The Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1876-1878, February 23, 1876, Image 6

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4---IMr. Leonard Stark has • th - ; frame -up
1110,1. Y. Otarry's Cie, Itanniactory.
4—Thestatement of the Supervisors of Sil
l* Lake township has' been receaved,ond will,
i .
e published next week. 1 ‘
- , 4--iiiat your,smolted glass ready, as there is
kla be an - eclipse of the sin on the 28th of
Aritreb, at three o'clock,in the afternoon. . ,
i •
.40 -. Tie Forest Mills Manufacturing Cara
way of Salem township, ',Wayne , county, have
vide an afiaisament for the benefit of their
tetcditors. • ' - • 1 •
--Montrose Fire Company, N0.2,wi1l hold
:limit 'Sixth Annual Reception tt Firemen's
'tall, on Priday erening,Feb. 25 . 1 76. A gel'
litra limitation in extended. I 1"
...---Judge Streeter has returned from To
'winds-and held an argument court this week.
Irtizse argument' courts are hard on the tip
staves. The benches get very tired.
—The young ladies of Bt. suit church
Will hold at sociable gat the residence Of Chas.
11L-Bmith on Thursday evening, Feb. 24th.- Re
kohments will be served during the evening.
—=-This year is to ha a very remarhabAt
year. It is Leap 'Year,. Preeidential electiott
prar. Centennial AnniVersary of our Nation
al Ina e pendenee and also there are fty-three
Arrandaya; •
"—Alia spy, t9 - wit,comes Warren E. Ting
with a basket of apples or the printers of
ILO DirthoCa , LT office. priners often meet
Irjthsadversities,but they do se tin to hive hosts
-al friends.
A Union Meeting will be held, at the
rrcsbyterian church, on - Saturday evenhig,Feh..
liCth, tor the purpose of organizing a Young
Men's Christian Association, to which-all are
si•rdially invited to attend, J
. W. J. Burns, stgetiman for the book
%titled tbs "Polar and f it tiopical Worlds,". in that .ho took , thirty orders in town,
Tast week. This is a substantial proof that the
popll of this vicinity appreciate a standard
a....-• :On Thireday laet, the llth inst., the
ions* end store at Dr. J. 11. Bat h, of South
Cenese lifeyoe Co.. etre totsily destroted by
tro.,.togettior with., their attire content The
••builiiing 1 1/63 see in !lamb list. Loss ea imated
•ait: P 3, 4 o ; limit:ae - 41,2ra 1 It hosuppeeed the
lid ()helmeted to© ö temp enlosion;
—On P? 1443 lie% gs Conductor Potter's
wain en the Po. Coe) Co'3 it. R was 'neer
-11441,"147, • Yount mss Juisai)*( l on ilgt- as
! . •
-IC/ Pantsitler . WTO
e .0 porn:, end stepping
1, 4 ,th otter track ens inatantly killed. He
irseeittr“.l3' end brd nothing. on
‘ bis peFson
lip !Pinch hie nay* osuld be imartined.
1 • *
-=- 7 --littr. J., W. /Oen, of Dimodk, ' ' , legit four
4e44 - Worn Pans.# blossoms upon F our ishle
whiff he pleated in hie door-yerd on the ftrst
..4124y oflibruery. 2&r A. sold ha could 4ve
toushi - t:o.stins ni them from the iiime
source. This easy be" considered es one of the
!:en ders of 1.t34, whenAowere blossorn. in _tbia
locolir t y is the open AO in the month - of :Feb
rlittrY• . * "
--On Friday morenng last *young Merited
110131,4111 aimed Cerzerwinski,' wile Of a kakerof
'that name living in Stanton,' was found dead
in for bead, with her five-months-old baby ly
tag, on btr breast, elso dead. It appears-tha t
she hcd died in great agony from some sudn
sekutre in the "night, and in her death -throes
ksd crushed the life out uf,her child. . Sheas
twenty-lour yogi, of age, and was bornl v
Roatodale, Wayne co.. Ber ,hlsband was' in
.Taylorville, it the time of the distressing event:\
The auditors report the bimded indebted
ness of the county "at:soo, wArcu COMES
rouDa wit OVR stra 11.1A.E.NT LAST FALL."--ii
.Zentrose Republican.' 1 ,
' We are inclined tO believe 'thstory that a
1 .,
an bought a cake of tallow at Gr ffis & Sayres'
• ;tore and carried it, home in a copy of the
Montrose. Republican - which cc ntained the
above statement,. and on'upenin it found it
turned into- snap. Such concent r ated lie--kly
glories as the above would make soap out of
beef steak. ' .
