AUltlitlVUOi• liJnder the IFitul t irelitt., The wind was damp with coming wet, :When Frank and blue.eyed Liizte met ; • hell a giugham o'er hislhead, • • • And to , the maiden thus he said loyeky ;girl, my- heart's, 46 re, With love's unquenchable &aka Sav`dearest .one ' wilt thou be mine,:!,, Arajoin Me' in the groce6 ,line.? . 1 The maiden in accents swat replied: . • l "Jim, hold the mi y tirella more roeide; My bran new bonnet's getting wa— rn Marry yer, yet needn't fret." • • • Did&A Cut Ills NAUfe. -•,,, A boy in at... 'Loofa - v4lal recently.. presented 'with a jack.-keife,:With;WhiCir, bok,like; hectit. and marked .everything• came lotts way, fro& . the diribag:,rpoin.table to Alic e cat's few •daYslAfter he had :-beehme-thehatipY - pb-. ;sessor of the knife -'his.ilither was startled by :seeing two. Men 1410,04 home the young, hope ifnl a very dilapidated condititio. H_ is face m seeed to. be :cut: and,; bruised and,; 'withblood:Y • The. father, of course, Wai.verY :Much alaraed, • and. enquired of the boy who ',bad hit• •'• • ••• • ' • "Nobody didn't hit me," he answell•ed, 'tween his sobs,-"It was a intile'klekedine - l in the " • ••- • •!. "A. mole kickedyon' 10 the eYd;eh r"ee4ed "Hay'en't"l . told .you a thou_ salad times or More that tnulFs and gunpowder word not -tit things for- -boys to fool With ? What Were you .doihg: to the 'Mule ?," "I wasn't . foolin' With;' him al 4,7 said the poy ;. "I ,was only . tryiolticAt mina* on Ids - • A Domestic:, An losance. ' • --z .4 -,i ' v ' Yesterday when a Cass iivenu woman han ted her tilit-irons over the fence)to . ter neigh bor ehe looked so: cross that the other woman asked : "What's the, matter—are you siek? ' "No4-I.'in mad !" . 1 , ,1 \ Heard had new ?" i.l 1 -. 3 . "No ; the news is good lenottgil,.but, thee's ttiy boy Henry." ‘ ; "Yes." , ' gat', 11 ready to whip him Jnialnorning ? and two ladies culled. After. they :nail gone 1. got again when the.gas-meter man came in and I had to., stop . and hayorti jaw.--7 Before I,got Itolti of Henry. again his . father ' came homeand told me riot whiphinv at all. :Von don't know. new annoyed I fe.l EOxygueotlon Ito 'Jit'lnswer: I• 411---- t One of our citizens •Is blessed, or otharlise, _ %.71 11,14/lGt pith a very stubborn wife, In his-case he finds „ that when a "woman will, she will, you may Aepend on't zind when she , Stle, won't find that's an end °nil, 'This peculiarity of 'disposition in his wife is no secret', among his associates, and one of them meeting him the ether day asked . "W—, do you know , why You are like , a don key ?” "Like a.donite: T r I ' - ,-, eyes wide. ."No,.ldOn''t." , ;. "Do you give it Up?! .: .. ~ , .: wr do ." ,- : ..• : .'! , ;.. ! , "Beeausuyout better halt is t stubbernness it- "That's not bad. Ha, ha ! ru • give that to my wife when I get honie." "3 , 1x9 he - aiked as he sat down to tupper, "do you knoF Thy I am like a don e 3, He waited a moment, expecting his wife to rive It up, but she didn't, she looked at him boine.what commiseratingly as she answered: "I suppose because,you'wai born so." • h a s abjured the habit of putting con k oundrums to hip, wife, ;;;.. • , ' • ' 'llica4h.,l3tlfore Everything.: --OAP - A %tnier \Vag yesterdayl walking around the Central Market trying to find some chap wil ling to, go into the country and do a little work or.guod pay, when ` a colored! ma,ri accosted bin', saying: • .t..