• Arrangement et • _" RAILioAD: Ark fee. Depart* khannock., (Daily,) ..... !rip to 12 15 In Via Swiss: Montrose Depot, (pailYJ 000 pm 620ase' Now. )1 ilfotil, (Datly,) . , 1000 alp: 1' 80p m Wlaittina , (Dati.Y.). •• •• • ' , Mani 900 p ro' Frientieville, (tri weekly,) 600 pm 800 am 7,onklio Sustion'. Or' week), ,) 100 am 700 nm ihoghamton,via 8. Letke.(tri:weekly).. 6(09 m 700 p nt vcaneppeu.,(tri weekly,) 1000 am 400 pm The New York, (via felontroet Depot s ) New atilfOrd; Tunkhannotk,andzWyalusi rtg are daily. The:Cool:lin Station mail runs Tuts ' aye, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The B i ng h a mton mail, (via Slifer Laks,)rnue 'rites laze, Thursdays , and Saturdays. l. d r ti l y. etndeville mall , runs T . awhile , , Thnrsd l ill u e end tai ta The steehomn mailrnos Monday. / , athrastaya;and Fridays. % - Amonetowate ,9719114: A Stalp leaves dilly, for leinstrose Depot: at I la., and returnb at 6 p. m • A stage leaves daily for New Milford eat 6`Z 0. CZ. and resume at 3 80p. to, Seeirose Beiliver time Tails: A rrangairni3Of Trellis. To take effect on Monday, Dee. 21st, 18'15. , . ~ .. • DOWN TrAille; • - 1 . UPI Trsit.s so cTlivrano. ! ' . NORTHWARD . 4 t. S.. , ' v•a. M. P. 31: 5.00 1.00..... .. ..Montrose.:. . .... 1 :410.40 5.00 510 110 Alien's—...ol . .....1S • 545 . 613 113. Cool's— ..... 1-1,1010 540 ' Ell 140 , • Bunters ..1015 535 6W 1 16_ : D1m0ek......:....1005 • 5a ' 635 1 $.'2.. ....... ... Tyler's... .... ... 955. 515, s: * 140.... ..... bpri a gelllo • 945 • 606 ym 145 , ......... ..... Lrno. , . .035, 465 - 605 168'Avety's 993,40 610 :ICS ... ....Lemon Si 15* 4VS 620 4 I XI. . : .. Lobeek —oo3' 4VS 630 2 30,. ..... ...... Matey's •" , 8 65, - 415 645 2-....,..... "Tanklmonoalt 8411 : 355 All ir3int4. connect at Tunkbannock With , P. &:i T. R. K. going north and sentli. .1 Ablltd. I. IlLA.E3Lt,Preslt. _ Liot fa Iva Lituat •Loarosut Notice tialtruptcy. • isiiEretsrptrievar----Dsuaby.ik Cu. Pahlic S.ile a Pomona! Property. I Atlnesoiotrotor's 41* of Root Istoto. Auditor ) / Notire—srato of liobort Mao 41.4.1gramittrator's Notico---trt4) of Jtao Skip man. Burraim LOCALt. - • ErAttiatb444olll TIM DOD: Mott for lidtvo- ht. G. Harmed /tad Abel • WrigisY• .Ititiog of Ckaictiop Azoadotiook-npowad to ,Secrat Soeitrico. • Sixth Anneal 117.optin of Xt . 1.7, - traez Comp No. & • • h gereore Maine en-12e.gst. A Mtn fig.: et...retereburodazd the 28:}I of Week:Air, in eh* ebikt-t,„ nye: "The (=twee *ad .31. oft. ex-• ceptibtal rivr v.r this winter items an bast tradvrnt rail, of eadneto over 041 capitol, end. iz.lll ne well it Ito' mori,dianie 'plemuree cif Wit 'winos. The. thermometer ' tnaark& 32 deßreee con tigmle below. freezaig 'point (15 5-10 de gret4 FArtonheit testae zero) ; tkie lempe giTe Only ts 'vat sod iDeuf4caent, light the ghee 4 et, tba itehio!en roliiugosr abe anon produzo s tiorribl* ertaathi4gir te ksiown bs iiitioNhitenta tettitporees zoom the Naga of ate °ninety ent)dritere mad warkeilirt st.o are eithfged P rae.e the poitz sir ?mane mottling iaor6 Arm la bipe serface turroundsd with leinks. F6ot, pime,vo-re ertic n full run, cover it; with thiek for: C4;nver,u -s9ltty rb4k eteitegthi.:.st. moegil4re: tieecemec heavy; sand at ltat lewenor ovcrcomoe eve7 . to 0D4113 spi„ of the artifirini heat of the knee." The Cation forgerr. Wh.srixitGiON, er-, der for the ortra,d,itiori - of D; low for forgory...ehso . :Int& out at •••tha