4ailitx-;att4tigoottiold Win ray. d ear after the propS - are moved:pft w , fig anything,te the` O11:- . Alanuces are put under the rains and the droppings of• eaves * until 'they are drained ,of t",.),iest materials and rendered , nearil •,;',ooless..' This.' could be - obirfated by litiAdmr,:cheap -sheds to: the 'ma = . nu re itetf#ONSin* ; fro nil .th e * 'Stables . . '• This can:be done sniall'Cost.andi will pay.. Winter is not a 'good , time .`t:O' build, but for such a purpose-as- -this it 14.1kt:ter - to • build now than not at ail. Plaster sihOuld also be used in the Stables: to prevent -the escape of ammonia, and, care should be, taken to keep it in as goodieonditiOriiii posSible: ...11. the - barns and:. yards ,ite so •sitnatectthae-the•willitingsl are - ctirried.off by every rain : a. little - . .time . with a team s . . plow and scraper will make a ditdh."( a broad, open one it-should be) Ationt d barn on three sides; then at ail times keep this filled . with - the trash and litter which naturally'.accuinulates aboO, the The ditch , the., !filter, *et& from. the yard, - and !; cause tjAe etraw ca d to rotjapidly, ',and ; afford' a -large quan tity ~of :.good manure. Wh, en . . the manureis removed-, t4e-,4spring the ditch can be. filled with whieat straW,upor. which .a - few bushels. 'of - lime link been. scattered; then as - fast .as it rots pile it UP in the ditch 'find fill . the . spa.ls g r een each with straw, and 'so' In :the fall there -will—be a fikie pile of manure, which wil renovate, the worn to- seatter on the expoted knolis of the wheat fleld,iireVenting win-, ter killing. Another *great . wart ' i f is the la:ge crop co . l:weeils, which( each year is allowed to gOto seed,-and spread :all over adjoiningjarnis.. • Using ton inuel - r hand-labor is no her way of :wasting on the. farm. Many ma chines can now be used to save niuch of thii labor. .:More horse-potter Must be • vied.. And after a e 'have raised o4r crops • they should largely . be fed out on the farin. It is much cheaper to corn, rate, etc., - in. the *form 91' 'Meat than 'to Send it in .bulk , as ,Itilsed. besides • the soil is made richer instead - Of constantly redncing its producing capacity. • Dried Potatoes: • . - A : Gtertriatf pull - tat thus describes • the Manufacture of "dried pitatoes,7 'as con= ducted a't Carsten's works in Lubeck : ' • ..-4,TheVotatoes are peeled with the Mind • and Cut into , disk's , by. a machine; These • .are put in a.,basket, Jtnct, thisinii boiler, • where the potatoes • av- nearly , but . not quite boiled.- The disks-are-neSt; put on. wire ,frames oven i. ',where they , are dried quite hard. iinportant to • preserve the color of , the ivtatoefs and to preVeut their turning gray, as they would by, the ohova process' alone, the Material `After slicing is treated With :cold lWater, to which has. been ,added•rper eent.l of snl - phuric acid,. or 1-to-2 per cent.Ofmari-. atie acid.. ;Then It is. washed injiittre wa tet* arid the di Ong . proceeds. 