.le4tlke3l.o Gout. ig When Mr. Terrence UeFadden , .\ of Honesdale, L'a., -died . ," his widow inade raffte plAieribousethold.gpot2l4 Oitt, of,all the cl.illectfoicratley'Ciiillt:i4rev,i fi!th weeks-old - ,1•411.Y.i.Pat ',Agility saw noth.: ing,extraerdivary in the goat t firs IKffort ,t lit4= &en •ti Meniber cif ;;hi :rattily daVti--;iff;blittedi' the baby down cedar, ate up, the week ;a wash -that was spread'On tlorgrasS , antl climbed to the top Of a fifteen•foot board,, pile Nhen Mrs. Conley came :lout -at with the clothes pounder, and looked down at,,her as it Chewed the last ruffle on a nightgoivii....,DOSey* hlelieart the kid and took it übderi his special pro; Jection: He' narned,it Beelsebub, ~; • ! .• As Beelzebub:increasec . in size and age; „he made, it extremely, lively for the Con ley neighborhood. He was always ready for a fight v and-would ,eat,-anything that he came iiornss. . He winild go a mile out Avt. , his waY. to :lunch off ,a,door inat„, and it'would nbver dq..to hang a carpet:out; especiillY delighted 'in:misting school ' d .children over in- the - street, I and eating their lunches,,books, and satchels. the, people' got; 'ont himor -with Beelzebub, and they told Patsey he , had better keep him •in. So to "tied a long rope to one of 'the goat's legs, ami 'fastened' him.to:a post. But ,Beelzebtal 'ciaietly butted the post '.down and then deliberately proceeded to take in • the rope. He swallowed it up to , his leg, and 'was beginning ,on that , when - Pataey .covered him, and cut the rope, Mr. COnley was obliged' to give Beelze litib a hollnlay now and Alen. On 'one . of these, lastssummer, he wandered down by the. river„side. Two boys were in swimming, and Beizy 'recognized in-one of thein 'a boy who had a few days before fed him a pack of ,lighted fire crackers, . ;The . goat walked - leisurely ,up: to the spot f•Where the boy's clothe! lay, and 'ate up a pair of pants and t shirti. Every :Vale the boys made 88 if I they were com ing out at him" ho pqt - himself in the "-shape of a buck deer sign, and they went :back.. He kept tie boya in the water three hours. 4" . On another - of his holidays, a,few ,days ;41,g0, Beelzebub ,acquired an accomplish* iraent which for a time .gave the most Un iitigated pleasure to his master. La ;borers were engaged lin enlarging a cut "On a railroad a mile down the track.— The goat, hearing the none of \the blasts; • .went to see if there , was, anything in the job for him. > Some Of themen- lived 'a , long distance away, and *carried"' their - dinner with them. The bright tin lunch pails standing here and there along the track struck the eye of Beizy. He smelt • of one, 'pranced about it awhile, and at last with one. grand butt; Out it flying . down , the track, scattering its contents along the route, aud i giving it the appear s ance of flattened oyster can. The result of this so delighted Beelze-, • hub that he forsook all other pleasures and laid in , ambush about the cut, watch-' ing for dinner pails. Patsey becam& - aware of his amiable pet's new diversion; and daily bore himl company to the spot ' to enjoy the fun. ,By and fby the men took to hiding their pails, and Beelzebub grew morose and low-spirited. One day last week Patky and his . pet walked down to the cut, Beelzebub seemed more than usually sad. He hadn't seen d'ditiner 'pail in some days. Suddenly,as they neared the cift,Beliy became strange ly elated. ,Ahead of them, near the track, stood a pail. It" was': a beauty, and had ,been placed on a stone, .affording a splen ' I did mark for the goat. fatsey rolled on the ground, he felt so-goinl. teliy fairly , gloated over the prospect,. He .stood within 'a few paces of the pail. rear . ,ed up on his hind legs and Pranced about , -in a perfect frenzy of joy. 