--Eastsr wpl is year]; on the 16th,
r t
rather tbanlon the Bth o April, because Eater
Day is regulated not by. solar, but by a lunar
eycle—the cycle that re,gulates the Golden
• number. Now, by a solar calculation day al;
Itays btgins at midnight ; but by hmar calcu- -
lation it begins at noon._ • llf, threfore, the
Paschal moon falls on a Saturday after 12 w., it
Ihcounted as 'falling on Sunday, and then Eas
ier Day is, under the rule in the'Frayer Book,
the Sunday following. This is what happens
tithe present year. ' The Paschal' full moon
falls on Saturday, Arfil Bth, iat 2:43 p. ni. -It
b.therefore counted t ' ce falling on Sunday, April
Oh, asd Easter day lis the Sunday following,
that is, April 16th.1 1 It any be I added that
. should the 'till moon' fall en March -21st - before
12 at„, that full . , moon, (ciunted i ai t falling on
March_2oth) would not regulate Easter Day,but
the ene following. ' This'bappenedln 1219.
WitjiT Aim LEGA*, EL/LIDA:TB 11Wti publish
below .11 list of legalholidays :
1". New Trear's Day. • . I
2. Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22d. :
• S. , Good Friday. , -,,_ ;, -,
4.. Decoration Day, May 80th. ' .• ~- .
• O. '. independence Day, JUly 4th. - =
& 'Thanksgiving Dpy. . : _
I. Chriettnaa P 1 I -
' Iwronwer . LEGAL Datcpirovr.—=The supreme
tottrt has decided, m a case from the common
. pleas of Northumberland county, that orders
drawn, by the president of a board. of school
directors upon the treasurer of the, school dis
trict, under school law, are not, negotiable bills
or orders, but are warrants for.the pa ' meat of
Money to the persons to whom they ar issued,
to bedisbursed by thertreasurer under tlie au
thority of the law. They therefore do' not au
thorise a subsequent holder to maintain suit
to i i i 9 nano uptait:o iromissory note, bill or or-
;;der: They do not pesien the ordinary proper
ties of ,a atere non - tract, but are A' statutory
anesus or Orawil* the Public m9PeYont of the
_blonds of the le o! COMAE' of 'the funds of
.. . ..,
pe ,distritto
, ~
Occasionally a man may be heard to complain
of his paperbecause it contains advertisemeEtts.
What does a man want a newspaper for
_? Ee
can want it only for the information that ,it
gives. Now it matters not; to him whether it
comes in tie shape of an advertisement or in
the reading columns. Tke' knowledge is whit
we 'treater. Where - dOes the-- farmer get his
first knowledge Of farm implernents,and seed?
Did you not find the reaper YOu 'now use first
described in the advertising department of your
farm journal? That new cultivator that does
the work several times better than the old one,
where did you find that ? kraong the adver
tisements ! Those sweet . potatoes that yield so
rinely,*and so mealy, where did yciuleern con
cerning them ? 'That new' maclnnSthat does
the work so ' nicely, was proclaimed'*ugh the
advertising columns of the newspaper ?
The advertisements of a newspaper are of hil
ly as much -pecuniary value to the reader as
reading matter proper.- We stesin.debted to the
advertising cOlumns for .chetiti itesvepapers.—:
They are the lubricators that turn the machine.
Few papers could live on their subscriptions
alone. Cut off the advertising and nine-tenths
of the pspem . in the United States would die
out, and the balanee be obliged to raise their
subecrietinn price. -
COMPLIMENTARY.—We copy the folloiring
notice of the appointment Of Wm.,J. Ludden,
Esq., from the Binghamton Republic/in', of Feb
ruary Ath, which will be read with Interest by
his many friends in this county. This is a well
deserved."compliment` :_ and has ' an' increases
weight by being forced from an oppositfon po
litical paper.
Thek selection by . the Common Council last
-evening, of Wm.. J. Ludden. Esq., for the rest
pansible position Of City Attorney was a des:
erved recognition of one of the most talented
of the younger members of - the bar of this city;
He has been a resident of Binghamton for six
Years past, during which time he has built up a
lucrative practice and gained 'the confidence
and respect of those who know him. When
he democracy so completely carried ' thines
heir own way last week his friends at once
rought Mr. Luddep's name' fortvard for the
position, and though the claims of some others
were pushed, he was so rigorously suppOrted
that at the election last evening he received
every vote—Republicans as well as the Dernoc
racvendorsing the - selection. - ' , ,
The only ohjections we have , to make to him
IS that he is a Democrat' of the straightest *Wet;
but lance we must have one of the sort we
know\ of none whom we would so well like to '
see in the position as Mr. Ludden. We' are
sure that' he will discharge the dutiegrof the pe
sitioswith credit to himself and satisfactorily
to the people. -
nom FRAISRLThr.—Young and old folks par
ties are the general amusements' at h e present
time Prot. J. S. Gitlin is -teaching school at
Great Bend . TownsbiP eleetions of last
Tuesdey, passed off very quietly. Though the
day was a stormy one the 'election was well at
tended Some of the farmers _ have already
tapped their sugar tempi The society of
thid place have recently purchased sortie Sab
bath school books, entitled the golden &oil . 1 ....
