LIEMOCRA: I, PUBLIMIND EVERY WEDNI4DAY MORNING, ; AT MONTROSB, WUBQ'A CO., 'PA.; BY ,1i. " ;71.‘ cs RITIS 01:* • RDITO & PROPRIETO RS, ; At two Dollars Oer Year in Adva4yik . . TO ADVERTISERS:--Tai: DEmoonAr ti ‘ S't a4vEr tieing, medium is unsurpassed in this section. It reaches the Farmer, Mechanic, and business man. Its circulation is constantly increasing. and its advertising rates reasonable. Rates will be given tit onr office or 11Tairft— EHE TINTING::-bit?office isfsupplied with four iiat e rg presee t aitT e etheriAthilarge tYpe, a, faud,V4t 14,f whichJl64te repared tc7qo work in the at sty and at prices lower than au.l.rasagirjoakitannatantalokalutivaakaa -- .1 eat rtTiiiea c ierfully given at-out—unite:. - Work order ed by pail wild receive prompt attention. . - • .".i L• •;-• * '•• _ - W.., C. • •ORUSBA.: <- • rt.7l; i• . .• - t • ....2 1 LIOASE;48:4AVV141118*" . '. 1, '` . We toOst sincerely, Adopt:-.therVan e., •• 4wq:pri*/ MV Pil;lioFe 14141.441140 ,4ftex avritontyitioectioloast ray of the evosure • of, Oetj(irati Bel liii4"fitt .- 1 . • 'f' • , ar, t, 4 ei ?, • e i „ ; 71, . ~ .3 Q 4: )34 ., :f5:3 49.4. b4ol4tq'tti is--.l.wcfhistact nuds,llefediteki boto4 luOjg OW shame for an administration : tisan i 8 in filmy. wan a cloak---tba4r-thoNi have lalsely is patkotipd t I ".O?Asi;PPuP OE. they, i t 3T , !;)r41.1 - 410;, wry o . x pqauTe,::. oi v lting cor.ruptiok whieVihtig' , !aNka p a' in "`tiie I . NreSs of tite' islatider h lCeira:eVerV. last fall upon the "Court . ' Ri 'Of this t&tity.; ho.,people :fin (I , t.ti esef'n PAVE' 14- §to I eNi4n - 6,heyod4itie',G tr`al of. Corr-alit .isiihsidies.l-•press liT§4. 4. oky e Alvin gArati sactia4s of deep and , double dyed ktieo4'o' CYORPP4; 111,e-nri..!•.aftstit , tohezAoOrs tof I; a bt'abdql ; the Sum ners, the S of: P • 09.q'fi Pt. •:V•Sicoe, the Jiiitioani Tioolahited i3thet AY ! iMiiugtou,7-'',i,474'4., l iivl6iii tlii"!'ii; 4: tlee' Ll Ciiiiiiiit *Oll4 l the L-. h t power for its emolurnlents:.and... e e_c`'irtive ..:- • \ - 'olnap*inippochnient; Itsiwnla_ kis t4iL b:effitiningof a , thor , ongh- *form: 141' ; .fhp : whole rotten sytenti. at intlitaryt puafs .the ..10144. ; :Ct, - ; i in try., tiglf.t Ur sell :pods tolliwpbor , , soldtre..banisti - td•;th i,foiir d ' tbliWtiO I.4fa bliniot ietr '46;r ; if) _ tionatk tri,qB,a§, - 01ey .aviirk la - ; 4 • ; catl.Pts ; 919.!f; a 0n1f616643-yf: 1 4.9). 1 0,t , titeret9io: - A4E4.l' , to,rge't wi on'ti ?- 1 of trading with i th r e lit e iT4?#94 l o4 ta t o ta i 'vctr j iyA. Or ! thp, higliest.bielder, privils•gek?.. Tilt .tlftotfAs-diat . nbli ofiloork(e luptyd i and both t,he Inc)jans an pFdiere itfirirotfih tin tf4e i ti`iiilY,. h any:. .04 ..