 428 625_ 1057.... ..... bpringvilie.'... 805 420 632 1 1 . 8 05 '4 A very ' s:... ~......755 412 645 118 A very ' s:... ' 745 405 653 1198 ... ....Lemon 785 400 703 11 35 Lobeck ~1...7 25 345 715 11 45 . . .... Marcy'S.... ...... 715 887 720 - 1200. ....... '..Thnkhannoc,k 700 ,322 Tinian will run on Lehigh Talley, time u kept in the Office of 1. &N.Y.RR at Tunkhahnock. • All trains connect at Tunkhannock with P. &N Y. R. R.going north and south. - i JAMES. I. RL &ESLER. Presit. Mauch Chunk. April 17, 1876. . , • List of New' AdOertisements. Cartl—N. F. Kimber. Attention Farmers—Slat t& Roe. New Milford Machine sh --Julius Shultz. BUSINESS LocIALs. Dancing Party. Temperance Fair. A. Card—G. W. Doolittle. CENTENNIAL ItIEETING44-All ffllthllBlollitiC meeting was held at Elk Lake km. Saturday eie ning, May 1311 i. Mr. H. Spofford, one of the General Committee, called the house to order. On inotion,Mr.Urbane Smith was'elected Pres idenf, and P. L. Wakelee, Secretary of the meeting. Mr. Smith stated briefly, and to the point, the object of the .giatheriug. , Mr. ISpaf ford suggested that a committee of four persons be choaen trom„ each school district to co-op e r ate with the , General Committee on Finance and Commissariat, which upon motion byl Conklin and vote of the house was so ordered, and the following named persons'i were duly elected to represent-ikeit reepective districts Roc Loa, Finance—Mr and'Mrs. Fred Fargo. " Commissariat—Mr and Mrs G T Lowe: PLEASANT Gnovn. Finance---Mr and Mrs Charles Gates. Commissariatlir andliWg Nathan Burdick. DISTRICT. Finance— Mr and Mrs Fred.Xasirton.. Commissariat—Mr and Mrs John Tyler. ROBERTS DISTRICT. • Finance—Mr 'and Mrs Charles Risley. Comminariat—Mr and Mrs B A Johnson. ' SMITH DISTRICT. Finance—Mr and Mis Urbane Smith. Commissariat—Mr and Mrs David Sherer.\ WALLACE DIST, Finande—Mr and Mrs Geo Christman. uomn.ismriat—Mr and Mrs James M Wal DIMOCK COB. ' NE Finance—Mr and Mrs P C•Conklin. Commissariat—Mr and Mrs E B Gates. HoLLISTER CORNERS. Finance—Mr and Mrs F. H Hdllister.f• Commissariat—Mr and Mrs irtHogiater.. CON'EiLIN COIWERS. Finance—Mr and Mrs John Allen. i Commissariat—Mr and Mrs H C Conklin: MESnOPPEN CREEK. Finance--Mr and Mrs Curtis Hinkley. Counnissaria..tx and Mrs E fl Enrich. PARKE; DISTRICT.' ' Finance—Mr aril :Mrs P D Commissariat—fir. and. Mrs 0 X Tiffany. BILVNELL',DISTRICT. Fiufre.--ltir and Mrs Vim Bunnell. Commissariat—lVlr and Mri John IMain. Voted that the sub-committees report to the General Committee on the 27th'of this month, either to H. Spofford, at the Lakes, or P. C. Conklin, Dirnoek Mr. Elijah Adams, of Auburn, was present and manifested a lively interest in the contem plated grand centennial celebration' of .our .Nation's birth. The Elk Lake hand :.stirred, afresh_ thepatri otic emotions of all present by a splendid, exe cution of "The Star Spangled Banner," . and "Red, White and Blue." On motion, ldionrn ed to meet at Dimock 4 Corners, on Saturday, ?tray 20th. Business Locals; A. DANCING ; .PARTY.—The :Pleasure of your company, with ladles, is. respectfully solicited to attend a grand bail for the the of ',the New Nliltord Cornet Band, at.the TOwn Hall, I Vednt•sday eye,' Map 24th'. Music by Hager's Quadrille Band.' Admittance to Hall, $1 00.-7- Su pperper - Couple, $lOO. ) ..slay 24; 1876.wl (.!,ittn TO TILE,PUBDIO::- . -1 flan . : recently as- E uciatc:d.with me an artist of rare ability and lile long experience la: Painting ink, or water colors, 'and any person.