Siatv Di-portatent. to-day. The • order is in the usutLifortia of such 4ocuments and . embrace!: r, copy of tho Iva:m .4 ; %'insicver ) which .cvntains tertJ coo Ilto for forging a,43 utterirtz' pitoee of. pre Alit per, e-, l eo th 0.41- d3vils Of parties whoentr.me ere forged. Thq,e Nets mere certified u cMtr the veal oft iston court a:id Com mo n iveal th of liltz.itchus4tt*. , The r---quisi . tn w io. ,as piacedp tile hapas of -Albion P. Delir burn,a, government special. agfiiit;.whp 14t, for New irork. to-night to sad Saturday' for Europe. earring with him authoity-to ree'elve the pria.)ner; - tho is in custody in London. Tilk amount of the forgeries enumerated in the indictment is 'about Air t v-tivethiiaand dollers 4 11. 3tdthit, Gay- . --ROwE—At the M. E. parsonage, Lyman-, ville, Pa., Feb. 12, by. Rev. G. Maned . . Mr. ten:lriek 8. - Gay, of Auburn, and Mies Mary ,• E. Rowe of Meshoppen: . -• • • CRONV.—CASE—Ai the M. E. parsonage, 'in .4oburn,• Feb. 5, by Rev. S. Barney, Jacob . Cronk, of Rush, and Miss Kari CasP, of . Elk Lake." • - ' • GELATT-4:ATNE=-At the house of the brides faintr, in Preston, Wisyne Co., Pa., Feb. 9th, by.itev...l4. P. Bartell, G. W: Gelattspi Thom son, Pa, , to Mies listtis 'Payne, of Pritston, VYtyne Co., Pa. • . V)"11S-d16 1 "1 1 ' Ztilt . . WARNER-1n 'Fraaklin Forks, Feb.l2, s lid . Warner, aged 'BO • yeani, wife oN•livaTUed , Warner; • .D....ased was sick but, libout three hours. Wkrsox:-At Upper. Lehigh, Pit.,,MOnday, Feb. 14th, Gertrude, only daughter of W. W.I and Annie M. Watson., aged 1 year, 2,inonthsould 12 days. Cause of death mernbrane,ottenfoup. Watsort-hrAt .:Uppiii-L g ehigh,' PS.; Feb . .47th; of nitinursnoua croup:, C'harles -Kemmerer, See elkd son of W: Amid 'Annie Watson. aged just lour years. • Great Bend, Feb. 8, - Alniirn, of WriglirChamberlin, aged. 80 years. PlucE,-In 'Susquehanna Depot, Feb. 7, David L., sou-of A. V. and L. B. Price, aged year and five months. . TliA6' —At .tithens, Pa„, Feb Ist, - Myra Park • Tilley, only.daughter tif 'Rev, •C:0. 811d' Myra Tracy, of Constantinople; Turkey, aged tour Years. . . • ". . • LOOK Lox 1 I I n, medicate qualttY..i.;(:the...Arst jr4ortaTlC:e• A: B. Lurusirt the Eagle brug'Store keeps con , ly on hand a' full supply of Frenoli:.Gen: man, English and • American - - Drugs, Medicine; anti Cliehileitls. Also - a . ,clioicQ 1 3010 1 ,10n: 'of n;ilet, ,articles aud fancy gooils, 'Tite'j largest i)(!st stock. Qf Pocket Booka irt Montrose, JAtti.'l, C. C. FORDHAN. Pl. M. , it ~ ~ , llnsineks Localt. RCN at the atveas ISILLIS for Auction Sales, etc., printed EXOCTIAT office In ;first-class style slid !table prices. Mont men's in CO S,IXTH ANNUAL RICORPTION OF We: - 2, will be held at Fire.: all, Friday eveahit, ;Feb: ially-inilted- to attend,: I ; - • • , B+, ORDER or colt. • Tose, Feb. 23,1676w1. • • • TION. —A Donation j will 'be held eit the Crianian v in Weet. Dinlock, ;:day evening, Fell. 29, for th , :. benefit of .G. Barn' d and Abel--Wiigley. An ;upper will be provided to which all are I ' 137 ORDER or Cwt. feb. 28;.1870w1: Dort. l lit.une on Tuk °pater • invited Dins CLAta OYANT EX.AItIEiTIONE FREE. Thei. is , no 'subject that requires so much study ls t d experience as the treatment of chron ic d es. The astonishing success and re ntarls le cures performed by Dr; Butterfield, due to the sift of clairvoyance, to the life long st dt of the constitution of man and the l i tt tuting' f itiettexes from natural remedie s . Cures the wo forum of SeroMla, c7atarrh, Piles, Fe male eakmese, Asthma, Kidneys or Bladder Will be IA the Catferty , House, Binghanitou Thursday, and Friday, , March, 16 and 17. ) Wiz:Vila:l.