“ytibe iiceneed trader, art el must, in conaque.noe, - yhtqiillyikiiettion . btfe l nie':otir4eci . joix - ,ol; ; .ten, times th4ii Oleo' in ihe.last. This is a monstroup,wseiregot9wfitchl lf,Pre i t s no t4' ,or l ,d Othii; Paqi;lttitiek faik9riteer , and U.:supply the' ,wive t t 9f r iAit4liet,. Min iiterawwith riihp dant: giti*on'ey:-• ; , 1:44t btaollaid-lii a '`iiiidirik`eyllyik , ir throwilfepjFi t #P, (12/4Atp,p,PlPetrickqPii Pliracie of e c t ipv poomisolosetoA - Nemulito e as gityv haft aikint4ithae'itrit`p&tiisAotiiir;''rekTO steriff i yi, tomure.r i tnyo payifor Zeit own tad 101).bwisititeptuil . 4ligßeoUifrfirn stAiloguikoi *4516 grVighC6f - . , 66 t - 6-t,?';odeere A 6 ic tiii ) e. f cnC fiejr efffiii'aA'A v fO t, fides rut, wise or Lyon, ear : Ts. A. ss`B6.4l6litwle - 443. Chief Justice Tien:mot ( 44sitiner -9 { l k!' l 9tA ) f 29**tilikaroliii, '49* an it, these- o4ficegs IiA•7MW.Yr. I,:PaPeY rt? , Jh r °Moe and Wilit r kui444lpg. ;•: ;.V,get-.4s 4,4(; . meaning of th e' act of old. h afi pril . 144 wittlif9rertiattr: tilAtLtfielc,cahlissii/lier t s: of the county .shalk, keep !kinft-',iiiaintlttti 3.4.3itilipe'4l4cow taaja. .? le -Ten ' ‘,44Fi e jM, f1#41141F , 74,..fftt01 EisePJ o.* l NAP fitilisAtod tal* laftft - ciiirt of thc,boviiikeg,"e.sititistur fibelit:Tlialti7; 0184x13:5i1 r cut. IT4 .fki;J, 1910' 100!1. Xtit 89 VII ,f 4-5 ii /loots &hi 8 : 070 119i*Iir Ewa to: ittat ,EBloB,oil tiff oh' I bag wh,4c vv.,* jiT VOA* ,fitok 'Las tetntase44 DEMOCRATS THIS IS RECORD. • he r es. , e, L li(Nainolvi - f: r trian of'ln4 `l% ' ~ At i spleidy, 's 4 . , i '' O f. , , - , :.1.3 16 ,,,, ,, I 4jrgani t o • / .I?eAlved, V. j. ...tgeth, ._ this House, in, the present cnndidon of the financial affairs of this Govern ine'td---,, -no— sn 4fAd-t .es.---tin-:-maney; - : bizardf.7. public lands, encloriements, or, Violpdge of the pt. hlic credit, sbould.tiea gyail teti t ..b.Y.S. 5P1.L . e...u..,-ta-..44 VatitiQu 4 - 01 - cons. engager, (frlircposing to e-ng;iffejnol44ll7_& public ..or .pr„i v ate.ein teiprises,litbdrit hilt tali, l 'appropiliations frorn;the iitiblia r.Bridsnryt are, tio;be ulimited -i,attg thisAsinleciti mint) , a nig ti, tall, 0 Illp :as.,l alta I b .2 be ii in.) kilted vk)l . P . 41; , ileniandegi :by Mei:public strvieett.l43 tvi I, p.i -. -Olt : i his Mr, (Fidiniii).' , deil - it'n'il &V tiliW 1 - T.6. ! ‘l l ll6: ! ' q ie. .k / q n ? l".4i : iii t t il:A tal, Y;k o ig lii:4 11,.0-'00,:(21t...915.9i3iL1: .DPI-,14Ty4,1., 4ii4:114Y6,..wPr. 4,0114040 i 0440 Prtierktb , analthe, result • itiali,ll.2os-- ipil iiiimrv4ifithil i*sciliktioii in - 3 itgiiiiiiilitl `-' l °m. ''' 6 l'"A -,,,_:: .f; t - t-Ifib t)lcitaciaqiiiidtil ___ ._ ___________-___ . , : .: .- :.'t A i... , ,;17., -1 ' t .. 7 ~1:9(1:tp."