Arionpment of Mid _ t VtiißAu.noAn: I • • Arrives. Deparee ii•Muannock, (Datly,) , 14.)0pm 1215 %a VIA STAGSB: Montrose Depot,(DailY•); ••• •• . 6.0 ( ) P in 120 a 41 New M Wore. (Dally,) .lO 00 a m 80p m Wyalueing. (Dally, ) 1 945 am 200pm' Friendsville, (tri weekly,) 600 pm 'Booam 'Jonklin Station, (trl weekly,): ' 700 a m TOO AM fli n ghamtoniriaS.diake,(triweekly)..l. tI9O p m 700 p m uesnoppen..(tri weekly,) 1000 a m 400 p m The New York, (vial Montrose Depot,) New Milford, run Ithannock, and Wyalusing are daily. , The Conkl in Station mail runs Tuesdays, T hursdays, and Saturdays. The Binghamton mail,(ekt Lake,) rusts Mee` Jars. Thursdays. and Saturdays. k riendsville mail runs Tuesday!, Thursdays,and Sat urdays , The Meshoppen mail runs Mondays,Wedaesdaya and Fridays. ADDITIONAL OTA0101.: A kage lemma daily for Mnatrove 'Depot at 1 rn..atid femme at 6 p. A Stage leaves 'daily .1:for New Milford at 80. a. M. and returne at 8 80V. tn. Montrose Railway Time Table. iirrangitient'of Trains. To take leffect on Monday, Dec. 21st, 1875. Down Trains. SOUTHWARD. A. U. P. X. •A. X. P.K. 5.00. 1.00.... Id.ontro se .... ...10.40 6.00 510 110 Allen's.. ...I ~..;..1025 545 513 113. ....Coul's .... 1029 540 629 120 Hunters ", .10 15 535 523 125.. ......... Dimock ..... 06 525 • 535.132 • Tyler's. .... 955 515 545 140.... .... .... . .945 505 555 145 Lynn 935 455 605.153 Avery's........' 925 445 - 610 208 .. . ....Lem0n1..915 485 620 220 Lobeek..... ...905 425 630 230 idarers 65 416 645 245 Tnnkbannoak.... .840 4_55 All trains connect at Tankhinno k. with P. dr, pi Y. R. R.going north and south; 1 • JAMES.I. BLAB:: LEE. Prelet. List of New Advertisetneits. • Miscellaneous—DauChy & Co. Public Sale—Ambrose Spencer.! For Sale or Rent-.-B. S. Warner • Public Sale—T. P. Meeker Jr. & 'Bro. Susquehanna County Agricultural Works. Financial Statement of Silirer take Town ship.'. - Money Wanted*.' by • the .Comtnissionera. of I Susquehanna County,-: . 'BUSI;GCBS Loomis. ! Help Wanted-4. Groves. Sewing Machines for Sale The New Town 'Hall at Ayr. • .• Prices Reduced 'at the"SteathMill.• ; Special Announcement by Cheat) Donation tor the benefit of ,R0v.4...H. Wes ton. Speckti 274 De!nocrat. Our Wablungton Letter. • THE POLITICAL CENTRE-REN AND INK , PORTRAITS-ME. SPEAKER KERR-- "SUNSET" C.QX-JAMES 01 . BLAINE7- . 1 . SAII'L J. RANDALL---PEESIDENTIAL ASIIRAII'TS. There iis. a .bewildering number: .of places that one wishes .to visit in Wash ington. but. all interests culminate in the Capitcl ; not because it is:the nioit. mag nificent building on -the -eintinent, l but because it is the centre. of the law-mak ing power. • .It the..,ppin : t at Which the will of the, people find* the highest tx pressioft. .Iti3 a natural : habit - to - watch with a - jealous scrutiny, the ; conduct of our Legislators, and see if the represett, tqtivei of the .popular will, are faithful to the best interests of their constituents. Fur the past ten years the • press of the Republic has teemed with - account.a..of ti.e corrnption in 'highs places, until the disgraoefulposures of i fraud- 'arid ve, nality have made the.masss of ,the people almost doubt . if there was . such a-thing as legislative or executive-integrity left in the Capitol City. 1 . .