~AE, t .....coommom A 111 4.0111.111.11, IN •••• . • . NITAL STATEMENT •• - • - ' - '—• ~ ~. • • ~, < . „ •,, • -1-, • ••••• ~,,,,, ''-i-re` f'' ":",- , ' 4 . *.7,-. I , ^- i• •'',,-; • ' •kl '-' ' -= • . . - • RECEIPTS_ '',• :AND , I. , 'XPtNEsi-TII - RES , . ... . , , .. SUSQ,VEHANNA-.' - 'OO • .. . . , UNTY. - . , - . FOE' ,11175 • . , • , , . . .. Made and published in putnuanCe of an Act of 4uumnbly of -the, 15th of Aprili .64D. 6 11385. , • , - TABLE . SHOWING THE BALANCE "OF, •\ COLLECTORW_ ',AOCOUNTS I ,' -Pei Co . tuiTT , Altil SrATE - Tilt& . E. 61; Till! YEA.It 1.871 .' ..• -' . ; • , . . . . , . .. Townebipi and -Co ee.ore ~ , chcivju k t 3 r, , istaito. • . Boroughs. .•. Names. • \ Dnp. lAm't. Pd. Zan's. P're't.• . Dup. ' Paid, Exn'tiPiret ...—. 4 --...... . ......„ • A , po l gco n ' Samiel Rice , , . , $ 629:48 , $ $B3l $ 96 25 $ 2962 90 9 $ 754 109 Auburn i '-, 4. U W C we .... , ..', 1,67797 ,•.,1,571 98 - 9396 ' 6273..:67 71 , - 53 ' 21 174 280 Ararat • S 0 Kvery 398 17 377:55 93 . 10 66 16 91 - ,16 04 .03 84 Bridgewater • Et J Kent. ' .19,310 2.17845 11 29 114 65 V ' 6356 68 50 1998 07 Brooklyn . XI , Gordinier- ' 1 125409 1,2130 :. 710: 03 84 44 53 i .40 09 149 215 Clifford, .. ..... X A Gardner 1,469 48 '1,318 tg 745 78 10 1 60 711 `.. 46 17 219 243 Cltoconnt .. -- . Winvitt• ' • 600 77 ' 56915 990 '- 29 921 112 44 -90 90 45 109 Dimock .... L W .11enne11,:.... . 1,34610 1,968'15 11 21 18974 '.. „ 91184 48 10 - AI 91 253 Dandar 1 E Davis ' • . 17410 16411 125 664 •- • 11.13 :8 55 84 '4l Franklin W H Travis ._ : 1;(49"44 , 983.14 . • 220 = , =59110 ' • ' 818 9 ta 17 46 Ile Foreit Leke -W G Small. 1,18263 1,11919 411 \.68 93 .. 43 09 40 60 196 213 Friendavilla ~ 0 W Abbott . • 17518, 16219 '•• - , 4 44 '-8 t 3 594 5 - 34 43 91 Gibeou •R p pope,. , _ 1.,0210 1 1,667 09 17 80 87 91 V 11703 ; 107 348 84 565 Great 8end,Twp..........A, 0- Fox '• , ~,.. 1,28136 k 1,165 81 420 •,. 61 r` 4$ 20 ,39 48 65 207. G! eat Bend - 80r n .... ~.• R Fergn eon ' 425 96 8139 M 16 95 9948 + 'l3 95 11 84 1 8*,59 Darmony S'.l" Hanson 1.13217 967 65 13,60 • , 5699!1, 45 16 4217 , .:.78 291 Darford. ~. u_j T il --I 1,365 69 1,2.:11 56 ,lO 37 87 76' •48 27 42 33 872 222 - • . Derrick -' , - Ba,nford t Bu rns ..., .: , 943 661 , 888 65 • 824 . 4677 .83 7S 3141 98. 164 • Jackson ^ Orville ritHe •; 7 1,8"7 79 1,91285 5 85.- •,69 09 ••• 45 91 . 43.09. 68 226 • Jessup.... - Luau«, Strt4tt 909461 843 63 141 44 40 , -'• 31 79 • •-• '2936 - 89 154 _ LittbrOD• • • •,. V . enact Merrill 686 6.9 i .. 631 71 1120 „_,43 77 . ' 89 82 29 97 129 .1 37 Lenox .. .. I'D Pay n e.. - 1,5.30 13 , 1,440' 65 - • 131,8 ' 75 62 • ' W9O -64 15 188" aBl Little liteatiows V C=Fox.. l • , 1696.3 • 160 96 •- NO •8 47 - '4991 - 4'68 24 Liberty L bmitli - 9K, 36 ••• .013 71 22 - 04 4803 • 89A6 ~ ,36 88 64 .1.94 Dodge Middletown ISemnel D0d.... -, • 872 18 • --- 827'34, - 191, 4B 54, • 341:601 • , V. 67 58 171 Montrose-.... ...... 'John A. Howell:- 11.858 09 1.751 01 , -. 