tHE PUBLISIISTI BYIBY VIEDNINDAT 140411130; AT Morraoss, Stosq'A Co., PA,• HT x-s. w r.A au ivcr EDITORS & PROPRIETORS, At two Dollars per .Year is Advance,. - . . -TO ADVERTISERS :—Ttnt DE*Oeltkr as an adver : tieing medium is unsurpassed in this section: It readies the Farmer, Mechanic, and business man.' Its Circulation is constantly increasing,'and its advertising - rates reasonable. Rates will be given at \our odic° or by Mail. - : •-. , - JOB P,RINTING:--'-Onr.omce i is supplied with'four Irinting 'prestes;together with 1, large variety of type, orders, fancy inks, etc.. wi h whict we are prepared to do work in .the best style and , at •prices lower; than 1. any. ompetitors in any sect on. Samples shown and estimates cheerfully given at our office. 'Por k order ed by mall will receive iirompt attention. I , • E . B. • lIAWLEY. - - • BLAINE' S. $64,000 SWAG' following is therfifst- - .'boil that leaded properly, on ..the rotten political carcass. of James G. • fliaitic; blood Y-shirt _shaker and , Would lie: President. For years he liailiadit tonchytiesS Wh - th*Peol :.; - ple were talking about honesty and many . ,-;puspeeted that ,u oiler heath `till rhinoceros hide and hidden behind- bombastic\ lOyalty•there- WaB -:rottniiesB, that'only •weeded to-- be Oridked' to * let e4.6 . 13411 1 0f politiCal corruption out sof to make, the. p IA id. gaze in *astoii . ill men t ? , The following is, t hi'' ) firSt inkling'. ;of • the facti, as given by the. IndianapAis :''Seiyinel;.tif the llth , i instarit C.:*l3.arrisOiCa pratninetit banker. of city, is in possession, of • a secret, the einosure of li?rever blast the :proipects lot certain .)Candidate f(tr the 1 -PresideliCy.- his Ati'(iitry'appears in the' minutes pflho'l4ebutive mittee of ' the.„Board of Directors of the < Union 'Pacific Railroad CoinpaUY of - December 16;1871,..5h0w1ng thats64,poo of the coMpany's`money . •found its„way • into the hands of sOme'person *whd_hnd ono right, to' it. _ At 'a - llieeting - '$A ',Board of Directors in-- September,:i 1872, flarriion,. Who has been a'member of .I the board Vir - i'nimiber Of 'Years, thrOuob ;the n dueuce of, Senator. Xorton,, intro duced a resolution calling fora cominittee Ito. investigate the, niatter and report Yrhii received the large, sum .of InzArey •and all ithe circurndancei attending its ilisburSe k • - pent. No sooner I had this, been done than Mr. nollies,, the secretary of the board quietly went to Mr. Harrison and said, "You murt•ttithdraw that resolution. Au inyeitigation will idvolye Mit. Blaine' and deleat his re-election. He got the money." The resolution was withdraw. These facts are known t? Mr Wilson of lowa, who w,as Present at the, time. the resolution was introduced atid with drawn, as a tnembe \ r• of . the ibard of Directors. lc is. proper to say a lot of worthless Arkansas .railroad bondß were &visited as collateral ,security for r this money. Nobody will be: more surprised at , the appearance of 'this article Wan Mr.- ,Harriion.