7 n tHE j. Ponususn Bum! Witatistism itioannta, - AT MONTROSZ, SUSWA CO, PA., IST X-X A.-WT.433'W Bc' 01:07 SEMI. RDITORS & PROPRIETORS; . At two Dollars per Tear in &Wane. TO ADVERTISERS :—Tun Duttoottar as an adver. tieing medium is unsurpassed in this, section. It strachts the Farmer, Mechanic. and business matt. Its circulation is constantly increasing. and its advertising rates. reasonable. Rates will be given at our office or by mail. , , , • ": , - JOB PRlNTlNG:—Ouroilicti Is euPPlied With tOnr printing presses,together with. 4, large variety , of type, borders, fancy Inks, etc.; with which we are prepared to do work in the best style and at prices lower than any competitors in ,any section. Samples shown and estimates cheerfully given at-our office. Work order ed by mall will receive , prompt attention. 'B. 'II4.WLEY. - W. 0: ORUSBR. . The e newly elected •Democratic Gover itor of Connecticut Will 'only , bold.office I for eight ,montlis—nnt, i worth making I much fuss abiint anyway. The next , one to be elected Nirgember will -hold office for two years:—.3Pntrose Republican • , `That's j‘ist what the io.an'eaid in' the tiine.of the 'Deluge wen`he was too . late fiir'Xiiah',B' Ark 'Go' on with yOur old .\ scoy, it. ain't agoing Ito -be . Vlach of a shower any way/' Horner always was' an original quotator. 7-1 Washingttin.:. correspondent says Piobahly no offiCial.!.act Of f Grant' will givellim sc. much anxiety ,ap..the disposal . ' .. He'.promptly approved th 9 bill increaStrig. his : pay 'to 4850 - ,N00;, • and now he is caged Upon to approVe, an apt ,which 'wilt make. the pay of .his sue ' censor the same as that of his predcessors. Should - he . approve it, it would be' a , C'ori," tension that he' hai takeh $25,000 ahh i ttal-, .ly More' than .he need.3d; and 'lf .. he . vetoes it courtesy would require that . he: state kis reas'ns and he-Could not. make it s .ap... pear that., his expenses lave beetilitty where near the lat,r sum annually paid • to The* ring organs of ,the party are now engaged in publishing .what they call the "blue,* HA" of, state - h in Itie house of :Representatives who would not vote,to adjourn on April Ist as the Senate hypocritically professed: to be a,wsions to do , They _attempt . to make olitidal capital 1:iy ; charging 'these n i e mbers,xvith iimply a desire to,draw an eitrassoo salary.- It pew . .seemttO trans piye;that:tht.t.prolouging of '-pkesetssiort: is about to unearth : 'sotr i te:: very disagreeable tiansactioOs the . ;corrupt Pasiage . of , tliebOotu bill And itniay .turn out that Soine of ,those settatOsaiid tiitap'bers .who were . so .provident o the' public treasury mid were so . aoxiatis to adjourn; , bad alreai received - theii . '"salary". as the p y r.iee - or their infamy.'" ..• I 'Vir i o have tint: vritnesse4 in the last ten years, such a desire on the part of,aiißad.: ical• :ongi,ess - ':' and state legislatn re: to save "Salary' ,grabs" " , a§ . there 'nag `beet . since the' Diino,brao:, give ob;aitted littte,POWer and I)e4Y,rting • to . e.pose theirlleeds of theirtott- rotten.apd plitrid` •. catr : Uptioly.' Ili: the 'swim , paper that, the Idontt4 . 1?