-am riever tired 'of lingering in these stately halli, of looking over the beautiful city. and the broad' ex panse of the -lovely PotoMac, .from pil lared porticoes or glittering dOme ; fieVer wary of examining the seeiningly ex pauseless treasures of art. and., learning contait•ed .in our tloriolus Capitol. One of the Most . interesting places of resort is the gallery of the lionSe of Represen tatives,• when some exciting debate is be ing carried on. LA•us take a 'bird's - eye view, of: son* of the .men , whom we l have . l', ... . . I . First we will obierve the gentl who holds the most difficult .iiitl're siblepositiiin in the House, l the *.) el.'s chair. Michael C. Kerr Of Ind fills that position as Ably as ilhhealtl 'Lilo*.. Lacking' the strong per magnetism' by which Blaine and .1111 attract adherents; yet his political tory.. has been one Of. such absol' thwiipeachable integrity that his ele' t ,- .) the Speakership' waSa hopeful in him of the lately- r , wakened desir sl d honesty among party leaders. ' fir.' is rather . tall. and slen er in person, light.brown hair and ivirig.kers, ant tie appearance of confirmed invalid Not withstanding the . fact' 'that he forms his duties as presiding yfficir apparati t physical suffering, yet lila 4 ions are given with' an impartiality is never disputed. by partizan Or. oppii At this writing -(speakfr. Kerr .j hats obliged to leave his - e4ali, and:seek ical aid. -- -. ' -"- -. • 0 '• ' • S. S. Cox. of New Tork4lias'ibeen i ed speaker pro .(ern by the *ant vote of the Boise. ' He 'is a au parliamentarian and :presides with ily. However, be.. mpg- . distingu himself as a debittOr.i. The mnine i . gains the floor he COMMands undi attention.: lit he Members . of the iiititive body had taken a vow tie, smile it would. be quite) inipoSsible asst the brilliant . sallksLiof the'"liti kt ..f th:. 11.01.1 , ze.." If. , thr •idialts i. i ietile which he me_ rcilesSly ~ 144.11,010' the ranks of, the enemy . are :. lippar ()lily glittering all diiarttilessjoiildes, )et are effective as t he strokes -of . It- 111:tSCU$ blade.- ‘ . ..Stineritl Cox,.: (whit' t a ts - "Sil!Ail i:i 0 1 ) ii . a-tall ; '-ii..o I- Made .inaty : w ith ' hi; Lek . ' hair ,and - . di' Ik,'. ex pr4sive . (''s; I hat. 64n.100k: very -eriOnely as well i l as twinkr e with fun. : •His 'politica : :op, vinents act(rthit..,hjT . .i . :4l diatehding t rtid ,. -. iculons- bilifounity.-ts'.litiC . liii. kl.' , 'e,ti - tt .to the SPPaliershiiee '...hiiii., ~ in. 1 the - 4 1 5e116 4 ": of Mr. Kerr is proof positive'e fhe faiii..: is t i tv. of the .asserf.on.- - -iiro-tellAt-- - 'f -• the Marines l'? ' Where .there are 130'' '' any. E.C. FORDS/tiff. P.M. Up Tiains ; OUTHWAIID mete vapid talkers, poor readers of poor speeches, the gods •should ;be thankful that there is one man, who has the wit and the address to mingle spagkling epi gratin with It gical and convincing argu ment: Party, lines, area not drawn as strictly as they once - -Were ; the exigencies of ,the times demand. that. Men and" measures. shall receive: suppOrt, irrespec tive 'of merely- - partition interests. 'Still each party has `a rebagnized leader,.who exerts considerable influenct.. in:direeting and.. 7 pontrolting its :oper*tiOns. • Their .object, is always - . to maintain harniony among. their liollOwerS, by reconciling all differefiCes, that arise for the - sake of party success. - • : • James. G. - Blaine,. of Maine, is,no* the acknowledged. leader of: the, Republican minority in the House. He is .n.large, tine loOking:Man . ,..and.personallY popular with -political friend's and' opponents. Of..._Course lie his cast a longing eye - toward the White 'House ;_ and two months Since, his. prospects • for receiving thanoinination, - at the' hands of the rad-- ical Republicans, were very. flattering in deed. -The people were, to over look.: his misfortune mixed up with the Credit..Mobelier affair, • out of Which he emerged witlf:sliglit. damaec to hiB reptitation ; but. the' very qualities ter t made him a popular party-leader, hi ye defeated his . bopes'Of the Presiden cy He is a . fluent oft-times. eloquent - Bp•aker, but he teaks too much. • • e . has yet to learn thSt "if speech is silver, silencel-is gOlden."