'aria : Len obtained,,,whiChliaS•lost 'hone . of its starch; is of, a shilhtly citroyellow tintind transparent Ole gum. Boiled • • with water and a little, salt it is said to resume • the D adra - 11 - color . and fibrosis' • structure of potato: e,; and is not distin-, guishablei* taste from newly-boiled po-: tatoetr:' • .. . , . .. Many farmers in this state do n 0 4.. now that they can realize more money fiiom., raising cucUmbers .thp.n ~fr im any_ ther crop: There is always a ocAl de and . for them if' they -are' pick , d smalrfan d • well cured. ' They Should ibe salted :by. • making strong. pickle, not dry •salted, as, that will shrink them, up and cause 'a loss . to the grower as, well as to the . parties who put them* for market.. •.:Are\are, no w • coin piled to, go tophicago for.pick -41 on .account . of ,the . scarcity, of' them here.. Even in ; Boston -and . N.evo, , Ybrk the supply does not meet the demand, and millions of . dollars go • out •of ,_this :state for the '!e4. article', thit we . shotild ship to other large 7itiei. This . state is well . adapfed.to . the growing cucumbers. : " . 77 , -;3l4ine Farmer.. '7 . -The above...fits; our case' in ..every res pest, as - well as ' des that of .Maine.-- We could. "beat all: areatiOn" raising ch-: : ambers - , and , everpli in g is decidedly -fa ‘vorabk with cis for the Mani:dial:ire of pickles; yet we must send away' to Chiea. . go or St. 'Louis' Or; Baltimore _.for every pickle usedsin.,Or towns and cities! ;And we ate:decid4l3 l ,' . 41 pickle;"ating, people. What :a estrangeworld we' live in - ! 1 - . .. Antuntn Planting of Potatoes. '2- Experiments have 'been conducted in. Parii with 'reference to a method of au tumn plautingot potatoes, by which new • potatoes may be dug in January, The sets are planted in Augu - st on a - thin lay - 'er'-of . salt,'which appears to be the,special secret in the procesB,7 and the potatoes are earthed in -September, the groulid be, in cleared of wefide. Qefober. The lt result ha .01.4 . seven or eight \ fair sized tuber?. to each Tootin January.. Butter Scotch. (CandP,,, One ,cup of • molassee, two 'cups \of en. Ear, one , add a half. teaepoonfnl -of watt, one teaspoonful of ilavoring,a little, water and boil until hard:. .--.No:_otheiittii)nat.slicitild:liitii)lo4-411 in siyiiirtiiritifiheip;foi,# -. 10 11 ,only toil ! .k./ ' . !'TO*l l ,4 o ji. Alid : loo* ' ..": .: . .:: ~...._...;::1:. Profit in pickles. r.==Zl plying Manures. . . of . . „... -..rexPerirMetiti! made some 1171 - .II.,LEN...F.,..:AirroiIy,LL, , Pat- Epg1444, it. was .shown. pare.S .-beadited '.cropS . the Medicalen il tie l iali b rii ° r l a. ) .11"; i ll n 7 -1 the Y; ‘4 11 0 44 anintri,aiwthpelaiieeitn .season . .when covered about N.Y.: after four yelirovjoraetiee in on do Lac. Wits ; eep. ',with . . 130i1.. '.This: result , ca v nga i ...httelea ot ,n ~... mo il li l i i ne t n r oa ; l S S a , i r d O r l n a . l i lLUln ce ti9 a l liable :brit - the ;question is ~' -.- the - foOtef Main t Street ; in 'the- old Aid Poet home iete::;place.' '.their mannresin * Alva . trOse; pec.-15, iB5•-:3m *i:so .. .. • fit: ' ibid . -, a.4:th T. .. It, .: is' not. . --7 .. :- .',. :, ~ 2. • - .