„ Mr. Harrison has been ask. O'd for'a statt-raerlti• of the !acts, but de. Ones to: say more than . that if, brought before , a Congreesional.committee he will tell all 'he knotvs , about it without con- oealmen t." . . .' Since the expose, Blaine haS denial ri itie fads very positivel , but when asked some, of th e leadei of his party to have the matter i Vest gated and prove hil innocence, he has positively rgused A demand an examination into the facts and gives as his i reason that the Demo- vatic 13.uuse at Washington would make Image against him whether 'there were grounds for it or not. rti other words, hs'is guilty and couldn't manipulate.the • appointment of ~ a sionithatee that wsld white wash him. ~Another B in i the political tar barrel..,Sn we go. • BOAUTIES ar-TRE'SPY SYSTEM. u llfo one, who had followed the coarse;of tisepolitical scandall teratu re of the Past Ow Menthe can fail to hace‘liien struck with prtsminent part- played by the ditepiives or SO,calleil f!epeinatagent," !APO's operations ' , of the goVernment. NO affair; of importance appears ,to triiiisacted without'', their intervention. turfi up constantly in the most an. eziented:plices., They appear before the investigation committees las attiring' t'bt aonfidenoe and 4iijoying the in ticiacy of persons in lhe higbes •station, The whole system of l , governmentOn fact, a?- pears to as oompletelY honlqTcombed wi*,,these, :creatures - as ,that•of , - the suspi cious and\ absolute or 'of Ow's; or of Fran ce under:the (inlinistra tit:in of 'apicikelieu or a.Fouche. Twenty years e,go nothi i ng of the kind was known in; llis,country: Like many other evils th,,pp icy ,of carrying on*th e govern ment by the aid of deteetive.s, and Spies is an 0ff.,311 - (*ti and . . legacy , , of., the war: The employment of i s pies. fo:-purely !nib, tar' purposes isc,..'as old history of the . human, race, . sr and`4iv,il4ation as - it hai - I'ol4 War,' has 1 4 4 ,r '> ..~'r~' • • not dispensed. w i t h, the neeessity.of ern _ ,ploying . them: `gven - military_men, how :ever, while ipiel;And profiting. •, y •. . • . h their . infOrtnatian, - , - . - do.itiot regard th e _ernployment itself al as hOnorahle one. The captured spy is COnSidered out ofthe Pals, of human 'ank,lionorible treatment which is - due to prisoners, of war, taken openly with arms in their hands. He is , ignominiously:, hung like a • common; criminal. Tue reason is obvious.. Thel success'Of the,, spy necessarily. depends ; 'upon the use 'Of lifts and means.. whichl . are.,not honora6le,— , nec ptiorif falsehood„treachery, habitual and syste-1 - inatio;.bothin word and Act. A.'deta. 7 tive whose Mime, figu i re4. iu , the recent congressional investigation wasa successj rl ful Union, spy ,during • the:war, and, it. ie sAid.•in.:ord'er better- to accOmplish,hiSl purpose at one time , a'ctti:~ily enlisted is i the confederate army.and rose to orderH Sergeant . of.,his company, being in secret'. comm.inieation . witli thb Federal' commanders. 80 , 1, • is everywhere and inAllAges, t ,tt the page . alike of, .history tki; l 4 cf , fiction,: by thOiM who employ liiin'and those iyhoin s ieves and ,betrays.- regarded with just ab•l rhorrence and 'conteine; Unhappily, due - ing the paipfill years .of .our. - eivil strifei r there w as.s no hick of. spies of both classel and when the war ended' such bad)ieeli 'Lhe deirioralization produced by the ern ptoyment of , :such . ;agencies ~that the syii ,waS still kept , up under. the prete4 that the revenue- service -and interest_4 the government dernanded -7120re • IV. C. CRUSEU. • 11 . The. cause of 'the . Republican , says the . I Pittsburg Post, who have been, in power for so many years, has been- of, such nature that , the investigations which.