HE 10 .4- ElvOC.liiA.T' • Puntasnan Even's' WIDNEEDAT Mort1111(9." AT biONTIWati tICYB4 A CO., YA., BY X"X ArVO r. la Ee ""2 " aro wcr szat EDITORS Sc PROPRIETORS, At two Dollars per Year ia,Advanoe. . TO'ADVERTISERS:--Trus DanocnAr as au adver tising medium is unsurpassed in this .section. It reaches the Farmer, Mechanic, and business man. Its circulation is constantly increasing, andlts advertising rates reasonable. Rates will be - Olen:at our of or by man. JOB PRINTING;—Our office is' supplied with four printing presses,together with I large variety of type, borders, fancy inks; etc., with which we are prepared to da work in the best style and at prices lower than any competitors in any section. Hamples.shown and estimates cheerfully given at our entice. Work order ed by mail will receive prompt allealion. E. B. HAWLEY. - - .O. ORIJSER. STRAYS .AND TRESPASSERS. In our - brief response to, inquiries res pecting tresPassing animals, . winch we gave lust . week, we did *notintend to car-. ry.the idea that the, negligence .of - u de.• fendent in trespass, to' tiu9d , his ,oiin line :fence; exempted him From being - re sponsible Under' the i law. What we i ll .: tended to convey- was this ; .that if the laW respecting the division' haS not been 'complied with and that • portion beleng to Each owner of ildjactit lands, - has not Ireeri set apart for • each 'one reap ct iiely. to build, either by mutual consent or by the operation, of the :laW, then no action can beinantafned for trespass. In other words, the plaintiff . irtist be. free from all. responsibiliti on his part in or,' der to Sustain his action. . . . Fearing that our readem may confound • the law respecting an action for trespass, or the feuce law, With the stray law of Susquehanna county, which was pissed April 1863, we have concluded to make a more extended reference to it at this time; In 1863 the following act was pas sed for this county. ! i , SECTION 1. Be it Anfed by the Senate and of House ,Bepresaita m ites f the ,Comoiticealth, of I A. Pennsylvania in General ssembly met, and tt is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That' from and alter the first day of July next, all. Horses, cattle, sheep and swine, belonging to farmers, or other persons, found running at large, or upon the public,roads. or' highways, in the county of Suscinehanna, shall be consider ed, in character. of strays,'and may be taken urcas such, by any personand shall and may be,disposed of, under the existing laws of this commonwealth, relating Ito strays, if such per? son shall see proper to prosecute the samel— P*ided, That this net shall not apply to Any orsaid animals, that may haye accidentally es caped from their.enclosures. , It will clearly be ,seen by the above apt . aPplYing to this county, that no. nlw stray law nor any , 'meal of the .former , established. fence law, was enacted. - Un- . der .the. Previous stray. law, any animals 'found upon the 'premises of lauother, : , contd. betaken , up' as strays, but if they . were in the highwaithey could not be •so taken. up ; • henh,e the,: law 0680 rsiMply ettentiO the: provisions of the fohner stray. law to animals that are left to l rtmat large in the highways, and even this law does not . ii'Pply to animal's that "Adoidentally .escapt framit their •enclos ureit." The evident intent; of this hi* is to abate the nuisance of habitually - iiastur; ing'(,,the highways., and. It tad no, refer- 1 vice to the fence law,•nor .does it change , th'e' former well establishedruleO. upon that point: - • 1 The ilistsaining of taiimals' under the,. Sus.quehanna county sqa.s , law, is no dif; ferent than' it is ir , any other r ptt of this state, except thati its jurisdiction is' ex tended to highwitlYis: There it tioq . nest:ion' of trespass.or damages' whiell'kicati arise under it. .• .1 • • • 'The law or f Being and k, 6 onsequent trespass', is an: entir-ly different subject, and is governed by the siipreme curt decisions, as we stated last week, _which are that every owner of land must enclose it,on all sides, by a lawful fence—upon the road side .as' well as elsewhere—before he can , maittam:a4 activu r ,fvy dainages iii trespass. 