The smoke berme of C. H. Summers caught
fire 'on Saturday. evening„-Fehe 5, and burned
his hama so badly that not more than one half of
them canbe saved A young Copts prayer'
meeting was held last Thursday evening, and
may our young brothers and sisters be prosper-,
ed in the good work they have commenced
Mr. A,Marx, of. Greenfield, Pa., has, purchased
the farm -of W. H. Tiavis, and intends to move
upon it the first of April.. GUILSIEtT.
Franklin, Feb: 2.3;1870. ''' '- . -
FAIRDALL—T. J. Depuc al* J. W.,lltindell.
with their wives, after an absence of two weeks,
have returned Holm New Jersey, 'where they
have been visiting friends. Prayer meeting
at the M. E. Church each day . this week, ex
cepting Monday 'The
j donatien for Bei. M.
F., Brarnhall, held in the M. E. Church, on Fri,
day evening, Feb. 11, notwithstanding the in
clemency of the weather, was well attended.—
Ti had been the custom-before this year to open
only the basement for such a gathering,.but as
that room was ustittlly crowded, making it ei
cedingly uncomfortable tot , the people present,
it was iiouglit desirable on this occasion to
open the church also, thereby affording a pleas
• ant retreat for those desiring. a quiet and social
, enjoy' ent. In . the
_basement, tables were
spread with things necessary , to supply the
wants t the initer man. Airoong the numer
ous ca. es there was one up - on! : which', delicate
ly trac;d in frosting, were
.words expressing
the sin re desire of Many, he4rts ; "May God
bless a r pastor." The donations amounted to
coneid .r3bly • over $lOO. After supper an ef
fort w : made to entertain the company with
- ecitations,declamations awl . Select read
ing,i w rich added much, to the enjoyment of
the ev • ning The meeting of the children,
,ildren and other, relatives of Milton
Roy aid wife at their home on Saturday, Feb.
12th to celebrate the twenty-1111'o anniversiry
_of Mbar wedding was the occasion of much en
joyment. r Among the
_presents received was a
useful as Wililts a valuable gift from Mrs. Al
bert:Roy, 'of - Friendsville. Alter a pleasant
visit together the friends seperated with 11111t11-.
al good wishes. • Vim.
Ferdale, Feb. a 1874.
nom LlBEirry.--Esq.Marviti, it is is
a little better.:.... Alvah Fish is very sick with
the bilious fever Sleighs are running here
for the first time this winter Mr. Bryant has
etthauged his farm near Franklin Forks, •Rith
Phillip Severson, for property. in Binghanr
ton There was'a doiruthin party, last 'firms
day evening, at the irons*: of :D.I). Standforas
for the benefit ME. Fisk, Pastor of the M. E.
Church.. . . . The friends of . Elder Burroughs
made him a donation some two weeks since,the
party meting in the Baptist Church, as the
house of Mr..Btirrougbs was not large enough
. accommodate the nutubers......if any one
doubts that Sunday Schools cannot be kept up
with - interest, through the winter season, in
country churchef, let them come to the Pres
byterian house itt half past twelve c few sun.
days and they will change . their opinion
Mrs. Julia Warner, wife of, Harrison Waraer,
died February at. Frauklifi _Forks,' being
eighty yeas of me.
,t:he arose - ha the morning
''.fittrg , i..:,.DEloctsavr;-.:::=.,FP,f1.--' - '-f-8,-.1.8.76
as well as usual but' at seven! ()clack she was
attacked with asevere pain in the head, saying
that she "believed her head wouhi burst" which
were her last woide. Death hati np time to wait,
not even for the, interchange of farewells. The
relentless conqueror refused the aged sire and
the tearful orphan the sweet'privilege of plant
ing flowers in her passage to the, grave. No,
the Messenger hurried her away to the sepul
chttr and there 'Death yielded up his prey and
our beloved sister entered upon the holy servi
ces of the upper temple to go no more out for
ever. She is In the presence of her Saviour
and the Angels, She recognizes the Patriarchs,
Propbets,and F l vSngelists. She meets with jpy
the loved ones that have gone before, and who
would wish het back ? . Whoi would take from
her head the. crown and :from her hands the
harp'? Who would hush; her songs of praise
and bring her back to • this vorld of trial, sin
and sorrow t Tq'o ;*- •
'Sister, rest-from sin and sorrow, -
Death, is o'er, and lite is won ;
On thy , , ,slamber dawnS no morrow,
- Itest ; tbine earthly rape is run
• Liberty, Feb.. 23,1876.