-thie .., • i people . . hive called for, partake - of the monotOrilus. The :reason is.' perfectly plain ; •it'springe from the fact,that Mt' one ruling th;onght has pervaded thee . i). tire legislation. and -executive depart. ! me4ssof government.; which was to 4e how much-the . people's, Money eit4h Man .could grab, and-put into his pock4t. This has been the - statesmanship of tie last Seven. years - ; sir, that now, when I a Democratic H9tise tit 'asked to look into t.l.e past condnde . .of the offieialit. wtto have had snob unlimited control of tie finances of our people, at everrstep tlio. encounter. one thing=iacality pubic thieving. The only variations, arise friim the different grades and style of perilous engagettin the foul : business, and their various methods of bringingit ihouti.—•-- - Notwithstanding this . : monotony it may be.-welt for . the people to -exercise* lit!tie patience undeittlie'in - fiction. It wonld not be just to a .persOn afflicted. With a cancer, to.extiipate.only a small 'part.and leave the bulk - of . it .tii fester and gifow and kill • the patient.. Far better tol*o on while the knife jai in 'and make clan work. In.our . .case there , is, no . dan?ger of deaths t.:, the body politic, no 'matter how 'large the 'cancer ..or bow, much '!,he knife may haie to. : 'move. The more ,of. the c iicerous - sores . that are extirpated the b tter for the publiUgood. - The tint. , er - .it hall 'be left the' better the. chances' 1 1 • • for, a healthy growth 'afterward'. pig , Uovering,and-eiposing. theft • after•theft,. • With Only, the little variation's' mention ed,.althdugh • monotonous, now, will Ulti mately. - aequiret-pee,ial interest, and the rogues'Eallery :will .be . handed...down :to posterity as .the 'most precious - legacOf the Radical RenubliCan - acitninistratiOn. Next. -' - - , '•' - . 1 .. Since' the Boom bill went thronghl, we havn't heard_ a word frOtu - Senator Strttng Or brother McClure about. the prestling necessity of an ,early. adjournment. - Can it _be possible that all their. effdrtstolget an adjournment before the work of . lthe session was cotnrleted was for the fur. pose'of 'serving the intereots of 'Mr. die?' There is that kind - of a face upon matters now. and Mr. Striing's effortir to make - political'' , "capital , ;on `the adjo4tn rnent'question iinonnts to about as r4ich as ha ounce of cheap'_ cologne_ would` a darkey ; meeting in • August.-Belletinzte , Watchman. y 4 • grant - does the dece nt thing for his ,• Democratic successor by. leaving hi t 4 the salary'of fifty thousand dollars per an num. tie has returned, the bill to Con greie with his objections. Blatne to be linvestigitted, !; IN,DIANAPotas, Ina., April 21. :The Evening News calls upon m:r. Blaime to ask an' immediate invci.tigation olf the charge that he'obtained froiln the Union Pacific railroad company, anfr an mouncfs upon authority that, if ho fails -to do 'so J. 0. S. Harrison, 'of thij city, will . go - before the judiciary comrni.4ve of the house as ‘goyeinntent director o!, the road and 'demalid sin- immediate tiiiresti.i. kation of the mattpr,; ..: 1 , J,-;t: .1 . ,i , vp-r..1 c - ....i ._.-.1 .;.;•1 3 ,:;:1 i?.li_a . , 'i. Gra, .:.