14913 • • 9215' 12034 11329 309 596 New Milford Tarn.... 1c . M elhelp. ' ... 1,936 97 • 1,6= ' 69 555 96 55 78 .51 49 154' 970 ' ?., ew • mil Jord Bum E Dean 759 10 .74235 - 11 68 • : 8907 + 47 43 '4411 811 221 eta laan d . • N-W „leo x . „ .i .-.'. , .r 776 93 ' 72794.970 _ 3881 , ,- 92 32 2090 89 101 Re ..,_ ..-. . .4,-4 ... D 4CDevine... 2 '1.111./ 21 10;41 !'Ol $ 6 63 ,•, 171 ;-45 27 • -', 42 05 .102' 2' 20 611 V ier Lake ' ,Johil Dalt*. i ...4.. 1,411 35 , . 985-92 -, '3;61 : , 61„ 98, -36 05 83- . 81 • .29 175 Surenehanna Depot.. 91 If:Pope-4.4 '.. 1,38410 1,296 99 ' 1885 • . 68 961 i 0148 • 5989 602 :•1 77 •,• •E B 4cOtt ' . 1 3,1940 1,252 75 ' 21rd5 - 66190 \ ' - 54, 35 . 48 85 =393 257 Springvux. ... . ~ , „;__ . ,59 Th0m50n...... ~ G L Lewis—. ... 7•A 9 564 87 . 85 . 29 73 90 99 19 54 42 109 I • ••• $4,549 96 1 554,416 54111921 0041,811 22 $ 1,449 85,51, 8 39 54.550 53 $69'78 . , , . Total smonat of Duplicates i $6,549 SS. 44 4. , paid,. .. .. . • 04,416 54 -i , . percen . taoe -*" , ... 1,81122 .. _ exonerationB2l GO Audited thi'liboin is ount: January 60111:18-71. _ : :f 't . Total amount , Or. Duplicates • .. .. ... • - $1.449 115 paid M "' " PETeentage- - 64 44: exoneration* The abosu account audited January aih 187.; • • • • , Dn. EXPENDITURES OF SOSQUEI-VANNA COUNTY, 18 - 75. . 611. • Commonwealth costs... .... '' r .....$ 1_,026 23, Road vieWs'...... - -- ' i: .... ...... . 915 90 - Res r. &Images.. - .---...-- ---..-=:- - .• • 1,300 V 0 L Blakeslee county Comm issioner ' 377 50 E G I.all r "• .•,. " - ... ,• „ ..... .”.., . .377' Eli Barnes, '‘,.. -' ; =, 66. ,• . - • ,„..,.. 352 Win A Crossmon, InteComnersiklerk, - .1 - . . ',`: .... 1,00 00 Com:l4loi+ ' - - ' • ' •-• ` 1,11335 Grand and Traverse,lnVorer. , . .. .- 1 3.6,5.99 General township, and fpeclal elections 1,611 38 Court and Jail fue l and lights ' 838 01 Court House 318 63 E. Baldwin, Court Crier and Janitor 365 50 Assessors ' 1,308 00 Printing ...,...,:„. .i.,; .... .......\•,..... . 65550 Interest paidasi tolltr‘s.to ivit: .' .- • -.- . . E G Taylor, interest, and- negotiating ' .' loans ' - - • ... - .1. - ..$ 2600 II II Reed. semi-anattalinterest.....„ .. 60000 A Beardslee, interest . .... . ... ....1 ... 40 00 E G Taylor. interest and tegottating 87 %) A. Bea..-dsley, interest. ' - 1 40.410 • •R. H. _Read , f =I-annual interest. .. ... 60(100 ~ E 0 Taylor interest on temporary loans and nego luting the 5ame. . ..... .. 460 60 • --$ 1, 797 30 Ronde redeemed ltl- t as werows, to wi t : A Prink, jail bond .redeemed; Pct. 15, 1875.- .. 3,100 00 Four year 1 int er•lst on tbe :Same. $268 00 - J B Beardsley. :bond redeemed........ Amount of interest paid ' $ 2840 c F Head, bond, redeemed : n 06 Rev Mr Legg, bond redeemedoo Azu l t of - int. oil Read's and Legg's . i 2) bond t . ... ...$l,l 20 1 " A BeardsleT, bond redeemed - . .. Amount of interest paid to date G B Eldred, bond redefined. 7000 p Amount• of interest paid on Pame ....