TOWNSHIP Ei.IiCTIORB.7:t the ;elections
held In the several election istricte of Basque
banns county,' on Tuesday, February 15,1876,
the following_ township and borough officers
were elected
AroLacoN.-- z. A ssessor , John Fallihee ; Soper
visor, David 31inkler ; Constable,, Richard
Rooney:; Auditor, John F Cauchiiri ; School
Directors,Charlessßegan,Dantel Shehan ; Judge
(A - Elections,. Win Coughlin ; Inspectors of
Elections,, Daniel, J Cronin, Daniel Hand ;
Clerk, Wm F McCormick ; I Treasurer, , Petrick
Cairey. • , . •
Anana.T.--Aseessor,-.Alanson Hobbs ;J: P.,
J 11. Tooley, J E Payne; ; SuPervisore, J N Sat z
tell ; Constable, Win H.
.k. Bs4nes ; Auditor, N J '
West ; ScnOol 'Directors, eo Wallace,. P
Cotrell. L, 0 Baldwin -; Judge Ol- Election, NSI
Footer ; Inspeetors of Election, b )1. Stearns,'
G W Bloxba ; Clerk,: Geo Dunn ; Treasuier, l
T F Archer.. 1 , •
Aunuittt.-4ssessor, Geot Stebbins ; Super
visor, J B Overfield ; Constable, W. Ce Loire ;
'Auditors, 3111.-Vansi 3 3nten;WM Donlin ; Schtiol
-Directors, Charles PiersOp, Geo 13unneIl
Judge of Election, Benj 'Pierson ; Inspectors
Of •Election,' a L Lowe; J4es A Hay ;- Clerk,
0 L Mg:melt; Treasurer,.Jtinitlian Bunnell::'
BRIDGEWATER. — Act B *C 'Wells ; • Sni
pervisor, Daniel L Kinalxr ; Constable, .Jerel
• miah Baldwin ; School Directors,iEdson Pick.;
tring, Albert T Wells"; Judge of Election, H tk l ,
Tiffany ; 4rti3peetor of *Election, Ot*P. Beebe;
Toieph"Jaiihori; Clerk, L I i
L'C Sinith ;,Trettaur r .
.- . iiii
er, 'Wave Curtis. 1 • _ - 1
. ' B ROOKLiN.--AsseEtioti L Kent; - Stinervis i L
or, BL- Woodward ; Cork ble, E S Eldridge S
Auditor, H
,p, Bailey'; Sk, 001., Directors; A . '
Waldie, Con ger . Tiffany ; judge or Elecilon; D
S Watroui ; Itspectors - of - Election', A. R Gre ? '
P H Tiffany : (1 -, rk - .-1) .A. '+'. , tirortb ; Tressiarl
er, A W Xenaillila '• •
CLumiltiti. z , .....—.. --,:do':; ' . 44irliv:l •Arnold ; Sul"
Perrisors; IV
B C,oleinin, I. year, Write -ii Hut
brouck ; Uonstable, 11 . A Gardner ; Anditori,
I` P Wells, 1 year,''WmLD ' Joubs, 8 Tears I F
School bireetors, Jas W L wry, 2 years' - Zenai
Roundi, P W-Chaptbeili ; Judge oPEL*lctiOn
Ezra, Aloiernan ; lespectoriC of Election, 'San
Dlorgan, jr fl:` L Richards ; \ Clerk, C L flak
stead •; Treasurer, D C Wells. ' - '.--
_ . .
Cfi - ocOmir.--:-Assessor, J Golden ;J. P.;
Wm Dunrt Supervisor, M J- Donnelly ; COnl
stable, Edward McDevitt. Auditor, J E Oar
malt ; SchoOl. Direct:Ors, chael ,Behan,linnes
Purcell ; Judge of Elixttiori, lilattliew, ; Stanley. l ;
Inspectors of Election, James Clara,-Patrici
tirualey ; . 01erk; "lii. 3' Golden ; Press., James
Qniun. 1 '1
bistocK.—Aisessor, Dennison: T hom ashs ; -
pervisor, C .T• Hollister ; Constable,' L W nu -
nen ; Anditbr, Win :Strine ; School Di r ector-,
• Stedrnan, li H Tyler ; Juilt%,e of Electioo,
GeoStemS ; Inspectors of , Election,P. Conk.
lin, Matthew. Keena . ; 'Clerk ; T B Williams;
Tr: as., Hiram Blakeslee... •
DUNDAFt.—AeSeSSOT, Isaac E Davis';
gess, T P Phinney ; Poormasters; JOhn Riven
buig, J E Davi-L . ; Constable, .k.l S! Lewis.; Atui
itors,'T P .Phinney, Ayres; L
Sehwl Directors, Jobn . Ativelibtirg, Ric -
ardson ; Judge of,Electlon, John • Rivenbur :
Inspectore of Election, - Jasper Witter, II
Bennett ; Town Council, A' Mills, N Coleman,
J Rivenburg, E P Chambers,' A /I Ayres. ThlsB
Halsted, D Brownell,: Win Wilbur, EILaM
' .