• -"'• WA 13HINoTON Aka 20;-4he revels 40fii.vhich were ;made yesterday before ithe'cOMmitteeistthe , houge ._ n - the .de !artmet of uitACe,:-Cf li. Can p, j field is chairnai,'produeed - profound sensation here-,Wheri . - 7 they;became public in the New York; 'papers today: Bien for the moment the„,few remaining sup= porters of Grantism were , dated at the evidence of the illegal and corrupt.,nse•of the secret service influence, elec-. tiona by the President. • they Were. - quite . willing.tO throw all manner,pf.,s4B-. -Creilit Colonel Whitely, they could . not explain. ex-attnruey General Nor could they defendf; the ;expenditure of \this. money :Under any .provision: of law, When. theyjound _the ',highest la*. officer of the. government , „doubting the iegality of .the act, and declining 'at fait `to.' hand over . thei -li th os, of „the -United. Stales for an Oproper purpose Lad the tvritten,-authority of the , . Presi dent. If this .was a legal , acti:therelVits 110 step. beyond -sitheTaktoiney: . geAti4al in carrying It out, and of 'co uric , no neces sity of conferring -with' the President .about it. .:13iit.,jlidge Wiiliains-took *good as he explicitly- shows- irilirhis . testi. nOny ; %that the final , responSihility the .use of this money. -should. rest. , with' • the President When asked . in - tbe.:ciim....! wit tee'vesterday; if lie did iron t 0 .the„President that.ita conteinPlated use. was tinia*fuLhel . was evasive and did riot remeMber, and Iseemed"desirouS of pressing the coh - imittee - • that the fact of his going: to the 'president about it rill was•siacient: testimony in that resivet.. He could. have !been - explicit, and' yet:he covered •EUlly• enough; these• - •t*ciur 1 • First—That the inciney.was iakei in luantity at different 'times' on:'inid.: tined calls,and _for general and not specific fur - poses. ... Second—That it was 'handed for die ,tribution to , ihr Chief- of Oe..SeCret tier, 'vice of the ,treasury; who se dii ties are• to lerrets not _Counterfeits, and, who had no, anthority to 'teceice',a dot . jar of it under the; enforcement acts of , congress: Third-Thatit was Paid' tO'that official in violation of law by order of the dent.' • ' • Fourth=--Thattheattorney general de, cline& to use these funds Jthproperly. till 'Anthoriied , by the'l 3 ,resii4nf. • . LATER—ThelPresiOen*iB not 'disposed to be as indifferent to the charges, him as scone di his supPorters.' fie was. Lthorouglily .ArOusedT:and . .4citett to 7 t:ay, andlin general terms denOuncedtheitate- - mihnts made by ex-Attoiney GeneriaViii n llama 'as •Untrtie:. He stirs,. he hit n9' recollection of 'can* on him to disburse- the. Money for Davenport's use, anti that if he did it was represented to him to be.a ditterent .matter; and that he . had been ileceivecL The President:, has further ,reiolved on a 'full.. inyestiga tion•of thecharges, and has 'decided to take the advice of the cabinet in the pretniBes.. 'Fvf:th it - 'purpose . he ha's sent . 14 personal 'iwinest to each member to meet to-morrow at eleven o'clock,an hour ahead of the , Usual time, for a special coUsultation• this subject. • . • Anoth'er astounding rev:elation, in prOot of the use of the corruption fund' .was .ascertine.d today. Although the,.nlooey wag paid by tb'e disbursing officer of Oe department of justice, not a .single vouch for. a sitTle cent tan be fohnd to aj:-. count: fin it. i If the. money • had be n• :used according to law,:RectiOnti 2,026 a iq 2,031 of 'the . rbviped statutes,• which r quire detaiied s.ccottifts from 'auperviso of elections, would have been comnltt with. There is nothing to shUW for: t plunder but Vhitelev's single receipts: Metliftauten of the Postal Law. On Wednesday last, the Uniud States Senate passed ;Senator Ilamlin's bill reg ulatang the rates of ' postage . on third class matter, almost as it came from the committee. A great number of amend ments have been offered butd . were vote down, looking to thelexclusion of mer chandise or its admission into; the mails at an increased. rate. Senator Harvey's Substitute for , Mr: Hamlin's bill was the only preposition which really had. strength. 