- f,liat 'has_ pictures ot• deceaSed friends -will 65 Well to . bring, tticin to us as we can copy and e.nlaige Ulm to any siz'•; and we,guarantee- to Afire *sat isiaaina \or no pay; Please gall and sec Speci nuts. Also all kinds of •pietnreAranlil4 done. ' to or , ler.' ,Motto. traaifts constantly 'on fiand, anti very • G. A r .'DOOLITTLE, Photo-Artist. _ litintrose, May 17,4870 • 20w4 Fort SALE, a tif B t - ClaSti. ne y opeu 4Pgg,r-- broad cloth triranitO,S—cheiti PURDY. Montrose, May lb. wit 04-4' C. FORDRAM. P. M. P. L. YirkcicLEE,Sec.. By Order of Com. r ittmetriii.xca FAIR.—Ille attention of all per sons Interested' in.' temperance is called to the circular recently published by the W. N. 0. T. U., signed by the Pres. 3lrs. Anna Whittenbu ger.. One halfthe pmcieds of the fair to'go to the treasury of each State, tor the suppott of a Lecture Bureau. ' MRS._ J. H. Coto; • MIAs ELLEN Mrrcitea4ll. D. Coin. MRS. HENRY WARNER. May :17, 1876. DEATII TO CARPET Iluos..11; A.. Lyon", the , Druggist has it for 25 cents k package. `Montrose, May 10,1876. 1.9w4 LADIES, do you \want. ' a nice. Alpaca Dregs, black or eolored,if so go to Cheap John's,where youswill,get 16 yards of the same for $4OO and all, the trimmings thrown in free. Come.early. Come at once.. Montrose, May 10, 1876. , . , LADIES see this, you can get 9 yards of the hest Lonsdale yard wide sheeting for. $lOO at, Cheaplohn's also, 16 yards of the best (any in the, store) Calicoes-for $1 00. Montrose, May 10,1878. linntmaxit that, the Fourth of ,Jule is com ing and also; that at M. A. Lyon's Drug Store can be found a large stock of Jewett's Pure White Lead, Hall,Bradley & Co..'s White Lead, Pure -White Zinc, Mixed Chemicals and Color ed Paints, Paint :Brushes, Narnishes.' Japan Dryers, and everything in the line of Drugs, Medicines, Fancy .Goods ana tine Toilet Arti cles. 19w4 Montrose, May 10, 1876. AN'oriental traveler describes this busy scene witnessed' on historic shores: "Our steamer landed on' a beach which was the port of An tioch, where the disciples were first called Christians. There was no town`at the water's edge, no people, no wharf. The passengers and the merchandise were put' ashore in lighters, which ran up into the sand. A. troop of cam els, with their drivers, lay on the beach, ready to transport, the goods into the interior.— Among the' articles landed were boxes marked "Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Mass.,U. B. A:, " showing that they -contained medicines a nd whence_ they came. These with other: goods were hoisted on the backs of camels, for trans portation to Antioch. Thus the skill of the West sends back its \remedies to he'l the ma ladies of populations that inhabit those eastern shores, whence our spiritual manna came."— Windsor, 01) Chronical.. ' HANDBILLS \ for AuctiOn Sales, etc., printed at the DintogßAT office in first-class style and at reasonable prices. lam new lot of summons. and subpoenas just printed at this office. Other blanks in pro fusion, all prepared with care. . CAYUGA PLASTER. Fresh and fine ground. ' A For sale .byJ. R Raynsford at Montrose R. R : Also lime by the barrell. 