1‘ ),. If a periart'illowWhiS•cattle to run at large in the...highway - ,they -.can be dis trained under the *tisquelianna \ county stray law `(Provides alway4thal limy did not accidentally escape) irrespectiie of fetice ur no fence, But an action of trea pasecannot,be mantaiireil. unless there is a laNyful fence is well along the highway elsewhere. We doi not behove that the legysliture that enacted . the- \ drat law of 1.863 - intended to g' any, other remedy than the one vtated in the act. • Fac-Attorney4erteral. Williams is like ,. ly to get an investigation- now, that will show him up in his - trite colors, a(nd'hi aicate . the character of the 'corruption that hay eo g long nourished in 4r A ntl a Adaiinistrition' with the connivance of fhe Kcal leaders'' in il9' out of Con It is '-allegedlitho:testitriony ' in his own handwritii4 cOnviatini him of _ bribery isin possession-. of a Conitnittee or the House. This the :man.. that President Grant Wanted' to;thruat Utkii thiPeopip, pr,the States asPhief huaticeo MUM . The election in New Hampshire r.on Tut4(3;iy of - 144 -week regal rl. in publican •'victory by a majority : :Of about . Un:govei nur and tue sufficiently Repnblican to sedure'thelini-; Seniter and *lull political:Con -trol. is .true that ..the • 'ratite of New Hampshire 'has, been Carried . by,the : fte publidans.every year since. that party was, born (which was' in 1856) except to 1863, 1871 and 1874;yet thatit. - shnuld:\give a. color .tanction to `the present adminis tration in the existing and:knowl edge, is ea rprising to honest of all parties. - = . . If,. as . the Montrose RepOlican,•saya this . week in' its Wonderful exultation and die .play of sensatio:ial head . Imes; itis,"The, opening.O \ f. the Presidential campaign'' and is to . be consideredas a party 'triumph for the - Administra , tion party,then a third. .term for Grant,Belknap, .Babcock,or. t Yen Joyce need not be considered an impos. sibility but may be' coolly looked upon : by the . - political pirates • of to day as a probability.' 'Let. professional . politicians and the Ring press, • exult •as they, may over such a. victory; yet we . belieye. that it Will but. ex-ite great , . , r •among the, patrioic masses and remove all Won est doubt as to the necessity; not only,uf • discharging corrupt official servants, but of using . more than ordinary • torte to re capture our• Republican form of goveTn meta, from ,the hands of political. pirates ere- it is ,utterly robbed, ,debauched t• distroY( ] , d. • • An:intereOing fact in the Belknap affair is that not: & single individual connected . with it, neither man or woman,is a R6publican, except Belknap himself. Several were Confederates, and all•Democrats.—Montrosc Republkan. . Does the I?epublictin ..rely up6n the fact that its readers will .see no other. paper when it 014 out such ,statements as the above : ? I'le. editor' of - the Rep?Mitnn knbw,s . and every other. Radioal p litical i apologivi • for. crime ' knows, that the above assertion:ls a sneaking misrepie seaution, intended solely to cloak parti san. guilt. Belknap law much a Demo crat,- as any other person Implicate& with him;excepting . only Grant himself. , It has . been the'policr of Radical thieves to - pay, a pricelor deserters from their opponents, and Grant, Relkaitip, and . all - ..others in. the GrantAdininistrationi Who hairs ever clainied4 name among Democrats, have sold.their hirthright s .and have taken the N. .. thirty pieces of silver. as the price of their infamy. But why ..•neel \ l . :we wonder at such statements as the above whenit •Ifas been demonstrated :times alMost without number, that - men - 4116 will steal . and their accomplices who helplto hide their - - villainy. will also resort to falsehood to prevent conviction. , • .. - • ... • . • TairWri blood-thirsty Democrat is Qom- Mitteea--- twelve regtilar and one select—. are:no iv..engaged at . Washingtou,investi- . -gating with desperate:e. and unflagging zeal the manifold crookedness Of the Grant'. administration, Every one Of these is tither actually unearthing frauds - and swindles or -illustriously digging down towards them withJhe most en couraging prospects, the dirt turned up showing, as, old Miners say, "a first-rate color.'( "Of course' one of the diggers or his friends .gets splattered occasionally; 'Alt The . .RiTublicans aie sunriagl ,the worse, fur the reason 'That they have long . moniipolized ,the .offices. With .so , many batteries, each of ``girty mud pow era" aa?General Butler would phrase Kained upon them,. the leuding.:othee- Art)lders, past, present and futUre,' , urist b'3 loosing a great deal of sleep.