• "Boss,'.does'you want sole one to bust your (sorn ?" i , "Yes; I have been looking all tEe morning • tor , Mate one." . • , - "What's the pay?'" "r 4 give One dollar a - daY." f - Eind b6aid "Aid ebickpi and'puddin', for dinner ?' " l t--:7sl*." ':' : 1- ' -;• - . ' - -.. w "4"314.,44tv ,:. cigars, to smoke 'T , , "I=l guess, r -,": ita9n_cted thli farmer. ' "-An' t‘thalitiove right close4foUll . • dar whar tlie - eqrn feet" '' :,'-';' „I- I" never '• • o. r never hea r t.o i a stove ` in a corn fteldr =, • dar's, no stove nut. - you can't Neoax dis 'along 1 • '.4e 'got to take! kecr of "Oi:Jieititk,',_eVen dere s ion% a bulAket of corn steed"in ibis co i ntry.' 1• . • .: I ' ,., Thitittylik Holiest. • The :other ther day a crowd in attendance at a • horse sale in Detroit liis4grefOy itear: ail auctioneer ,say ir! , ;.'"Gentlemen I tanit'lie about the borse—be is .',4o),ind,in, one eye." • - -- - - • . The lose. was 13064 : c ka9plted.P* a to: a citi.: zbii:iriiiahad . : 'been ';'griiailst,Mka*bY the f l 4c-: tione,4 hoiaestY,4id :after .. pa;riilii . ter' 014 4Orit.e . the 5a14..;`,-...i'i -: - ~'•'-'. ' _:'' .:,:%,':: '-- . ; r.;: :....' - ::,"?f',:t . ..;:.:- Y - s67i*teitotkeat oi.4iighitis Or - lit that; this siii4al2wiii , Slind , -0-:qiii4e:-:i.:444ere fttiy:otk. ! : T:-..1 - ..',,:::-: . :';', :J..1:::_.:;','..:,-;''.. ',.''-' "Yeksir,thereAs. lle 'is 1/JBo:blind i tbe other-veil! iraia the prompt repip .1 " "Diao'on 04iii*Stiee antler ! Una 11 you aye a, at, Sit cation':ss govern: 1106441'44 thatl wottitt widow , *Teti w9uld I bfit*hOie is . tl*',*4344'er." = -a•- timed W—, 0] pennk, ~ .i;. ..i~r ;, The: Story .ofr the Maid: We bad ahother little excitement ink (Air church a few Smailays ago. Mrs.. Merutoahis remarkable fiTher,singular, abseneeef*tid. Dr. Potts, the .I:treacheri..,Was reading from" AliaSeriPiureti the ,story ,of the deluge,and when : he eat*, the of how 'it days and iiighti;llie.:llanteeli became @o. - .deep 7 '." .IyAbsarbedJa the. narrative, and so strongly. , iinpressed‘sWith it, that she ,h3,yoltuitarilyraiod-, .her umbrella and:held . .it — eVer 'her head aaihe .sat in tlie 7 pevr: Mrs.-nutterwiek, - who sits in the liekt peW in :front,- always, bringl:fier 44 1 le Meeting with-her,, and.. when Mrs:Mclntosh: uch] enlY raised . the action -affect•• 1 - ed the sensithilit les- of Mrs. .Butterwiek'a4Og such a :manner that he • began.tti bark ,Then the sexton. came 'id arid tried to,renioyeil the, animal, Mit 'it dodged: into- a vacant• pew. on the other.: side of the aisle and _defied bark ing all the tithe Inost vocilerOuslY...Thett - the sexton became indig,nant and flung a liSTnin nook .1 at the . dog; 'whereupon the dog flew out and ] bit him. upon--the leg. The