.facet. . 0 an 4 ;,*ol4.gloitr.. A Mllettdow Pict re. Bareihirie war*, ott, the fallen bey, , Cool, the breezes inneitth the shade ; Down the meadow, away, away, - Merrily hummitig;goes the maid. - 4.,:;*!. , Whoshas threaded t.he, river-path, ••‘:. liaiak yrith'urillOrs, and; saieetz*ith song, viitb the sderit Ot thu,ripS,bloWn •Whititling, au air as threads! along t ; • . Feet that moveld the Ser-tatne.tune \ Meet, •at last, by the selt-same brook ; ' Hera is like a ilushlike a rose in June,— His is .a face like an open book. Mute, evasive, her pail she tips, Daintily poising its honest brim ; • • Under the crystailler whitp,palm dips OnlY, a at ' . • . —s• $ .1••; - I Tenderi)9lolone#l. l 4 ) ,r6V l6 .% . • . Speech tidies birth on his-ironing lips ; •-Life is wide neeaell'Otifer'S eyes ; Over the brim the free tide slips 1 Trills the lark 'mid the ku grass, 'Up in the ,pasture pipes the jay ; Min the secret, the bees hum past,— No one tells what the lovers say 1 . - . Wily: the' eUy Vind,S,' teasing, shake Ovei tier blustiek kfiQs4Y r .vell ; .1.7 p the' ifteadei*, he'Oes to 'rake,-- Up tbelaetidow she hears her pail.; Winter Management' of Sheep. 1 • . •A. correspondent.of the Ohio Farmer Sheep should hav l e :'better care in early- winter than,fairners are in tie it.of bestowing„ Wintering ; , sheep s ito mil" 'attended profit, l e tl . S.lieep are. kotnritonlyzni , gldz,4:notievilit4arly winter than any 'other iarm stock, \ for they are often t.he; - ...-very ilust taken from the pastures. -„ •, If sl*Plinei in a deli r t;iiiit t ho 2i eit4t..is-a•Are m and for extra feeA!Wiid'ettrelloriiig. the winter and4liglit &it of; th-e , While - a sheep is • thriving, wool - grows rapidly ; *hen a--sheep is declining, the growth is checked. If • kept 4 . t . a.large IWerifPdail Siieef) have a little ) !v‘e,ry ,, , , Alay,:from the time grass begins -. the- talluntil a''gctod , start,4ll the-liking. or oats per• clay- from theL middle of vember till April, than a pint a day from narY)till The'r6sliiniltl obje& titAithe''. Min e flockmaster, and. that is,to keep his sheep, j 4.16 :sl2,etterlsenlSo : tine I of#,.. ,the.,firStiobjecifi in - ,w,inte,ring sheen successfully, - -Fanners often C2ondeninalbartis.oand shedsas.un healthy _ placesi_fonsheep,w hen it as. ,warkt nf..lßppor ventilation ttiat , ,does th0 4 ,1144Y5, , f It" ts obt'"Eatilegit''''iti*',iv,liodiing-bel eauße some people 'keep them so pgorly Winjfite 4,lye,it ealth is it an, at:guinea againittheiter:ferotock believer iii-haqqsheep , shut up toAasei.. ly : wiiiiii,.edintortable quiirtne thetn„ . at night,,but they _t,449uld' ,not re z rnaiiiitb*4l afah getiiiiitelexercii4, d4O, un them ,. Siipshine is ~necessary ,to the health of Teveitthit =mid :tiny one who has felt the warm, stimulating sunshine after a storm, ought—fel know and ap preciate its beneficial effects on animals. Too large a tymPer,4sl' 4sheep=sliould not be wintered 4ti ether. I Believe seventy five is enough . for one lot ; no means let there':be,tore than 'one There is much incise danger