- . - anY:case,,but they Can iiii- 1 IT - D. I3ALbWIN, M. p., -. H 0 1(E it :in =souse cases. - - - ' When !.troieliwiiearethT.ePwlififiliencitillaperolgepattl tolittlilil9Pirroffteteali(or- Owed , .iiider.. In the ordinary 1 .al business entrusted to, hie care. tatir (Mice in-Car le is C.,veit.ti - tOO deep' .to , w a al i t i 'V n 9-iiding: second fluor. !front.' Boards at Kr: B. . ~ tp the 'same season; and - it i Montrose, Pa,. March 1.0, - ! 18:75.,, : lable 'if.the . land.. ber:ploWed . yea. .Some-m farmers .plow 1 heft- spread; on. the. manure : .- -.4.4 :is rface, -and is partially . lost, as , h A if n 4' it - in, bait. much • • .that- goes-, off in - . the-'.at in os-- _ 'virtue of the manure itself. .o.f age that we should Ond.intel-- CV ll rs, • ate`:this „late day in Agri,. ler -• : 't his: . .late ir r i greSS ) . who .detlf : tiliii; . t*Tir- • • "6 can be inured :by exposure 10 /id sun ; -yet. they do exist !. A 11.1 ,'.'• a" farmer in Central New several articles 'for, pliblica- a! ,Ir tell heil attempted to :proVeY .6 anure :lies: . upon,- the surlace .it and Aries up its_ fertility, is I , 'concentrated . in - .the.- sniall. remain !.''• - .• • ' • • -. I ittt .ine caution_ you Against 434- f carting .your manures' upon .. Ind spreading them - for a week ,I. ) lefore : you 'plow them' under. done , in the . spriiig,:,,wiiii a . /7 and higli; drying wind3,-a. J" ,n of them, ' oK, ..rather of their 8' 'ill pass 'ofT•in the. atmosphere. 1* eceived in - tbls...matter while i' ory nerves bear .a pungent ev- A 'he truth - of -what I, say. .You 1.0 1.6 wOrk'yonr ruins on this , 1 rinciple. : ganure s , :is.- - .mqh6C I I e should see you scattering !.s"over the field op soin.' will, ie. evidence of your' insanity lut a little . more-tangible the f t] spreab your Manurealind leave aporate in the sun and by the 13y a aerie: ye i tirs ago, in barnyar4 most . Ow; final two inches! appears , real how 'Olin'far the. ground practicable i proximate t manure is way, some 0, benefit they ie ni - ade 'ova' the . seco.id their. land, a - rid harraW Open 'the su the, An)thou phere is the It is stra tigeht:.fairti Cultural yard marku to the air ra, ew: ve WS a York:wrot-' wt, that wlien ' of the lan. still in it crusts` that Farmers th 6 folly o it Your field or longer If this ,- .be• warm sun' hag tint tit fertility. w Don't:be • yont olfac, idence 'of catinotalT wasting and if 9: ,"g•reenbafr dy day. t would..he when YOit them toe '. winch!. Rating Rabbits For Food. L .. '. • The hue of :rabbits artifiiciiilly bred i t, 'in Frand as food' is'• reported to be .*BO,- 000;00:.annttally.. Besides this their skins, which are employed for a great variety of uses, either with or - without the-fur, represent a large sum,. the'value of the .. exlportationato-ltalylatonereach - . 