$ .04.41)7 Total' am' t int . paid on bonds redeemed _t1.125 00 Lunatic Hospital . 1, . ..... 760,50 . Insurance ~......• ..... . .. - ,WI 6/ Jail _20351 Ml 3 Belli:ie. Sheriff ' • 1 . 80 . 2 18 M B Helm. Sheriff and jailor- - . . • ... .\.. : . , 531 e 2 Stuti on ery- - - ' . " i ' 21340 D Summers, Prot and Clerk of Q, ... .......i. AO 41 Cot otter's inquests and postniorte exruniritt; , i - lions.:. ' . ..- .......- . .i : . ~ - .9642 J E Carmalt, late District Attornet... ....... . 104 00 'B L -Baldwin.. District Attorney 238 00 LB lakell, town clock ......—: ...... .... 25 00. D D Lathrop, reporter.... • '. 320 00 „Eastern Penitentiary........ - . . ; . • 675 48 ... Juftices of the Peace.... I ' ' - 28 00 Prothonotary'ssafe.. ... .... /I 09125 It W Macey, State freaserer ' • 2,11613 CC Halsey, jail physician ,'......;•.,-....,.•; , 16 00 Comity Institute - . .... : . ....- .. - ' 1.80 00 • Agricultural society,' ' ...1 .. .. - / 00 CO B 0 Fordham, postage. ~., ;-.... .. - ..i...!.-.;;; .•.-.. I - 300' 'registry;-. ti ~. ..,. .81:200 . County privy.. ....-. .. ,_ 58006 J W Granger et si t Wyalusing bridge .., :,...,„ -. ' , • 367 09 Brewster and Crossmon, Jtfry Comm's ' ' ' 18300 _____ ' • . i ' V ``. ~ ? . EDWIN G. TAYLOR, TiLEA . qTRER:br.SUSQUEHANNA COI.INTY, Dr. • , Ctritar.sio6ußry, 075. r , Cr. To amonnt. In Treatinref's as per' last , • Auditorat'relitirt..] - : . ... ' . 421 Amount of lines and • fury lees retelved" . I • • ..from M B Il lme, .ohcrif 221`1(1 Amount of timplitates for 1875 . 86..51986 " 2 mills tax on personal property 1,44985 " rec'd from L collector, re- • turned ... . 41 /2 Amount- reed from - .A Stone, ,; errror . ~...,:.1244 Amount rec'd frotn "Chas Morris, - 6 00 Amount rec'd from Tremaine Bretheia' • Concert, Court Ironic rent ..... • 15 00 Amount rec'd from l'remaine .11"4tkinrs' - • Concert, Court 8.4/116C rent..:;...._. 2000., Amount rec'd from Bell Ringers, our l t llouse rent 10"00 Amount reed lietri Mine A Bickinson, Court Honie rent • 15 00 Amount rec'd from Xr .Lapattgli, point House rent . . 2O 00 Amount r , c'd -.from Mr. .Munger 'Court 6 Liouse rant...:. . .:,; Amount rec'd from O lerrot, R r 4 90 Amount rec'd from John Bradshaw, Treaa Basil .& Aubnro Poor *glum.— ' 12180 Amount rec'd from additional tat 10611 Balance lii:Trimititierti '•.:hauda '',::,L•.' RECAPITULATION.—Cociwzr. 'BECAPITULATI9N.-•-•l3.rAint. 1,00000 11333 . . Vi i .„ o w 84 ‘ _. _, :,.-,- :- , --., .. .. 74046.09Y9 Pieinuit'attlited hum* sti le iris ' • ' -- - • \- '-.--. ---:,,,..,:- ,; • ..,, -, , xiii-wnwiLausi • imutsis. - , . L. I.2.'Dowv, .~.:.. X. L. C&TUN , AitaftOri. WK. WMLOCK, M. L. CATLIN. Wit. WHEELOCK. tAadttore• L. -B. IVDOWD, • • By dean orders redeemed4rom ,No. Ito lea. --I/26)1404T c - - -23005.5$ COMEINA MIMI 13y three refandin r ,fY orders,. —..s • 781 County orders fedeemed from No,l to No. '626 626 inoltusive • - - 85,065 V. 2 Eisnerations to Collectors, conu ytit - 1121.60$ Peseentsgit,o Collectors. county -- tax . 