-puNigan , publiShes ~thel "black '"list' the who simply vcited :tci..adjou in' gay... sth,:. it also pu the logishOve iifocek , (lol as of the Stta:te :where thils'. , - A6//zek /ist "for- fsainttliing . . It is:said t drovuitig nic.n will, catch .at . stra*S,th tae Ring,:.Organ.,has nit even straws t o go for; but in -ite: : Bin,kitig .con-. dition 4 - 1 flounders-alpopi et id , clutches at. - ,THE GIANT SWINDLE. A stupenduous evil, 'which c)f late years has assumed gigantic proportions, is the sy*in .of hlaclunv.ling of men holding oftidiat,appointments: find compelling t6rn, through the force of Party drill, to contribute inaney in , order to Manta.in the,pciverathat be their desecrated public positions. is plain words, the money of the! eapla.. is ihough absolutely,'. filched" from their pockets, and c.nraptly ,used , hetialf ,of, corifidt men in office s " ter the . purpoSe 'of pre:ienting, the cpeOple \froth changing, their •AcerS. - finder this .nrilieral ByE• tem of diverting ; public, money into pi".- -vati3,itdYanePment of 'the worst ,claSs of American SocietY, namely, ,the - unScru 7 Talons lea tng politiciatA :the engirt :''-:tioval,body politic hiabeen:carropted.— '; Nolifficer of tlyk i government ,sesins kaie hien : iiet4t : from the. payment 'of a . percentage °this whicl,l is drawn -from 'Abe 4tvOmposqil, tipon all puroltiwns‘ fromythe grcsident.'downi 4 directly or ind.iieci iv; money and-influ en/e mast''be foitthidinirig, or oir'iot..s •au:io46.lll,legitl.; Ana. ,thse., ecrea- - tutrittaving their wholi ; 4lviiiiood by' the enfrerituce of the people, are whining be]: canoe the peoplqiate:ft*ihg for .- otne their o f in - 1 . hy -Oetriandin r e . 'a __ eovctiorr of .' M of Ibis VAIO, 4 ( o;ligi4 9444 ) : characterized and disgraced' the,Republi can administration., • „, The-Democratic House .must insist on, economy m . . . every department. .The peo ple deniand this in their own interest.— There will Viol - be a beginning of the radical reformation whien must come if we would mantain our . liberties, We,the citizens generally of the United States, must not only relieve ourielies' at once' of the grievous and costly office holder's thraldom under which we are :now Ruffen : . Mg ;.,weiriubt,lay. the axe' -tki , the • toot; and make it,impossible for our servants, ever again to ' become our masters, no Matter, Which party may ,be in' power.— Millions every year can be saved, bind they must be saved ; and it is: the sot e'mn duty of. the majority in the House of 'ROI i resentatives to feel the - 0 grave re sponsi iiity; and to 'exercise their power in this ilivection. Those who-are appre )ensive fest they, rmay go too. fariti the path of honest ' retrenehaient...Will. - stiOu find, that they ..atri re not - in hurony. w ith • the majority' . of 'the, Voters , through the. Union. ' Tne . people meant busiiieSs when they : revolutionized Congress ;• and they are not-to be . pht : - off :with halt way measures, or with weak schemes playing into: the . bands of,curining ,Republican . wire;.workers. To 'a Demdciatic House, the people are now .compelled to took for: a speedy I'dre. , s3 Of their : grieVances,. so :far as . oongress ban'.act in that line. To a Democratic, House . they are now. turn . jug in the expectation . that they *ill pre:... pure the way for a Democratic President, , ' • who will unite with- them in restoring the country to . a healthy Condition With :a thin (Radical. Senatorial: majority! sandwiched between a Democratic Housel and kllematratie President, the . peoplei will 'have nothing to fear.' 7y - rants . are invariably cowards; and toe, iyrants o .this axiom. Conscience makes cowarda of us all.