'ing $5,000,000 in a single year. ' . The flesh of ' these rabbits•is Used pritfr cipally br i y : the- .poOrer. classes, whom it supplies with • a -cheap and ..nutritious *diet, Which if it dould• only he supplied. from beef, mutton :and • pork' they could not afford. - -- .. ' _ • Lately the extensive breeding of rab. • bits-has been- introduced, into - Italy by M:Costarnagua, of • Turin. - Siiice .1871 'he has erected extensive nurseries for i bre,.di.lg - these animals, which; he has' ' thrown :open to ,inspeetieti log .. .pa:nary idealor profit being the • fur, which pre. -viously he. had, bten obliged. to export from France • ' . • - .• -*. •,. Connected -with: the ,:- nursery of M. "(Costarriagna is a factory 'for the -prepara ition and making up of the skin's. - so iithat.the tinimals,which,ion the first floor are seen in theiall• f •enjoymenp of health and =vigor, issue from the third •in the shape of beaver hats, Warm, comfortable cloaks, elegant little muffs,,, and ,:other articles of - wearing apparel. The con ', • sequence was that the people beComing aecu'stomed 'to ''this' food ' the supply waspnot. 'equal to ' the .demand, a4ough over 75,000 of these • animals hav bt;en furi'shed for. food since May, 1874. ' • .- '• . .- ' - • The consumption has also extended to other parts of ' Pilmont, and into LOthbardy. Vettice and the - Sothagna;- and noW-thousandS whO. formerly cmild only indulk in meat on holiday o'.6cas.- ions,. can , now • daily afford ' this,which „Costs them hint little. France,. Germany and Belgium have lopg made - use of. fabbiti as a common article Of fond, and it 'would' seem. that the breeding of rabbits for food might become •throughout -Europe. .• • 0 • To Prepare. Rabbit Skin. , • .Lay the skin - on a 9moothe board, the fur side undermost, and , tack it - on' in ev- - erydireqtion with tinned- tacks. - - '1 Es solve-Awe ounces: of alumn in :a pint of warm water, and with.' a:sponge- dipped in this solution, moisten the surface. all - over. repeat this every - now and' then. for three days. When-the - skin is - quite - dry take out' the tacts,.. and :rolling, it up loosely the long Way,. the hair ..inside, draw it quickly baCkWard and - for Ward thrOtigh n large, '.StnoOtti•. - ring, or any thing of fL similar kind, until it 1.01 quite soft; then roll it :the contrary way of tha skin, and repeat the oneration. „ Rine • • . prepared thus are.nieful tie'purposes. • T&ruin .011. - oloths,. clean,- thenr - With hot - water or- . sodp 7 subs; and leave'.thern half wiped, -arid, they, will look very ,bright while . we,t, and very dingy when dry,' - and soon crack and peal off. But . you want - to.preserve them, wash-theui - , with .Soft; flannel. 'and I uke,warin - -water,. and wipe thoroughly dry. If you-want them to look extra nice after t i bey arc dry; drop a fey tablefipoonsful of milk over them. and rub,them with a shun cloth. Keep bread and 'takes in a tin bOx or stone jar. • keep tea si r close chest or caa ister, -.MIR 400 min g .........