1 . Montrose, April 5, 1876m01. NEW &rock of carpets, oil cloths, matting, &c.,just received..._ GUTTENBERG, ROBENBAII3I &r Co. Montrose, April 12, 187611: SPRING Styles Stitt Hats, felt and Tur. Boys Centennial Hats, just opened at GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & CO. April 12, 1876tf., , • . A. LARGE :assortment Of the latest and neatest' styles of visiting and just received at this office. Call and see them before prdering elsewhere. businese man need complain that he is "too poor to advertise". when .be can get the hxteit . style business cards printed at the DEM OCRAT office for three'dollars per thoustind,and other work in . proportion. PuciTouitArtus„,—Pietgres. taken in all thelat est styles . Old pictures copied •• and enlarged. Also a splendid lot of fiames for sale cheap, - at G. W. DooLrrrues. Montrose; June 10,'74.=—t£ NEW LACE CURTAINS by the sett or yard.— Table Linens ' _Napkins, towels,, and House keeping goods in great variety at' I GUTTENBERG,•RO : SENBAUX 4.% CO. Siontrose, April .12, 18760. - PtrNta i Piwrs ! A. large stock of Jew ett's; Ball 'Brad)ey's, 'and Standard -White Lead at M. A. Lyon's Drug Store.. Also White Zinc Arid mixedCheinical and Colored. Paints for sale at the' . prices.. Montrose; April 1.21,i18.76rn01. . . A sr.ady4.'wreawr lot of, fine Clotbs and Cassi metes, Coatings and Killings for custom work, just received, call and leave 'our measure for a new spit at IGIOTTENBEBG, ROSENBAUM & CO. 1.2,1876tf. ' • ' lirsifoßsl to the Centennial can fltid good, ac commodiitiens within a mile of the Centennial Grounds, on line of street railway, at reasona ble prices. Drop a postal card a week or two ,before coming, to secure rooms. C. H. BIRCHARD, 3847 Haverford St., West Phllauelphia, Pa May 3, WORE . . PRINTING. _ We have; just received a very large stock of plain anti fancy envelopes, letter and ' note pa per, plain and fancy bill lead papers, cards of all sizes and colors, colored poster papers, etc. all of t which we can afford to print cheaper than any otPce in this or neighboring counties, and in as good style. - Work done in black and coloied inks. it you think there is any that can beat us, gig e us a trial, and we will show you what we can do. All kinds of blanks on band or printed to order. ‘. , WE TAKE pleasure hi calling the attention our, readers to .the fact that the popular Dry Goods houSe 'of C. F. St SsON & 'Co.,' Bingham:• tun, are now recciving an - Unusually large and complete asortment of new . :spring goods. Noi- - - withstanding 'the cry of "hard . times," this house informs -4 that' their, trade is larger than at any former season. This is easily accounted for by the fact that they alwayS offer the most reliable goOds at the ;,svme prices that many houses se11:11 very inferior . grade. All flu. nov elties. Of the' season, both of toreign - and do mestic. manuftylure, May ,no* 'be .found upon theirshelves, and a visi-t 16 - their store,will con yince,anyone that !.hat is the place to trade. OLD Nvl'wsriapers for sale at this Office at ten cents per dozen. ' • • p INGHAMTON BQOK BINDERY. P 'HO SONS;.PRORIETORS No. 41 Vouit Strad, .24 Floo:, Binghamton, N. Y. : AIA,_STY;IOE§,:PY OISDING ANV.::. 01).i.N)(2:10:01(:;:i.,':;-:M.A.t4UfkCju..RIN4 Vrit-EA-801iABw 4),,mpEs,‘ , BI blmto *7 3d , === Titer, AND Pta cs, I . - Now is THE TIME TO PAINT. Lead and Oil cheaper than they have been known tor years..:'Burn'a Eagle Drug .tote is the place .to buy anything, In theJ.PAurr and DNllG.line at the very lowesttfigures:\ A large assortment of Bnishilts and 'Varnishes constant ly in stock. ' l The celebrated Hall, 'Bradley, Co.'s Pure White Lead constantlyoutand, .for which BunriS is the Siatig AOBWV for Montrose and vicinity. I , Montrose, 19,'1876tf. I ' t MARBLE WORKS. • ;. - The TunkbannOck Marble Works of Burns er; White ace