- It was a br !lint feat for !him .to pitch into the w ole . iouth- over Ben - Hill's - shoUlders, b t it was scarcely a politic . thing to do. Se tional strife must be forgotten in :th s, Centennial year of American:liberty .an e - ; fraternity. Our next. President will be elected by the united people of the -w1 tile country. , .4nel J. Randall,.of Pennsylvania, Is the front rank of the Pernotracy in Rouse. - He is a .mediumed' 'sized n; with black hair and dark, sallow . His beardless face makes look much younger ,than be really In Co hi (4, is. :He is ever alert, watchful .and tens.- ci us of hiapiirposes.. The heayy.under ja Aenotes a resolute wilt - and .the 'deep se eyes glow •.with courage and deter mination. 1 When s Mr. Randall Speakil he is iure of . being listened - .to • attentively imembers and . by . the- throngs •who ' frequent . the- - galleries. • ..He - is scarcely _an orator ; .but. his utterances seem well weighed,--and his logic con vinces more than his rhetoric charms.—, He has b 3 no means fallen into a chron ic habit of talking- at all times, upon . all iniaginable . sUbjecta(the besetting Sin of congressmen) ,but when -he does speak, it is Ito !the purposP. • faing by the bitter though whole tetanus taught by years of defeat, emoeratie majority in the Hume ,;Pr some the ?.presentatives, is more anxious to ute, and carry ora l much needed re than to distinguish itself by. glit generalities. A long sufrering e will welcome the lightening of • risome taxation, more than the brilliant success in debate. NED CLIFTON. of RI insti I form' terin „peop ?nrd most! :! Fo 52t. ! OYSTERS ! ! OYSTERS 11 ! Ity, 50 and 80 cents per quart, at the ' • KEYSTONE SALOON. YE MX YEEILT, 1 say unto you: Go to the keys one Saloon and get a good Oyster Stew. , Dee. 29:1875.—tf. Ladies,_ Mitres and Children's Calf, Peble Goat and , Glove:Kid Shoes at. Auction, Friday. Feb. 4th: See advertisement. Goods open for examination l'nursday. man pon -1 eak ian a, will H. ROSENTHAL, Practical. Auctioneer • will . (upon aplication) attend to ell public Sides. in the above capacity. 'Terms'reasonable. Satis faction' warranted: Address or apply to H. Rosenthal, care .of S. Pil'man & Co., Post's building. Montrose, Pa. • IS7litt. • zollal )dill ly tion lea for MARBLE WORKS. • The Tunklitionock .Mnrble Worlis'of..BUrnd /t, White are doing 'a good business and are getting out .some very :tasty joins of Head ei t tones and • Monuments. .1 A. 8.. Burns, of the Eagle" Drug Store,As their authorized - agent for Montrose and. vicinity. He has designs of Head..StoneS and Monuments. Any orders left with him will be. promptly filled by, Burns White. ._.. . Tuekbanneek, Feb. '2, 1876tf. : WE THINK that the people of. Montroie and vicinity are finding ont,wbere the Most popu lar Dry Goods House in Bing . . - amtun is located for C. F. Sision & Co. - :inform us 'that their trade; from_ this section, is very, large and con iitab-tly increasing. In their stock may now be tbund4v.,Jarge and 'carefully selected stock of Dry. OOda, suitable to the Wants of everybody. They, Make .a-- specialty 'of°Black Silks, Black Cassitneres, Black Mehairs, Black Alpacas, and the finer grades bf Dress Goods, 'and in thi4 line' are .pr4ared to give some decided bar gains.: We suppose that . 