—Pittsburg , Post. • ' ... .-:- - • j The:boom investigation. 'reached '.a'cli max . . last Friday at . . garriiburg ' wlieti Representative Lynott, - Of - Lnierne; api peared and emptied hiii pocket_-book c'f. $3OO iii greenback's which he : testified bad been.. handed'. him by . ex-Senator JOhn B. BeCk to induce hit'. to stand by the hoOtti. bill.- ,The : one . thing that:' i! tangible and andiginte abontLynOti,"!, Ili\ evidence is the cash,, whic i ii. now. in the. cuetody, of Senator ; Dunlie 1 chairman 'Of the, - cocninittee ,- but beyond that thereis unfortunately a 'Wide . ..field:for conjecture as' tnthe trne inwardness 'or Mr.. Lytiott'a gyration! On the :.,bill,. and,...his,..w-altiing ;abont .at long.range . with the.Honseeoni'- Mittee : eVer,since-the. - investigation begaU r ' H.!. i‘s:ii , .Valnable,witnegs . iii \ • establ isliiiii the : general pOsaession_ of the. 6eld by ,the lobby. Jo. pass .and to,: defeat the bill, and howe.ver. that, particular: bent , he has.giv en , his testimony - may' , be distrusted;; hf. deals another 'tnortal. WOund..in tfieAl,. ready e.pirit,.g bill in - the ,eick-cham:ber of -:.tire ,'lliouse. - .M.r... Becic. , :denies ,Nir: Ly.notes statements, and is., rep . ..,rtett as i:itendiiig to make it. an.L'issue . of 'er.ifdi bility' between. ' them, tinder otr,h.,. and then the , 'houOrs :-'w ill ~retridin. . easy. •.he t ween ~,them.- it ,is . intimated that 'the. ,11 .-, use - wil) take 14) the scandal on. a,:rAs ointic4 tq exPel , LynOt, but it is goo . tionitble:ivlie.ther, in - , the absence of } any .rim . -'• ti direct evidence . .diSputing-mr. - .LyootCs explanation of the transaction by -which he received' the moiey i ; the House 10,ill feel . warratited in tieclari:ug. him guiltykt thZ.,Mokal turpitude necessary to jt - i'''.l.Y. his expulsiou.., It. is a sorry.. affair, , , 4,1, in the .mastlavorable "light iii .. whine. it cad lie viewed,! uu4 It • tioin ta ' to hidden lyit foul facts Whicil'are in, the' keeping Of, the ivhales of :the lobby inside and'piii.- 4 J . „,' „ . •. . . side of the Legislature; .while .the. iii!in.. , 1 flows are tieing gilled:by, the'fishermen.,.. , .16Sticc tallies once again against;e Magnires. ',has - been • O l Oti• vieted Munch Chunk of - murder}, in the tit* degree, and will mint likely have to'sivtng at the same ,time, ,with higlac complice Doyle, on theigh' of Kerrigan, the'remainiug oti - of the three indicted for the cowardly .murder of mine, boss at Summit -ILA has pude..a full confession. liavini -fired 'l.loup, 'the' sbotF 'but only pointing out thel tim and the assassins to escape, he may ,get off with imprisOnmeuti for iifey in view of the ,leet thitt t.b.rougl) evidenbe of various other partt, s coal regions have - been fairly start, 4 On, the roadqo the gallows, order of _banded Thugs ,so theronighly frightened that thvre are' hopes of Ot,:u pletely breaking it up. .AMollie, fret Alentally killed in' the 'nines at - I.4ciist Gapla,telv„ has, been . - refutzed burial ctinseetat:ed .his Conned tiOn ' . 