1,811 , 22 Ez‘neraticins to C'ollectore, State tax , 1 isosa Peicentage to Collectors, Stattt • - 120 81 Trthsure's comini -soe on receipts, $BB,- ;$f 82 at 2.per cent FA *. •• Treasurer'sße _commission on 'endi tlirea, $80,073 30 at 2 per cent '. .;... „ 40140 Balance In Treasurer's hands 4,000 84 I' - .,'i'll'Hg - ':, - -pgMOCRAT; - . FEB: :. ' 20; .- :.0 76. $86.4M 52 ' 2 , 182 82 MEM (03 4 '156 96 ilt=lllll B. IEIRI,M-E' ACCOUNT !wlig FINES - AND JCjI , - FEES FOR 1575; .Cr; To amount.of flues and• ury fees, is per . • teats of • the C leric of the , Con Quarter Sesstosi.... Amount of times of Wm. Jayjillen McG V and Thomas gelley,j ommitted Ira 1 ttualutate ~eut • ' .• !. Th e E - . -1 vOTB NT bO STATEME___ OF SU QUEIIAOA _ _ITOT • ; -•- . iIkI4I3.LRY /Elk I• • ' • • , Available funds r, ....,..p. 4 I. .;• ' ' ' •••••.' $4.00084 Several amounts audited in the handsel' County Commissioners ' T r ucurrent, ..- - - . 4.2 _L - 0 e'.... , i • • ............ • •'* . . 1 . . •.• . • • eig , .444 4 ,44.0 44 o• .eV IX) Notes and bonds as per last Auditors' . uspoit, . 4 50.)00 ...., •,..... ...... Notes given for, and. lines nneollectable. a b o de 1 ••'•%4••••••• • 45000 • We certiti the foregoing.tobe a true• atement. Commissioners' Office, Montroee, Jima SITERITICHANNN COUNTY, es:- • • • We, the underslgned Auditors' i and for said county of Susquehanna, met, in pursuance of our,duties, at the Auditors' Oflice•in Montrose, on Monday, the 3d -day of January, A. D.,- 1876, and did audit, 'adjust, and settle ;the sever, al accounts of the Commissioners and Treasur er of said county as follows, to wit i We find upon a thorough exanlination in th hands of E. 0. Taylor, Esq., County Treasurer, Four Thousand Dollars . arid' Eighty-four Cents; ($4,- 000,84) county balance; ." We find an overchangein the account of E. G. Ball, County • Commissioner, of , three days for distributing Registry papers, antiunt $7 50, which amount we disallow, and audit the same in the bands of the 'County Commislsioners for 1875: - - Vre find an overcharge in the account of Ly man Blakeslee, County Cominissioner, of three days for distributing' Regiitry papeiv, amount $7 50,which amount we disallow and audit the same in the hands of the County Ciimmission ers for 1875. W find an overcharge in the accaunt of Eli Barnes, , County Commissioner, of three. days fir distributing Registry papers, :amount $7 50 which amount we disallow, and audit the same in the hands of the County -Commissioners for 1875. s • -We find an overcharge in the account of E. Baldwin, Court Ronne Janitor, amount $65 50, which amount_we regard excessive and unwar ranted by law; we disallow the 43A1#6 and aud it the said amount is the !lands of said County Commissioners for 1875. • We tino,an iiyereharge : .the se.4tiuut - of E. _ ~31:20e- t oritic)ris 1 Are notified that their:' AgbOUNtS , ::MUST - E..i4TTLED: Imvc3laely►r, or they will,be collected' by