of disease. in large flocks - that onta. s' 'The proportion of sheep that do not thrive is , ,always greater, in large llocklrfhanin , small Ones. The division sbOrildlie made ;so as put sheep of about the same strength together, Lambs should be by tilemselves,, with a few Old tame , sheep to keep them tame. ,All large and stiong all should.. be by. themselves ; also all breeding ewes. By this, „system of, division all have an equil chalice, which is impossible 'where large numbers of all ages and,coriditions run together.., _ Feeding sheep cannot be* too - careful and scientifically done. . It should.be at tended to •as near as possible at the same tin*.every day. Sheep,abOve all other ani- ; Mils ) should have, a variety of food.— They arenattirally very/ particular about the,ir diet, are fond of dainty bits, and se fuse everything not clean and wholesome; they will go hungry' before•4,hey will eat musty gnaw - or -bay, that--- which -bas been trod under feot..l-,- , • N „- No other animals ShOuld tolerated, ill a,yard with sheep, for it, *ill' only res ult' iniiteratlpdandli?ss;:.' Keeping ilieeßis pleasant and Profita ble if attelidgt sure` thit;g-every„year,,and ;:brings It has its ups and downs, but 13t a Maw make VP 101 thatliont hut - wife or his adininistrator, shall Sell his wool for lessi % than fifty, ai m- fix::. ' will oonie out all right. 6 oo 'Said that, collgion is:4, Mod var. niah a ,by means of which the cause of the decay "the Porasiity shell, and hence accese,of air to the itr tenor, may be prevented. Mr, S. Martin mentioned that the sOuneness of eggs may be .teated, by immersing tImi:1:1)1 cOntai,iing _30,0 . r cent of hum salt in' ablution ;' 1 thin, 'brine 'good aud sound eggs oink. , while' bad egga flog. ,To - make bens lay in wilityrf give them a warm place ,to roost aid plenty of meat vegetables and Other . 74 and good food. But if the liens ; axed and cave beer. laying all summer it is doubtful if they will widow to do so duriag the oldest weather. -1 4 ce4Ing Sens Tor Eggs. tnav , be: regarded as a machine fora' they . production eggs . .1f only ,enough, f o od is: - ki7injo keep her alive— rnn the. , ._MaOliine.—no eggs; of course,: can -be- ~extiected ;.- but . usually there , iii , no trouble this direction: Peopledn' - ' not ''Ofteri .. err - . iti., not giving their heii4 - entiongh';' - niorn.f . reqiienti IY : thiCase:tlrat,they,kive them, ton..mtich and of the wrong .kind of food. ...Ifa..ina cbine is fed with too muck raw material,' tbore'than' . 11a4:'Citrattity' .to utilize, it action and failS in . :• wrong:. kind aim , terial.be .:supphedi-,•the desired .product -' heir' to produce - an:egg' daily; 'she 'in* ; be. well Supplied l: With the raw . material: out of winch' .to, Make it... , There .Must .be albu.. minoutc-substances„,:-suoli. .iisare.fciund in -meat and .grainicut of.w.hicti to form the white of the egg and oily - or: *fatty . iriat .terS Inform thel yolk, and lime tb .PrO- Ake: the kinds of grain contain , the substances in different portions,and this .factrenders,-,sonle kinds better adapted for'Ried • ..ot'foWli' than ;_Wheat,-middlings,:.