FRANKLI T V.—Assessoi, , R K Bailey ; J. 7
David Marah ; Bukryisor,
Constable, WII Travis !.; kuditor, P Dea
born; Seh.',Directors,7_ G Will turs ,. B J B
ker ; JudigC of E.. B vanti4 ; Insp. of
John McCabe, Jeremiah Banker; Clerk, J
Turner ; Teasurer, F liFordham. • •
FOREST Lanx.—Assessor. F H Stoutnwel
Supervisor, H C %in!fork; :Conitable,, Win
Small ; Andltor, W A. Soutlivvell'; Scii. Dir
tors, D L Dewers, Cheater; Wright.; Judge
E., D L Dnwera ; bop: ort., J . Rice, C
Lincoln, Clerk 3 J M ttradshai ; Treasure:
Asa Warner
TituczmavlLLE.--Aftessor, Edward Mora
kligh Coiast., Joint "IdeCatiley ;. Street Comm
sinner, Joyn'Megauley ;
allan ; Auditors, Edward B - Geo),
R Foran ; School Ph:enters, Etiw
Moran i John lingan, James Trothten ;-Jo(
of E., Denuts O'Day ;.luspcctots c t.
F Keehati, R, ; _ i Lvet..; COuucil, Mic
bow, Tiros H4g;an, JUsTroddeh, Hugh DU
GinsoN..Assessor, Thos Evans ; Supervis r,
Williston 9elatt ; Coast., E P Pope ; Audit r,
A IT Barnes.;; School Directors. p A Kennc y,
John Reese ; Judge ofElertion,Oliver Pott r ;
Ing.pectore Ot Election, .rr , P Whitney, Si l las
Rowell'; Clerls C A „Kennedy ; Treas,, F E
GItE4.T 1:1111NO Borp —Poornissters, 'After
Paintin, 9 Guile ; Const., litih't Ferguscin ;
Auditor, H H Phillips - ;School , Direetora,3lloh
ad Kilrovi,ll Skinner'; Judge' of E, Richard
Stack ; Inv. of o. ‘ J II Duseubury, A. a. y 44.
warmer ; Town.VOnuoil e fohn L BrowitiThcku
as Kilrow, Cornelius Waldron, Patrick.
Van, Henry Terboss: •
J. P., John Lewis, E A Barton ; Oupervlsors,A.
'd Aldrich, John Lane'; Constable,* u Four ;
Auditor; E Gill ; BchoOt Direct:kw, Chu Bruh,
R Roosa ;, Judge if Election, - AB Tuthill ; In
epectors of E., L B Parks, F S &riles ; Cierk,
B Parks. '
GREAT BEND VILLAGE 80110.--illearro i iim.
10a Chase ; Burgess, Joseph Dußois . ; Overseer
of Poor, J V Lewis ; Constable, "R H •Hey-
Ward ; Auditor, L B Crook ; School 'Directors,
A W billiard, J B Preston • Jedge of E., Am 7
its a Chase ; of E,,'J V Levin, J Pres
on ; Town Council, L B Crook, S, B Chase, 8
W Dayton, Charles Simps 191 T • Benjamin,
Theo Corby.- •
Hanmoitv.--1-sseressor, Geo El •lireKuue ; J.
Simon II Barnes, W Scott Brandt ; Super
;visor,- Gilbert -E •McKune ; Cooitable, Noble
Thomas ; . :Auditor
_, Henry W Brandt School
irectors, Horaoe 4 Peck, Edward P Chem* ;
41td i ge of E.,. Henry W Brandt'; , lump. of E.
Martin 1 Taylor, Oren 'D Wicks ; Clerk, A. G
Young ;' Treasurer, Noah . Bisbee. • • --
1 HaniPon.-Assetiso!, 17urbane Tingley ;`'Poor
Master, Gilbert J Hotebkiss , Supervisor, Frank
Wiimartkl. '.Constakile, -.Henry J - Tyler; Audi
tor, Joseph Powersi' Shoot Directors, H .8
Sweet, E C Harding ;,. Judge of B.; Henry
Grant; of . E.,' Egbert' Binsebaugh, F •A.