-7--I'ltird Times. : . . • The Doylestown - Peniiicral wan t a to • kriow from the editor of the' P,hiladel-, phia Times' what be has to'say about the financial probleM. He Repeal the resumption .act bodily, and put the question back to where it : was at the tithe ct the passage of that Suicidal statute. Next give the people a low gold bond :convertible into greenbacks., leaving the wants of trade free to 'regulate the - volume . of currency, and then-4top Resumption will coine just when restored prosperity to ou r ; in d ust ry aid confidence itt business circles invite it, and until then all the laws of forty Congresses could enact.and all the gold the govern :went could beg, borrow or buy wouldn't give . us speckpayment. Brief and com prehensive, t ? The exposure Secretary Belknap .13.413' bad ;i most stiMulating effect on the ,virtuo4s *publicans of 'Nevi_ Hat , npsbire. Urder itB insOring, illnence thoy. hayf. aaaea at iyast, thoudand votps to their usual`o63ol'4 - - 441.1 cloak .ii/,'New • .•• Judge r a ft .th e new Secretary of iVar rave a minority (minion us one'of tree judges in 'the superier court at Cincinnati Luat. wie ovaru oi,euuui.i4kat tr; 4 40 , I to exClude the reading - of the Bible and all sectarian teaching in the common schools. On appeal, this . opinion al sustained by the Ohio supreme court,. the Bible is today excluded , as a 1 book in the public schools of that f. and all; sectarian- exerc.ses are lorbie, Judge. Taft, howey.er, is OppOsed to division . of the.school fiend, and succesqlilly straddles the school tion, being on both 'sides of it: 11e es the Catholics' and Jews by hip position and he - conciliates the P. tents by the last. rardon of the counts contrui ers ,Schialkill county: who wer victkl;of appropriating. public mod their Own use will be a‘ rpriee peOple of ,the state. The only served six months Of_ the two! for which thq were sentenced. 1)1 a.case: of most, mistaken clemen cy..' conviction and sentence, at the' . H i it, was generally. aPproved. Malfeti and crime,`like Satan aforQ , t.inie, and fro in thiscountrY' and walk '.ll down hi it. Our official eer vice is ci from toll to bottom, and leniency repn‘ion or pnnisliment of offense as these men were guilty of is th oil upon The Philadelphia •Te4graph , (re that .the New Hampshire eleotio personal rather than . a.party victo that tt is not , worth while for' Repol to waste any More. powder in vele • it; It thinks - the: bad . .War record DeMocratic candidate, Mr. Marc more,. than a etaud off for. the Ba,latiock .antl. Belknap , with whil 'Rrpriblican Competitor:las handc) Mr Blaiue l ponipousiy declared this )3ellcoap..bUsinems had been over' to .the Radical members of . 0€ the ecretary..would have been in ed And convicted already; . but member enquired why. some of Radical Congresses, of :which ..J3l the liader,:did not unearth some glaring frauds, he wilted. The New York delegation tor the re publican. national ..Convention n -Gin citinati' will be unitiOnc us for ..;Senutor Conkiing'„for President. '.Conk'ing.will also 'have the.. ununitnetis .surPort of the New Jersey. delegation unless . SenutOr FrelingionySen 'should insist on t i he plitrient - of a first After - that the Neyv Jeisey delegates go to 'conk, hng. .‘ • .larsh has expressed his return here and testify ,on, immunity for himself and hid wit reported .from WaVangton• thf pardon -will seni : •them . The 'S u Herald i ntiniltteS th has already returned to his rekii New York city. Investigate. every xastial. and if yolk find one who wa4 oi►ca a bem J 'crat and sold od for cash. Or::. office, co 'on the . spot.. ,Belkttap,to the New'liimpsh • lieans "The President and zip prove your. eourse." lidverthements Sew This tiOOLEY i BUILD? • ON THE TRAC I .' Every style of ha ildings erected, • and everything furnished, at GREina Rumen]) Coutmets vhSerlullyafurnished. Stair building a specialty. None lull expert vnced workmen tolerated.Jan.2o,'7s. montroae. March 220376.4y' I p EPORT , or TIIE CONDITION OF Tag A. AA. to 46 Is tA) 1.11.4 (.6.14.14, 1 AT MONTROSE, IN Tim .sTATo PEIIWA , At the Close of Business, March 10,1876. , . ' RESOURCES. „ Loans and discounts: ,. . 1;,.5117,512 18 Overdrafts .1 • 1.295 13 U. S. Bonds'to seenre 90,000 00 Due from approved reserve agents ....... 20.291 75 Due from other ratio nal Banks ' ' • ' 8,927 24 Due front State Batiks and , bankers.. .. 2,210 71 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures 5,921 22 Current expenses and taxes paid.. • 860 Premiums . .... ;.. 14,009 00 Checks and other cash Items ......... 8,89851 Bills of Other National Banks •.;;„ 78900 Fractional currency (incladlog nickels.. 310 97 Specie '( including gold Treasury note, . , 105 00 Legal-tender notes • 5,58900 Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer (5 per - cent.' of circulation). I 4,050 00 Due from U. S. Treasury, other than 5 0 . 0 re demption fund 7 • ~... * 700 00 Total ' ;„..