()Op.: ) , barley Indian corn, and • buckwheat, -'are - good - articles of food - - for'hen s; . if they are used . alternately, Ifindia'n'enrii''Cvere,to . cotif. 7 ii - O`ie'thi;.'Whole - die(Of 'hens, :,,tlia.y : ',wOUld be rendered-too tat for laying purposes but as: a .regular diet it is very valuable. About three tinier per :Week the:... will need so bits of meat, to furnish mote -abundantly the alb um n ions - elenie.nt of the cu. Burned oyster shells podnd ed, old morterilion meal or, something similar, should be kept , by them at all times as thaterialjor shells. Thereabout() also h.! a constant supply of fresh,. clean stater; Roos Atinild..s.utVer) . be:Peritlitted to eat snow. 1..• „Sin . * hi ghl v n jurious to them.± , 3taily I:iersotis feed hens all they will eat; and keep grain by them all the time. This is a bad ..practice: More. hens are injured by ovenfe.eding any,otho.e v i tay , , If _ a triau:ri) 4 1 1411 thatAicretin e.,7ll , enoineS, 14 , ' 4 extent, incapaCithiel . .;exertion, .an if lie con tinues the - lir a diee lifif,kfsterri will become deranged. SiNhe'll'elf When overfed.b:- comes 't oo. fitt, and is good,• for nothing but to be. marketed. A simple•rule. in feeding hens is to give theß,,as but no . more:,; . 414 - tht.`y . :,iperse to eat with'avidityk4nd viallunt run for the food, it should be removed. Fowls should be fed in this way three times a day,. viz: morning, bootiotudi, h ,The:triottilifg theiti : - Should / piimAsk of. - some (oft. food of some kind, for during the night the crop and stomach have become empty. • If whole grain is fed, the, giribt it foreshe tete `any` near lYia'iehl and delay in injurous therefore it is best to have scalded meal and bran with mashed yiotatoes prepared. Al 'noon a dinner of grain or meal may be giien. At night grain - should be fed so that the. hens will.hayv something--sAb stantial in their crops to iast - theta .through the night. In winter4iidtail Corn is good to teed at night; in itimirier oats, wheat, 'or- . : , bit:lrleY,..Hinay be used:— Wheat' Middlings are an excellent sum- MenifoOkliecant.e of the _flesh - forming elements coiitainedin them,the requisites for producing eggs, Soft food should be mixed rathendry.• so that _when thrown upoy.the. grotitid it wilt kl) iii .4ile'ces;.4'4: Wheif'soft it sticks tc , the beaks: to the annoyance of ,the,fowls,,and is.also liable to derange their — digestiOn.. Fowls re quire ai - so a daily. supply of green or fresh vegetables, both summer and winter.— Chopped turnipsicabbage, or apples are, suitanle for winter. • In, initiiiner access • to' green grass ie, the best. means 14 grati fy tit or 'wan Ls. In order • tiy be cessful in keeping foWls,- their ,wantS should 'be attended to .with :the same- care and, regularity that' is bestnied 'Upon ',the increase.