law COOPER, LATLIROP C IiSTOCI, September V. 1615. Assitriees WHERE NOW W4Y TO A. N.PULLd B D•, AT THE IfEAD. OF NAVIGATION, SPRIIN j. SEED WHEAT, ICLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED, Gaideu Seeds of .111 kfride,:be very best Flour, Sugar Teal Coffee, Fish, RI. Lard, etc., etc. • I • Forty cases of choice eims.ei geods, consisting in part of Peaches , Pears, Plume. Cierries, Strawber ries. Pine Apples. Corn, Betas, Tomatoes, Peas, Duck„ Turkey, 'abater. Succotash, 'each, Quince and Apple Butter, Deviled Liam, and lo.s of other tbinga quite too numeroua to mention, all ofwhich will be sold tc s/' kinds of "PATRONS" for ready pay at Prices that wi =ear acazipettticma, and ptrictly upon the principle of Ilve and let live. _Call and see !'M:arose, Apr 117,1875. SOMETHING'SEW.' A BOOT,&-SHOE.saop has Just been opened weer F. B. Chand4rn store. All kinds of work Made to order. jlepairwg doae on short notice. After hawing nearly.ls years experience in the burl:less I feel confidant I can please all who way give me a call. • • • - • - C. B. •lIPTEGROITM, Montrose, Feb. 2 1878.—ti Manager. A. NEW ENTERPRISE. rr A priCtical workman, t lEOZCCOIEIIii(EAL3I.IATC*, has opened a shop under E. L. Weekg it t Co's. store. on Public Avenue. wi,ere_ he ls ready to; do all kinds of work in hie line. Can ex3el in new wiak, and repair with neatness and despatch. JAMES 11•11INEY. Montrose. October 1.3th,1875.-3m. NOTICE TO SETTLE. All per*ona indebted to Wm, B. 1411istiery, are request,. ed to call end settle their accounts as soon as ronven ient,as ant Ter.t. mull in need of the ;Roney. Feb:. 316.-2w* Handsome Trimmed Hats t at . Cheat) John's. Shirting : F*l44ls slot 01.ietii4ro . '. iiei.. .slls 00 park ' 15000 , amount' paid Treasurer and charked - - • 1 . .in his acc0tirkt.....4...!. ;....1 145 51;1- •=-, • I 1. • ' , -' - . llio 00 Account audited Januiry.k 14- - ... ,.. -, , t ~ .i :. , , .1 , -Wiz WBBELOCIE, Auditors , 4- 1 , L BDOWD CP , rr irth; 1876. AUDITORS' _RENO. to get tome A. N; BIILIALIIDIB W. LINADERY. By emountsneolleetable - $ 3500, II per Cent. retained on 's7B lot collect- • ing.... 0 84 - amount paid Treasurer _end - in his accountls'Bol . 00 per eent. retained on stoo !orb:Mee- ' • tier , 50 . 1101111,LE11, County Comm*lcmers. E. BYAN,s, • , • B. Hawley's printing bill for publishing Elect tion Proclamation, amount $ll, which amount we regard, exc e ssive ; we disallow the *sante and audit said amount in the :hands of the County 'pommiSsiciners for 1875. Tne foregoing amounts disallowed amount in the aggregate to $99. : - The balance of the accounts upon 'examina• tion wei find to be F : (krrect, and'properly.and or derly set forth. , , • - 1%1 e find' the indebtedness of_ the county at the pretient date as folloiva: H. H. Heed's Due April 1, 1876.: " - P. Mi's b0nd..... . . Due April 1,187 . view of the above indebtedness the Audi tors would recommend :to the _Grand , Juries that they .be particularly