--_ . .... Business. Card: TIM W. IV, V - ITA, ENTIST. Roinds at tile dwelling, next door north of D. Halsey's., on Old 'Foundry .etrect„ Where he. would be happy to itce•all thoke in want 'of Hental ork. He feele confident that he can pleise all j both quality of work and in price. Office howl) f ronl 9 A. x.,to 4 r.x. Slontrose.lfeb. it, 1814—tf - A W. COOLEY, CAII I PENTER. • CONTRACTS to erect Pttuc res of all kinds,in any sf etion and complete them in e ery detail, Marble auu Mato Mantles, Sash, Blinds, Doors, and Window Fr canes,Carnisbod to order. Stair Building and build paper made specialtiee.. Employ node - bnt experi enced workmen. bhup neat the Methodist Chur. h." Montrose..tannary 30,1815:43y1 , . , _ ALLEY . ROUSE,: G tEra BEND, ..7 . Pa. - Situated near the Erie itaihyay pepot.--. Tea large and cotutoodious house: ties undergone a thorough repair. _ . Newly 'furnish d rooms and..steep angapartments,solendidtablesot 'all thiage-compris ing.a fist class hotel'.- • - : " RETRY ACKERT; Sept.. 10th 073.-4 I. .Proprietor. _ lIILLINGS STRVI:TD,i ,, 14 1. v , AidIRE A A-. Life Insurance Agent . All usiness attended to promptly.'on fair terms „Pince irst door east of the bank of Win. 11. Cooper 4 Co., -'llbile Avenue-Mont rose. -Pa. - [Aug. t,1803 J ily 17, 187:2. R ....ii,Litios STROUD. I ' THE. PEOPLE'S A)I,KET, lip ha, Proprietor. Fresh and ''§alted Meats, Hams, fork, Ilotagutt- Salt ageset;c., of th'e best gala coastantly, on band:st - once - to knit. Montr9se, Pa., 4au-14. 1873,-1 I - EI)GAR' TURIML ClIIIii6 4 511", AT tAW, No. .170 Bro . :id; May "A. 1874.-1y)1 • LITTLES AND BLA torme at Law s Montrose,' the.Tarbeli 'ionic; • - Montrose,Oct. 15,1872. 3 W B. 'DEANS, ITE M.EiR IN 1 V • Books. Stationery, Wall Paper, Nev./spa cers, Pocket Cutlery, Stereoscopic Views, ' tankee Notions. etc: Next door to the Post Office -M , ontrose, W. B. BEANS. Sept. 30, 1874. XCIIIIN .iIOTEL. ! M. !J. HAIL.-• rington wiShea to inform the pab lie that having rented the Uxchange Motel in Montrose, he !t% now prepared to accommodate the travel l ing pubnc in drift-class style. • Montrose, Aug. 28,1873.' ' • " • BURRITT, .DE IN STA- pie and-Yancy - -Dri , Gonda, Crockery, Hard wale, Iron, Stoves. Drags. Oils, and paints, •Boots 'and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furs, Buffalo Robes, Gro cerieS, Provisions, C. - New Milford. I a:, Nov 6, '72—tt. • • • IOH - GitOVES t FASIIIONABLE . _ ci , Tailor, Montrose. -Pa. - :.Shop over (;handler's Store. - Ali orders filled in firet-elass style. 'Jutting done to. order on . short -notice,!and warranted to fit. Montrose, Jlnie 30, '75., 1 • . • R. D. A. • LATHROP, r] D.yIIiIT.IS- D_tern Electro !Thermal oaths, at e i.se Foot of Chestnut street. Call and , eoasnlt in all Chro n ic oiseases. St out rose Jan.l7 • • • lItNITIS KNOLL, , SIIAVING aNU J hair Breuting. Shop over the.rost office band ing; Where he will ne found ready to attend all who 'may want anything n hie line: Montrose Pa. Oct. t 3, 1569. : • E BlopN -& SON. WILL FUR-, • nish. at Wholesale cr the .i best and fines t assortment of Confectionery. Fruits; Nuts, Toys, 4tc. to be found in this Vicinity, at the lowest cash price SODI. E. BACON .1z January 19,1876. • • . . L TIC R iv. HARDSOX, PHYSIIt M clan and Surgeon, tenders hi fprefessional ler f vices to the citizens of Montrose and it icinity. °nice at his rGeiderce, MI the corner east of the Fount dry. - I,linst. t. 1869. ; .