'nearly everyb.:dy is aware that their store. !located - at 61 .Court. Street, next to,:the-Canal. • . - . Binghamton; - Sept. 22, 1675. -Loox.l Look ! , - ' ems. that 1 ent. bven If ed. lest- i 1 0118 eriur abil isbeq the ided •In -ntedicine_cinulity is • the firAt importance. A. B. ,ffurns . at: the Eagle Drug Store keeps con-. stuntly on 110 d a full supply of French; ger. man; English and American' Drugs; Medicines and Cltemicals. Also 4 eboice selection.: of toilet . urticlesi lout - fancy 0:00118. The birgiest MA - hest stock of Pocket,. Books: leg ler to o r mor. 161 ii 4 -6 i •, Jan. 5,1E176.: • • /111.15zD811,,L131 for ,A.itetion..Sales,-ete: - ,- printed at tliel,DoloCtitAT Ofilett •In fX6I-elaSg style and at reastniable prices. • • ,••• . , ntly they Da- , , .. ,• . • CiArIiVO.YANt EgMlililailiNS FA .+'E. - • - .., . • ... There. ;s iity.gahjeet acit requires - t4ii- 'finch.- , study and ex - p'ericrida-iii the treatment ot et ron -I'.lo . diseiises. -. Tile' astonishing' .snceess : and -:- re in ark ab le: curies , , tie riornle d hy . . Dr, .;. )3Utt - ern PM, ; . fire due to the gift. of- - elahlinyante,: ti) . 'the lif'(:- 1 jong - tnity::eit . tine congiittition• or man, - and the l'euringoroisegiseirinn natural remedteit: ~. Cares . 1 the:. Worst, forms of 601.011)4, etitarili, File; -Fe -1 Fe male Wiiiiknetf,- A.Sflirna, - Icidacy',. oT:Mtulder ..Wiillie met t e . CatiertY: - HOuse; . !BingiiiiiiitOn. Thursday, a# d. Friday, ' . - March, 10 and 17. - . 1 111 E ':DENOORAV,' -- MARCH . 1, ' 1576.- Business Locals. To THE PUBLIC.--M a guarantee that Tay lor's Family Medicines are the best in market of their kind', and that the quality of the goods shall hereafter be maintained, I would say to all "If after using them you are not satisfied you have received benefit in proportion to.the price paid, return the empty bottle or package,, and get your,money back, as i want no mares money unless he is satisfied he haa received its equivalent. ; Respectfully, H. BROWNING TAYLOR; Prop'r. October 6, 1875. PRINTING. We have Just received a very large stock of plain and .fancy envelopes, letter and note int per; plain and fancy bill head papers, cards of all sizes and colors, colored poster papers, etc.. all of which we - can afford to print cheaper than any office in this or neighboring counties, and in as good style. Work done in black and colored inks. It you think there is any that can beat us, gi% e us a trial, and we will show, you what we can do. All kinds of blanks on hand or printed to order, CEPLATEST-NEWB 1N BINGFWMN. The latest news in. Binghamton is that Hine. & Sholes, of 59 Cohrt Street, haAjusrreceived their third Fall and Winter stook of Dry 'Goods which is now complete in all departments.— The best Silk. The best Black Cashmeres.— The best Alpaca. ,The best Merinos—Einprets —Plaids of all. descriptions. The best Shawls, Bid Gloves, Embroideries, Ribbons, Ties, &e., in fact everything , that is _kept in a &S i t-class Dry Goods Store at bottom figures. Another ithportant item,whick if known may be essential to the people of Montrose, New Milford and surrounding country, that Geo. B. McCollum and C. C. Faurot would be most happ.y, to see all of their acquaintance .and show them the bargains that Hine & Sholes are now prepared to give. HINR & SHOLEB. Binghamton, Dec. 1,-1875. SPECIAL ANNOCNCEMENT- To' TM?, PEOPLE OF SIISQ'A. CO ! As:we expect to move in our new store April Ist, and wish to reduce our stock as low as i.os 'sible we make to ion the extraordinary offer namely : if you will cut this out, bring it to and buy $lO worth, or more, (at one time) we will receive this notice as one dollar cash, in buying a bill of. $lO or more. Remem ber to cut this out and bring it with , you. The following are some of our prices and we will sell all our goods in proportion. All calicoes warranted best •goods and fast colors at Ne. per yard. Good yard wide 'factory cloth B%c per yard. Better " " " 11 9 y ie , V er y - best " " , " 1,0% and 11s. ' Black Alpaca 25. 