careful in theirAind-, inks, arid not _incur anymore expense on the Conntyl than is absolutely nebess.ary. While we regard the new safe for the Prothonotary's and Recorder's offices. and the ontbuildins, which ;were recently . oraered. by the': Grand Jury, and now just fthishe i d, as k ornamental,and somewhat 'useful, we are ,of the opinion that: said acCommodations might have beer dispens- ed with for some time yet' to 'come, And might Dave been furnished for much less money. We enjoin :inpon the County Commissioners , that they use due diligence and pass all bills. preach ted to them for payment „with 'a view to re trenchnient arid.reform. • • 14; rWit: WHEELociE, Auditors: L. B. O'Dourr, • _ • .Auditors' Office, Montrose 'January 7,1876. I • ' 12iscellaneens. (XS STIIPUtt,' G.E2V4RAL 1 PIU, LIFE AND. INSURANCE ,AGENT - _ agEosa.tx cis= si; • Capital Represented, 0144,000,0901 Ir 4 .isociation of Phil., Capital Assets, ; 3,1300,00 f inguratice Co. of N. A., Phil., " " , 3,003,1,41 Pennsllivinis Fire„ Phil., i,"" ' 1,700,0& 9 1n5. Cq. of Pa., Phila., ~," . , i -ft' r 7,111,0113 Lycoming •of Manney, Pa. ' " . " 6,01)0,01.1) Lancaster of Lancaster; " . , •; 'WWI Newtob of Newton, , ill 01l 154,0, 0 Home Ins. Co., N. Y., "' - . " ' 8,000.000 National " " . . " . " .150,0(1.) Colismerclal Fire " " " 450,1 ft Elartfolt Fire of Hartford Ct.' "• ' . - 0 , .4,0110,006 Atlas I " a.... •• •• . 500401 Royal !Canadian, of Montreal, Canada.' " • Liverpool. LondOn & Globe, • cif Liverpool, Bog., . " Providence Washington, of Providence, R.,1., LIFE. . Conn. ut.cal Life Ins. Co., ._Assett, 1140,000,000 Awe - dean Lite, plant. $8,000,000 Travelers In e. Co., Hart., Capital and Surplus $8.t00,0(.0 Rai y Passengers ' is $600,000 • Thee dessignedbasbeon liellknown thiscoiutty.tot the past 20,year2s, as an IngurstesAgent. Loeses slat; talus by his liOn1114111110$1:14,43 a l ways been prompily. • tOritee up stairs, in building 'east trim Sinking °face of Wm. Ei.Coopei: Turnpnce ztreet., • mrazisp.dtatOUDlAgeht. CnAtilics NIC mace - i f i n L .a ei rs , • AND ,/ TIOLS, . • 8 tANEMONifiolieltbs. itolttrose. Jan. 5. 101. - ascKsow a aßoTlizay. ;Goners Undertakers DeALERS IN ALL KINDS OF coF FINS, CASKETS, ETC.; 43frptia.s.,ar ximmri:).l AL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDIeD TO April *3,1875 of OWING: OUT AT cosir irh•s t h w se go o cot' , ;TLe l'Alontavit nhrusyy and March, la ardor to re deco thhir stoeir so low se poostbk, itoslow on 140101. sccoonts will please ,eta I}ll4lloiiil 11)0011 all JAI* YASIVUIt • ri4sedrargb• I, 111111.—)may FIRE 7'll. " 20,000,690 " .606,060 ACCIDENT: REOKUOIt * 13a0. 0pk.E.: ;: ,.,00.....104up,AN1,i4....:10, ~ I AIM /ORD GMLI I / 1 11131:—The quertfos of gittit.:pß IS - as natgf *amuck InipcOsn9i to-yoa as the' het guilt CREAP-H.:4OIIINi of Montrose, Is Belling his entire stock et goods eon. • ••sistlng pertof ' ; -Men? andßoys? -Ready-liads Corning. Boots ' end Shoos. OEM NC/Tiling AND HOSMET, 'UNDERWEAR/LAMM' CLOAKS; FELT SKIRTS, TEIREI4) LATE AND. BONNETS 4 _,SRAWLS,. 