‘,ICOVILL . AND .DENVITT j ; ATTO.R, 'toys at Law and Solicitorrg in - Baul ruptcy. tune t Vo. 49 Court Street. over City National Bank, Bin, uomton, • • W m. 11. ScoVILL, • Juno 18t1, 1-1 l JEU)ME DEWITT. EAGLE DRUG STORE IS TRli' place to ,get'llrugs and 31edones, Clears, Td bacco, Spectalel. Taiikee N &C. Wick •Itlock A:. B. BURNS. moutroie t Pu., May sth, 1815. -• ATTORNY AN -a-a• Coundellof-at-law Montrose, Pa".; OW: heretofore, below and west of the Court house. Montror.e, Jnnuary 27,1875.-Iy. , M A. : LY NN, , SUCCESSOR T ' ' • Abel Turret', dealer in Drake, Idedieinels, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuffs, Teas, Spices, Fancy Goods, Jewelry. Perltimery, &c.. I, Montrose, May 19,1675. AO. 'WARREN, ATTORNEY • Law, Bounty,. Back ray, Peniton • Lnd E C utteuded to. (Mice fir below Boyd's Store, tilontrore.Ps. [Aug.1.469. Vi A:CROSSMON, ATT.O.RNEiI •V V at taw,oflice it the Court Sousa, tr th Commivaioner'e Office. • . W. A. Caostor* IfoutrOse..Seet..2o.lB7l.—tf;. • WILSON J. TURRI,II.4, SVRVEYO I Haying had 20 years experienez in the busin - will continue to attend to calls in my prefeesion. Montrose, Pa., Sept.ls. '15.-Iy* T - C. NyHEA.TON, ' i• cy • CIifii4E3'IGINEER AND LAND StruvaTos, ' P. O. address, Franklin Forks,, Susquehanna Co., F. , VW. SMITH, CABINET D • Chair Manufae - urere. ropt Mainstrdet. Montrose. Pa. ping. 1.18091 'II VC SEARLE, ATTORNEY T ill • Law, office over the store of IL DAsea , er; lathe Brie Block,Montrose Pa. ~LAgg. 1,'61.1 . O'NE I IL • Lais. Office exec J. R. -ReWitt.'s. Montrose, Pa. [, Jane 9, . . JB.; & - A.. 11 , 1116 , C01.4114Lrg, 4T • tornoys acl,air. Office over, cooper Co's, dank. MosLroes Va. gay 10.'1571.- - 4 • • CASiP,- ATTORN E Y • Lair: Montroee, Pa. Office crier Wm. H. Cdoper & Co.'s Montrose, Pa., Jan. sth, 1876--Ir!' IVE C. SUTTON, ux. AtJOTlONEEß,andbriniamm /Lew PriendaVille, Pa„,Aig. 1, 419.—t f AMI i ; ELY • Addrata Brontlym POI June, 1 4 1 1W74. TOP PINT,I;qI-1 - 'OI I IIOE, CESAR 'Cvay, Ncry York City. ESLEE, AT a. Oftlto opposite R. B, LITTLE, Om P. LITTLZ, E. L. BLAREsi.Ez. A;rojitNEir f , I=l - BAnking, Ac; ►- t A.NKlN:colo.,fls,ig __. M1)N1'19,3 PA. NERAL BANKI!Id . BUSYNES 10 D COLLECTIONS'MADE OINTS AND PROMPTLY.AOOOUN TED FOR AS HERETOFORE. ) • MESTIC AND FOIZEIdN. ,EX -1 CIIAN GE FOR SALEI: 'KITED STATES-4 OTHER' BONDS BOUGHT AND SOP ITV. OUPONS AND CITY AND. COUNTY BANK CHECKS CASHED AS USUAL. ()FAN StEA.MER PA:SSAOEITiCK JETS TO AND FROM gUROPE., ITTEREST ALLOWED Olsr-FECIAL TIME DEPOSITS, AS PEEVAGIREE MENT WHEN THE DEI)OS- • I ' •IT IS MADE.. • V • . It! the future, - ss in the past; we7shall" endeav :Or to transact all money' hustness .t4i,the.satis lhction of oui ; patrons aud.correspoiioo6ts, 11.1.:-COO . PER' Ar: CO., Montnise, Rankers. pthorized Capital, - Present Capital, NATIONAL 'BANK MONTROSE, PA; WILLIAM J. TURRELL, kraideni • D. D. SEAR I 'WO President iN. L. LENB rabl, 'C'ashier !WM; J. TURRELL, Z. SEARLE, G: B. ELDREIV M. S. DEssAuER, ABEL TURRELL, G . V. BENTLEY, J. GERRITS9N, M i pntrose, Pa. E. „A. CLARK, Binglitiaiton, - N. Y. LE: A: PRATT, New tiilfurd, Pa. M. B. WRIGHT, 6usquc.hauna.Depot, Pa. L. S. LENHEIM, 'Baud, Pa IiROTS S9Till 9N EI-TROPE, COLLECTIONS mADE , ON , Ua POINTS SPECIAL DEPOSITS`. SdlAdITll'D • Montrpse, litircli 3; 187.,4•' SCRIKTOII SHINGS BONN 120 ViTliommg Avenue, . RECEIVES - MONEY ON DEPOSIT FROM COMPANIES - AND 'AND RE TURNS :THE SAME ON. DEMAND:. wir.uouT: PREVI OUS'NOTICE ALLOWING INTER ESI'PER- CENT . .. 'PER AN NUI.I, PAY ABLE HA..L. YEARLY, ON THE • FIRST DAYS OF JAN IT- 4 ARY AND JULY. ;. A SAVE AND RE LIABLE PLACE, OF DEPOSIT FOR LABORING;MEN; MINERS, ME-, • CHANICS;,AND.'MACHINISTS, AND FOR WOMEN AND .CHILDREN . AS WELL. MONEY DEPOSITED. •ON IOR BEFORE THE TENTH WILL DRAW : INTEREST • FROM THE FIRST DAY OF TRE MO:NTH. THIS IS IN ALL 'RESPECTS , A HOME IN STITUTION, AND ON E 1 WHICH IS NOW . RECEIVING .THE SATED EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPOIN THOUS ANDS. OF SCRANTON MIN T ERS AND MECIIANIM DIRECTORS ; JAMES ASANFORD GRANT, GEORGE FISH. ER; JAS. S. SLOCUM, J. IL:SUTPHIN; IC: P. MATTHEWS, DANIEL HOW. •ELL, - A.: E. • HUNT, T. F. HUNT JAMES • PLAIR. PRESIDENT ; 0. C. .AIDOREs-CASHIER, ; • OPEN DAILY FROM • NINE A. M UNTIL FOUR 1 1 '.11:, AND ON WED. NESDAY AND SATURDAY EVE NIN G ;UNTIL EIGHT : O'CLOCii • . Feb; 12. 1874. • -• J. U BARIUM. I 0.1:112IXO. BLANIIINfi • , 7 BINGHANTCII4 , MAPLE WORKS. („EIITAIILI ‘ eIIED IN 18404" DIRIES BROS.- & NDING , DB kLERB IN AND IdANUFACTIJAVRS OF italiatt &gktuctitauVlatbltof .AMERICAN AND SCOTCH GRANITES Marbie-ai d Slate Mantles 26 C 4 enaogo St;Neay Depot, mavl4, 1873. SIN (411AUT ON NY. HERRING .84 PTARREL 207 ,N. * • it&tiVITAOTURFRS KINDS OF. Wirei e4ia4 ;312;r04.4% I3rool The oldest end most reliable AIM la the United State, roey , took the prise medal awarded at the •"' - WogLiOd IPALIVA.Ti.LONDON ! :I,llliatea ire rtnanted free teem tdampness and "co BILLMOS-11TROID. Amt. u • kr;DONE: $500,000 00. 16,000 00. Directo7'S. • \ I, 1111496.36"30310, Mtgeellateons. IseCOMROS:EI PLANING MILL LAMBE:R-,:yARD! In, order to better accommodate the community, the undertvned - has establiehed 'a depot for the ale of Lumber Manufactured at hlt ricwiy-eTected building on, the Pld 'reeler tannery:l3oe, In. the HEART TOWN, where will be kept conslamtly on band. A full etoek of WHITE AND Y,ELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, 04K.; ASH; MAPLE AND BLACK 14 ALNUT LUMBER, ' `which,with- the aid of the most improved machiney and competent workmeu. is prepared to work into any rhape to meet the wants of Coetomers. WELL SEASONED LVISEER, INCVIDING SIDING FLOORING. CEtLING: SHINGLE AND LATH CONSTANTLY ON ,HAND. Planing, °Matching, Mouldings. and Scroll Sawing Coneto order. . • agil l Carriag and 41~~6 DV'irtifUrtsCTOßV, in connection wita the airtime 'stablishment. under the management of Mr. E. R. Rogers. Examine our work before leaving your orders elsewhere. Repairing tone promptly. . - . A. IL writ ito P. 514antro$ei SepterabeJ 25th. 1875. EW..A.RIALANGENI ENT TN Pool)lo's Drub Store, I. N. BULLARD, PROPRIETOR. R. KRitirQN.Drilighst -& Apothecary. PATENT MEDICI The undersigned would respectfully announce to all the people everywhere, that to his already exteniiv stock and variety of Merchandise in • the Grocery, Pro vision.and Hardware:line. , Ile has' added a lit 11; choice 'assortment of PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, PER FUME'RY, Ake.. which he flatters hims If he can atEllrit the public' they will find it to their• advantage to exam ine before purchasing elsewhere. ' To all Physicians in this section of the county he would respectfully an nounce that he has secured flie services of R.. Kenyon. as Druggist and Apothecary. w hose long exnerience and acknowledged care and ability% entitle him to your en tire confidence in the line of compounding medicines or preparing prescriptions, and who would also esteem it an especial favor to receive calls from any of his old ^ustomers.or new ones. Will make the Patent Medi tines a specialty. ,Also Domeetic and Foreign Mineral Waters—an eztentve stock. Also fine Groceries— Llama's EXTRACT OF REEF. FRESH SALMON PICKLED & CANNED CLAM B,' LOBSTERS, TEAS, CORN. BEANS.. OYSTERS, &c., &o. In fact, anything and everything that is ordinarilyneed ed. •Respectfully eolteiting:a call • I remain , I.N. BULLARD. Poisders Powder! Powder Blastlrv!, Rifle and Shot Powder, Shot, Lead, Gun übes, Caps; Pouches, Flasks; Fuse, sc., 44 . 4 &c., for sale by . • Montrose. Sept. 9,1874-U. Fi,g4Te DcLi:Not Lie,! SEE FOR YOURSELVES. OUR NEW pnict LIST FOR SPRING AND SUMMER OF 31.13701. Heavy cottonade pants, Stout' wool-mixed pants, Good all wool pants. French - cassimere pants, Heavy workingmen's suits, Scoti.h cassimere snits, Harris cassimere Fancy check and stripe snits. Black frock coats, Black dress coats. imported, Black cloth vests, White linen vests, Boys'. Surrs,'-3 'to 9 years. Boys' cotton Euitt, Boy?' mix' d snits. Boys' fancy woo) salts, • BOYS' SUITS ) 9• to 15 years. 13oyie school snits, Boys' nutty suits. Boys' finest eassimere nit', • Youths' suits. ail styles,' Good cotton shirts, Good overalls, • Good rubber suspenders, o And all other Goods'in proportion. The abovalprices are for cash only, and are quoted for customers from a distance. . . diL -1 r i f t FORFEIT if the above pride list .is not tr' A-U r fulfilled; which prices are -guaranted 15 per cent. lower than those of . any other -house in this city or vicinity.' Wifal3StEß, The Clothier . • Bituthamton,•May fith 1875.—tf 13est, palicesea 74 oti. per yard, at Cheap John's. , TIMK4:ANNOCE. MA'RtLE',LVORKS. BURNS:kWITITEI , - - ITALIAN AMEnir7AN M AB LE, If AV MS AND SL &TE MANTLES. SCOTCH:. &. AMERICAN GRANITE) A Specialty* ~4zots xamicador . ' P - 0 1117111 , 11 Gs% WOIT S 11110.401001F.4.4*111c.i1it*-17 EMPORIUM I L'N, BULLARD. Itlinnfacturera of and Dealers in t 1.00 t 1.'75 to , , 2.50 3.4•0 4.00 ,5.00 7.50 - 7.00 `lOl 8.00 "1.2.00 18.00- - 17.50 10.00 , MOO 6.00 . 9.00 10.00 14.00 1,15' 4.00 .1. 4 25 3.50 $ 2.00 • 4 - 0 °„„ 44 1 0 G.' lll 5.00 10.1.0 $4, 00'1 7 .°° too 10.® 8.00 14.00 5.00 211 ° 3 30