$27004 21 • - Capital stock paid in.. . .: $lOO,OOOOO Surplus fund 1•.... ....... ' 6.000 00 Other undivided p . 351 32 National ank notes tiutStanding 81, 0000 Dividends unpaid... .. . 5,00000 Indvidual denozilts siiiiject to check ... - 55,825 . b9 Demand certfues tes of deposit .• • . ... . • 88.0t7' Due to other National Bunks .... 2,75015 Due to State 13ankti end b/nikers „ 1.099 73 .270,024 2i Steed of Pennoleania, County of Susquehanna, it. ..I. LN. L. 'Alioßyx, Cat&ler of th; above.narned bauk. *du .E•cileratily 16Wear that the above etat ment is true to the beet ;;of .-my knowledge and belief. . • . I N. L. LENII IM, Cashier.: - fiul)e^ribPri 'and' . aworn before me t is .lath day of tot c x • Marrb, 1876. ' ' , li r §11,t,: E, Jr., It o try Public. 1 ' e.0rer. , ,...i-AttelA. •-- , .T! q'tigiff',l l /!,,!- - -,:,.:.' jr' ; '-, It ~ ESSAUSR, Direclnts. ' ,Tv„ D. - ARI.Z.I, '- - - lioutroitt. liarch 22;1816; - ' , :-• I- ', 1 -fr ,• - • - 22, 1876. ITURRAII I riußßAli! nu*N.H! , The Stock and Cattle Exchange of Montrose is an 'established and successful fact. ;Horses, Cattle. Grain, &c., vistaed. Highest prices ggrrantredand commis sion low. We will sell on . was and ;ext ;tate den. any ithus and every Saturday thereafter; on. Public. Avenue. in Montrone, commencing atilt) p.m.. the following (and other geode that may be consigne,d to us front time to time.) Horses. Colts, Cows, 2 yetirlolds. 'Yearlings, ,Now and second hand Buggy Wagons;Harnessee,Honsc-hold Furniture, &q. Also a full line of Mr. D. D. Searle's celebrated makes of Buggies, Ter, and Open. Platform Wagons with'at dAvithout Brake, Lumber. and Demo xrat Waggons. Carriages, Phthtons, &c.. all of which will be fully warranted by him. I All goods &e. will be oo exhibition 'from 11 a. m till close of sale. Consign ments of Stock &c, must be entered by Tuesday morn ing of each week,on account of advertising. For infor mation as to charges ,r c.apply to,H.ROSBNTBAL, Auc tioneer. (Care Cheap John.) ' Send in your grades. stock. &a., we can get the high est- prices pOstible and save your expenses and trouble. • - " H. BOSIINTHAL. - Montroseltiarch 222nd, , , i nes . teas ! first otes- won- L . 110ENSE• PETITIONS.—Notice is herehy given that, in pursuance of an' Act of Assembly,the following named persons bave filed, their petitions with the Clerk'of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for ! the County of Sus quehanna, for licenses to keAp taverns' and 'for wholesale dealets .in said County,. for which they will apply at April Sessions, 1876. • Busq'tt Depot, Ambrose Benson, ' Tavern. " • • Charles Kirk; • 44 " • Wm. 11. Brown. ~ " " s Chester G. Chaffee, . Al 64 " Wm. D 'Ketcham. " - " George Archer, ' 6`. • .6 0. M. Doyle, , 1 44 II ~ James Barns, Whole ale. 4. . .. John Downs,. 46 4. Edward Carlisle, 44 ..Dennis Casey, ni iy met , ?are. 6" Thos. Fean. " 64 Edward Carlisle, • " " 4, 46 Maurice Meyers, - • " .` " " ' B.,Gregorr, .4 " . • Thomas lie f; 14', 46 con iey to lo the had !years his is The 'me of sauce o• to 'p and Irrng In the snob wing ety„ _ " Charles Ernst, Bating house. IS Allen McClure, 4 4 44 . Frank Hoffaian, 1 . .1, " ', " Eliza McGrattet, 44 VI . • " J. P. Kent, . ; • • ti •' Great Bend, Henry Acket. Tavern, •, 4' ' Alichlel Kamm, -6 - : 6 6' - • K. 0. Bedell, II 161. T D. Eotabrpok 11‘ ". says is a y, and i)lieans rating 13f the k y, was oad of h Los apped. ......, 1 MellllllM. "Ill" Richard Statik. Ow 01 41. Petrick Winters. Eating House. New Milford, ' P. Phiniut•Y,, I . - Tavern. •1 ill Wm. Jay, .„ 1 --....•• " "'•.,' • ot Ivey .r. Williania. - Drug:lists. Frieudsville, Philip Ryan. - Tavern. •4 . * • 31/h h Ft;:-let„ " •• . 1 4 . 111. Mllllllll. '-' By taiarnre Berribk, • Edward Meledy; . Eating homy... •• • .01. n N. .y o re. l'ivern Clifford, 0 P. l'hinnvy, - ' - •• " • .1 kv.&, R. W. Roberts, . " Springville, •P R. Brush'. Jeremiah .t.evons. " Dandeff, A.ll. Ayres:, Lenox. .k. F. stiovet, . .. Horror&,. John %V. GOw. Forest, Lake:, , Inti. Aim t4t.tne, ... Gibson, •'. R. 1161trea Montrose.:• John 8.; TAttiell, .. • M. J. Marriciatoo. '. " ' A B. linnt4, • Druknist •111. M. A. LsOn, .• .. • 1. NI Bitllaro. 64 .. that if turned ri tress, 'peach -17 -hen a e past ne was f these Oeo. C. Rm.. ' Bating Rouse. Ararat, 'June: , W. Welker. - - v: . . Tavern. Rush ; ph:trio* Monrse. 61 Harmony; H. R. Hot•art, , 41 Silas Whitey'. it Jackson, ' Charlet' R. Ste wart, is " " ' Delos Roberts, • _- - .is OLBeud Village, T. J. Barnes, i , +4 ," ." C. M. Simmons, Beating House. Brooklyn, Oen. E. Fessenden, . • - Taiern. Lathrop, - I) WI mirth, 44 I. • " 4 • G. W. Rees. By measure. Thomson, D. A. Charidler, Tavern. " ' • . . John O'Brien, Bating Haase. Auburn I wp., Joseph D.;Linabur7, Hotel. Rilver Lake, Debuts Mahoney, 1 " , Dimock.