80 and 87c. Men's Overcoats $5; so,and $7. Men's Fdll Suits $B, $lO, and $l2. ' Come at once as we only hold this offer open till April first. Bear in mind this is allowing you 10 per cent. discount' in buyilig $lO, or in plata words,,you get $lO worth of goods for $9. ' • Respectfully, • S. PILLMAN & Co. .Montrose, March 1, 1876. (Cheap John.) The Iffariets. New York Produces Market: Reporßeported Every Week Expressly for Tux MONTROSX ted by Rhodes - Lb Server, Produce Commie. slon Merchants. 26 Whitehall Street,f4 ew York. .New York, Friday, Feb. 25, 1876. Receipts last six days ...16,839.pkg5. There is a fair movement in alt grades of. State butter above common, and the market consid ered to be in a good healthy condition. Real ly fancy grades ere scarce and from certain re tail dealers who insist on quality at whatever cost, extreme prices ,art. readily obtainable. State Dairies, fine, 32 et 33c State Dairies, goOd to prime.... 27 60e State Dairies, tiiirlto good 24 0 26c State Firkins, choice, selected..3l ® 63c State Firkins, gocil to prime.... 27 • 29c State,Firkins, fair to g00d.....23 @ 26c State Pails, daiFY, choice —c State Pails,dairy,good to prime 26 @ 30c State Pails,common to fair.... 22 -(4 24c :Receipts last six days , 13,043 boxes. , A few shippers are in the market, but they are very 'particular, and can only be induced to buy when positive . bargains are offered. - State Factory, fancy.... 133 14c- State Factory. fine ... • 1134.0 13c State - Factory. fair to good.. 9%®. ; 11.0%c State Ditiriesfaiicy tullcrearnll3 , 66 1‘4.1c State Dairies, fair to good 8326 ! - I0 %c Receipts last - six days. ; 8,478 pkgs. The_ speculative excitement noticed yesterday has about subsided, and the market generally presents rather a :quiet appearance. State and Penn. 21 og 22c .Western. 421 DRESSED POULTRY. There is a continued good demand ter-choice turkeys, and prices are . - -Turkeys, State prime, • 18 . . 0 19c Turkeys, State, fair to good, —.A 0 . 17c ' Chickeng,Jersey,prinae...:.....lB 0 20c Chickens, Jersey, lair to good: :16 0 18e - - , Ducks, Jersey prime 22 •24" 23c. Ducks,State and Western prime 19 gt 20c. Geese, Jersey prime 12 ,i2l. 146 Geese,State,and Western pritne 11 120 MEATS AND STOCK. . The demand.. for calves is - less fictive and prices a shadB eager. Pork, in' good :demand and firm. Livti Slieep, weathers. Live Calves, state mime. 930 10e , Hog Dressed Calves fine 12 @-'l2%e DRIED . FRUITS. Apples are only in .moderate request though prices remain about the same..:,Peeled peadtes in: light supply and firm. State State A: - pleS,qOartirs ..... . Peeled, Peaches, Gft, tarty.. PeeledYeaehea, fair to good..' , Rlackries.• . 1 Cherries, State. •• • Raspberries Plums, State POTATOES. Early Rose, bn:lk, pet' Peach!)low; nujlc,.per Prinee Alberts' : , bulk, per: bbl Peerless„ bulk, per bbl . . Sweet yellow. cis SILL TIT —I r Dimock , -Feb. 10, A 08 years. . BROWN-1 - a Lenox, Feb. 23d, aged 46. years. Bttow s t--Iri Lenox, Feb. 15*,, ,, of the late John Brown, age DS/ r4W• - • . " in` Forest -;liake,.l Graoger, wife of ,Salmon Br _ , ' years. ' SUITES. 1 CHEESE. EGGS. . 