81101 t; . • ' - WATER-PROOFS, TIES. RUE- • • - • - ELKS. ac., , . • . , At 10 per tent leas than lint cost, (the roof' of the Pett. ding it the eating thereof,) for you eau' And eat the truth of this bygiving hint . .a. call at his store is Poste Building • - - , Our reasons joy the above enormous redact on en several, Ist our large and well tistorteketeett wantt ce diming. 'Second, we &remaking preparations to ream, into Searles.• • -••.- • •• • • - 1•'.1:1) • Piew , Brick Store • .now being built next de4 tO the NW DANK; *mai.. do not want to move anyniore goods than•we can help Third, we want, your custom Tor the 112tUre aid-the - 044 :Way for mile gain and retain the • same, is to,eonvinct yOl2 that it is to • your interest to purchase now and It the 1 utnre s from very respectfully , yeursi • , • S.PIL4IIIAIII-.At CO. • • (Ckeep loba.) Montrose, lifteraber 15, 18'n.. •- • • • •• CORRECTION - ! 800.00 ,1 itnmor has ft that having been elected County Tien rarer for the ensuing them yeti"— I aro to dtsemitinue Insurance basines. Said 1t1331 . .5it is' ,13141 RUE; witbont foundation, and white thanking. mint., kin TICISP; and hppreciation of „mitt 'lnsurance ttiepast; tot a continuance of your pacronage,,, promising that all business entrusted. to tee *ball he,prOmptly *Mantled to. My Companies Are till•sotmd. and reliable, no all can tea :JO who hive met with loges torixij the pipit , tt'A yeas at my Attertcy: Read the List I , North British and Mermitile, ()apple, $10,000.11111 Qattene of London, 2,010,0111 Old Franklin. Phfladelphia, /w , ets, • 8,500,x!Old Continental, N. Y. " nearly, - 11,009.110 Old Phteniz of Hartford,: " •' • IRANI Old Hanover. 11.1%. " I , O XOIII Old Farmer*. York. • - .. . . • •:• I. I KIIIIII . also represent t 1.4 rim York steal We Ina rum of over :Y3 veal* *tartar:, *ad - 'arlielt. •oversll9.o*.ll4K-` • Also, thalialw.Je . Mutual .illessaitt• ssoc)atton Pala sylvAria. . A bbe prliett tiediantal rolley Pr 01,1221 whit)* In the tiartioot lars. f4O. , FOliaes, *Atilt front one• •toy te slab mr. Oar 13. et*, *Si men Ptdiet. Plate sailor ark! synd, stain yen take* UV. Very respactkilly. • • arnmittc tymen.o Notarose,Ys, 147 k -K ol t imAciEs. PLATFORM =Eli , LU MBER . moutie meitimtt mita. FARI FO 4 E 3,44 ,Tbe subscriber ofers iiii farm fir- sale; .situate is Poiest !Ake.; cousAinlog saes improved. • WM keep; tvolre 'costs, and I tot.o. Wel water.d, t 4 also s good gruintt.ect Roo a nice young oTelioird. Marini will be *nada cag y. For fartbsr pvt•oulartkenvialre *clarets,' • , RATNOLDS, or S. L. auougs4 lioatrotm, Fa, Feb. IG., 'lG.