Osuorn ;* Clerk, R Thatcher ; Tressurer;
HEnnrcx.-;--Assessor,, Pluto Burritt ; 'Super
iisor,,Giles H Lyon ; Constable, EJ Thomas ;
Auditor, 'Sanford, arritr; School Directors, W
W Norton. Q $ Tingley, ' Judge', of *, A - A
Carpenter"; InSp, of .E.; A C flarding,p A Ly
ons ; *Clark, Israel ' Meyers ; Treasurer, J
'Thomas: - •
JACKSON—ARBefikOI : James E Curtis ; Super
visor, Frank Bryant; Constable,. b. S Bingham;
Auditor,' T. W . Clin ion ; Sch. Dii.eators, H H
Stoddard, -T W . Tingley; Judge of E., W .H.
Larrabee ; lnsp. of E.,
.E i Barrett, J C Hill , ;
Clerk; B W Doughty, Treas., Milton' Batch:::
Jamak--Assessor, 0 W Stoup ; J P., H C
Bertholf • Supervisor Cyrus Sheets; Constable,
J § Bali's; Auditor, Geo H llarvey'; Seb 1)1 7.
rector, R M Petitt, John Cronk, ; ,Judge of, E.
John Bedell . ; : Insp. of E.. T J Depue, Tbontas
Beaupont ; Clerk, David Olmstead . ; - Treas.,
I ?4seFlb ', - •
Limunor—lissessor, C R. Bliley P.,1
W ,Kellum Supersissr,' S Squires . COW*"
We, Ansel Merrill; Auditor,- W Z Brown ; Sch.
Directors, AllB4ll Merrill, B- WOod ;: Judgent
-4., Sohn Leary',ltuips. of E., 0 D Roberts,*.L
organ ;;:Clerk, G IV Green ;;Trens., Elitha
Belt. - : . • •
. Ly.xot-Assessor,• :Thos.., Wed ;: • 811PerrisOr,
- Byron tic:Donald ; •Condable,t) . Pii3onie; 'An •
diti,r ; Win. killer ; - 136.'.Direetors, George con:7
rad, C:W -Conrad j - T ,:Bennett;, , !judge cif 'E.,
G W preen'; Lnsp. of ‘E.; , Esect(4 4 ,tiley;lituri
P . Titus; 13 , - X Etardk ;.' E
,Ithrivurr,olvAesestori' John- ';
• Supervisor, 4nditor;- - John
Fiy.rin Directors; L Curley.Thoiintia
Jones Judge of. E4:B.P;Williains; 'lnsp. of E:
P. Keenan, Geo.* F Taggart
Trests.t. W 'Camp.) , -
Mos;rnOsi—Asseisor,' G V Bentley; Mice
tor of "'Poor` tlluin;
,W it Harrington High'
Consttible;W• A , Taylor ;" • Constable, ',Yellin A
Howell; F B . Chantil&*; Piree.
tors, Blllateher,.L F Fitch iiidge of E., t B
Eldred ; Insp. a E., C S Foster; J Webb.
NEW MILFORD Bononou—liiieesor,PPhin
ney;-J. P.,' W T Mox ; overseera Poor,
K A Johnston, L c L" Leroy; constable,
Dean ; Auditor, P. - A .Pratt';. - Sci Directors; A
Corbin,' N Butterfield; Judge of , W S Head;
Insp. Of E., ilbickermin,John tlivden ; TC4II
Council, E W 130yle,N 0 Miley' H, Dickerivan,
Josiah t Moss E Darrow.
NkwLronn Tr. —Asseusq,Edward J Ty
ler ; poor Commissioner, E Aldrich, 8 yrs., Ho:
finer TinglO,y, l year ; Supervisor, John Bithei ;
()unstable, Chrtes If Shelp ; Auditor, E P
Bradford ;acbf, Directors, J SI , Weattall,
Vation, JW H Bradford, eorge • N Wil
liams ; Judge of E., Elliot Aldrien ; .Insp. of E.
W II Foot, R H Brando; Clerk, J T •Jen:
uiug : Tau., Benj Sabin. %.
LtukkTY—Assessor, • Samuel Whited ; J. P.,
D C blarvin, D L North.; Supervisor, L W
len ' • Congt. L Smith Morris Han
nigan.; .Selt.: Directors,. J M Travis, II Murpliy,
Geo. Preston Judge Isanc Comstock; Jr.;
losp. E., B P Allen; B J LasUre ; Clerk, L'W
Howard ; Tress., II W Ives.