03,40 D. ye .16 _lBe .12 lejt 13e 11%44 ,12e .20 C 9 22e .27 @, 28e .18'- Q 20e ...1 1201'2 `, 1 a7Ol. ..1 00@,1 25 ; 7501 00' 00 tut 4, aged co. W. Drown . - :65 • `eb. g2d, Arlet se. disiJav, - ; aged 3& i WC itxt..x..ft.Cii•NlSs V.4.2TAUKEN—ItIX—Itt Brooklyn,; P:*.; Feb.' 28d, by _Rev. J.. '.:Weston, James A. Vanauken and Emma Brooklyn.'; Surrn--TrNo ET—Att.,- the house of the bikte's parents in r Unlock, Feb. 28d, by, Eld. A. L Poit, Eugene B. Butith' and Clara-Tingley, both of Dimock. V/111 BUSHIRI--CARPENTER-1.4 Milord, at 'the residenc of Mr. E. N. Carpenter, on - the 28d inst., hi .Bey. A. Stiller, David! A. Van IS.iskirk and Addie A Carpenter. , ' TIFFANY----V4AUKEN--At the house Wide's fattier in Brooklyn, Pit., Frb. 28d, by. Rev. J. H. -W eston, Ed •• I E. Tiffanys'ol 1:01mock, an( Emma L. Zu k daughter of Isaac Val auken, , 64. • piußuc SALE: , OF Itsal Isra.roort3r. Porter The undersign the Pumices. in on the old Ch MARCH 1876, prorty, to wit Ode span of 12 choice Cows, Wagbn. 2 Lamb 2 pair Bob bleb Corn Sheller, Cr Whillietrees. ac farts ng utensels quantity of Ray quantity of Rye I•otatocs. also h tnre,l etc.. etc. .d. having sold his farin, will tell on zdyer Lake, 4 miles north of Montrose, nange Turnpike, on THURSDAY, at 9 o'clock ' , a. the following , areell years old, 1" two year old Colt, 16'Yearlings, 5 Shoats, 1 Democrat • r Wagons. 1 light Buggy,' I•Cutter. he, 1 Buckeye Mower, • Cutting Boz, .es-cut Saw. Plows. Barrows;',.4.:hains. , a iot of Dairy . fixtures and 'other too numerous to mention, Also a and Straw. 300 bushels of Oats. a nd Buckwheat: •Corn in - ear, 150 bu. la entire stock of llousehold Furni- TERMS:—AII i tune months' cr mit . Fe i . 9, '76.-3 of $5; and under, cash.; Over $5, dit with interest add apprOved se- JOAN EVERS; M. C. BUTTON. Auctioneer. 'JF'ors :ALE OF aal property. , be undersigned will 'offer at public sale on Sat relay; 310 ch 18, commencing at 10 o'clock a ~ ~ the foi v/ lowing property, to wit : ',Nine co .8, nine iv o year old% five yearlings, twen ty-one good sheep, one, yearling-colt, pe nine 'yettir old 'mare about 300 bushels of oats, Also a quntity of hay in the barn, two nice shoats, on sow with pigs, poultry, etc. Also one, moiii ing Machine, one Ithaca horse rake with walc)) cast ,6o er attached, one platform spring n, one 1 tuber wagon, one single buggy, one single h rness, one double harness, one corsheller, o' e horse fork, one cultivator, two plows, One con plow„one thirty-tooth harrow, one pair bob sleighs, one, bob sled iron shod, f: one grindstone, two farm - bars, one of them cast-steel, hadd rakes and forks, dairy: fixtures, such as pans, pails. cog churn, &c.,&c. A. gen eral assoriment of farming, tools too numerous to mention. Some fifty bushels of 'potatoes raised from imported seed. creEitßwltt - All approved sec ov u " rit t" y s ;an n d in l e desire no bid from tho A who cannot give undoubted se ll cutlty ; $5 and under, cash down. ' ,__ " i., AMORTLLISSTOXIC., * a Suit° , Ai/chanter. - - 1 Fo*est Lakel - Feb. /,3 I 1876 pd. ; . a ORREC lON ! - ; ' w , . Rumor has it hat having been elected Cotinty Treas-,, urer for the ens .Ing three year*. I am to discontinue mf Inference busines. Said RUMOR is UNTRUE, and without founda e t c on, and while: thanking you for kind ness, and uppr Tat on of "geed Insurance in the pakt, I n i askia continnan e of yonr pstron4e, promising that all business eutrus ed to me shall be promptly attended to. MyCompanies re all round and reliable, asill can tes tify who have et with losses during the peat ten years at my Agescy. Read the List i • ' , North British a CI Mercantile, Capital, 810,000,000 Queens of London. I : . " : 1 i 2.000,1 1 00 Old Franklin. Philndelphia,srets, : 8,600,000 Old Continentalj, N. Y., " nearly } 8,000.000 Old Phoenix of !Hartford, • 6 • • ! 2.000.000 Old Hanover. N. Y., •• " , 1,600.000 Old Farmers. York. " . 6 ; 1.011,000 Ualsb represent the new Tedr. Mutual Lire Ins ranee of over 80 vearslstauding. sad sleets over 039.000,300. Alio, the Masonic Mutual lieneAt Association of Penn . spirant*. 1 : -,e - -3..