'He shoOk his head, and made several feints of bearing ,down,on the pail, ai if revelling a while fin sweet' expectanCy. Presently 13elzy4 vraltzed . back a little further..• He threw . • his head 'down, arid with a bl-a-a-t that • ;expressed all, tbe unadulterated cussedness his`natUre, went*for that pail as, fhe 'had been shot ont (41:teal:mon. He struck ,it like a battering ram. - There Was- - a • • sound of. a thuader clap, land by 'the Pieces - of goat, - _luck" .and earth that fell thickly abdut, Witsey knew that Beelze bub had been deceived* and would never, never butt dinner pails more. Belzi-had • butte a caw° nitro-g ycertne ,- • 'Mr tow Newton's Imitator. - , old Keyser found Cooley's boy, the 'other day, standing- in a very suspic i ons position under his best apple tree„ with a stick in ha hand. arid ja_certain_ bulgYap ;pearance about hia. pocKet. Raving se :,.,cured him firmly by. , the collar, ICyser .: . ishook him up a,hit , and then asked him ,sternly what he ' was doing there. "Ain't a'doin' nothin', , said Cooley ; come ; -over yer.to Study : " • " . That:s ti rely, too thin," exclaimed `Keyser. • " - ' T, i:rea; is did:: I come over yer to .study 4 -` , about, sie • "Sir Isaac I ' ,What in thunder do yOri • 'lLtean, aSyhow ?"- • < "Why :Sir Isaac-Newton. We had it in our lesson. was in' an apple of , chard and' <seen in , 'apple fall, and that glade biat-invent thetraction of graVitci 7 :Alton, and : I -comei'over yer - to see it it was „-. . "It *mkt do sOnny ” said Keyser. f'Yon • Are too enthuiiastic about Sir Isaac. And , besides, -- whatlrere - you going-to do. with that 'etickll,-: ; "Wittt 011013041 stiOkf?. Wbat was '!:gohil - to do 'witk , tbis stioki? ,Whyi a boy gave awl.this ...illitO Willie - he . went - Or2'ati errand fur ,iie tont" , ; ' , ._,', *, . ~x ~ • ”And Where did the' apple-core come froM there on the ground ?" ' ' ''' `That . a Pple,cdre--that--one- lying there), :The birds is awf(4,o4,.9pples this season.:T 'seen, a bliabird drop.thatthere and ft "says to:, mY,O); : 'PIM. . 1 104 are -j i 0 t ~:r4.1t0 iri' : . Mr, Keysees---apples,• and webil't Nr.,Xeyser -ke,twful,:mod-z,m hfm—, "What ; makes your pickets htilge_ out that ,way ?''' ' ' ... . ... ,-, , ', • s'-' , ,ggittother made them pants,and they nev er did set right. Oh, - tho, • ,.bul . gilf place ..I Wel), a,sj. pottlatep .tiOd. out much about gir li:i'ac, beri,,l - Vva - 0 just takin' two or three apples home to see if J. could clis• cover somethin', and asked father 'to help nie--Mr. , K.97 . Ber ti . r hat ; are yogg9lug to "do " 'III' 'never ' take another • 410 e as =long as I live—'pon my word V'w . qn't 1" „I• Dietili.eyser logged WM, _and. Mr. tooleY's boy has knocked off on Sir Isaac - Newton and -natural pjiilosopny, 'and is deyoting :himself to other branches of ; knowled.e.. . ;:, : I .' • . , . _ • . • eb Crtimmet 7 s,Cruse...! liteSPeiitfully dedicated- . 'the "man who won't pay the printer."' May your egga be rotten for breakfast, your bread mouldy for dinner, and you go supperless to bed.. May the bed-bugs , pull , the comforters over your head on hot nights, and walk .of with every. rag, •of bed -clothes-in the winter. • • . May your wife be 'cross;. your servant girl prU!dish I - and:your neighbor's, ferides high. • _.• • .• May your dreams be varied between the-embraces of crocodiles and the acting back stop to the hind 'end' of a mule. May, you have steel filings in your eyes and be obliged to use chestnut burs for eye stones.' - Mayyoli lib' 'speechless .and be obliged, to stiotq for "cocktail." May\ the ghosts of starving editors and printer's devils; 'gaunt, lean and-hungry,. haunt you constantly. , • - May your boots , squeak, and run down at the heel 'and pinch yourtorns terribly. 