- - in number Of eggs' will then be perceptible,' pow to Pack Butter to Keep. .Make a brine :with a saturated,solution of the purest salt you can get; using a pound of saltpetre to about twenty pounds salt. Scald, ; the ~ brine: by brittg-` ing it to a boiling heat ; skim arid apply when sufficiently. cool. The tub,tirkin or caskitiliould - 'be careftillY prepared, as well,as the brine. .1f the gum and sap in the .w 44 are i iibt hefore,:tlie ire'nied, they - will work' - nut - into the brine and affect the butter.,To re move the' woody Savor from te oaskS a thorough, s teaming,. w Lai a high pressure is ttie quickest-and - beSt - trieans.' If 'Oak- - ed befdre the-steam is applied, the steam will out the. and woody:llavor all out in a short time. - ff Steam is not con ' vt.uient,SOak Willi_ brine 'a week iiii6;theif All with boiling ..brine, letting it, stand :until cold.. By doing_ this and keeping the butter Ander brine, Alke„package fall and in ,a COOTplliee, .butter will keep for indelitiite period. MEE When lo Trini ;'.414 tittio - '6661. 'nflw until ..thU btids fully start in the Slicing, is a good time to trim hedges.oy,otber kit ds. of, timber for a rapid groWth - 0f...w00d during next, uin met In fact, where a large proportion of the - top is, tO he, removed ; there is no sale period for doing the Work, except during the latter part of winter or early spring.As the present is a cop paratiie lack time, it will be well to look after the hedges,: o tbit_otherimportant work nay nOt,be interferred with , late in - the _, season. . - yielded 'last yar- 1,026,978 barrels of- salt,. being 200,0C/0. barrels greater than any,preTi9no year. poioss oar* ELLEN, E. MIITHELL4. !intim arid 'Surgeon, graduate of. the Woman's Medical. College 'ot -the 'N. Y. Infirmary, then resi dent physician for a year la the WOUIRted Hospital: in N. Y.. after four years'_ practice in Fon du Lac. Wis consin, has located in Xontrose, Special attention given to 'diseases of ' women and chiltiren; office at theleot`onlain Street, in the Old :DYld Post home:• - etead. Montrose. Dec. 15,187E6—.810n-50 . -1)::,-131AtinW/N; 1)1.,f - H' HOMCG• PliyslUlan; has. located bbisself at lion, trose. where he' will attend promptly to' all, p_rtifessiOn al business entrusted to his. care. - Othes in Car maltia-buildlng, second floor, front.. Boards at lir. B. Montrose; l'a:,Marett• 10,1876. Rooras at his dwelling, neat door north of Pr. ou Old Fthindry street, Whore he would be happy to Bee all those iu- want of Dental 'Work. Re feels confident that he can, plelse all, Voth in quality of work and to Price: Office boors fronill4. to 4r. u. blontrose.reb..ll,lB74--tf • W.' COOLEY 'CARPENTER. 221 ... CONTRACTS to erect ettucturis o% all kinds,in any 13Ct:LiOtt and eumplete them in vvery Marble , an,i slate Mantles, Saab, Blinds,- Doors, and ! Window Frames, tarnished to order. Star Building and bnild int paper made speelaltlee. Employ•none but elperi timed workmen. htuip neat. the MethOdiat Chap , Montrose.lanuary 20, 1875.-3 y) .• • ; VALLEY HOUSE GrlEA'r BEND, • Pa.. Sittiateduaar the Erie Railway Depot.— Is a large and colputodious house.. llas undergone a thorough repair.. Newly furnished towns and .sleep ingapartmealsespiendidtables.audall thiugs conaprls jug a dist class hotel. : • Rii;NRY ACK.410.1. Sept. 10th. 1873.