hubbub la the church was by ,this time, 'of 'course; something I simply dr6adtul . Not .only ' , NyaS the ;story of the dehige sititply interrupted, • but the boys :he gallery actually . . sicked the .dog at:the sex-. ton, and seemed to enjoy. the •Centest'exceeth , .I'tteaDeaceri.Jones came; after the deg with Lis ~v:alking ; • ,wliereupon• the animal ac-( tually dashed toward the and ran up the , steps in . such aterk.s. manner that Dr. rats all: at Once nionated en the, chair to get out of" the way of the beat,.. and said 'it this disgraceful -scene did, not soon wine to an end he should dismiss' the congregation.. Tneu Deacoa Jones crept tip the steps; and alter a short struggle sekzed the dog'by the hind leg and walked doWn the aisle With him; the deg, meanwhile yelping : with ernatural energy., ^ - Mein tosit turned, round' to watch the re treating. Deacon, and as She 'lid so she.permit led her umbrella to drop over, so that the end of ene`.of % the ribs caught in Mrs. batteitiriciW . s bonnet, A. minUte.later when she straightened up herliMbrelia,:the beaLet was wreathed off, andhung i dangling from: her umbrella.* MIA. , Butter Wick had beconie t ex.ceeclingly war' 'over the onslaught nude against her dog; but when Mrs. Mclntosh removed her bonnet she - fairly boiled- ever, and turning round, white with rage, pheier&rned vou grab that bonnet for s you green eyed eatarnettnt . ? Hain't made enough fuSs in this yet.: tabernacle to-day; skeering a, poor innocent little deg, Without such bonnets as:the likes of you Cara afford to wear, no, matter how crazy you are,yon red headed lunatic. you. ..You let my' bonnet alone or I'll warn you with ..this par0.,•4424, if it. is in Meeting, now mind me." • , 7 Then 311. Mclntosh. - seemed to realize that her umbrella made her conspicuous, so she•furl ed itand concluded to go borne:. *AS she step nto i• • _ • • • . step ped the aisle: Mrs. Butterwiek gave her, this 'parting salutei: • , _ "Sneaking off before the collection, You'd belter spend less for'breastpins and give more to, the poor , heathen, ifyou want to catch Whereafter:" „ . Then sbe began . to fan herself furionSly, and as things' lo.catne .calmer,. Dr. Potts , resumed the. story Of the•flood. Mie. Mclntosh ittis mov ed into e back pew, and because the deakon re quested. Mrs..' Butterwick to leave her dog at borne, she haSHaucceeded frota the Presbyterians end she now declares. that the Lutherian faith is the only religion for her.--.lfax Alder. Gitlin; Advice to a Fireman. : The'Danhury News says: , They were taking the truck from the hook , and ladder house yes terday. An ek\erly - party IVELS obsOyine the operation sn intently that a bystander was led to observe : • .. '7l)ld you ever belong to a fire company ?" • "No;sit.'ee,". was 'the- emphatic - reply: "1 can't see .4iny fun in a .fireman's life: But I once did," ".I..was -living in New 'V ork . then, and was a pretty good-sized boy.. I didn't belong to anyinpany but I: felt an interest iu them all. Talast fire I. went to fdttir.story .1 was excited' by. the erieaanci noise and fianies, and When I. saw that one of. the iiipemen was throviing a - stream where he ought no: kindlY directed the foreman's attention to the - fact." Here the narrator paused and. sighed. . "And !hat did he say?" asked the interested. listener, . • "He didn't say-anything."' 