'May your horse , -be balky, your cow give sour milk, your chickens get lousy,. and your pigs' die of the scurvy. . May your 'creditors - never let up on you, your friends- be sent to an insane asylum, and your enemy prosper. ',May your wife go away with a circus, your business go to ruin, and you go to —the devil. t • A Model Student. The - Rev. Di. Ritchie,' of, Edinburgh though a veil clever rnan, once met his match. When examining a strident as to the classes _he had attended, Ihe said : • - "And you attended the claim for Math- , ematics "Yes," "How many sides has a circle ?" "Two," said the student." "What are they?" • "An inside an an outside !" . • The doctor next inquired, , "And You attended the moral philosophy class al- so ?" "Yes:' t.. "Well•you would hear lectures on vari ous subjects. Did you evor hear one on cause and,effect ?" . "Yee." , I • "Does ,an effect ever go before - cause ?" • "Yes." "Give me an Instance." - - . "A man wheeling a wheelbarrow." The doctor then sat .down and 'propos ed no more questions. - Securing a Situatton. isq observe by the records that your name is Henry Clay Greenlaw,' remark ed His Honor, as a very tall and very slim colored citizen was pushed in. • "De same, .sah.": "It is the Bolenn duty of every colored mother in the:latid to name h e r. sons ter Tien ry Clay and her daughters after 'Martha Washington AT ;yon had been named after a Cnicago alderman I should have disposed . . of . yonr . . case in tyn sec;;, (kids." "Yes; sah." - "Now then, Henry Ctay and so forth; you, were found drunk :on a pier, - and'it pierd,fo me from your general look that you are not entirely sober yet." "he frOm d 6 Sout sah, lOoking for a place in some hotel." "This court knows no ,East, no West, no North or South, Henry Clay. You were found doubled up over a barrel, sick, discouraged and weary hearted, and - on the wa,y up here you tried to bite the oft , "What I wants - is to gtt a place . 'as waiter," pUt . in the prtsoner. , \ "This' court is supposed to be an offices ofinteligeace, but not an intelligence of.l flee \ Neverthelesi, I think I can secure you such al)lace. put you_ where waiter' : long time before you chance to eetinebriated again." . • "Yes, sah—hleeged "No thanks, Henry Clay. I'm going to send YOU thelsland: - I feel kindly towa,t& you, and /IS I dOO't VOU tO shiver, around the streets and'fall into had.. company I will . se!id you ,over to my boarding house until the siininier blos,- soms mike the birds warble little poems of ,joyful "Yes,:sah. - What'S do, ways, sale "You can settle that over there. They have recently. eat , down sallrles and you must not expect too much." 4. ...,..:2::::•.: . : - ... --- ,:: . :*,...: . ',... ,- ** - moi?... , , ,, r'7.: , - -- 7-7- , r , :.::-• .-- , - '2..-t , ,-7::. - : :. : - ..so'it,',iiiee ... ::l7lt:ii* s- ' : : ff)04100 . 1'4:- - i : -4 ,4 o.ii.-0.01#44...: .:k 'i•.,i...;t5i..;:!-';:,-2.i,',';:t NOCAA.II I • 3a " r,r) r 876. BUM PREPARE FOR WINTER New Advertisements. NEVir"sT-Oct‘ -0 v .- ~ • _ .. , . . , . , & , i i-,,..,'..W 1 N T~11 -. '.. Gattedorr i Ronda & Cols. WOOLEN . 