- 'l. C. France,, Tavern. Oakland, )4 iChad 310r01 . 1% Beating house. , DAVID SUMMERS, Clerk. March 15, 1816. , SIIIERIFFS'. SALES:- , BY - 'VIRTUE OF waste issued by the .oourt of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County and to me directed, I will expose - to bale by public vefidtle, at the Court Rouse in Slontrose ' on ,'Friday. April 14, 1875.- a; one o'clock, p. tn., tare pieces ; or parcels of .land, to wit: ~ All that certain piece or' parcei of land situate in the' twp. of NeW Milford,in. the:County of Surtq'u,and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : . Beginning at a chestnut sapling; a corner of a tract a laud in the watraniee mime. of John Hancock Is nd• Abner Du neat n,' thence by said Duncan, warrantee, north 50X degrees east 98 land tour-tenths perches to a stone corner, thence by either lands of George or Si las Squires south 39U degrees east- 122 perches to a point in the middle of the-road leading trom Summers vi Ile -to Susquehanna ,Depet, thence by the Middle of *said road westerly to a' pOint where said roadinter- Sects the southwest line of a tract . ot land in the war-. rantee nau'e of James Chapman, thence by said Chap man ibt north 43 degrees %len 9 and six-tenths perch-; em to.the place of beginning, containing 50 acres,more or less. about 12 to 15 scree unproved, with the appur tenances, 1 shanty,' I•log barn. and fruit trees. Seized' ' and taken in execution at the suit of R. L. Sutphin vs Wharton Tower I • ; ' ALSu—All that certain Ibt, or parcel of lain' situate in the township of Derrick, in . the County of Susquehan na and State . of. Pennsylvania, bounded and described _as follows, to wit : • On. 'the east by lands of Philip Dunn, on the south by lans of Thomas Tingley, ou the west by lands-of U. 111 Pierce and land of-- Chatnberliu, and on the nprth by lands . of Alden and. Patterson. containing about 360 acres, more or less, with the appnitenances, ; frame dwelling house. near ly new ; 1 iramebarn; 1 low-mill. and about 25 acres improved. .[Seized and taken in execution ut the suit of Ira Nichois vs. Alinerin Beard.] , ALSO—AII that certain! elect" or parcel - of land sun- . ate, lying, and being tri the township of Middletown, in the county of Sitsquehanua Slid State or Penneylva nia, bounde', and described as follows, to -wit : - On the norta by-- —road r on the east by land of D. P. Ladd, on the ie:iath by lands of Bd. Kelly. and nn the west by . handset AndreedWnallen, Patrick Keogh,and . Daniel. Rickey, ceetainingi out 50 acres, more or. less and about '4O acres improve with the appuenances. t r one dwelling House, and cinc arn. [Seized and taken in exeeution At the suits !of Geo P. Little vs. J. C. Maddock. Creche st, • 0„Ilden vs. J. C. 3faddock, and Thomas Colford vs. J. C.l.Maddock.] AL- , o—All that certainipiece-,or parcel of land situ ate, lying, tuid,heing in the township of Ararat, coun ty of Susquehanna and State of Pennaylvania, boun ded and dcacrlbed'as followe, to wit: . On the nor. ti.' by lands of Leonard ,Griihtun about 125 ..rods, on the' east by lands of ErastuaTiuesdell 45 rods,on the south by lands of W. Slocum 125 rods, and On the woo. by the unguway 45 roue, couniuong about 85 acres,aed 4 no, na Improved. LSeized and taken in . e xecution at the suit of Ezra Toby yis;;W . S. Dunn.] ~ , . r ALSQ—AII that certain- 'piece' or parcel of land tying and being in the township of Thomson, Susquehanna County, Penhiyliarda, .hoanded and -: de;Cribed as fol lows. to . wit: on the north by lands of Joel .Sallebury on ME , east by Isnils of Joseph , Dow, on the south by the highway. and on the west by , landkof Mrs. Sarah. Chandler. containing one halt acre, more or less, with the appurtenances; I - frame dwelling house and all im proved. [Seized and taken in executtoti a; the suit of . - J. L. Qellat. assigned hi (3.: L. Lewis, vs. A. O. Salta . ; bury arid Joel Salisbury.] . . ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate - In the township of Oakland in the County of Susque-. henna ond State of . Pennsylvania, 'bounded- and des :ciiied as follows, to *it :: On the'north by laud of J. M. . Westfall, on the east by Westfall Avenue, on.the Eolith, and west by lands of-J. M. Wcstfall contatning about one.f„urth °ran acre of land More Or less, with the appurtenances. 