—The W. IL P. Christian Associa tion opposed to Secret Societies will hold its f. c r.. 11.. next quarterly Meeting at Grange ille ' on 114'etintay evening, March Ist, at o' k.-- The public are earnestly invited 'to atten anti listen ! to discussion% on the principles . and workings of the Secret Orders, especially in their t rajection. of Christ' front their religious rituals land to join in prayer toi their overthrow. note Sze to be three -- sewsions on Thursday, a. m., p. 'M., rod evening. Able speakers are to be - present end take the needful part, and Meada l of tMa order -will be granted a hearing. Es ozpsa or TED Ex. Coat. rabl. 23, 183w1. , , . • I OisTmte I OYEriErt.S I 1 I 7,50 aid 80 cents per quart, at the • KITOTONa, SALOON. 53U !LY TIMMY., I say_untoyou: Go to the )ne Saloon and get a good Oyster Stew. t*.1875.---4f v 1 ' ~~t lea, Mioase and Cbildren's Calf, Peble ssi Glora Eid Siumt at Auction, Friday. b. Vies atlveitiwment. Goods open fur S i tee* Tnuratlay. 144 Gort cisme' • sArtek—Pictures taken in all the lat len. Old picture& copied and . ettlaiged. lot of Wawa for bale cheap, nt G. W. Doourrnit's. trooe,,Tuti4,lo, '74.—tf. tit M. Also _ Twilit PUBLIC iv guarantee that Tay lot's nattily Medi:dots are the best in market . of their kind, and tbst'tho quality ot the goods shoyk heresAer be maintained, I would say to alt: "II ittal using them you are not eatisfied you has. reeehted benefit, in proportion to the price paid, return, the °misty bottle or package, ond got your mousy hock, is I want nnmon's raenoy usieca)so is sz.auted he tuts received its equivalent. ' P.espectfull3, H. Dnowineua TAYL,on, Propir. 0eb,b6;0075. • Itticrim Wowt. Tba Tuiaktienrioct tf..24111.3 Works of Burns tit tibit:. em wings good business and are lotting out Dome very tasty jobs of Read ftites encl. RonEttatilta. A. a Burns, of the Dn..; gum io their authorized Atvnt for outtres tad- vicinit.g. He has designs of at-14 ttories and bloautnents: Any orders left ' with bits will be prvmptly filled 14 Burns • it Mitt. Taub-ant:Loa., Feb. 1876tf. - We have just received a very large, stock of plain and fancy envelopes, letter and !note pa per, "lain cue, fatty bill head paper cards of all sir mi and olnrs, colored poster papers f etc all of hich we era afford to print cheaper than any oflice,in this or neighboring counties, and in as good style. Work done in black and colarqd inks. It you think them is any that can best us, pie us a , trial, and we will show , you what we 412 do. All kinds of blanks on nand or printer to order. , • • TEE tOLOBSAtBRoNVE, 'STATUE OF VICTORY which stands in 4e Park, at Lowell, before the tomb of. the, first .s . ldiers that fell in the Revo lution, is a *tiegind beautiful tribute of art- It is one *Ol - the objects sought by. strang ers visiting bur-sittei . city, which indeed inany visit purposely: to it , e this elegant object ot high art: \ • It Was obtaired_ froth the King of Bava ria by. Dr. J. C. Ayer, to.. whom his nytjesty was espeially gracons in icknowledgement ot what his _remedies, ire reputed to-have done for the suffering tick. It was donated by the Doc tor to the City ot bwell as a permanent and speaking