• Get m Aecideuial Policy ceverinig all accident*, In the Bartierd Accident Ilia: Co Policies wriWn from one day to eels year. . Only 115 cents ;for a $B.OOO Policy. Please call it send word, when you:take a trip. Very respeetfal y. : I - lIIINZY C.' TYLER. • :: ontrose, Ps , Jan. It, 11/70.--tf Real Estate for Sale. ALUABLZ Farm For Sale. • ek subscriber offers for Pale the valuable farm, as the • . I • , • I la 1.11.23:11:33. eons .P.letcip 1: , . • d farta, is one of the most desirable firma tr. the i cohnty, and is hemstilnlly situntect in .the -Village os Squat:rev:lle.; Sasquehanna -county, -Pa. ; there is a gobs' store, flouring mill, saw mill. piaster mill. and bbicksmith and wavon shop in. said village. The firm 1.4 ;situated-directly on the . D., L. ik, W. IL-f., one mile and. a hall' from the depot . at New Milford.. and ions mites from the depot at Great Bend N.Y..16 Brie R. R.. coistains. 190 acres of land, 180 acres ImprOVed. is wel; watered, Mtving a lasting stream cs& , water running through it and water conveyed in pipes tb the house. barn and cattle yards, it is Well fenced,i, and under mild eultivation ; It is wll adapted to growing grain, and is fitted for'stock or airying ; there IA a large and l e coliven Sent dwelling and voted house, well Painted, and beentifsil lawn, with shr bbery. a large horse berm car riage house cattle barn, ith two cattle yards and sheds untilitubjes far feeding st kor stallintr cows, and two orehards of graftea trult_. Terms of payment made ea.o9 . I -, R.. L.. SUTPHIN. 'I . i ,1 • - - I i New Milford,Snq'a, Co. 1 .. , September - 29,1875.=-4M _; ' Pa. , MINITR I Ar .rtoi,zl Mertato I _ virtue . of on order t 4 the Orphan's Cciart of gas , nna County, the undersigned adminlettator of tate of -Tauten Johrison, late of Ifsrford township will expose to public side on the premises, on Thursday,, March 23d11 1976 toe dee' o'clock, a. tu.,"the following described reakestate to wit : ' I i 1" • • , Ho ndcd on the north by lands. o 4 H. W. Wilmartit, ort tl e east by lands of J. A. Sophia, on the tenth by land of Oliver Payne. on the wed bYPubile highway. with the appurtenances, a house and shop., AltO—One other . lot bounded on the east by public high ay. on the south 1 and , west by lards of H. M. jooeit. on toe '.orth by 'lends of W. E. Barnard; con tainilue, about 10 rO,lB of land. ! - , F A RMS': - $25 on day of pale. One thud of balance oh Ilnal cobfirmation, and the balance in one year with metiest nom fi nal confirmation. • , • I I ' , D. M. Fikaristi, Adm'i. li'e!). 23,1870. • , ' . . .I!!RAt - /P . ' ow 'l3iikle :. 1 , ‘, i.. , oninicriber °trent' hie farm tor pate, in Silver Lake Towrohip. containing FAG ITY ACR D, one !lair im ploded. , ,' . . Fur partienia_re,.adOrota THOMAS • EiveiLISII, Box:6s6,iPittdion Pa. r eb. 9. 11346.-3 W , . '• : ' 1 I'. l - FSIRM3I•I3 . ;. i 1 . , 1 1101J$10 AND LOT FOR SALE. ;Shin( ell in tile Borough at Montrone . IA toffry des trilbieproperty. rine. large tionee,'good Barn. Garden Fruit Truce, in. bearintr, i good well. an other eon. v4nicncice. For particulate, enquire on tle premises. , A ~ - • ' ' Whl. O. 11. 'MEL 11 `October 6 ... 14 167 -, ' , ' entrpffe Pa. iThe subeertber offera hfs firm for salg,,oltuate in tr' rcat Lake, corttlitoipis Ogres 50 imported:. WH k op twelve tows, air leteaTi; - Mill watored, 1:4 kiwi 0 000d:grain farm, i . 