1 frame .dwelltng-holisa . . and outhouses. [Seized awl taken in cal:Cation at the cult of Mary. Ante ' Vomits: veil Wilbraham Mannering.] - . , - , ALSO—MI-that certain' piece or parcel of land situ- - ate, lying, and being Lithe township of Burford, Coun tylpf Sutquehaiiint, and State Of. Pennsylvania, point , deal` and described as foiinws, to wit: 'On the north by lands of purveyAttiltney,on the bast alai bomb by bends of Elisha 'larding; .and lon. the west_ by mill pond and lairds-of Itilithis - and. juraes Hardin g,, - coma - wining 20, acres„ moreilth. with the UPpurtenances, 1 Inmate I barn, fruit trees,and ill impreved. [Seized and taken In execntion-at4e sill: of D. R. Hnimeoos•s.lgLo t t to 4, -•bt. Scott, :vs. Melissa Joe Hays.] - -. : . , ALSO—AiI - that certain piece or piticel.of land altuate - g lyin. and Whig hi the Borough . or.Susqiiebauita lie' vot, - counlymti siniquetia non and State of - Pennsylvania, bounden and described its,foltuivs, to wit : On tit: north by l'tfain"Street.'on the% east by. lot of . 31.• II. Rieman, on the south by lot, occia)ied by cyr. Smith, and on the we -t' by' let of John .Donalloe; 'being 69 I.ty 120 feet Note or . bind, and, the annurt-tnance:-, 1 - two-story.. era tic dwelllni-lion so with audi Hons.-and onihnlidings. [Seized and liike.n iWext.cuttonat the- snit of 0. , T. • smith, use of J. 0. - Sniitli and-S. T'oßtrilth,' 'vie llletiry S. Ott sordid, T rmited tit . the, 1014001 thureh- of Sue. , . . , . . - . ... . .. qUebillitta Depot I -.:,., .' .', : ,'- -'.. . ••• , ':, i i i -,..,' • i • TP.XIC NOTICIL—AII hida moat: be arranged on• the dal"' of rale. • - '.-' - : • MC : WIT-1k Oliariff.:- , ••- •-• Sheritra VII* M4iiiritad; - MardlWllo6, ••• -' , .',.. .....- Y . , 1 ;.' 1 ;; . ; . `:., , :i ':;1 . igli;e:i'r'l'i - !;L . :1,1•: . 41), ;i.,_: is 'i, ,gnes4 to 'ionise of MOIE t a free 3'. week: t lt4rsh 'deuce in re Tepub aft of. us Week. Sgturday, Maret!i 25,1876, Irl,"PitirteoetwOl la" lirtueeatt:olnn the QEIERIFF'S ,SALES.--BT VIRTUE op k e e we 4 leaned by the Plea, Court ,cm o i r oconk c o o p m .h :; nterbrito, i Se.uebeiwtt entmtv ere t o inn ei ree s e e , y „.,), , of to pr i p e t t a b; 1.. Aprile ve n d 7 u t e b , , a I e t , m h a a t; of r o t IT. 1 i i t 1 I that 4444' ce il ri r a l in " plee ‘f s Borough of Montrose , n • the County of Sueettee en - i ; and Stale of Penneylv Lila, boarded and detcribedit followe. to wit : On t e alit by, Chergt south by lands cent/eyed to Thereea U. Gerr ism' t he Geo. Is. Lambert, and on the west and north by latefi of Wm. M. Post, esg., being 40 feet front. on che er ', street and the twine width through to the west. line , e improved, at .d on which is a frame barn painted ' a [(Seized and taken in execution at the suit f b red o . A Latino:lp vs. D. M. Rosenemnte.) • ALSO—AII that certain_ piece or parcel of land silo. ate in the Township of Herrick. in the County of e we , (pleb/inns and State of Pennsylvania, bonded mid d embed as follows, to wit : Beginning at a beach 8 : t " D ling at the south corner, thence by lot No. Zi norii 4334 degrees west ,112 and seven-tenths perches to atones, thenee by lot No 249 north 47X degrees east its perches to stones. thence by lot No 2U tenth 48 d gg test 115 and nine-tenths perches to post. and ' , lone ,t a thence by lot Noe 53. south 47X degrees west nee perch es to the place of beginning, containing 127 acres and S 6 perches, w.th the appurtenances, 1 frame dwelling house, 1 Immo barn, out-houses, au orchard, and about 50 scree improved. [Taken In execution at the suit of Oscar Washburn. Administrator of John Smiley, deed assigned to Keziah C. Smiley veanaes Mew.) , ALSO—AII that certain piece elle:meet of land situate in the township of Apolucon, in the County of sie ve . henna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and deterib ed us follows, to - wit: On the north by lands of Wm. Hartigan or M. Cri ramius. on the east by tan& of Pan rick Harding, on the South by the public road leading from Chocoteut to Little Meadows. ann on the west by lands of Wm. Hartigan, containing about 32 acres,raore or less, and all improved, Also, all that other certain piece of land situate as aforesaid, and bounced as fol lows: Northerly by lands of Michael Crimmins, easier. ly by lands of M. Crimmins and Wm. Ilartisian, south erly by lands of 0. B. Haight, and westerly by Fulda of 0. B. Haight and M. Crimmins, containing about one half an acre of lend, and all improved; with fruit trees thereon. [Taken in execution at tile! suit of e, e e Brown vs. Barney Meelherer j ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Townehlp of Auburn, in the Cennty of Susquehanna ann