'Be didn'tlike it, did Val suit don't "•know ; but as he knocked me off the walk with his trumpet, and stamped on me In - the I street,l - IniieUlways believed that he tpokspine offence at my. advice.. Still, he E nbtliitig to , that = effect!' and, the e41d41.;• party sighed again. s; -• :Bad- it Question. In one of the Detroit schools recently for4taltair hour from the ush al programme, and.armed=-lien: scholais such qUestions as might interest them. After she had asked "What catiteirain ?" invent ed,.the lotto:ll66year - aud so forth, and •u helped ed'td, explain them; she - said • (' " , 11,9w; lhchildre 'any ,01 you who so desire eau saltine questions." ' NO one seemed to think_ of anything except a freckled-faced boy about foniteen years ',old. Re raised hishand, and_tjte,teaf.thernid : `VVII - ;ll:pb6rt, have ytha question ?" f'res; rd like . .to know Viliat they mean , when - they say to, a teller: 'Oh, pull down'you vest ' _ The teaeber had to admit that'alle was bet hind the age.,' '*..croe's the, wnlitut4 and the *ion; . `Oh Mr. Jenkins dig': let,tu4 isee you itriak zileakuis : t'secedrink What child ?,"_,.„.ugagitlg "Oh Mamuia, says you drinic.,iike a $191) j't z"` L-P , • • 1. • ~ k C. 2 . , Oa 4 , 141, abtore debts Tli . ..',W.':: DEMMitAtT ARC , = ' :22, - .-liild I== 41111. . _ Advertisements.. PREPARE rou NEW STOCK O.F. r-,-I_.---: WINTHR PALL Mir, Ronan & W°9I O E AtIgtE j 'RE C I A VIIfj AND CLOTHS, 1 ~• • . PLAIb . AND . PLAIN-, ; WOOL MORAM DRESS GOODS, SIL • * 3 OPLINS; -- TASIIIMERES, D1?AB 'FE DELS - i CAS, BLACK ; AND COLORED,' . FLANNELS,'. ROSE BLANI " ..- 311ATICEILES BED' ' - 51 3 R.E.41.1), WOOL 4‘ABLE SPREADS TABLELINENS; TOW ELS,- _NAPIONS .1 at;d household, • - • • . •{ • • - kaui nishipg . . • r Goods, A 4rge'assortment, and-cheap, . • LADIES' 'AND CIIILDRENs' MERINO UND i • - MENTS. MERINO AND WOOL HOSE. F • SKIRTS; GLOVES. &c.. &e. ALL SIZE: ,1 , AND QUALITIES, - i - Prices to-sult,- .. ~' _, - ' • At G. R. MILLINERY . OOODS , RIBBONS, FLOWERS, ers; BLACK AND COLORED, SILK AND . TOS*VELVETS. TRIMMING SILKS Sine variety, At O. E. DRESS AND CLOAK TRLMMing, LACES OBS. BUTTONS, SILK TIES, CORSET) BROIDERIES. EPHYR, ESTE AND FANCY YARNS. CAN; . ' VASS. NOTIONS AND • - • • STAMPED PAT- TERNS, At43l, Alwaye in , great variety, DOMESTIC GOODS, BLE A CUED AND BROWN SHEETING AND SBIRTINGS, CANTON ELAN NELS, CALLICOES, • DENIMS,' TIMINGS . AND CHEYOTT SKIRTINGS, Ale WAYS A FULI; ASSORTMENT THE MOST POPULAR' BRANDS, And prices to suit the times CARPETS, 011 CLOTHS. "MATS. \ DRUG c FOR§,FURS. FURS, BTFFALO ROBES, • .BLANKETS, LAP. ROBES, &c. &c. At Q. R 1 , - Cheap. ftadgillade 6101 tin Men and boys' ready-made - snits. a large stci piece assortment of best goods, warriu.ted to 'Elution.' Prices . to snit the times at 0. R. & OVERCOATS OVERCOA POI' Boys', Youths' and Men. tiorts.