-if. N Proprietor. BILLINGS STROUD, -FIRE AN D Life Inturance Agent. bnainess attended to prop/pa v, 011 fair term a . Wllco Irat (loot* ottqt ot bank ot abl kvenue,llOlit - rose: Ps. " Eigng:l;lB4s9.) • J ily 17, 1679. ' :BILLINGS' STIOII3O. TliK PEONIES DiAßKiErr l . ; lip Hahn - ioprietor. li're sit -ail& ted Ideitte, Hainai rorlf.,,l;totngaa Sau,age,c t c., of. the . beet(oo- Ity_ t - ontitantly hand, at prlceb . te r tlidt. )14131=1 •; = --"' DGAR , A, TURRELL \ ‘i , opg:astaa.o4lAT.LANk - ,,-!.: .!.. • Nev, 'York City " (Feiil :1 • • .- . . Yr t kil torneyui b t ijnoa Dß tio l L A : ll ,, E ,,,, §_LE cc E ..op ` p 'A os T tt, = . tfiit Tartiell• - ..B. LITTLE, P. LITTIr, Montrafte.Oet. 15,1873. BLAKEsize. .11.tiAiLER 1 vAN 16 . - Books, tatationery, Wall Paper,Noispa . Pere.- Pocket, en,tiprr, , Stereoscopie , View - > Yankee Notioue, etc. .Nextdoor:to.thePoaLVificei Montrute, ea. :` • . B. BRANS. $O, 18'T4. pxcHANat M. J. I.IAR JLA rington wiehei tirinto;rtiatliePablie that having rent.cd• the Exchange Hotel in , Mourrori peti,tiow prepared to neetin,modate the tiavaling L arat-ciagsstsde. „.- • . ont,rotye, -4agals,lB7B. lit• BURITITI, TA ple and 'Faxicr,' Dry, 'Goods, VroOkery, }lard. Stwips; Drugs. 011i,•And .Poots and Shoes,- 'Hate itd. Flag ? Butrato Robes: ro= ••••:.,- 249forfiallotliika;asto.v ottdvtB . . ', - F:OtticiAßLE • • Montrose,a. op over t i an er a Stoni.• torders.iflied .1n brat-elatetiltkie. 43ntring dond tp order Onkh, ortr not tee ;, and *ram)* ttid:to At. Moptrose, June .30. s i• Dit...D Imre Eleetio' ThUirtrir githii" .48 4 'frOot 'of Chestnut street. Call and eopsult In all Chronic tilseas es. - 1411:41,11P.Pei`.44.11. • Im . EWIS' KNOLL - BWAItIVAND tairrireititrig. *thou oiertlie - Po s :4t, leg where lie will 'De` Viutid feadYteetterid r alt iwko thay waut anything, his line:'-; •Itontr!tle Pa,'Oct..l3ospo. IN I B A.CON: SD.: SON., - WILL PUR- A-U• nish, at tholesale or Retail, the. best and finest assortment of ektntecetlonery, firult?;•Nuts, ToYic, to be found in. this Vicinity, at, the lowest ea& price: B4. I IIACON N. , . January 19,181 f 14., W. L. RIOILUIDSON, PHYSl frirt awl Surgeon, tenders hi t•pyofessiontil vices-to the citizens of Mon trcsacend vicinity. Office at. hie rusiderce i on ;he cornue eust of the FOl2ll - • • t, S' • OVI LI: AND D'IIIWITT, ney4 ut taiv . iiiid in.BinkitiptcY;. Office, 3T0:49 CoartStkeef, over City SttiOn6.l.. Bank, Bing noraton, . W.'W .11.ScovILL, .fpnOst,4, .1 . 1378, .„ 413,o11..s:DrmarT FAGLP4 I)lttra STORE IS THE place to get Drags and Menctnes, Cigars, 'to bacco, Pipes, Pocket-Books, Spectales, Yankee No tions. &c. Brick Block - , A. B. BURNS'. siontrosc, Ps., May Oth, 1875. ; • , ..F. FITCH, ATTORNEY. AND Councellor-at-law, -Montrose,: Pa. Ofnee us :heretOfore, below and west of the, court. House., . , . • Montrote, January 21, 1675.