etr.blem - ot the victories both .of .Scieace and Argis.ilifgorstoten. (Md.) Prat • WE Ttmix that Oa! people of Montrose and, vicinity are finding ott, where the most popu lar Dry Goods House'n Bing.larnton is located for C. F. Sisson & C. inform us that their trade; from this sectionjs very large and con increasing.' Intheir stock may now be found a large and canfully -selected stock of Dry Gods; alitable to tie wants of everybody. They; a.specialtyof Black Silks, Black Casstmeres, Black ,Mohait, Black Alpacas, and the finer grades of Dress Goods, stud in this line are prepared tO giT, some decided bar gains.. We ,suppose that litarly everybedy is aware that their . store is)ocated at 61 Court Street, next to the Canal._ Binghtnston, Sept. 22,18'5. IarLATILEri NIWB I BisolaHnoN. The latest news in 13inglAmton is that Hine & Shales, of *0 Court Street,bave just received their third Fall and . Winter spok of Dry Goods which is now complete\ in tll , departments.— The best Silk., ',The best BlTk Cashmeres.-- The'best Alpaca. The best Mtrinos—Empress —Plaids of all descriptions. ,'the best Shawls, Kid Gloves, Embroideries, Ritbons, Ties, &c., in fact everything that is kei* in a firft-class Dry Goods , Store at bottom figures. Another important item,which if known may be essential to the people,of Montrose, Ne'AT'Milford and surrounding country, that Geo. B. McCollum and C. C. Faurot would be most happy to see all of their acquaintances and show them the bargains that lime & Sholes are now prepared to give. • . & SiToLEs. Binghamton, 1875. , ‘ , 'I.IJD 4T ITOR'S - (Yi.llCE.—jhe jnider 'signed appOintt.d by the.flon. the Orphans' Court. .of fincqnsshaina County au A.afitor to make distribu ions of , tile vr e fund remaining .in the, hands of the ad .. unstratorbf the estate of Bridget MeLnan, II ta t end to _the duties of his appointment •at his office iir pntrose on . Thesday. March in, at r \o'elock :p. in., ut. which , time and place all persons_ having claims will. prese.ut them or be forever debarred. from COM ibg in upon Said fund. - ' ---- • E. O'lvElL.l4,Auditor. -- Fen- 16, IST6.-4w , Best calicoes 8 colts per yard at Cheap John's. • . . WORK, - Tiith r*%Em. .- DEMOCRAT; ;:fT,P.,. : gp,' .T 070.. =NM The Markets. New fork Produce Market. ported Every Week Expressly. for Tux itfolixxoSi DIMOCRAT by Rhodes it. Server, Produce Commis- siou Merchants. 26 Whitehall Street.k4 evr York. t '.New York Friday Feb.lB 1870, ' Burrtite -, Receipts last six days :... • 17,945 pkgs' The arrivals of really fine State butter continue , very limited and holders 'are strong and gener-i orally able to obtain extreme prices from that's' who must have quality at - any cost. suite Dairies, fine. ' 31 @ 330 State Dairies, good to primc....27 80c State Dairies, fair to good 23 '4gt 26e State Firkins. choice, sktlecteil..3l. sg - 32c State Firkins, goi . ..d to prime.... 27 sat 29c State Firkins,fair to, good , 22 (4 23c State Palk, airy, choice. • -- —c State Pails,dairy,goocl to. prime 26 (4. 30c State .PaiLs,common to fair..... 22 (4 24c 1 CHEESE. Receipts last six days 18,722 boxes. Business coritinui..s rather quiet, the demand, from the shippers not continuing as good as; anticipated. /State Factory, fancy Mt@ Mc State Factory, fine 12%c State Factory, fair to good.. 9%,g4 10%c • State Dairieslancy full cream 11%@ 12%c State Dairies, fair to g00d... - . 