• Quay priceS . from $ll to„,V3C. Supply _ your. vomits a • Co's, Our. Custom - Department. Large stock of fine' eassimerell. Cloths and Measures taken. good fitting and workmans . 1 anteed. Prices fuIDS-2 0 per cent. legs than ont Call and leave your measure at G. R. Co•e. FeRXISHING, GOODS. Gents furnishing goods. White and color d octton Shirts, Wool and Merino_ Wrappers and Primers, Flannel and merino Rose. Knitt Jackets, Coinforters, Ties, Bows; Mufilenk. 'Gloves, Trunks.. Satchels. &c., &c., the largest variety in town; at G. 11. & Cats. . , • I ;NA TSt • ITAVS 1 7 .1 tt -.CA PS : ( ' OAFtS, GITTTENBERG, ROSENBAU3 M. S. DESSAUER, blotaging Montrose. September 21At1, - 1815. • CARTER, ABBOTT & JOll Wholesale and Retail Peale • HIk.RDWARE, IRON, STEEL, "N AILS SMITHS' SUPPLIES, FAft,N AND MECHANICS' , , TO itii i i;we•etoss Mittei•e3. 4,(;6- :SEAT!.SeRING-S 7 STEEL , • • TOE clALlES'intd'u,Atirk STEEL 416;', BURRETT'S CORN SHELL • THE IMPROVED BUR • FEED rTER. pecAii, 87 Wathington Still ••' ISINOILIANITO Oat. 14tb.1.8715.--24. TARBELL HOUSE. t.,': • OPPOSITS 2111 COURT 00178 i i~'"~ stowritOii.rßiTNl, '4) KEN ? S:. ', r,il4itiig Ti 14'T' 4:0 • "1' Stsgl'and Racks' thia i p 'metier w it h the Moutreae Railway, t e t ßeliroad and the I). Di:* April 1, 1873. , .14V.# , • ,t,O At 0.8 At G. B. Age ate for rp OQ~~s MUM 1.. . . . r 7,.1.4 .,,, -..: ,- -....,: , 4" ...,•--.. i Lisirdilly4t - oi.; Lehigh V-elleji. i:;'t :i'l.. ..!•:" ;,,i 4,!. e'iSv'~i;i lISHEIII2INPZ ass. Has just returned . trOm New York 'with - a large ,and complete assortment of DRY • Filling his large "te poriry" on the , Nation a l Hotel - • ' remain-here until. our new BRICK STORE IS, COMPUTE ON THE OLVG.ROUND. ND SI Our stock, Is new and b oast ear — Ratter au,d Pro, Money advanced ;when Great' Bend, July I & Co's ROAR :LT A. S. MIN at COCK, EVERY STllig OF FLINT AND COMMON CIIIMNEIB, EATII -- ' a Co'e Brenze Lamps. Opal Lamps, All Mass Lamps, Hand Lamps. 33urners, Wicks, Shades, Shade Holders; 4144., 444. I' FRI N 'EM.- wact.Axl.n. Prices Guaranteed as Low as any House in Southern Nei York Address 'tq , torontrtly Attended To. & C o a BEST JOB MIN • W I.& CO's: WING ORSE Largo' Stock of JOB &•Co'e _ 'Bode intrtieenn4l fly, either in Plain Black or Colored Work. FURX:' - ii • Corn ice It at, ~B. • At W. W. Smlth & Son's exterushmiumiture War 31'00111ion ‘ willftrid tkelstrgest stocko ties and G. R. & FIRST CLASS AND COMMOk; (Beavers. ,ip• gnar -1 of town. FICIEI:7 1 OrlErFt.M . . . . To be found in this section cif the country, of hie own manufacture, and at prices that cannot tail to give sati• faction. They make thiftery beat . , . EXTENSION TABLES In:theQoiintryilind TIAREti ettimp tT r• 33. c• 1 torg low Of all k 4 nds‘done in the neetrun maknex. ,&CO es xiD R. x N coe 333 a IS artner. PURR NO.I MATI4SSgS, • ' AND COMMON MATRASSES vi• „, U.NDERVAKING The anbscriber will hereafter make adertaiting a specialty in. his business. liev,ing jutt completed a NEW and the mcst elegant HEARSE in the