=-1v • ' '-• it i f A. SVCCESSOR ,TO 431. Abel Turrell, dealer in , Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Paints,.Oils; Dye-stuffs, Teas, Spices, fancy Good e Jewelry. Perfumery, &c. Montrose, May 19, 1575. .' • ;r. A Q. WARREN, -ArtORNEY,.Ari: Lamr. gto.u.nty,‘,Back • ,1:4 2 ,,,,,,i'e0at0ti 410. Bx tm _on Chili:us, ; ettgiled.. to, , ; •Otlice . oor below Beyd'e Stine Kont,roee . .l'it„ ' •_'"Vij M. A. CROSSMObt4TTORNEY V T. - atWasvi..ol:llce at the'. Court HOWYC;AVLEfie uommitteloneeil peke. ;W.. A. 91u)ss*911: • htontroke.St.. 20.181.1.:=41. WILSON J. TURREL; SURVEYOR. ir Having iiud 26,yeace everienee in the business, will continue tp attend to mils nis profession. ' • Montrosell'a• Se'PLik , Yls.47lk , T c. TR"FI &TON; - • • civiigrGlN•En a.ttra.A' P. o';addreetjkanklin Porkf t •l ; tiftquebannseo., WW. SMITH,: CABiNET AND: • ?Lair mi!autap.:tirer,! , i, 10.,u0t 5 , 1 mainstreet,i blontr6,,e; - taut . : . 113d9.] VV - SEARLE, , : : ''ATTORNEY: - • Liiw i ;Otitce - over the Oiciie . of Al; in the BriClClPOpk,Mo4troise, L Aug. 111'494- - 14 1 O'NEILL, Al! fORNEY; Arr • , bflice over: J. it,. DeWitt'e. Montroeo, tic • Jiine '75.-=tl] • T. B. Sr. A. IVIGOOLLUM, • toritey . ii at Law. (Mice - .over. W. 11. Cooper . s* CO 4 B think. litoi4tiiime , May 10, BGAMP, - AtTORNEY • Law, Montrom Pa. oMce over Wm. 11. Cooper . & Co.'s Bank. Montrose, Pa., Jan. sth, 1876-'—lyS . - - • M , G. SUTTON, AA.lol l loNE,Ell,,and . lseurtAtirc!r, Acmyr, Fr . ; Aug. i; •.,! 'A'rldrees • ; . Brooklyn. Pc JOB PRINT I NG Ai s nllll OFFiOA. MM3 -- • • • • 't'' B. • GENERAL BANKING 'BUSINESS DONE. COLLECTIONS MADE ONt ALL POINTS-AND PROMPTLY ACCOUN TED FOR AS -HERETOFORE. =BIM - . . D,QMESTIC AND, FOREIGN CHANGE FOR SALE :- UNITED STATES & OTHER BONDS ' BOUGHT AND 'SOLD; ...": • - _ COUPONS AND.CITY AND COUNTY BANK CHECKS GASHED AS -a. —.USUAL. OCEAN'STEAMER.PASSAGE„ TICK,- - ETS TO , AND FROM EUROPE. INTEREST ALLQWEP, SPECIAL TINE DEPOSITSi , AS . PER. -AGREE, • AIEN7I' = WHEN THE DgTqs.;' IS - • Bankin g,- &et BANKING *OUSE • r • • - , MONTROSFI, PA. ~ In the future,.as in. the past, we shall endeav or ito transact all money, business to: the eatis• faction oflourpatrons And correspondents. • votriET & -c0.," • , A'• •' • " Montrose, March 10 '75.--tf. -Bu=nker*: AiithorizO4 $500,000 00. Pfetieii 100,000 00. PIRSt ‘:,.NA, lONA !.;.:11AMIC: . : SIIONTR.OSW '.-PA;i, WILLIAM • - Viet , President. LENJ:i . kiI fi, , ' - ' Direvions • NirM...j..TUARELL, D. D. SI4.IARLE; S. DESSAUER, 'ABEL TURRELL, G. V. BENTLEY, IA.;--.J.;;GERRINSON,.: - -,.lainitroseil.ra. - F3. , :A; °U LM; ': - , ;Biii - glittm - ton',.'N.N: W'A.TIVATT.; - - .- ,. , f!j!.::':lioii MO f§t4 ' I PA: 4 13:: wituaEri;sl,o q 464 o o 4 ,T)Op*„4 1iii:,,5.,LM1EL11,; , , , , ,Oitat,;:. t -, d Ttki: , - DRA `TS sop: ON:pIR9P.S. COLLECTIONS 141 YE ON, Ail' vortrrs, SPECIAIk DEPOSITS SOttoiTift Afontrp,c!e,::Mareit SUWON 2CI Viryonnaravenue, "IgeEIVES - kOi+ier ONDtiNtiSirt, FROM COMPANIES' AND. iNDIVID; UALS, AND' AMENS' TIM' SAM g ON''D'EMMAND PREVI 7 OUS NOTICE,`ALLOWING EST'AT - SIX PER CENT.' PEICAN:= NUM ' ``PA' HAW:YEARLY, OX VIE' 'FIRST "DAYS' .o.e JAN ARY AND