8111.A1WiLS;":Cii0AKINGS, r . CASSIMERES, BEAVERS: _ .; • AND CLOTHS, PLAID AND PLAIN - WOOL AND MOHAIR DRESS GOODS, POPLINS,. CASHIM.ERES, 4. • DRAB TE DES ALPA CAS, BLACK AND COLORED,' FLANNELS, - ROSE IBLANKETS MtARCEILES BED -SPREADS, WOOL "TABLE SPREADS, TABLE LINENS, '1 7 14W,- ELS,' NAPKINS Furnishing klargnaaaortinanti and cheap, LADIES' AND CRILDRENS' MERINO ITNDERGAIt- MINTS, MERINO AND WOOL DOSL PELT • SKIRTS, GLOVES, &c.., &c.I ASIA, SIZES • AND QUALITIES, At G. E. & Co's, Prices to snit, MILLINERY GOODS, RIBBONS. PiLOWERS, PEAT)" ere, BLACK AND COLORED. SILK AND COT . TON VELVETS. TRIMMING SILKS. A Ane variety, DRESS ANS CLOAK TRIMMINGS, LACES, FRIN GES, BUTTONS, SILK' TIES,: CORSETS, EK BROIDERIES. ZEPHYR,! WORSTED AND FANCY YARNS. CAN- • VASS, NOTIONS AND STAMPED PAT TERNS,, • Always in great variety, At G. R. & Co a • DOMESTIC GOODS, BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND SHERTINGS,HCANTON FLAN NELS, CALLICOBS , DENIMS, TICHINGS AND •CHEVOTT SIIIRTINGS. AL WAYS A FULL ASSORTMENT • THE MOST POPULAR BRANDS, And prices to snit the times . CARPETS, OIL MOTES. MA'S. DRUGGETING FURS, FURS. FURS,BTFFALO ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS, LAP ROBES, ac. &c.. , , I At G. E. Co'fi Chesil Padm-Paite Olothitig. Men and boys' ready-made !nits, is large stock.t%Com-, plete assortment of best goods,,warranted to give sat-, isfaction. Prices to flit th e Wet at G. B. & Co's. OVERCOATS 1 OVERCOATS For Boys', Yonflifitlnd Men'. 411 eorts. Qualities and t r c ! , c s es g 8 to euppiy w 1 . 11 Pt JZ7. •. • . e V ' ,I- , . .. Our Custom Department. t ..., • . Dep artment. , Largestock of fine cassimeres. ; Clothe and Beaveri. Measures taken; good fitting and workmanship gnar anteed. Prices fully 93 per cent. !less than out of town. Call and leays'yOur measure at 0. 1 it. 4k Cots. , . PUB.IfISHING GOODS. Gents tarnishing goods. Whits and colored ; - cc - ttoh Shirts, Wool and ,Merino . Wrappers and Drawers; Flannel and merino Rose, Rnitt Jackets, Comforters, Ties, Bows, Mufflers. Gloves, Trunks. Satchels, &c., &c., the largest variety in town, l at G. R. & Co'e. HATS! HATS! ! & terst .CAPS At G. R. & do's G;UTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & COI • N. S. DESSAUSit, Managing Partner Montrose, September 29th, 101 • CARTA; ABBOTT & WHEW Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HAR,PWARE: IRON, "STEEL,. NAILS, . BLAC • SMITHS' SUPPLIES, FARMERS AND MECHANICS' TOOLS. owtreatras 164451 a. ckaacium; SEAT TIRE, TOR CALKS - and CA.LE STEEL, &c,, BURRETT'S CORN! SHELLER Alir THE_ IMPROVED BURDICK 'FEED CUTTER. • tarr-CALL'AND Su ITe. . . , Oct.-14th.1875.—1t. TA,R4EL - .1 HOpSy4. JQUN . TAIJ3ELL,L POR • • , • • - : • • • > ; • • Ririe litilgoa and Hicks (pave this Boutse-liallyteou neettav wit& the MontrosO Railway, the Lehigh )lalle;, Railroad. and the R. 1 4 ;'Railroad. April Ist, 1873.-tr , • -; r'' ' - 1 AT At G. R. & Co's ' l ', At Q. R. &t,o's At G.R. AaCcOis. At 0. R. & Co's, 1511111 me 41,1 Agtis, 49F- 87 Wisliliigtou St., BINGOAIIITON, N s To :, • , OFPOISITII I#IIIO9UUT UO iiBa ii.6*liiioE . l,pH,Xii , t..;, , . _• • •IL I ZOIIIIKIRP..4 7 .':WaN I2O2- Ard i zt , - f,'""cr:* -- i: I.f! , „ -. 4 I 11 • Great .. 130ri.cl, MIMS Has just returned from Nei tork with - a large and complete assortment' of • • Hats - And asps &c 10, Large "tetitii - ority, , 7 on - the . National Hotel . remain - hero until our nevr • - eflo r iblit IS' bO/VLBI ' N -ON ' Tag ow.GROW/D. 1h as': t f grir;itbek. n et tind bstfOght with :care: as .re 4:? ore, ofFer the largest assortment*- - nd beet bargains in the' , bounty. . . • , I 'Batter and'Protiiioe ttighest price and ppnipt returns -guaranteed. Sioney advanced when deiirel I L.. LENHEIM. I' Great ,Bend, :Jtily 7t11,1870. I - a.