State ail needing his services wiII be attended to promptiyan a at satisfactory charges. WM. W. EARTH ti . SON. Montrose. Pa.. Jan. IV —nos--tf. N AILS 'LACK ERB' LS. 6. ; ,~- P CIM P BOYD ':'&i.I•CORWIN :, jRE, ;1 , Comettif litthiAndTurupike,'Aie. R AND ICK 3 WaiM"X`Mft , / 10111 • .2;°46•t0 , N. Y.; • ,C 'IN AND .4 4 ARDWARB . "- , ; . :-) Thanks , to out Friends for, rioit FlimOrti I, , FAV 4,10/4i ; fi - =NM • 1 1 , du — : a pur 0404; heft ifiae .I)r.eili' ;Goods to *6 ootstatt sit :Cheap: John!& 'do , 40 (Ilieop - Johies for CoOton•Fiiiiiiiiii: 4' Itliseelinneens Advertisements. Great 130x1clip 13 • GEORGE - • ;. • . • L. • ; ; • L GOODS' ,y liats and Caps, TYPE and FOUR 'Print!lig Presses, we Defy Voniepetion OF VARIOUS KINDS, TIN WARE, =EN • '• swami '" - : i ISP.T!C3PI7.IIIIII63'''; ::::-.Y• SHEET-IRON: I)i7TL RYA .'-gTq.:i':;',.'-'"'', ,• ICE CLOTHIN,Gi-:•8.90T.. & aRoEs r , pelt with care. We will, as heretofore, offer the largest rtment and best bargains in the county.. • ttce shipped.' Highest price and prompt returns guaranteed. esired. . - ' . . h, 1875. BINGHAMTON, N. Y., WHOLESALE DEALER` IN SPECIAL IN I) ul-EmErrs ALSO; MANUFACTURER 7.0 F 'ING itually:a4ding new ma. ~Sll~'D'WA~~ti • r r z .. .~~~,~ ;~', 1Z r LENHEIM Notions, GEO, L. LENHEIM. March 81.1876. AT, THE :LOWEST RATES Ai with our t to our ink R. LYONS &, 00., ..D• . CARPETS, . OILCLOTHS, DRUGGET, - ,44TTINGS, • . WINDOW . • SHADES, ~~ 3 ~ Lt: .PAPER HANGINGS AND' ENAMEI, ..tCLOTIIS, COTTON • YARN, 1 - COFFIN' TRIM- Y MINGS, PLATED:WARE/DRY GOODS AND • /GROCERIES, PAINTS, • OILS, REPS, ' • DAMASK, ALL . OF DR. JAYNE'S FAMILY 314DIOINES; rilltl4lltS,' - UMBRELLAS, RUBBER GOODS, &C. . Montrose. January' •I;..1871, p.'i_. : ',l - : p0 - ,M,,,47; No. 484. 50 Washington St., BINPrIIABITON, Y. VT Woald tespectitiny can attention to; their largo 'toe: '.°.N• yr .IEL 3hT X `3LI 17 It 23 laid they are selling at from 15 to O. er cot. than heretofore. A fltil assortment 'of PAid;OR, DINING RObM 'and KITCHEN Frniffl Parlor fiettet WOW 460 upward. Member . Bette rest ;40 upward. Mattresses horn $4 upward:, Pure Vribl Mattresses from $lO to'sls. dale, 'Ash and Wahl* •Extension Tables from $6 to $lB, Yon can do better by purchasing your goods of us dos Pr es y.doelers irt this section of - the country. We WI not be undersold by any one east of New . Tort, C.ts, extiwcharge forpacking or delivering goods at Mrs !UPS. •-• ' . Wndesire to Maya - word: In - this line we hare Patent fiasketoind -a:variety' of other styles. Biro' Robes, Shrouds, etc. 1 • ,Theheirse And Carriage attached to our establish. theta , cannot - he 'surpassed in this .section, These srili be furnished to those who requite. at a rcasonabla* *.autWbere within radius •of twenty miles from tkpr c4trf!' Giros hiM a. Jthighainton, gay,.1.94:11;1875.;-tt The off; - b'c .olakh. toot 034401 -•- 0 Prism ' z •' ~~;5 t~: . sfirc., ; • grounds. ; A.. SI MINIM. CC U an HAWLSY & CRIIRAIR. DEALERS IN 8.. It. LYONS & CO. I Tl;rrni. OF OUR DONLIY. We shall tl will maks tipecillitf adipedo. ly attended, ilibillA 144