State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit- : Beginning at a post and stones In the hitthwey leedine from steel-71s road. near Jeremy Shiinnon'it, to the Black Welnut road at the foot of Reynolds hill the north-west c orner thereof thence at right angles east 10 rode to a Vitt and stones in the line of lands of Wm. Omelette the south east corner thereof, thence along said line north 16 rods and 6 feet to a post and stones in the highway the northeast corner the.eol, thence alone said hlehwiy to the place of beginning. containing one acre. more or lees weth the Appurtenances, 1 house, I barn, some fruit trees,, and all improved. [Taken la exceutiou at the suit of Auburn School District vs, IL N. Kellogg, J e ll. Howard, and John W. Lou,] - " ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of lane situate lying, and being in the Township of Choconnt, in the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennieevanis, bounded and destrihed as follows, to wit: On lb , - north by lands of James E. Cartnalt, on the east by lands of James Purtil, on the south by hinds of 1111eLitel lion. uelly and Martin Goldeu, and on the west by land of John Mooney, with the appurtenances, and containing ahem 50 acres. [Taken in execution at the suit of nob iel Ile hatt. assigned to Thomas Nugent, vs. ?at reek M..lopnelly.) • .. ALSO—AII t Lit lot or piece of hind situate, lying, and mete: in the Township of Brooklyn. in the County of susquehateat. and State or nenneylvania, bounded and dettermed as fellows, to wit : On the north by the rub lie highway, on the east by I•ir.ds of P. Tinny estate and land of J. LI. Chapman, On the south by land of le A Eldrlegte and on the west by land of A. C. Sperry, containing about lief acres. more , or less, and mostly improved [seized and taken iu execution at the Fait of E. A. Weston, Executor of Williatti Craver, deed, - vie U. B. Rogere.] t . ALSO—AII those two lots or pieces' of land, the first of ,which is situate, lying, and being in the township of Ararat, in the County of Suequehanna and tate of Pennsylvania, bouroled and de s cribed as follows, to wit : Beginni ng - at a corner in the mid:-lc of the road, thence by laud now or sometime in the tenure of David Avery south 78 degrees cast to' a corner in a line of a lot of woud-now or sometime In the tenure of Thomas !towel, thence by the said lot north 48 degrees west 37 mid eight-tenths perches to stone corner for Villas Tyler in the same line, thence by land of Jenne Tyler north 82:4 degrees west to a corner in the middle of the road afore:odd, thence along the said road south 12 de grees west 2( and five-tenths perches to the place of beginning, coataining shout 10 tierce, more or less, and all 'improved. and a small frame building, The ? woad of which is situate, lyink, and being in the Township of Herrick, in the Conn! y of Snsquehanna and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described us follows, to wit: Beginning at a beech sapling being the south corner hereof, thence by lot No 251 north 433¢ degrees west.ll2 and 7-10 perches to stones, thence by lot No 243 north 47 degrees east 178 perches to stones, thence by lot No 244 south 43 degrees east 115 and 9-10 perches to a po.t and stones, thence Isy lot No 258 -out h 473; de grees,west 186 perches to the place of beginning, con taining 127 acres and 86 perches of lend, more or less, With the appurtenances, t frame dwelling house.l frame blrn, out honees. an orchard; and about to acres Re proved. [Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. A. Pettis vs. Don A. Walker. . ALSO—AII those three pieces or parcels of I %lid sit uate, lying and being in the borough of Susquehanna Depot. ;Ai the Cou:.ty cf :31::ci.i.145:.41:, 4hiti :34,..*., of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Lot No 2is bounded oaihe west by hinds ofJobn Barry. on the north by lands of Jerry Buckley, on the east by lands of' E. Hindee and Drinker street, arei on the south by proepect street. all imwived, with the appurtenances. a two-story frame Inn ng with stone baeement. Lot No 1 is bounded on th west by Drin ker street. On the north by land-- of Timothy McMahen, on the meet by "Wagner. Avenue," 'on the south by lanes of. Mary Lysaght. improved, with the appurtenancee, a two-story frame ten=ding partly-burned down. Lot Ns 3 is bounded on the west by lands of Michael Ferry, on the north by High street.ou the east by lands of Bridget Fury and lands of Elizabeth Balch. on the south by puct licroad—all improved. • [Seized and taken in exeete lion at the snit of Ernst us Rose vs. Mary