8%((§ 10%c EGGS. - Receipts last six days. 11,616 pkgs. The weather continues favorable,invoices sight and holders trite firm in their ideas for fresh receipts of prime marks. State and Penn. i • 1S 19c ' Western choice brands 18 €4- 1834c1 DRESSED POULTRY. With continued favorable , weather, scarcely; any choice kits arriving, together with the tact, of most of the frozen freight lots, which have been received during the' week, having been cleaned üb, has stiffened the market materially: and, prices are, decidedly higher • and Very, etrong. .Turkeys, State prime,. . 17 © 18e Turkeys, State, fair to g00d.. - ..16 0 17c Chickens, Jersey,prime 19 0 20c Chickens, Jersey, tair to gu0d..16 18c Ducks, Jersey prime.. ... 19 0 :24c Ducks,State and Western prime 17 .18c Geese, Jersey prime , 12 0 14c . Geese,St&te and Weetern prime 11 sa 12c MEATS AND STOCK. 'Veal calves 'are scarce to-day awl in good de mand at firm • t. • . Live'Sheep, weathers " -6 • 4gi 6go Live Calves, State prime ' ...'. 0 1 ,0) 10c Hog Dkresmi Calves fine. 1234q0 13c , DRIED FRIIITE. Apples are in only moderato request though prices remain about the Peeled .peschss &TO held with more firmness.' State Apples, sliced ... Wit, 10c • State A.pples,quarters •9 , g 93 c Peeled, Peaches, ba., tercy... AO' g 18c Peeled Peaches, fair t0•g00d.:. , .12 -(41 18e Blackberries. ...11, 1 -0 12c . Cherries, ... • . .......20, 220 Raspberries . _ ... .. 1 .. 27 28c Plums, 5tate....,..... 18 0;) 20a • Barly Rose, bulk, per !bb1...... Dill 25 Pettchblow, bulk, per bb1.... 137Q1 63 Prince. Alberts, bulk, Per bbl. ;:.140©l 25 Peerleaa, bulk, per bbli 104 Sweet. yellow ' 5040 00 T AYLOR'S FAMILY MRDICINES: . • Pain and Lameness re.iev ( id in a short time by tha nse.of Taylor'l, Celebrated il. The reat Rbeumatk and Neuralleic Remedy. This medicine is not a cure all. but is warranted to cure more of We ails and 'Bet* which flesh bi heir, than any other raetPeine ever die covered. Give it a trial; if youl do not find it 60. it COMAS you nothing.• It may be need with the utmost advantage for any kind.of Patit.Lameiets. Wounds or Sores upon man or beast. Will net evert the rawest woundor sore. Full directions for use around each bottle. Ask your Meichant p for a free vial. No Cures-+ No Pay.. Taylor's Cough'Syntp or ,Expectorant, for all Throat' and Lung diseases. Is very pleasant to the taste and contains nothing injurious. Try it, and stop that cough and take the soreness from yens Throat and lanss. Ask your Merchant for a free vial. -No Cure wo Pay. Taylors Condition Powders for all kiade of stock and poultry. Warranted the bet 'retrovator of the system of run down ordiseased stock. that, has ever been die. covered. Try them for all diseases 'incident to the brut& treat - lon. Directiona for use around each pack . age. to Cure—No Pay. i . . All the above medicines for sale by Abel Turret) and Burns* Nichols. of Montrose. and all Druggists and Dealers throughout the country. BROWNING TAYLOR. October 21.24'.-17, ..,', O.MNMTS.LINE.. Tb a undersigned bar an oinnibutyline running to eq ery train on the D. L. & W., and' Brie Railways a Great Bend, wan; Shippin:; Re-Shipping Baggagt at either 6pot will bepromptly attended to. The new river bridge is now completed, hence there is uo ferrying. C)AL3 3.11L1.A.01-31199 I always on hand to convoy passengers to any poist the surrounding country. 'U. BUCHANAN. Prop'r. • Great Bend. Aug. 19. 18T4.—tt. pußuo., SALE OF W'es.-asc.7tsal Norc•roorty, The undersigned. having sold his farm, will,sell on the premises. in Silver Lake, 4 miles north of Montrose, on the old Chenange Ttirnpike, ion THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1976, at 9 o'clock, a. ra., the following property, to wit : • 1 • One span Of Mares'B years old, 1 two year old Colt, 12 choice Cows, ti Yearlings 5 Shoats, 1 Democrat Wagon. 2 Lumber Wagons . light Buggy, 1 Cutter. 2 'pair Bob Sleighs, 1 Buckeye Metier. Cutting Box, Corn Sheller, cross-cut Saw, Plows, Harrows, Chains. Whitiletrees. &c., a tot of Dairy fixtures and dther farming utensels too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of Hay and Straw. :300, bushels of Oats; a quantity of Rye and Buckwheat, Corn in ear, 150 bu.. rotatoes. also his entire atouk. of • Household Furni ture, etc., etc. TERMS:—AII sum- of $5 i►nd under, cash. Over $5. nine mouths' credit with ' interest sad approved 'se curity. I JOHN EVERS. Neb. 9, '79.-9w M. C, SUTTON, Auctioneer erta,lti.ag The unde,i; Und,-st-thf Speciality • in tin tsiness, All needing their cervices will. be promptly attended to. Satiefaction guaranteed. • ' • - , ..........., .F.. mArruswB. Friendsville. re.; &Prill. 1875. ' 14.tt )14. - year oothiog at Cheap JOHN. Bny your .Buuts dG Cheap 41)0'4 YOT/TOES. /myoiderfor rheinin; sr- strains,' spai than have all began. They lievere. Crip walk, pole4 l wounded are Halted arouTi. sold before, do. Thotsw I swelline Liniment, of remarkabl, rbetimatisml, ;gout, running tumore. etc., have been re ceived. We: will rend a circular containingeertiHeatis, the recipe, etc.. gratis, to any ono requesting .' oite . bottle o f the', fellow wrapper "Centaur Linimentis worth one hundred dollars for spavined or sweenled:horaes and males, of fouserew-worm la sheep. Stoekownars —these' iniMentp are worth year attention. No family sboald be ont them. "White wrapper family nsq;" Yellow ivra ter for animals; Sold by all Draggistsl— cents per 'ottle; large bottles. $l.OO. J. B. Rosa? Co., 53 Broadway. New York. , Castorals more M a an substitute for Castor Olt. It is the onlisafe artiee in , existencti,which is certain to assimulat:e the food, rCkulate the bowels, cure wind colic and produce natural sleep. It contains neither minerals * morphine or alcohol, and is pleasant to take. Children ne4d not cry and mothers may red. 0ct.25. D RUG Para Drugs Medicines,' Chemicals; Dye Woods, D y e ES taffs, Paints, Oils. Varnish's. Books. Combs. Jewelry, Pertninery. ".. Brnshes, Violins.. and Violin Strings. mikes Notions, .7sticy Goods. Locke Toilet Son. Cigars, Tobacco. Table Cutt!ery, Pine Solid Sliver, Spoons, Plated Spoons, lir Ives and Forks, Guns, Pis-. tole. Amunition, Shoulder Braces. Trusses, MediCal Instrnment4. Dental Materials, TAM!), and Lamp Chimneys. Teas, Spices; Baking Powder, Sea Moss Paine, Gel tins. Tapioca, etc., ctc. Those whlwish to buy Paints and Oils, would do well to:examine us stock of White Lead, White Zinc,. and Mixed Che - cal Paints, before 'purchasing elsewhere. All kinds if colored paints in cans of from one to five pounds each, on hand. Moutsosel Feb. 1, 1878. TIMK I HZLNNOCK Mft i kßßLE WORKS. BUANS.:&.:.IIY-HIT_V., 1 ' TALIAN & AMERI(IAN MARBLE, M I LUBLE AND suers NAIITLES. SCOTOiI & AMERICAN • GRANITE, EirCemetery Lots raclosed.Or ....orm• P. C. B .m... URLS, - - - Tunkbaniaock, Pa.. Jan. 19, .1876.-1 y pAiIfiEVALE .MILLS - EILE—C::OP'3IIIV3EII3:II. I have related the' above . Mile, and fitted them up in first-clussiorder. I have also stocked the mill with AL KINDS OF BRAIN. . RYE, AND BUCKWHEAT eLOUR, CORN. MEAL, Feed, Baelcwheat' Pran, etc., etc.. which I offer to tuubs ilss done. at tte lowest prices . Pr All kinds of Milling • . • W rtRA .1 . . • WANTED. , FIVE I4JNDRED buthels or Rye, immediately. Also highest cash , price paid for all kinds of Grain. ‘ , ERNST SKIBBE. Parkecae, Jan. 19,1876.-3 m HARFORD, PA. W. ou Repal cheapest. Flrst-ela lIMII EMI! To shoe Per span, new, " cork and set - Bet per! span • - • - • 411 work warrantee. Call examine my stock ore parcbasinar .eleewhere. [tortoni' t October 1f0th,18715 tt: • :ES TAKE NOTICE I .. rket price. paid in cash, for ,ORN, RYE, AND OATS, .•- at the Montrose Steani Mill. e. Jnl*l4.lB l- 4. A 4 mogoi,.Baperintendent. Mon tro ABLE DE ri " Situa*, in the Borough •of Montrose. A very die • treble preperty, - Fine. large Home. good Barn. Garden, Fruit Trf,..es, in bearing. good well, and other con venieucles. For particulars, enquire ou the premises, _ WM. G. BAILEY; Octobtir 6,187 Mtn:arose; Fs. will make 139 . 17LTRY, EGGS & AuTTER, . , wanted. gigheat cash price will be paid, . • - i • 8; WHEATOROrt Ruth Wantary 19 1276 --2 w • Skirts, at Cheap 09hq's. = I ‘• • . • 4 nt,ur Liniment. There is no pain. which the Centanr: LutiMent will not relieve, no swelling thou will not Subdue, and to himenes • whiCh they Will not mire: Thi s I sat ron g iangnage, bit At is tine. They haVn . produced mire ,cures of rherimatisii, neni*igia.locklaw.paley,spmins,swel! caked breasts made burns: salt , i be,AC, upon the human frame, atdO n, guile - , etc.., upon animals in one year. I titer pretended remedies Since the world are tonnter-i rrltant, all-healing, pain re.- les throw awaitheli crutches, the lame us bitss are-rendered barmlesit,.and the. ealed Withouti scar. The recipe isspnb eaeh bottle: They sell zanUarticles ever I ocau ee l they do' Just what they pretend to onow suffer from rheumatism. pain, or rye to Suffer if they will not use Centaur ite wrapper. More tnitulooo Certificates 1 , cures. including frozen limbs . , chronic MEDICINES, Lyon, Druggist, MONTRQSE, Dwilerin 'alfkinde of Daly's Palo Ale for Invalids. _0.:...: Mszinfacturers of and Dealers in A Specialty. Including Western White Wheat. I : sleo keep on band YOUR WAGONS, CAR: IN AND SLEIGHS, • UR • , PRICE LIST. g done on short nottde. Cheerier thai the Phsetons - - Buggies - - Lumber Wagon* - Platforms from $l4O to Swell Body Sleighs USE AND LOT FOR SALE. ; „ allgimicALs. Oso. SMITH • • •. • - ISO . • . 111 160 • •- - 1 11 : 40 1. .00 W. OUSTERHOUT Iron, Hardware, etc; HAYDEN & MENA STOVES, TIN, COPPER l& SHEET IRON WARES; HOUSE PURA% 'SHIM} GOODS, AND BUILD. - ERS HARDWARE, &O. BLANCHARD, "BARTLET - & SASH,- BLINDS, DOORS, WIN DOWS; CORNICE MOULD , INGS,' &C., wbich we will sell at Blanchard, !tartlet & pi NAILS;SCREWS, LATCHES, BUTri t SASH AND BLIND FASTEN- Pas AND HINGES, HOES, FORK SHOVELS, RAKES, WIRE , GOODS, ML • Special inducements p on P a ane, Palle, Cooler, P Goods. IRON pnEmrpx • MILK PANS. (Joint HAYDE . N ) Gezieral Agenti OTSEGO COUNTY LUMBER;. P 14,.. FORM, SPRING AND BUG. GY _ WAGGONS. • • Unsurpassed bar Styli . and Darabili* We have recently added to oar soleciloa of sH ru -01. Or; THIS ' thIINTWIFITIA-i• COOK, made by Rathbone, Bard CO., Albasyrt. Y.. sadtillt Argand Base