'tarith^ the murderous .going.; ; i C$4 law~4 .e r 8 fighting :,thee vigorously on 0445140.4 nil tie rinests:_alliLitt 411)k thetp, j'Abor t . :theo':.p,OWArtlfy: 1)4040 Pannot long ..:404 =MEE . . 1:1.4 t... `Our Reprilietitiatirp. _ EMDOESEMENT, OF-HON. JOSEPH POWELL JUST. TRIEUTPA-4,THE POOIL MAN'S (FRIEND—THE 004TBOUS•GRMTLEMAN IAND TEE PEOPLE'S:BRYANT. Powell hat; vote with -the Demcrats on political questions , and onfinapCiai isaues -has voted svi the ‘Repubh6ans, Aid yet we find letions adopted by this District to the 1 Thos.: Senatorial, I)eli4atea to the. Cl F:fteenih.- Pontressi meeting to selected -: adopted:the :followi iinously-..i • , . ... .... , Resolved, • Tivatt e.• Delegatei: iniseniH bled ••from .. the:,- , Fft 'en tli '"ctiligresstonit thstriCt•cordiall*,Appiove•of 'the.. .record; Of Hon. Joseph`Po‘' . 4 ell , in i congressional action.—bradford- eportei'.; '' i: ~, -, 'I take off my ha and make •MY•heet bow to' he Repor4eif ' because Once - during its; existence, it haS, had:. • the can u. -. 0 Openly ,tieknowledieZ the j4 . 4..lligetoe - of the' v6tOs'ot the . XN, CongreAionui Die trich WhOtre - M . r.•:-Pow'll'S.,Oonstitnelits. yhe , gaine ~r'uffi.Oatll..9rgati", '-,••Cif BridfOrd. cdrititv :aye, that, "gr Powell Waseleojed iiq Repubicilaß." - 1 . That '.' is true .and every .tnatt Itvho cast a vote:: fora him did 'boat , : io.• Os oir judgement. thi.reby: Well May . ~there be rejoicing that - . w.e, have a RepreSentiitive of , whom , t4re need be no distrust. His'' election,was a triumphant ,tlemonstration', that princi pies . are Itiore than mere. partianship;, AS some of the Repti . l.,licaiia . ,in a certain': township in . 13radlUrd coutii.y said during .the canvass of thei fall..of 074. . • . - ' "Although. RephbliCans We Shall -.feel proud to cast oar ivotes . for• a courteous and honorable gentleman rath , , r then .or , a political sire-ptiller. We choose ;to en trust our interest: to a Maii. Who will put even feel the teMptation to rob Uncle-, Sam or his own 'constituents; one..wbo has the rare executive abilities, thut Will ,make iriM.a cOmlietent legislitor . ; whose .candor and tact have won the 'respect .of both parties ; and whose life - of UneattS ingindustry plaOs• him - in'perfeet.s,ym.- patily.with the Jabbring classes, the real .10jackbone.of find nation, Other vcandi dates - can' . find :lithos6 Who . will ; . . invent plausible eicuses (for.. past:' failureki,i.'the performance - of duty, but, we prefer- 4, man, .to - renreseii ii - . cur, interest's iii ,Con,.. gresS, for idiom noapologiOs need .4. made." An old old•' gent.lomati-=--a : hOrny-lianded, farmer if you please—who, -, had : li, , ,toiitii him from.