JULY. ASAFE, Am) RE LIABLE PLACE 'OF DEPOSIT. FOR LABORING MEN, MINERS,HME pIIAVics, AND MACHINISTS; AND FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS WELL. AtoNEY DEPOSITED ON OR 'BEFORE ‘: THE TENTH WILL DRAW INTEREST • FROM THE FIRST DAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS IN 'ALT, RESPECTS A HOME IN STITUNION, AND ONE = WHICH IS NOW RECEIVING THE SAVED ;EARNINGS OF THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF SCRANTON MIN iERS AN!) MECHANICS. DIRECTORS ; JAMES - BLAIR; SANFORD GRANT, GEORGE FISH. ER, JAS. S..SLOCUM, J. H. SUTPHIN; C. P: MATTHEWS, DANIEL HOW. RLL, A., E. HUNT, T. F. HUNT. JAMES BLAIR. PRESIDENT ; O. ,C. MOORE. CASHIER. ; . OPEN.DAILY . FROM , NINE A. M. UNTIL,FOUR P. M., AND ON WED. NESDAY' AND , SATURDAY EYE. NINGS,UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCR. ...Feb. j2.1874.= - • J: Se .13ARNXII. It 131,414D1114 BINGKAMTOIV • MARBLE WORKS. ~; [Evr4uiLfplE3?„lN-18404 • . . ~..~; 81111iS 8110S4 & DICALTIRS IN frith 441,NITACTUAERS 131." 040 1 04,.(11500.04#.440 . 40 , . . . . .. AMERICAN.ANI),.SCfIICH...OI'IANITES i: , .;:*p'ij#'',,'i4*roo.;-ii:,'t*.o4:,' 26 ObenarigoSt Near Depot — Misyl4. Is7a. 111 M -411 TtyrON. NY EIERRIN.p - •,4:::FA - 4RE4'; M 37 313roactwer3r, IsT. -sr 314NUFACTtiktrigi cii: . '4.14,- . 140*- OR Fire ainct =tariiila*Z 3 rev4FoS 5E541,3313111.5, The'olitest as mist reliable flein in the thilte4 If (stet Tkey took thy prize medal sweated at, the • ,woutmis. nut: AT,Ozatoret' - E , '' , MI Betel are werrented Iraq from , = dampness and to Teem • • , . BILLING'S snoup, #OO. soatioactlitiy 41' um—tt: tT ,?;1: .--Q-- :,... !) .Ziscellaneous 4 MONTItOSE PLANING „,-- ' , ::: , LumpER.. -- y-AOD! In order to better accommodate the community, the undemgoed hag , etstablithed a depot tor the tale e t Lumber Manufactnred at hit uerriy-erectedbultdin g on the"Pid Keeler tannery. Bite, to the HEART OF TOWN where will be kept coneten tip on Land. - A full stock of., WHITE AND YELLOW PINE, HEbILOCR, OAK, ASH, MAPLE AND BLACK WALNUT LUMBER, • which,with the aid of the most improved machiney c9papezent.workmen. is prepared to work into auy •hgp e to meet the wants of Customers. . „ , •• • WELL .INCLTMI.I4.IO SIAM, FLOORING, CiaLING c SHINGLE AND LATIL CONSTANTLY ON -HAND.. Planing, 'Matching,. Mouldings. and Scroll Sawing tone to order. lifigtlfriiitil Sleigh IV/4MUrACTORT, in connection with wthe above' eitablitinnent. uniler,the inanlgenitnt: of Mr. Full: Rogers. lizamine•our work before lenv ingyour:urdera e 1 ewhece.r. ftepOring•done promptly; • t LANIIIROP. Montrose, Septembe/ 29th, 1875. NEiv AnitAjgGF4tutNT: The Pealo's Brig , .