Burntft , Parlor Barre, sad Csaard COL Stoves, manntactureby.Perry I Co., Albeit, N.T. Ale also keep the celebrated . . DIAMOND BASE BURN ING. A FEARLESS COOKING'STOVEI3. Rstttbone, Jewett b. Illeneola, Moses. with Oaf,ee Reservare and Nictslellemitines of the lateet issprienit patterns. Repeiring proseptli dine end elder, jobbing solicited. • HATDIRT nth. Whj the tlowors::2lasi In It":4ltikt! Are you aware that you mita •bt+ie fluarraerlaradet 44, January t That yen tin !apart belly air ti IV' families ? that yob as give eferlo4llo,4ll- Itr• 11111 Y plants and Flowers, ,asst . ttoka_ ism as„ ae...44- ak littie - pqriadts• b y Ten:basin ova of *c G. Bityrea Air Parnacea ? Teem* Pnrosoes lit* aow canaltaileed with VAPOR PAN by which be atateapharo lilies!): pered to that rerembitag tiatrorter hest. No' ion DWI of Welt NO MORE DRY. HUSKY HAT. ITOTAIR And thelime has come when consumptives may WP joice in coal Arm Thole furnace% are fold wag= on their own merlte, aed are now the leading th this part of the country , Al] Furnaces ars warmilip • ed to give entire satisfaction or no Bale. NI IT PL. roT . . zt-4C 13 ES, I keep competent men on the road who are wen ie quintet' with the Furnace business ind they are tor scantly putting up these Furnaces. Their week is wash ranted to please. Theee Furnaces are now scattered ft the following towns and cities: » • Binghltmton",,,Scranton, Providence, Wilkie Vivi.. Kingston, Pittston, iEimira. Waverly, Williams Great Bond, •Sw-puehrnna. ,Oepot. ilsuco lipss D Downsville. Andes, Maigaretville, Franklin. MI _ Owego,-Northumberiand, and many other to • iiIia.a2.I.I2:I3LOVJLZIL" a, cl„ 313 Any person wlbhing a recommendation train ant ft* living in toe above named places. -I will gladly am too pond with them. giving imam" of parties now Wog these Furnaces. B. C., SAYRE-, Viontrose, rat McitOrose, December ltd . 1.873?—am. • Real _Estate for Sale. V ALVABLAi Farm For Sale. The enbocriber offers for sale the valuable Mu as the OEMlasi:km.ora Fle►oe Said farm is 'one of the moat desirable,tarme is be county. and is beautifally 'situated in the Villsige eie Summers's:lle. Risquehanna county, Pa. ; there is a good store, flouring mill, saw _mill, plaster mill ant bladkamith and wagon shop in said village. The Okra is situated directly on the D. L. &W. R. R., one mils and a halt from the depot it New Milford, and miles from the depot at Great Bend N. Y. & Iris B. contains 190 acres of land, 180 acres iniproved., is watered, having a lasting stream •of ' water rnazthg through it and water conveyed in pipes to the he barn and cattle yards, it is well _ fenced, and g i n good cultivation ; It is well adapted to growing .' g i And is fi tted for stock or dairying ; there is a large . convenient dwelling. and wog house, well painted, beautiful lawn, with shrubbery', a large horse barn, iissr riarte house cattle barn, with two cattle yards and sited" and stables for feeding stocker stalling cows, and= orchards of grafted fruits. Terms of payment easy. R. L. SUTPHIN. • /TOW' Milford, Bug's a ti September 29,1875.-41 n . . . FARM War /13"?.. 1 • Tlie enbperlber offere lit tone for eels i Irt Biker Law Township, containtim irie tTT AORKS.- one Mit lib. proved,_ For,partiorders, addroie 11011A8 EN oLtsu *lx 596, Alcoa** rc Feb. ti.:1811.- 1 ' * i.,': . . Gents' and Ladneund6riv6ar al o ohear • ,T,ohnis.,Lu .4 ,1 • ' • ". . f . I,;_r;. Dealers in :Agents' kW/