doing a good business and are getting out ionic. very laity jobs -of Head Stones and Monument& A. B. Burns, of the Eagle Drug Store, is their authorized,agent for Montrose and vicinity. He 'has designs of Head Stones !and Monuments. Any orders left with him will be promptly filled by Burns & White. Tunkbannack, Feb. 2, 1876tf. MANY throuigh ,the country are. aeverelrat ilicled with"a cough and an obstrUCtion of the air passages! leading. . the lungs. Various remedies are used, but that 'which is said to give the beat satisfaction is Taylor's Cough syrup, or Ekpectorant. As it is ,sold on the principle of No Cure, No Pav,it would certain ly be well to 'Rive it a trial It can be obtained of all the Druggists in ,Montrose, or of dealers in general through Out the country. March 29, 18761. f. oi&AIRVOYAI4 EXAMINATIONS FREE. There is no subject .that requires so much study and experience as the treatment of cbron- Hi disease& T he astonishing success and re. niarkable cues perforitied by Dr.. Butterfield, are due to tbe gift of clairvoyance, to the life long study otl the constitution of man, and the curing of dise!tses from natural remedies. Cures the worst forMs of Scrofula, Catarrh, Piles, Fe male Weakness, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder Will be at the Cafferty House, Binghamton Thursday, and Friday; May, 25th and'26th. Dr. Butterfield will be at the celebratedliir eral Springs at Rush, Pa., on a visit, Wednes day, May 240, arriving Tuesday evening, May 23d, staying till Wednesday at 5 o'clock p. May 24th. r• LATEST NEWS IN BING!LCItTON. The latest 'news in 13inghatnton is that fine & Sholes, of 59 Court Street, have just received their third Fall and Winter stook of Dry Goods which is no* complete in all departments. The best Silk. The_- best Black Cashmeres.— The best Alpaca. The best Merinos—Empress , t-Plaids of all descriptions. The best Shawls, Kid (Moires; Embroideries, Ribbons, Ties, &e., in fact everything that is kept in a first-class Dry Goods Store at bottom figures. 'Another important item,which if known may be essential to the people:of Montrose, Nevi Milford and surrounding, country, that Geo. B. McCollum and C. C. Faurot would• be most happy to see all of their acquaintances and show them the bargains that Hine & Sholes are now prepared to \ give. i Hum & Simms. Binghamtpn,' Dec. 1 1875. - • GOODS ! Goops! 3E3CELVD4c2.e•ri. flue just l retetred an - ',ENTIREIINEW STOOK'OF BOYS AND YOUTHS. . Ai prices to snit the hard times, MENS' SUITS, S6TOS2S BOYS' tIOUTIIS' S 5 TO SIO Also a, fine line of DRY !GOODS, - - 'HATS & CA.PS, 1 . 300T5. AND SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, Cheap for mph. No charges for showing our goods • WM. HAYDEN., New Milford May 3d. 1876.—t.f. AT H. do W. T. DICKERMANni • ' I • •FURNITHIIE ROOMS New 1412.t0rd Pa. Can be found the largest and best : ' sortmeut of Furniture tonal:Ail/a of : _ I PARLOR, cIIAMBER, DINING ROOM, I AND HALL FURNITURE, : to he found in . the County, all new : : s and of-the lateq patterns, : • • and will bel sold very Icheap for CASH.: ~ goods warranted ae represented. • H.; 4 W. T.;DICKEIIMA Feb. 16. ! I, , , A NEW ENTERPRis E. , , N• • ,! 41 A practical workman, at - gaiIECDMACALEC.XWar iF . • ha: opened lt shop under E. L. Weeks 4.Co's. store, on Public Avenue. weere Ihe 13 rcady to do all kinds of work in Ins:tine. Can ex:;el in new work, and repair with neattn#3 and deeptelr. ` - - JAMES BIRNEY. Montrosc.l . ootober'l3 h.18t).--3m. I . IV . EW•PeOT:. 4 7r.I ...L.1...7.,„.:.. OF BLANKS' AT THIS AM 7 7 .:;CLLLINt c4BDS TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEAT ed Lands in Susquehanna County. . • Notice is herebygiven that. agreeably to the, Act of the general Assembly of tbr • cormonwealth of remit sylvan's, directing the mod of salmi. unseated lands, the lands of which the MI:. ahteta or owners or the numbers given below willbe sold at public vendue,-at the Cc:dirt - house in Montrose,: on Monday, the 12th of June, A. D. 1816, fora due and the cuat ao crued on each 'tract respect Sy, nukes - the 'same be paid before the day' of aide—sale to commence at tea o'clock a. m. . Amt. Warrantees. Ctioess flame s. „ Taxer. MURAT 111 P. 156) Jonathan; Ser.+ ilrs ickt,olj 15036 aga li t l t t sd r li l et 301 Sgaltsite; pt. 1 . 301 Jonathan Serf t geantjr pt 61. Leonard Stan- . burner • f 114 Robert Wileon 280 190 290 150 29 William Semple pt Chrid opher Irwin Andnw McConnell Thot..Aa Darrak OLTI7O Anti Roker Jane Roker Samuel Meredith No '1 ; Not ' No S N 0 .4 for 18715 • !miter; Line Went of Grif- Ana & .N s of A W Warner Walter Benner lot ' OBSAT BEND TWP. Charles Butler . ': II A Clark it Co - •.: D R Chandler 8 H Dayton Sherman D Phelis 'maim* TWP.' il Anson Tiffany' 4 11.1111110 NT •TWP. •• 1 Robert Trail - , 1 C L Ward Est John angler No 51 1 Michael Meylert, sanicx:TWP. ' Samuel Newport 1 Ira Nichols • • Henry - Hill._ ! do do . John: Cadwallader I do do Jonathan Net.bit t, do do ' Mrs 8 Hamilton I Abel Turtell JACS!ION TWP. • I Sedate GliSWOld LATIIitOP TWP. . ' ' 't 1 Abel Terrell > ' 1 810 usztox TWP. • 2 , I , . 1 IWlllliariler • ~ 1 - . 1 - -; -; Abel Turrelt ' ' ''' ' ill John Marcy Est , • 22 1.1311417 TWP. , ..., Nos 41 51 and 52 1 illumphrey Rota, 0 7:200 . „ Co George Farnham ., ! Aaron Young . I.„ 4880 'el 89 94. 2000 F Lusk Tract 14' 828 801 100 60 Peter Hurls John Alnrey ZUDDLItTOWSE Tin*. ' IIR HRose Estate 1 736 IMcGoTeO lot i\l do 'do • ' 1 160 - • ''' mew xmronn Twis. - '• • ' it CL Ward Estate• I. 284 OAKLAND Tarp, • • lICL Ward Estate I 166 'waft , rwp. !ildre Waterman'est.. i i 1 or 6 - W.701026ft 111111111*VILLIII ?RP. INo 80 tax for 1875 i id ll Drlnker be- • 11 , • , i • longs to It S t 13qMr es I THOUSoIf TWP. George MiCall j • Ann M Shipley Peter Snyder z B A Cooks Est 1_ , N Y City • r James Momford . 1 C G Rumford HENRY 0;1 TYLER, County Tress lurer's °Mee, Mcintrnse, April 8. '76.- I Paul Kugler IDOILISNGS GENERAL FIRE, LIFE AND .ACCIDENT- INSURANCEAQE:NT s MC 0 22/Al• 4,::!sur 3Par,, Capital Repreiented,.sloo,oo0 A 000: • , • - Fire Association of ' P hil.`, Capital & Assets, $ 2,500,00( Intutance Co. of N. A„Phil., " •• " 5,000.000 Pennsylvania Fire„ Phil., " "1,100,000' Ins. Co. of Pa., Phila. t, " " - 700,000 Lycoming of Manncy,ePa: '. " 6,000,000 Lancaster of Lancas*,.. •• • !' ' " ' 400,000 Newton of Newton , AI 111 M.** Home Ins. Co., N. Y., ' ' " "- 6,000,000 National . " Co., Mercial Fire " , ~ " 450,000 Hartford Fire of ilaitferd Ct. " " 4,000,000 Atlas " Royal Canadian, or,- Montreal, ' Canada, , :I. ~4 0- S 4 • 1.200,0.0 Liverpool. London ',t . Glob e, of Liverpool, Eng., . " Providence 1% ushirigtpri, of Providence, U. Conn. Mutcal Life I ne:Qp., Aesette . $40,000,001 1 American Life. Phil'ai I 15,000.010 • Travetere Ins. Co., Hart., Capital and Surplus $8.000,000 Railway Passengers " $500,000 Theandersignedhasbeen wellknown in thlsconnty,fot the put 20 years, u at e Insurance Agent. Losses sus talneo by his Comrasibles have always been promptly palii. • , - I. , . VirOfticeupstairs,,in building , cast from Banking Ogee of Wm. B. Cooper ac Co.. Turnpike qtreet. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. CHARLES 11. SMITH; I Office Managers. i ADIOS NICIIO4S. - S. LANGDONI 80/Icit°r•, Montrose. Jan. 5, 1576. H4vE . y917:4E4p ~1,4 E, NEWS p . . The following ,Is u Sppelilleis of IL 3% pounds. TEA; fOr one . tl'ollar;• 0 cans PEACHES or: - TOMATOES - for one dollar. •• - 4 cans LITTLE. NECK CLAMS for one, dol lar. 7 'pounds'llAlSMS'forone • . - 22 tars SOAPfor one dollar.' -•-• • 'lO pounds proms for one dollar.: • • - 14 pounds SALERA.TUS - tor one dollar, ' 4 pounds COFFEE for, one,dOlb4r... • . 12% pounds CRACKEBS'fni i One'dollar,...: . , - 150 ;JAW BREAKERS for On e , dollar. • Tho•Vi ., hole lot for TEN DOLLARS'arid preseut throivn:W• - Good fo ininety days; 4 , large stock of • new' : and., choipe. goods equally ' low, By calling,* _the -..L \ ad Of Navigation - you Shall have the full . vain°. of your money "every time and sonietnleg extra. • cie and see at • - • -Wl:arose, Warch 1 trill:, • • r 1 • a JOB PRINT•ENeI '.-- : - ,-- • . , , -, ~.., ••.• ..,:,., ~1...•• !...,.;: .• “ S. 64 BEM Morse Ilichols t and Alden , f do do do do . Gilepie and Pierce Mrs It S 13owers. Ex James Hennesey Maria Merideth ' Howard Spencer ' 64 Charles Markle Est J Drinker belongs to B 8 t r‘quirei iwP. i. . tr,RoseiEh • Jobe Rose rag ' 1 20,000,000 LIFE. ACCIDENT: thionty Buslueos Directory. Two Linea. in this Directory, one year., $1.50 41-eadt dltionat line, 50 cents.- MONTROSR. .. WM. HA ' G ttWOUT, Stater. ; Wholesale and Heidi dealer in al l kiwis ,of slate ,rooll rig. slate paint, sts. Roofs repaired With slate Paint to order. Also, stale , paint for salaby 048111000 k balTel• Mmtrolle• • BILLINGS BTROUD, General •: Fire and Life Inns ante Agent's, also.. sell Railroad and Accidental Tickets - to Neal York 'and Philadelphia. Officemse - door get of. Wm. H ' , Cooper . e Co's hank. 1 . 80 80 ; WM. R. IiGYD 'ils, CO; Dealers in Stoves„ l hardware. ~ , . 18 4 and Matsui cturers of Tin and Sheet - lion Mare, cot 53 nor of Main and, Turnpike street. , . 52 A. N. Bullard, Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Book', Stationery and Yankee Notions; at the head of Palls -"lic Avenue. ' ' - WH. H. COOPER- Ss 00.. Bankers. Sell Foreivx Pao sage Tickets and Drafts on England. Ireland, and Scotland: • ' - ' • WM. L. COX. Harness maker and dealer in ail aril , deb usually kept by the trade. opposite the bank. 'AMES*. CARMALT. Attornepaulaw. A O ffi ce one door below Tarbell !louse, Public Arend*. H. ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer. Care Et Tillman & Oa., Montrose, Pa. $OBo 19 80 40 48 83 44 6104 46-40 648 6497 10115 4184 SAVINGS SANK; NEW • MILFORD. Six per tent. interest on ail - Deposits. Does a general Banking business. . S. B. CHASE & CO. B. GARRET & SON. Dealer in ,Flottr, Feed, Mak, Salt, Limp, Cement, Groceries and Froylstona, oa Main Street, opposite the Depot. o GREAT BEND. R. DORAN, Merchint Tailor and dealer in 'Wady - Made Clothing,,Dry Goods, Groceries addPruvialoms, Main Street. r , CARRY THE NEWS, OH CARRY THE NB'WB TO:NARY AND EVERYBODY EMI FOR GOOD NRIFISIN HEALTHY AND RUMOURS 409 1818 9819 A 370 592 • c S, 046 ll. 00; i 496 11A.VE MOVED • TO TIIIMR NEW BTORE, THE: : - :FIAST , ATATIONAT:, -:'44i414; Where they will keep on hand tie bestassorted eta* of Zen's tyul Boys' Ready-Made 476 - 02,1420- . ',. DRY. 000 S, NOTIONS, FANCY GOMM, HOSIERY, HATS, MILLINERY : . • GOODS, &C., of all descriptions and latest slow, 199 urer, _GM t. Us • C•T. and *a litil •SAVII !Off X011111ri%.•- Temp. cash or goodpaper. Reopectful4, • NATIONAL DICE 'Goons . 411 V. quits:um Exraosiveg. BLACk AND COLORED ALPACAS, newest ankle, . 25 tents pOrrd, • 1" . • at S. ,',N ya t CO.'S Pint National MACK , AND: COLORER CASHMERES, all abates • ; • cents per yard.. . • atS P. tt CO.'S First National. BEST CALICOES, new stirds and lint colors 6X cents - • F rrd. a 5.F..2 CO ' .'8 ?irst Nat West. HANDSOME lIAMBURG EDGING AND INSERTING • - from 10 cent ' s per yard up, , ' - • ' at S, P. & CO.'S First:National. YARD . WIDE BLEACHED COTTONS, . from 8 eat* per yyard • * . • u ,PCo.'S First National. YARD YARD WIDE- FACTORY, from cents per yard towards , • , • ' at 8„ P . & CO.'S First Naticnal. BEST . SHlMNGS,ewistyles,is eis:_per4ard*'. • - • - at S. P. & CO.'S First National. BOYS' READY-MADE SUITS. from $5 up. • , - • • - at:S. P: & Co.'S First Natioisal. YOUTHS' RRADY-MAVEISIIiTii . " ' , from $6.50 up• . • at 5. P.*&.CU.'S First National. MEN'S READY- IADE SiTiTS,from $6 up, • . at 5, P..& CO.'S First National. . „ BOYS' C iSSIMERE PANTS, from $1.50 up, • . a t. 5.4).• & CO.'s First National.. - MEN'S CASSIMEREPAN frOm $2.50 up.„ • .• • • ; at 8, P . & CO.'S FirstNationaL 600,000 z We shall alsci keep on . hand Gents' and Ladies' On"' derwear of all styles'; ladies' and misses' Ready-made Suits. As assistance to our experienced and artiste° milliner, we have engaged the services .of , one of the leading trimmers in New York city, and weguarantee our millinery department to; contain the leading styles and trimmed in best cizy styles, and our prices lower than elsewhere. 'Remember we nil! keep a full assort . ent of all classes of goods generally kept,in first-clam stores, and our prlceS we warrant will be the lowest Susquehanna County: Oar- special buyer will be ta 'the market at all times, and procure for ua the latest novelties. Our motto will loduslice zo all." Bear In mind we have a NEW S'TORE, NEW GOODSland the LOWEST CASH PRICES IN THE COUNTY Ae an inducement to make large purchases we.will dgeact, (on demandY on all cash bills of $lO or more, five per cent. Come one and ail_ Both great and small And buy your goods - • At 8. P. & Co.'s First _ Respectfully, S. TILLMAN da CO., First National Dry Goods and Clothing Stored Montzose. March Z, 1876." BUSINESS CHANGrE. The Arm of E. Bicon & Co, bevlng been diesolied, will conthnin the ' - Confeetioneu "Business. At the old stand. lum prepared to tarnish or . • • tizii o.*'.:**ils. FRESH SUPPLY CAXNED ,400 Del LARGF . „43%)EqMEN,.I . -- ,0F:'..T0y.q.. -, c - i - :&c. Itontromlesy pd. 16760 A lIDITOR'S NOTIOE.-TILL" UNDER -4.11. signed ;having been appointed by too Court of Common Pleaia, ol t.-usquebauua County, an Auditor to diatriinite the feuds:in the halal , ' of th 9 Sheriff; tirisiqg_ front rale of real estate- of Heory Griswold, Trustee Of the Episcopal Church of Susquehanna Depot, will num* to th e d o m e s of hilt apinliatul4tt tattle 01,11C0 of Wm. 014:m14310a, in Montreal,Monday Juae 19, 18;6, at one p. tn., at ivitich time. and* pine all , palms ilotereatod, Mest.preaeot their claims n t WroVer do tilifrail from 1 04014 - In Oa sold rued; • • I s "1 - I' -Wi P. PPOSIKON,.. • ; ri.411190"-3W• Auditor ~,„ NEW MILFORD. NIXT TO - (seine's New -14144 PILLIVIAN: 01(.. CO.t At wholesale and Retail Prices: Condantly on hand. g.' b. BACON.