LITTLE: AlltanoWs—Assessor a , L W Barton ;
Btirgeas, P • Hinds ; Stree.t - oOranriail l oner, Joe
Beebe:: ; Constable, C Fox ;,Auditerj
Beardslee ; Directory, L & Harris, A Foie ;
judge of E.., N Deuel ; Inspeetorii of E., Joe
Beebe, F O'Dond Torn r,Oounetl ; 'G
mer, :Edward Kimball, - Janke" O'Doud, Silas
Beardslee. . • • • r '
OAKLAND.--lisitessor, A G Brash ; J. P.,'Gro
H Leal ; tiupervisois, .Edniund; . * ;Druill; Chile
J LYot s ; s Constable,N W PO* . ; AutlitOr,Stan•
ley Squires ; School Directoni;:Charles Beyden,
Jackson I Schriyer ; Judge of f .E.; 'George 'II
'Leal - , In Sp ectona of E., John Ray mon CI, Ch as
Pettis ; Clerk, A. Van Wagner ; Treasurer; T
T Munson. • •
Ruin --Assessor, .1 F De'ine ; iloperyisor,
Jus Sig° ; Constable, D 11 ‘bevlng ; Audi to r,
W /I Sherwood ; School 'Diyoctors, J 13" W
Verbyck ; Judge ,
Granger, 11 . of E., W. L
, Vintglin ; Insp. of E., F H 4 31unger,,, Jno J
Harvey ; Clerk, 11 ly Terry; Tree tsurer , ci 8
turnsl,frotn. the First Ward net giving the vete
for aft the candidg.tes, we cannot tell whielt
eandiiiiites were elOted.
Brntriqvitax..—Assessor, SA: shook ; J. P.,
Seth 0 Stark ; Supervisor,.l4.ll - kinen ; Con
stable, L B Scott ;- Auditor, S 8 Thomas ; &b
D ue t - tor e, E Blakeslee,' Jerry . Stephens ;
Judge of 8., E 0 Ely ; Insp. of E:,: Jaen U. Li.
man, 0 K l eiman Olerlt and Trees., Mlles
Prkgiertt "-
_ •
L*3l,--Atnietbsor, Ttamtlry aalli i ;
.j.p4 Diniii F Donivan ; Bapertisor, Lorca z 0
StOni ; Ileums Roftersjr. ;
Or. %trick Gorrsan ; &boot Directors. John
Dailts, Ezekiel 11 Gage ; Judge Of E., Michael
Sullivan ; Insp.. of Election, Ebenezer Gls;
'John *Murph y Clerk,James 'Worley ; 'frea k
Daniel F,Stillivai.
TROllOll.—itaimor, ;oho thane? ; &per.
visor, Gee Davis; Constable, Otiss Wrighter ;
D 'Mon School Directors, L 8
Aldrich, FA. Vrosier ; Judie of E., Sl Whit.
my ; Insp. of E t X Sew* Chu:. Whrighter ;
Clerk, Geo
uil Sulam Ditistsrry,
Two Melia yEar..l.Bl: tin ad
ditional Liao, 44 coats.
WV. 1.14U01 WOUT. Slater, -Wbodoma and I .
dealer in all rind* of elate toning, elate paint, etc.
Rosin Tlipal red iiitb elate paint Weirder. / be. flat*
pal nt for sale by tbe gallon orbs raell. Nontrost.Pa.
BILLINGS STROUD. Genera fire land Life fi le r
once dictate ; Alcatel] Hallman find Ac cideni Ticktt
to New Verkand Philadelphia. (Alley out dooreast
ofthe tont.
BOYD In CORWIN. Dealeri In' Waves. Hardware
and lianufittnrera of Tin and libeettrun ware.eera
of wain with!tad To rnaite street. -
A.. N. lIIILLA.KO Oetler in Ortleeriee; Provisions
Boole, St/Atone' and Yankee Notions, it bead of
WI. -COOPSR tb CO.. Bankers, sell Parelp,ps i .
sage 'rickets andDraftson Sugland, heir iand Siot.
L. COY, Bernees makeranil dealer all article
usually kept by the trude, oppos lte the ak. •
JAMES g. CARIiALT, Attorney sr Li • office one
door below 'rarbell Hou Se. Pubhc A ven •
R. ROSENTHAL, Auctioneer. Care of S. Tillman di
Co., II ontro4e Pa. ' tjani. 19,18.1
SAVINGS BANK;NEW q. per cent, to
tereet on all Deposits. Does a gener Rankine Ent
ness. .-ull-tf ' 8. B. CIIASE & CO.
11,0.C.R1tET & 80N.. Dealers. in•Flonr k Feed. ilea
Salt: Lime, Cement. Groceries and Pror'smns ol
Mein Street. opposite the Depot.
S. F. IEMIIER,- Carriage Maker and Undertaker on
'Main Street;two door* below tiawley's Store.
''‘. I 4I2EA:T BEND.
H. P. DORNN.Aferebant.Tallor and dealer in Rend)
adeClothing, Dry Oootle.groceriero au d Provilione
Plain Mtreet.o
Dnuis ind Ins dieitte.
aw• dat:. .