Tierney, Ad-, .ministratrix of John Tirnee, deed.) ALSO—AII that cert tin piece.or parcel of land'eltuate in the Township 01,silver Lake, County of SuAqueintn no and-Mate of P ennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning in the centre of road leaditg from Sliver Lake to I 'mitotic church at' he nor:h line el reservation, (so called.) thence Melee said reser vation line north 83 degrees west 2-..0 perches thence north two degrees east lel perehee to a poet thence east 2oe p - trches to the centre of the rind thence along said road south 18 deereee east 16 perdue thence south 8 degrees east 32 perches, thence south leilegreee west 5, perches, thence south 13 detertels wept 53 perches to the place of beginning. containnig Ilia acres add 90 perches. more or less. with cue house, barn, and shop, one orchard, and SO acres inntroveii. [Seized and taken in execution at the snit of James Hayes, rye of Wm. J. Mulford vs. Ja es Whalley. ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of land situate lying, and belug In toweehlp 'of Aubern, County of Sueguehanna and State of Pennsylvania, !emitted and described es follows, to wit : on the eolith and east by highway, on the north and west by lands of E; Daweou , coetalu ng one-fourth of an 'tete, more or l,l=s, one -frame store building, and all improved. (Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. H. Howe; n v',. P. 1, Shannon,] - ALSO—AII those two certain pieces or parcels of land situate, lying. seal being_ in the itorough of New Milford, Suequehaunt\ County, Pennsylvania. the tirst of which is described as follows, to wit.: Blnde(' on the north by Dr. L. A. Smith, east by laud of E. A. Pratteeouth by etre. efere letrlte and wee: le; 'teen street, containing about 30 perches, more or itite, with one two-story frame dwelling and out house. The sec ond pi ece or parcel of leer' is overly , . an.' d;- ^-r- ' •ti • foilowt. toylit: On,tho north by it. I'. Little, east by 'E. A. Pratt. west by Main . Sareet. and south by B. A Pratt. contaihingethout 40 nerthes. • more or less:eh , one i,3 w story moat (sot/nig testae sun out tome i a. eSeized and taken in execution at the suit of W. Ast is tly letem,Presteent •of the Second National Ban of Scranton, vs.!. 8. Little. 11, P. Little. and Mary Little.] ALeo—All that certain piece or parcel of bend situate lying, and being in the Township of Auburn, County Or brooch nna. and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows, to wit: North by lands of Thomas :Case, A. Bolles. and M. C.• Lacey. cast by lands of t'.e est-to of 11. Hill and D. V. France, south by lands el T C. names, and west by' hinds of 8. Warner and 8. Hall, containing 198 acres and 98 perches - , more or lees with the appartenanceie, 1 frame dwelling, 2 frame barns 1 saw-mill. and some fruit trees, and about 54 acres unproved. [Seized and 'taken In execution at the suit of H. A. Ross vs. Joseph -/d. case, nal O. H 1 Loomis vs. Joseph M. Case) , ALSO—AII those certain pieces or parcels of land _Mutate, lying .and bring in the borough of Friendeville in the County of btleql/ehatlda. and mate of Pennerit'l* Ditt, bontided and describe:l tie follows, to wit : Lot No 1, on the north by land of John Foster, on the cast by Lake street, on the south by lends Of Wllhaia Bahl% on the west by lands of Charles Beery, containing about 4 acres, and all improved. The second piece is described as lollows, to - telt : Beginning in the c tare of Lake street at the south corner of school Imago lot, thence along the eentre of Lek , . street south 31 delrecs ,west three and tbree tenths perches to a post', thence by, land unsold• north 51 degiees wet 11 to and three tenths perches to a post, (half •way of the whole lot.) thence by unsold 'mitt north 39 ilegret:s east 7 and 65 one-hundreclthe perches to a post hi G • Straplet's lire thieve: by teed Bee teerft A' deeree. . : , :t n: - ' •-- teethe' perches to a post the north corner of Ms titmice by said lot south 89 degrees west 4 and a one hundiedthe perchits to a poet the west career of the same, thence by the same south 51 degrees east a and five-tt.tiths percbee to the place of beginning, et/Wain' tug 66 pen'hes oi lend, more otleee.' [Seine: and tunes in teem:mien at the suit of 1. , A. Mal, vs. M. G. Sutton, Amos Wiliill vs. M, :. Sutton, and U. IY. t-e.l.:v .3- ' 1 .: 1, * ed to N. L, Lenheim, vs. M CeSution. Take Notices:- All • Mai' AIITST au AttitAtiClND on fie au' Or taste,' ' WILMA if Wlll I'IC, iterlll , • blie/ 2G,''e DilicheMon t toe e„ Marc 2. le, eele, ,• - i Best Calicoes 71 at&rr,yard arelloP Joh tem