106-11. oleo young orekont, Termr f 'win be made way. For further puticulara'enqulro or aiOrrea, - AARON REYNOLDS, or. S,‘ EV ROGEMS, 'llontrofe, Fa, Iffeb; lfi, 111,-41 'OR'S SALE OF `:t: 'Y. Iron Hardware etc. 4 1111 7 DEN & CIEMEATi, STOVES, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARES, HOUSE FURN f ISHING GOODS, AND BUILD. ERS HARDWARE, &O. BLANCHARD, BARTLET. do .00,, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, WIN— 'DOWS, CORNICE *camp ' INGS, , &C., - • which we Will sell at Blanchard, Bartlet & COI. pet ci NAILS, SCREWS, LATCHES, Burl SASH. AND BLIND FASTEN-4 ERS AND HINGES, HOES, - FORK SHOVELS, RAKES, ! WIRE GOODS, &C. Special inducements on Coaled' and all Dairying Goode. RON CLAD, FIRST PREMIUM, MILS. PANS. VOHN HAYDEN,' GeUerta Agent.) OTSEGO COUNTY LUMBER, PLAT FORM. SPRING AND BUG GY WAGGONS. • Unsurpassed for Style :and Dilrability, We base recently aided to our selection of 'l3tOvoi THE CIENTENNt&L COOK, . , made by Rathbone. SRA & Co:. Albany N. Y.. itni tbe Amend Base Burning Parlor Stove, and Cunard Cook Stoves. mitinfacturedby Perry & Co., Alban, N.Y. We also keep the celebrated DIAMOND BASE BIJRNINO AND FEARLESS COOKING STOVES. Raittbone, Jewett Ransom, Ranee, with Copper Reservors and Nickie Mountings of the test improved patterns. Repairing promptly' dote sad orders fur jobbing solicited. • HATOIN i cuatarcrts. New Milford, May 12th. 1875.—tf. Why the Flowers Bloom in.Wlnter ! Are you aware that you can obttiri 13ntamer heat W I , Janutryt That'-yon eau, impart balmy air •to i Enr families ? that you can give spontaneous gro to lilants and Flower., and that you can make It a ttle paradise by_pnrchasiag one of B. C. SaYre's trot- Air Furnaces ? These Furnaces are now constructed with VAPOR PAN by which the atmosphere is tem pered to that resembling Summer heat. No more CrackillE of Forllihrt NO MORE DRY HUSKY HEAL And the time has come when eenrinalutiara may re joice in coal fires. These furnaces are - sold entirely np on their own merits, aed are now the leading Puma'ce in this part 'of the conntry - All Furnaces are wart ant ed to give entire satisfaction or no sale. 39 11 11.144 T • I keep competent men on the'road wbo are well ac quainted with the Furnace business and they are con stantly putting up these tonrnaces. Their work is war ranted to please. These Furnaces are now scattered in the following towns and , citiea: Binghamton, Scranton, Providence. Wilkes Borre. itiugaton, Plystdn, Elmira, Waverly, Wilhamsport Great Bend, Suyiniehmna Depot, Liatico• k. Downsville. Andes-. Alnigaretville, Franklin.. Unililia, Owego, Nor.litimberland, and many other towns. 111reczkl.zraiatlar Any person wishing a recommendation front AMY nPo living in tne above named placers, I will gladly core. pond with them. giving names ,of parties ' now , using these Furnaces. . . . Polontrose Pa. Montrovo, December 22d * 1875.-Bm. DRUGS, • K-.- A: :. ,- Lyon, - Dvugglst, pure Drags.Medicines 4 Chemicals Dy e Woods, Dire Stuffs, Paiute, 0116. Virnirties. Pocket Bookf,Cninhte,Jewelry;"Perthrderry. Toilet Stapas Brushos,Violina and Vinlin Strings, Yankee Notions, Fancy Goode.- Cigars, Tobacco. Tab le euttlery, Fino Solid. alive*, spoons. Plated Spoons, Itrives and Forks, Guns, Pie tots. Atuunition, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Medical • Instraments. Dental Materials. LAMM' and • 'Lamp Chimneys, Teas,Spices; Bakittg Powder, Sea lifts Patine, t:lelatine,Taplora. ete,, ctc. • 'Those wbowieblo buy Paints and Oils, would dowel to examine our Shick of White lead. Virblto ZIE I and Mixed Chemical ndats, before 'burchatilug _ • All Wads of colored paintit in'esivii of frOm 01141-10 t h e pontidg each, au hand, - . litantroaci Feb. 2, 1870. * ' "DOULTRY, - FAGS & nUTTEItr wi►ntod." Itighbei cast; price wi1!: be T. B. VaikkßOßO/Pri Rash, Joan 19,1440,-4:w. Dealers la "Ngents. tor HOT-AIR B. O. SAYRE, ,M1),0.i."47.% ,- MONTROSE, PA. Deslei in all kinds of Dalvia PalkAte'for Invallds. 383 r GHEMICALft