• 4. N. BITLIARD, ').ROPRIETOR. • 4,l9llsYON.Draggtst • & Apothecary. PATEN? , . MEDICINE EMPORIUM The undersigned would rcepectfullyannourice to all the people everywhere, that to his already extensiv stock and variety of literchandise In the Grocery, Pro vielon.and llaniware:lins. , :He has added a ry choke ' aisertment of PURE DRUGS,: PATENT 'MEDICINE'S, BRUSREk3; PER: FUM,ERY, &c.; Whichle flatters hims lf, he can, assure the tbey will And it to their 'advantage tO exam:. ine before purchasing elsewhere. To all Physicians in this •settion of the county he would respectfully..an nounce„thathe has secured the services of R. Kenyon: riaDrUggist aud'APotherary, *hose long experience end acknOwiedged'care and ability. entitle him to your en tire contkdence in the line of compoundin,o , medicine* or ordering prescriptions, and who would elso esteem it flikeepe,gial favor to , receive tiny of bigot* 4 tiatemers (ir nosy ones., Will make ,the Patent Medi- Vptie.lalty,:' -Dornestielind Foreign Mineral Watcrs--,axiextenslyg stock Alsolne Groceries— : • LEITIPTS EXTRA6T • 'F I RRSii , PICKLED 9.4IZNED cLANIS, 'LOBST ERS, RS,- z ; , •, • • . Ia tat,vfaitithitiO.,ittioret , erithfri - ?, tbiit tiL ordinarilyneed ed. ,Respectildly , soliciting a call , I remain' ' • 1.. N. BITLI,A RD .• _ • . Powdeit, Poxirderl : r ~ : Bhtet inn , .:1111Sivatid • 'Shot: PO* Sbot ; • Lead;• Tope!o,'-'skpa,„Poucties,:Flask,s, Fuse,• ; • • • ; •-- •&e., &c. - , for Sept:, .- • , • , N. PULLARD. 'Mooting: S ' Figures Do DTpt Lie ! ,FOR YO URSEL US. OUR 1 NEW PRICE LIST FOR SPRING AND SUMMER OF 143743. • Heavy cottonade pants,' $ 1.00 Stout wool-mixed pants, $ 1.75 to 2.50 Good all, wool pants. It.oo ' 4.00 French caaahnero Rants, . 5.00 7.50 Heavy worklngmea's suits, , ' 7.00 10 00 Scotch Cattsimere snits, '" '13.00 12.00 Harris caasimere - 18.00 17.50 Fancy cheek and stripelo.oo 20.00 Black frock coats, ' 6.00 9.00 Black dress Coats, IMported, • ' 10.00 14.00 Black cloth *eats.' - 1.78. t COO White linetyvests, - 1.25 SA *BoYs' Surfs ,-'3 to 9 pears. Boys' cof tint entts . , $ 2.00 $ 4.00 Boys' Traria suits. 4.00 • 6.00 Boys' in Riley wool mite, t 5.00 10.t0 BO'S' S1)118 1 19 to 151 ears. finis' tenon! snit!, • - 4.00 $ 7. 00 Buoy fancy salts. - 7.00 /0. 03 Boit' finest eolith:urn mite, ' • 8%00 ' 14,00 Youttne. sulti.,4ll ityles, • • ' • - 15.00 20. 00 tiond cotton thirtt,• ; , , 50 Glocid overalls*. „. • ,E. 4.1. Good rubbettespenders, • • - And an other GoOde in proportion. .ve pri , 'the aboces are for "cash only, and are 'quoted for etietomtms from a distskAtti; $l / It.r 16 FORFEIT If the pr i ce Het i ts ;pq w'falrilled; which .prices are gnaranten /3 per cent. lower tbau those 'pi any other house In this eAkrPr vi4OtT , . , 'WEBSTER ; The Clothier .BinghAutton,3fitylkla ISARKEVALE 14 MILLS „,, XeLE—CEE)3IIIN3EI3:I. I have rented the above Mills; *and tided them up In fleet-chtee order.- I have` also stocked the mill with ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. liitelading Weattea White Wheat. •• • I olio keep on .Mond 1.14' .BUCKWIIEAT - FLOUR :CORN MEAL, • Feed..,Thaelovitent lion, etc., etc..'which offer to the Bublic at the lowest prlcee. prAll kinds of Milling usiness done. WANTED. 11V ei ti t lirhela u ot i ßy% iminediatelY• Al e° 441 rawra,k or Grain. ,PCtso:llle, An. la ERNST SEIBDE. • EGGS MITT= w,1,t 44 . * OOl4 "oh price WI be paid, L ' wm"" , 14()" iiiliC=i MILL start
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