? villa•/:!) the - Belk n ap__bpixi;h_@lloll3 r.• it4g4i4lefti 4 the , Republican Ni utai lev_ribV) kn)]Ntw Hampshire. wbere they must v, o`i, 'ilk!' Thesd.iii i i ii , )ifer'' ilf.e, - 'lThe"o ' I VOI I N.p - 0-1 ... . 4- . - - - ~,.....= .. 0 :,:. ) •. , .., .m. ..,... 1 1 . ! „ sti CO' 44. - fhis4iit.f6f..kiinaty.;_c#mt . ,, 4,cgr t , the "itepubliiai-, - -niakt.rity_Nould hcivebb;letv tram, 3,060414 4,0Q05, lint , 4now : .1101 1 , 1 4114ito Si pated, and ilit*tle ' aittiiii,A i niniti'do .: 0-, . : .t.3.0" , 1 wealthis hanging' ol ' the ..riiag4Tege [ ot diiiibt,•.. l C B :o o . Bo :P. drn P.C. 6 . th*.t.VFV. l ll4Ol)4. . reigns in .the G-tailt.llitratratiois3l . .but being r,:auht dt 'it Sty , ;:efeatiriflit, iVibir. the organs':' , -" - dpny, '4 - iiiiii!l!(#ktjiSii..ili gl, - e;':ii ' ‘i , b a tl. S. :.. th . 4 „pin t i ce i r,.,.. z o pk i f 31 n tii i e, chilline4rlzel3_4; I, Xeyg ~„44 1 .pshirl e ." j hills. Possibly the rankstenhai bcirliiedl yet-ior vietOrii-brit forth"fiicittPlit:tio - th leiti?teis and tillci - tvOtkafF,t il'e. Wit il t lehou l t, tice''' dth r til it'ei.4l ' lbiiq's.,ll . 4.fl u tf,.Aiiicl .. t.l• ..,..,, .....-..-,.. ~.:,, -... . .., . .1 set„irt thp 0h.,1 i gn.n.,,and . .iahoutitn,go,ntf, 174 Li ,L 4 „Nile New Yor ,= ofiVit , tilvy.!..'• trlellitiVt4 l hgation , into thtiarttits j :t.rfi, ( th'e . Fre64m L aij'b Ba6, i '4B , I VIIC ii51 ,14 :1 114 I‘4v,ct . tgatgo: 1 1DPle*saP,gii eteße g WI) tIYA PortaiB,9f g e Itißtab the.y._:7,tll let no guiltyanait4c4!e.d robber? or the) Too:, Arato Pattd - slavfl'stbD - i'pe,e!'§ --- ,tx.endyA.N\ l 7l,4 6 / 1 pttitint th k eiriliT,lk,s3t 4 illAR Ap AL f tlkitAY9Wi atOoliguiSti&oll temptlbLe nteMpfte j as delthamti that tio'persont4htittigsci l jdikaio is= , found to-be lojt nPa l f.gt4V4 i 4s 441)1 . ':54 for li, ctin hope to epTkpe,tke d yxf.AVion or tii'a :ti hole AtuiriCau - Pk I T It l eil 3 fq ? isk Anticipated that,hy..tMolstli (4 1 Ma,roh the treasury nitilertav ,the '.task "Cil° Ye,Vee4i4rl b ' .L. .< laCtipnal 411,v0r PPEill mencement ivill probably be made"bit taking up the 10 mid gtitti,ji•bitii6iit, ttPtie 'followed in: cliVe i ttie L c' t> -)03 1 1001.) issue al 50 cept peces. Ape 1111 .Lf t e .it rrati.fifi niag.ea* 01)tild el lion e4V-P I:1- 4,111 bet' : /I)Lti Irritra--t-41m,v.4-3 •111 b:3110: On Saturday it . tecatne that , CiretrAlt r Ai artitraiifiled teinalitri 1141 Lill ), + 110 `bit.i~st' : ue[i { tly ., a 1 1 ‘iro,tiz ` 1 2 . 4 W - 118 k in Trieduite l lY_PPt , aboNtlahigarestlevei "tith mastnictions .inot elloitts escapc.undar EienyviieurfeattineEr2- 41 Vivaili t I.4nt for-Iteikrravis atV4st - th4)411 d ? ” ti Al 'Waal§ n et' s 1 K ,(); inctheßi with, clrdersith Perve rt if nrcepoi. 0111;1 closed. ici 14