—tf COURTS OF APPEA4 '• 1.200,041 The Corrnalesionere have fliel upon the followict daya -au& ttstes..re.peetfaally, for hearidip appeals fro* the arreelatents for the yrat - 18714 tbeCommiaeiwk 'ers7 ofilee _ • Apolacon,Choeoitut. Little Neadcnra, eflverLake, Frieudsvire, sed I?orest Like, en Wednestdiky,slarcht. Siddletowif. Franklin; Liberty, Aohazu, Hush, AM Jeraup. Ttrue4sy, ;Up& a 3. , . Dirootic, Spri n is, j4klarop, ibaothand DrookiA. Friday, It artt 3d. • • • ,Gritatt Bend Great Bend Boro„ MVO.. of Omit getid VIII tr, Near 411futd Twp., and 'New Miltoilt Som., 31auday. lirrch Itlti. Harmony. Or.:ciamil, Jackson. IL4rford, Ararat, a* Thomsen, Tneuday.ilarch - Ith. ' 4 liottruse. tillitcareater. • Ciirord. Lenox. Herrick, Donde**, end basqu.epaaink Depot, Wedaewlay,Harch i. N. 8.--Appeala clouod auk dai i at 4 o'clock • p. s.• D. 0. ,11141CLEIR. Ceseuers. * • r. -RYAN, ff Reatrase. • Feb. 12 , 18 7 3 . -B Tf. ' uDIT , OILICDEa • dert•lcrtleti - it gtieec a,ppotOted by the eourtof Common 1101 p, of 4cehontta 4 .:4* math Auditor to dittrlhute /he romps tbectoods of the Sberilf, 'ridge rrom Pthi iif red aloft. of Jacob WI WI, will atteel to th drit fp* of hios oppolot at his 0 ,in Montrose. friday, March 14, At cna o'oo* p, id Fhipb time and place it IParvoris Intwreststelf pelt In their Odom or . 11, forever from coozing In OR said [ inia: — - D. W.lllli4BLit, AvoltAr. 1 8 "4 -4 " . • DitLICIB I IMATOR'S ~-N OTIC'X',.-lx -4 --t. the elute of tlathei B. Mark baud, fwt towlAhlp; SeNuthiUna ()In 0. -Peuttailieablit,Vr. Letter' of , Adraltdotratiott In- the 631 d estate .ba 'been ,grauted to the undenalgtted. ell oal aeldvetette are ref:platted to "t a ke iota late swine and ail pere.one baling clams akatnet add Water requemteu to preterit, theta without delay, - , -,- - 'DLIETB . R.W. fiTAME, . Feb*' 1845 —6w ' ' '- . - , • Aibetialotrallir. DMINISTIttiTOWS 'NOTICE. . h , . 'the eatate of nen O'Brien, fate of fit Joseph, deed. Letters of ii.dattnietratiou thettald atadr having been granted to the undereigned all persoas OW. fug sad estate, are t Ineated tO make , immediate ment. and all peroons having Otaltne agaluat said ate requested to present Mem Avitdout _ • • 11011 N J. LANNON', Jan 12, 1816.-6wi 1l totatis rates. A DMINISTRANORS NOTICE: -la Li the est. of Charles Powers, late of iopoliesta township. Letters of Admimstration in the said esda." having been granted tattle undenisned4all persons ow hog imid estate are requested to make immediate we* meat, slid all persons having claimsagstnat said mast. are r iquecood to present them without OiIPM y. _ 47 al. 187,3.-6w2 LB+sr3init trklir - TZOTICR—AII pelons .ara hereby o,lu hosed said* psrebsse a sato *Vilicti tar Ktve bees gives by 912sts.v. 031tbrd, aboUt Ate~ port. writ ptyalin* to 4 gostatialtiddooki fs ttzirAuto 144 believe.: to be a hie, sad will not be 1 , 41.1 stiles" vs =k bylaw Said Asti ladown,tos l a(411W - MOLYINI D e al. trifemile, SON. TO TUE WHO - .WILL BE 14 • Hats (.m(1'01* aoca" ; ~ - ,P3a.oAti*Ogxo;4,* , '- - •:! ' VI " A -tit , - - Mangsctured , , ; 4 1* e*ldtte? , '. 24 ibt .14 LiP2t GYILI3 ttß iottrnou. ‘,- 44tutr—v.rir r i.nrais Lova 11,tiv.33. • • 7 1., . : ~... .. , : q;•:, : f.., t'AG(I • -'-'•;" Z; itiVAlitart