'lt was simply . . the restoration ,of the old system as it_ existed before Mr, Hamlin's tinkering. - It \ was' first lost bYs a tie vote, 25 to - 25. The bill as it has gassed the Senate fixes the rate of 'third elan matter, for any distance, at one cent 'an ounce or fractional part, and' limite . - the weight to . four pounds; it requires thePrepayment' of all mail' matter by stamps at the office from which sent ;".it: permits of any Mail matter to write hii naive and addressand the . Wkirct "from" preceeding it upon the wrapper, Newspapers can also print' on. wrappers the date to which . subscription has been -paid. Tninsient, newspapers knd image-. zines are admitted to the -' mails Under this *let at the rate of one cent tor every three onnevror fractional ''thereof for any distance. :' The bill 'passed Without a division. being called; and though it is net free from OhjectiOnahle features-it is a decided improvement on the ; old regn laiions relative to third class mail'matter. It is gratifying to notice. that' the eirort on the part of some of, the."trihnbers to exclude packages of merchandise, id the interest of eXpress conipanies, miscarried and that the new rule admits them to c the maillbags : -* h certain litnttations cis to weight. ie restriction on the latter 1 score is lih ' 'al, and the privilege Ulna i secured will be of great benelitio a large 'class of inerehantsland - traders. o " . ."11.' 41 10411111 111 • 1 , --- "* -- ' ,- : "-.„ ~ :!.. :601.414 Neti', , York - ; ti , 3linfitiif' .at-Llal, oloset4 F. - - ,- -.. , .:;!_ ., - - ....., - , ..•, , -- r - i.,, ,, r,:=. - f' i ,- : I '..' i! -_i'...? .-1., t; -f . , ' '' ''' 1::' - ' i . : 11 4 1 . ':-,. , ':, X-i.:` ,l il i:O. '‘,"l'.,l;'-i . 11 ; _c'?::Of-' 2,.-. ! ,s it: :1; ; ; II kf;', - 4.:!;11 - l 3i-;',,a r; -;',..,i1 - :4' 1.1 - :,ilit:;' .4114i5. GREAT il*CritiOStri- ,~:~~}. ,~+.{'f 3 , i.:: , ..: . - '::;':' ,- i St New'ore ~:•:,,,•;,•, ,„,._;.•-:-,. •.,.....,,,••-•'•,•,, 7 WEEKS, DRY { ?..~• ; .(q' . zti.,o::prlrrit i i: . o) data ancl. cap®, Mai coati; . ' • masa: Elb.coesm: • ' at prices lower than;ernr known 'before,in ensveluin na County. Not exceptintpriCip beforf4:rne r NO 81111 ENENT4 ' Everything New and Previa at Popular Prie,es, 800 yards of beat prints lo market, sold duringth'epast two weeks, at p LI,C4 per yard, sad still theroia more , to follow. - Don't be deceived;by others in trade'-who rejiresent our goodrot inferior quality, but • come , -and.eXamine for yourselves. Vides greatly re duced bat, quality maintained." • " ' ' • Montrose, April 1816.. ' • - 1 S PILL MAX &• CO FIRST .NA- I • tional Bank Building, lkitintrotte, Pa., Dialeip in DryiGnods, Clothing, idrilin'uLry Qocidq, lobo t Show, fke-ote• t LAPril ' . • T. PURDY_, MANUFACTURER '.l• of wagons Of all kinds; Also makes a'specialty of wood work fcir itgpairsi protnotly attended to. Uses only best stock, andltimditootake only first-class work. 20;.18764 • NOTICE. - Whereia, my wife Amelia. hai left mY bed and board. Without just cause provocallou. I do , hc.r . ehy.forbid ' , all persona harboring or trttninig. her o.) Iny'acdon tr, as I shall payiiio delta of her contract log*fter date. • BARTON itiNODMAN..! Brookdale, Aptil46, 1§76. ' ' . • •• • • , REMOVED ENLARGED. - • . • ,- •. • . . -•" • I:have removed mx • „. GROCE4Y - STOR , to the building lone. doiiis .. abOve the - Pint National Batik, Public Arealue, occupied by B. P. Stamp,Ywhere have eulargod tpp,etock of • •• GrOcories, Prornionsiltc. . I invite competition both in quality and price. Please 'give me a cal and be , convinced that I can do you good. • R iLOON J. TURRICLL: Montrose, April N. 1878;ry1. I , • . • pUBLIt ALE OF / LIVERY STUCK!, Baying disposedof the most, of my livery stock and wishing to dispose`, of tale. rest, as I nm geving ap the livery•business, 1 will sell, at public sale, • at the Tarbell Rouge barn, on Saturday, May 6, 1816, commencing at 11 o'clock a. m., the following articles : 3 or 4 good work mares, 6 to R years old,warranted to 1e sound; weight, about 1000 pounds each. 1 two-seat rockawaycarriage 3 top buggies, 1 open side spring buggy, • 1 lumber agon, 1 •platform w"gon, 1 skeleton wagon, 4 light double hatness. 5 set dingle harness, I'l saddle, bridle , and martingales, extra 'collars, [2 light neck yokes, strapped.; second-hand set buggy wheels. and many other articles too uptoerons to mention. The abOve articlestithOugh having been in use, are in fret class order. l'his,sale POSITIVE. Persens wanting good horeetras, , will do well i to attend., • , , , TERMS OF SALE —All sums - less than $5, cash , and over, 12 months' credit,With interest and apply& security. J. IL RAYNSFORD. H. P.OSIENTHAL, Auctioneer. : ,• Montrose, April 1816.-2 w. , • uy YOUR lii,AGONS, B IMAGES AND SLEIGHS, W. OU§TERHOUTI HARFORD, PRICE !LIST, Repairing done 31) short 'notice; cheaper than the cheapest, - - First-cissi Pinetous '. 1 . - - $980) " " Diggies, ,! ' - , - $O5O , "t" - Lumber wagons,. - • -.--• $ll5 " " l'lrtforms from $l4O to - - - $lOO " " Swq body SielfM,' - ' - .$ 75 . BL'A.CKSMITHING. • • I_ s o To shoo-per span new, - i - *- -, ' Q. corkand set .-.; - ,I -' - ' -' 1.40 set per span . - , - i : - - - 1.50 All - work warranted. Call and ex amine : my stock before purchasing elsewhern. ''' • • - • QV eTER11011.1".: Harlot's:l, ApitilS, IMPORTANT A C. - &:,: - . A-: - -c ()FiTESY:::, . - IN BANKRUPTIcri... ' , . .t • lia, the DiltriCk Court Si the Vitizeiii States las the Wen u ia Distriirtkof Penneytrauma, kr. ke U. B..Gilbad pt., licwltti43 in Ikekruptcs. : • • Notice to hereby given that thew will be c, third `general meeting 01 the ereilitors oh the, above-mused Section far the purnatsc - centemplated in the kid neatiiin or the Baukrupt: Act:, OW OW fifteentkiles ot All. 1876 - atnine o'clock a.' ta.,at the valet a a 'orsati Is, Wlllerali Itegh.tar in ,IkAlkilaptby. Scranton. Pa.:,lan ti all cwolitors who have, preset •their debts era hereby notillect to be piatesnt at raistmetting,and at the same time. anda pace I t ithal I settio akr accounte”mei _,1 14 . 'alma will De 'budittil,`ffleid I shall Wall and Meal alPaq, : sie m) discharge as Astkuee. -. ' - gi. 4 . CARR., Ikieligli e° „ Senator.. March 29,18111.