, ikZa
, 4 .0 • V • Fri
1 , • S•
It is a liquid:U=2l4M Ibr Rouse and stable use. A
Vllll A ble eoratination, ditto - feted b celebrated Eng
lishchenifit end horse-farrier. Was trodficeti in the
United ti , J,lte* in the i r *r Mg, and eine that time, by
its groat rticceiti, In the tare of dispates, it has won
tot apelf thst *mid wide; repetition :t •ro richly des
srves, and - now sands at the head of einlinentents na•
It has already 4ainid :the confidence and admiration
of thousand! If h• - .usebolds for Its many cares of &-
elates were externsiryplications sie,of den ranchnimpor
mice. it is especially admired as alltnily remedy for
ite4 peculiar chcmical, qpreibi nation, ix:making. no harsh
ingredients, ',like tincture of Cayenne or red-pepper. or
which cheap and valtileal -Liniments are Largely com
posed.] which increase itistesd,of diminish the infanta
den, making it .or nature a speedy cure for •
coLir, co.Th
lIRVISIts, sritAINS. LIJOHAGG. efamerS,
KUL -Br RiNsv;• CIITS. •atrEs , •OF
POlsollOUS INSWTts„ at.
Tci and directionisccompany each bottle.
. ,
Buy one—only 2.s , eenta. :80 tents; OT it it
does not give potitfaction roturn the bottle half
full and your money will be refunded.' • Call ford. E.
S. S., and take, no other. • . ,
D- G. CARY.' it Co., Prolirletore p
; Orange Co„ N. Y
• , FOll - SALE
A. B. BURNS. and A. MON,
Druggists, Moiarose. Pa, ,
'Pnrthattable at a?! Wholetale and retail store+ , i:
Montrose, May 6th, 1875.
p o i pliteases of thoThroal..ited Lungs.iruch
ius Cough*. Cold,. Est hoopting Cough, Bron
chitis, Algthnlilli and COMlUMipeters. •
'he few compost tilins which
we won the confidence of
r.kind and become house
!id worda among not only
le but many mitionsa. mu-t
re extraordinary vitt ties,—
Thaps no one ever sccured
wide a reputation, or min
fined it to lung *t "Ayer'a
ferry Pectoral.• It.has been
'own to .the public about
irty yeare, by a long col.ttu
,l series of DlSltTeint;Ei tutee
t have won for it a eGuil.
lice in Ito virtuea, never
medicine. tit still maitefi the
most efr•citutl etir...s of Coughs, Colds. Consumptions,
that C4ll be made by medical skill. indeed the Carnal
Pr.mottAx. :Jo , really robbetr [Litt% iittligervW tilt , c4Ece
of their terriirei.til a great qtt4stfand given a feeling of
Immunit) trom their tetal'effectsi that. be well fciunded
it the remedy ,be t...ic.en in eeaeon. Every family should
hive I) I' their closet for the remedy and prompt relief
of its: members. sickness,. suffering , and even 111 e. is
saved h% this din Ii protection.. The 2rudeut etiould
not . fl eeted. it:and the wise will not. Keep it riy you
*for the protection it afford* by its timely nee fn sudden
Aver„iii.:: co, Lowell Mum.,
Practical and, Analytical ptictnists, . •
BOLD D'irlitt.; "Dittit:3oll , ol4. AND DEALERS LY
,ltov, 2!1,1875
A'PE'S RAM -,\;
twiii4ate iiamt nun.
A.drapcing years, 'licitness
41. disappointment. and
rehlit*rypred epoeitien.
turn the hair 'ray. and
Oct' of theca in cline et tile
edTprentaturely. •- •
ttlat t s• Haut 'Yuma,. by
Ig4nd extensivp into.has
tven that it stops the
ling of. the hair hams&
; often renews the
vivid, and always enrely
Mores its color, when fad
ior gray.. It stimulatee
nutritivo organs to
tithy activ ty and pres•
hea . uty Tlito Washy. weak
becomesor sickly hair becomes glossy, .pliable and strt-nrthened
lost'hair,re4rows 'with Ifvely expryssion,; 'falling hair
is checked -Ind stabil-AO ;thin hair thickens ; and fad
ed or gray huir restore their original - color. • its otter
that is sure and harmless. it cures 'dandruf . heals all
humors, and keeps the scalp cool, clean and soft— under
which entidit Wis. inequities of the scalp are intiawaible.
As a thessing forladiet-' hair, the Vigor is praised
•for its grateful And agrecahle perfume and valued for
the soft lustre and rich:mita of tone it perfume.
Dr. Jr; C. ATM & Co,. Lowell, NrUN$•,
Pra*AlM! and Analytical Chemists.
Nov. St; 1875.-4111
For til l kindao,f,-ifil!ittery Goods go to
Wi)6 18 the Poilr . frieud—CtiesP
1 1 ltEli.10E'D BY
.: 7