- hophi3Od; • reniark....o : 1 .. "Joe , " as he' familiarly Galled - hiM„,"hits.worked, hardetiongh,'And Made • money.. ,eniuigii; tote one: of 'the. richest • upen)n I thfs . .sec tien- - 61 - the,.pontitiy, hut' . •he has given away to the poor . more thane you Could ever get...'hiin to •;confess. .4 know he• has never mate intieh spread, on • -sutig.ctip thin papers but 'if yi] will . find a poor man whO,ever i casked hint for help and Wag turned &Way! eMiltr-halljdetl, then : I'll own that I knowi nothing•abont the Man.", . Nordid Mr. Powell't,•constituentS send him to CongreS4 iii .rely vote iwii•ti.any one party, right 'or wrong but to! honestly and Conseientionsly . constiltidtlieir ., .best inete:sts'firA•4l-tht•rk 'll;,te aceOrdingiy. Ttie...peop'e.of the XV ,Distrier 190 k. uPon hiM astheir trultte.it `• friend' as w, i 1 as the servant of_their,will. .. •', • '-.i.. - ...' t. . A laboring miiii.oriee said to tifP iiriter' , "There was aril time•sieter4l .. yearS since ; , 'I could heat ,g t - payf 4 int , Work, or_ cred it ei t her:land my, f tinily :were sn ff ' eying for the nec.l - 4...arieii .cit • life., .- Iweiti and told-my story t() jost:Ph 'Powe)L.' It wrote oat a . cM'Cli - --,,'eor' . il!; . .t ,d t liarS',, 411,10 handed - the . Wits out-• ,atiiii:g ...,fir : - . ec,.tirity, or any , Bing ;)f 'that . ' sort: 'lblve alwti: , s voted the. Reptiblieai's • tiCket,t4 I • would go fifiv'mitc - Q o my liati:l- , 1 ir , n-i ,- ;4 ,, eri• to Vote . for one who i's the poor man's frioid. Ii we Se:id him to; Corigce.s.,:, he . -will.liGt forgi- 1 1 hat it - t 8 big 40 to work for onrititerest rather than to' grasp and steal' to.piit - trio:hey into his ,oarn poet." 0f.0.411'S yon 'who are . Iris constituents justly feel proud - that your -RePresenta tiveis . 'acknOtileitged. to: be one acyth,:: most ~cour f , otts' 7 . AS:well as mode'st told unassuming gl;fitleni3Oi in the House and'yet - yon h,;Por him more for tilt= up riglitti: , 61 iloharaOter :the F : inflexible. tiou•osty A 'purl - lose, that, •iiiak. , ? you . re... pt;ct. him•astnelfaitliftil Legtda'tor. .-Yqur. esteem is'in .no: wise legsened by tii! , favt that'. his - genial kiiidneSs6l' manner,- his 1, generoAty to the . needy and his 160 of ' -human - ity, Make . bun belOyed.'hY - liOt.h . partizan and opponent.-• ''. . :. TheresolutOr of the ;enii,torial'.ainl. 11-prfielgtative delegates to' the ; I..an aa4i,er - Convention, only - pod a just and. : gracefpl. tribati: to 'thelintelligetie.e' of the VOterS of the 'XII liitt)ct '. when.- they sobeat*. li , and • nnaiiirionslY• , endorsed the course Of their RoOrelerntative; 'the atin,' JOseph P0we11...'' . .. ' 'I; - . Apia- 3d,. 076... • -.;- .- - - .• ,-• . . . . . , . ... , 13abcoor I:Moto& , -WAsEtl.NG'ioN'i kraia jury today AudiotetUtitibcook,ll.er rington Whitley, :Ben ton,: Mlles, • Nettle ip. the : safe: .burglary-'coneiniany.! - , .-Warrante -were iy.sned 1.4 r each except Gki.+•:Balie,ock who a ppe a 14., atA gave bait in lbw' stitn *of $:10.0G0 - , r4g r Go v. A: :R. Skepherd -be : - coining:WY 1.- 001,4 eli4e • New York,.. on Monday. at . 1 . ..141, ; .. _ A tiPtiN ire it A' CO in CAL the' , statrOf Miehael Queley,la'e of 'Forest Luke dee'd. Legers Ot Ad whiletratiork In ,the , sold estate having beau , greeted' to the tfadersillted all versooF .ow jug said estate • aro : reoteelited ; Ireetedlart pa.ll4ollt having . . claim® agultio y , estate are teque dto present theeilvltbou • deI IsRANNORA.QUA , April -fl; - .64thlutstratrix. Z.1,-4,i• •1 ' .1 44 , 41 . . ' +-tj , t • • /)4 - Atif`.) ,C ,4 L : • .* '47, 47. rri Essrzai e k - following reso the delegates from ate L4neaster Pon ,. ' 2 And .Repgesentative i)nventiob from'. the mai District, at their Ndtioniti Delegates, I g msoiutiou - . unati- SPEC T. ABEL `' -& --- . 04 . i inNoHAivToN, A MERCHANT TAILORING ISTABLEIBIENT REPLETE; LteriST - - - AND` QUALITIES ALSO , last few Weekil: for CASICat a Teri price, thereby ea , All onr.goodis iteve been bon ht within tha the, abling us to sell cheaper:than 'tin other establishments in the city, who are carrying stock bandit et m uc h higher rates • ; April 10, „ : , 111 4 1GAVIA11 lILOCIEL FAR FOR SALE., - 1 A tam foiaile et 186' aciee in iSllyer Lake. Well watered, timbered. good'or,eliard. Me ! , coo' yenien, to crutch, school; ice.. dm.; ALLEN e. Sheldon Pi Sneq`a Co., Pa. 'April 19, 1874.-:-tt STRAY': , • . : Catnr into the enclosure of the Suircribcr, in.Brylge water township, on Tneeday.. - April 11. b 1811 i, vintProP 'One red - Cow. The owner can: take be; a* .ay y pro crty and paying charges. O. • tSSO"tI3IIOI4,,' • ,The firmr Mott & Welch or Brldgewatei day dissolved by • ratan:ll consent .1 The businesa will he continued by 3, W. Mott. ended bhoks'attd accounts are left In•hh , bands ,for ~a djustMent, and, must. be set tled Statnediately.. • , ' • ••- . 1 J.V. mote. , A. IL 11011011., April 10, "1811.-Bw* ' ; IP J. DONLV, J.. . . .Fti.RNISIIING , UNDER,...,:, 1 ;_._:::_.....„...„.„.::,-, ;4 . : -3.4 , , . :BINGHAM 4:0N,, N. Y., - • The latest improved Conine and Caskets on band. Reuse to order. Shrouds„ etc. ; sprit 19.'76. i MOPES 'DE / PARIS t 021 I:m7 lett3rleo. , r „, • . t . M Mi Ma my . • FREY°, 11 MILLINERY 97 Court ‘zereet Eingl • uzinton N Y 97 • • The - lat6ot and best stock. of , 14i}110eY 64oattputilhie Of Nem .York-,131.1111 at the ;very I.iwem cash prices, A buy for mill drid raltior cash." 'We will nut tie under. sold. I.l2lDlh;S ^ . :'APS,. AND ipE..4l)-DgESSE:S , , eery' large v,arteiy, • , 4 ., „ FRANK LESLIE'S PATTERNS. . ;.. , • OMR GOODS, , ETC: 1, • - • • P. ROZELtE. 'Binghamton, N: Y:, , IMPOItTANT ANNOUNCEMENT.• ''CORTESY: • • &-'•H A.CO ES Y: • • • csvcp.:Dx,Ei., • —Asp— - •. 4 NIERCIIANT TAIL(;RING% . 41 „ •,, 4' ; 1%; ". . . . • AT OUR NEW STORE ) • • - No. 21 ,Canit gtreet. •- • • , •• • t 3,1. •4, 4- . • Wes'ould .ret , peetfolly annennee to Ole 'Pritille that' we.have removed, to. oar news, and EiPtKlonS. atom. new 21 Co rner - of ; Court and . Water streetaand are filling it with ri.\.nest stoc.•cf.gottdo-that hive just aritited." 00' 5 stuck of,•Pre; , s kiloods'..Bllawls, etc., . tire or ihe,very,lat.; . est tie r ing phi t anti style& and purchased for cash when, Abe market was mos;t . depressed. .! t s,;.. • - 4 - In the line of Fatn - Y (kinds, flosiery, Gloves, Hair Gokis, Iftlibens*.etc. oar' smelt Is - unsurpassed; We have also opened a icparttient of AlerclKlit. Talloein, lid have :jn-t re ha-e - d • a •large. st ock of, the latett -tyles iri tneiline of. k:tottiss . Ci•e.* mere*, ete.,'Sird•of the very hest qua: ity. . ; We have, ,tinpl‘,yed to take , Outgo of this - p - epartinetit. T: D. TAYLOR, - low:. the leatho, and roost successful nutter in v,is,ctty. and who i'tw:t..gu,:r4iit.: et: a iterfeet tit. • Mr. Taylor tlid.t he sc leeting 4.4" the eliths, triitintings; etc.. 'fat 111:s •lep. rtuient, which. shouhl Satisfy ell that we hare tire Intent tie'd must isz-hionl,ble•t-tyles.. W•e cordially. our' patrons for pact favors; and Prottitsethein and . tile public generally teat itre bet ter prepared . than ever to supply anything ihour soki,..it4our p . atruuage. • . - - • • •, ; C. 8a A. CORTSEY, Birigh•araton; April 19,1576. B LYONS •Sa 'CO., RAVE• RECEIVED LARGE ADDIPLONS TGTIIEIR ' E'rOCR Olc . , CARPETS, OILCLOTHS., DRUGGET, INIATTIN"43S, W • SHADES, PAItIt HANGINGS, AND,: ENAMEL CLOTHS.: CO ETON YARN, , PLATED -.WARE; DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES DAMASK, REPS,: AM : OF DR: JAYNE'S - ; FAMILY • ; TRUNKS.. ''UMIIRE'LLAS, RUBBER GOODS, ' • - 4 - - - C ALICO,CEN TS. Pp, YARD : , •• - • Montroie. .1 - snifflfY 1 ; /06. • 14%* LieF:Culttatz4s by the sett of yard., TAble Linens, sNpki•3l l. tow els, : art,d.:l l lo*,' keepltilgtiods grVatvtir tr ier ?t,t‘' : 1 ' LibetunAtstli•Ofif. nolfac*, , Aptil 11%10701,1, s!„t;,:i%;•1 ts. • t t I ti,:h *,14 1C1:2 ~ . ;;tr-t', . , e".;:',;. - •.., • EMENT Jobbers of rime Woolens, MIMI ii.: ? 0.:-,R., Lyceza:jsa.:,coa.„-:, 4,13743• VarANC,I AL STATEMENT OF THE _L . receipts and eXpeueitures Wm : d: Mulford, Treasurer of - the .borough of NiOnypee s for the year ending April 10,187&. • Da. To,babince Om . .Isto Trea6arer • • $ 86 91 • attongt.paid by : circus. ' - - 21 00 '-." Mr. Loelet, Walk ' 1610 ,: -;.• : , it,„ . es 'Ed William's copetable... .991 • o. : • !, • i lii . HOW ell; Collector . ... 1,1190 14 Ottani Cr. ‘ ~ , ' , . , : , . • By,p,i9id James Birney, lighting lamps-, ~ .. 15 03 ', • -, - - I GI F Fordham.'ol,l and Ireig,ht., .. - -a 55 , J rt Rayntford, coal and Woo° ... &I 29 Geo Zeolite, lautla posts - • . 780 • J S larbell, bull t.ing bridge r. .... , . ~. 127 50 , J J Young, Walk 2 67 IS • 0 P'Beebes,r " • : 22, 86 Henry Sherman. labor ; Go 02 II u eraskr, wintering oxen... , 50 (4 " ' advertising and printing. 18 00 Simon Caiey, work - - • • . • ' 15 as Gilmore, assigned to II Howelj,.w or k . .. 21 80 ' idawhiuney. wo•k.- • 3 86 • Charlet' Avery:costs for:Thomson 4 10 C II sm.th, el al . Auditors' tee 5...... 4 50 Wra J biult'ord. wood and • goods. 750 • " • Treasir s epereentage.. . ' :14 21 II .0 Tyler. late Steretary 1 5 00 Wm I, Cox, Peereta4y. 1875 ' 15 64 ' Boyd Jr. Corwin, shovels and nails..... 205 Wm Gary, ri_pairing truck 4 V) B Williams, gathering brush .. ....‘ ' 100 • 1 1 " - buryin Jig • 1 DO . ' Z Cobb. mowing green 1 00 • Wilson j To , rel, _surveyor ` r. 100 ~B 0 Sayre., prove and rent.... ...... . 20 00 Hugh Mitchell, pound rent - 1500 • Joe Shipman, work - • • 11750 ' A II bieCollum, attorney . ... ..... ... 30 00 - • Cub In Treanurcen ha dos - • • NO trope. Iprill We, the ntideralgoed, Auditor* of t e borough of ii ntrr,se. ti. ve tlitt day ex milled the accounts of 3/o1 or, frrea , nrer of tale' borough - and the orders paid by raid Trearnrer. and ader uiluwli g hilt; hi' per• centageno adthorized by law. we dud a oal.tuce in his hand* of shit date ot ninety dollar* and thirty nine ceuts. (~ 9 .1.39.) • - • . • ••CliAlit. U. SMITH, • • , • ~ISAAC HAMLIN. ,Auditors. • F. B. CHANDLER. So flar we ; could aftterl ale from the hill.: lud pa per* presented for, our exam - zatitm we find the Indent e*plot the borough as follow*: - -- • Henry z,hertuan, note dated ?Orel' 5, 187:1 1 with .use ' 18000 John .1 Young, note dated Sept. 12.14,with nee tel 00 O P.Beebe, ;t . ' ~.0ct..5 ", `• 105 50 , s• -N ov. 2 hi %. 171 45 Robert Strunge, ," April , " 3:0tO O p Beebe. , " Oct. 4, ' " 831 56 John S Torben.. " : Apraf , et • :'" 6691 Sli & D §syre (essigne_es) , r , 37 21 D 6 LO Henry Sherman 74 BCoon—. .. . . .... . : ... . lu OU Boyd Jr. Corwin. ' • . • 41 75 Bewley & t 3950 50 - John J. Young...i 131trrri,) ISAAC aami.lN. ?Auditors. ; •F. B. (11ANDLER. ) • licontrose, April 1t1y1876. Verll,l9, '76l' WEBS:FER'S N . E W PRICE. LIST t 1 , FOR 5P.R.1...Y0 AND SUILVER OF 3.076. Look - at the foll Owing, which speak+, for Itself. Beaty cottoned° pants..; $ , 75 Stout wool-mixed pant S -. 1.50 A 2 25 Gocd all wool. pants—. ... ...... . , 30( 0 400 Imported cas•zitner4 parita••.• 47i 7(0 French Doeskin nants..„. .J,. : ....... 4.750'7.50 StOut workingman's ... . 0.00010 00 Fancy merino easiimere Suits .. . .... 7 Cliete 50 'Merino bilk mixed -nits-- (4.O(YRJO 00 Harris cassirne e •••• • • ••-• i3,• ( •(01.16. 50 linickerbodker and plaid kills._ 4 ., •le tica,(B.(lo Bloch trts kco 4e.. . . ,15 5 0 0 t•. 50 Imported black.frocits "• ' \ 9 01,013.00 Fine black cloth vests... . . 1.7;1(11 3.75 White linen vests I.ok, fr r 3.011 ' BiiyB Stllt,S• With kite° oant,s, 3 t i 9 vearg. Cottonr . stilts = ' ' 1.7161,3 .11ixed eissimore itnato. i3• 3l g-‘ ,s ° All wool cait-linere sults Frenchtirorsted • • • 1.*X40.50 Btly:3 1 Stlit•B 1)3)1.8 9 to 15 % - t CottOnace suits, .... . • :.$ 3 )I 'rt 450 Mixed f•assiincre salts, 4.01+0, 6 00 All wool citst (meresnits 5 0.00 i• one) , . L . . ;. 010 tenctl worstrii„suits , b. tO ►lil.ll b St =ls • r lilt( e.) , t), it" a Stoat everyday suits . • ..... $ 003 Ciood eassi mere sultS. ':. •• • • 7.:tse 11 00 Diag, , attol coot; and vests..., .. 8.1 0641 .00 .Futicy tulle tt„ta 4; 0 15.1.K1 Li 111 tilt (xt,)0t1: 4 .. Good working shirts,. .. ......... 14 Int: white bosom ,•,litrts ..... Good . . .. blood rubber,su-penilt-rs,c.. . . Cloth lined paper collars .perubox....'. Good ,nrahrellas Giott cotton .. . . . ... Andltil other emits in proportion The above are that no other' coi.cet n has ur w .11 off r. They arc cash prices at d made to bribg pt. plc from •a distance. It will psy it- malt to crive'torty tulles to buy a suit,pf clothes at my Mori. WEBWISiI v The Clothier, . . April 19 ,18 4, AG TVS FUltivi ITU ROOMS ;,Giro be,filund tjsi3Taritt ;Ind host tis•P : .:'ittrtnielit'othirnituyo t Qusi -tin of ; . ; • ;tltOttm,' o ttAt..l; --And 'win velAta.. c,.0411. Alt g 6"4 1 ..wurnkuled id!'rPprtigit}e4k, • • 1111 U w •r , I)icKF,RNIAN , - T 01;!. WORK . El" TRW 41011etrii.eit IeAT auct tit Court Street. .13INGEIA.51TON. 1111 ZIMW* Nti 111 lerd, !u., r'irttb COutif v. all mv *Lid of, trim ir,ritti tatortsS, $1,173 ps $1,682 61 90 ZS i/g7 3 OS too MEE ~., ... } ',