-2 w. - -.. a" I A DIULNISTRATOItS. NoTicE. la -- a' 1 - 1. Wemouldt respectfully anomie to - the publifetfit . the estate ol Jiiiihn W. Dodcfs. late or *pets" . we lave removal Wear new antt *Padua , Owe. No. a alec'd. Let tare ot .administrait iota in the sMd este* 21 corner• of awl Water stoats. and_are Ziling it t having beta:log=4d+ to the unthis.igned ail promo int. with a new atom., rf goods that turrejnat arrived. our ling said veypte, are inipesteta is make immediate paY• stock of Mess Goods, Shawls, Ow., are of ths , very tat- ' meta. mid a2l pertoat. having elasims agaltito. said estate eat Sprint; patterns and styles end purchase for cash ale requested to present Mont without delay, when, the market woe most dessateeed. _ : ~ it .. s . ni EL I , ODG E , In the time of , rangy, iloeda, Hosiery, Gleores, ll --air, 31arch la, 1816.--lw. '' ' Adolinis rater. Goods, Milikons; etc.. our mock is unsurposaed. We • haNN also opened a Department:o4 Mereh , lnt Tailoring, A D 5 , 1 , 1 N I 1 soil . it , A ., l oit -„ s . N 0 , 1 ,1 6 , 1 , ,,. in anThue just pnrezhased , ft brge stock of the latest styles bailie line of cloths, essinaineres, etc. and of the ...C31.. the s state of li_ivliael . 44,naley,la eOl Fortin Lek* very hest qualty. , We have employed to. take chair li duc'd. I.ettere .0f , timieirtration in the • paid estate of this Depettmeit. MR. , T. -D, TAYLOR, bug t a having been grientea• to Ow ainder-iitte•d all penes lending and most. successful cutter in tl.iscrty, and who owing said eileto are reqiiel.;lNV 10 in,ake le'll"c liac° always guaranteee a.pertect, it. lir. Taylor did these- palmitin and all persoos' towing clamas against raid Jectirig of the clothia , caitalinerea, erjuinatogs; etc., f or estate are regtietted invite-m.11141H NC %tit( Oit_tieay. thiLt dep .rtment. which should t , Ati r 0 ali thit•We have- - • . . the latest and styles. , _ '* . April 5, 1876.--;ow Mlintukt i rall ;46,, C. T. A. We cordially thank our patrons for past flavors, anti - : ...: _____ _'._ , • . '_, _ n ' IiAN. olt , k. Ql'Al.i•, promase them and the pabite generally , that we axe het- tee prepared than • supply anything' in our line. We solidCveur patrol/age.? , . I:loEl.'`Jit" co-cloc:amas . ~. ::..... MRcIIANy, '..:11410 „,gitG.-4: AT (Ali .2ni* .'" Pio. 21 Court •" * • C. 44:X. CORT§O,* April -r- 1, ;,,1T443,.. • f". • , -,. •_. ~ k xixots , eF BIANKs. Er i,.. i w , ' • : I . l*-1 - li -: 11544 MELHUISH j ; GOODS, NOUNCEMEM% 4 -YN'D- MED iid New Fir m The ;largest Stock' of SILVER WARE, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, , . - • 'Nein irs. Northern' Pennsylvania, AnkLat the Lowest Prices. TABLE, CUTLERY, • rOOKET RN IVJS , POdt.ET BOOKS, , S , •STRINGIS; &c: Watches, Jewelry, . ito.',rep:Sfred by Xr*: , IWZMI.BII.I:7ISME, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, enecersor to Isbell & Melhnish. We have a large stock of Material. uew partaw&c..which enabler us to do work more perk* and plomptly.than ever. County Business Directory, Two lines in this Directory, one Yell% $1.50 ; each a& ditional line, Z-. 0 cents. WM HAUGHWOUT, Stater: Wholesale and Retail • ' dealer in - alrkinde of. slate.rooti tz, slate paint, etc. Roofs repaired yeah slate paint to order .. Also, slate' paint for sale by the gallon of bari el. Montrose. , . . aria !NOS STROVD, General, Fire aid Life Insur ance Agents, 'also, 'sell Railroad end Accidental Tickets to New York and Phitadelphla. (Mice one door east of Wm. H Cooper ... Cu'a bank. WA. H.' IttjYD & -Peale' s in . Stoves, hardwire, altd:;dinat or Tin Sheet-lion ware, cot ner of liain agti Tnrap:kPl rtreet. lard, Jse lerps Griwerier, Books, 'S auneey and I nugee vtiou: , ; at the head of Pub. lic Avenue. H. • • H .i;OOPE/r & CO., .Banke r s. NCI Foreign Pas ; Sage , , Drafts oa England, Ireland, and Scotland. " " WM. L. 470 t, Harness maiac.r and dealer In all tut clits ledlit' by 'the train.. Opposite the bank. ca,R, Attorney-At-UAW. ullice one " t.oor bsilow :l'arbell it ont.e. runlie Avenue. H. ROSlCHAL,;Auctioneer. :Care S I illman &Co., - • ' SAVINGS 'BANK, NEW MILFORD. Six per eent. interest 0n..,a1l Deposits, .Does general Banking • litislness. • S. B. UIAsE & CO. R. GARRET {it. SOR,. Dealer in 'Flour, Peed, Meal, • Salt; Lime, Cement, Groceries 4ud Provisions, on Main Street, opposite the Depot. N. F. EIMBER. arrirge Maker' and Undertaker, oe Main Street, two doors below Rawley's Store, • H. P: IiORA N. Merchant Tailor• and dexter in Ready Made Crothing, Dry Goods, Groceries add Prurisiotus, Main &rest. • WEBSTER'S . - NEW' PRICE LIST, I, FOR SPRING AND ;SUMMER OP • , 1070. • Look at the foflowing, which speaks for itself. Heavy eottooade pants's 75 Stoat, wool-mixed pants • ' .. 1.501 2.25 Good an wool pants ” ' 3fs 0 4.00 Imported cassimere pants ... 4 750 7CO French Doeskin pants .. , 4.7.(it, 7.50 Stout workingmen's snits,... : B.OGOIO 00 Fancy merino sassimere a m ts Merino Silk mixed nil t 5......... ............ 9.0(010 t 0 Barris cassimere 5uit5.......... F1X04116.50 Knickerbocker and plaid 'suits ...... ..... .... 1000)&00 Black tro‘ k s.slkit, 9.50 Imported black frocks . 0.t0o013.1:0 Fine black cloth vests. ..... . ... ..... 1.7543 3.75 White linen vast* % I.tke 3.9 U Boys' Suits with knee pants, 3 t_o 5 , 3 ears. 1 . • Cotton snits— ri ...... . ....... . ...,..... • 1.750314 Mixed casSimorestr:ts . ' .:: ~. ... 4e.`' '5(00. 5 0 All wool cassinaese gaits ' . .. 4.5(•64't.00 French worsted acts... . .... —......... 7.901d0.50 Boys' Siliti wiiii long ptntii, 9 to 15 vrs. CottOnaae snits . ; .. ." . Mtxcd , atkei mere' suit; —.. s , • •...‘— ". - . 4 3.4% 4 5° Ail wool cas*im'ere- suits -'— • ~- •“. • • . 4 5: " .(1 8‘.01 FAUcY plaid. .nits.._. - . 'Prelim* worbttd eute *. ............... • .. ... ' . :-•::: : * :.. * :11. 8 6 :1 5 V41 44 I W O . .. Youth's Suits, frou 'Age 1 : 51O m en?s sizes! Stost evericlOyisaitii , . ' ' - Good 'cassimere 5uit.e . .... 7 ... 7 '.. — 7"' - '' S s ' ' ' W • 4l ' l"° Diaganol coats. and.veistar *. • *** ' 77.. -7 .' 5..;°1-411):1° Fake/ plaid 'Mite - . 1.77 77 '',. '.'''• .1 • • 8 . 10 4 , 1 1 ' 400 8 . 4 0§1 5 : 06 ... Famishing Goods. Good working shirts.. Fine white bosom Riiirts. . • Good denim overalls.s.... • . Good rubber euspissders... ...... Cloth lined paper coliaes prr Goal • Good cotton Atad all othor goade in proportioti The abore-ara perm" that no other concern has or win off, r. They are cub rice! ar.4 made to king pt ople.freet a diatance. pay a ,inau to litho tort) Lefulfr° buy. a'autt of clothae at mar store. , Clothier, • • 'Stood 64 Cot/at:greet. 401 19, 1876. • • 81NOHA1[719N. DissoLtr - i-lON. ' be Atuter.mott, a, ;AV ~ le.l' ' tbr 1 ' . . T thy filitlolVed b'y ' lnu ,„ , t 1 • - -Irittgeit Ale.r. h thil NI c o n t i nne d hi , j _ ~7,t ' ti , tuftorti, . 'nit, Imifimeit will litrO lent, In hi t , bau ' i .. o6. r °IC:AIIa 011 liliiikit *no ttteettota ,tted immediateis l ' • '`.. q. lit•i4t.iniiit , ut,tlA.a,u;lL be tet t' - 1. - ; ,-.:•• :.• , ,•' •1 . .....i'- :••, - 't , t' , ' -..'-' '' . '' - ~' • .1;1 1 1'. 31011'. .•.„,..,- - • • , , 1. ' : . .1.1.t i .),-, in ) - 'ii e: uv 1110BITILOSE & CO, •InONTROSE. 'GREAT Bt.fa Legs* 1.00 ' 10 50