• s. VARY 1 6 , S PECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN #ronsse Lamps„ Opal Lamm-, Mass Lamps, Iland .. Lamps„ Burners; Wicks i lShades; 'Shade Holders, .Prices u.arcintsed as Loto as any House in Southern New York. Address by Mall, Vromptly Attended To. • iID EST 508, PRINTING 1„n AT THE LOWEST RATES We a re continually. itdding -new material to - our office, and with bur Large Sto Bot An; Price and Quality, either in Blain Black or Colored Work. FII --- =, .. Atig,:7W.S.iiiitli,..4.,*47Ei. _ „ , • ExtensiveFarniture Wox iroom you wipAnd tholargest stock of . FDIST CLASS AND COMMON F• ='Tt ri To be found in , this section of the country, of his ow' manufacture,,and at prices that cannot tail to give sett. faction. They _ make the very best EXTENSION T./13LEi5i s'ln the Country, and WMM I ' T ,T them. Qv. ca t 37. "Ow c. r3L Of *Mende done in the nestsit mekner. . 05 3P FL I 'LW Gr. 23 IEI 73 03 OF VAAIOUS KINDS. PURE NO.I MATRASSES, I ' AND COMMON MA2RASSES UNDERTAKING ., The anbscriber will hereafter make W., ndertazing a scialty in his-business. Having Jun compl State ete a NEW pe and the meat elegant HEARSE in the i d all needing his services will be attended to promptly and at satisfactory charges. WMI W. SMITH tr. SON. 3fontrose.Pa.. Jan. 81.102.—riob—tr. N AIL 1,30Y1).:::* - .' CQAWIN. -44.-'-:,',4,N-p . i-SHEET:IIO'N: '.:',iVARE, MEIIIIIIII Thanks to ourPrionds for Past Favors; iced: 4181 ; _. =EC have•,r -6 . - dvioeil our a 7 cen cent fine Dress Goodei`to.2s ()heap John'ti. .i)1111.4:,0r,Ca - nto • GP:EattU MINER MO OP WIN AL.N37.i: •7' A V*.A.:IVTATIEIE I 'NX7.4ILNUIEL of . SOB TYPE PAintAtig Presses; we Defy Comepetion r IT'CtliE. - TILAIWM&F, SEMI Comerof Maln f tind Turnpike Sts. • k ,t. - ;1 . 't TbSC:OI4TXXCPI9434IIe'riNar..O.:I asLL* Su~ , , saircoTrinsii, BtrILD,ER SY: ovrTLE-ay;*Tc'4:-: 1:kp• aneous ti:=. ~__ 040TH-I NG BINIGHAMT4N N. Y, iVIIOLESALE DEALER IN gIiNT, AiSO, • MANITFA.CTUREIt OF 1114RDWARI? MEI and, 59- Flantwis. semen BOOTS & SHOES .EO. AND COMMON CHIMNEYS. March 81.1815. B. B. LYONS. & CO., , CARPETS; OILCLOTHS, DRUGGIT, MATTLNGS, WINDOW SHADES • PAPER HANGINGS AND ENAMEL CLOTHS, COTTON YARN, • ' COFFIN TRIM- , MINUS, • PLATED WARE, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, REPS,, . . DAMASK, ALL OF DR. JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES, TRUNKS; UMBRELLAS, RUBBER -GOODS,- &C. Montrose, January 1,1848. Dl. DONLEY, • No. 48 1 1 . E 50 Washington St., BINGHAMTON , . N. T. Would reapectfully call attention to thelaargo 3EP 'N X T TT Xi ZI which they are selling at froui 15 to 20 per coat. than heretofore. Ara assortmeat of PARLOR; ROOM and RITCM M/ 41 Parlor Setts, him $6O upward. Chamber Setts rftat 00 upward. Mattreeeei !rota $4 upward. Pure Wool Mattresses from $lO to $l5. Oak, - Ash and Waled Extension'Tables (rem $0 to $lB. You can do better by pureluuting your goods of us thas of any dealers in this section of. the country. We win not be undersoldby any one east of. New `fort City , No extrk C ar g 0 for. packing ot r delivering goods at Ile depot. - VIDER '=F iAIING We destrauto say a word. 'ln this line we have Steles Patent Casket, and a variety of other styles. Au' i ll Robes. Shp:aids, etc. - The hoarse and Carriage ' attached to our establith =tent cannot. be surpassed to this section. These will be furnished to those who require. at a reasanabis eg. nre, anywhere within a radius of twenty Miles crow this city. (live him a call. P. 3. ri°N"Y. ARlffftlls TAKE. 'ZiOTICII :•;',•• Bost to rket Prue, paid to cosh, for ' • RY.E t ! AND OATS, t.git ji.oittr.Rlo.'atelP - .D: iOoTi,,Eloporiuten dent. M nntFri►rei as i 4. WM.—% Boy f elioote,' at Cheap John's. • MEE ~ t gtiiiitide„ .;: W. shall A. Si MENEM HAWLNY & CRUABIL DEALERS IN S. It: LYONS & CO. " OF OUR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers