BY VV HALEY 81; CAUSER. 1 _ s THE FIST 11400 *IP • - BY JOBN• IT. YATES. . ---.. b a y by and the. I Weekly. Betsey, ie i) s Id like yOU ',• And read the morning's Daily, \V it h its.pages scarcely dry. ' • . 1 . , While you and I were sleepin' they were print , Joe then). today :: • : .; .; ". ::, , . In the city by the ocean, several litindred Miles . away.. . .1 . . . , ilititv!d I get it y" Bless you, Betsey, you need .. . not doubt and laugh,.. ~...... It didn't drop down froM the clbtrs nor co m e by telegraphs; ... • ' .. .. I got it by the' lightnie - mail - we've:itid about you know— - ... . 1 • .-. .•- . . The mail that Jonathan ,got,up.about a month We farmers livin"rOinid the hill *erit to' he .' . town to day,. . •. • . ~ . . To see the fast mail, catch, the bags that'.hung • beside,tbe way •.; ' :. , , -:' , Quick as a flash from thtindering clouds ; whose tempest swept the sky, . , . , :The bags were caught — on board the train as it went roaring by...... ,:... . --. s.. . We are seein' many _changes in our Est declin, years ; • - . „ . „, Strange rumors now ere soundin' in our hard • - ot hearin' earS,' . . Ere the sleep that knows no, wakii. 3. comeslo waft us o'er the Strewn, '• i ' • i . \ SoMe great power, .takof tall the self : • conceit from steam.' • Well do yon retneniherßtitar' when theipocit: • man earrte 'd Ridin' horseback , through „the: forest, long the. lonely ~ • Indiantrani,•- • How impatiently ,we,. Waited-we were eart est , lovers wen—, • , For our letters comin'-- sloWly, many miles 'through wood' and glen. , Many times, you n know,We missed thein,ttor the postman never, came t Then, not . knowing what had happened,We did , each other blame. - • 111,' Long those lore tittaireas: . lasted,.,but. the God - • , who Melts the proud-1 . ., • Brought our .strayin'. hearts together, and let sunshine through the cloud ! Then, at last, the tidings reached ' tts, that the faithful postman fell , Before the forest savege, with his mit% terrific yell • And your letters lay 4 -and moulded, while the • meet birds sang allove r , And I was sayitebitter thingiabotit a Woman's Long and tedious were - ,the journeys, few and far between the mails, - • . In the days when we - :were cciurtin'—when we . thrashed with wooden flails.! Now the while-Vinged cars are flyin"lng , the shores of, inland bees; . And young loveri read their letters 'Mid luxu ry and ease. Vt. have witnessed many changes- in our three score years and ten-} We no longer Sit and wonder at tbe - discoyeries 01 men; In the shadow's of evenin' we rejoice that our bOys, • Are not called to meet the hardship that embit- Acied half our joys. •. Like the old mail through the, forest , riatbtui years go slowly by ; Like the fast .mail of the present, manhood's • years how quick they fly I We are sitting in the shadows, soon shall break life's hrittle cord- 7 1 , Boon shall come' the welcome summoni bytki fast mail at the Lord; TWICE MARRIED. "TTOM.E in good season, mother;" and II the load, clear voice goes ringing,Up into the little chamber *here Ruth Mar ton is stitching away on store work, Oat ought to have beendone that, :forenoon. But•the was tired' sitt4g: up last might for James, he came in so late_ now,' and she could not bear to let him find the room, empty and 'the -fire out. It was her way, she sari, to keep him from bad company, and it seerned to, succeed very well ; for, whether it was a gay, oyster supper, or a game of cards with a friend, James always remembered - she was -wait ing for him, and had i ktolerably steady hand to raise the latch, and an amusing recital Of the evening's adventures for the patient and cheerful listener, his.wid owed mother. ; Huth Norton ~:.made::her appearance , with the vest she las finishing off.hang-- ing over her arm, and. her speatacles pushed back upon 'ber cap. B : he avas a quick; active little \ body, iLot. over tidy in her dress, perhaps; but then, ,'",811 never had any time to attend to these - things." James,was making, goOd wages it was true, but like all Other,rous'rititrei,. he was social' ana.ilked* merry fekws about him., ~, , Sovittrtliztook, of tie house, "and earned just a bit by ;tailor ing". for. her 'own pocket money;